Minor Test 1 - Master Pro Plus 2-18-08 2024 - Student

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TEST CODE: 937001

NEET (Pre-Medical)
Course: Master Pro-Plus-2 | Minor Test-1

Time: 3:20 Hours Test Date: 18 August 2024 Maximum Marks: 720

Name of Candidate (In Capitals):________________________________________________________________

Roll Number (In figures):______________________________In words:_________________________________
Test Centre (In Capitals):_______________________________________________________________________
Candidate’s Signature:__________________________Invigilator’s Signature:____________________________
Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so.
Important Instructions:
1. On the Answer Sheet, fill in the particulars on Side-1 and Side-2 carefully with blue/black ballpoint
pen only.
2. The test is of 3 hours 20 minutes duration and the Test Booklet contains 200 multiple-choice
questions (four options with a single correct answer) from Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany &
Zoology). 50-50 questions in Physics & Chemistry and 100 questions in Biology, subject are divided
into two Sections (A and B) as per details given below:
(a) Section A shall consist of 35 (Thirty-five) Questions in each subject (Questions
Nos- 1 to 35, 51 to 85, 101 to 135 and 151 to 185). All questions are compulsory.
(b) Section B shall consist of 15 (Fifteen) questions in each subject (Question Nos-
36 to 50, 86 to 100, 136 to 150 and 186 to 200). In Section B, a candidate needs to attempt any
10 (Ten) questions out of 15 (Fifteen) in each subject.
Candidate are advised to read all 15 questions in each subject of Section B before they
start attempting the question paper. In the event of a candidate attempting more than
ten questions, the first ten questions answered by the candidate shall be evaluated.
3. Each question carries 4 marks. For each correct response, the candidate will get 4 marks. For each
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TEST CODE: 937001


Course: Master Pro-Plus-2 | Minor Test-1

18 August 2024

Physics - Basic Maths, Vector, NLM & Friction

Chemistry - Periodic Table

Biology - The Living World, Biological Classification,

Plant Kingdom
- Animal Diversity
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TEST CODE: 937001
PART-C: BIOLOGY 106. Choose the odd one out w.r.t. features of
SECTION-A Protists:
(1) Boundaries of this kingdom is not
101. Match the following columns and choose
the correct option. well-defined.
Column I Column II (2) Cell structure is eukaryotic.
(a) Biodiversity i. Correct description (3) Show locomotion by cilia or flagella.
of an organism (4) Largely terrestrial in habitat.
(b) Binomial ii. The variety of living
nomenclature organisms 107. Select the correct option having useful
(c) Identification iii. Naming of living fungi for human beings:
organisms (1) Neurospora, Puccinia
(d) Nomenclature iv. A system of (2) Penicillium, Saccharomyces
providing a name
(3) Puccinia, Ustilago
with two
components (4) Rhizopus, Agaricus
a b c d
108. Read the following statements:
(1) ii iv i iii
(i) Has branched septate mycelium.
(2) iv iii ii i
(3) i ii iv iii (ii) Produce conidia for asexual reproduction.
(4) iii i iv ii (iii) Produce non-motile endogenously

102. All of the following are correct, regarding sexual spores.

the universal rules of nomenclature, except. Identify the class of fungi on the basis of
(1) The first word of the biological name above features:
starts with a capital latter. (1) Ascomycetes (2) Basidiomycetes
(2) Biological names are generally italics (3) Deuteromycetes (4) Phycomycetes
and written in Latin.
(3) Both the words in a biological name, when 109. Read the following statements and
handwritten, are separately underlined. select the correct option:
(4) Name of the author is written after
A. Site of karyogamy and meiosis is ascus
specific epithet.
in members of class Ascomycetes.
103. Which of the following is more general in B. Ascospores are haploid non-motile
characters as compared to order?
meiospores which are endogenous in
(1) Family (2) Class
(3) Genus (4) Species origin.
C. Asci are arranged in fruiting bodies
104. In taxonomic hierarchy, given below plants
called ascocarp.
are representation of how many families?
Wheat, Rice, Sugarcane, Potato, Brinjal, Mango (1) Only (B) and (C) are correct.
(1) Three (2) Four (3) Two (4) Five (2) Only (A) is correct.
(3) Only (A) and (C) are correct.
105. Select the correct statement w.r.t. five
kingdom system of classification:– (4) (A), (B) and (C) are correct.
(1) Both Chlorella and Chlamydomonas have
110. How many of the given below features
cell wall and are placed in kingdom
are common for sac and club fungi?
(2) Paramoecium and Amoeba lack cell Branched septate mycelium, Fruiting bodies,
walls and are placed in kingdom Animalia. Conidia, Clamp connection, Exogenously
(3) This classification did not distinguish produced meiospores, Somatogamy,
between the heterotrophic group-
Intervening dikaryotic stage
fungi and autotrophic green plants.
(1) Four (2) Three
(4) All prokaryotic organisms are grouped
together under kingdom Monera. (3) Five (4) Two

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TEST CODE: 937001
111. Consider the following statements and 115. Which of the following is a correct
state true (T) and false (F): statement?
(A) In members of class ascomycetes (1) Slime moulds are saprophytic organisms
and basidiomycetes, an intervening classified under kingdom Monera.
dikaryotic stage occurs. (2) Mycoplasmas have DNA, ribosome,
(B) Asexual spores are conidia or and cell wall.
sporangiospores or zoospores in (3) Cyanobacteria are a group of
fungi. autotrophic organisms classified
(C) In sac fungi, sexual spores are under kingdom Monera.
produced inside Ascus. (4) Bacteria are exclusively heterotrophic
(D) In members of class deuteromycetes, organisms.
only asexual or vegetative phase are 116. Artificial system of classification
knowns. (1) Includes features like anatomy,
A B C D morphology and photochemistry.
(1) T T T T (2) Was given by George Bentham and
(2) T F T T Joseph Dalton Hooker.
(3) F F T T (3) Gave equal weightage to vegetative
(4) F T F F and floral characters.
(4) Brought together closely related
112. Lichens are considered as indicators of species.
SO2 pollution because.
117. Match the following columns and choose
(1) They love to grow in SO2 polluted
the correct option:
Column I Column II
(2) They do not grow in SO2 polluted
a. Numerical 1. Cytological
taxonomy information
(3) They can tolerate air pollution.
b. Cytotaxonomy 2. Chemical
(4) They oxidize sulphur to sulphuric acid
under aerobic conditions.
c. Chemotaxonomy 3. Easily carried
out using
113. Which of the following statement is
(1) Claviceps is a source of many (1) a-3, b-2, c-1
alkaloids and LSD. (2) a-3, b-1, c-2
(2) Conidia are produced exogenously (3) a-2, b-1, c-3
and ascospores endogenously. (4) a-1, b-3, c-2
(3) Yeasts have filamentous bodies with 118. Given below are two statements: one is
long thread-like hyphae. labelled Assertion (A) and the other is
(4) Morel and truffles are edible labelled as Reason (R).
delicacies. Assertion (A): Natural classification
systems were based on natural affinities
among the organisms.
114. Which of the following statements is Reason (R): Natural classification systems
correct? consider only internal features, like
(1) Fusion of two cells is called karyogamy. ultrastructure, anatomy, embryology and
(2) Fusion of protoplasms between two phytochemistry.
motile or non-motile gametes is In the light of the above statement,
called plasmogamy. choose the correct answer from the
option given below:
(3) Organisms that depend on living
(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.
plants are called saprophytes. (2) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.
(4) Some of the organisms can fix (3) Both (A) and (R) are correct, and (R)
atmospheric nitrogen in specialized is the correct explanation of (A).
cells called sheath cells. (4) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is
not the correct explanation of (A).
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TEST CODE: 937001
119. How many of the below features are 123. Select the incorrect statements:
common for green algae, brown algae (1) Isogametes are similar in structure,
and red algae? function, and behaviour.
Chlorophyll a, Pyrenoids, Aquatic habitat, (2) Anisogametes are different in
structure, function, and behaviour.
Thalloid body organization, Cellulosic cell
(3) In oogamy, female gamete is large
wall, Phycocolloids, Flagellated gametes
non-motile, static and male gamete
(1) Four (2) Five (3) Two (4) Three is small and motile.
120. Which of the following are colonial and (4) Volvox and Fucus exhibit all isogamy,
filamentous green algae respectively? anisogamy and oogamy.
(1) Ulothrix and Volvox
124. The mentioned features in the given box
(2) Volvox and Spirogyra are related with
(3) Chara and Volvox (i) Plant body has holdfast, stipe and
(4) Chlamydomonas and Chara frond.
(ii) Pyriform zoospores with two laterally
121. Identify the algae in the figure given inserted unequal flagella.
below and choose the correct option. (1) Laminaria and Fucus
(2) Volvox and Dictyota
(3) Polysiphonia and Ulothrix
(4) Chara and Spirogyra

125. Identify the parts labeled as A, B, C and


Name of algae Number of Stored

flagella in food
(1) Spirogyra Absent Starch
(2) Ulothrix 2, Apical Starch
(3) Kelp 2, Laterally Laminarin
inserted, mannitol
(4) Polysiphonia Absent Floridean A B C D
starch (1) Capsule Seta Leaves Multicellular
122. Match the following column I with (2) Capsule Seta Leaves Unicellular
column II and choose the correct option.
(3) Strobilus Foot Sporophyll Adventitious
Column I Column II roots
A. Non-flagellated (i) Laminaria (4) Cone Stem Sporophyll Roots
126. Bryophytes resemble algae in one of the
B. Source of algin (ii) Ectocarpus
C. Complex post- (iii) Spirogyra following aspects:
fertilization (1) Filamentous body, show autotrophic
development nutrition and have unicellular sex organs.
and oogamy (2) Thalloid plant body, lack vascular
D. Simple branched (iv) Porphyra tissue and show autotrophic nutrition
filamentous (3) Undifferentiated body, have non-
brown algae
jacketed sex organs and lack vascular
(1) A (iii), B (i), C (iv), D (ii)
(2) A (iii), B (i), C (ii), D (iv)
(4) Filamentous body, have jacketed sex
(3) A (iv), B (ii), C (i), D (iii)
(4) A (iv), B (i), C (iii), D (ii) organs and show zygotic meiosis.

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TEST CODE: 937001
127. Match the following columns and choose 131. Given below are two statements: one is
the correct option:– labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is
Column I Column II labelled as Reason (R):
1. Homosporous a. Equisetum Assertion (A): In gymnosperms
2. Microphylls b. Selaginella endosperm is haploid.
3. Macrophylls c. Ferns Reason (R): In gymnosperms within the

(1) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b (2) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c megasporangium, megaspore mother cell

(3) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b (4) 1-b, 2-a, 3-b divides meiotically to form four haploid
megaspores, one of the megaspores
128. Recognize the figure and identify the
develops into a multicellular female
incorrect labelling.
In the light of the above statements,
choose the most appropriate answer
from the options given below:
(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is
not the correct explanation of (A).
(2) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct.
(3) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is
the correct explanation of (A).

(1) A–Sporophyll aggregates to form

132. Complete the following analogy w.r.t.
(2) B–Node
Ovule : Megasporangium : : Endosperm :
(3) C–Internode
_______ .
(4) D–Underground stem called corm
(1) Male gametophyte

129. Which of the following is not a members (2) Embryo sac

of class Pteridopsida? (3) Female gametophyte

(1) Equisetum (4) Megasporophyll

(2) Dryopteris
133. Which one is wrongly matched?
(3) Pteris
(1) Uniflagellate gametes – Polysiphonia
(4) Adiantum
(2) Biflagellate zoospores – Brown algae

130. Select the incorrect match w.r.t. (3) Gemma cups – Marchantia

pteridophytes: (4) Unicellular organisms – Chlorella

(1) Small leaves – Selaginella

134. Which of the following is incorrectly
(2) Large leaves – Ferns
(3) Compactly arranged sporophylls –
(1) Porphyra – Floridean starch
(2) Volvox – Starch
(4) Vegetatively propagated by leaf tip –
(3) Ectocarpus – Fucoxanthin
(4) Ulothrix – Mannitol
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TEST CODE: 937001
135. Given below are two statements: One is 138. State true (T) or false (F) and select the
labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is correct option:
labelled as Reason (R). A. Group of related genera are included
Assertion (A): The first stage of in the same family.
gametophyte in the life cycle of moss is B. Plant families are characterized on
protonema stage. the basis of vegetative and
Reason (R): Protonema develops directly reproductive characters.
from spores produced in capsule. C. Solanum, Petunia and Datura are
In the light of the above statements, placed in family solanaceae.
D. Panthera is out along with genus
choose the most appropriate answer
Felis in the family Canidae.
form the options given below:
(1) Both A and R are correct, but R is
(1) T F T F
NOT the correct explanation of A.
(2) T T T F
(2) A is correct, but R is not correct.
(3) F T T F
(3) A is not correct, but R is correct.
(4) F T F T
(4) Both A and R are correct, and R is the
correct explanation of A.
139. Read the following assertion and reason
SECTION-B statements and select the correct option:–
Assertion: Two kingdom classification
136. Read the following statements and
system used for a long time was found
choose the correct option.
Statement A: The word systematics is
Reason: A large number of organisms did
derived from the Latin word Systema not fall into either category (i.e., plants
which means systematic arrangement of and animals).
organisms. (1) Both assertion and reason are true,
Statement B: Systematics takes into and reason is the correct explanation
account evolutionary relationships of the assertion.
between organisms. (2) Both assertion and reason are true,
(1) Only statement (A) is correct. but reason is not the correct
(2) Only statement (B) is correct. explanation of the assertion.
(3) Both statements (A) and (B) are correct. (3) Assertion is true, but reason is false.
(4) Both statements (A) and (B) an incorrect. (4) Both assertion and reason are false.

137. Read the statements (A-D) given below

140. Read the following statements:
and select the correct ones w.r.t. (a) Mostly marine and photosynthetic.
taxonomic categories: (b) Appear yellow, green, brown, blue or
A. Species is the lowest rank in red depending on the main pigments
taxonomic categories. present in their cells.
B. Genera are aggregates of closely (c) Has two flagella lying perpendicular
related species. to each other.
C. Indica, tuberosum and leo are The above statements are assigned to.
specific epithets.
D. Classification is a single step process
which do not involve hierarchy of
(1) (2)
(1) Only (A) and (B)
(2) Only (A) and (C)
(3) All (A), (B) and (C) (3) (4)
(4) Only (A) and (D)

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TEST CODE: 937001
141. Match the columns and choose the 144. Match List I with List II.
correct option: List I List II
Column I Column II A. Rhizopus I. Mushroom
A. Euglenoids (i) Red tide
B. Ustilago II. Smut fungus
B. Gonyaulax (ii) Saprophytes
C. Puccinia III. Bread mould
C. Chrysophytes (iii) Stagnant
D. Agaricus IV. Rust fungs
D. Slime (iv) Golden Choose the correct answer from the
moulds algae options given below:
(1) (A) – (ii), (B) – (i), (C) – (iv), (D) – (iii) (1) A–III, B–II, C–I, D–IV
(2) (A) – (iii), (B) – (iv), (C) – (i), (D) – (ii) (2) A–IV, B–III, C–II, D–I
(3) (A) – (iii), (B) – (i), (C) – (iv), (D) – (ii) (3) A–III, B–II, C–IV, D–I
(4) (A) – (ii), (B) – (iii), (C) – (i), (D) – (iv)
(4) A–I, B–III, C–II, D–IV

142. Match the following column and choose

145. Select the correct set w.r.t. Phaeophyceae:
the correct option:
Stored Flagella Cell wall
Column I Column II
A. Fungi that depend (i) Karyogamy
(1) Laminarin 2, Heterokont Cellulose and
on living plants and
lateral polysulphate
B. Fungi in association (ii) Lichens
(2) Floridean No flagella Cellulose and
with algae
starch pectin
C. Fungi in association (iii) Parasites
with root of higher (3) Mannitol 2, Heterokont Cellulose and

plants lateral algin

D. Fusion of two nuclei (iv) Mycorrhiza (4) Laminarin 2-8, Cellulose

(1) A – (iii), B – (iv), C – (ii), D – (i) and Heterokont

(2) A – (iv), B – (ii), C – (iii), D – (i) mannitol apical

(3) A – (iii), B – (ii), C – (iv), D – (i)

(4) A – (i), B – (ii), C – (iii), D – (iv) 146. Identify A, B and C w.r.t. of their
respective class.
143. Read the following statements and
select the correct option:
Statement I: Fungi are cosmopolitan and
occur in air, water, soil and animals and
Statement II: The fungi constitute a
unique kingdom of heterotrophic
(1) Statement I is true, but statement II
is false.
(2) Both statement I and statement II are A B C
false. (1) Rhodophyceae Phaeophyceae Chlorophyceae
(3) Both statement I and statement II are (2) Rhodophyceae Chlorophyceae Phaeophyceae
true. (3) Phaeophyceae Rhodophyceae Chlorophyceae
(4) Statement I is false, but statement II
(4) Chlorophyceae Phaeophyceae Rhodophyceae
is true.

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TEST CODE: 937001
147. Identify the structure labelled as ‘ ’. 150. Read the following statements and
choose the set of correct statements:
In the members of Phaeophyceae.
A. Asexual reproduction occurs usually
by biflagellate zoospores.
B. Sexual reproduction is by oogamous
method only.
C. Stored food is in the form of
carbohydrates which is either
Choose the correct option: mannitol or laminarin.
D. The major pigments found are
(1) Unicellular rhizoids
chlorophyll a, c and carotenoids and
(2) Multicellular rhizoids
(3) Adventitious roots E. Vegetative cells have a cellulosic
(4) Root hairs wall, usually covered on the outside
by gelatinous coating of algin.
148. Which of the following statements is
Choose the correct answer from the
correct? options given below:
(1) Ovules are not enclosed by ovary wall (1) A, C, D and E only
in gymnosperms. (2) A, B, C and E only
(2) Selaginella is heterosporous, while (3) A, B, C and D only
(4) B, C, D and E only
Salvinia is homosporous.
(3) Horsetails are gymnosperms. PART-D: BIOLOGY
(4) Stems are usually unbranched in both SECTION-A

Cycas and Cedrus. 151. Match the name of the animal (column
I), with one characteristics (column II),
149. Given below are two statements: One is and they phylum/class (column III) to
labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is which it belongs:
labelled as Reason (R). Column I Column II Column III
Assertion (A): In gymnosperms, the (1) Adamsia Radially Porifera
pollen grains are released from the
(2) Petromyzon Ectoparasite Cyclostomata
microsporangium and carried by air
(3) Ichthyophis Terrestrial Reptilia
(4) Limulus Body Pisces
Reason (R): Air currents carry the pollen covered by
grains to the mouth of the archegonia chitinous
where the male gametes are discharged, exoskeleton
and pollen tube is not formed.
In the light of the above statements,
choose the correct answer form the
options given below:
(1) Both A and R are true, but R is NOT
the correct.
(2) A is true, but R is false.
Identify the animals belong from phylum
(3) A is false, but R is true.
Mollusca, given above :-
(4) Both A and R are true, and R is the
(1) A and C (2) A and D
correct explanation of A. (3) B and D (4) A and B

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TEST CODE: 937001
153. Which of the following is not correctly 158. Choose the correct option which is
matched? common to the given animals.
(1) Gregarious Pest – Locusta (Locust)
(2) Living fossil – Limulus (King crab) (A) (B)
(3) Economically important insects –
Apis (honey bee) Bombyx (silk worm)
(4) Vectors – Mosquitoes (Anopheles,
culex and aedes and Lac insect
(C) (D)

154. Match the column and choose the

correct option:
(1) All have open circulatory system and
(A) Organ level (i) Pheretima
jointed appendages
(B) Cell-aggregate level (ii) Fasciola
(2) All have close circulatory system
(C) Tissue level (iii) Spongilla
(3) All have exoskeleton made up of chitin.
(D) Organ system level (iv) Obelia
(4) All have double ventral solid nerve cord.
(1) (A)–(ii), (B)–(i), (C)–(iii), (D)–(iv)
(2) (A)–(ii), (B)–(iii), (C)–(iv), (D)–(i) 159. Spiny bodied animals with radial symmetry
(3) (A)–(ii), (B)–(iii), (C)–(i), (D)–(iv) in adult and bilateral in larva belong to -
(4) (A)–(iii), (B)–(ii), (C)–(iv), (D)–(i) (1) Echinodermata (2) Arthropoda
(3) Mollusca (4) Annelida
155. Match the column and choose the
correct option: 160. Air bladder in Osteichthyes is associated
Column-I Column-II with -
(A) Pila (i) Water vascular system (1) Digestion (2) Respiration
(B) Cockroach (ii) Presence of shell (3) Buoyancy (4) Reproduction
(C) Asterias (iii) Jointed appendages
(1) (A)–(ii), (B)–(iii), (C)–(i) 161. Presence of notochord only in the tail
(2) (A)–(ii), (B)–(i), (C)–(iii) which is lost during metamorphosis is a
(3) (A)–(i), (B)–(ii), (C)–(iii) characteristic feature of -
(4) (A)–(iii), (B)–(i), (C)–(ii) (1) Branchiostoma (2) Balanoglossus
(3) Ascidia (4) Salamandra
156. Go through the following diagram –
162. Which of the following options gives the
correct categorisation of the animals
according to the type of respiratory organs?
Gills Tracheal Cutaneous
(1) Pila Crab Pheretima
(2) Prawn Locusta Nereis
(3) Apis Bombyx Hirudinaria
A – Identify the animal (4) Anopheles Aedes Culex
B – Name the phylum to which it belong
163. Select the incorrect statement from the
(1) A–Balanoglossus, B–Hemichordata
following :
(2) A–Balanoglossus, B–Cephalochordata
(1) Molluscs are bilaterally symmetrical,
(3) A–Balanoglossus, B–Urochordata
triploblastic and coelomate
(4) A–Nereis, B–Annelida
(2) Molluscs body is covered by calcareous
157. Excretion by excretory tubes and shell
presence of muscular pharynx are (3) A soft and spongy layer of skin forms a
character of :- shell over the visceral hump
(1) Annelida (2) Arthropoda (4) The space between the hump and
(3) Aschelminthes (4) Porifera mantle is called the mantle cavity
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TEST CODE: 937001
164. Identify the figure given below and choose 168. In canal system of porifera, water flows
the correct statement about this figure:- through -
(1) Ostia → Spongocoel → Osculum →
(2) Spongocoel → Ostia → spongocoel →
(3) Osculum → Spongocoel → Ostia →
(4) Osculum → Ostia → Spongocoel →
169. Which of the following is correctly matched?
Phylum Animal Character
(1) It contains stinging capsule or
(1) Porifera Pleurobrachia Ciliated
nematocyst choanocytes
(2) Present only on tentacles (2) Annelida Pheretima Flame cells
(3) It help in anchorage for excretion
(4) Both (1) and (3) (3) Platyhelminthes Ctenoplana Hooks and
165. Choose the correct match: present
Phylum Example Feature (4) Echinodermata Asterias Spiny
1. Echinodermata Cucumaria Monoecious, free skinned
living animal
2. Hemichordata Balanoglossus Closed
170. Match the following columns:
Column-I Column-II
A. Hippocampus I. Fighting fish
through gills
B. Betta II. Catla
3. Mollusca Pinctada Unsegmented
body, feather-like
C. Claris III. Sea horse
gills D. Labeo IV. Angle fish
4. Arthropoda Locusta Siliceous V. Rohu
exoskeleton, VI. Magur
gregarious pest Codes:
166. Assertion (A): Flatworms have dorsoventrally
(1) III I VI V
flattened body. (2) V II IV I
Reason (R): All flatworms absorb nutrients (3) III II V IV
from the host body directly through body (4) IV I II V
171. Which of the following pairs are correctly
(1) If both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A. Animals Morphological
(2) If both A and R are true, but R is not features
the correct explanation of A. (A) Crocodile 4-chambered
(3) If A is true, but R is false. heart
(4) If A is false, but R is true. (B) Sea Urchin Parapodia
(C) Obelia Metagenesis
167. Choose the correct statement. (D) Pheretima Nephridia
(1) All chordates have a dorsal heart. (1) Only (A) and (B)
(2) Notochord in all chordates is replaced (2) (A), (C) and (D)
by a cartilaginous or bony vertebral column. (3) (B), (C) and (D)
(4) Only (A) and (D)
(3) Cyclostomes have a circular and suctorial
mouth. 172. Select the economically important insect:-
(4) All reptiles possess a three- chambered (1) Locusta (2) Culex
heart. (3) Aedes (4) Apis

NEET (Pre-Medical) | Master Pro-Plus-2 | Minor Test-2 24

TEST CODE: 937001
173. Identify the vertebrate group of animals 176. Which of the following is a wrong
characterized by crop and gizzard in its statement about the given diagram ?
digestive system.
(1) Amphibia
(2) Reptilia
(3) Aves
(4) Osteichthyes

174. Diagrams of some animals are given

below. Identify the common characters
in them–

(1) Dorsoventrally flat body.

(2) Excretion by Malpighian body.
(3) Bilaterally symmetrical.
(4) Internal fertilization and indirect

177. Identify the given diagram of the animal

(1) Presence of cnidoblasts. and the type of nervous system ?
(2) Presence of ciliary comb plates.
(3) Extracellular and intracellular
(4) Bioluminescence.

175. Choose the correct match w.r.t. animals

and their common names –

(1) Bath sponge

(1) Nereis, neural system consists of

Venus flower paired ganglia connected by lateral
nerves to a double ventral nerve
(2) Nereis, neural system consists of a
paired ganglia connected by lateral
Fresh water nerves to a single ventral nerve cord.
sponge (3) Blood sucking leech, neural system
consists of paired ganglia connected
by lateral nerves to a double ventral
nerve cord.
(4) Blood sucking leech, neural system
(4) Jelly fish
consists of paired ganglia connected
by lateral nerves to a single ventral
nerve cord.
NEET (Pre-Medical) | Master Pro-Plus-2 | Minor Test-2 25
TEST CODE: 937001
178. Examine the figures (A), (B), (C) and (D). 182. Match the items given in column-I with
In which one of the four options all the those given in column-II and choose the
items (A), (B), (C) and (D) are correct? correct option.
Column-I Column-II (Characters)
a. Torpedo (i) Presence of a poisonous
b. Trygon (ii) Presence of electric
c. Pila (iii) Presence of swim blader
d. Labeo (iv) Presence of radula
(1) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv)
(2) a(ii), b(i), c(iii), d(iv)
(3) a(iv), b(ii), c(iii), d(i)
(4) a(ii), b(i), c(iv), d(iii)
(A) (B) (C) (D) 183. Which of the following animal has
(1) Ophiura Unio Antedon Sepia feather like gills located in mantle cavity
(2) Asterias Dentalium Echinus Sepia and are used for respiratory and excretory
(3) Asterias Pila Ophiura Octopus
(4) Asterias Unio Ophiura Sepia (1) Nereis (2) Palaemon
(3) Aplysia (4) Saccoglossus

179. 184. Match the following genera with their

respective phylum:
(a) Ophiura (i) Mollusca
(b) Physalia (ii) Platyhelminthes
(c) Pinctada (iii) Echinodermata
(d) Planaria (iv) Coelenterata
Which structure is absent in individuals Select the correct option:–
of given animal? (1) (a)-(iv), (b)-(i), (c)-(iii), d-(ii)
(1) Operculum
(2) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), d-(ii)
(2) Placoid scales
(3) Air bladder (3) (a)-(i), (b)-(iii), (c)-(iv), d-(ii)
(4) Bony endoskeleton (4) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), d-(i)

180. The teeth of dog fish are modified ____

scales and directed ______.
Fill in the blanks with correct option :
(1) Placoid, Forwardly
(2) Placoid, Backwardly
Select the correct characters relevant
(3) Cycloid, Forwardly
(4) Cycloid, Backwardly with given diagram-
(a) They have four pairs of gills without
181. Assertion (A): Annelids have closed
circulation. covered by an operculum.
Reason (R): Blood is circulated through a (b) Their jaws are very powerful and
series of vessels of varying diameters. mouth is located ventrally.
(1) If both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is (c) This is a marine animal.
the correct explanation of (A). (d) They are mostly viviparous and have
(2) If both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is
internal fertilisation.
not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) If (A) is true, but (R) is false. (1) (b) and (d) (2) (a) and (c)
(4) If (A) is false, but (R) is true. (3) (b), (c) and (d) (4) (b) and (c)

NEET (Pre-Medical) | Master Pro-Plus-2 | Minor Test-2 26

TEST CODE: 937001
SECTION-B 188. The figure shows four animals (A), (B),

186. Given below is a diagram of chordate (C) and (D). Select the correct answer
with respect to a common characteristic
characteristics labelled (A), (B), (C) and
of two of these animals.
(D). Identify the correct one :-

(A) (B)

(1) (A) - Post-Anal tail, (B) - Nerve cord,

(C) (D)
(C) – Notochord, (D) - Gills slits
(2) (A) - Post-Anal tail, (B) - Notochord,
(C) - Nerve cord, (D) - Gills slits (1) (A) and (D) respire mainly through
(3) (A) - Post-Anal tail, (B) - Nerve cord, body wall

(C) - Gill slits, (D) - Notochord (2) (B) and (C) show radial symmetry
(3) (A) and (B) have cnidoblasts for self-
(4) (A) - Notochord, (B) - Nerve cord,
(C) - Gill slits, (D) - Post-Anal tail
(4) (C) and (D) have a true coelom

187. Examine the fig. (A), (B), (C) and (D). In 189. Which one of the following groups of
animals is correctly matched with its
which one of the four options all the
one characteristic feature without even a
items (A), (B), (C) and (D) are correct?
single exception?
(1) Reptilia : possess 3 - chambered
heart with one incompletely divided
(2) Chordata : possess a mouth provided
with an upper and lower jaw.
(A) (B)
(3) Chondrichthyes : possess cartilaginous
(4) Mammalia : give birth to young one.

190. In the given list How many animals have

vertebral column, Cranium, Jaw?
(C) (D)
Sea horse, Herdmania, Earthworm, Frog,
(1) (A)-Locust, (B)-Scorpion, (C)-Prawn, (D)-Pila
Hag fish, Amphioxus, Petromyzon, Snake,
(2) (A)-Locust, (B)-Prawn, (C)-Scorpion, (D)- Torpedo
Pila (1) Three
(3) (A)-Locust, (B)-Scorpion, (C)-Pila, (D)-Prawn (2) Four
(4) (A)-Butterfly, (B)-Scorpion, (C)-Prawn, (D)- (3) Five

Pila (4) Six

NEET (Pre-Medical) | Master Pro-Plus-2 | Minor Test-2 27

TEST CODE: 937001
191. Choose the correct combination of 193. Which of the following animal(s) is/are
animals w.r.t. the given figure: shown external fertilization and
tympanum represent ear



(1) (a)–Nereis; (b)–Ascaris; (c)–Planaria

(2) (a)–Pheretima; (b)–Locusta; (c)–
Ascaris (C)
(3) (a)–Octopus; (b)–Wuchereria; (c)–
(4) Both (1) and (3)

192. Match the item in Column–I with those in

Column–II and choose the correct option:– (D)
Column–I Column–II
(A) (i) Ascaris

(1) Only (A), (B) and (D)

(2) Only (C)
(3) Only (C) and (D)
(4) Only (D)

194. Illustration below shows four animals.

(B) (ii) Fasciola Use the illustration to answer the
question below –
Which of the animal/s illustrated above
is/are triploblastic, metamerically segmented,
coelomate, dioecious and possess a
closed circulatory system?
Options –

(C) (iii) Nereis

(A) (B)

(D) (iv) Hirudinaria

(C) (D)
Option :-
(1) (A)-(ii), (B)-(i), (C)-(iv), (D)-(iii)
(1) (A) & (B) only
(2) (A)-(i), (B)-(ii), (C)-(iii), (D)-(iv) (2) (A), (B) & (C) only
(3) (A)-(ii), (B)-(iv), (C)-(i), (D)-(iii) (3) (C) only
(4) (A)-(ii), (B)-(iii), (C)-(iv), (D)-(i) (4) (A) only
NEET (Pre-Medical) | Master Pro-Plus-2 | Minor Test-2 28
TEST CODE: 937001
195. Which of the following is incorrect 198. Match the common names of animals
statement for the diagram illustrated given in column-I with their respective
below? scientific names given in column-II and
choose the correct option.
Column-I Column-II
(Commo (Scientifi
n name) c name)
a. Angel fish (i) Bufo
b. Tree frog (ii) Hyla
c. Saw fish (iii) Pristis
(1) The organisation illustrated is Pleurobrachia, d. Toad (iv) Pterophyllum
an example of Ctenophora. (1) a(iv), b(i), c(iii), d(ii)
(2) Sexes are not separate, it is (2) a(iv), b(ii), c(iii), d(i)
dioecious. (3) a(iv), b(iii), c(i), d(ii)
(3) Reproduction takes place only by (4) a(iii), b(i), c(iv), d(ii)
sexual means fertilization is external
with indirect development. 199. Choose the correct option in respect of
(4) The body bears 8 external rows of characteristics to respective group.
Cyclostomes Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes
ciliated comb plates.
(a) Sucking Ventral Terminal
mouth mouth mouth
195. Which one of the following statement
(b) Scale Placoid Cycloid
about all the four of Spongilla, Leech, absent scale scale
Dolphin and Penguin is correct? (c) Marine Marine Marine /
(1) All are bilaterally symmetrical. Fresh water
(d) 6-15 pairs of 5–7 pairs of 4 pairs of
(2) Penguin is homoiothermic while the
gills gills without gills with
remaining three are poikilothermic. operculum operculum
(3) Leech is a fresh water form while all (1) (a) and (b) are correct
others are marine. (2) (a) and (d) are correct
(4) Spongilla has special collared cells (3) All are correct
called choanocytes, not found in the (4) Only (c) is correct
remaining three.
200. The figure shows two animals A and B.
197. In which one of the following the genus Select the correct answer w.r.t. common
name, its two character and its characteristics of these two animals.
class/phylum are correctly matched?
Genus Two characters Class/
name Phylum
(1) Ascaris (a) Body segmented Annelida
(b) Males and
(2) Salamendra (a) A tympanum Amphibia
represents ear (1) Both are triploblastic, metamerically
(b) Fertilization is segmented and coelomate.
external (2) In both fertilization is internal and
(3) Pteropus (a) Skin with hairs Mammalia development is through many larval stages.
(b) Oviparous (3) In both sexes are not separate.
(4) Aurelia (a) Cnidoblasts Coelenterata (4) Both are triploblastic with bilateral
(b) Organ level of symmetry.

NEET (Pre-Medical) | Master Pro-Plus-2 | Minor Test-2 29

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