Chapter Sale of Goods Act
Chapter Sale of Goods Act
Chapter Sale of Goods Act
Transfer of property The property in the goods sold The property passes when it
passes to the buyer at the time of becomes sale on the expiry of
contract. It passes immediately. prescribed time or the fulfillment of
certain conditions.
Transfer of risk The transfer of risk takes place There is no transfer of risk of loss of
immediately. It is related to goods as ownership is not
ownership and when ownership is transferred. The loss will be borne
transferred, the risk also passes to by the seller.
the person. If there is loss of goods,
it will fall on the buyer.
Remedial measures In the case of a sale, the unpaid In case of an agreement to sell, the
seller has certain reliefs available, seller's remedy for breach of
e.g.. lien, stoppage in transit. resale contract by the buyers, is a suit for
etc. damages
Elements of a contract for Sale of Goods
• The essential elements of a contract for the sale of goods are enumerated
• Movable Goods :
The Sale of Goods Act deals only with movable goods, excepting actionable
claims and money. Sec. 2(7). This Act does not apply to immovable
• Moveable Goods for Money :
There must be a contract for the exchange of movable goods for money.
Therefore in a sale there must be money-consideration. An exchange of
goods for goods is not a sale.
• Two Parties:
Since a contract of sale involves a change of ownership, it follows that the
buyer and the seller must he different persons. A sale is a bilateral
contract. But a part-owner can sell goods to another part-owner.
Example: P & Q are each of them the owners of a certain stock of movable
goods. P can sell his rights to Q.
Elements of a contract for Sale of Goods
• Formation of the contract of sale :
A contract of sale is made by an offer to buy or sell goods for a
price and the acceptance of such offer. The contract may
provide for the immediate delivery of the goods or
immediate payment of the price or both. Or for the delivery
and payment by installments, or that the delivery or
payment or both shall be postponed. Sec.5(1).