Ai Projectfile Python Cls X

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1 Write a Python code to calculate Simple Interest if the

principle_amount = 2000 rate_of_interest = 8 time = 10
2 Write a Python code to calculate Area of a triangle with Base and

3 Write a Python code to check whether a person is eligible to vote or

4 Write a Python code to assign the Grade based on the given
5 Write a program to print a multiplication table of the entered number.

6 Write a program to check whether the given character is an uppercase

letter or lowercase letter or a digit or a special character.
7 Write a program to find the maximum number out of the given three
8 Write a program to create a list and display list elements.

9 Write a program to add the elements of the two lists.

10 Create a list in Python of children selected for science quiz with

following names-
Arjun, Sonakshi, Vikram, Sandhya, Sonal, Isha, Kartik Perform the
following tasks on the list in sequence-
○ Print the whole list
○ Delete the name “Vikram” from the list
○ Add the name “Jay” at the end
○ Remove the item which is at the second position.
11 Python Program to Find the Factorial of a Number
12 Python Program to Find the Largest Among Three Numbers
13 Python Program to Check if a Number is Positive, Negative, or 0
14 Write a program that classifies a person as a child, teenager, adult, or
senior based on their age.

15 Create a program that generates a list of squares of numbers from 1 to

10 using list comprehension.

16 Write a program that checks whether a given letter is a vowel or a


17 Write a program that allows the user to create a shopping list. The
user should be able to add items, view the list, and remove items.
Implement append() and remove() methods.

18 Create a program that allows the user to enter a list of names and then
insert a new name at a specific index. Handle any potential index
19 Write a program that creates a tuple containing the names of five of
your favorite movies. Print the tuple.

20 Write a program that creates a dictionary to store information about a

person (name, age, and city). Print the dictionary. Create a dictionary
with three key-value pairs representing a book (title, author, year).
Write a program to access and print each value.

NOTE: Take screen shots of all the PYTHON CODE & OUTPUT from PYTHON
interactive and script mode, paste in a word document, and save them as PDF.

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