A Notification Broker For Service-Oriented Grid Environments

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A Notication Broker for Service-Oriented Grid Environments

Timo Elverkemper [email protected]

July 17, 2008 Masters Thesis in Computing Science, 15 ECTS credits Supervisor at CS-UmU: P-O Ostberg Examiner: Per Lindstrm o

Ume University a
Department of Computing Science SE-901 87 UME A SWEDEN

Abstract Web Services are used as the technological basis for Service-Oriented Architectures, an architectural paradigm that denes distributed systems as a composition of communicating, loosely coupled services. This architecture is widely adapted for Grids, large scale distributed and heterogeneous systems concerned with resource sharing and utilization, often in order to solve complex computational problems. The communication of Web Services commonly uses a request-response message exchange pattern. As an alternative, a publish-subscribe model allows Web Services to notify subscribed entities of certain events. This basic notication mechanism does not scale well in the context of large distributed systems however. To overcome the problem of scalability, publishers may delegate the task of distributing notications and managing subscriptions to a notication broker service that acts as a mediator between publishers and subscribers. This thesis presents the Notication Service, an implementation of a notication broker that is based on the Globus Toolkit, a software toolkit for building Grid applications, and its implementation of the WS-Notication specication. Additional to Web Service notications, propagation of notications through additional protocols such as email and instant messaging is supported. The Notication Service is designed to facilitate a loose coupling between services and thus to integrate well with Service-Oriented Architectures and Grid environments.


1 Introduction 2 Problem Description 2.1 Environment and Preconditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Technological and Architectural Background 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Grid Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Web Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 SOAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 WSDL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.3 UDDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Service-Oriented Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.1 Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.2 Loose Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.3 Benets of Using Service-Oriented Architectures 3.5 Globus Toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5.1 Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5.2 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5.3 Web Service Resource Framework . . . . . . . . 3.5.4 Web Service Notications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Results 4.1 Architectural Overview . . . . . . . 4.2 Usage Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Notication Service Design . . . . . 4.3.1 Environment . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2 Resource Representation . . . 4.3.3 Notication Service Interface iii 1 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 7 9 11 13 13 14 15 16 16 16 20 23 27 27 28 29 29 30 33

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4.3.4 Internal Service Design Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.1 Resource Representation 4.4.2 Notication Handling . 4.4.3 Filtering . . . . . . . . . 4.4.4 Extensibility . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and Subscription . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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34 39 40 40 40 41 43 43 44 45 47 47 49

5 Conclusions 5.1 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References A Source Code A.1 WSDL Interface Specication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2 XML Type Denitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

List of Figures
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Processing of SOAP Messages [4] . . . . . . . . . . The Publish, Find, Bind Pattern . . . . . . . . . . Basic interaction according to WS-BaseNotication Interaction involving a NoticationBroker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 14 24 25 28 29 30 35

Notication Service as a Mediator between Producer and Consumer Producer-Initiated Usage Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consumer-Initiated Usage Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Message Processing by the Notication Handler . . . . . . . . . . . .



Chapter 1

Large scale scientic computations are computationally demanding and therefore require large amounts of resources. Grids are a form of distributed systems concerned with resource sharing at a large scale, where resources can be distributed geographically across several sites and participating institutions. Because of the possible heterogeneity of systems that constitute a Grid, Service-Oriented Architectures and Web Service technologies are a common technological and architectural basis used to facilitate the interoperability of dierent systems. Within a Service-Oriented Architecture, systems are composed of loosely coupled communicating services that use message-based protocols for communication. In this context, the Globus Toolkit provides a Web Services-based middleware and components that are commonly required in Grids to support the construction of service-oriented Grid systems and applications. Commonly, a request-response pattern is used to interact with Web Services. A client requests an operation to be performed and the Web Service replies with the results. Another interaction pattern allows Web Services to notify clients of events. This is accomplished by a publish-subscribe mechanism analogous to the Observer design pattern used in object-oriented applications. Clients subscribe to events that are published by a Web Service and are thereafter notied of events that occur. This basic form of Web Service notication is dened by the WS-Notication specication and implemented by the Globus Toolkit. Scalability is however a problem of this basic mechanism in the context of large distributed systems with numerous subscribing clients that need to be served by notication producing services. To enhance scalability and to decouple subscribers from notication producers, a notication broker can be used as a mediator between subscribers and producers. Such a notication broker takes on the responsibility of managing subscriptions and distributing notications on behalf of producing services, thus reducing their workload. In general, notications may contain arbitrary data. But even though Web Services are concerned with machine-to-machine interactions, some notications may even be of direct interest to a human end user, e.g. a critical system failure or the completion of a computation. The Web Service notication mechanism has however no possibility to send messages by using other protocols. The present thesis work introduces the Notication Service, an implementation of a notication broker based on the Globus Toolkit and the basic Web Service notication mechanism described in the WS-Notication specication. Along with the handling and propagation of Web Service notications, the Notication Service is capable of for1

Chapter 1. Introduction

warding notications as emails or instant messages to human end users. Furthermore, the Notication Service might act as a lter to discard notications that are uninteresting to subscribers. Facilitating dynamic discovery of services in a Service-Oriented Architecture, the Notication Service integrates with the Globus Information Services which allow possible subscribers to dynamically discover Notication Services according to desired service parameters. The remainder of the present thesis report is structured as follows. Chapter 2 gives a problem description and denes the goals of this thesis project. An in-depth study of Web Services, their basic technologies and Service-Oriented Architectures along with details on the components of the Globus Toolkit is given in Chapter 3. Details of the implemented Notication Service are given in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 concludes the present thesis with a short evaluation of the work.

Chapter 2

Problem Description
This chapter gives a more detailed description of the purpose and goals of the present work. The rst part introduces the environment and preconditions for the project while the second part discusses the problems that are to be solved by the implementation. Finally, the third part species the goals of the present work.


Environment and Preconditions

Web Services provide an interface that consists of a set of operations which are made available remotely to Web Service consumers. Consumers which can be client programs or other Web Services communicate with Web Services by exchanging messages. The communication is normally initiated by Web Service consumers requesting an operation, but Web Services may also initiate a message exchange in order to notify consumers of events that occurred. Web Services are able to publish events according to a specic topic to which clients may subscribe. This publish-subscribe mechanism, also known as the object-oriented Observer design pattern, allows consumers to be notied of events that occur within Web Services. Therefore, consumers do not need to poll Web Services frequently in order to monitor if a certain event occurred. Web Services will instead notify consumers. This publish-subscribe mechanism in the context of Web Services is dened by the WS-Notication specication. A partial implementation of this specication is available as a part of the Globus Toolkit, a software toolkit for building Grid applications that is largely based on Web Services. The Globus Toolkit serves as the basis for the implementation of the present project.


Problem Statement

The basic publish-subscribe mechanism dened by the WS-BaseNotication specication introduces additional workload to Web Services that produce notications. Services are responsible for managing subscriptions, producing notication messages and distributing these messages to subscribed consumers. In the context of Grids, a possibly very large number of consumers might subscribe to a single notication producer and reduce the producers ability to eciently perform its actual tasks such as performing a calculation. The basic publish-subscribe mechanism is therefore not scalable. 3

Chapter 2. Problem Description

Web Services generally send all notications for a particular topic to a client that has subscribed to that particular topic. The consumer might however only be interested in a small subset of the received notications. Because of this, Web Service consumers have to implement more ne-grained notication ltering mechanisms themselves. The unwanted notication messages introduce unnecessary resource consumption for both network transport and message processing at notication consumers and producers. Web Services can only distribute notications as messages to other Web Services that use the same notication mechanisms which are dened by the WS-Notication specication. In particular, it is not possible to distribute notications by other methods than Web Service message exchange.



Based on the preconditions and the identied problems, the goal of the present thesis project is to develop a separate Web Service responsible for handling notications. This Notication Service acts as a mediator or notication broker between Web Services that produce and consume notications. Notication producers are able to delegate some of the work for managing subscriptions and serving consumers to the Notication Service. This reduces the workload on the Web Services that originally produce the notications since consumers subscribe to the Notication Service directly instead of subscribing to the producing Web Services. Consumers are able to specify to the Notication Service which of the notications for a particular topic are interesting to them. According to this, the Notication Service will then perform ltering and forward only notications that are interesting to the consumer. The Notication Service can also handle subscriptions of consumers that cannot receive notications as messages sent by Web Services. Notications may therefore be propagated through other communication channels such as email or instant messaging, so that it becomes possible to subscribe an email address to a certain type of event. In order to suit a Service-Oriented Architecture, the Notication Service should be as generic as possible to accommodate dierent Web Services that produce notications. Because of this, the Notication Service minimizes the knowledge of dierent notication producers in order to facilitate a loose coupling of services. The Notication Service uses standard notication mechanisms as dened by the WS-Notication specication and is therefore easily integrated into existing architectures.

Chapter 3

Technological and Architectural Background

3.1 Introduction

The present chapter introduces the basic concepts and technologies that serve as the basis for development of the Notication Service which concerns the practical part of the present thesis project. Since this software is targeted towards Grid computing environments, the chapter starts with a general introduction of Grid computing. Subsequent sections describe Web Services, the underlying technologies and the connected architectural paradigm of Service-Oriented Architectures. Finally, the chapter introduces the Globus Toolkit, a service-oriented middleware toolkit for Grid computing environments that is used to implement the Notication Service.


Grid Computing

A commonly used real world analogy to a Grid is the electrical power grid [1], which provides access to electricity on demand through wall sockets. For end users, the details on where and how the electricity is generated is of no importance. In a similar way, the ultimate goal of Grid computing is to provide access to computational resources on demand, without requiring detailed knowledge of how and where these resources can be utilized. There are several denitions that dene the notion of a Grid. The specic problem that the Grid addresses has been dened as coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations [6]. This denition identies resource sharing as a central aspect in Grid computing, while a resource can denote a wide variety of entities, e.g. computational capacity, storage, software programs or at a larger scale even clusters of computers. The Grid allows the sharing of these resources among virtual organizations which are composed of individuals, organizations and other resources in order to solve complex problems. The constituent resources of a Grid are possibly geographically distributed and are commonly under the control of different institutions. This lack of centralized control consequently introduces challenges of managing authentication, authorization, resource access and resource discovery in distributed systems. 5

Chapter 3. Technological and Architectural Background

Due to the wide variety of heterogeneous resources, interoperability among participants of the Grid is required to ensure that resources can be utilized among participants. Because of this, the concept of Service-Oriented Architectures and Web Services as described in the subsequent sections is a commonly used paradigm.


Web Services

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) denes a Web Service in its denition of the Web Service Architecture [12] as follows: A Web Service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. It has an interface described in a machine-processable format (specically WSDL). Other systems interact with the Web Service in a manner prescribed by its description using SOAP messages, typically conveyed using HTTP with an XML serialization in conjunction with other Web-related standards. Although this denition makes concrete references to underlying technologies that are most commonly used for the implementation of Web Services, those technologies are not necessarily the only options for implementing Web Services. In contrast to applications that are designed for interaction with human end users, such as standard desktop applications, Web Services are explicitly designed for machineto-machine interaction. End users do not interact with Web Services directly, while of course applications can interact with a Web Service on behalf of end users. Web Services expose only their interfaces to the public. Such an interface can be completely described using a Web Service Description Language (WSDL, section 3.3.2) document that characterizes the Web Service interface in terms of operations that the Web Service provides, messages that are exchanged to do so and data types that are used to construct those messages. Since the WSDL document is written in XML, it is easily processable by software. In fact, it is a common approach to automatically generate client classes for interacting with a Web Service from its WSDL document. An important characteristic of Web Services is that implementation details of the systems are hidden behind the interface. No internal details of Web Services are exposed and these details are of no importance to a possible consumer of a Web Service. The consumer is aware that a certain functionality is provided, but the internals on how this is done are abstracted behind the Web Service interface. Consequently, this involves that the actual functionality could be implemented in an arbitrary programming language and running on a arbitrary platform. This platform independence is possible since the actual communication mechanisms are based on widely-adopted open standards that are commonly available among numerous platforms and programming languages. Especially XML is of importance in this context since it provides the basis for both WSDL and SOAP (section 3.3.1). While WSDL describes the Web Service interface in an XML document, SOAP is the messagebased application-level protocol that is used for interaction between Web Services and consumers including the exchange of data and the invocation of operations. The following sections cover the basic technologies used in conjunction with Web Services in greater detail.

3.3. Web Services

Figure 3.1: Processing of SOAP Messages [4]



SOAP [13] is an application-level protocol based on XML used for data exchange and remote procedure call in distributed applications, usually for accessing Web Services. Formerly, the protocol was named Simple Object Access Protocol. Due to its XMLbased design, SOAP is platform and programming language independent. SOAP messages are transmitted embedded into or on top of other application-level protocols such as HTTP, SMTP or JMS. SOAP Processing Model

The SOAP specication [13] denes that SOAP messages originate at a sending SOAP node and arrive at the ultimate receiving SOAP node. On the message path between the sender and the ultimate receiver, SOAP messages may pass through an arbitrary number of intermediary SOAP nodes. Each SOAP node is uniquely identied by a Uniform Resource Identier (URI). The processing of SOAP messages at a SOAP node and the invocation of Web Services is commonly accomplished by the architecture depicted in gure 3.1. A hosting environment such as a HTTP web server provides the basic transport functionality for SOAP messages. Deployed into the web server, a SOAP engine is responsible for processing SOAP messages and invoking the service dispatcher which nally invokes the appropriate Web Service. SOAP Messages

The XML messages exchanged with SOAP consist of the following parts. Envelope. The SOAP envelope is the outermost syntactic construct [13] of a message. Looking at the XML representation, the SOAP envelope is the root element of the XML-document that denes the SOAP message. All other parts of the message are enclosed within the SOAP envelope.

Chapter 3. Technological and Architectural Background

Block. Information carried in the SOAP header and body is structured into units of information called SOAP blocks. Concerning the XML representation, these blocks are the immediate children of the SOAP header or body element. Header. The SOAP header is an optional part of SOAP messages and may be used to add metadata to the actual data that is contained within the SOAP message body. It consists of a collection of zero or more SOAP blocks which may be addressed to a specic SOAP intermediary within the message path. The specication of SOAP does not dene any of the contents that might be carried in the SOAP header. This makes the SOAP header a exible mechanism for extending SOAP messages in a modular way. Common usage scenarios of the SOAP header include authentication information, transaction management or encryption information. Each SOAP header block might carry one of the following attributes that control the way in which the SOAP header is process by either an intermediary SOAP node or the ultimate receiver of the SOAP message. mustUnderstand - The value true denotes that the SOAP node must fully understand and process this SOAP block or fail and not process it at all. relay - This attribute governs if the header block is to be passed on if it has not been processed by an intermediary. role - This attribute targets a header block to a specic intermediary in the message path. encondingStyle - This attributes denes encoding rules used for serialization. Body. The SOAP body contains the actual information of the message that is intended for the ultimate receiver of the SOAP message. It contains the actual data that denotes the request to the Web Service or the response from the Web Service to the consumer. Structurally, the SOAP body may consist of an arbitrary number of SOAP blocks. The SOAP specication does not dene how the information is to be carried in the SOAP body. However, the specication denes that the SOAP body must be present in every SOAP message. The SOAP body may also contain error information encapsulated as SOAP faults. Faults. A SOAP fault is a part of the SOAP message that is carried inside the SOAP body element and encapsulates error information. The SOAP body must not include any additional elements when a SOAP fault is included, otherwise the message is not recognized as being an error message. SOAP faults are structured into ve subelements: Code - An error code as predened by the SOAP specication. Reason - A Human-readable error description. Node - Species the SOAP node in the message path where the error occurred. Role - Species the role of the SOAP node that caused the error, either the ultimate receiver of the message or an intermediary SOAP node.

3.3. Web Services

Detail - Contains application specic error information, for example a Java stacktrace. Faults are similar to exceptions that are used for error handling in many objectoriented programming languages such as Java and C++, but are not tied to a specic programming language. Possible faults that a Web Service can communicate to clients in case of an occurring error are dened in the description of the Web Services interface. Faults are therefore a platform-neutral mechanism for communicating errors to clients. SOAP Binding

The usage of SOAP in conjunction with another protocol for transporting the actual messages is referred to as binding. The SOAP specication denes only the binding for the HTTP protocol. For other protocols, the specication denes the SOAP Protocol Binding Framework which allows the construction of additional bindings by conforming to general rules of the framework. As mentioned earlier, the SOAP envelope is the root element of the XML markup that denes a SOAP message. Because of this, a SOAP binding has at least the responsibility to specify how the SOAP envelope is transported using the underlying protocol. When using SOAP over HTTP, the SOAP message is simply transported in the body of a HTTP request or response while the standard HTTP header is used.



The Web Service Description Language (WSDL) provides the possibility to completely describe a Web Service interface through the use of an XML document that conforms to an XML Schema as dened by the WSDL specication [15] of the W3C. Since Web Services are primarily intended for machine-to-machine interaction, WSDL provides machine-processable information on how to interact with a given Web Service to a Web Service consumer application. Thus, Web Services are also referred to as self describing software elements [11]. Since the Web Service is fully described by the WSDL document, it is possible to generate client code for interaction with a given Web Service by using the denitions given in the WSDL document. A WSDL document is composed of several parts which are now described in more detail. The description will cover the latest specication available at the time of writing, WSDL 2.0 [15]. Abstract Part

The abstract components of a WSDL document dene the Web Service interface in a deployment-independent way in terms of data types, operations and messages that are used to interact with the Web Service and are composed types, interfaces, operations, and faults. Types. The type component denes the message and fault message types that are used when interacting with the Web Service. The types and data structures are commonly dened using an XML Schema. The schema denition can be embedded into the types component or imported from an external XML Schema le. The operations of the interface component as described in the next paragraph refer to these message types, which in turn dene how the data contained in the messages is to be structured for interaction with the Web Service.


Chapter 3. Technological and Architectural Background

Interface. The interface component of the WSDL document denes a set of operations that the Web Service exposes to possible Web Service consumers. These denitions are made independently from any underlying transport mechanism. WSDL supports inheritance of interface denitions. An interface can therefore extend another interface and inherits all operations of that particular interface along with any directly or indirectly inherited operations. Operations. An operation is an interaction between a Web Service consumer and the Web Service and therefore includes a set of messages that are exchanged between the Web Service and the Web Service consumer. Theses messages can be both regular and fault messages. The WSDL specication includes a set of Message Exchange Patterns that dene the sequencing and cardinality of messages sent during an operation. Faults. A fault is an error event that may occur during the execution of an operation. This condition leads to the termination of the normal message exchange between Web Services and consumers. Fault messages are usually used to communicate error information and may include more detailed information. Faults are dened directly inside the interface component, which allows several operations to reuse the fault denition. Operation denitions can refer to dened faults through the unique name of the interface component and the fault itself. Concrete Part

The concrete components of the WSDL document denes how and where Web Service consumers can access a Web Service by means of transport protocols, message format and endpoint addresses. Binding. The interface component denes the messages used for interacting with Web Services at an abstract level. It describes messages used and data contained in these messages. The purpose of the binding component on the other hand is to dene how these previously dened messages are exchanged between Web Services and consumers. Therefore the binding component associates the abstract interface denition to a concrete message format and transport protocol. These implementation details are necessary in order to access a Web Service and are used to dene an endpoint in the WSDL service component at which a Web Service is physically available. Since there exist several possibilities of how messages can be formatted and transmitted, the core WSDL specication [13] does not dene any bindings. There exists however a related W3C specication [14] that denes SOAP and HTTP bindings. Service. The service component of a WSDL document denes a set of concrete endpoints at which a Web Service interface is provided. Such an interface is given through the abstract interface denition of the interface component inside the WSDL document, while a single service component refers to exactly one abstract interface denition. Endpoint. An endpoint denes the address at which a service is available. This address is given through a Uniform Resource Identier (URI). The endpoint denition

3.3. Web Services


refers to a concrete binding denition given in the WSDL document which denes the message format and transmission protocol.



The Universal Description Discovery & Integration specication [8] denes a Web Service registry that allows possible Web Service consumers to dynamically discover Web Services that provide a certain service. While WSDL describes the Web Service interface, UDDI allows the discovery of the Web Service interface by clients. The UDDI registry is actually a Web Service itself and makes use of WSDL to describe its interface. The UDDI specication includes a set of WSDL documents that completely describe the interface of the UDDI registry and thereby denes how clients can access the registry for inquiry and publication. The WSDL documents also include a binding that species how to interact with the UDDI registry using SOAP over HTTP. As mentioned, the main purpose of the UDDI registry is to allow client applications to dynamically discover Web Services that provide a required service. As an example, an e-commerce application might require to authorize a credit card payment. Instead of tying the application to a single credit card authorization service, UDDI allows the application to discover several services that provide the desired functionality and choose the one that suits best, possibly in favor of the best response time or according to some other criteria. This loose coupling also provides advantages in case of service failure. The use of UDDI allows the client applications to discover a replacement for failed Web Services. Data Structure

UDDI has been designed as a registry for business services which is reected by its three level data structure: 1. At the top level the registry describes businesses, organizations and other entities providing Web Services. An entry at this level is referred to as a Business Entity by the UDDI specication. Commonly, the set of entries at this level is referred to as White Pages although the specication does not use this term. The data included in a Business Entity is mainly textual information describing the business or organization in more detail. A categorization of the business according to geographical region or provided services is also possible. 2. The data at the second level is referred to as a Business Service and is a logical group of Web Services which are provided by a single Business Entity. These logical groups are used to categorize Web Services in business terms according to the provided services. This categorization is also referred to as Yellow Pages. 3. The two previous levels in the UDDI data structure do not contain any technical information about Web Services. At the third level, the UDDI registry contains the technical information that is needed for consumers to interact with Web Services. This data could for example be a URL of the Web Services WSDL document that species its interface. The UDDI specication refers to such an entry as a Binding Template, while the registry at this level is also referred to as Green Pages. It is to note that the UDDI registry does not contain the WSDL documents of the Web Services itself, but only contains references to locations of these documents.


Chapter 3. Technological and Architectural Background

Programming APIs

The UDDI specication denes a set of APIs that govern how clients can interact with the registry. Each API groups a set of operations according to their purposes. The description of the API is given in great detail by the specication which also denes all operations and the used data structures in a corresponding XML Schema and WSDL document. Because of this, only a brief overview of the APIs and their purpose will be given. More detailed information is provided by the specication document [8]. Inquiry API. Operations for for locating and retrieving information on the registrys entries is dened by the Inquiry API, which describes three possible forms of querying: Browse Pattern. This pattern describes a broad large-scale search over the whole registry. Such a search can for example involve searching all businesses located within a particular geographic region. Drill-Down Pattern. After a broad search according to the browsing pattern, more detailed information can be retrieved using a drill-down operation. Each entry in the registrys core data structures is uniquely identied by a key value. The browse operations list entries along with their respective key values. Such a key value can then be used by a drill-down operation to retrieve the complete information for that particular entry. Invocation Pattern. In contrast to the two previous patterns that describe methods of searching data within the UDDI registry, the invocation pattern describes how client applications retrieve the technical information and start interacting with discovered Web Services. The Binding Template contains the technical information that denes the interaction with a given Web Service. Commonly, this information is given in form of a reference to a WSDL document. Client applications start by retrieving this technical information and caches it for further interaction with the Web Service. In case the interaction fails at some point, the client application refreshes the information from the UDDI registry and retries to interact with the Web Service. Because of this, it is easy to replace faulty Web Services and redirect consumers to new Web Services by changing the information in the UDDI registry. Publication API. The Publication API species the interface for publishing, updating and deleting information in the UDDI registry. Each entry published in the registry is uniquely identied by a key value. Such a key can either be assigned by the UDDI registry itself or proposed by the client that submits information to the registry. The rules how keys are assigned to registry entries are given in detail in the specication [8]. Optional APIs. Additional to the two previously described main APIs of UDDI, Publication and Inquiry, the specication outlines four additional APIs which concern security mechanisms, ownership of UDDI entries, subscriptions to changes in the registry, and validation.

3.4. Service-Oriented Architecture



Service-Oriented Architecture

After discussing Web Services as components that provide a certain capability in the previous section, we now introduce the concept of Service-Oriented Architectures which denes an architectural style for building distributed systems. The Reference Model for Service-Oriented Architecture [9] which has been published by the Oasis organization denes the term in a very general way: Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a paradigm for organizing and utilizing distributed capabilities that may be under the control of dierent ownership domains. More specically, SOA is an architectural paradigm for designing and building distributed system on the basis of loosely coupled, interacting services. Since SOA is concerned with the architecture of a distributed system, it is neither tied to nor targeted towards a specic problem domain.



The central concept in a Service-Oriented Architecture is the service, which denes a mechanism that enables access to capabilities through a predened interface [9]. Services in the context of Service-Oriented Architectures share a set of common characteristics [12]: Logical View

A service is an abstracted, logical view of an entity that provides arbitrary functionality to service consumers. This includes for example actual programs, databases, or at a higher level even business processes. The focus lies on the functionality that services provide, not on how their operations are implemented. Message Orientation

The service is formally dened by the messages that are exchanged during interactions with service consumers. Internal properties of services or service consumers are not exposed. Description Orientation

A service is described by machine-processable metadata that fully describes the services interface. The description only species what is required to interact with the service and does not describe any internals of the service. Granularity

Services generally provide few coarse-grained operations with rather complex messages. An interface that is composed of few operations facilitates loose coupling because a ne grained interface with numerous operations requires more knowledge to use the service. Since services are commonly invoked remotely, an interaction involving many small messages leads also to an increased overhead for network communication and message processing.


Chapter 3. Technological and Architectural Background

Figure 3.2: The Publish, Find, Bind Pattern

Network Orientation

Services commonly provide their capabilities to remote service consumers over a network. Platform Independence

Messages exchanged during interactions between services and consumers are sent in a platform neutral and standardized format, usually XML. This results in interoperability between dierent platforms. Although the term service and its characteristics might indicate a strong connection of Web Services as described in section 3.3 and SOA, this is not necessarily the case. Service-Oriented Architectures can be built using Web Services and it is currently a common method to do so, but SOAs do not rely explicitly on Web Services. Other options are possible in this context and are likely to appear in the future.


Loose Coupling

Another important concept in the context of Service-Oriented Architectures is loose coupling of services. Generally, this involves services having only minimal knowledge of each other built into their implementations. Services are discovered dynamically when needed, rather than being hardcoded into service consumers. Dynamic discovery of services is realized through use of the so-called publish, nd, bind pattern as shown in gure 3.2: Publish. A service publishes its presence along with its capabilities into a service registry. Find. A service consumers nds the service by querying the service registry for a certain capability that is required. Bind. Since the service consumer is now aware of the services presence, it can interact with the service through the use of its service description which fully describes the services interface.

3.4. Service-Oriented Architecture


This mechanism makes it easy to dynamically add, remove, replace or relocate services as needed without further modication of service consumers. For example adding extra services for load balancing or replacing faulty services are scenarios where this can be of importance. Another aspect of loose coupling is the use of open standards for protocols, message formats and service descriptions. Widely available and open standards allow for the interoperability of dierent applications since the standards are available for a variety of hardware- and software platforms and programming languages. This concerns of course only the service interface and the network communication between services, how the service is implemented is of no importance since it is not exposed beyond the service interface. As an example, an architecture including two services interacting through Java RMI is not easily integrated with another system that runs on Microsofts .NET platform since proprietary protocols and data exchange formats are used. On the other hand, if services were all based on open standards that are available on both platforms, integrating these service would become a much easier task.


Benets of Using Service-Oriented Architectures

A Service-Oriented Architecture is especially useful in the context of large-scale distributed systems in highly heterogeneous environments where parts of the system are built on dierent platforms. Without using standard interfaces and open protocols, the system components would have to interact with each other through proprietary pairwise interfaces which leads eectively to a tight coupling between components. Growth of a tightly coupled system is hard to manage since adding new components might require the introduction of new proprietary interfaces to a number of already existing systems. This problem of system integration can be signicantly simplied if components of the system are structured as loosely coupled services that communicate with each other through open protocols and standard interfaces that are generally available on dierent platforms. In general, a Service-Oriented Architecture is much more agile and responsive to changes in the systems architecture than a system that consists of tightly coupled components. Especially in the context of Grid computing, where resource sharing between arbitrary participants in a large distributed and heterogeneous environment is a major concern, the use of Service-Oriented Architectures with open standards and loosely coupled services is an important technique to facilitate interoperability between participants.


Chapter 3. Technological and Architectural Background


Globus Toolkit

The development of distributed computing applications and Grid infrastructures often involves solving a set of common problems. Naturally, each application has dierent requirements that are unique to a particular problem domain, but the distributed nature of those applications results in a number of common requirements among them. The Globus Toolkit is a middleware toolkit that provides tools and components to ease the development of Grid applications. Basic issues that are addresses by the Globus Toolkit include resource management, resource discovery, and security. The included components are structured as Web Services and outline a Service-Oriented Architecture of communicating services. This facilitates the development of serviceoriented applications by enabling developers to build applications by adding services that utilize other services of the toolkit. Development tools for building new Web Services in dierent programming languages are also included. The subsequent sections describe the architecture and dierent components that constitute the Globus Toolkit.



The architecture of the Globus Toolkit consists of three major parts that involve both the server and the client side of an application. Service Implementations

The Globus Toolkit includes a set of infrastructure services that provide functionality common to distributed computing applications such as resource management, resource discovery, security, and data movement. Most of the services are written in Java and exposed as Web Services to facilitate a Service-Oriented Architecture. Containers

Custom Web Services that are to be used with the Globus Toolkit run within a Web Service container. Such a container implements SOAP over HTTP as the message transport protocol and a number of other Web Service specications such as the Web Service Resource Framework (WSRF) and Web Service notications (WS-Notication). Both specications are described in more detail in section 3.5.3 and 3.5.4 respectively. Containers are available for services written in Java, C or Python. The Java container utilizes the Apache Axis SOAP engine [10] and also allows to host Web Services that are part of the Globus Toolkit and written in Java. Each container has a registry interface that allows clients to determine which services are running inside a specic container. Client APIs and Tools

Services that are part of the Globus Toolkit include client APIs in dierent languages that allow a simplied interaction with the provided services. Additionally, command line programs for interaction with some of the provided services are included.



Numerous components are included in the Globus Toolkit in order to facilitate the development of distributed computing applications. This section introduces these components

3.5. Globus Toolkit


and briey describes their functionality. Security

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) of the Globus Toolkit is the basic security infrastructure that is used for Web Service and pre-Web Service authentication and authorization features. GSI is largely based on standard public key cryptography. Each user and resource on the Grid is assumed to have a certicate that is encoded using the X.509 certicate format. Such a certicate binds a name that identies the owner to a public key. It is necessary that a trusted certicate authority (CA) digitally signs the certicate in order to establish that the public key really belongs to that particular owner. Using such certicates, two entities that trust the same CA may establish each others identity using a method known as mutual authentication. Another important concept in the context of GSI are Proxy Certicates [2] that enable single-sign on and credential delegation on the Grid. An entity that has established its identity through a certicate creates a proxy by generating a new private key and certicate. Instead of having a CA sign the newly generated certicate, the generating entity signs the new certicate itself and thus establishes a path of trust from the CA to the newly created proxy certicate. Since the proxy has a very short lifetime, its private key does not have to be kept as secure as the original private key of the owner. The proxies private key can be transferred over secure communication channels and used to identify the entity throughout the proxies lifetime, thus allowing single sign-on and delegation through the use of the proxy. Web Service Authentication and Authorization. This component consists of two separate sub-components. The rst component addresses security concerns through message- and transport level security. The Globus Toolkit uses SOAP over HTTP for interacting with its Web Service components. Since SOAP does not dene any security mechanisms itself, additional security mechanism are required. Message level security is applied on a per-message basis, without any pre-existing context between the sender and receiver of a message. Using this security model, SOAP messages are protected by encrypting and/or signing the message contents, thus addressing integrity and condentiality concerns. Transport level security is based on providing a secure channel through which messages are exchanged instead of securing every message separately. This is realized by using HTTP in conjunction with Transport Layer Security (TLS) to provide for encrypted secure communication. The second sub-component is the authorization framework of the Globus Toolkit and concerns authorization that can be performed at the level of resources, services or containers. Chains of authorization modules can be associated with such an entity and all modules in the chain are used to evaluate a certain request until a deny or permit decision is reached. Community Authorization. Users and groups in a virtual organization can reside across multiple sites. Sites maintain their own authorization policies and are not responsible for maintaining policies for every user of other communities. Because of this, the provider of a resource does not have to specify policies for users separately, but species a policy for a community as a whole.


Chapter 3. Technological and Architectural Background

Since this mechanism only allows to dene a very coarse-grained policy, the Community Authorization Service (CAS) is used to enable a more ne-grained access control for every user belonging to a community. The CAS is responsible for maintaining a list of community users and for handling these users separately. Delegation. The Delegation Service is used to delegate user credentials to a remote component, so that a component can request other services on behalf of the user by applying the users credentials. Such a delegated credential can then be used to execute multiple invocations of remote services. The delegation is done by handing a proxy certicate to the delegation service, which in turn keeps this proxy in a WS-Resource (section 3.5.3) for later retrieval whenever the proxy credentials are required. Proxies are usually short-lived entities that expire after a certain amount of time. Because of this, the Delegation Service also oers an interface for refreshing a delegated credential. Credential Management. This component is divided into two sub-components. The SimpleCA sub-component is a wrapper around the certicate authority (CA) functionality provided by the OpenSSL library. It can be used to to issue credentials to Globus users and resources when a real certicate authority is not available. The other sub-component, MyProxy, stores proxy credentials into an online repository. It has been developed to allow credential delegation in conjunction with web-based Grid Portals where the standard Delegation Service is not applicable because of the security protocols used between the users web browser and web server [7]. Data Management

GridFTP. Since Grid applications possibly deal with huge amounts of data that may be distributed across several sites, a robust and ecient way method for transferring data between storage systems is required. The GridFTP protocol is based on the traditional File Transfer Protocol (FTP), but adds extensions to the protocol targeted towards Grid environments [3]. It incorporates the security mechanisms provided by the Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) for securing data transfers. Due to the large amount of data, performance is an important aspect of the GridFTP protocol. For example, striped transfers allow for multiple network endpoints to be utilized in a single data transfer and parallel transfers allow a single data transfer to be distributed across multiple TCP streams between two endpoints. Third party transfers allow for the mediation of data transfers between servers. A client can initiate the transfer between the two parties rather than participating self in the transfer. Reliable Transfer Service. The Reliable Transfer Service (RFT) is a Web Service that is concerned with the management of reliable le transfers and builds therefore on the basic data transfer capabilities of GridFTP. It is capable of orchestrating several GridFTP le transfers in a transactional manner, that is all les are either transferred successfully or none is transferred at all. The service uses a WS-Resource representation that includes a list of URL pairs for describing the les that need to be transferred. For monitoring purposes, information of the le transfer as a whole is exposed by the WS-Resource.

3.5. Globus Toolkit


Replica Location Service. The management of le replicas is supported by the Globus Toolkit through the Replication Location Service (RLS). Essentially, the service is a possibly distributed registry that is used to keep track of one or more replicas of les in a Grid environment. That is, the registry keeps information on where replicas can be found on physical storage systems. This information is kept as mappings between logical le names and physical les. The logical le name serves as a unique identier for physical replicas that might be situated at dierent sites throughout the Grid. Services or users that make use of this registry can query the registry for a logical le name and receive a list of the physical replicas. The reverse method is also possible, that is, clients may ask for the logical le name of a given physical le in order to nd other replicas. Execution Management

WS-GRAM. The Grid Resource Allocation Management (GRAM) service allows for the execution of arbitrary user-dened programs on remote computational resources despite possible heterogeneity of remote systems. In a common usage scenario, the GRAM service sets up the environment in which the computation is to be executed, stages input les to this environment and executes the user-dened program. Furthermore, the GRAM service is capable of monitoring the execution and notifying clients of state changes. The output produced by the remote program can later be copied from the environment to a user-dened location. The parameters of the execution are dened in a Resource Specication Language (RSL) XML-le. These parameters dene among other parameters the program to be executed and the les to be staged to and from the execution environment. The GRAM service interfaces with other services of the Globus Toolkit for various tasks. Files are transferred using GridFTP or the Reliable File Transfer Service and resources may be discovered using the Monitoring and Discovery System (MDS). Information Services - MDS

Dynamic discovery and monitoring of services is provided by the Monitoring and Discovery System (MDS). MDS is concerned with monitoring and discovery of resources. Monitoring involves the detection and diagnosis of possible problems and allows corrective measures to be taken. Discovery on the other hand aims to identify resources or services with desired properties among the possibly large number of resources available throughout dierent sites of a Grid. Architecture. From an architectural point of view, the MDS Web Services are based on the so called Aggregator Framework which is responsible for retrieving information through its Aggregator Sources and publishing information to Aggregator Services. MDS includes three aggregator sources that are able to gather information in dierent ways. The Query Aggregator Source allows interaction with Web Services that are based on the Web Service Resource Framework (section 3.5.3) through the use of standard resource property queries, while the Notication Aggregator Source employs the Web Service notication mechanism as described in section 3.5.4 for information gathering. Additionally, information can be collected by executing external programs through the Execution Aggregator Source. These aggregator sources deliver the gathered information to Aggregator Sink components, which are used by the actual Web Services that expose the functionality of the


Chapter 3. Technological and Architectural Background

MDS. These services are also referred to as Aggregator Services and are described in the subsequent paragraphs. Index Service. The index service aggregates information from dierent sources and exposes the registered information as WS-ResourceProperties. It acts as a registry of resources and caches values from those resources. These values are updated periodically at user-dened intervals. As a consequence, information contained in the index service is recent in respect to the update interval but not absolutely up-to-date. Since the data captured in Index Services is exposed as WS-ResourceProperties, clients can interact with Index Services through standard resource property queries. A common way of querying the Index Service is to execute an XPath query against the resource properties document (section 3.5.3) of the Index Service. The XML representation of the Index Services data through the resource property document serves as the basis for WebMDS, a browser-based interface to the Index Service that employs XSLT to transform the resource properties document into HTML. Due to the decentralized nature of the Grid, the presence of a single global Index Service that aggregates data from all existing resources is extremely unlikely. Because of this, Index Services may be organized hierarchical so that Index Services may aggregate data from other Index Services at lower levels. In this way, the information ows upwards from resources to Index Services at higher levels. Consequently, this hierarchical organization leads to the fact that Index Services which aggregate data directly from resources have more recent information but only knowledge of a limited number of resources. Index Services at higher levels keep older information but keep data of more resources. Trigger Service. The Trigger Service evaluates data gathered by the Aggregator Sources against a set of pre-congured conditions. If such a monitoring criteria is met, the Trigger Service executes a pre-congured action. For example, a warning message may be sent if gathered data indicates a problem with a certain resource. Common Runtime

The common runtime components provide libraries and tools to support the development of new services to be used with the Globus Toolkit. Such services include Web Services and other services. Concerning Web Services, the WS-Core components implement the Web Service Resource Framework (WSRF) and WS-Notications to be utilized by the Web Services that are distributed with the Globus Toolkit as well as custom developed Web Services. These components also include the Web Service containers described earlier. The WSCore exists for the three programming languages Java, C and Python. For other services, the common runtime components provide C libraries that include abstraction layers on top of low-level system calls and data types in order to facilitate portability.


Web Service Resource Framework

The Web Service Resource Framework (WSRF) introduces state handling capabilities in a standardized way to normally inherently stateless Web Services. These capabilities are introduced through stateful resources that are associated to Web Services.

3.5. Globus Toolkit


Web Services and State

During interaction with clients, Web Services do not keep any information from previous invocations. Thus, Web Services itself have no notion of state. Any stateful interaction that is to be realized when using Web Services has to be implemented on top of Web Services. That is, stateful information needs to be provided inside the request message or managed by other components that interact with Web Services [5]. The representation of state in conjunction with Web Services is therefore dependent on the implementation of state handling. Since interoperability between Web Services is a central aspect of the Web Services Architecture [12], introducing implementation dependence is not desirable. It is argued that a standardized representation of state in the context of Web Services enhances service interoperability, simplies the denition of new service interfaces, and enables more powerful discovery, management, and development tools [5]. Stateful Resources

In the context of Web Services and the WSRF, state is modeled by stateful resources that are associated with a Web Service. The combination of a Web Service and a stateful resource is referred to as a WS-Resource. A stateful resource has a specic set of state data that can be represented in the form of an XML document which is referred to as the Resource Property Document. Although the state data is representable as an XML document, it does not imply that the actual implementation keeps state data in this manner. Identity. Each stateful resource has an identity that is unique to the WS-Resource, while network wide uniqueness is not a requirement. For example, it is common practice to identify a stateful resource by a randomly generated unique identier. The identity of a stateful resource is kept in the Resource Property Document along with other state data. Addressing. The identity is not only used from the perspective of the Web Service that is associated with the stateful resource, but can also be used to construct a network wide pointer to the resource. This is done by extending an endpoint reference containing the address of the Web Service with the identity of the stateful resource. Such an endpoint reference that eectively references a WS-Resource is said to be WS-Resourcequalied. Implied Resource Pattern. In the context of addressing and resource identity, the implied resource pattern [5] concerns Web Service message exchanges when dealing with stateful resources. Stateful resources are implicitly associated to a message exchange through the use of WS-Resource-qualied endpoint references. Consequently, the association between a WS-Resource and a given message exchange is not done by passing explicit resource identiers as message parameters. Instead, this association is already established through the mechanism for addressing a WS-Resource. Lifecycle. Additional to their generally stateless nature, Web Services have an unbounded lifetime and are therefore persistent entities. Stateful resources associated to


Chapter 3. Technological and Architectural Background

Web Services therefore require a dened lifecycle in order to be able to dynamically create and destroy stateful resources. The creation of stateful resources is facilitated by the use of a pattern that is referred to as WS-Resource factory. A factory is responsible for creating stateful resources, assigning identiers and associating the resources to Web Services. Resources might be associated with a Web Service statically at deployment time of the service or dynamically through message exchange. Stateful resources may only be in use for a short period of time and can therefore be destroyed in several ways, e.g. to free system resources. Destruction of a resource is possible through immediate and scheduled destruction. Immediate destruction is initiated by a Web Service consumer by sending a destroy message to the WS-Resource that contains the stateful resource to be destroyed. Scheduled destruction is carried out on the basis of a scheduled termination time. When the termination time expires, the resource self-destructs without further interaction. Web service consumers might update the termination time to prolong or shorten the lifetime of the resource. Resource Properties

The stateful resources that have been discussed so far are composed of data elements that are referred to as resource properties which hold the actual state data. Not taking into account the details on how the resource properties are actually implemented, the Resource Properties Document is an XML document that denes a projection of the resources state held in the resource properties. The Resource Properties Document is described through the use of an XML Schema that fully describes the resource properties including their data types. This XML Schema is imported or inlined into the WSDL denition of the Web Service that is associated to the stateful resource. Resource properties can be accessed through standard interfaces that are dened by the WSRF. After obtaining a qualied endpoint reference of a WS-Resource, Web Service consumers are able to query and modify resource properties of the stateful resource. It is possible to query multiple resource properties with a single message exchange. Since the WS-Resource properties document denes an XML document as a view of the current state captured in the resource properties, Web Service consumers might execute an XPath query against this document in order to query resource properties. Additionally, WSRF allows the manipulation of resource properties through insert, update, and delete operations. Additional Specications

Along with the details of stateful resources and the resource properties described so far, the Web Service resource framework includes a set of additional specications which are now briey described. Renewable References. References to stateful resources may at some point in time become invalid. WS-RenewableReferences denes the mechanisms for renewing such an invalid endpoint reference to a resource. Service Groups. Collections of Web Services or WS-Resources can be organized as service groups in order to perform collective operations on the groups members.

3.5. Globus Toolkit


Base Faults. The WS-BaseFaults specication denes a basic fault type in order to allow operations that are associated with stateful resources to return consistent faults. More specic faults can thus be described by extending the basic fault type.


Web Service Notications

In object-oriented design, the Observer pattern is a common design pattern that allows an object to observe changes in another object and to be notied of these changes. This pattern is also commonly referred to as a publish-subscribe mechanism. Although the pattern is commonly utilized at the object level of object-oriented applications, it is adaptable to the Web Services environment. The main purpose of Web Service notications is to allow Web Services to notify other interested entities of events that have occurred inside the Web Service. In the basic form of the publish-subscribe interaction pattern, a Web Service publishes a topic of events to which other interested entities may subscribe. Occurrence of an event inside the publishing Web Service then triggers the notication of subscribed entities. Additional to this basic form, Web Service notications may also involve an intermediary Web Service, called a notication broker, that may introduce additional features and enhanced scalability to the Web Service notication architecture. The Notication Service described in the present thesis is an implementation of such a notication broker, but does not fully implement the WS-BrokeredNotication specication described in section The exact interfaces and message exchanges involved in Web Service notications are dened by the three specications WS-BaseNotifcation, WS-BrokeredNotication, and WS-Topics. Starting with WS-Topics, these specications will be described in more detail in the following section along with common usage scenarios. WS-Topics

In the context of Web Service notications and WS-Notication specication, topics categorize items of interest to which entities can subscribe. More specic, topics group events of a particular type as for example the completion of a computation. The WS-Topics specication denes in detail how topics are structured and how subscribers can express which topics are of interest. Along with denition of the concepts of topics, WS-Topics provides XML Schema denitions for representing topics in the form of XML documents. Topics. Notication producers create notication messages and associate them with one or more topics, thus categorizing the events. Subscribers that have subscribed to at least one of the topics that are associated with an event will possibly receive a notication message from the notication producer. Topics can be organized hierarchical into so-called Topic Trees, which structure several topics into a root topic and several child topics. This organization denes that the root topic includes all topics further down in the tree structure. Generally, a topic anywhere in the tree structure includes all child topics of that particular topic. Because of this, a subscription to a root topic implicitly includes a subscription to all other child topics in the topic tree. This mechanism introduces a convenient way of subscribing to several related topics at once.


Chapter 3. Technological and Architectural Background

The tree structure of topics is also easily modeled in an XML document, and WSTopics includes XML Schema denitions to do so. Topics are always assigned an XMLnamespace, and all topics assigned to a particular namespace form a Topic Space, which is a collection of Topic Trees. Topic names do not need to be unique within a topic space, but it is required that root topics are named uniquely. Topic Expressions. In order to select a topic of interest from one or more Topic Spaces, an interested subscriber employs Topic Expressions. Returning to the XMLrepresentation, such expressions allow to navigate Topic Spaces and the included Topic Trees in order to select a relevant topic. Topic expressions can be stated in three dierent dialects which provide dierent capabilities for selecting topics: SimpleTopic expressions allow the selection of root topics only. ConcreteTopicPath expressions are able to address all topics in a Topic Space by specifying the path to a topic. FullTopicPath expressions employ XPath to address topics. WS-BaseNotication

Figure 3.3: Basic interaction according to WS-BaseNotication

The WS-BaseNotication specication denes the basic publish-subscribe mechanism for Web Services. This involves that the notication consumer that is interested in a topic subscribes or is subscribed to a notication producer. Occurring events that are classied with the topic to which the consumer subscribed are then propagated using a notication message from the notication producer to the consumer. Figure 3.3 shows the message exchange used for this notication mechanism. For simplicity, the notication consumer and the subscriber are the same entity in this example, but they might in fact be dierent entities so that an external subscriber subscribes the notication consumer to the producer.

3.5. Globus Toolkit


The specication denes the complete message exchange and interfaces of the involved parties by providing a WSDL document. More specically, it denes the basic NoticationProducer, NoticationConsumer, and SubscriptionManager interfaces which are implemented by service providers to provide the notication mechanism. For example the Globus Toolkit implements this specication. WS-BrokeredNotication

Figure 3.4: Interaction involving a NoticationBroker

In contrast to the WS-BaseNotication specication which denes point-to-point notications, the WS-BrokeredNotication denes notications that are propagated through the use of an intermediary Web Service called a notication broker. The intermediary broker eectively decouples notication consumers and producers and can relieve the notication producer from tasks such as subscription management and the propagation of notication messages to several consumers. Since the notication broker acts as both a notication consumer and producer, it implements both interfaces dened by the WS-BaseNotication specication.


Chapter 3. Technological and Architectural Background

Figure 3.4 shows a common usage scenario that involves two notication producers that publish events of the same topic, a notication broker acting as the intermediary and a notication consumer that is interested in events of that particular topic. Notication producers start by registering themselves as publishers to the broker and start sending notications to the broker thereafter. Depending on the conguration of the broker, this registration might not be necessary. The notication consumer then subscribes to the broker, which in turn is able to propagate the notications from the producers to the single consumer. Since the consumer subscribes to the topic that both producers publish to, it ultimately receives messages from both producers. Utilizing a notication broker to distribute notication messages assists the notication producer with the task of managing subscriptions itself since notication consumers can subscribe directly to the broker instead of the notication producer. Additionally, the brokered approach provides greater scalability since the workload of distributing notications to consumers is shifted to the notication broker. The notication producer only has to transmit a single notication message, even if a large number of consumers are subscribed to the notication broker. Extending this idea, notication brokers may even be chained in order to further distribute the workload of transmitting notication messages to consumers. The decoupling of notication consumers and producers allows notications to be distributed from producers to consumers anonymously so that both entities have no knowledge about each other. This is especially important in the context of loose coupling and Service-Oriented Architectures which are described in section 3.4.

Chapter 4

The present chapter gives a detailed description of the software that has been developed during the thesis project. The presented software is a notication broker service that builds on the basic Web Service notication capabilities, which are described in section as the WS-BaseNotication specication. This Notication Service adds additional possibilities to the standard notication capabilities. At rst, the Notication Service is described at a high level, thus showing the overall architecture and integration into a service-oriented Grid environment. After this overview, the design and architecture of the Notication Service is presented including details of the actual implementation.


Architectural Overview

Because of its intended use as a notication broker, the Notication Service is used as a mediator that decouples notication producers and notication consumers. This involves consequently that producers and consumers alike can be unaware of each other which facilitates the concept of loose coupling as described in section 3.4.2. Another aspect concerning Service-Oriented Architectures and loose coupling in the context of the Notication Service is the use of a discovery service to enable consumers and producers to nd and utilize the Notication Service. Since the Notication Service is build on top of the Globus Toolkit (section 3.5), the Globus Monitoring and Discovery System (MDS) is utilized for dynamic discovery. Figure 4.1 shows a high level overview of the entities that are involved in utilizing the Notication Service. Notication producers register or are registered with the Notication Service and publish their notications to the Notication Service thereafter. Having discovered the appropriate Notication Service by querying the MDS Index Service, consumers subscribe to the Notication Service and notications from producers are then propagated to the subscribed consumers in dierent ways. Facilitating a loose coupling of services, the Notication Service is not aware of any implementation specic details of notication consumers and publishers beyond the mechanisms that are used for basic Web Service notications as dened by the WS-BaseNotication specication. Although fully functional without producer specic knowledge, the Notication Service provides a plugin mechanism that may introduce additional notication processing features for specic notication producers. However, this introduces a tighter coupling between the Notication Service and producers. 27


Chapter 4. Results

Figure 4.1: Notication Service as a Mediator between Producer and Consumer


Usage Scenarios

The use of a Notication Service for distributing notication messages can be initiated by both consumers and producers. A notication producer may decide to delegate the distribution of notications and subscription handling to the Notication Service. In order to employ the Notication Service for this task, the producer rst discovers a suitable Notication Service through the MDS. After retrieval of the Notication Services address, the producer registers with the Notication Service which in turn subscribes to the notication producer and advertises itself in the MDS as the Notication Service in charge of managing notications for that particular notication producer. Possible consumers nd the Notication Service by querying the MDS and subscribe to notications from the producer. This producer-initiated scenario is depicted in gure 4.2. Another possibility for using a Notication Service is the consumer-initiated scenario as shown in gure 4.3. In this scenario, the notication consumer is responsible for integrating the Notication Service for notication message distribution. To achieve this, the notication consumer registers the notication producer with the Notication Service instead of the publisher registering itself. Again, the dynamic lookup using the MDS allows the notication consumer to discover a suitable Notication Service. After the consumer has registered the producer and subscribed itself to the Notication Service, notication messages can be propagated from the producer through the Notication Service to the consumer. As in the producer initiated scenario, the Notication Service advertises its association to a particular notication producer in the MDS. This also

4.3. Notication Service Design


Figure 4.2: Producer-Initiated Usage Scenario

allows other consumers interested in the same producer to subscribe to the Notication Service directly since the producer has already delegated the message distribution to the Notication Service on behalf of the rst consumer.


Notication Service Design

After introducing the architecture and usage of the Notication Service from a general point of view, the present section advances to more technical details of the Notication Service and the basic building blocks used for implementation.



Targeted towards Grid environments, the Notication Service is based on the Globus Toolkit middleware as described in section 3.5. Services and implementations of the Globus Toolkit utilized by the Notication Service include: An implementation of the Web Service Resource Framework (WSRF) for stateful Web Services as discussed in section 3.5.3. An implementation of Web Service notications according to WS-BaseNotication and WS-Topics.


Chapter 4. Results

Figure 4.3: Consumer-Initiated Usage Scenario

Java WS-Core Web Service container providing a runtime environment for implementing user developed Web Services in Java. Monitoring and Discovery System (MDS) Web Services for dynamic discovery of services as described in section At the core, the Globus Toolkit employs the Apache Axis [10] SOAP engine and the service interface and types are described using WSDL (section 3.3.2) and XML Schema. The Globus Toolkit also includes tools that are capable of generating client classes, so-called stubs, from WSDL documents for interaction with Web Services.


Resource Representation

The Notication Service requires stateful data for managing notication producer registrations. Stateful resources as dened by the WSRF are a standard solution to incorporate state into Web Services. Basing a Web Service on stateful resources has an impact on the internal design of the Web Service since it requires certain classes to be in place along with structuring the stateful data into a single stateful resource type since the Web Service Resource Framework only allows a single stateful resource type for a Web Service. Using several resource types would consequently result in the need to split the service into two cooperating services. A notication broker as it is dened by the WS-BrokeredNotication specication needs to keep track of consumer subscriptions and producer registrations. Modeling this with stateful resources would consequently lead to the requirement of two distinct types of stateful resources representing consumer subscriptions and producer registrations, thus requiring two cooperating Web Services.

4.3. Notication Service Design


Concerning the Notication Service, a design decision was made to use an explicit resource representation for producer registrations only. The handling of consumer subscriptions is therefore left to the subscription handling mechanisms of the Globus Toolkit, which are provided through its implementation of the WS-BaseNotication specication. Subscription and notication handling capabilities provided by the Globus Toolkit concern only Web Service notications. Looking at the problem description for the present project, it should be possible to propagate notications by other mechanisms such as email or instant messaging. To allow for this, the publisher registration resource keeps a list of subscribed addresses that are notied by other means than Web Service notications. The publisher registration resource also keeps information that is used for ltering notications. This ltering informations is provided in two forms, a list of values that are interesting to the notication consumers and a regular expression that is evaluated against the string representation of the notication message. It is possible to use both ltering methods combined, each method separately, or none at all. In order to keep a history of notication messages, the stateful resource holds a predened number of messages. This is included because of notication mechanisms that need to present a history of messages when new notications arrive. Resource Properties

Since data kept in stateful resources is divided into resource properties that are dened using an XML Schema included into the WSDL of the Notication Service, the denition of the publisher registration resource is now presented as its XML Schema denition of the resource properties. The complete XML Schema and WSDL les can be found in the appendix. <schema targetNamespace="http://elverkemper.com/NotificationService" [...] <!-- Resource Property Elements --> <element name="Message" type="anyType" /> <element name="MessageLog" type="anyType" /> <element name="RegistrationName" type="string" /> <element name="PublisherReference" type="wsa:EndpointReferenceType"/> <element name="NonWsSubscriptions" type="notif:NonWsSubscriptionType"/> <element name="FilterRegExp" type="string" /> <element name="InterestingValues" type="anyType" /> <element name="PublisherTopic" type="wsnt:TopicExpressionType"/> <!-- Resource Property Document --> <element name="NotificationRpDoc"> <complexType> <sequence> <element ref="notif:Message" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> <element ref="notif:MessageLog" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <element ref="notif:RegistrationName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>


Chapter 4. Results

<element ref="notif:PublisherReference" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> <element ref="notif:NonWsSubscriptions" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <element ref="notif:FilterRegExp" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> <element ref="notif:InterestingValues" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <element ref="notif:PublisherTopic" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> </sequence> </complexType> </element> [...] </schema> The Notication Service processes incoming notications according to the values of these resource properties. Figure 4.4 illustrates the usage of the resource properties by the notication handler which is responsible for processing and forwarding notications. Message. This resource property exposes incoming notication messages that have been sent by the publisher. A predened number of messages is kept as a history. In order to utilize the notication mechanism implemented by the Globus Toolkit which allows subscribers to be notied of changes of values of resource properties, this resource property is exposed as a topic to which notication consumers can subscribe. The topic under which this resource property is exposed is determined dynamically when a publisher registration resource is created and is identical to the topic under which the notication producer publishes the notication messages. MessageLog. For logging purposes and in particular for Notiers that publish a history of past events (such as the RSS Notier), the Notication Service keeps a number of past notication messages in this resource property. Messages are implicitly moved into this resource property when a new notication message is saved to the Message resource property. As for the current implementation, this logging functionality keeps 20 messages at the maximum. After reaching this limit, the oldest message will be discarded upon insertion of a new message. RegistrationName. Web service interactions and notication message exchanges concern machine-to-machine interaction. Although notication messages in XML format are readable by humans to some extent, it might be hard to determine the origin of the notication message by looking at the reference that identies the notication producer. To increase the usability of notications that are sent to human end users by email or instant messaging, publisher registrations include the RegistrationName resource property which denes a simple text label to identify publishers. This label can be set arbitrarily when registering a publisher with the Notication Service. PublisherReference. Notication producers are in eect resources and identied by unique references to the resources. These references are kept in this resource property and are also published in the MDS. Incoming notications include this unique identier

4.3. Notication Service Design


and the Notication Service uses it to match incoming messages to the appropriate publisher registration resource. Since this identier is also published into the MDS system, interested consumers can dynamically discover the resource and subscribe to the Notication Service in order to receive notication messages that originate from the publisher. NonWsSubscription. Subscriptions of consumers that receive notications through mechanisms other than Web Service notications as for example email or instant messaging are captured by this resource property in form of addresses. An address in this context must be composed of a protocol identier and the actual address. This type construct is dened in the XML Schema of the WSDL document and consists of two separate strings. As a restriction, the XML Schema denes the possible values for the protocol identier according to protocols supported for notication distribution by the Notication Service. These protocols are served by Notier components which are described in section FilterRegExp. This resource property denes a regular expression which is evaluated against the string representation of the value of the notication message. The notication message is propagated only if the regular expression matches the current notication, otherwise it is discarded. InterestingValues. Notication consumers might only be interested in a subset of notications. To support this, consumers might specify exactly which values of notication messages are interesting to them. These values are then matched to incoming notication messages to decide if the notication is to be propagated or discarded. PublisherTopic. When a notication producer is registered with the Notication Service, the topic under which the producer publishes notication messages is kept in this resource property. This topic is also published in the MDS Index Service, so that possibly interested notication consumers can dynamically discover the publisher registration resource.


Notication Service Interface

The Web Service interface of the Notication Service is composed of several parts, some of which are provided by facilities of the Globus Toolkit. The complete interface denition in terms of types and messages is given by the WSDL document provided in the appendix. The interface of the Notication Service follows the principle that read access to resource properties is provided by the standard resource properties interface provided by the Globus Toolkits implementation of the Web Service Resource Framework as described in section 3.5.3. Write access to resource properties and the creation of the stateful publisher registration resource on the other hand is explicitly provided by the implementation of the Notication Service. The factory operation registerPublisher creates a new stateful resource for a notication producer and initializes the values of the resource properties with values that might have been provided in the request message of the operation. Additionally, a notication consumer that registers a publisher by using this operation may


Chapter 4. Results

supply subscription information in order to be subscribed to the publisher registration instantly after its creation. Furthermore, the Notication Service provides methods for manipulating the ltering behavior for a given publisher along with subscription management for non-Web Service consumers. Notication ltering is controlled by the setFilter operation which interacts with multiple resource properties that concern ltering, InterestingValues and FilterRegExp. The operation is able to set a single or even both resource properties at once. Calling this operation without providing values eectively disables ltering. Subscription management for non-Web Service consumers is provided by the operations subscribeNonWs and unsubscribeNonWs. Both operations expect a list of addresses that are to be subscribed or unsubscribed respectively. Both operations of the interface manipulate the NonWsSubscriptions resource property which keeps a list of subscriptions that are served by the Notier components. Another part of the Notication Services interface is concerned with handling subscriptions of notication consumers that receive notication via the standard method of Web Service calls as it is described by the WS-BaseNotication specication. Since the Globus Toolkit provides an implementation of this specication, it consequently includes a subscription handler component that is utilized by the Notication Service to delegate the task of handling subscriptions of notication consumers. In order to use the provided subscription handling capabilities, the port type of the Notication Service inherits operations from the pre-dened Notication Producer port type. The subscribe operation of this port type is used by notication consumers to subscribe to notication messages that are sent by the notication producer to the Notication Service. Additionally the getCurrentMessage operation allows notication consumers to query the Notication Service for the last notication message that has been received from the notication producer. This mechanism allows notication consumers that were not subscribed when the latest notication message arrived to retrieve the latest message. The previously described operations of the port type are dened through the port type denition which is included in the WSDL document. For the purpose of structuring the WSDL document, the XML Schema types that are used inside the messages along with the resource properties are dened in an external XML Schema le. Both les can be found in the appendix. In general, the type denitions used in the XML Schema are as restrictive as possible to avoid unsupported data being handed to the Notication Service. As an example, the resource property holding subscriptions of consumers that are notied by other means than Web Service calls consists of a protocol part and an actual address. In this case, the protocol part is restricted to protocols supported by the Notication Service. Such data validation partially removes the need to programmatically validate request data in the Notication Service itself, but also publishes the expected data format by means of the WSDL document.


Internal Service Design

Along with the stateful resource and its resource properties that model a publisher registration, the Notication Service contains behavioral components that provide functionality and act upon the stateful resources. The previous section describes the interface to the Notication Service including the factory method which creates the publisher registration resources. In this section the components for handling and redistributing incoming notication messages are explained in detail.

4.3. Notication Service Design


Figure 4.4: Message Processing by the Notication Handler

Notication Handler

The notication handler component is invoked when notication messages arrive at the Notication Service. In order to allow the notication handler to process incoming notications appropriately, a valid publisher registration and thus an existing resource for the publisher is required. Messages that cannot be matched to a valid resource are discarded by this component. The notication handler is realized as an inner class of the Notication Service implementation class and its deliver method is invoked every time a notication message arrives. This invocation is initiated by the basic Globus components that implement the WS-BaseNotication mechanism. Thus the Notication Service can rely on having its notication handler activated when notication messages arrive. The behavior of the notication handler when being activated due to an incoming notication message is depicted in gure 4.4. The notication message is rst dispatched to the appropriate plugin for extracting the value of the notication message. The notication handler recognizes which plugin to use by examining the namespace of the incoming notication message and uses this namespace as a key for nding the appropriate plugin. Using the reference of the publisher contained in the notication message, the notication handler is able to retrieve a reference to the stateful resource that represents the registration of the publisher. This is important since the resource includes information that is needed for further processing of the notication message.


Chapter 4. Results

At rst, ltering information is retrieved from the resource and matched against the notication message by a lter component which may discard the notication message and stop further processing. If the message is accepted for further processing, the next step involves distributing the message to subscribers that are notied by mechanisms other than Web Service notications such as email and instant messaging. These other mechanisms are served by components called Notiers which are described in a subsequent section. For notication distribution by Notiers, the resource contains a list of addresses to which the notication is to be forwarded. Addresses in this context include an identier that species the notication mechanism for which the address is valid. For the nal processing step which concerns forwarding the notication message to subscribers which receive notications via Web Service notications, the notication handler relies on the facilities of the Globus Toolkit for Web Service notications. That is, subscribers may be notied of changes in a resource property which is exposed as a topic. The Message resource property contained in the publisher registration resource is exposed in such a way, thus allowing consumers to subscribe. Concerning the notication message that is processed by the notication handler, forwarding to Web Service subscribers is then achieved by writing the value of the incoming notication message to this particular resource property. Since the resource property is exposed as a topic, changing its value triggers the creation of a new notication message which is sent to the consumers. Thus the original notication message has been forwarded by the Notication Service. After describing the internal behavior of the notication handler, the subsequent sections cover the internal workings of the components that interact with the notication handler. Plugins

The Notication Service makes use of plugins to adapt to dierent types of notication producers. More specic, the functionality that is provided by plugins is concerned with extracting the values of the notication messages and converting these values into their correct Java types for further usage. Plugins also provide a method that converts the value of a notication message into a textual representation. This value is then used in conjunction with Notier components for sending notications to human end users. The appropriate plugin for an incoming notication message is selected according to the XML namespace that is used by the notication message. Since dierent notication producers use dierent namespaces, this can be used to identify the producer and select the correct plugin accordingly. Plugins are dened in a conguration le that species the name of the Java class to be loaded along with the namespace value that is used by the notication handler to nd the correct plugin. The conguration mechanism is described in more detail in section Notiers

Notications may be propagated by the Notication Service through mechanisms other than Web Service notications. That is, interested parties may subscribe to a publisher registration with, e.g., an email or instant messaging address.

4.3. Notication Service Design


To serve such subscribers, the Notication Service includes Notier components that allow notication messages to be forwarded as for example email messages. Generally, Notiers are used for all notications that are to be transported or otherwise processed by means other than standard Web Service notications. Subscriptions of notication consumers that need to make use of Notiers are kept in the NonWsSubscriptions resource property of a publisher registration resource. As mentioned earlier, such a subscription includes an identier for the Notier component that is to be used along with an address that is valid in the context of this notier. Using this identier, the notication handler selects the appropriate Notier for a given subscription. As an example, a subscription including the identier email and the address value of [email protected] would cause the notication handler to employ a Notier with the identier email to forward the notication message to the given email address. The behavior of a Notier is not generally dened. It is therefore possible to interface a wide variety of dierent methods. The Notication Service includes three Notiers that cover dierent methods for processing notication messages. All implemented Notiers have in common that notication messages are forwarded to a human end user, while the Web Service notication mechanism is mainly used for machine-to-machine communication. Notiers may however implement arbitrary processing and forwarding capabilities. Initially, the implementation of a Notier for the Short Message Service (SMS) in order to distribute notications to mobile phones was planned. Unfortunately, a SMS provider was unavailable during development. Integrating SMS as a Notier however would only require to develop a new Notier component that can be integrated into the Notication Service. Email. This Notier allows email addresses to be subscribed to a publisher registration resource and thus having incoming notication messages forwarded as emails to the subscribed addresses. From a more technical point of view, the email Notier is implemented on top of the Java Mail API, which provides a convenient way to interact with mail servers using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Jabber Instant Messenger. Another option for subscribing to notications from a notication producer is to use the Jabber Notier which uses the Jabber open-source instant messaging protocol. Subscribing a Jabber address to a notication producer resource will therefore cause the Notier to forward notication messages as Jabber instant messages. RSS. In contrast to the two previous Notier which use a message based protocol for forwarding notications, this Notier produces a RSS feed of notication messages. Since RSS is an XML format that can be interpreted by end user client programs such RSS aggregators and traditional web browsers, the Notier formats the incoming notication messages into an XML document that conforms to the RSS 2.0 specication [16]. The RSS feed can be seen as a log of notication messages that have been processed by the Notication Service. Since the Globus Toolkit does not provide a web server to host a RSS feed, the RSS Notier creates the XML document into a le and copies the le to a remote web


Chapter 4. Results

server using Secure Copy (SCP). The remote web server along with login credentials are dened in the conguration le of the Notication Service. Conguration

The Plugin and Notier components are dynamically loaded by the Notication Service by the use of an XML-based conguration le. This conguration le denes the fully qualied class names of the components to be loaded along with a list of parameter names and their corresponding values. After extracting the information from the XML le through the use of standard XPath queries, the Notication Service loads the dened classes dynamically by utilizing the fully qualied class name. The parameter names and corresponding values dened for each component are placed into a map data structure and passed to the constructor when instantiating the components class. In this way, the component gains access to the parameters that were dened in the conguration le. The dynamic classloading mechanism used for loading and conguring Plugins and Notiers allows to integrate additional components without changes in the implementation of the Notication Service. Notication Filtering

The ltering of notications is handled by a single component by matching pre-dened ltering rules against the incoming notication message. The ltering is applied at the level of publisher registrations, that is all messages that arrive at the Notication Service from a single publisher are matched against the same ltering expressions which are held in two resources properties. This consequently introduces the limitation that that notication consumers which subscribe to the Notication Service cannot specify an individual ltering expression in the current implementation of the Notication Service. The notication ltering mechanism of the Notication Service allows two dierent methods for content-based ltering that denes which notications should be discarded or accepted. The rst method which is connected to the resource property InterestingValues and allows to enumerate values of the notication message that are to be accepted by the Notication Service. An alternate method connected to the resource property FilterRegExp allows the denition of a regular expression that is matched against the string value of the notication message. Since the Notication Service is implemented in Java, regular expressions follow the syntax of regular expressions of Java. This introduces of course a certain coupling to the Java platform and might be replaced by a more platform independent approach in the future. MDS Integration

Recalling from the previous chapter describing the Globus Toolkit, the Monitoring and Discovery System (MDS) is used to dynamically discover resources and services. In order to allow possible users, notication consumers and producers to nd and utilize the Notication Service dynamically, the Notication Service registers itself with the Index Service of the MDS. The data that is published into the index is based on the publisher registration resources that represent a registration of a notication producer that publishes notications to the Notication Service. The information that is published to the Index Service allows possible other notication consumers that are aware of the identier of the notication producer to nd

4.4. Discussion


the responsible Notication Service and subscribe to it without involving the producer itself. On the other hand, notication producers that are interested in delegating the distribution of notication messages to the Notication Service may discover its address by querying the Index Service. From a technical point of view, the registration of a resource is performed by the resource home, directly upon its creation. The registration involves the conguration of an MDS aggregator source that periodically queries the resource properties of the registered resource and publishes this data in the index. Five resource properties of a publisher registration resource are aggregated into the index. 1. PublisherReference 2. RegistrationName 3. PublisherTopic 4. FilterRegExp 5. InterestingValues This information includes the identity of the notication producer, the topic under which notications are published and the current status of the notication ltering expressions Client API

The development of clients that interact with the Notication Service is simplied by the provision of a client API written in Java. The client API consists of two classes that resemble the operations available in the Web Service interface of the Notication Service and hide lower level communication details from the client. This introduces the additional advantage that client programs are isolated from minor changes in the interface of the Notication Service. The Notication Service uses stateful resources to represent publisher registrations. Such a resource is created when the registerPublisher factory operation of the Web Service interface is invoked. Similar to the behavior of the Web Service and the registerPublisher factory method, the client class NotificationServiceClientFactory creates instances of the NotificationServiceClient, which eectively invokes the corresponding operation of the Web Service. Therefore, an instance of the NotificationServiceClient class is associated to a stateful resource of the Web Service and provides methods to manipulate the remote stateful resource. For dynamic discovery of publisher registration resources and the Notication Service itself, the client API provides methods that query a given MDS Index Service and nd available publisher registrations and notication services that are registered in the index.



The detailed design of the Notication Service is the result of a number of design decisions that have been made during design and development of the Notication Service. This section discusses some aspects of the nal design of the Notication Service, evaluates advantages and limitations, and introduces possible alternatives to the current design.


Chapter 4. Results

In general, design decisions have been made to provide an extensible system that integrates well with the architectural and technological environment of Web Services, Service-Oriented Architectures, Grids, and the Globus Toolkit. Design decisions made are however also strongly inuenced by external factors such as the limited time available for the project, previous inexperience with the technology base and poorly documented software components.


Resource Representation and Subscription Management

Stateful resources of the Notication Service represent publisher registrations to which notication consumers can subscribe. A dierent approach could model the stateful resources as consumer subscriptions to which publishers register. The latter approach has not been followed since the Globus Toolkit already provides subscription management that the Notication Service was able to utilize, thus decreasing development eorts. This simplication comes however at the expense of not being able to apply content-based ltering for every subscription to the Notication Service separately since the implementation of subscription management provided by the Globus Toolkit does not support ltering as provided by the Notication Service. Future development eorts might develop a Notication Service that provides its own implementation of subscription management rather than relying on the provided implementation. Such an implementation would deal with two separate types of stateful resources: publisher registrations and consumer subscriptions. Since WSRF allows only one resource type for a single Web Service, this would require the Notication Service to be split into two communicating services.


Notication Handling

The notication handler processes incoming messages from notication producers. The Globus Toolkit provides an abstraction of the basic notication mechanism that delivers the contents of a message together with other information as parameters to a callback method. Since the Notication Service is an infrastructure service which would need to handle messages at a lower level than other services which build on top of the provided notication mechanisms, it was unnecessarily dicult to simply redistribute a message without changing it. The Notication Service should be able to access the SOAP notication message or at least its Java representation directly, but this was not possible because of the abstractions provided by the Globus Toolkit. The API of the Globus Toolkit might allow for this, but due to the poor documentation at the API-level, a solution was not found within the limited time of the project. Further development eorts should aim to break the dependency on the toolkits abstractions of the notication mechanisms and implement the interface for notication consumers and producers directly.



The Notication Service only supports content-based ltering of notications and does not explicitly deal with topic-based ltering. The topics under which a notication producer publishes its notications are propagated by the Notication Service so that it publishes these notications under the same topic. More advanced topic ltering mechanisms, especially the combination of hierarchical Topic Trees and XPath expressions provide an interesting technique for topic-based ltering in future development.

4.4. Discussion




The approach of using dynamically loaded components such as Notiers and plugins was taken to provide an eective mechanism for extending the Notication Service with support for other notication mechanisms. Further development could refactor Notiers into separate Web Services in order to allow other services to use the additional communication mechanisms as well.


Chapter 4. Results

Chapter 5

The developed Notication Service provides notication brokering capabilities and features like notication ltering and additional messaging mechanisms that enhance the capabilities of the standard Web Service notication mechanism. Its open technology base and the dynamic discoverability facilitate the integration into the Service-Oriented Architectures of Grid infrastructures. Although it was possible to implement a notication broker using the Globus Toolkit, development of such an infrastructure service was dicult because of the implementations of the basic notication mechanisms provided by the toolkit. These implementations abstract the underlying notication infrastructure in order to ease the standard use of notications. A notication broker is however concerned with notication message handling at a lower level so the possibility to do so would have simplied development to a great extent. On the other hand, the development of the Notication Service was able to benet greatly from the provided implementations of Web Service subscription management. Unfortunately, the Globus Toolkit turned out to be poorly documented at the API-level, thus signicantly slowing development eorts and often requiring a closer examination of the toolkits source code.



The Notication Service has two limitations that should be considered. Since the service is based on the subscription manager that is provided by the Globus Toolkit, it is currently not possible to provide ltering on a per-subscription basis. The ltering settings are therefore global in the scope of a single publisher registration. It is however possible to register the same notication producer twice to the Notication Service with dierent ltering rules. The specication for Web Service notications, WS-Notication, denes the interfaces of a notication broker in detail. The Notication Service provides a similar interface and set of features, but is not compliant with the WS-BrokeredNotication specication. 43


Chapter 5. Conclusions


Future Work

Future enhancements of the Notication Service should aim to provide an implementation of subscription management that allows for distinct ltering rules to be applied for every subscription and to provide a single subscription interface for subscriptions of Web Service notication consumers and other mechanisms alike. From a standards perspective, it is also desirable to fully implement the WS-BrokeredNotication specication to ensure interoperability between dierent implementations of this specication.

[1] Bart Jacob et al. Introduction to Grid Computing. International Business Machines Corporation, 2005. [2] Von Welch et al. X.509 Proxy Certicates for Dynamic Delegation. 2004. [3] W. Allcock et al. GridFTP Protocol Specication (Global Grid Forum Recommendation GFD.20), 2003. [4] Ian Foster. A GT4 Primer. Website, 2005. http://www.globus.org/primer/; visited on June 10th 2008. [5] Ian Foster, Jerey Frey, Steve Graham, and Steve Tuecke. Modeling Stateful Resources with Web Services v. 1.1. 2004. [6] Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman, and Steven Tuecke. The Anatomy of the Grid: Enabling Scalable Virtual Organizations. Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl., 15(3):200 222, 2001. [7] Jason Novotny, Steven Tuecke, and Von Welch. An Online Credential Repository for the Grid: MyProxy. hpdc, 00:0104, 2001. [8] OASIS. UDDI Version 3.0.2, UDDI Spec Technical Committee Draft. Website, 2004. http://uddi.org/pubs/uddi v3.htm; visited on June 10th 2008. [9] OASIS. Reference Model for Service Oriented Architecture 1.0. Website, 2006. http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/19679/soa-rm-cs.pdf; visited on June 10th 2008. [10] Apache Web Services Project. Axis. Website, 2008. http://ws.apache.org/axis; visited on June 10th 2008. [11] Eric Pulier and Hugh Taylor. Understanding Enterprise SOA. Manning Publications Co., 2006. [12] W3C. Web Services Architecture. Website, 2004. http://www.w3.org/TR/wsarch/; visited on June 10th 2008. [13] World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework (Second Edition). Website, 2007. http://www.w3.org/TR/soap12-part1/; visited on June 10th 2008. [14] World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts (Second Edition). Website, 2007. http://www.w3.org/TR/soap12-part2/; visited on June 10th 2008. 45



[15] World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language. Website, 2007. http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/REC-wsdl20-20070626/; visited on June 10th 2008. [16] Dave Winder. RSS 2.0 Specication. Website, 2003. Available online at http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/rss/rss.html; visited on June 10th 2008.

Appendix A

Source Code
This chapter lists the interface denition of the Notication Service. The rst section gives the WSDL document dening messages and operations. The type denitions used by the WSDL document are given in the subsequent section for better readability.


WSDL Interface Specication

Contents of the le elverkemper-notification_interface.wsdl: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <definitions name="NotificationService" targetNamespace="http://elverkemper.com/NotificationService" xmlns:notif ="http://elverkemper.com/NotificationService" xmlns:wsrpw ="[....]/wsrf-WS-ResourceProperties-1.2-draft-01.wsdl" xmlns:wsrlw ="[....]/wsrf-WS-ResourceLifetime-1.2-draft-01.wsdl" xmlns:wsntw ="[....]/wsn-WS-BaseNotification-1.2-draft-01.wsdl" xmlns:wsdlpp="http://www.globus.org/namespaces/2004/10/WSDLPreprocessor" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"> <!-- Imports --> <!-- ***************************************** --> <import namespace="[....]/wsrf-WS-ResourceProperties-1.2-draft-01.wsdl" location="../wsrf/properties/WS-ResourceProperties.wsdl"/> <import namespace="[....]/wsn-WS-BaseNotification-1.2-draft-01.wsdl" location="../wsrf/notification/WS-BaseN.wsdl"/>

<!-- Type Definitions --> <!-- ***************************************** --> <types> <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" targetNamespace="http://elverkemper.com/NotificationService"> <include schemaLocation="./elverkemper-notification.xsd"/> 47


Chapter A. Source Code

</schema> </types>

<!-- Messages --> <!-- ***************************************** --> <message name="RegisterPublisherMessage"> <part name="parameters" element="notif:RegisterPublisher"/> </message> <message name="RegisterPublisherResponseMessage"> <part name="parameters" element="notif:RegisterPublisherResponse"/> </message> <message name="PublisherRegistrationFailedFaultMessage"> <part name="parameters" element="notif:PublisherRegistrationFailedFault"/> </message> <!-- Non-WS subscriptions --> <message name="SubscribeNonWsMessage"> <part name="parameters" element="notif:SubscribeNonWs"/> </message> <message name="SubscribeNonWsResponseMessage"> <part name="parameters" element="notif:SubscribeNonWsResponse"/> </message> <message name="UnsubscribeNonWsMessage"> <part name="parameters" element="notif:UnsubscribeNonWs"/> </message> <message name="UnsubscribeNonWsResponseMessage"> <part name="parameters" element="notif:UnsubscribeNonWsResponse"/> </message> <!-- Filtering --> <message name="SetFilterMessage"> <part name="parameters" element="notif:SetFilter"/> </message> <message name="SetFilterResponseMessage"> <part name="parameters" element="notif:SetFilterResponse"/> </message>

<!-- Porttypes --> <!-- ***************************************** --> <portType name="NotificationService"

A.2. XML Type Denitions


wsrpw:ResourceProperties="notif:RpDoc" wsdlpp:extends="wsrpw:GetResourceProperty wsrpw:GetMultipleResourceProperties wsrpw:QueryResourceProperties wsntw:NotificationProducer wsrlw:ScheduledResourceTermination wsrpw:SetResourceProperties"> <operation name="RegisterPublisher"> <input message="notif:RegisterPublisherMessage"/> <output message="notif:RegisterPublisherResponseMessage"/> <fault message="notif:PublisherRegistrationFailedFaultMessage" name="PublisherRegistrationFailed"/> </operation> <!-- Subscription management for non-ws subscriptions --> <operation name="SubscribeNonWs"> <input message="notif:SubscribeNonWsMessage"/> <output message="notif:SubscribeNonWsResponseMessage"/> </operation> <operation name="UnsubscribeNonWs"> <input message="notif:UnsubscribeNonWsMessage"/> <output message="notif:UnsubscribeNonWsResponseMessage"/> </operation> <!-- Filtering expressions --> <operation name="SetFilter"> <input message="notif:SetFilterMessage"/> <output message="notif:SetFilterResponseMessage"/> </operation> </portType> </definitions>


XML Type Denitions

Contents of the le elverkemper-notification.xsd: <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" targetNamespace="http://elverkemper.com/NotificationService" xmlns:notif="http://elverkemper.com/NotificationService" xmlns:wsa="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/03/addressing" xmlns:wsnt="[....]/wsn-WS-BaseNotification-1.2-draft-01.xsd" xmlns:wsrf-bf="[....]/wsrf-WS-BaseFaults-1.2-draft-01.xsd"> <!-- Message Types of NotificationService --> <!-- ***************************************** --> <element name="RegisterPublisher">


Chapter A. Source Code

<complexType> <sequence> <element name="PublisherReference" ref="wsa:EndpointReference" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <element name="Topic" ref="wsnt:Topic" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <element name="Subscribe" ref="wsnt:Subscribe" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <element name="NonWsSubscriptions" type="notif:NonWsSubscriptionType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <element name="Filter" ref="notif:SetFilter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> <element name="RegistrationName" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> </sequence> </complexType> </element> <element name="RegisterPublisherResponse"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="PublisherRegistrationReference" ref="wsa:EndpointReference" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> <element name="SubscriptionReference" ref="wsa:EndpointReference" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> </sequence> </complexType> </element> <complexType name="RegisterPublisherFailedFaultType"> <complexContent> <extension base="wsrf-bf:BaseFaultType"/> </complexContent> </complexType> <element name="RegisterPublisherFailedFault" type="notif:RegisterPublisherFailedFaultType"/> <!-- Non ws subscription message types --> <element name="UnsubscribeNonWs"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="Subscriptions" type="notif:NonWsSubscriptionType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </sequence> </complexType> </element>

A.2. XML Type Denitions


<element name="UnsubscribeNonWsResponse"> <complexType/> </element> <element name="SubscribeNonWs"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="Subscriptions" type="notif:NonWsSubscriptionType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </sequence> </complexType> </element> <element name="SubscribeNonWsResponse"> <complexType/> </element> <!-- Message types for filter definitions --> <element name="SetFilter"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="InterestingValues" type="anyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <element name="FilterRegExp" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> </sequence> </complexType> </element> <element name="SetFilterResponse"> <complexType/> </element> <!-- Fault Types --> <!-- ***************************************** --> <complexType name="PublisherRegistrationFailedFaultType"> <complexContent> <extension base="wsrf-bf:BaseFaultType"/> </complexContent> </complexType> <element name="PublisherRegistrationFailedFault" type="notif:PublisherRegistrationFailedFaultType"/>

<complexType name="ParameterFaultType"> <complexContent> <extension base="wsrf-bf:BaseFaultType"/> </complexContent>


Chapter A. Source Code

</complexType> <element name="ParameterFault" type="notif:ParameterFaultType"/> <complexType name="ProtocolNotSupportedFaultType"> <complexContent> <extension base="wsrf-bf:BaseFaultType"/> </complexContent> </complexType> <element name="ProtocolNotSupportedFault" type="notif:ProtocolNotSupportedFaultType"/> <complexType name="SubscriptionNotFoundType"> <complexContent> <extension base="wsrf-bf:BaseFaultType"/> </complexContent> </complexType> <element name="SubscriptionNotFound" type="notif:SubscriptionNotFoundType"/> <!-- Resource Properties of PublisherResource --> <!-- ***************************************** --> <!-- Possible notifier protocols, remember to change when adding notifier components --> <simpleType name="NotifierProtocols"> <restriction base="string"> <enumeration value="jabber"/> <enumeration value="email"/> <enumeration value="rss"/> </restriction> </simpleType> <complexType name="NonWsSubscriptionType"> <sequence> <element name="protocol" type="notif:NotifierProtocols"/> <element name="address" type="string"/> </sequence> </complexType> <element <element <element <element <element <element <element <element name="Message" name="MessageLog" name="RegistrationName" name="PublisherReference" name="NonWsSubscriptions" name="FilterRegExp" name="InterestingValues" name="PublisherTopic" type="anyType" /> type="anyType" /> type="string" /> type="wsa:EndpointReferenceType"/> type="notif:NonWsSubscriptionType"/> type="string" /> type="anyType" /> type="wsnt:TopicExpressionType" />

A.2. XML Type Denitions


<element name="RpDoc"> <complexType> <sequence> <element ref="notif:Message" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> <element ref="notif:MessageLog" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <element ref="notif:RegistrationName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> <element ref="notif:PublisherReference" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> <element ref="notif:NonWsSubscriptions" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <element ref="notif:FilterRegExp" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> <element ref="notif:InterestingValues" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <element ref="notif:PublisherTopic" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> </sequence> </complexType> </element> </schema>

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