Final FTF Itt Book
Final FTF Itt Book
Final FTF Itt Book
Feed The Future India Triangular Training Program
Submi ed to
United States Agency for Interna onal Development (USAID)
American Embassy, Shan path, Chanakyapuri,
New Delhi - 110021, India
Mahantesh Shirur
Jyothi S S P
Documenta on Support
Dharmaraj B M
B Chinna Rao
Sharath H N
September, 2020
Cita on: Shirur M and Jyothi SSP. 2020. Report on Feed The Future India Triangular Training (FTF-ITT) Program.
MANAGE, Hyderabad.
Published by
Director General
Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE)
(An organiza on of Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India)
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030, India.
©MANAGE 2020
September, 2020
Mahantesh Shirur
Jyothi S S P
Documenta on Support
Dharmaraj B M
B Chinna Rao
Sharath H N
This report has been made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States
Agency for Interna onal Development (USAID). The contents of this report are the sole responsibility of
MANAGE and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government or the
Government of India. The authors have compiled the report based on the facts collected, experiences gained
and the informa on received from all the partner training ins tutes and points of contacts and trainees in
partner countries while organizing the FTF ITT programs.
Printed at:
M/s. Sai Maruthi Print Solu ons
Hyderabad, Telangana State, India
Cell: 9912277127
Email: saimaruthiprintsolu [email protected]
India has achieved incredible progress in food produc on and produc vity despite the challenges of
dwindling land and water resources, fragmented landholding dominated by the small and marginal farmers,
adversi es of climate change and globaliza on of agriculture trade. The country has evidenced a transi on from
food scarcity to a food surplus situa on. Presently, India is leading in the produc on of many agricultural
products. Thanks to the technological advancements, scien fic research, innova ons and mely extension
services witnessed in the country. Despite the advances in agriculture sector across the globe, the food security
is s ll a challenge in pockets of many developing na ons of Africa and Asia. Building on India's strength of having
an effec ve Agriculture Innova on and extension System, the USAID proposed to partner with the Government
of India to promote global progress in the area of food and nutri on security.
India and the United States signed the new agriculture partnership agreement to help the developing
countries in achieving evergreen revolu on and ensure global food security. The Triangular Coopera on effort
involving Africa and Asia was conceived for adap ng technological advances and innova ve solu ons to
address food security challenges in developing na ons. In this direc on, the progress made by The Feed
TheFuture India Triangular Training (FTF ITT) Program implemented by USAID India and Na onal Ins tute of
Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) is laudable.
Training over 1100 officers from 21 partner countries through 44 training programs during 2016-20 is a
significant achievement which I believe will start showing desired result in the field in the coming years. The
partnership between USAID India and MANAGE to complete the program in the most professional way to
benefit the partner countries is heart-warming. The efforts of all the partner training ins tutes and coopera on
of trainees to make the program successful is praiseworthy.
I congratulate the Director General, MANAGE and her team for exhibi ng highest standards of team
work, professional commitment in mely comple on of a program of global scale such as the FTF ITT. I wish that,
the journey of success of FTF ITT will grow from strength to strength with the trained officials showing con nued
commitment in addressing the challenges of global food security.
American Embassy, Shan path, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, Delhi - 110 021.
Smt. G. Jayalakshmi, IAS
Director General, MANAGE
The agriculture sector con nues to be the vital sector to boost the rural income and sustain food and
nutri onal security in most countries of the globe. In this context, agricultural strategies that improve livelihood
of the poor, maximize produc vity in agriculture and create employment opportuni es for the rural popula on
are cri cal. The role of training and capacity building of agricultural extension personnel through skill based and
hands on experien al learning is not less important.
The 'Feed The Future India Triangular Training' (FTF ITT) is an outcome of the shared responsibility of
two powerful democracies of the world- India and the United States. It envisaged the role of training as a means
to drive the desired changes in the spread and adop on of technologies and innova ons in agriculture and
allied disciplines in Asia and Africa. The program was designed and delivered by the joint efforts of USAID, India
and Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) with the support from the Ministry of
External Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers welfare, Government of India.
The onerous task of training 1144 officers from 21 countries in four year period was rendered possible
because of the technical and scien fic strength of 31 reputed ins tutes belonging to ICAR, CSIR, CGIAR and
other na onal ins tutes. The program touched upon the diverse topics in agriculture and allied sectors to
develop the human skills in most comprehensive manner. The program adequately recognized the role of
women in agriculture by training 444 women officers. This will serve as a social capital for partner countries.
The training program is not an end in itself, but is the start of knowledge sharing to the farmers and
ground level extension personnel by the master trainers. With this idea, the trainings were designed with a
unique feature of Back At Work Plan (BAWP) to address prevailing problems pertaining to agriculture and allied
disciplines. Most of the trained officials have taken the BAWP with highest commitment. The best implemented
BAWPs with notable impact at the ground level are documented as 'Success Stories' which will serve as a
reference for dissemina on and upscaling of the demonstrated technologies in partner countries.
It is heartening to note that, all programs were completed within the meframe and all training
programs were consistently rated very high by the trainees. The Program Management Unit (PMU) team at
MANAGE has responded to the challenges of global level training program with poise and professionalism. I
congratulate all the team members for this success. I also appreciate the POCs, Heads of partner Ins tutes,
trained officials in rising to the task of taking larger responsibility of addressing the global concerns of food and
nutri onal security in the world.
I wish success to everyone in their future endeavors.
Figure No. Title of the Figure Page No.
Fig. 1 Inaugural ceremony of FTF ITT program on 25 July 2016 at New Delhi 02
Fig. 2 List of partner countries from Africa and Asia under FTF ITT 03
Fig. 3 Group photo of dignitaries at the FTF ITT inaugural ceremony 04
Fig. 4 Schema c representa on of trainees selec on and par cipa on in 05
FTF ITT training program
Fig. 5 India map showcasing partner training ins tutes 06
Fig. 6 Back at work plan 07
Fig. 7 Increase in knowledge among par cipants a er a ending the 10
FTF ITT training programs
Fig. 8 Overall ra ng of the FTF ITT training programs by the trainees 10
AESA Agro Ecosystem Analysis
AI Ar ficial Insemina on
AICRPs All India Coordinated Research Projects
APMC Agricultural Produce Market Commi ee
ATIC Agricultural Technology Informa on Centre
BAWP Back at Work Plan
BIRD Bankers' Ins tute of Rural Development
CAD Computer Aided Design
CAFRI Central Agroforestry Research Ins tute
CFMTTI Central Farm Machinery & Tractor Training Ins tute
CFTRI Central Food Technological Research Ins tute
CGIAR Consor um of Interna onal Agricultural Research Centers
CIAE Central Ins tute of Agricultural Engineering
CIFT Central Ins tute of Fisheries Technology
CIMMYT Interna onal Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
CIPHET Central Ins tute of Post-Harvest Engineering & Technology
CRIDA Central Research Ins tute for Dryland Agriculture
CPCRI Central Planta on Crops Research Ins tute
CTCRI Central Tuber Crops Research Ins tute
DAESI Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for Input Dealers
DPR Directorate of Poultry Research
FCRI Forest College and Research Ins tute
FFS Farmers Field Schools
FTF-ITT Feed The Future India Triangular Training
FPOs Farmer Producer Organiza ons
GAPs Good Agricultural Prac ces
HQCF High Quality Cassava Flour
HRD Human Resource Development
ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural Research
ICRAF World Agroforestry Centre (Interna onal Centre for Research in Agro-Forestry)
ICRISAT Interna onal Crops Research Ins tute for the Semi-arid Tropics
ICT Informa on and Communica on Technologies
IIFPT Indian Ins tute of Food Processing Technology
IIHR Indian Ins tute of Hor culture Research
IIMR Indian Ins tute of Millets Research
IIOR Indian Ins tute of Oilseeds Research
IIRR Indian Ins tute of Rice Research
IISR Indian Ins tute of Spices Research
IISS Indian Ins tute of Soil Sciences
IIVR Indian Ins tute Vegetable Research
IMD Indian Meteorological Department
IPNS Integrated Plant Nutrient Supply
IPM Integrated Pest Management
IWMP Integrated Watershed Management Program
KCC Kisan Call Centre
LCC Leaf Color Chart
MAIL Ministry of Agriculture, Irriga on and Livestock
MANAGE Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural Extension Management
MAP Modified Atmosphere Packaging
MoUs Memorandum of Understanding
NABARD Na onal Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NBPGR Na onal Bureau of Plant Gene c Resources
NCU Neem Coated Urea
NDRI Na onal Dairy Research Ins tute
NIAM Na onal Ins tute of Agriculture Marke ng
NIAP Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research
NIFPHATT Na onal Ins tute of Fisheries and Post-Harvest Technology and Training
NIPHM Na onal Ins tute of Plant Health Management
NSRTC Na onal Seed Research & Training Ins tute
PDCO Par cipatory Diagnosis Of Constraints And Opportuni es
PMU Program Management Unit
POCs Points of Contact
PPP Public and Private Partnership
RBI Reserve Bank of India
RTP Rural Technology Park
SAT Semi Arid Tropics
SHGs Self Help Groups
SOP Standard Opera ng Procedure
USAID United States Agency for Interna onal Development
UAS University of Agricultural Sciences
UHS University of Hor cultural Sciences
US United States
WALAMTARI Water and Land Management Training and Research Ins tute
India has made tremendous progress in the field of agriculture and allied sectors by unleashing
the poten al of technological innova ons and their effec ve transfer to the farming community.
Despite the enormous challenges like large number of smallholder farmers, huge labour force
depending on agriculture, disguised unemployment, and migra on of youth to urban areas, etc.,
Indian agriculture has been successful in keeping pace with the food produc on demand of the
growing popula on. Most of the countries in Africa and Asia face similar challenges and constraints as
in India. Therefore, it was thought that, the success of the Indian agriculture can be aptly replicated in
African and Asian countries through the transfer of successful innova ons and technologies. In this
context, Feed The Future India Triangular Training (FTF-ITT), a collabora ve program of the United
States of America represented by USAID and the Government of India represented by the Na onal
Ins tute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), was designed and implemented with the
objec ve of addressing human and ins tu onal capacity gaps to deal with the food security
challenges in selected African and Asian countries. This was pursued by impar ng need-based training
to mid to senior-level agricultural professionals from public and private sectors on recent
technological advances and innova ve solu ons from Indian agriculture.
A er consulta on with the Government of India, 11 African and 9 Asian countries were
selected to benefit from the FTF ITT program. The program implementa on started with an
exhaus ve training needs assessment. The capacity gaps and training needs from these countries
were enlisted and analyzed for priori zing training themes. From this, 44 training programs (of 15 days
dura on) were designed on topics such as agribusiness and management, agricultural marke ng,
agricultural extension and policy issues, animal husbandry, dairy, poultry and fisheries, women
empowerment, plant health management, mechaniza on, value addi on and processing in
hor culture crops, climate-smart agriculture and natural resource management. Successful
implementa on of these trainings benefited 1144 mid- to senior-level agricultural professionals from
20 African and Asian countries.
MANAGE designed and used a Standard Opera ng Procedure (SOP) for par cipant selec on,
training process, training methods and tools, evalua on and feedback of the program etc. MANAGE
collaborated with 31 state-of-the-art Indian research and academic ins tu ons to organize the
training sessions. Private companies were also involved in some trainings, by invi ng their experts as
resource persons and by organizing exposure visits to their manufacturing/ research facili es. The
trainings were par cipatory in nature, which included lectures, panel discussions, group discussions,
case studies and field visits. The Back at Work Plan (BAWP) was an in-built feature to guide and
monitor the trainees to work on a specific problem in their region by iden fying an innova on or a
new technology learnt during the training. The training effec veness and par cipant learning was
assessed by feedback, pre-training and post-training tests during the course of training period.
The FTF-ITT program showed incredible success in terms of trainee par cipa on across 20
countries with fair gender representa on (38.8%), and involvement of private sector and civil society
organiza on representa ves. Substan al cumula ve increase in the knowledge level of the trainees
(52.07) and very good feedback of the trainees (9.08 on a scale of 10) indicated the efficiency and
successful organiza on of the program. Majority of the trained professionals have ini ated ac vi es
to apply their newly acquired knowledge in their respec ve countries. As a sign of recogni on and
mo va on to the trainees, selected examples of successful execu on of BAWP have been
documented and widely distributed by MANAGE. The first edi on of the FTF ITT success stories was
published by MANAGE in 2018 and the second one in September 2020. MANAGE used social media,
including facebook and whatsapp, to ensure con nuous sharing of knowledge among the trainees,
and with the Indian experts who trained them.
Besides successful execu on of the BAWP, the FTF ITT program has created impact in several
countries because of the collec ve efforts of the trainees and the commensurate support by their
Governments or from the development agencies. Few of the major accomplishments of the FTF ITT
u Ministry of Agriculture, Irriga on and Livestock (MAIL), Afghanistan started the Kisan Call
Center on the lines of Kisan Call Centre (KCC) in India. FTF ITT program trained the officers to
run the KCC in Afghanistan.
u The officials working in Department of Agriculture, Government of Nepal and USAID funded
KISAN-II project have been trained under FTF ITT programs to support the ICT ini a ve in
agriculture in Nepal.
u In Uganda, trainees have taken up the task of promo ng entrepreneurship and collec ve
farming to improve their economic independence through thri and saving and small
enterprise promo on, based on the Kudumbashree model. In Kenya also, the kudumbashree
model of collec ve approach in small entrepreneurship has been started as 'Imashree'.
u The technology of soil and water conserva on through GAPs and promo ng the adop on of
legume inter-cropping, mixed cropping, farm pond and conserva on llage prac ces are
being promoted in Tanzania, Uganda, Botswana, Malawi, Kenya and Nepal.
u The training programs under FTF ITT at ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal, ICAR-IISS, Bhopal, ICAR-CIFT, Cochin
etc. promoted the adop on of small scale machinery in Africa especially in Kenya and Uganda.
u Promo ng the spirit of collec ve farming, collec ve marke ng and coopera ve strength
through Farmer Producer Organiza ons (FPOs).
u The effec ve management of Fall Army Worm pest of cereals, especially in maize has been
promoted in the partner countries through the FTF ITT program.
u FTF ITT promoted the entrepreneurship and commercializa on of agriculture to make the
agriculture profitable, remunera ve and sustainable in developing countries.
With the financial support from the USAID India and the organiza on capacity of MANAGE, the
over-arching success of the FTF-ITT program is indica ve of the strength of partnership between
USAID and MANAGE to organize interna onal training programs to reach more target beneficiaries
across two con nents. The program experience will serve as a baseline for building on the
development ac vi es ini ated by the trainees and upscale the same for further dissemina on. With
the network of trained manpower in two con nents, the agricultural challenges can be tackled at
grass root level with focused clientele approach. In the future MANAGE, Hyderabad can lead the
efforts on tackling the developmental challenges and issues affec ng global food security,
strengthening the ins tu onal capability in secondary agriculture ac vi es, consultancy and policy
advocacy for developing na ons, mul -ins tute training and capacity development ac vi es for
interna onal ins tu ons and officials.
The report on the FTF ITT consists of the details of all the stages of program planning, training
curriculum, implementa on and monitoring which will be shared with all the relevant stakeholders
focusing on effec ve extension delivery strategies and who impact the farming fraternity. The
annexures will serve as database for future programs on training and capacity development in
agriculture field for global level outreach. It is also worth men oning that, the reading of this report is
complete only with the reading of the two documents of compila on of success stories based on the
BAWPs of FTF ITT trainees.
The agriculture sector is vital to the economic development of most developing na ons in
Africa and Asia. Transforming subsistence agriculture into a modern sector has demonstrated
agriculture's poten al as a driver of growth and development. The agriculture sector in most
developing countries is the major contributor to employment and gross domes c product. However, it
is affected by several challenges like dwindling resources, unsustainable produc on prac ces,
unemployment, market failure, etc. If agriculture has to prosper, the piece-meal approach of
diagnosing and addressing the problems of individual component of agriculture system is not
sustainable. In the words of Mahatma Gandhiji, “Poverty is the worst form of violence”. A holis c view
of the issues and an integrated approach to offer solu ons to the problems of third world countries is
essen al in the interest of the whole globe. The holis c approach we are referring to should
accommodate the training and capacity gaps of the officials involved in agricultural extension and
agricultural technology transfer to complement the efforts of developmental ini a ves in these
countries. This approach should lay equal emphasis on produc on, environment and ecological
concerns, processing and value addi on, marke ng and supply chain management and profitability
through agri-business ventures. In addi on, the social issues are also equally important and relevant in
the changing context of agriculture developmental challenges. The community approach, the gender
sensi ve prac ces in agriculture, farm mechanisa on through custom hiring centres, etc. will aid in
driving the social change in a desired direc on.
A new agriculture partnership between the United States and India announced in November
2010 during the State visit of the US President Mr. Barack Obama to India is a giant effort in mee ng
the above global developmental challenges. The partnership talked about achieving the evergreen
revolu on to ensure Global food security. The effort included Triangular Coopera on adap ng
technological advances and innova ve solu ons to address food security challenges in Africa and Asia.
Further, it includes areas such as health, energy, women empowerment and sanita on under the
statement of guiding principles on triangular coopera on for global development. Despite the
enormous challenges such as large number of small holding farmers, huge labour force depending on
agriculture for their livelihood, disguised unemployment, and migra on of youth to urban areas, etc.,
India's progress in the field of agriculture and allied sector is praiseworthy. Most of the countries in
Asia and Africa face many similar challenges and constraints. Therefore, it was thought that, the
success of the Indian agriculture can be aptly replicated in many countries of Africa and Asia through
the transfer of its successful innova ons and technologies. At the same me, the very advanced
technologies developed and prac ced in the developed West may not be a good fit in the socio-
cultural and economic background of majority countries in Africa and Asia. This idea gained
momentum over the years and the strength of Indian innova ons and technologies for Africa was
tested through a pilot project “New Dimensions in Agricultural Extension Management” for
agriculture professionals during 16 July - 3 September, 2015. The ini al pilot project focused on three
African Countries i.e., Kenya, Liberia and Malawi with poten al to expand throughout the African
Con nent in later stages. Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE),
Hyderabad and the Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural Marke ng (NIAM), Jaipur conducted seven
training and capacity development programs covering 219 execu ves from Kenya, Liberia & Malawi.
Feedback surveys conducted among the par cipants of the beneficiary countries was overwhelming
and showed the merit in expanding its scope for bigger region covering broad areas of agriculture.
Fig.1: Inaugural ceremony of FTF-ITT program on 25 July 2016 at New Delhi
Driven by the success of the pilot project, the new agriculture partnership conceived the Feed
The Future India Triangular Training (FTF ITT) to address the training and capacity gaps in the field of
agriculture and allied discipline with the following broad objec ves.
1. To conduct a demand analysis and assess the capacity gaps in the field of agriculture and allied
sectors in the beneficiary countries of Africa and Asia.
2. To address human and ins tu onal capacity gaps to deal with food security challenges in select
third world countries by training field level extension func onaries on recent technological
advances and innova ve solu ons from Indian agriculture.
3. To guide the officials during training to plan and implement the back at work plan in their
respec ve countries based on an Indian innova on or technology learnt during the program.
The report is organized into four chapters. The introductory chapter gives a brief about of
importance of agriculture in the economy of developing countries and the role of training and capacity
development to drive the growth in agriculture sector. The chapter also gives a brief account of
background and genesis of the program with the objec ves set for the program. The second chapter
'Program planning and implementa on', gives details about the methodology followed in demand
analysis, partner country selec on, trainee selec on, partner training ins tute iden fica on and the
training approach followed in delivering the FTF ITT program. The third chapter 'Key
accomplishments' focuses on major results and targets achieved under the program and presents the
feedback of the par cipants about the trainings and the impact. The major impact points and outcome
as a result of the efforts of implemen ng back at work plans by the trained execu ves are also included
in this chapter. The chapter four ‘Lessons learnt and way forward’ provides the list of lessons learnt and
prospec ve ac onable points as way forward for MANAGE and other training ins tutes. The
annexures I-VI follows a er the chapters.
To achieve the program objec ves, an exhaus ve demand analysis survey in 17 countries of
Africa and Asia was conducted by the experts from India and partner countries. The demand analysis
survey was conducted for Afghanistan, Botswana, Cambodia, Democra c Republic of Congo, Ghana,
Kenya, Lao PDR, Liberia, Malawi, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania,
Uganda and Vietnam. The capacity gap from the 17 partner countries were enlisted and analyzed for
priori za on of training themes. Complete details of the results of the demand analysis and the
training need assessment are provided in annexure-I. From the exhaus ve inventory of training needs
Fig. 2: List of partner countries from Africa and Asia under FTF ITT
of all partner countries, the training themes were priori zed to iden fy the relevant partner training
ins tutes in India to train the officials and facilitate field exposure visits and hands on prac cal training
sessions. The most common needs iden fied for training were on agribusiness and management,
agricultural marke ng, agricultural extension and policy issues, animal husbandry, dairy, poultry and
fisheries, women empowerment, plant health management, mechaniza on, value addi on and
processing in hor culture crops, climate-smart agriculture and natural resource management.
The program set an ambi ous task of crea ng a pool of 1400 trained manpower (later revised
to 1100) in the field of agriculture and allied sciences through 44 demand driven training and capacity
development programs. The partner countries in the program included: Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
Botswana, Cambodia, Democra c Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Lao PDR, Liberia, Malawi,
Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Vietnam
(Fig.2). The program ini ally proposed to conduct thirty two, 15 days dura on training courses
(excluding travel period) at select Indian ins tu ons with an average of 25 par cipants in each
program, and twelve, 10 days dura on trainings (excluding travel period), in selected partner
countries in Africa and Asia, for up to 50 par cipants per program. However, owing to a rich research
and training exper se of Indian Agriculture ins tutes and feedback from the par cipants of the
partner countries on the effec veness of hands-on and field visit based trainings in India, it was
decided to convert 10 partner country training programs to trainings in Indian Ins tutes. Two partner
country training programs were organised for interna onal par cipants- one each in Afghanistan and
Uganda while the remaining 42 programs of 15 days dura on were organised in India thereby
successfully achieving the set target to organise 44 training programs. Through these 44 programs,
1144 field level extension func onaries were imparted knowledge and skill on different themes of
agriculture and allied subjects (Annexure-II). Each of the training course module of the program
focused on themes or sub sectors of agriculture in which Indian ins tu ons of repute with proven
scien fic knowledge were iden fied to offer such training and to ensure that it effec vely responds
to the target countries' capacity gaps. The method of training, training features, training curriculum,
etc. are discussed in subsequent sec ons.
USAID India represen ng the US Government and the Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural
Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad represen ng Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers
Welfare, Government of India were given the responsibility of implemen ng the FTF ITT during
2016-20. The Feed the Future - India Triangular Training Program (FTF ITT) was officially launched
on 25th July, 2016 at New Delhi to start the training and capacity development programs. The first
step of the Training is the announcement of the FTF-ITT programs and their wide publicity in target
countries. During the launching of the FTF ITT program, first three Interna onal training programs on
“e-Extension: ICT Applica ons in Agricultural Extension Management” (in Kabul, Afghanistan during
10-19 October, 2016), “Public Private Partnership in Agricultural Extension Management” (in
MANAGE, Hyderabad during 17-31 October, 2016) and “Emerging Trends in Marke ng of Fruits and
Vegetables” (at Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural Marke ng (NIAM), Jaipur, Rajasthan during 16-30
November, 2016) were announced. A er the announcement, the programs were adver sed
through MANAGE website, e-mails and social media and communica on to Points of Contact (POCs)
in partner countries. The subsequent training programs were announced phase wise. The first phase
was announced on 28 December, 2016 consis ng of four training programs. From the experience of
organizing three training programs, during 2016 and the discussion during a workshop with selected
training partner ins tutes, a Standard Opera ng Procedure (SOP) was designed for organizing
subsequent FTF ITT programs. In this SOP, the method of training, curriculum designing, training
material, training tools, guidelines for expenditure, type of accommoda on and reimbursements
and allowances for par cipants, back at work plan, etc. were described and elucidated to maintain
highest standard of training in terms of delivery and logis c support. The SOP also aimed to give
clarity about roles and responsibili es of all stakeholders like partner training ins tutes and POCs in
all partner countries so that, the larger objec ve of the program is not compromised. All the 44
training programs were announced in seven phases as per the meline developed to keep the
programs in a properly staggered manner so that, there is no overlap of programs and there is
sufficient me to take care of monitoring of preparedness of partner ins tutes about training
curriculum designing, literature support, logis cs, etc. The themes addressed during the program
implementa on have been discussed under key accomplishments.
As decided in the SOP, the par cipants from all the 20 partner countries were nominated by the
POCs of their respec ve countries. Each country has one or two POCs for FTF ITT. The POCs receives the
adver sement of the programs announced by the Program Management Unit (PMU), MANAGE, India
and send suitable nomina ons for the no fied training programs. The PMU team at MANAGE
scru nizes the par cipants according to their eligibility criteria like Educa onal qualifica ons,
professional experience in the relevant subject/ field and able to speak and understand English. Once
the par cipants are finalized based on their applica ons and telephonic verifica on, the invita ons
were sent to the eligible and suitable candidates. The candidates were expected to submit their visa,
passport copies, physical fitness reports and document on self-authorized terms and condi ons for
clearance. On receipt of the duly signed documents, the travel ckets were booked by MANAGE and
PMU team in close coordina on with local coordinators of the training ins tutes to facilitate the travel
arrangements and stay during the 15-day training program at different partner training ins tutes in
Fig. 4: Schema c representa on of trainees selec on and their par cipa on in FTF ITT training program
The training approach was adopted to meet the expecta ons of the vast geographical area
represen ng 20 countries from Africa and Asia. The program provided opportunity for the
par cipants represen ng Government, Private and Non-Government sectors. This was basically done
to mo vate the private sector and Non-Government sector to work in close collabora on with the
Government ins tutes in implemen ng their back at work plans. The mul -ins tute engagements in
the developmental works will be demand driven, responsive to local problems and implemented
through resource sharing approach. The FTF ITT program encouraged the women par cipants to
a end the training as women have an increasingly important role in the developmental issues at the
community level. Some of the programs were meant exclusively for women empowerment to address
the gender concerns in developing countries. The list of training needs iden fied from the demand
analysis exercise in partner countries was exhaus ve. Any single ins tute delivering the trainings on
such diverse aspects from agriculture and allied sector is unlikely to yield desired results and cannot do
jus ce to the expecta ons of the trainees. MANAGE being a lead program implemen ng ins tute,
invited the premier na onal level ins tutes with proven domain exper se and logis c support to train
par cipants from different geographical and cultural diversity. Wherever, the demand was more for a
par cular theme, a single training ins tute was allo ed more than one program (Eg. Kudumbashree
MANAGE created a special cell Program Management Unit (PMU) for coordina ng, implemen ng and monitoring of the FTF ITT program. The
PMU was headed by the Program Director who is assisted by a program team consis ng of Program Manager, Program Execu ve and a Junior 05
Program Execu ve. The other necessary support to the PMU was extended by the administra on and finance division of MANAGE.
for women empowerment, NIPHM for plant health management, ICAR-NDRI on dairy management,
etc.). In all, 30 partner ins tutes worked in collabora on with MANAGE and USAID India to complete
the targeted 44 training programs (Annexure-II). The complete list of 30 partner training ins tutes
(Fig. 5) is given as annexure-III. Brief profile of all partner ins tutes involved in organizing the FTF ITT
program is given as annexure-IV.
Back at Work Plan (BAWP) is a plan of work proposed by the par cipants of the FTF ITT training
to address one important agriculture problem in their jurisdic on of work. Broadly the BAWP is an
individual choice of the trainee to pick an important lesson which can poten ally offer a solu on to the
problem of their region. The trainers and subject domain experts from the training ins tutes will help
the trainees for problem iden fica on, analysis of problem, framing objec ves of work plan, iden fying
ac ons/ follow-up ac ons of work plan, an cipate the developmental challenges in their country,
working out strategies to work with superiors and subordinates, expected outcome and me required
to achieve the objec ve/s of work plan. A model of BAWP is given in figure 6. The ques onnaire
designed to orient the trainees and collect the data for their BAWP is given as annexure-V.
The second aspect of the evalua on of each of the training was done by taking trainees'
feedback separately on the individual technical sessions and on the overall impression about the
program on a scale of 1-to-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest ra ng).
Through the FTF ITT program, a demand analysis was conducted in seventeen countries of
Africa and Asia to iden fy the areas of training needs and capacity gaps (Annexure-I). Subsequently,
the training needs were priori zed and training themes were finalized to address the capacity gaps.
The table 1 gives the list of number of trainings organized under different themes. Some trainings were
conducted on a single theme (Eg. Climate Smart Agriculture) while some trainings were organized on
more than one theme. (Eg. Entrepreneurship for Rural Women, Recent Trends in Harvest and Post-
harvest Technologies in Fisheries, etc.).
Table 1: Training themes and number of trainings organized
Sl. No. Training Theme No. of Trainings *
1. Post-Harvest Technologies and Value Addi on 13
2. Agribusiness Management/Entrepreneurship Development 9
3. Hor culture (Tuber crops, Planta on crops, Spices) 8
4. Agriculture Extension/ ICT Applica on in Agriculture/ Credit 7
and Agriculture Policy
5. Agricultural Marke ng 5
6. Plant Health Management 4
7. Women Empowerment 4
8. Animal Husbandry and Dairy 3
9. Climate Smart Agriculture/ GAP ` 2
10. Natural Resource Management 2
11. Fisheries/ Poultry 2
12. Mechaniza on in Agriculture 1
13. Agroforestry 1
The trained officials represented the Government development departments, Universi es,
Non-government and private sectors. Majority of the respondents (80 per cent) a ending the FTF ITT
programs were working in the Government and Department of Agriculture sector, 8 per cent in private
companies, 7 per cent in Universi es and 5 percent belonged to civil socie es and coopera ves. The
representa on of trainees a ending the FTF ITT belonging to different sectors is given in table 3 and
the adjacent graph.
Fig.7: Increase in knowledge among par cipants a er a ending the FTF ITT training programs
problem through a technology interven on. Majority of the trained officials have made use of
knowledge from the FTF ITT program in their day to day works. However, MANAGE has documented
the success stories from more than 100 such officers and published periodically in the Interna onal
e-Bulle n or Success story document. From these par cipants who reported progress of their BAWP,
selected examples of successful execu on of BAWP have been documented as success stories by
MANAGE. This exercise was done with an idea of recognizing the efforts of these officials and also to
mo vate other trainees and extension func onaries to take up the dissemina on of advanced
technological interven ons and proven innova ons to deal similar problems in their countries. The
first document of selected success stories of 40 trained execu ves under FTF ITT was published by
MANAGE in 2018. The second document of another 64 success stories is also compiled by MANAGE
for distribu on among the trainees and other stakeholders along with this report (September, 2020).
Among the different success stories of the program, few have made significant progress due to
the collec ve efforts of the trainees and the support by the respec ve Governments or development
agencies. Some of these examples are listed below.
Ø Ministry of Agriculture, Irriga on and Livestock (MAIL), Kabul, Afghanistan started the
Kisan Call Center on the lines of Kisan Call Centre (KCC) in India. Under FTF ITT, 71 call
center operators from Afghanistan were trained under FTF ITT to operate the Kisan Call
Centre (KCC) in Kabul, Afghanistan. All the trained staff are taking up different ac vi es
for suppor ng the informa on delivery to farming community in their country.
Subsequently, 19 officials were trained to upgrade their skill in extension advisory
delivery through ICT ini a ves especially through KCC.
Ø The officials from Department of Agriculture, Government of Nepal requested for
support on their KCC model to support farmers in Nepal. The officials working in
Department of Agriculture, Government of Nepal and USAID funded KISAN-II project
have been trained under FTF ITT programs to support the ICT ini a ve in agriculture in
Ø Mo vated by the efforts of women groups of 'kudumbashree'(meaning Kudumba-family;
Shree-prosperity in Malayalam) in Kerala, the trainees in Uganda have taken up the task
of promo ng entrepreneurships and collec ve farming to improve their economic
independence through thri and saving and small enterprise promo on. In Kenya also,
the kudumbashree model of collec ve approach in small entrepreneurship has been
started. They have started these ac vi es under a similar name “Imashree” in Nairobi
county of Kenya.
Ø The promo on of mechaniza on in the African and Asian na ons hold key to agriculture
sector development in these countries. Mechaniza on holds key for labour produc vity
as well as agriculture produc vity because of mely opera ons. The training programs
under FTF ITT at ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal, ICAR-IISS, Bhopal, ICAR-CIFT, Cochin, ICAR-CTCRI,
Thiruvanthapuram etc. promoted the adop on of small scale machinery in Africa
especially in Kenya and Uganda. The trainees have made efforts to design and promote
small prototypes of several machines seen in India to suit their local condi ons.
Ø Promo ng Good Agricultural Prac ces (GAPs) and focus on secondary agriculture
ac vi es in developing countries. The technology of soil and water conserva on through
GAPs and promo ng the adop on of legume inter-cropping, mixed cropping, farm pond
and conserva on llage prac ces are being promoted in Tanzania, Uganda, Botswana,
Malawi, Kenya and Nepal.
Ø Capacity Building for food security and farmer producer organiza ons and farmer
coopera ves. The spirit of collec ve farming, collec ve marke ng and coopera ve
strength was replicated in several countries by the officials trained at ICAR-NDRI, Karnal,
CCS NIAM, Jaipur, Kudumbashree, Thiruvanthapuram and MANAGE, Hyderabad.
Ø The effec ve management of Fall Army Worm pest of cereals through integrated
approuch , especially in maize through integrated approach has been promoted in the
partner countries through FTF ITT program. The training programs especially from
NIPHM, IIMR- Winter Nursery, and IIMR (Millets) in Hyderabad have spread the recent
effec ve technology to manage the FAW and also promote the integrated pest and
disease management for ecological safety have been promoted in most of the partner
countries in Africa, Nepal and Bangladesh.
Ø FTF ITT promoted the entrepreneurship and commercializa on of agriculture to make
the agriculture profitable, remunera ve and sustainable in developing countries. The
start-up to scale up, agribusiness management, the value addi on and post-harvest
training programs on hor culture sector organized under FTF ITT have greatly influenced
the trainees to work with a changed mind set and goal driven approach to address the
unemployment, malnutri on and labor and women welfare in their regions.
Ø Based on the exposure to policy reforms and their impact in Indian agriculture, many
trainees have influenced the reform process in agriculture marke ng, processing,
agribusiness and entrepreneurship, insurance and Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) in their
Ø MANAGE and USAID organized two interna onal webinars as follow up programs to help
them in implemen ng their back at work plans effec vely during covid-19 pandemic.
These webinars were designed a er a cross-country survey on the effect of pandemic on
agriculture in their countries. The webinars on the topic “Agricultural extension
strategies for Asian and African countries during covid-19 pandemic” and the “Core
competencies of extension professionals” were organised. The details of the webinars
are provided in annexure-VI.
MANAGE has emerged as a strong ins tu on in fostering the strength of collabora ve
programs of interna onal standards. MANAGE with its organiza onal skills, brought 30 premier
ins tutes together in delivering the FTF ITT- a program benefi ng two populous con nents of the
globe. In this collabora ve effort, besides USAID India and MANAGE, 17 ins tutes of the Indian Council
of Agricultural Research (ICAR), 2 CGIAR Ins tutes, 8 na onal ins tutes and 3 agriculture universi es
were associated. During the implementa on of the FTF ITT program, several lessons were learnt and
many other opportuni es were created to address the global challenges of hunger, poverty,
unemployment, malnourishment, migra on, agribusiness ac vi es through processing and value
addi on etc. The important lessons learnt and way forward have been presented in this chapter.
During the organiza on of FTF ITT, MANAGE has created an environment for itself and other
partner ins tutes to enhance their organiza onal skills in delivering the programs to the expecta ons
of the interna onal delegates and address the global developmental issues with Indian agricultural
innova ons and technological advances. The program gave an opportunity to understand the issues,
challenges involved in interna onal trainings and ways to address the problems. It was not possible to
organize exclusive training programs on few of the themes which were in huge demand (Eg.
Mushroom produc on technology and bee keeping and honey processing were the priority of 9 out of
17 countries). However, these themes were touched during the training programs on hor culture
The program was a great opportunity for learners as well as trainers to understand the
agriculture scenario from other countries as the program gave opportunity for trainees to share and
discuss the agriculture scenario of their respec ve countries. The group ac vi es helped the
par cipants to learn lessons from the diverse points of view coming from different socio-cultural and
economic background and professional experiences. The opportuni es in mul -country, programs are
enormous and the collabora ons among mul ple players is a way to succeed as they combine the
strength of partners and alleviate the weaknesses if any.
The program focused exclusively on training the execu ves through training and capacity
development programs in Indian training ins tutes. However, the partner countries did not have a
required follow-up and monitoring feature in the program. Future interna onal programs should be
designed to involve ins tu ons from third country to join hands with Indian training ins tu ons to
train the par cipants and monitor their progress.
From the feedback of the par cipants, it was evident that, the FTF ITT programs focusing more
on field visits and prac cal sessions were received very well. Therefore, the programs with
interna onal delegates should have more number of field visits, exposure to demonstra ons and
hands on prac cal sessions with less number of lectures and theory sessions.
The par cipants were expected to iden fy an important learning from the program and pick up
an idea or technology that poten ally offer solu on to a problem observed in their country. However,
most of the par cipants in their feedback men oned that, they need financial resources to adopt the
new technology and deliver the results. The program in future can allocate financial resources for
implemen ng their BAWPs.
In the current approach of the program, majority of the training programs were on single
commodity basis. However, agriculture in a rural set-up is quite dynamic involving interdependent
enterprises with many challenges spread across sectors. Therefore, the future trainings can design
programs based on mul -ins tute partnership to address developmental challenges in the third world
With passage of me, the cross cultural barriers among the coordinators and resource persons
involved in training programs started ge ng obliterated and the trainees were also feeling at home
with the increasing experience among the program team and training coordinators.
Since, most of the officials are engaged in their organiza onal ac vi es, carrying out addi onal
ac vi es as per their commi ed BAWP demands their me and energy. The selected successful
execu ves showing exemplary commitment in developmental works in their regions must be suitably
recognized with appropriate financial and professional rewards.
· Tackling the developmental challenges and issues affec ng global food security in two
populous con nents through spread of poten al and cost-effec ve technologies and
successful innova ons from Indian agriculture. MANAGE in collabora on with global level
partners will explore the future opportuni es to carry forward the good work done under
· MANAGE will focus on strengthening the ins tu onal capability in secondary agriculture
ac vi es as they are having enormous scope to offer solu ons to major problems affec ng
agriculture. The Interna onal centre of excellence on agricultural extension and centre for
climate change and adapta on in MANAGE will collec vely find suitable pla orm to design
training modules on secondary agriculture for developing countries.
· MANAGE will take up the consultancy and policy advocacy for developing na ons with the
countries that have Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Ministry of Agriculture and
Farmers' Welfare, Government of India on the capacity building for policy formula on on
farmer producer organiza ons.
· Several countries have expressed the need for immediate transfer of technology rather than
inves ng their me and resources to develop a machine or a technology. Therefore,
Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India may explore the op ons of dissemina ng
technologies through MoU with other na ons that are in demand in their countries such as
soil tes ng kits, maize and cassava harvesters, small implements of cultural opera ons in
the field, etc.
· MANAGE will con nue to work on the strength of collabora ons developed with
Ins tu ons of ICAR, Na onal ins tutes and Interna onal ins tutes for mul -ins tute
training and capacity development ac vi es. The experts from India may be deputed to
follow up with the trainees for technical guidance through short courses in their countries.
Some important themes not covered under FTFITT may also be addressed through such
· With the accumulated experiences of organizing 44 training programs under FTF ITT,
MANAGE will start a special course on training and capacity development of trainers'
training program on designing and delivering interna onal training programs with
developmental challenges and their monitoring and evalua on. Effort will be made to
develop a team with core competencies on developmental studies and program planning,
implementa on and evalua on of global level programs.
Survey Results of Demand Analysis and Training Needs Assessment in Partner Countries
2. Botswana
· Improved crop produc on methods in millets and pulses
· Plant protec on management in field crops
· Post-harvest management
· Improved vegetable farming methods
· Improved fruit produc on techniques
· Commercial dairy farming
· Commercial poultry and piggery farming
· Reservoir fisheries management
· Climate proof technologies for resilient agriculture
· Rainwater harves ng and water conserva on techniques
· Mixed farming and IFS models
· Bee keeping and pollina on
3. Cambodia
Sl.No Country Training needs iden fied
6. Kenya
· Post-Harvest Technology and Management
· Agricultural Extension Management
· Public Private Partnership in Agriculture Extension
· ICT applica on in Agricultural Extension
· Agri-entrepreneurship Development
· Agribusiness, Value Addi on of Agricultural Products and
Marke ng
· Interna onal Agricultural Trade and Policy
· Food Processing Technologies and Management
· Advancement in Fisheries Technologies
· Farm Mechaniza on for small Farmers
· Modern Technology in Dairy and Poultry Management
· Bee Keeping and Produc on of Mushrooms
· Soil &Water Conserva on and Management
Sl.No Country Training needs iden fied
7. Liberia · ICT based extension
· Gender Mainstreaming in Agriculture
· Agripreneurship
· Market-led Agriculture
· Public-Private Partnership
· Supply Chain Management
· Modern Food Processing
· Formula on of a Na onal Plant Protec on Policy of
· Water Resource Development and Management
· Sustainable Agriculture
· Empowering livestock farmers in selected coun es of
Liberia through improved livestock prac ces
· Capacity building of Liberian farmers through Farmer
Field Schools (FFS)
· Farm business management for animal husbandry and
hor culture sector in Liberia
· Promo on of urban and peri-urban produc on and
marke ng of vegetables
8. Lao PDR
· Modern Rice Produc on Technology
· Integrated Crop Management Methods in Maize
· Integrated Farming- Crop-Fodder-Animal-Poultry-Fisheries
· Floriculture and Raising of High-Value Crops in Controlled
· Value Addi on of Hor cultural Produces
· Soil and Water Conserva on
· Management of Forests and Forest products
· Commercial Dairy Farming
· Food/Dairy Processing Technologies and Management
· Produc on Technology of Bio-Pes cides
· Bio-Control Agents- Opportuni es and Produc on
· Fish Products Development and Value Addi on Techniques
Sl.No Country Training needs iden fied
10. Mongolia
· Soil conserva on and fer lity management
· Irriga on management
· Livestock management
· Fodder development
· Pasture management
· Value chain management for meat and milk
· Improved cul va on technologies on wheat and
· Kitchen garden for promo on of vegetables
· Technologies for commercial fish produc on
· Custom hiring model for farm mechaniza on
· Crop insurance schemes
· Climate resilience in agriculture
· Forest Management
11. Mozambique
· Capacity building for sustainable agricultural development
· Advanced methods of produc on of quality seed and
plan ng material
· Effec ve crop management, irrigated farming and
compa ble crop pa ern for nutri onal security
· Farm Mechaniza on
· ICT for using market intelligence and other farm services
· Farmer collec ves, Producer companies, Self Help Groups,
Joint liability groups
· Preparedness and Mi ga on of Natural Disasters
· Agro-processing
12. Myanmar
· Seed produc on technology
· Diversified farming
· Market led extension
· Establishing Farmer Producer Organisa ons
· Farmer Par cipatory Extension
· Small farm mechaniza on
· Value added produc on technology
· Community telecentres
· Public private partnership for farm development
· Farm credit system for Supply chain
· Backyard poultry rearing
· Responsible fisheries and conserva on of fish resources
· Drought management
· Paddy-fish integrated farming
· High value crops for small farmers
18 17
Sl.No Country Training needs iden fied
Sl.No Country Training needs iden fied
16. Uganda
· Gender Mainstreaming
· Agripreneurship
· Post-harvest processing and storage
· Fish and Aquaculture
· ICT enabled agri-marke ng
· Capacity building of farmers through Farmer Field
Schools (FFS)
· Par cipatory extension approaches
· Extension management approaches for promo on of
sericulture industry
· Farm Mechaniza on
· Agri-business Management
· Postharvest and food processing technologies of
hor cultural crops
· Commercial dairy farming and modern dairy
· Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)
List of Training Programs and Number of Par cipants
No. of
S.No Training topic Dates Training Ins tute and Venue
Par cipants
Year 2016
1. e-Extension: ICT Applica ons in 10 -19 Ministry of Agriculture, Irriga on and
Agricultural Extension Management October, Livestock (MAIL), Kabul, Afghanistan 71
6. Farm Mechaniza on for Small Farmers 11-25 ICAR-Central Ins tute of Agricultural
April, Engineering (CIAE), Bhopal, Madhya 23
2017 Pradesh, India
7. Modern Dairy Technology and 15-29 ICAR- Na onal Dairy Research Ins tute
Management April, (NDRI), Karnal, Haryana 24
Interna onal Partnership Conven on” 28 June Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural
8. for Point of Contacts (POCs) of Africa 1 July, Extension Management (MANAGE),
and Asian Countries 2017 Hyderabad, Telangana, India 22
10. Plant Health Management Technologies 4-18 Na onal Ins tute of Plant Health
and Approaches India September, Management (NIPHM), Hyderabad,
2017 24
Telangana, India
Recent Trends in Harvest and Post- 12-26 ICAR-Central Ins tute of Fisheries
11. September, 20
harvest Technologies in Fisheries Technology (CIFT), Cochin, Kerala, India
Post-harvest Technology in Hor culture 6-20 ICAR-Indian Ins tute of Hor cultural
Crops November, Research (IIHR), Bengaluru, Karnataka,
2017 26
13. Entrepreneurship Development among 13 -22 St. Augus ne Training Ins tute,
Rural Women November, Nsambya, Kampala, Uganda 56
No. of
S.No Training topic Dates Training Ins tute and Venue
Par cipants
Year 2018
14. Linking Farmers to Market: 09-23 CCS Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural
Opportuni es and Challenges January, Marke ng (NIAM), Jaipur, Rajasthan, 20
2018 India
15. Strategies for Enhancement of Farmers 16-30 ICAR - Central Research Ins tute of
Income in Dryland Agriculture January, Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), 22
2018 Hyderabad, Telangana, India
16. Value Addi on and Market Linkage 23 Jan- ICAR - Indian Ins tute of Millets
Mechanisms in Millets 06 Feb, Research (IIMR), Hyderabad, Telangana, 20
2018 India
17. Management of Technology and 30 Jan- ICAR - Indian Ins tute of Soil Sciences
Extension for Soil Tes ng based 13 Feb, (IISS), Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India 21
Advisory Services to Farmers 2018
18. Produc on, Processing and Marke ng 06-20 ICAR - Indian Ins tute of Vegetable
of Organic Vegetables February, Research (IIVR), Varanasi, 21
2018 U ar Pradesh, India
19. Agricultural Credit for Sustainable 06-20 Bankers' Ins tute of Rural
Livelihoods February, Development (BIRD), Lucknow, 20
2018 U ar Pradesh, India
20. Income Genera ng Enterprises in 13-27 ICAR-Central Planta on Crops Research
Planta on Sector February, Ins tute (CPCRI), Kasaragod, Kerala, 21
21. Cri cal Produc on and Processing 20 Feb- ICAR-Indian Ins tute of Rice Research
06 March (IIRR), Hyderabad, Telangana, India 20
Technologies in Rice
22. Plant Bio-security and Food Safety 3-17 Na onal Ins tute of Plant Health
March, Management (NIPHM), Hyderabad, 20
2018 Telangana, India
23. Management of Dairy coopera ves 10-24 ICAR-Na onal Dairy Research Ins tute
April, 22
(NDRI), Karnal, Haryana, India
24. Entrepreneurship Development in Food 17 April- Indian Ins tute of Food Processing
Processing 01 May, Technology (IIFPT), Thanjavur, 20
2018 Tamil Nadu, India
No. of
S.No Training topic Dates Training Ins tute and Venue
Par cipants
30. Entrepreneurship Development among 06-20 Kudumbashree Mission,
Rural Women November, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India 26
31. Plant Health Management, Bio-security 27 Nov- Na onal Ins tute of Plant Health
and Quaran ne 11 Dec, Management (NIPHM), Hyderabad, 20
Telangana, India
Year 2019
32. Modern Dairy Technology and 05-19 ICAR-Na onal Dairy Research Ins tute
Management and Coopera ves February, (NDRI), Karnal, Haryana, India 29
33. Seed Produc on, Processing and 12-26 Na onal Seed Research & Training
Commercializa on Februaty, Ins tute (NSRTC), Varanasi, 31
2019 U ar Pradesh, India
34. ICT Applica ons in Agricultural 11-25 Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural
Extension Management March, Extension Management (MANAGE), 34
2019 Hyderabad, Telangana, India
(Farmers Call Centre)
35. Agribusiness and Management 18 June- Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural
2 July, Extension Management (MANAGE), 26
2019 Hyderabad, Telangana, India
36. Agribusiness: Start-up to Scale-up 10-24 Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural
July, Extension Management (MANAGE),
2019 Hyderabad, Telangana, India 26
37. Climate Smart Agriculture 20 Aug- ICAR-Central Research Ins tute for
3 Sept, Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), 27
2019 Water and Land Management Training
and Research Ins tute (WALAMTARI)
and Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural
Extension Management (MANAGE),
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
38. Integrated Technology for Produc on, 16-30 ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research
Processing and Value addi on in Tuber September, Ins tute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram, 29
Crops 2019 Kerala, India
40. Integrated Management Strategies for 19 Nov- Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural
Major Crop Pests & Diseases in 3 Dec, Extension Management (MANAGE), 26
Developing Countries (With special 2019 Hyderabad, Telangana, India
focus on Fall Army Worm)
41. Agricultural Policy Formula on, Review 21 Jan- Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural
and Analysis 4 Feb, Extension Management (MANAGE), 26
2020 Hyderabad, Telangana, India
42. Good Agricultural Prac ces for 11-25 Interna onal Crops Research Ins tute
Sustainable Agriculture in Developing February, for Semi Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), 25
Countries 2020 Hyderabad, Telangana, India
43. Food Processing and Value Addi on 4-18 CSIR-Central Food Technological
Technologies for Agripreneurship March, Research Ins tute (CFTRI), Mysuru, 23
2020 Karnataka, India
44. Produc on to Post Harvest 9-23 University of Agricultural Sciences,
Management in Hor cultural Crops March, Bangalore & University of Hor cultural 23
2020 Sciences, Bagalkot, Karanataka, India
List of Points of Contact (PoCs) in all Partner Countries from Africa and Asia.
S.No Country Points of Contact (PoCs)
S.No Country Points of Contact (PoCs)
S.No Country Points of Contact (PoCs)
S.No Country Points of Contact (PoCs)
Brief Profile of Partner Ins tutes Involved in Organising the FTF ITT program
The USAID is an independent agency of the United States federal government that is
primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid and development assistance. USAID is
the world's premier interna onal development agency and a cataly c actor driving development
results. USAID is advancing global food security by helping families and individuals meet their need
for a reliable source of quality food and sufficient resources to produce or purchase it. This, in turn
supports global stability and prosperity. By addressing the root causes of hunger, USAID is
increasing economic opportunity and growth among vulnerable communi es. Feed the Future is
America's ini a ve to combat global hunger. Led by USAID, the ini a ve brings several partners
together to address the root causes of hunger and poverty by boos ng agriculture-led growth,
resilience and nutri on in countries with great need and opportunity for improvement.Created in
the wake of the devasta ng 2007 and 2008 food price spikes, Feed the Future has since helped
millions of people in vulnerable communi es around the world reduce hunger and malnutri on,
increase their incomes through agriculture, and create economic opportuni es both on and off the
farm. Feed The Future India Triangular Training is funded by the USAID India in collabora on with
the contribu on by MANAGE in kind.
Feed the Future helps partner countries accomplish the following objec ves:
v Improve agricultural produc on and markets and create new opportuni es.
v Strengthen the resilience of communi es to shocks.
v Reduce hunger and improve nutri on, especially among mothers and children.
v Increase the exchange of ideas, technologies and products that benefit ci zens at
home and communi es abroad.
Contact details:
Mission Director,
USAID India, American Embassy
Shan path, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi, Delhi
India 110 021
Phone +91 (11) 24198000 / Fax +91 (11) 24198612
2. Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE)
Feed The Future India Triangular Training (FTF ITT) was part of the new agriculture
partnership implemented by the USAID India represen ng US Government and Na onal
Ins tute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad represen ng Ministry
of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India. FTF ITT was having a target of
organizing 44 training and capacity development programmes for the field level officers of
Africa and Asia during 2016-20. The partner countries in the programme included: Afghanistan,
Bangladesh, Botswana, Cambodia, Democra c Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Lao PDR,
Liberia, Malawi, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania,
Uganda and Vietnam to train 1144 par cipants.MANAGE created a special cell Program
Management Unit (PMU) for coordina ng, implemen ng and monitoring the FTF ITT program.
The PMU was headed by the Program Director who is assisted by a program team consis ng of
Program Manager, Program Execu ve and a Junior Program Execu ve. The other necessary
support to the PMU was extended by the administra on and finance divisions of MANAGE.
Contact details:
The Director General,
Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural Extension Management,
Hyderabad - 500 030, Telangana, India
Ph: 040-24594533
Email: [email protected]
3. CCS Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural Marke ng (NIAM)
The Ch. Charan Singh Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural Marke ng (NIAM) is a premier
Na onal level Ins tute set up by the Government of India in August 1988 to offer specialized
Training, Research, Consultancy and Educa on in Agricultural Marke ng. NIAM is an
autonomous body under the aegis of the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. It was set
up as a Registered Society to cater to the needs of Agricultural Marke ng personnel in India as
well as from South East Asian countries. The Union Minister for Agriculture is the President of the
General body of NIAM and Secretary, Department of Agriculture and Coopera on is the
Chairman of the Execu ve Commi ee.
NIAM is playing a vital role in expedi ng the reform process and availability of quality
managers through its mandate. NIAM is engaged in organizing training programmes in the field
of agricultural marke ng and allied areas for senior and middle level officers from various line
departments of State Governments, Coopera ves, Marke ng Boards and Agribusiness
Entrepreneurs. The ins tute is also playing an ac ve role in orien ng agricultural extension
personnel towards agricultural marke ng.
Contact details
The Director General,
CCS Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural Marke ng
Bambala, Kota Road, Jaipur-302033 (Rajasthan), India
Tel: 0141-2770027
(Fax): 141-2771938, 2770027
Email:[email protected]
Contact Details
Mission Director,
Kudumbashree State Mission,
2nd Floor, TRIDA Rehabilita on Building,
Medical College P.O.,Thiruvananthapuram - 695011,Kerala, India
Phone: 91-471-2554714, 2554715, 2554716
E-Mail- [email protected], [email protected]
5. ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Ins tute (CTCRI)
The ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Ins tute (CTCRI) a cons tuent Ins tute under the
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is the only research organiza on in the World
dedicated solely to the research on tropical tuber crops. The Ins tute was established in 1963
with its Headquarters at Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum), Kerala has grown over the years
into a premier research organiza on of interna onal repute.
The Ins tute has a broad mandate of genera ng research informa on on tropical tuber
crops that help to enhance produc vity and improve the u liza on poten al.
v To undertake basic, strategic and applied research for genera ng technologies to
enhance produc vity and u liza on poten al of tuber crops (other than potato).
v To act as a na onal repository of scien fic informa on on tuber crops
v To coordinate network research with State Agricultural Universi es and ICAR Ins tutes
for genera ng loca on specific technologies
v To act as a centre for human resource development for various clientele systems
involved in research and development of tuber crops.
v To undertake transfer of tuber crops technology through consultancy, outreach
programmes and linkage with developmental agencies.
Contact Details
The Director,
ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Ins tute,
Sreekariyam.P.O, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Telephone: (+91)(471) 2598551
FAX: (+91)(471) 2590063
E-mail:[email protected] , [email protected].
6. ICAR - Central Ins tute of Agricultural Engineering (CIAE)
The Central Ins tute of Agricultural Engineering (CIAE), Bhopal was established on 15th
February 1976 with an aim to develop and popularize technologies for mechaniza on of Indian
agriculture. ICAR-CIAE is na onally and interna onally premier Agricultural Engineering
Research and Development Ins tute in India devoted to develop and promote appropriate
technologies for land development, farm mechaniza on, irriga on, processing of agro-
produce, u lizing renewable, animate and mechanical power sources.
Central Ins tute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal during the past three decades has
come to be recognized as the pioneer research ins tute in the field of agricultural engineering.
The ins tute has developed technologies for farm mechaniza on, post-harvest management
and value addi on, efficient energy management in agriculture and harnessing the poten al of
natural resources. Improvement in profitability of agricultural enterprise along with reduced
human and animal drudgery and gender specificity have been shown to be the much-needed
incen ve for farmers and farm workers of tomorrow.
v Research on agricultural mechaniza on, post-harvest food processing, and energy
management in agriculture
v Human resource development and capacity building through outreach and training
programs; commercializa on and u liza on of agricultural engineering technologies.
Contact Details
The Director,
ICAR-Central Ins tute of Agricultural Engineering,
NabiBagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal - 462038 (Madhya Pradesh) India
Cell: +91 7552737191
E-mail: [email protected]
7. ICAR - Na onal Dairy Research Ins tute (NDRI)
The Na onal Dairy Research Ins tute as country's premier Dairy Research ins tu on
has developed considerable exper se over the last five decades in different areas of Dairy
Produc on, Processing, Management and Human Resource Development. Informa on
generated at the Ins tute and the services offered have contributed to the growth of Dairy
Industry as a whole and well-being of millions of milk producers and consumers of milk and milk
products. The Na onal Dairy Research Ins tute, Karnal was originally started as Imperial
Ins tute of Animal Husbandry and Dairying in 1923 at Bangalore. It was expanded and
renamed as Imperial Dairy Ins tute in 1936 and was known as Na onal Dairy Research Ins tute
a er independence in 1947. Subsequently, in 1955, NDRI Headquarter was shi ed to Karnal.
The Na onal Dairy Research Ins tute undertakes research, teaching and extension ac vi es
towards dairy development in the country. Being the Na onal Ins tute, it conducts basic and
applied research with the objec ve to enhance animal produc vity and also to develop cost
effec ve technologies for the benefit of the teeming millions. Further, the Ins tute provides
high quality manpower to meet the human resource requirements for the overall dairy
development in the country. The Ins tute also undertakes extension programmes for
transferring the know-how from the laboratory to the farmers' fields.
v Conduc ng research in the areas of Dairy Produc on, Processing and Marke ng.
v Demand driven 'Human Resource Development' to meet the requirements of Dairy
Industry & R&D Ins tu ons.
v Dissemina on of innova ve dairy produc on and processing technologies for socio-
economic transforma ons
Contact Details
The Director,
ICAR-Na onal Dairy Research Ins tute
Karnal-132001, Haryana, India
Phone: +91-184-2259084 (O), +91-184-2252800 / 2259002
Email: [email protected]
8. ICAR-Central Ins tute of Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology (CIPHET)
The ICAR-Central Ins tute of Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology (CIPHET) was
established on 3 October 1989 at the Punjab Agriculture University Campus, Ludhiana, Punjab,
India as a nodal ins tute to undertake lead researches in the area of the Post-Harvest
Engineering and Technology appropriate to agricultural produc on catchment and agro-
v Research on post-harvest processing, preserva on, storage and value addi on of
agricultural commodi es.
v Human resource and entrepreneurship development in post-harvest engineering and
v Crea ng prosperity through minimiza on of post harvest losses from 15% to 5% and
increase in value addi on from present level of 10% to 30% to produce and by-products
from crops, hor culture, livestock and fisheries sectors.
v Higher profitability of agricultural produc on systems ensuring be er income to
farmers and increased employment opportuni es in rural sector through efficient post
harvest engineering and technological interven ons for loss reduc on and value
addi on to agricultural produce and byproducts resul ng in high quality and safe food
and feed at compe ve prices for domes c and export markets.
Contact Details
The Director,
ICAR-Central Ins tute of Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology
P.O. PAU Ludhiana - 141004 (Punjab), India
Phone: 0161-2313101/ Fax: 0161-2308670
Email: [email protected]
9. Na onal Ins tute of Plant Health Management (NIPHM)
NIPHM is a Na onal level ins tute under the administra ve control of the Department of
Agriculture & Coopera on, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer's welfare, Government of India
established in the year 1966 as Central Plant Protec on Ins tute (CPPTI) at Hyderabad. The
Ins tute was rechristened subsequently as Na onal Plant Protec on Training Ins tute (NPPTI).It
became an autonomous body in the year 2008 with the expanded scope of promo ng
environmentally sustainable Plant Health Management prac ces in diverse and changing agro-
clima c condi ons, Plant Biosecurity Management and Pes cide Management through capacity
building programmes, besides providing inputs for policy formula on on Plant Health
Management, Plant Biosecurity, Invasive Alien Species, market access, Pes cide Management
etc. at state and na onal level. The NIPHM provides its services to organiza ons in both the
public and the private sector.
v Assist the States and the Government of India in increasing the efficiency of the
exis ng pest and disease surveillance and control system,
v Cer fica on and accredita on systems through a core role as a training and adap ve
research centre in the field of extension and policy developments related to plant
protec on.
v To develop an interna onal role as a leading centre for plant protec on and
quaran ne capacity building within the region for building capacity in neighboring
Contact Details
The Director General,
Na onal Ins tute of Plant Health Management,
(An Organiza on of Department of Agriculture, Coopera on &
Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India)
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad - 500 030 ( Telangana ) India
Ph : 040-24013346/Fax : 040 24015346
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
10. ICAR-Central Ins tute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT)
The Central Ins tute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT) set up in 1957 is the only na onal
centre in the country where research in all disciplines rela ng to fishing and fish processing is
undertaken. The ins tute started func oning at Cochin in 1957. Research centres func on at
Veraval (Gujarat), Visakhapatnam (AP) and Mumbai (Maharashtra).
v Basic and strategic research in fishing and processing.
v Design and develop energy efficient fishing systems for responsible fishing and
sustainable management
v Development of implements and machinery for fishing and fish processing.
v Human resource Development through training, educa on and extension.
Contact Details
The Director,
ICAR-Central Ins tute of Fisheries Technology
CIFT Junc on, Willingdon Island
Matsyapuri P.O., Cochin-682 029, Kerala, India
Ph: 0484-2412300; Fax: 091-484-2668212; ci @ci
11. ICAR-Indian Ins tute of Hor culture Research (IIHR)
The Indian Ins tute of Hor cultural Research (IIHR) is an autonomous organiza on ac ng
as a nodal agency for basic, strategic, an cipatory and applied research on various aspects of
hor culture such as fruits, vegetable, ornamental, medicinal and aroma c plants and
mushrooms in India.[1] The ins tute has its headquarters in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India and is a
subsidiary of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi, under the Ministry of
Agriculture, India. The IIHR, the first hor cultural research ins tute in the country under the
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), was established on 5 September 1967 at New
Delhi. Later, the base of IIHR was moved to Hesaragha a located 25 km away from Bangalore in
Karnataka, on 1 February 1968.
v To undertake basic and applied research for developing strategies to enhance
produc vity and u liza on of tropical and sub-tropical hor culture crops viz., fruits,
vegetables, ornamentals, medicinal and aroma c plants and mushrooms.
v To serve as a repository of scien fic informa on relevant to hor culture.
v To act as a centre for training for up grada on of scien fic manpower in modern
technologies for hor culture produc on and
v To collaborate with na onal and interna onal agencies in achieving the above
objec ves.
Contact Details
The Director,
ICAR-Indian Ins tute of Hor culture Research,
Hessaragha a Lake Post,
Bengaluru-560 089, Karnataka, India
Tel: 080-28466471/080-28466353
E-mail: [email protected]
12. ICAR-Central Research Ins tute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA)
Central Research Ins tute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA) is a Na onal Research Ins tute
under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) established in 1985 with a mandate to
carry out basic and applied research in rainfed farming. The Ins tute also undertakes Na onal /
Interna onal Collabora ons and Consultancy Projects. All India Coordinated Research
Programmes (AICRPs) of ICAR on Dryland Agriculture and Agro meteorology with 25 partners
each are in CRIDA. This is the lead Ins tute and the Na onal Nodal point for the Na onal
Innova ons in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) which is being implemented at large number
of Research Ins tutes of ICAR, State Agricultural Universi es and 100 KVKs.
v Basic and applied for sustainable and climate resilient agriculture in rainfed areas.
v Co-ordinate network research for genera ng loca on-specific technologies in rainfed
v Centre for capacity enhancement in natural resource management in drylands.
Contact Details
The Director,
ICAR-Central Research Ins tute for Dryland Agriculture,
Santoshnagar, Hyderabad - 500 059
Telangana, India
Tel: +91 -040 24532243, 24530161
Fax: +91 -040 24531802, 24535336
Email: [email protected]
13. ICAR-Indian Ins tute of Millets Research (IIMR)
Indian Ins tute of Millets Research (IIMR) is a premier agricultural research ins tute
engaged in basic and strategic research on sorghum and other millets under Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR).IIMR coordinates and facilitates Millets research at na onal level
through All India Coordinated Research Projects on Millets, Pearl Millet and Small Millets and
provides linkages with various na onal and interna onal agencies.
The vision is: “Transforming millets cul va on from subsistence farming to globally
compe ve through cost-effec ve and environment friendly produc on, processing and value
addi on technologies and supply chain networks”.While grain produc on is the main focus, forage
and stover uses and quality are also of equal priority. Na onal priori es, networks and
interna onal linkages, support and technology exchange will be integrated in the research agenda.
v Basic and strategic research to increase produc vity of millets and their diversified
u liza on for enhancement of profitability.
v Coordina on and development of improved crop produc on and protec on
technologies of millets.
v Training and consultancy on millet produc on and u liza on.
v Dissemina on of technologies and capacity building.
Contact Details
The Director,
ICAR-Indian Ins tute of Millets Research
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030
Telangana, India
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel:+91 - 040 - 2459 9300 / Fax : +91 - 040 - 2459 9304
14. ICAR-Indian Ins tute of Soil Science (IISS)
The Indian Ins tute of Soil Science (ICAR-IISS) was established on 16 April, 1988 at
Bhopal with a mandate of “Enhancing Soil Produc vity with Minimum Environmental
Degrada on”. To accomplish the mandate of the ins tute, it has given the priority to soil health
related issues faced by farmers and other stakeholders. IISS has emerged as a leader in basic and
strategic research on soils in the country. It has achieved significant success in the areas of
integrated nutrient management, impact on soil under long-term cropping, technology for
prepara on of enriched composts, soil test based nutrient prescrip ons, genera on of district-
wise GIS based soil fer lity maps, organic farming prac ces, carbon sequestra on in soils, sink
capacity of soils for heavy metal pollutants, recycling of wastes, soil microbial diversity and bio
fer lizers, quality standards for municipal solid waste composts etc.
v The Ins tute has the mission of "Providing scien fic basis for enhancing and sustaining
produc vity of soil resources with minimal environmental degrada on" with following
v Basic and strategic research on physical, chemical and biological processes in soils
related to management of nutrients, water and energy
v Advanced technologies for sustainable soil health and quality
v Coordinate the network research with State Agricultural Universi es, Na onal,
Interna onal and other Research Organiza ons
Contact Details
The Director,
ICAR-Indian Ins tute of Soil Sciences
Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal - 462038
Madhya Pradesh, India.
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
Phone: (Off.) : 0755-2730946 Fax: 0755-2733310
15. ICAR-Indian Ins tute of Vegetable Research (IIVR)
ICAR-Indian Ins tute of Vegetable Research IIVR, Varanasi is a field unit of Indian Council
of Agricultural Research under the aegis of the Department of Agricultural Research and
Educa on, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.Vegetables are
important cons tuents of Indian agriculture and nutri onal security due to their short dura on,
high yield, nutri onal richness, economic viability and ability to generate on-farm and off-farm
employment. Our country is blessed with diverse agro-climates with dis nct seasons, making it
possible to grow wide array of vegetables.
In view of the importance of vegetables, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
established All India Coordinated Research Project on Vegetable Crops (AICRP-VC) in the year
1971 at the Indian Agricultural Research Ins tute (IARI), New Delhi to plan, coordinate and
monitor the research ac vi es on vegetable crops.To further boost systema c vegetable
research in the country a full-fledged Indian Ins tute of Vegetable Research (IIVR) was
established in 1999 at Varanasi.
v Basic, strategic and applied research to enhance and sustain produc vity, monitor
quality and u liza on of vegetable crops.
v Repository of vegetable crops, gene c resources and scien fic informa on.
v Transfer of technology, capacity building and impact assessment of technologies.
v Coordinate research and valida on of technologies under AICRP on vegetable Crops.
Contact Details
The Director,
ICAR-Indian Ins tute of Vegetable Research
Post Bag No. 01, P. O. Jakhini (Shahanshapur)
Kelabela, U ar Pradesh - 23130, India
Tel: 0542 263 5247
Email: [email protected]
16. Bankers Ins tute of Rural Development (BIRD)
BIRD is a Learning Ins tu on promoted by Na onal Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development (NABARD) to cater to the training requirements of the stake holders of agriculture
and rural banking. BIRD is ac vely engaged in iden fying and documen ng issues cri cal to
expansion of inclusive rural credit and facilita ng policy discussions on these issues of na onal
importance. BIRD conducts in–house, on-loca on and overseas training programmes for
bankers from within and outside the country, officials of central and state governments and
NGOs. The training programmes cover a wide range of subjects that include Banking, Finance,
micro Finance, Financial inclusion, Projects, Development themes, IT applica ons in banking,
Human Resource Management, Climate Change, Sustainable Development, Natural Resource
Management(NRM) etc. BIRD also conducts studies, research and consultancy on contemporary
topics in related fields.
To emerge as the premier Ins tute of the Developing World offering Training, Research and
Consultancy services to its customers and undertaking other related ac vi es in the field of
agriculture and rural development banking.
· Commitment and competence building of people in Rural Financial Ins tu ons (RFIs)
and other partners in Rural Development through training.
· Help building viable and vibrant RFIs through Organisa on Development,
Consultancy and Research.
· Help building appropriate systems for delivery of financial services.
· Promote policy debate on Rural Development Strategies.
Contact Details
The Director,
Bankers Ins tute of Rural Development,
Sector-H, LDA Colony,
Kanpur Road, Lucknow - 226 012, U ar Pradesh, India.
Ph No.: + 91-522-2425917
Email: [email protected]
17. ICAR-Central Planta on Crops Research Ins tute (CPCRI)
The Coconut Research Sta on at Kasaragod in Kerala was ini ally established in 1916 by
the then Government of Madras and subsequently it was taken over by the Indian Central
Coconut Commi ee in 1948. Central Planta on Crops Research Ins tute (CPCRI) was established
in 1970 as one of the agricultural research ins tutes in the Na onal Agricultural Research System
(NARS) under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).
The Ins tute had the mandate to undertake research on coconut, arecanut, cocoa,
cashew, oil palm and spices at the me of establishment. The research on cashew, oil palm and
spices were later delinked from CPCRI to form separate ins tutes.
The present mandate of the ins tute is to conduct research on coconut, arecanut and cocoa.
v Basic, strategic and applied research to enhance sustainable produc vity, quality and
u liza on of coconut, arecanut and cocoa,
v Repository of planta on crops gene c resources and scien fic informa on,
v Transfer of technology, capacity building and impact assessment of technologies,
v Coordinate research and valida on of technologies on planta on crops through AICRP
on Palms.
Contact Details
The Director,
ICAR-Central Planta on Crops Research Ins tute
Kudlu.P.O, Kasaragod - 671124
Kerala, India
Phone : 04994-232894
E-Mail :[email protected], [email protected]
18. ICAR-Indian Ins tute of Rice Research (IIRR)
Indian Ins tute of Rice Research (formerly Directorate of Rice Research) IIRR is a rice
research ins tute located in Rajendranagar near Hyderabad. Indian Ins tute of Rice Research,
formerly All India coordinated Rice Improvement Project (AICRIP), was established by the
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in 1965 with its na onal headquarters at
Hyderabad to organize and coordinate mul -loca on tes ng of gene c lines and technologies
for crop produc on and protec on generated across the country. The Project was elevated to
Directorate of Rice Research in 1975 with an added mandate of research in the thrust areas of
irrigated rice. The Directorate con nues its mul -loca on.
IIRR mainly coordinates mul -loca on tes ng at na onal level to iden fy appropriate
varietal and management technologies for all the rice ecosystems and conducts various
strategic and applied research in the major thrust areas of irrigated rice aimed at enhancement
of produc on, produc vity and profitability and at preserving. environmental quality. Also, it
ini ates and coordinates research networks rela ng to problems of na onal and regional
importance. IIRR serves as major centres for exchange of research material and informa on.
Contact Details
The Director,
ICAR-Indian Ins tute of Rice Research
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad - 500030
Telangana, India
Tel: 040 2459 1218
Email: [email protected]
19. Indian Ins tute of Food Processing Technology (IIFPT)
The Indian Ins tute of Food Processing Technology (IIFPT) is a pioneer Research and
Educa onal Ins tu on under the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India.
Dr. V. Subrahmanyan. an eminent scien st and founder Director, Central Food Technological
Research Ins tute, Mysore, a er his re rement, started PPRC in 1967 as R & D laboratory in the
Modern Rice Mill complex of Thanjavur Co-opera ve Marke ng Federa on (TCMF) at Tiruvarur,
Tamil Nadu, India. The Ins tute was later upgraded as a na onal laboratory with the name Paddy
Processing Research Centre (PPRC) in 1972. Considering the vital importance of strengthening R
& D efforts in the post-harvest processing, preserva on and value addi on of raw agricultural
produce, the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) strengthened and upgraded the
PPRC as a Na onal Ins tute in February 2008 and renamed as Indian Ins tute of Crop Processing
Technology (IICPT).Indian Ins tute of Food Processing Technology (IIFPT) was christened on 31st
March 2017 and will focus on providing solu ons to all food processing areas including fish, meat
and dairy products processing through intensive research and development ac vi es.
· To serve as a na onal ins tu on for research, educa on and training in the area of
post harvest processing of crops of wetlands and storm prone regions.
· To establish linkages with related processing industries and other academic as well
as R&D ins tu ons for achieving its goals effec vely.
· Gaining an increased understanding of living organisms with a view to increasing its
applica on in the grain industry.
· Providing a sound scien fic basis for decision making in food security, safe
environment and addressing the concerns of the consumers.
Contact Details
The Director,
Indian Ins tute of Food Processing Technology,
Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India,
Pudukko ai Road, Thanjavur - 613 005,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Tel: +91 4362 228155/ Fax: +91 4362 227971
Email: [email protected]
20. ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research (DPR)
v Basic and applied research to enhance produc vity of poultry.
v Development of new germplasm for poultry husbandry.
v Capacity building.
Contact Details
The Director,
ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research
Pillar No. 216, Dairy Farm Chowrastha,
Rajendra Nagar Rd,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad - 500030
Telangana, India
Tel: 040 2401 5651, Email: [email protected]
21. ICAR-Indian Ins tute of Spices Research (IISR)
A major step in ini a on of sustained research on spices was the launching of All India
Coordinated Spices and Cashew Improvement Project (AICSCIP) at Central Planta on Crops
Research Ins tute (CPCRI) at Kasaragod, Kerala during 1971 by Indian Council of Agricultural
Research (ICAR). Later the ICAR felt the need for intensifying research on spices and established a
Regional Sta on of CPCRI at Kozhikode, Kerala during 1975, exclusively for conduc ng research
on spices by the ICAR.The Regional Sta on was upgraded as Na onal Research Centre for Spices
(NRCS) in 1986 by merging with the Cardamom Research Centre of CPCRI at Appangala,
Karnataka as its regional sta on. The NRCS was further elevated to the present Indian Ins tute of
Spices Research (IISR) during 1995.
v Basic, applied and strategic research on gene c resource management, crop
improvement, crop produc on and protec on technologies for enhanced produc on
of safe spices.
v Transfer of technology, capacity building and impact assessment of technologies.
v Coordinate research and valida on of technologies under AICRP on Spices
Contact Details
The Director,
ICAR-Indian Ins tute of Spices Research
Marikunnu P.O., Kozhikode (Calicut),
Kerala – 673012. India.
Tel: 495 – 2730294
E-mail: [email protected]
22. Na onal Seed Research and Training Centre (NSRTC)
Na onal Seed Research and Training Centre (NSRTC) is the apex centre to maintain the
uniformity in seed tes ng results and HRD at na onal level. NSRTC monitors the all State Seed
Tes ng Laboratories and try to overcome their difficul es. It makes efforts to exper se seed
entrepreneurs and other stakeholders involved in seed development programme and make
them more potent. Through Na onal Trainings, Na onal Workshops and Na onal Seed
Congress, NSRTC is con nuously dissemina ng the knowledge of new techniques of seed
tes ng, role of quality seed etc. to the various seed development agencies and other
stakeholders.The Govt. of India, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Department of
Agriculture, Coopera on & Farmers Welfare, KrishiBhawan, New Delhi has started the Na onal
Seed Research and Training Centre (NSRTC), Varanasi during October 2005.
Objec ves
v Promote quality seed availability to meet the challenges of science based Agriculture.
v Making of promising Technologies reach the seed entrepreneurs and other
stakeholders through innova ve Trainings, Conferences & Symposia.
v Establishing uniformity in Seed produc on & Quality Control programmes at Na onal
v Innova ve curriculum planning and implementa on to make Seed Science & Research
more vibrant and responsible to match the vision and needs of present and future.
Contact Details
The Director,
Na onal Seed Research & Training Centre
Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare (DAC & FW)
G.T. ROAD, Collectry Farm,
P.O. Industrial Estate, Varanasi - 221 106 (U ar Pradesh), India
Ph No.: 0542-2370222; FAX: 0542-2370298
E-mail: [email protected]
23. Water and Land Management Training and Research Ins tute
The Water and Land Management Training and Research Ins tute (WALAMTARI) was
established in the year 1983 under World Bank aided project by the erstwhile Government of
Andhra Pradesh to impart training to the in-service engineers involved in the ac vi es of
Irriga on and Command Area Development,Agriculture officials of Agriculture Department
and farmers.It was registered as a Society in the year 1992, under the Socie es Registra on
Act.WALAMTARI is envisaged to func on as a Center of Excellence in water and land
management training and research in general and Par cipatory Irriga on Management (PIM)
in par cular. It addresses the training needs of engineers in the fields of planning, inves ga on,
design, construc on, opera on & maintenance and applica on of Informa on Technology and
also carries out training and research ac vi es in Agriculture field on op mum water u liza on
and increase in crop produc vity.
Contact Details
The Director,
Water and Land Management Training and Research Ins tute
Himayathsagar, Rajendranagar,
Hyderabad - 500030, Telangana, India
Phone No: 040-24006201, Fax: 040-24006202
E-mail: [email protected]
24. World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Vision: An equitable world where all people have viable livelihoods supported by healthy and
produc ve landscapes.
Mission: To harness the mul ple benefits trees provide for agriculture, livelihoods, resilience
and the future of our planet, from farmers' fields through to con nental scales.
Contact Details
The Director,
ICRAF, Regional Office for South Asia,
CG Block, NASC complex, DPSM, New Delhi-110012, India
Tel: +91 11 25609800/25847885/6
Email: [email protected]
The Forest College and Research Ins tute (TNAU), Me upalayam (TN) also associated with
ICRAF, New Delhi and ICAR-CAFRI, Jhansi to organize the 39 FTF ITT on Agroforestry:
Policy, Prac ce and Impact.
Contact Details
The Dean (Forestry),
Forest College and Research Ins tute,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Me upalayam, Tamil Nadu - 641 301, India
Phone:+91 4254 222010, E-Mail:[email protected]
25. ICAR-Central Agroforestry Research Ins tute (CAFRI)
To improve quality of life of rural people through integra on of perennials on
agriculture landscape for economic, environmental and social benefits.
Integra on of woody perennials in the farming system to improve land produc vity
through conserva on of soils, nutrients and biodiversity to augment natural resource
conserva on, restora on of ecological balance, allevia on of poverty and to mi gate risks of
weather vagaries.
Contact Details
The Director,
ICAR-Central Agroforestry Research Ins tute
Gwalior Road, Jhansi-284 003, U ar Pradesh, India
Ph: 91-510-2730214
Fax: 91-510-2730364
Email: [email protected]
26. ICAR- Indian Ins tute of Maize Research (IIMR)
The ICAR- Indian Ins tute of Maize Research (ICAR-IIMR) is a premier na onal ins tute
under the aegis of the Crop Science Division of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New
Delhi. Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) established the first Coordinated Crop
Improvement Project on maize (CCIPM) in 1957. The headquarters of ICAR-IIMR was shi ed
from New Delhi to Ludhiana in 2016. The off-season nursery, Winter Nursery Centre (WNC) was
established at Amberpet, Hyderabad in 1962 to accelerate the maize improvement programme
of north Indian maize research centres where winter temperature is not conducive for maize
cul va on. Subsequently, the WNC was shi ed to Rajendranagar, Hyderabad in 2008.
v Basic and strategic research aimed at enhancement of produc vity and produc on of
maize, including specialty corn.
v Coordina on of mul -disciplinary and mul -loca on research to iden fy appropriate
technologies for varied agro-clima c condi ons.
v Dissemina on of improved technologies, capacity building and developing linkages.
v Coordina on of the All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Maize and to carry
out extension and outreach programs.
Contact Details
The Director,
ICAR-Indian Ins tute of Maize Research
PAU Campus, Ludhiana (Punjab)-141 004 India
Fax: +91-161-2430038 / Phone: +91-1612440048
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
27. ICAR-Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (NIAP)
ICAR-Na onal Ins tute (formerly Centre) of Agricultural Economics and Policy
Research (NIAP) was established by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in March
1991 to strengthen agricultural economics and policy research in the na onal agricultural
research system. Applica ons of principles of economics in planning and evalua on of
agricultural R&D and policy research to promote science-led agricultural and rural
development have been the main goals of ICAR-NIAP. The Ins tute is commi ed to provide a
leadership role in strengthening agricultural policy research, undertaking empirically sound
policy research, and providing knowledge-based input for policy decisions. The Ins tute also
acts as a think tank of ICAR and helps it to ac vely par cipate in policy making.
v Agricultural economics and policy research on markets, trade and ins tu ons
v Growth and development models for sustainable agriculture
v Technology policy, evalua on and impact assessment
Leveraging Innova ons for A aining Efficient, Inclusive and Eco-friendly Agricultural
Growth through Agricultural Economics and Policy Research
To strengthen agricultural economics research for providing economically viable,
socially-acceptable and environmentally-feasible policy op ons for science-led agricultural
Contact Details
The Director,
ICAR-Na onal Ins tute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research
D.P.S. Marg, Pusa
New Delhi - 110012, India
Tel: +91-11- 25847628 / Fax - +91-11-25842684
Email: [email protected]
28. Interna onal Crops Research Ins tute for
Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
The Interna onal Crops Research Ins tute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) is an
interna onal organiza on which conducts agricultural research for rural development,
headquartered in Patancheru (Hyderabad), Telangana, India) with several regional centers
(Bamako (Mali), Nairobi (Kenya) and research sta ons (Niamey (Niger), Kano (Nigeria), Lilongwe
(Malawi), Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Bulawayo (Zimbabwe).
It was founded in 1972 by a consor um of organisa ons convened by the Ford and the
Rockefeller founda ons. Its charter was signed by the FAO and the UNDP. ICRISAT performs crop
improvement research, using conven onal as well as methods derived from biotechnology, on
the following crops: Chickpea, Pigeon pea, Groundnut, Pearl millet, Sorghum, Finger Millet and
Small millets.ICRISAT adopts Integrated gene c and natural resources management as its
overarching research strategy. The aim is to combine tested methods of crop commodity
research with well-established prac ces in research in natural resources management.
Contact Details
The Director General
Interna onal Crops Research Ins tute for Semi-Arid Tropics
Patancheru - 502 324, Hyderabad
Telangana State, India
Ph: +91 40 3071307 / Fax: +91 40 30713074
E-mail: [email protected]
29. CSIR−Central Food Technological Research Ins tute (CFTRI)
Research focus of CSIR-CFTRI has been revolved around broadly into the following areas:
v Engineering Sciences
v Technology Development
v Transla onal Research
v Food Protec on and Safety
v Business Development
v Food Product Analysis & Quality Assurance
v Pilot Plant Services
Contact Details
The Director,
CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Ins tute
Cheluvamba Mansion, Valmiki Rd, opp. Railway Museum, Devaraja Mohalla,
CFTRI Campus, Kajjihundi, Mysuru - 570020, Karnataka, India
Ph: 0821 251 7760
Email: iandp@c
30. University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS)
Objec ves
v To establish a dynamic system of agricultural educa on to train highly skilled and
competent manpower to address the challenging tasks with new emerging areas of
research, extension and industry.
v To develop suitable end-use technologies to solve farmers' problems vis-à-vis agricultural
produc on including animal husbandry and fisheries and foster research aimed at
conceptual advances in all disciplines for technology development in the long run.
v To ensure that the research findings and innova ons, a er their proven demonstra on,
are communicated to the farmers on a logis cally feasible scale.
Contact Details
The Vice-Chancellor,
University of Agricultural Sciences,
GKVK, Bangalore - 560 065, India
Tel: +91-80-2333 0153 / 2333 0984
Email:[email protected],[email protected]
31. University of Hor cultural Sciences (UHS)
The Mission
The mission of University of Hor cultural Sciences, Bagalkot (UHSB) is to enhance the
growth of hor culture sector by providing leadership in teaching, research and extension
services in hor culture and allied sciences through con nuous innova on and assimila on of
emerging paradigms, concepts and technology developments.
Contact Details
The Vice Chancellor
University of Hor cultural Sciences
Udyanagiri, Near Seemekeri Cross, Hubli Bypass Road, Navanagar,
Bagalkot, Karnataka 587104, India
Phone: 083542 30279
Email: [email protected]
Back At Work Plan Ques onnaire
8 What is first ac on you have planned that can Short answer related to your objec ve
help you to achieve your objec ve?
15. What is your BIGGEST mo va on to achieve Mul ple choice ques on with one or
results in your back at work plan? many possible answers
Details of Individual Training Programs
1. e-Extension: ICT Applications in Agricultural Extension Management
Title of the Training Program: e-Extension: ICT Applications in Agricultural Extension
Date: 10 -19 October 2016
Venue: Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL), Kabul, Afghanistan
Program Directors
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
S.No Name and Address, BAWP Title & Objectives
1. Mr. Abdul Malik
Cereal Crops General Manager, Paktia DAIL, Afghanistan. (Mobile: 796169971)
Title: Awareness program of all ICT sites to the extension workers and farmers in villages
Objective: Acquaint the extension personnel and farmers with the ICT services available and facilitate to
leverage the opportunity for better farming practices
2. Mr. Abdul Shakor
Plant Protection and Quarantine Dept, Konduz DAIL, Afghanistan. (Mobile: 799012216)
Title: ICT for IPM
Objective: Precise diagnosis based on visuals and images for better management of pest and diseases of crops
3. Mr. Abdul Alim
Extension Manager, Badghis DAIL, Afghanistan.Mobile: 797808815
Title: Social media in Agriculture
Objective: Popularize the use of social media like facebook and whatsapp for information on agriculture
4. Mr. Esmatullah
IT Officer, Daikundi DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile:777855547
Title: Agriculture marketing through Social Media
Objective: To use whatsapp and facebook for marketing of agricultural products
5. Mr. Farhad Hamdard
IT Officer, Helmand DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile:704595800
Title: Farmer call centre in Afghanistan
Objective: To familiarize the farmers to use the Call Centre for information and advisory services
6. Mr. Ali Sena Sadiqi
IT Officer, Ghazni DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile: 799009616
Title: Agriculture television programs for farmers
Objective: To broadcast agri-info on television which is the most used technology in rural areas
7. Mr. Mohammad Hanif
IT Officer, Badghis DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile: 799858935
Title: Social media for Agriculture
Objective: Popularize the use of social media like facebook and whatsapp for information on agriculture
8. Mr. Mohammad Zaker
Extension Officer, Panjshir DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile: 747406252
Title: Introduction of ICT for lead farmers
Objective: Lead farmers are more ready to innovate and experiment. Using ICT services by them will eventually
lead to use by most of the farmers in that area
9. Mr. Qasim Mohammadi
Saffron Specialist, Jawzjan DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile: 791327451
Title: Awareness about ICT techniques to farmers and officials.
Objective: To organise training programs on ICT tools and techniques to officials
10. Mr. Mirwais Ahmady
IT Officer, Parwan DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile: 700656104
Title: Awareness about social media to farmers
Objective: To create awareness among the farmers to use the social media for agriculture information
11. Mr. Borhanuddin
Extension Manager, Samangan DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile: 776242298
Title: e-Extension through social media (Facebook page) on Saffron cultivation.
Objective: To create a facebook page and provide information advisory services to the farmers on saffron
S.No Name and Address, BAWP Title & Objectives
12. Mr. Ziaulhaq
Coperative Officer, Paktika DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile: 772357812
Title: ICT in Extension
Objective: To enable use of ICT based technologies and services for extension outreach activities by the
extension professiosnals
13. Mr. Tahsinullah
Extension Manager, Khost DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile: 797805384
Title: Agro Advisory services to farmers
Objective: To provide agro-advisory services to the farmers using ICTs
14. Mr. Mohibullah
Extension Manager, Kunar DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile: 774741125
Title: Educating extension officers on ICT and data analytics
Objective: To provide trainings on ICT and data analysis for the extension officers
15. Mr. Borhanuddin
IT Officer, Nuristan DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile: 792259248
Title: Awareness training programs on Internet and ICT technologies to farmers in Afghanistan
Objectives: To conduct training programs on use of Internet and other services like facebook and WhatsApp
for agriculture information
16. Mr. Taj Mohammad
Extension Manager, Afghanistan. Mobile: 744281413
Title: Implementation of livestock sector in districts and villages in Afghanistan
Objective: To implement the livestock management technologies among the farmers at the village and district
levels in Afghanistan
17. Mr. Zaki
Regional Agronomist, Kunduz DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile: 787807276
Title: Agro Advisory through SMS
Objective: To provide information and services related to agriculture using mobile SMS to the farmers
18. Mr. Enayatullah Rastogi
Extension Manager, Takhar DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile: 700707525
Title: ICT for value chain of rice production in Afghanistan
Objective: To use ICT for the value chain involving various stakeholders in Rice production
19. Mr. Hasamuddin
IT Officer, Ghor DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile: 778861514
Title: Agriculture call centre for farmers
Objective: To establish Famer Call Centre for dissemination of agro-advisory services to farmers
20. Mr. Shukrullah
Extension Manager, Baghlan DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile: 707504022
Title: Introducing ICT trainings to farmers
Objective: Provide trainings on use of ICT by the farmers
21. Mr. Ehsanullah
Extension Manager, Badakhshan DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile: 797316223
Title: Extension services through Facebook
Objective: To provide extension services using the facebook page
22. Mr. Mujeebullah Anwari
Extension Manager, Nangarhar DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile: 780072924
Title: Awareness about social media to farmers
Objective: To make the farmers aware about the potential and use of social media like the Whatsapp and
Facebook for agriculture information
S.No Name and Address, BAWP Title & Objectives
23. Mr. Abdul Samad
MIS Manager, Faryab DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile:776961759
Title: Training on e-extension through SMS to the farmers
Objective: To train the farmers on how to send and receive agricultural information using SMS
S.No Name and Address, BAWP Title & Objectives
34. Mr. Waheedullah Sardar
GIS Officer, IRD –KFZ, Afghanistan. Mobile: 792442290
Title: Awareness of ICT for farmers
Objective: To create awareness among the farmers regarding the use of ICT services
35. Mr. Abdul Hameed Karimi
Crop Manager, Kabul DAIL, Afghanistan. Mobile: 700248405
Title: Social Media for agriculture professionals
Objective: to sensitize the agriculture professionals involved In information dissemination and delivery
services about the use of social media platforms
36. Mr. Nabil Ahmad
IT Officer, Horticulture Directorate, Afghanistan. Mobile: 786924141
Title: Educating farmers through agriculture videos
Objective: To educate farmers on modern agricultural practices using videos
37. Mr. Wasiqullah
Intern, Extension General Directorate, Afghanistan
Mobile: 706233183
Title: Collecting farmers problems in agriculture and recording agriculture videos
Objective: To provide solutions to farmers problems relating to agriculture by recording and disseminating
through videos
38. Mr. Mohammad Samim
Intern, Extension General Directorate, Afghanistan. Mobile: 747209802
Title: Documentation of farmers' activities through agriculture videos
Objective: To create a video database of farmer activities in agriculture
39. Mr. Sulaiman Safi
ICT Officer, IT Directorate, Afghanistan. Mobile: 789403498
Title: Introduction of new crop varieties through ICT applications
Objective: To familiarize and disseminate information about new crop varieties using ICTs
40. Ms. Spozhmai
Livestock M&E Officer, CLAP Project, Afghanistan. Mobile: 782930071
Title: Awareness and conducting training programs on Crazy Dog Disease to the people of Kabul
Objective: To make people aware about the Crazy Dog Disease
41. Ms. Zakia
Livestock M&E Officer, CLAP Project, Afghanistan. Mobile:792412299
Title: Replicate the concept of Digital Green and Facebook for farmers
2. Public-Private Partnership in Agricultural Extension Management
Title of the Training Program: Public-Private Partnership in Agricultural Extension
Date: 17-31 October, 2016
Venue: National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad,
Program Director
Dr. P. Chandra Shekara,
Director (Agricultural Extension)
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030,
Telangana, India.
Participants profile: 29 executives from 8 countries ( 13 male & 16 female)
Field Visits
During the course of training, the participants were exposed to various fields, farms and research institutions of
practical importance for hands on experiential learning. The executives were exposed to various field visits i.e.
Mulkanoor Co-operative Society, Mulkanoor Women’s Cooperative Dairy, Rice Mill, Cotton Ginning Mill, etc. to
interact with the experts in specific areas and exposed them with live examples and success stories.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No. Name & Address BAWP Title & Objectives
7. Ms. Lay Liny
Technical Officer,
Department of Agricultural Extension,
No.200, Preah Norodom Blvd, Title: Promoting partnership between
SangkatTanleBasak, Khan Chamkarmon, Department of Agricultural Extension
and Private Company (Agricultural input
Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
company) on Agricultural technique
Tel: +023 210 948, Mob: 0015788178 supported by ICT to farmers.
Email: [email protected]
8. Ms. Meach Sary
Technical Officer,
Objective: To increase connection
Department of Agricultural Extension,
between Department of Agricultural
No.200, Preah Norodom Blvd, Extension and Private Companies to
SangkatTanleBasak, Khan Chamkarmon, promote technical support to farmers.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Tel: +023 210 948, Mob: 0015777803
Fax: +855 23210948
Email: [email protected]
III. Ghana
9. Mr. Akpablah Prosper Afelete Kofi Title: Public – Private Partnership model
Assistant Agricultural Officer for Agro-advisories in Ghana
Directorate of Agricultural Extension Services,
Ministry of Food & Agriculture,
P.O.Box. M37, Ministries, ACCRA, Ghana. Objective: To partner one of the private
Tel: + 0302665282, Fax: 0302668576 sector players like USAID to fund the
Mobile No: + 233 279 245 992 material cost.
Email: [email protected]
10. Mr. Appiah-Agyekum Kwadwo Debrah Title: Strengthen the Utilization of ICT in
Agricultural Officer, e-Extension
Directorate of Agricultural Extension Services,
Ministry of Food & Agriculture,
P.O.Box. M37, Ministries, ACCRA, Ghana Objective: Access to one time
Tel: 0302-668576, information by farmers at the call
Mobile No: 0242560227, Fax: 0302-665282 centres
Email: [email protected]
11. Mr. Gedo Kennedy Adams Title: Promotion of Agri-business
Assistant Agricultural Economist Development through Public-
Directorate of Agricultural Extension Services, Private Partnership in Ghana
Ministry of Food & Agriculture,
Agribusiness Unit, P.O.Box. M37, Ministries,
ACCRA, Ghana. Objective: Introduce and establish
Tel: 0233208198931, Mob: 0266 186 017, Public Private Partnership in Accra.
Email: [email protected]
12. Mr. Antwi Godfred Title: ICT for Agriculture Development
Assistant Agricultural Economist, Projects (Public Private Partnerships)
Projects Coordination Unit,
Directorate of Agricultural Extension Services
Objective: Use of ARCTGIS Software
Projects Coordination Unit,
to create integrative App to map all
Ministry of Food & Agriculture, projects in the sector and the use of App
P.O.Box. M37, Ministries, ACCRA, Ghana. by all stakeholders before the start of
Tel: +233 303 695 094, Mob: 0240098769 new project.
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No. Name & Address BAWP Title & Objectives
IV. Kenya
13. Ms. Mwanza Rosemary Ndunge Title: Promoting private sector
Principal Livestock Production Officer investment/ participation for agricultural
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, development
State Department of Livestock,
P.O.Box.34188 (Hill Plaza), Nairobi - 00100, Kenya Objective: Improvement in regulating
Mob: +254 722 763 039 policy environment for improved private
sector investment in agriculture.
Email: [email protected]
14. Ms. Kibwage Jane Mokeira Title: Technology innovations for fish
Senior Assistant Director of Fisheries, production
State Department of Fisheries &
The Blue Economy, P.O.Box. 58187, Objective: Ability to produce quality fish
Nairobi - 00200, Kenya feeds and improved productivity
Tel: +254 720370099, Mobile No: 0722715517
Email: [email protected]
15. Ms. Jane Wanjiru Wambugu Title: Promoting Casava production
Assistant Director of Agriculture, and marketing in Lareward, Njoro Sub
Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries, County, Nakuru County
State Department of Agriculture,
P.O.Box. 30028, Nairobi – 00100, Kenya Objective: Improved farmer group
Tel: +2540278870/Mobile No: 0723245636
Email: [email protected]
16. Ms. Mwirigi Jecinta Wairimu Title: Capacity Building Training to Irish
Assistant Director of Veterinary Service potato Marketing and storage CBOs and
ASDSP County Coordinator, Nyandarua Co-operatives in the 5 Sub-Counties of
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Nyandarua Kenya
P.O.Box. 630, Olkalou. Kenya
Objective: Increase in farmer income;
Tel: +254 726620177, Mobile No: 0722774080
create sources and conversion of
Email:[email protected]
cooperative to company.
V. Liberia
17. Mr. Teekpeh Oliver Boye Title: Agro – Input Dealers capacity
Plant Pathologist, building replication of DAESI model of
Ministry of Agriculture, MANAGE
Department of Regional Development,
Research & Extension, P.O.Box. 10-9010, 1000,
Objective: To improve farmers’ handling
Monrovia-10, Liberia and use of agro-chemical safely
Tel: + 770526501/Mobile No: 0770526501
Email: [email protected]
18. Ms. TuahYounn E Musu Title: Improved Cassava Varieties
County Agriculture Coordinator (CAC), Multiplication
Ministry of Agriculture, Department of
Regional Development, Research &
Objective: Farmers will have enough
Extension, P.O.Box. 10-9010 1000,
improved Cassava production and be able
Monrovia 10, Liberia, Tel: +231 886385172 to process in to different kinds of food.
Email: [email protected]
19. Mr. Tamba Philip Saamoi Title: Boosting Vegetable Farmer
Agriculture Coordinator, incomes in Montserrado County
Technical Services, Ministry of Agriculture,
P.O.Box. 10-9010, 1000, Monrovia, Liberia.
Objective: Doubling vegetable farmers
Tel: +231 886412449, Mobile No: 0886412449
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No. Name & Address BAWP Title & Objectives
20. Ms. Koffi Andreanna Pierrlyn Title: KISAN CALL CENTRE model
Coordinator, replication in Liberia
Agriculture Technical School &
Agro Mechanization Business
Objective: Farmers will have access to
Association of Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia
the call centre and also for it to extend in
Mobile No: 0886242640 the entire Country.
Email: [email protected]
VI. Malawi
21. Mr. Limbani Noel Emmanuel Title: Establishment of Horticulture
Assistant Chief Agricultural Extension Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs)
Officer, Department of Agriculture
Extension Services, P.O.Box.30145,
Objective: Improved access to
Lilongwe-3, Malawi.
agricultural extension information which
Fax: +265 (0) 01730233 will increase the horticultural production
Email: [email protected]
22. Ms. Magombo Mphatso Mary Title: Up scaling stakeholder
Principal Agriculture Officer participation in agriculture clusters
(Extension Methodology)
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation &
Objective: Improved livelihoods and
Water Development,
good nutrition, food security of naval
Department of Agriculture Extension households.
Services, Lilongwe -3, Malawi.
Office Phone: +265 2630040999392230
Email: [email protected]
23. Mr. Mkochi Malaki Title: Formation of Cooperative
Principal Agriculture Gender Roles & Societies for Promotion of Ground nuts
Support Services Officer, and Soya Bean Production
and Marketing
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation &
Water Development, Department of
Objective: Increased Soya and Ground
Agriculture Extension Services, nut seed production.
Karanga Add, Private Bag.4, Karonga, Malawi.
Mob: 0998537372,
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No. Name & Address BAWP Title & Objectives
26. Mr. Lkhagvadori Purevkhishig Title: Establishment of Milk-Cooperative
Head of Foreign Relations and federation
Trade Department, Foreign Relations
and Trade Department, Gatsuurt
Objective: Establish a milk processing
Headquarter, Building, Bayangol
plant and no more imported milk or milk
District-20, Tolgoit 37,P.O.Box-436, powder
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Phone: +97670001711 /
Mobile No: 0099906536
Email: [email protected]
VII. Mozambique
27. Mr. Nair Afonso Afonso Title: Introduction of Youth Incubation
Technician Centres through PPP
Department of Extension and
Communication,National Directorate for
Agricultural Extension, Maputo,
Create job to youth
Mozambique Create Interest on farming for youth
Phone: +258 21415025, 0824750580 Increase Agricultural Production.
Email: [email protected]
28. Ms. Chiziane Helena Adolfo Title: Small Machine for by Honey
Technician processing
Market and Producers Organization,
Ministry of Agriculture &
Food Security of Mozambique,
Increasing of honey production.
National Directorate for Agricultural Increasing of honey quality.
Extension, Rua Da Resistencia, Increasing of income of bee keeping.
N 1746, 5Andar, CP1406, Mozambique.
Office Phone: Tel:+258-821319119/
+258 21415025
Mobile No: 2584114450
Email: [email protected]
29. Mr. Agostinho Daniel Title: Youth Incubation Centres
Rural Extension Chief of Department,
Ministry of Agriculture &
Food Security of Mozambique,
Create job opportunities for youth
National Directorate for Agricultural
Create Interest on farming for youth
Extension, Maputo, Mozambique.
Produce food sufficiently.
Mobile No: 0825336330
Fax: +258 272221555
Email: [email protected]
3. Emerging Trends in Fruits and Vegetables Marketing
Title of the Training Program: Emerging Trends in Fruits and Vegetables Marketing
Date: 16-30 November, 2016
Venue: National Institute of Agriculture Marketing (NIAM), Jaipur, Rajasthan
Program Director/coordinator
Program Director Dr. Hema Yadav
National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM), Jaipur, Rajasthan
Mob: + 919829210019
Email: [email protected]
Program Coordinator Mr. Shanmukh Sagar,
Associate Coordinator
National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM), Jaipur, Rajasthan
Participants profile: 27 executives from 9 countries (11 male &16 female)
Change in Knowledge of the participants
From the pre- training test marks of the participants, it was analyzed that 56% of the students scored marks below
50%. From the post- training test marks, it was observed that only 14% of the students scored a percentage below
50% and 86% of the participants scored marks ranging from 60% to 80% which showed a substantial increase in
their knowledge and understanding.
Feedback of Executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale of
1-to-10 (‘1’ being the poor and ‘10’ being the excellent). Executives rated the overall training program as EXCELLENT.
Field Visits:
As part of the Feed the Future India Triangular Training Program on emerging trends in marketing of fruits and
vegetables, a field trip was organized for the participants to visit the Muhana terminal market, the market is located
in Jaipur.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title & Objective
1. Mr. Zabihullah Awloiyazada Title: Developing website and social
Agriculture Affairs Officer media for Fruits & Vegetables marketing
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation Objective: All the farmers, producers,
and Livestock (MAIL), traders, retailers will know the process of
Department of Horticulture marketing of F & V and also they will be
Jamal Mina, KarteChaar, Kabul, Afghanistan. aware of products, value addition, new
Tel: +93799066140 techniques of emerging trends.
2. Mr. Arash Mohammad Fawad Title: Developing a business plan for mini
House #7, First Street, cold storage
Masjid Baba Haji, Charikar
City, Parwan, Objective: To develop a business plan for
Afghanistan Mini Cold Storage and share with traders
and retailers.
4. Ms. Madisa Kgotso Title: Value Chain Analysis of Fruits
Department of Crop Production,
Private Bag 00435, Objectives:
Gaborone, Botswana. To reduce post harvest losses by 10%
Tel: 002 6771536215, and
Fax. No. 00267-3907057 To increase profit by 10%,
Email: [email protected] commercialize locally processed
vegetables and fruits.
5. Ms. Senkeleng Onkgomoditse
Department of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture, Post Box. No.240, Pala-
pye, Botswana
Tel: +267 73 300 639, Fax:+267 4920140
Mob: 267 0777184397
Email: [email protected] , [email protected]
6. Mr. Molefi Golebaone Meswele
Scientific Officer,
NAMPAADD, Ministry of Agriculture,
Private Bag 0036, Gaborone, Botswana
Tel: + 0267 3190022 / Fax: 0267 3190156
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
7. Mr. Ny Vannak Title: Value chains of cassava
Planning and Statistics N 200 Reah
Norodom Blud, SangkotTonheBasak., Objective: To promote value chains
Khan, Chamarmon, RhnomRenh, to other countries and explore the
Cambodia, Tel: +855 092129552 opportunity/ constraints to exporting
Email: [email protected] Cassava
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title & Objective
8. Ms. Bou Socheata Title: Value chain analysis on Logan Fruit
#20 Preah Norodom Blud,
SankatTonleBasak, Objective: To understand the price
Chamkamon, Phnom information of logan fruit compared
Penh, Cambodia to two different countries, the flow of
Tel: +855 89355865 prodcuts (supply chain of logan fruit)
Email: [email protected] and the potential of products to the
international markets
9. Ms. Sao Sreyleak Title: Value chain study of banana
Resource Development N 200
Reah Norodom Blud, Objective: To promote the value chains
SangkotTonheBasak., Khan Chamarmon, to other countries,
RhnomRenh, Cambodia. To understand the opportunities and
Tel: +(023) 726128, Mob: +855 0017580897, constraint in exporting banana
Fax: +855 23 217320
Email: [email protected],
10. Ms. Thon Ayoura Title: Value chain Analysis of Mango
Resource Development N 200
Preah Norodom Blud, Objective: To promote the value chains
Sangkat Tonele Basak, Khan Chamkarmon, to other countries,
Phnom Penh, Cambodia To understand the opportunities and
Ph: 023- 726128; Fax: +855-23217320, constraint in exporting Mango
Mob: (+855) 69548682
Email: [email protected]
11. Ms. Charlotte BaahOppang Title: Value chain study of pineapple
House Number F8B, Ashongman Estate
Accra Ghana Objective: To reduce post harvest loss
Tel: +233 303695094 / 303965065, and encourage product diversification by
Email: [email protected] farmers for a better income
[email protected]
12. Mrs. Alina Naa Densua Albereto Djanie Title: Value Addition to Mango
Directorate of Crop
Services Ministry of Food and
Agriculture PO Box M37, Ministries, Objective: To reduce post- harvest losses
Accra Ghana. and encourage diversification of products
Tel: +233 244810604, +233 244810604
Email: [email protected]
13. Mrs. Eunice Arhin Title: Value addition to oranges
P. O Box DT 1987
Tel: +233 244701896, Objective: To reduce post harvest losses
Email: [email protected] in Oranges
14. Ms. Nyambura Lydia Manjeru Title: Capacity building for value addition
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock
and Fisheries, P.O.Box. 30028 Objective: Prolonged shelf life of Kales,
Nairobi, Kenya less wastage, better prices and healthy
Tel: 020-2046856, +254 721540149 products
Fax No. + 020-316731
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title & Objective
15. Mr. Ochieng Patrick Okaka Title: Develop an implementation
Ministry of Agriculture Livestock strategy to formalize the wholesale price
and Fisheries, setting mechanisms
P.O.Box -30028-00100
Nairobi, Kenya Objective: A policy and legal framework
Tel: +254 722349490, 737222865 to be put in place to formalise all activities
Email: [email protected] in the wholesale markets, leaving retail
[email protected] markets to supply and demand.
16. Ms. Njeru Jane WandiWanjira Title: Develop information pamphlets
Chief Agricultural Officer,
Ministry of Agriculture, Objective: Packaged information
Livestock and Fisheries, pamphlets for use in training farmers
P.O.Box. 66730-00800, that can address one product and then
Westlands, Nairobi, Kenya be rolled out to other food &Vegetables
Tel: +254 792925859, + 254 722796000 and other countries
Email: [email protected]
17. Ms. Peters Jerryline Choko Title: Establishment of nursery for
Field Supervisor, farmers
Buchannan Front Street,
National Farmers Union of Liberia Objective: Women will be able to sell
Monrovia, Liberia their crops to other farmers and the
Tel: +231886940415 / 0770771423 income received will in turn help them
Email: [email protected] boost additional production
18. Mr. Voker Roland Kerdoue Title: Creating awareness about
Ministry of Agriculture, marketing of fruits and vegetables
P.O.Box. 10-9010,
1000, Monrovia, Liberia Objective: Every women is expected to
Tel: +231 777229014, be able to sustain themselves through
Email: [email protected] the production of vegetables/ crops
19. Ms. Bowman Beatrice Sede Title: Farmers lack knowledge of new
Ministry of Agriculture, techniques in producing and marketing
P.O.Box. 10-9010 of vegetables
1000, Monrovia 10,Liberia
Tel: +231 777538968, 886434763 Objective: To impact the lives of women
Email: [email protected] group by teaching new techniques in
production and linking them to market
20. Mr. Christopher Amoni Title: Supporting FBO with marketing
Machinga Add, Private Bag 3, skills and knowledge development in
Liwonda vegetables, maize and peas
Tel: +265 888707985 Objective: Improved knowledge and
Email: [email protected] skills on marketing of crops, business
management and improved household
income through farming business
21. Ms. Brenda Mwagomba Title: Improved value addition
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation technologies for improved nutrition
and Water Development
District Agriculture Office Objective: Improved value addition
Zomba, Malawi. technologies for improved nutrition for
Tel:+265 999982294; small holder farmers producing sweet
0884533566 potatoes.
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title & Objective
22. Ms. Chifuniro Somanaje Title: Develop training material and build
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation capacity of farmers
and Water Development
Mwanza District Agriculture Office, Objective: To reduce post harvest losses
P O Box 99, Mwanza, Malawi in onions and tomatoes and improve
Tel: +265 888 595 647 incomes from selling of onions and
Email: [email protected] tomatoes
23. Mr. Sergelen Badarch Title: Management of wholesale, retail
Department of Crop Production, markets of vegetables
Food & Agricultural Organization
6 Bag, SubaatarSoum, Objective: Good chain wholesale,
Selenge Province, Mongolia retail markets, increasing income, good
Tel: +976-70363414 logistics channel, government promoted
Email: [email protected] wholesale, retail markets
24. Ms. Battuya Tsetsegmaa Title: Vegetable Business Total Solution
Economist on Vegetable Project
“Gatsuurt” LLC Office building,
20th Sub-District, Bayangol District, Objective: To increase current sales to 3
Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia. times per month, decrease the storage
Tel: 976-7000-3357, wastage upto 3-5% and to launch new
Mob: 976 – 0070003357 e-marketing techniques
Fax: 976-7000-1711,
Email: [email protected]
25. Ms. Ziote Julieta Milcinho Eliseu Title: Develop training material on fruits
Rua Da Resistencia Nr. 1746, processing technologies for extension
t Andar, Caixa, Post Box. No.1406 workers
National Directorate of
Agricultural Extension, Objectives:
Ministry of Agriculture and To prepare two manuals for training
Food Security, Mozambique extension workers on banana and
Tel: 258-21-415276, 258-843899175, pineapple processing technologies and
Email: [email protected]
To provide technical material for
extension workers about post-
harvest management of banana and
26. Mr. Ivane Sarmento Maunze Title: Develop a training material on fruits
Rua da Resistencxia Nr.1746., processing technologies for extension
5 Degree Andra,Caxia Postal 1406
National Directorate of Agriculture Extension, Objective: To prepare a manual for
Ministry of Agriculture and Food tomato and carrot processing techniques
Security, Mozambique, and availability of tomato and carrot
Tel: +258-21415276, Mob: 258 - 0843899175, processing information for extension
Fax: +258 - 21415023 worker
Email: [email protected]
27. Mr. Assane Fernando Title: Training farmers on drying
DPASA – AVENIDA DA Liberdabe processing technology for vegetables and
Post Box. No.65 fruits
Tel: + 258 825708280, Objective: To reduce postharvest losses
+258 0845464940, and improve conservation methods of
Email: [email protected] fruits and vegetables,
To introduce packaging method and
availability of vegetable in rain season
4. Agri-Preneurship Development Among Farm Women
Title of the Training Program: Agri-preneurship Development Among Farm Women
Date: 1-15 March, 2017
Venue: Kudumbashree, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Program Director
Dr. Rahul Krishnan
Thematic Anchor-Farm Livelihood
Kudumbasree, Trivandrum, Kerala
Mob: 8281655705, Email: [email protected]
Participants profile: 25 executives from 8 countries (4 male & 21 female)
Country Number of participants
Afghanistan 2
Ghana 4
Kenya 4
Liberia 2
Malawi 5
Mongolia 4
Mozambique 1
Uganda 3
Training objective:
To introduce and discuss the concept and potential of Public Private Partnership in Agricultural Extension.
Training Curriculum
1. Concept, need, potential, Opportunity and challenges in Agripreneurship
2. Scale and scope of Agripreneurship among farm women
3. Best practices and its adoption barriers
4. Value, Challenges and risk involved
5. Support environment required for Agripreneurship
6. Plan for tracking progress
Training Outcome:
The proposed training program primarily focuses on
understanding the kudumbashree model
of economic empowerment of the women.
Detailed understanding of the community institution
and sufficient and necessary conditions
for creating an ecosystem for supporting a
entrepreneurship among women were focused.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 15
whereas the average score of post-training was 19. Thus, it is
found that the level of knowledge of executives was increased by
26.67 percent after the training program.
Feedback of Executives was collected on all technical and practical
sessions taken by resources persons on a scale of 1-to-10 (‘1’
being the poor and ‘10’ being the excellent). The executives
expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an
average score of 8.64 on a 10 point continuum indicating the
overall impression on the program was VERY GOOD.
Field Visits The executives were exposed to various fields i.e. Thennela Agro Producer Company, Nutrimix unit,
Micro enterprise unit of Ernakulum, Community structures of Nadathara Panchayat, Kerala Agriculture University
through which the executives were able to relate the theory sessions with filed realties. Also they could participate
in the women day celebration on 08th March, 2017 at Mallappuram district.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
1. Ms. Ruqia Azimi
Executive Manager to the Deputy
Minister of Technical Affairs
Office of Deputy Minister
Technical Affairs Ministry of Agriculture, Title: Introduce mushroom cultivation
Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL), among women, and collectivization of
Kabul, Afghanistan. Tel: 0744384878 the women cultivation groups
Email: [email protected]
2. Ms. Sajea Amarkhail Objective: To economically empower the
Food Security and Nutrition Manager women by group mobilization
Home Economics Department,
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and
Livestock, (MAIL), Kabul, Afghanistan.
Tel: 0799778173
Email: [email protected]
3. Ms. Theresa Akleh Wayo
Deputy Director,
Women in Agricultural Development
Directorate, Ministry of Food and
Agriculture, ACCRA, Ghana.
Tel: +233 0507041382
Email: [email protected]
4. Ms. Juliet Ama Safoah Title: Sensitize women on concept
Assistant Agriculture Officer, of group dynamics and processing of
Women in Agricultural Development Cashew fruits
Directorate, Ministry of Food and
Agriculture, ACCRA Ghana.
Tel: +233 0244933113, +233 0244746075 Objectives:
Email: [email protected] Cashew fruits were processed into
five commercial food products.
5. Ms. Danlette Elorm Quashigah
Assistant Agriculture Officer,
Agricultural College, Ministry of Food and These products can be an income
Agriculture, Human Resource Development and generating activity for a number of
Management, ACCRA Ghana women in the cashew production
Tel: + 233 502313566, areas to economically empower
Email: [email protected] them.
6. Ms. Amy EsiBuah
Assistant Agriculture Officer,
Policy, Planning and Budget Directorate,
Ministry of Food and Agriculture,
Accra Ghana
Tel: +233 244211007, +233
Email: [email protected]
7. Ms. Nancy Ruguru Kagau Title: Farm fish marketing
Senior Assistant Director,
State Department of Fisheries and Objective: To organize Women groups
The Blue Economy, Directorate of Fisheries who can conduct marketing of fish and
Nairobi, Kenya. Fish products and enhanced income
Tel: +254 0721453291, Fax: +254 2713207 from Aquaculture thereby improving the
Email: [email protected] nutrition
Sl.No Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
8. Ms. Morara Mary Kerubo Title: Broiler value chain group
Principle Agriculture Officer / County development to form Producer company
Co ordinator Agriculture Sector in Nairobi
Development Support Program (ASDSP),
Nairobi, County, Ministry of Agriculture, Objective: To establish a Broiler
Kenya. producer company initiation with the
Tel: +25420 -2222382, Fax: +254 20340196 aim of coming up with branded products
Email: [email protected]
9. Ms. Rael Jelimo Lagat Title: Promotion of collective farming/
Agricultural Officer, marketing among members of Bidii
Country Department of Agriculture, women group
Livestock & Fisheries
Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya. Objective: Collective farming and
Tel: +254 721883666, +254721619946 marketing which will lead to high
Email: [email protected] bargaining power hence better prices for
their farm produce
10. Mr. John Silikhani Mukhwana Title: Record management by farmer
Principal Assistant Livestock groups
Production Officer,
Department of Agriculture, Objective: To facilitate updated and well
Livestock & Fisheries Homabay, Kenya documented records of the groups and
Tel: +254 700411013, +254 725268202 activities in finances
Email: [email protected],
11. Ms. Kona S. Kollie Title: Capacity building of women groups
Extension Officer, Young Liberian Women
Organization for Improvement (WOFIM) Objective: To build the capacity of
Ministry of Agriculture, Monrovia, Liberia women groups in agricultural and
Tel: +231 886597460, income generation activities
Email: [email protected]
13. Ms. Mirriam Atuswile Mwambila Title: Microenterprise group of women
Agricultural Extension in food processing unit and canteen unit
Development Officer,
Lilangwe, Malawi
Tel: 0992710725, Objective: Collective marketing, better
Email: [email protected] participation and recognition of women
in agriculture.
14. Ms. Phiri Chisomo
Agriculture Extension
Development Officer, Malawi
Tel: +265 888897308,
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
15. Ms. Nazonsa Cecilia Title: Microenterprise group for women
Agriculture Extension Development Officer
Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and
Water Office, Manjawira, Malawi Objective: Sharing of labour, capital,
Tel: +265-991659199, credits and ideas among women will
0884528046 reduce poverty increase confidence
Email: [email protected] among women
[email protected]
16. Ms. Nancy Chideru
Agricultural Extension
Development Officer, Blantyre 7, Malawi
Tel: +265-999943906,
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
21 Ms. Altantuya Namsrai Objectives:
Agronomist, Create a good source of income and
Lchka Co. Ltd. increase the economic situation of
Mongolia targeted households
23. Mr. Muteekanga George Title: Develop a Monitoring mechanism
Principal Education Officer, for both formal and non-formal
Department of Schools and institutions and trainees in Uganda
Institutions, (piloting in one domain for further
Ministry of Education and scaling up)
Sports (MOES),
Kampala, Uganda Objective:
Clear record of number of training
agencies in Uganda (Both formal and
non-formal), number of courses and
course content offered.
24. Mr. Luyimbazi Tonnie Stieve Title: Promote active participation of
Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, the local government structures in the
Caritas Uganda, leadership and management of women
Ministry of Education, Science, development initiatives.
Technology & Sports, Objectives:
Uganda Improved access to technical
knowledge and skills on agribusiness
and micro enterprise management
among farm women.
25. Mr. Tubwangye Samuel Title: Promote Agricultural knowledge
Agronomist, and skills through school gardens and
Green Innovation Technologies, greenhouses
Department of Agriculture Extension, Objectives:
Kansanga, Positive mind set towards Agriculture
Kampala, Uganda instilled among the young
Increased involvement of the young
population in agricultural activities.
5. Production and Post-harvest Technology for Tuber Crops
Title of the Training Program: Production and Post-harvest Technology for Tuber Crops
Date: 4-18 April, 2017
Venue: ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Program Director/Coordinator
17. Technology incubation for entrepreneurship development
18. Participatory tuber crops technology development
19. Essential Business planning skills for creating tuber crops-based enterprises
Training Outcome
The training outcomes was the promotion of mini sett technology by participants from Kenya, Uganda,
Malawi, Mozambique, Malawi production of better quality of planting material for Cassava.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 13.44 whereas the average score of post-training was
20.18. Thus, it is found that the level of knowledge of executives was increase by 50.15 percent after the training
Feedback of Executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale of
1-to-10 (‘1’ being the poor and ‘10’ being the excellent). The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating
the program on an average score of 9.10 on a 10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the program
Field Visits
As a part of the training program, the executives were exposed to real-life farming situations. A filed visit to Mr. M.
Robinson, a progressive farmer from Kazhakuttam, Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala was arranged.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No Name & Addresses BAWP Title & Objectives
1. Mr. Tlotlego Gaafele
Principal Technical Officer,
Department of Crop Production,
Ministry of Agriculture,
P.O.Box.15, GANTSI, Botswana
Tel: 00267-75140841, Fax:00267- 6596217
Email: [email protected]
2. Mr. Sebonywe Tshoganetso Title: Introduction and promotion of
Agricultural Scientific Officer, tuber crops in Botswana - Cassava &
Ministry of Agricultural Development Sweet potato
and Food Security,
P.O.Box.15, GANTSI, Botswana
Tel: 00267-6596217 Objectives:
Email: [email protected] Increase in numbers of farmers pro-
3. Mr. Makgale Nti Bashima ducing tuber crops
Horticultural Officer, Availability and easy access of plant-
Department of Crop Production, ing materials for farmers.
District Agricultural Office, Good extension linkage between
Ministry of Agriculture, P.O.Box.14, research and farmer
Machaneng Village,Gaborone, Botswana Increased number of farmers cultivat-
Tel: +267 4940238, Fax: +267 4940035, ing tubers and adopting new tech-
Email: [email protected], [email protected], nologies.
4. Mr. Polelo Joel
Principal Horticultural Officer,
Southern Rural Training Centre, Department of
Crop Production, Ministry of Agriculture,
Private Bag No.38, Labatse, Botswana
Tel: +267 5440313, Fax: +267 3905096
Email: [email protected], [email protected],
5. Mr. Amoh Korang Paul Title: Promote quality planting material
Regional Crops Officer, to increase productivity of cassava and
Regional Agricultural yams
Development Unit (RADU),
P.O.Box. 3820, Kumasi, Ghana Objective: Increase the knowledge and
Tel: +233 03220-38565, skills of district officers and farmers in
+233-208631759 selection of disease free planting mate-
Email: [email protected] rial of cassava and yams
6. Mr. Owusu Michael Title: Production of cassava planting ma-
Agriculture Officer,Directorate of terials at the ASUANSI agriculture adap-
Crop Services, Ministry of Food and tive trails station and linking farmers to
Agriculture, P.O.Box.M37, ACCRA, Ghana planting materials of improved varieties
Tel: +0248386529, +233 302662471
Email: [email protected], Objectives:
[email protected] Enhanced farmer access to planting
7. Ms. Quartey Naa Oyoe materials of improved varieties to
Agricultural Officer, Women in increase crop yield
Agricultural Development Directorate, Enhance income and improved
Ministry of Food and Agriculture, livelihood of farmers to ensure food
P.O.Box.M37, Ministries, ACCRA, Ghana security
Tel: +233 244966970, +233 240 440024
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No Name & Addresses BAWP Title & Objectives
8. Ms. Yelipoie Comfort Title: Processing cassava into flour for
Assistant Agricultural Officer, consumption using the soaking method
Directorate of Crop Services,
Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Objective: Reduction of post-harvest
P.O.Box.M37, Ministries, losses across the country
ACCRA, Ghana
Tel: +233 242564484, Fax: +233 302662471
Email: [email protected]
9. Mr. Ndubi Mike O.R.
Chief Agriculture Officer (CAO)/
Sub-County Crop
Development Officer (SCCDO) Title: Farmer capacity building on utiliza-
State Department of Agriculture, tion of mini-sett technology for the rapid
Box. No.273, Ugunja, Kenya multiplication of clean healthy cassava
Tel: +254 725722133, +254 727986171 planting material
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No Name & Addresses BAWP Title & Objectives
14. Ms. Woheel Annie Yamah Title: Organic farming , Processing and
Executive Director, value addition
Agro Food Processing, Ministry of Agriculture,
Seventy Second (72) Road, Objectives:
Paynesville City, Liberia Tohnlo women will be able to pre-
Tel: +231 886440377 / +231 886543672 pare starch out of cassava to make
Email: [email protected], paper glue and hair styling gel.
Small skill enterprises will develop.
Finances will increase.
15. Ms. Wonyene Rugie Barry Title: Training of women farmers in High
Executive Director Quality Cassava Flour (HQCF)
Liberia Business Incubator,
Ministry of Agriculture, Lower Vergenia, Objectives:
Monrovia, Liberia Reduction in Post harvest Loss
Tel: +231 880424833, Value added to the crop
Email: [email protected], Increase in income
[email protected]
16. Ms. Chisesa Emelesi
Agriculture Extension Development Officer
Department of Agricultural Extension Services,
Ministry of Agriculture, EPA,
P.O.Box.149, Mitundu, Lilongwe, Malawi
Tel: +265 999950341, +265 993779421
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
17. Ms. Twailbu Amina Title: Processing, preservation and
Agriculture Extension Development Officer utilization of cassava and sweet potato
Ministry of Agriculture, tubers
Govt. of Malawi,Nasenga Extension
Planning Area, P.O.Box. 136, Objectives:
Mangochi, Malawi Improved living standards of the
Tel: +265 099594732, 088427139 people
Email: [email protected], Increase in utilization of the tuber
[email protected], crops
18. Ms. Waluza Ireen Extended shelf life of cassava and
Agriculture Extension Development Officer sweet potato
Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and
Water Development,
Ntcheu District Agriculture Office,
NSIPE Extension Planning Area,
P.O.Box.19, Ntcheu, Malawi
Tel: +265 996422783, +265 884449920,
Email: [email protected], geokapele-
[email protected],
19. Mr. Luis Julio Maria Fernando Title: Establishment of minisetts demon-
Extensionist stration field
XAI-XAI, Chongoene, N 102,
Districal Services of Economics Activities, Objective:
XAI-XAI/ Agriculture and The small famers can use the minisett
Fishing Department,Mozambique method in their farms to multiply veg-
Tel: +258 28241020, etative disease free material of cassava
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No Name & Addresses BAWP Title & Objectives
20. Mr. Sserwanga Joseph Title: Production and Training of Train-
Principal Lecturer ers in Quick Multiplication of Improved
Bukalasa Agricultural College, P.O.Box. 174, Cassava and Sweet potato Variety Mate-
Wobulenzi, Uganda rial
Tel: +256 752627143, + 256 704131678
Email: [email protected], Objectives:
[email protected], Well trained trainees in rapid multi-
plication of root crop planting mate-
Production of vigorous and quality
planting materials.
Production of big amounts of plant-
ing material in limited space.
21. Mr. Katumba Joseph Title: Multiplying certified cassava
Agricultural Officer, planting materials through minisetts and
Masaka District Local Government, disseminating the technology amongst
Bukakata Sub-Country Local Council, farmers.
Office of the Agricultural Officer,
P.O.Box.634, Masaka, Uganda Objective: Reduction of food insecurity
Tel: +256 700994267, +256 714594131 and increase the household income in
our communities.
22. Mr. Kaweesi Henry Title: To evaluate and upscale different
Senior Agricultural Officer improved cassava production technolo-
Nakasongola District Local Government, gies and best management practices
Ministry of Education, Science, through different agronomic technolo-
Technology & Sports, P.O.Box.1, gies
Nakasongola, Uganda
Tel: +256 772894876, +256 703705229 Objective: Farmers will be equipped
Email: [email protected], with knowledge on different agronomic
[email protected], practices such as rapid multiplication of
cassava planting materials
23. Mr. Baguma Gerald Title: Mass propagation of improved
Researcher, NARO Crop Department, clean cassava, using the mini-setts tech-
Ministry of Education, Science, nology
Technology & Sports, Kachwekano ZARDI,
Box.421, Kabale Uganda Objective: Mass propagation of im-
Tel: +256 781857788 proved cassava seed using mini-setts will
Email: [email protected] be promoted and popularised for adop-
tion, to reduce disease incidence hence
improving rural household food security
and income.
6. Farm Mechanization for Small Farmers
Title of the Training Program: Farm Mechanization for Small Farmers
Date: 11-25 April, 2017
Venue: ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering (CIAE), Bhopal, Madhyapradesh
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 10.83 whereas the average score of post-training was
18.43. Thus, it is found that the level of knowledge of executives was increase by 70.18 percent after the training
Feedback of Executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale of
1-to-10 (‘1’ being the poor and ‘10’ being the excellent). The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating
the program on an average score of 9.20 on a 10-point continuum indicating the overall impression on the program
Field Visits
The executives were exposed to various field visits i.e. Central Farm Machinery & Tractor Training Institute, (CFMTTI),
Budhni, ITC e-chaupal, Vidisha, TMTL – TAFE Motors and Tractors Limited, Bhopal, Kachibarkhera-village etc., to
interact with the innovative, agriprenuer farmers and experts in specific areas and exposed them with live examples
and success stories
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
S.No Name & Address BAWP Title & Objective/s
1. Mr. Wesal Mohammad Qasim Title: Women Empowerment
Head of Agricultural
Mechanization Department Objectives:
Mechanization Department, Ministry of Increase farmers income due to
Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) mechanization
Kabul, Afghanistan Increase in employment opportunity
Tel: 700261242, Increase the Production Productivity
Email: [email protected] of Agriculture Investors
2. Mr. Omid Farhad Title: Promotion of custom hiring
Executive Manager of agricultural machineries and
Danesh-e-Nawen Agriculture Company, technologies
Jadehal, Lichea Mehri,
Shirdel Market, 3rd Floor, Objective: Increase in employment
#8, Herat, Afghanistan opportunity to youths when demand
Tel: +0093-798408002, 40230678 of agricultural machinery will rise leads
Email: [email protected]; to expansion of agricultural machinery
[email protected] industry
3. Mr. Otisitswe Thapelo Title: Promotion of Tubular Maize Sheller
Principal Technical Officer,
Department of Crop Objectives:
Production,Ministry of Reduce shelling cost
Agricultural Development & Food Security, Timeliness of shelling will be realized
Private Bag.No.00435, Gaborone, Botswana, Increase in output capacity
Tel: +267 71813464, Reduction in drudgery
Email: [email protected],
4. Mr. Dintwe Rebaone Title: Increase of Groundnut Production
Agricultural Engineer In Botswana
Department of Crop Production,
Ministry of Agricultural Objectives:
Development & Food Security, To increase the number of Groundnut
Private Bag - 003, Gaborone, Botswana growing farmers in Botswana
Tel: +267 71779214, +2675390282
Email: [email protected]
5. Mr. Modukanele Alpha Title: Reduction in cost and drudgery of
Senior Agricultural Engineer, transplanting vegetables
Department of Crop Production,
Ministry of Agricultural Development Objectives:
& Food Security, Private Bag.No.00435, Growth in horticulture production
Gaborone, Botswana Reduction on cost and drudgery
Tel: +267 71336664,
Email: [email protected]
6. Mr. Barakah Nana Kuuku Title: Women friendly technologies for
Assistant Agricultural Officer, cultivation of Maize, Groundnut and Rice
Department of Agriculture, for empowering rural woman
GA-East, Abokobi, Greater Accra, Ghana
Tel: +0553058233, Objective:
0502297378, 0574666300 To improve capacity of woman workers by
Email: [email protected] at least 25% by the use of women friendly
machines in Central Gonja district
S.No Name & Address BAWP Title & Objective/s
7. Ms. Atchulo Azara Title: Training and education to
Assistant Agricultural Officer, vegetable and maize growers
Directorate of Agricultural Engineering
Services, Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Objectives:
P.O.Box. 50,BUIPE, Ghana Increase in productivity and income
Tel: +0208074437, Effective and efficient use of water
Email: [email protected] Reduce drudgery
8. Mr. Opar Samwel Odoyo Title: Pulses Farming Mechanization In
Superintendent Engineer, Kenya
ATDC Mtwapa, Ministry of
Agriculture, P.O.Box. 244, Objective:
Mtwapa, Kenya To increase farmers income and
Tel: +254 0722764503, +254 0721942368 improved food security in the country
Email: [email protected]
9. Ms. Wangila Catherine Namboko Title: Land development for increasing
Senior Assistant Livestock agricultural productivity
Production Officer
Ministry of Agriculture , Livestock & Fisheries, Objective:
State Department of Livestock, Increased land put under agriculture
P.O Box 449-20117 Naivasha, Kenya production and productivity
Tel: +254 (0) 50-50176, Increased income for farmers and
Email: [email protected] food security for the country
10. Mr. Macharia Simon Title: Pressurizzed Irrigation
Assistant Director of Fisheries,
National Aquaculture Development Objectives:
Centre - Sagana, P.O.Box. 26, Increase water efficiency
State Department of Fisheries and the Blue Increase area of irrigation
Economy, Ministry of Agriculture, Increase animal feeds
Livestock and Fisheries, Sagana, Kenya
Tel: +254 770021277, Email: [email protected]
11. Mr. Paye Archie Saye
Extension Officer Title: Farm mechanization for
SAPEC, World Bank Community, Kakata, smallholder farmers of Liberia (FMSOL)
Margibi County, Liberia
Tel No: +231-886909306, Objectives:
Email: [email protected], To see agricultural transformation
in yields, productions, storage
facilities, transportations, postharvest
12. Mr. Woods Basie Konah handling, soil and water management,
General Manager, mechanization to commercialization
Boss Investment Limited, of farmers produce, enhancement of
Ministry of Agriculture, Big Joe Town, farmers income generational changes,
Grand Bassa County, Liberia reductions of food insecurity
Tel No: +231775124038
Email: [email protected]
13. Ms. Muhama Constance Title: Farm mechanization for rice
Agriculture Extension Production in Malawi
Development Officer, Extension Department,
Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Water Objectives:
Development, Mulanje District Agriculture Office, Mechanization package for rice
P.O.Box.49, Mulanje, Malawi production High yield of Rice
Tel: + 265 999600942 Drudgery will be reduced
mail: [email protected] Saves time
S.No Name & Address BAWP Title & Objective/s
14. Mr. Chiomba Mathews Mike Title: Farm mechanization and uses of
Agriculture Extension hand tools
Development Officer,
Salima District Agriculture Office, Objectives:
Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, To train atleast at least 30 farmers on
P.O.Box. 491,Salima, Malawi farm mechanization
Tel: +265 999059988 Increase in maize production (yields)
Email: [email protected]
15. Ms. Kalinga Charity Title: Sowing interculture &threshing of
Agriculture Extension Development Officer, rice and maize
Department of Agricultural Extension Services,
Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Objectives:
Water Development, Neno District Agriculture Increase in area under rice and maize
Office, P.O.Box.55, Neno, Malawi cultivation.
Tel: +265 8884555353, Knowledge transfer to fellow
Email: [email protected] extension workers.
16. Mr. Tserenpil Zundui Title: Mechanization of Maize cultivation
Director in Mongolia
Nyambaigal davaa LLC Objectives:
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Maximum crop yield by intervention
Light Industry of Mongolia, Mongolia of maize mechanization packages.
Tel: +976 99398833 More feed stock available for
Email: [email protected], livestock.
[email protected] Training and demonstration to the
farmers for better experience on the
use of mechanization package for
maize production technology.
17. Mr. Narankhuu Khurts Title: Zero Tillage agriculture machine
General Agronomist of utilization for small farmers in Mongolia
Selenge Province, Mongolia
Department Crop Production, Objectives:
Food and Agricultural Organization of Minimum soil erosion and maximum
Province Selenge crop residue incorporation in soil.
6 Bag , Sukhbaatar Solum, High production of crop, with low
Selenge Province, Mongolia energy input.
Tel: +976 70362500/Fax: 976-70363414 Training and demonstration to the
Email: [email protected] farmers on the use of zero tillage
18. Mr. Purev Batjargal Title: Micro irrigation system for small
Agri-technical Specialist farmers in Mongolia
National Creation and Establishment,
Agriculture and Livestock Department Objectives:
Ministry of Food and Agriculture and Maximum use of available water.
Light Industry “”Khalkh GoI”” Maximum crop yield.
Khan -Uul District 3th Khoroo Crop Training and demonstration to the
Promotion Fund Building N206 farmers on the use of Laser Land
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Leveller and Micro Irrigation System
Tel: +976 83141455, technology.
Email: [email protected]
S.No Name & Address BAWP Title & Objective/s
19. Mr. Danca Jose Manuel Jose Title: Mechanization for cereals, pulses
Technology Officer, and vegetables
National Directorate of Agrarian Extension,
Ministry of Agricultural and Food Security,
Rua da Resistencia, Nr. 1746, 5 Andar, Objectives:
Caixa Postal 146, Maputo, Mozambique Reduced post-harvest losses and
Tel: +258 21415023, Fax: +258 21415023 improved final quality produce
Email: [email protected] To benefit small farmers with some
production and agro-processing
20. Mr. NovidadeCiro Alexander Matlaba machinery
Supervisor of Rural Extension,
Planner and Agriculture Technician
District Service of Economic Activities
Street of Cathlica Church,
Magude, Magude, Mozambique
Tel: +25821910028; Fax: +258 21415026
Email: [email protected]
21. Mr. Oluka William Title: Establishment of rain water
Farm Officer harvesting structure & micro irrigation
Sugar Cooperation of Uganda Limited, system for vegetable production in
Ministry of Education, Science, covered cultivation
Technology & Sports, Objectives:
Lugazi, Uganda To increase the vegetable production
Tel: +256 701765969 by 30%
Email: [email protected] Cases of malnutrition among children
and expecting mothers will reduce by
To increase the income status of the
community especially women and
youth by 15-20%
22. Mr. Jafer Abubakar Title: Promotion and use of covered
Assistant Lecturer cultivation technology in production of
Bukalasa Agricultural College, vegetables
Ministry of Agriculture Animal Objectives:
Husbandry and Fisheries, P.O. Box 174, New employment opportunities for
Wobulenzi, Stationed in Bukalasa woman with reduced drudgery
Agricultural College, Kampala, Uganda Increased food and vegetable
Tel: +256 6774249795, Email: production
[email protected] Reduction in poverty level
23. Ms. Nakitto Sarah Title: Introduction of New
Agricultural Officer, Mechanization Technologies for Maize
Luweero District Local Government, Cultivation among Women Farmers in
Ministry of Education, Science, Uganda
Technology & Sports, Objectives:
Mityana, Uganda Reduced seed wastage and improved
Tel: + 256 772470904 / +256 701470904, crop establishment for subsequent
+256 0776875594, + 256 773468804 field operations
Email: [email protected] Reduced drudgery among the
women farm workers in different
field operations
Reduced injuries during maize
7. Modern Dairy Technology and Management
Title of the Training Program: Modern Dairy Technology and Management
Date: 15 -29 April, 2017
Venue: ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal, Haryana
Program Director
Dr. Gopal Sankhala
Principal Scientist
ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI),
Karnal, Haryana
Mob: + 91 9416952786
Email: [email protected]
Participants profile: 24 executives from 9 countries (16 male & 8 female)
Feedback of Executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale of
1-to-10 (‘1’ being the poor and ‘10’ being the excellent). The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating
the program on an average score of 9.10 on a 10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the program
Field Visits
The executives were exposed to various field visits i.e. Lakshya Milk Plant (Jind) which is successful Dairy Cooperative
of Haryana, cattle yard, ABRC, Biotechnology labs, fodder farm and visits to farms of progressive dairy farmers
in Karnal and Kurukshetra districts followed by dairy entrepreneurs involved in the value chain of production to
marketing from small scale to large scale.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title and Objectives
8. Mr. Assan Ishmael Kojo Title: Development of pastures
Assistant Agriculture Officer
Ministry of Food and Agriculture Objective: To obtain well developed
P.O. Box 5779, ACCRA-North, Ghana pastures to supplement animal feed
Tel: +233 (0)274747847 both in the wet and dry season.
Email: [email protected]
9. Mr. Orenge Juvinalis Stevan Kenaly Title: Sensitize dairy farmers on herd
Principal Livestock Production Officer, health and management.
Ministry of Agriculture,
Livestock and Fisheries, Objective: To create awareness on
P.O.Box.379 40500, vaccinations of dairy calves of 3-8
Nyamira, Kenya months age to improve ways to control
Tel: +254 0722245454, mastitis
Email: [email protected]
10. Ms. Walya Sarah Mwende Title: Production/ Processing of new
Senior Lecturer dairy products
Ministry of Agriculture , Livestock & Fisheries,
State Department of Livestock Objective:
P.O Box 449-20117, To promote production/ processing and
Naivasha, Kenya, Tel: +254 (0) 50-50176 consumption dairy products
Email: [email protected]
11. Mr. Obewe Maurice Hezekiel Title: Pasture Preservation
Senior Assistant Livestock
Production Officer Objective: To help farmers preserve
Ministry of Agriculture , Livestock & Fisheries, excess forage and use it during drought.
State Department of Livestock
Kabete Vterinary Laboratories Bag
Kangemi, Kenya, Tel: 0722439557 (O)
Email: [email protected]
12. Mr. Chea Blamo Title: Education on Dairy Animals/
Assistant Monitoring & Evaluation Officer Livestock Welfare
Community of Hope Agriculture Project,
M& E Section, Zubah Town, Objectives:
Paynesville City, Liberia To improve Dairy animal health
Tel:+231886543735 To provide safe meat for public
Email: [email protected] consumption
13. Mr. Karngbo Patrick Gargar Title: Trainings on goat farming/Dairy
Project Director goat/ Livestock
Community Based Farmer Association
Ministry of Agriculture, New Georgia Estate, Objective: To promote low cost dairy
Gardnersville, Liberia, Tel: +231886412857 and goat farming among the farmers
Email: [email protected],
14. Mr. Murphy Mehin Wondal Title: Value chain analysis, production
Agricultural Extension Technician processing marketing – (Management)
Karate, Margibi County using the farming system approach.
Tel: (+231)888484425/ +231777330020 Objective: To train women group in
Email: [email protected] dairy farming, value chain analysis,
production, processing and marketing of
dairy products
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title and Objectives
15. Mr. Chiwale Enock Noxie Devson Title: Improvement of Dairy Milk Yield
Agriculture Extension Production
Development Coordinator,
Ministry of Agriculture Objective:
Irrigation and Water Development, Using the Dairy Farm Business Schools as
Thyolo District Agriculture Office, a platform to train the farmers on silage
P.O.Box.22, Thyolo, Malawi preparation, fodder preservation and
Tel: +265 884320241, +265 888585533 improved milk production
Email: [email protected]
16. Mr. Banda Madalitso Title: Improvement in local breeds
Agriculture Extension
Development Officer (AEDO) Objective: To improve local breeds by
Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and 6% by use of AI to produce more milk.
Water Development
Bilila Extension Planning Area,
P.O Box 19, Ntcheu, Malawi
Tel: : +265 995295860/8887 2291
Email: [email protected]
17. Ms. Staubi Chifundo Title: Improve Milk Quality and Quantity
Agriculture Extension Development Officer,
Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Objectives:
Water Development, Reduce cases of mastitis by at-least
Thyolo District Agriculture Office, 50%,
P.O.Box.22, Thyolo, Malawi Increased milk yield and
Tel: +265 999 387 618, +265 999 811 508 Produce high fat content milk.
Email: [email protected]
18. Ms. Tuvshintuya Gombo Ganbaatar Title: Improvement of milk production
Officer for Breeding Registration from milch animals
and Information, Production and
Technology Department National Center of Objective:
Livestock Gene Bank, Ministry of Food, To promote embryo technology for
Agriculture and Light Industry, higher milk production from milch
Government Building 9A, animals
Peace Avenue 16A, Bayanzurkh District,
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Tel: +976 456890,
Email: [email protected],
19. Mr. Nayantsogoo Batbileg Title: To promote Animal Health
Officer Veterinarian of Science Province, Technology
Department Veterinarian Food
and Agricultural Organization of Selenge,
Province of Mongolia, 2 Bag,
Sukhbaatar Soum, Selenge Province, Mongolia
Tel: +976-70363414; +976-99512665
Email: [email protected]
20. Mr. Nergui Munkhbayar Title: Artificial Insemination
Researcher and Project Coordinator
Livestock Management Department Objectives:
SUUL BUGA, 4th Bag, Tseel sum, To create specialized breeding center
Tuw Province, Mongolia in farmer’s community
Tel: +976-89632155, To produce more quality milk
Email: [email protected], To increase farmer income
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title and Objectives
21. Mr. Nguiliche Gasper Sumundence Banda Title: Training small scale dairy
District Service of Economic Activities processing
Rua da Missao, Mozambique
Tel: +258910028; Objective:
+258 847899390; To introduce low cost milk processing
+258 846022925 techniques, Cheese production and
Email: [email protected] innovative the packaging
22. Mr. Matsiko Mark Title: Promoting value addition to milk
Senior Reserach Technician by use of appropriate technology
Uganda Industrial Reserach Institute,
Ministry of Education, Science, Objective: Empowered small holder
Technology & Sports, farmers in milk value addition
P. O Box 7086 Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 414286245; Fax No: +256 414 286695
Email: [email protected]
23. Mr. Asiimwe Karimu Grace Title: Dairy Extension on feeds and
Veterinary Officer, feeding
Kiruhura District Local Government,
P.O.Box.5, Rushere, Uganda Objective: Sensitizing farmers for
Tel: +256 782672805/ +256 702672805, the need ofsupplement feeding with
Email: [email protected] concentrates and legumes for better
24. Ms. Ninabbanja Eve Title: Capacity building TOT (training of
Lecturer, trainers) for extension workers about
Bukalasa Agricultural College, modern breeding technologies
Training Division,
Ministry of Agriculture Animal Objectives:
Industries and Fisheries, Increase production of milk and one
P.O.Box. 174, Wobulenzi, Uganda calf per cow per year
Tel: +256 772569424, +256 7754569426, Disseminate knowledge of genetic
Email: [email protected] potential of livestock
8. International Partnership Convention for Points of Contact (PoCs) of Partner
Countries from African and Asian Countries
Title of the Training Program: International Partnership Convention for Point of Contacts
(PoCs) of Partner Countries from African and Asian Countries
Date: 28 June - 1 July, 2017
Venue: National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad,
Program Director
Dr. P. Chandra Shekara,
Director (Agricultural Extension)
MANAGE, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030,
Telangana, India., Website:
9. Modern Storage Technologies in Agriculture
Title of the Training Program: Modern Storage Technologies in Agriculture
Date: 1- 15 September, 2017
Venue: ICAR - Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering & Technology (CIPHET), Ludhi-
ana, Punjab
Program Director/Coordinators
3. Concepts of stored grain ecosystems,
4. Quality and insect control in the stored grains,
5. Different type of fumigation methods/systems and Fumigation standards,
6. Plant quarantine operations
7. Evaporative cooled storage, cold storage, modern methods like CA storage, delayed ripening Processes,
multi-commodity cold storage systems
8. Concept of cold chain and its management
9. Bulk grain handling, transportation and storage
10. Issue/ problems with the existing system of storage in the developing countries
Training Outcome
The mass awareness on safe food handling and proper management of post harvest produce was
organised in Botswana. Sensitization of food safety programs in other partner countries taken up
by the FTF ITT trainees.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 9.9 whereas the average score of post-training was 15.8.
Thus, it is found that the level of knowledge of executives was increase by 59.60 percent after the training program.
Feedback of Executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 1-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 9.50 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the program was EXCELLENT.
Field Visits
The participants were exposed to field visits of practical importance like the Twin screw extrusion unit of FG&OP
Division, food grain processing lab of FG&OP Division, Non-destructive quality evaluation lab of AS&EC Division,
Agro Processing Unit, Punjab Post Harvest Technology Centre, Field Fresh Private Limited., Cold Chamber / Ripening
Chambers at Punjab Agricultural University and the Punjab Post Harvest Technology Centre.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl. No Name and Address BAWP Title
1. Mr. Fazli Rahullah Implementation of Advanced Storage
Cereal Strategic Storage and technology for perishables
Food Security Department,
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation
and Livestock, Jamal Mina,District-3,
Kabul University Road,Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: + 93 (0) 748000362,
Email: [email protected]
2. Mr. Noori Abdul Sami Implementation of Advanced Storage
Food Security and Grain Strategic technology for perishables
Reserves Department, Ministry of Agriculture,
Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL),
Jamal Mina, District-3, Karta Sakhi Squire,
Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: + 93 (0) 774317375,
Email: [email protected]
3. Ms. Moatswi Chakubinga Cold Chain Storage/ Minimum
Private Bag 0091, Ministry of Processing
Agriculture, Crop Production,
Gabrone, Botswana.
Tel: +267 72614383,
Fax: +267 39287628
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
4. Mr. Thero Peter Storage technology awareness and
Ministry of Agriculture, Development adoption
and Food security, Crop Production,
P.O.Box. 300, Mahalapye, Botswana
Tel: +256 71633346,
Fax: +256 4710678
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
5. Ms. Khieu Sokny Capacity building for Storage Technology
Prek Leap National College of Adoption
Agriculture, Highway 6A,
SangkatPrek Leap, Khan Chroychangva,
Phnom Phen, Cambodia.
Tel: +855 236910595,
+855 12588010
Email: [email protected],
6. Ms. Kwawu Patience Capacity building for modern storage
Ministry of Food and Agriculture, techniques
Women in Agriculture Development,
P.O.Box.M37, Ministries,
ACCRA, Ghana.
Tel: 023324966970, 00233249615225
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
Sl. No Name and Address BAWP Title
7. Mr. Frimpong Capacity building for modern storage
Manso Justice Agricultural techniques
Engineering Services
Directorate of MOFA, P.O.Box. M82,
Gifford Road, Burma Camp, Accra, Ghana.
Tel: +233302777789, +233244409133
Email: [email protected],
8. Mrs. Gitahi Faith Wangui Capacity building for post harvest
Department of Livestock Production, storage
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock
and Fisheries Development,
P.O.Box. 34188, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 0725208143
Email: [email protected]
9. Mr. Gichuki Stephen Capacity building for storage
AHITI Ndomba Institute, technologies
Ministry of Agriculture,
Livestock and Fisheries Development,
P.O.Box.32 10300, Kerugoya, Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel: 0702096724, 0722610008
Email:[email protected]
10. Mrs. Lydia P. Kerkula Storage of rice
Central Agriculture Research
Institute (CARI), P.O.YMCA Community,
GSA Road, Bong County, Liberia.
Tel: +231 886375191
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
11. Mr. Frank John Storage mechanisms for crops
Ministry of Agriculture,
Irrigation and Water Development
(Agricultural Extension Services
Department), Chiradzulu, Agricultural District,
P.O. Box 28, Chiradzulu, Malawi.
Ph:(265) 999002180/881368 077
Email: [email protected]
12. Ms. Musaiwa Priscilla Storage structures establishment
Lunzu EPA, P.O.Box. 32,
Ministry of Agriculture /Extension,
Blantyre, Malawi.
Mob: 0999704955, 0884011912
Email: [email protected]
13. Mr. Lkhagvasuren Khosbayar Awareness on modern storage
USUH TARIA LLC, Room No.115, technologies
Selenge Trade Centre, SukhbaatarSoum,
Selenge Province, Mongolia.
Telefax: 97670492233,
Mob: 97699882126
Email: [email protected],
Sl. No Name and Address BAWP Title
14. Mr. Zeya Kyaw Capacity building for fumigation and
Office No.43, Department of storage of perishables
Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture,
Livestock and Irrigation, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
Tel: +95 9428134356,
Fax: +95 674410067
Email: [email protected]
15. Mr. Win NaingTun Capacity building of farmers for
Department of Agriculture, advanced storage techniques
Minkin Township, Department of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation,
Sagaing Region, Myanmar.
Telefax: +9567 410067, +9598302460
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
16. Mr. Mohammad Ammar Balla Adoption of cold storage mechanism
Agricultural Engineering and Services
Administration, Ministry of Agriculture,
Kharthoum, Sudan.
Tel: 49183765680,
0024 9912263722
Email: [email protected]
17. Mrs. Omer WeldonMohammad Osman Storage practices for Post-Harvest
Agricultural Engineering and Services technologies
Administration, Ministry of Agriculture,
Kharthoum, Sudan
Tel: 0049193765680,
002 49127126817
Email: [email protected],
18. Mrs. Thowiba Omer Elhassan Mustafa Storage practices for Post-Harvest
Agricultural Engineering and technologies
Services Administration,
Ministry of Agriculture,
Kharthoum, Sudan.
Tel: 0049193765680,
002 4918594433
Email: [email protected],
19. Ms. Nakamya Sarah Capacity building for storage
Officer Production Department, mechanisms
Nakasongola District Local
Government, P.O.Box. 1, Nakasongola
Uganda. Tel: +256 777525652
Email: [email protected],
10. Plant Health Management Technologies and Approaches
Title of the Training Program: Plant Health Management Technologies and
Date: 4- 18 September, 2017
Venue: National Institute of Plant Health Management (NIPHM), Hyderabad,
Program Directors
7. Vertebrate pest management, urban integrated pest management etc.
Training Outcome:
The training outcomes were seen by way of practising effective control of soil born diseases using bio
control agents in Myanmar, Afghanistan & other countries.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 11.27 whereas the average score of post-training was
24.46. Thus, it is found that the level of knowledge of executives was increase by 117.04 percent after the training
Feedback of Executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 1-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 9.10 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the program was excellent.
Field Visits
The executives were exposed to various field visits i.e. ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-
arid Tropics), CRIDA (Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture) IIRR (Indian Institute of Rice Research),
IIMR (Indian Institute of Millets Research), IIOR (Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research), Farm Machinery Workshop
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title and Objectives
1 Mr. Jahed Jamhoor Agha Title: Provision of training and promotion
Plant Protection Manager, of Trichoderma in Parwan, Afghanistan
Parwan Province, Charikar City,
Jangle Bagh Area, Kabul Norgh Highways,
Directorate of Agriculture, Objective: To train extension workers,
Irrigation and Livestock, Parwan, Afghanistan plant protection officers and farmers
Tel No: +93744354067; +93765314662 on control of fungal diseases using
Email: [email protected] Trichoderma
2 Mr. Babori Abdul Ghafoor
Head of Plant Pests and
Diseases Diagnostic Lab
Plant Protection and Quarantine
Directorate, Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel No: 00937 00259618
Email: [email protected]
3 Mr. Saifullah Abdulali Title: Establishment of ecological
Plant Pests and Diseases engineering based management tactics
Diagnostics Specialist for tomato pest complex and capacity
Parwan Directorate of Agriculture, building of target groups in Kabul,
Irrigation and Livestock, Parwan, Afghanistan Afghanistan
Tel No: 0744354067
Email: [email protected]; Objectives: Minimizing the application of
[email protected] toxic chemicals
4 Mr. Nawakht Noor Agha Title: Provision of training to extension
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) workers, plant protection officers and
Specialist farmers on plant parasitic nematodes in
Ministry of Agriculture, Badambagh, Kabul, Afghanistan
Irrigation and Livestock Jamal Mina
(Karte - Sakhi), Kabul, Afghanistan Objective: To train extension workers,
Tel No: +93 784949836 plant protection officers and farmers on
Email:[email protected]. control of nematode diseases
5 Ms. Lechina Joyce Sheila Bonolo Title: Establishment of ecological
Agricultural Scientific Officer engineering based pest management on
Pest Management Unit, Ministry of Agriculture Tomato
P.Bag 0091 Gaborone, Botswana
Tel No: 00267 3928745/ 00267 72556205; Objective: To reduce the heavy use
Fax: 00267 3928768 of chemicals and adopting other pest
Email: [email protected] control methods aimed at promoting a
balance in agro ecosystem.
6 Mr. Donkoh Alex Ankomah Title: Promotion of vermi-technology in
Senior Agricultural Officer Ghana
Plant Protection and Regulatory
Services Department Objectives:
Ministry of Food and Agriculture Improve soil fertility
Post Box KD 08, Koforidua, Ghana Reduce the overdependence on
Tel No: 0243437534 chemical fertilizers and pesticides
Email: [email protected] Improve product quality ,quantity
Increase export market of crop produce
Improve economic gains
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title and Objectives
7 Mr. Mensah Victor Kofi Title: Ecological engineering based pest
Chief Technical Officer management for Pine Apple pest
Project Coordination Unit, P. O. Box. 26,
Nsawam, Eastern Region, Objective: To provide trainings to
Ministry of Food and Agriculture extension workers and plant protection
Accra Ghana officers on ecological engineering
Tel No: +233 244185816, +233 208198931 methods like use of natural enemies,
Email: [email protected], repellent plants, trap crops etc., to
reduce the excess use of chemicals
8 Mr. Appiah-Nti Charles Title: On farm production of Rhizobium
Seed Analyst & Seed Inspector with farmers at Mayera, Accra
Plant Protection and Regulatory
Services Directorate Objectives:
P.O. Box M37, Ministry of Food and Isolation and Production of
Agriculture, Accra, Ghana Biofertilizers
Tel No: 0209780116; Mass production of Rhizobium using
Email: [email protected] low cost technology
9 Ms. Mungai Teresia Wambui Title: Promotion of low cost Vermi-
Head, Pathology, technology in Kenya
Weed & Pesticide Advisory Section;
State Department of Agriculture (SDA), Objectives:
Plant Protection Services Improved Food and Nutrition security
Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and especially among the vulnerable
Fisheries (MOALF) farmers
P.O.Box 14733-00800, Improved income and livelihoods
Nairobi, Kenya among rural and peri-urban farmers
Tel No: +254 722267909 , +254 7222232467 due to higher sales of vegetables
Email: [email protected] Less use of pesticides and improved
food safety of vegetables grown from
10 Mr. Lusweti Charles Mamati Title: On-farm production of mycorrhiza
Chief Agricultural Officer to enhance soil fertility and food
M&E and Knowledge Management on production
Plant wise Project
Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Objectives:
Fisheries (MOALF) Improved soil fertility
P.O.Box 30028-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Use of the mycorrhiza to boost soil
Tel No: +254 721898087 fertility and hence food production
Email: [email protected]
11 Ms. Magoti Rahab Nyakwea Title: Mass multiplication of parasitoids
Research Officer
Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Objectives:
Research Organization To use parasitic parasitoids to control
P. O. Box 27-60100, fall Army worm in Kenya
Embu,Nairobi, Kenya To train farmers on best practices of
Tel No: +254 728599728; 727444638; IPM and multiplication of parasitoids
Email: [email protected] for control of FAW
12 Mr. Zablon James Opapah Title: Implementation of push pull
Principal Livestock Production Officer technology in two sub counties of Busia
P. O. Box 34188,00100, county in Kenya
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and
Fisheries Niarobi, Kenya Objective:To minimise usage of
Tel No: +254 721328200; 202718870, pesticides in the control of pests
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title and Objectives
13 Ms. Mulomole Janet Title: Ecological engineering based insect
Agricultural Extension pest management tactics of maize
Development Officer (AEDO)
Lilongwe Agricultural Development Division Objectives:
P.O Box 259, Ministry of Agriculture, Capacity building of extension workers
Irrigation and Water Development and smallholder farmers on use of
Lilongwe, Malawi. Agro-ecological engineering approach
Tel: +265 (0) 999 354 712 to control insect pests.
Email: [email protected], Decrease in the use of pesticides
14 Mr. Chamanza Franceton Davis Title: Establishment of low cost
Agricultural Extension Vermicompost & vermiwash type of
Development Officer (AEDO) fertilizers in Malawi
Nkbotakota District Agricultural Office,
P.O.Box41, Ministry of Agriculture, Objectives:
Irrigation and Water Development To replace the chemical fertilizer
Nkhotakota, Malawi usages and manage the pest and
Tel: +265 999296815, 0999298850 disease with vermicompost
Email: [email protected] Improve soil fertility
15 Mrs. Nyirongo Fumanikire Title: cological engineering based insect
Agriculture Extension pest management tactics of Ground nut
Development Officer (AEDO)
Nkhotakota Rural Development Projects, Objectives: To promote use of cultural
Ministry of Agriculture, Box 41, techniques to effect habitat manipulation
Nkhotakota, Malawi and enhance biological control
Tel: 088426397, 0992770060
Email: [email protected]
16 Ms. Mtsendero Mercy Natasha Title: Ecological engineering based insect
Agriculture Development Officer pest management tactics of Maize insect
Department of Agricultural Extension Services, pests
Ministry of Agriculture,
Private Bag 3031 Lilongwe, Malawi Objectives: Promote the strategy for
Tel No: +265 999599630 controlling pests by using repellent push
Email: [email protected] plants and trap pull plants in cereals like
maize and sorghum
17 Ms. Altan Ochir Munguntsatsal Title: On farm production of Phosphate
Plant Protection Officer, Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB)
Department of Crop Production
Policy Implementation and Objectives:
Coordination Department Awareness programs researching to
Government Building - IX B, increase soil fertility
Peace Avenue- 16A, Ulaanbaatar, On-farm mass production of bio-
Mongolia fertilizers
Tel No: +976 88083545; +976 88083545
Email: [email protected]
18 Mr. Joaquim Crimildo Title: Pest Management in maize
Head of Rural Extension Services
Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and
Food Safety of Inhambane, Objective: To reduce pest damages or
Inhambane , Mozambique losses in Maize
Tel: 00258-847164540, Fax: 00258 93 20929
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title and Objectives
19 Ms. Cho Cho San Title: Mass production of trichoderma
Junior Research Assistant as biological control agents against
Plant Pathology Research Section, important crop diseases
Department of Agricultural Research,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Objective: To promote mass production
Irrigation, Yezin, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar of trichoderma in Nay Pyi Taw Council
Tel No: +95 67416531, Fax: +95 67 416535 Area, Central Myanmar
Email: [email protected]
21 Ms. Htat Htat Nay Win Title: Ecological engineering based insect
Research Technician pest management tactics for Rice insect
Entomology Research Station, pests
Department of Agricultural Research,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Objective: To make the farmers adopt EE
Irrigation Yezin, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar tactics for control of Brown Plant Hopper,
Tel No: +95 67416531, Fax No: +95 6741635 (BPH) Yellow stem borer and golden snail.
Email: [email protected];
22 Ms. Nagwa Sidahmed Mohamed Elkhadir Title: Biological control of soil pests
Plant Quarantine Inspector using entomopathogenic nematodes
Plant Quarantine Directorate- Plant (beneficial nematodes) in Citrus in Sulait
Quarantine Unit District Sudan
Ministry of Agriculture- Plant Protection
Directorate, Khartoum International Airport Objectives:
Khartoum, Sudan Isolation of Plant Parasitic Nematodes
Tel: 00249 153999968; 0122256940 (PPN)
Email: [email protected] Mass Production of Entomopathogenic
nematodes (EPN)
23 Ms. Manal Hussein Mohamed Omer Title: Mass multiplication of parasitoids
Plant Quarantine Inspector
Plant Quarantine Directorate- Objectives:
Plant Quarantine Unit- Ministry of Agriculture- To use parasitic parasitoids to control
Plant Protection, Khartoum International Tuta absoluta on tomato in Sudan
Airport, Khartoum, Sudan To train farmers on best practices of
Tel: 00249 153999968; 129590070 IPM and multiplication of parasitoids
Email: [email protected] for control of Tuta absoluta
24 Ms. Luwedde Mariam Title: Establishment of Banana
Agriculture Officer demonstration farm
Nkokonjeru Town Council, P.O.Box. 64,
Kampala, Uganda Objectives:
Tel: 0784964842, 0705318432, 0772364976 To promote the use of Nematode free
Email: [email protected] clean suckers
Reduced prevalence of the banana
25 Mr. Ezati Charles Palms Title: On-farm mass production
District Project Assistant technique for trichoderma using NIPHM
Yumbe District Local Government white medium and Sorghum grains
Post Box 1, Ministry of Agriculture,
Animal Industry and Fisheries, Objectives:
Yumbwe, Uganda Enhanced beans and Sunflower
Tel No: +256 593709/ +256 772442301 productivity
Email: [email protected] Improved income dues increased
crop yields and use of low cost Bio-
11. Recent Trends in Harvest and Post-harvest Technologies in Fisheries
Title of the Training Program: Recent Trends in Harvest and Post-harvest Technologies in
Date: 12-26 September, 2017
Venue: ICAR - Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT), Cochin, Kerala
Program Director/Coordinator
Feedback of Executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 1-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program 8.90 as VERY GOOD.
Field Visits
The trainees were taken for field visits covering major research and development organizations in Kerala like the
National Institute of Fisheries and Post-Harvest Technology and Training (NIFPHATT), Matsyafed Net making factory,
ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute and ICAR-National
Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Kochi.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title
8. Ms. Fuseina Issah Hygienic fish handling practices on
Assistant Fisheries Officer board in the central region of Ghana
Fisheries Commission (Administration and
Operations Department- Monitoring and
Evaluation), Box GP 630, Accra- Ghana
Tel: 0249133567, 0242825329
Email: [email protected]
9. Mr. Japhet Mworia Manampiu Production of fish silage in Kenya
Assistant Director of Fisheries
State Department for fisheries and Blue
Economy, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and
Fisheries. P.O.Box. 1200-00100 Meru, Kenya
Tel: + 0720040945,
Email: [email protected]
10. Mr. Alfred David Promotion of fish smoking techniques
Agriculturist at Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia
Ministry of Agriculture, P.O.Box 10-9010
1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia
Tel: (+231)777929359
Email: [email protected]
11. Ms. Beatrice Kuesh Newland Chilling and handling of fish at West
Quality Assurance Technician Point Beach, Liberia
Ministry of Agriculture
Bureau of National - Monrovia, Liberia
Tel: (+231)886976778, (+231)770418428
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title
12. Post-harvest Technology in Horticulture Crops
Title of the Training Program: Post-harvest Technology in Horticulture Crops
Date: 6- 20 November, 2017
Venue: ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticulture Research (IIHR), Bangalore, Karnataka
Program Directors
Dr. R Venkattakumar,
Principal Scientist & Head,
Division of Social Science & Training,
ICAR- Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Hessaraghatta Lake Post,
Bengaluru-560 089, Karnataka, India
Tel: 080-7760835475, Mob: 77608 35475, Fax: 080-2846291
Email: [email protected]
Co-Course Directors
Dr. DV Sudhakar Rao,
Dr. RB Tiwari,
Mr. GA Atheequlla,
Participants profile: 26 executives from 12 countries (16 male & 10 female)
Country Number of participants
Afghanistan 3
Botswana 2
Cambodia 2
Ghana 5
Kenya 2
Liberia 1
Malawi 3
Mongolia 1
Mozambique 1
Myanmar 2
Sudan 2
Uganda 2
Training objectives:
To acquaint the participants with the different supply chain management operations in important
horticultural crops grown in Afro-Asian countries.
To demonstrate appropriate technologies for processing and value-addition in important horticultural
To expose the participants to different technologies for waste valorization/ by-product/residue
management in horticultural crops.
Training Curriculum:
1. Protocols used in the supply chain management of fresh horticultural crops, viz., harvesting, pre-
cooling, sorting, grading, washing and disinfection, storage and packaging.
2. Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) of a few selected fresh horticultural crops
3. Dehydration of flowers,
4. By-product utilization and value-addition through the use of extracts from the horticultural residues.
5. Mechanization in PH operations
6. Protocol standardization for extension of shelf life of the fresh-cut vegetables
7. Low cost ripening system of climacteric fruits
8. Processing of fruits and vegetables
9. Preparation of fruit bars, osmotic dehydration of selected fruits, crushed tomatoes and preparation of fruit
Training Outcome:
The FTF ITT trainees conducted training and workshops on promotion of value addition in horticultural
crops to increase farmers’ income in their respective countries.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 12.88 whereas the average score of post-training was
18.7. Thus, it is found that the level of knowledge of executives increased by 45.19 percent after the training
Feedback of Executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 1-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 8.88 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was VERY GOOD.
Field Visits
The executives were taken around the demonstration plots in Block-3 of ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru wherein they were
apprised about the important features of the varieties/ hybrids developed by ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru and important
characteristics of such varieties/ hybrids. The executives were also taken around the research farms of ICAR-IIHR,
Bengaluru, the Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC), Mushroom Research Laboratory and state-of-art
Referral Food Testing Laboratory (RTL) at ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective/s
1. Mr. Murtaza Aslampoor Title: Promotion of evaporation cooling
General Manager of Development Studies storage for small scale farmers
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock,
Horticulture Directorate, vegetable, and Objective: To establish the Evaporative
Greenhouse Development, Cold structures for extended storage of
Jamal mina Kart-e-Sakhi, Kabul, fghanistan. fruits and vegetables and generate more
Ph: 07443221999/ 0700818253 income
Email: [email protected],
2. Mr. Fazal Rahim Ayoubi
Cooperative General Manager
Kandahar Department of Agriculture and
Livestock, District # 5, Kandahar City,
Afghanistan, Ph: 0706064725
Email: [email protected],
Sl.No Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective/s
8. Ms. Esther Agyekum Title: Safe ripening of fruits, fresh
Senior Agricultural Officer vegetable handling
Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Directorate of Crop Services, Objective: Improving the income of
P.O Box. M37, Accra , Ghana farm household through reduced post
Ph: +233 245629758, harvest losses
Email: [email protected],
9. Mr. Robert Selassie Setorwofia Title: Introduction of agri-businesses,
Assistant Agricultural Officer, dehydration technology to farmers and
Ministry of Food and Agriculture, farm institute
Agribusiness Unit
P.O Box. M37 Accra , Ghana Objective: To impart knowledge to
Ph:+233 249 239244 farmesin post-harvest technology and
Email: [email protected] agribusiness technology in horticulture
10. Mr. Emmanuel Amanor Yirenkyi
Assistant Agricultural Officer
Ministry of food and Agriculture/
Agribusiness Unit
P.O.Box # M37, Ministries, Accra, Ghana
Ph: 0303965094/0242844563/0209529179
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
11. Mr. Joseph Tommy Tommie Title: Promotion of tomato puree
Senior Agriculture Economist preparation among the farmers
Ministry of Food and Agriculture
MOFA/PPMED, Box M37, Accra, Ghana Objective: Reduction of post harvest
Ph: 0507281334/0249748287 losses in tomato
Email: [email protected]
12. Ms. Elizabeth Edem Gididlo Title: Safe ripening of fruits, fresh
Agricultural Extension Officer, vegetable handling
Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Directorate of Agriculture Extension Services Objective: Improved incomes of farmers
P.O.Box M37, Ministries, Accra, Ghana through reduced post harvest losses
Ph: 0244966294/0244966294
Email: [email protected]
13. Mr. Dominic Munywoki Title: Training on the use of low cost
Principal Agricultural Officer artificial ripening technology osmotic
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, dehydration - on farm cold storage
State Department of Agriculture
P.O.Box. 30028 - 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Ph: +254 713273393 Objectives:
Email: [email protected], Reduce risk of consuming poisonous
[email protected] chemicals
14. Ms. Margaret Wanjiku Karuku Reduce post harvest losses
Lecturer Improved income to the farmer and
Kenya School of Agriculture marketers
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries,
P.O.Box. 1909-10100, Kenya
Ph:+254 722888990
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
Sl.No Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective/s
15. Mrs. Weedor Akoi Cegbe Title: Training on basic knowledge and
County Agriculture Coordinator skills in post harvest management and
Department of Regional Development Research value addition along the chilly pepper
& Extension, value chain
Ministry of Agriculture, Monrovia, Liberia
Tel: +231 886708784
Email: [email protected], Objective: Reduced post-harvest losses
[email protected], [email protected] in chilly
16. Mr. Kafunda David Burton Title: Osmotic dehydration in mangoes
Agricultural Extension Development Officer, and papaya in Malawi
Salima District Office, P.O.Box.491,
Salima, Malawi
Tel: +265 993205903, Fax: +265 (1) 262663 Objective: Reduced post harvest losses
Email: [email protected] through value addition to mangoes and
17. Ms. Nyirenda Babra Malikebu
Agricultural Extension Development Officer,
MVERA EPA, P.O.Box. 42,
Ministry of Agriculture, Mvera, Malawi
Tel: +265 0999276164, 0991743066
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
18. Ms. Tamara Tembo
Agricultural Development Officer
Ministry of Agriculture,
Private Bag 30131, Lilongwe, Malawi
Ph: +265999161065/ +265992518851
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
19. Mr. Jambal Tumurkhuyag Title: Capacity building and training on
Senior Officer, post harvest technology
Crop Policy Implementation and Coordination
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry, Objective: Production of good quality
Government Building #9, of seed and planting material and
Exktaivan Avenue, 16 A, enhancement in farmers’ knowledge
Ulaanbaatar-210349, Mongolia
Tel: 51 263408, 99007368, Email:j_tumur@, [email protected],
20. Mr. Elton Amadeus Francisco Title: Promotion of osmotic dehydration
Rural Extension monitoring and of Mangoes
evaluation officer
Inhambane Directorate of Agriculture and
Food security Between Eduardo Mondlane Objective: The reduction of post harvest
and Revolucao Avenue, Inhambane City, losses of mango will help in increasing
Mozambique the income of small farmers, improve
Ph: +258 29320929/+258822834116 the availability of the processed mango
Email: [email protected], because of its higher shelf life
Sl.No Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective/s
21. Mr. Khaing Aye Min Title: Promotion of low cost ripening
Assistant Staff Officer, chamber zero energy cool chamber for
Myanadi Horticultural Farm, good quality fruits
Department of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation,
Myittha Township, Objective: To impart knowledge about
Mnadale Region, Myanmar setting up of ripening chambers and
Tel: +95-9-783644151, +95-9-5300591, low cost evaporative cooled structures
Fax: +9567 410067 among farmers.
Email: [email protected]
22. Mr. Than Naing Moe
Deputy Staff Officer
Department of Agriculture, Ministry of
Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation
Office Number (43), Department of Agriculture,
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Ph: +95 9-780025641, +95-9-5300591
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
23. Ms. Abeer Elamin Mohanedahamed Elhaj Title: Training for the staff of Ministry
Engineering Agriculture of Agriculture and other stakeholders
Sud kh Alnil Street, Ministry of Agriculture, on value chain and osmotic dehydration
Almogran, Khartoum, Sudan technology.
Mob: 002466737609, 00966537473303
Email: [email protected], Objective: Enhanced capacity of ministry
staff in dehydration of vegetables and
24. Ms. Kautyher Altom Algzoly Alnor osmotic dehydration technology for
Engineering Agriculture fruits
Sud kh Alnil Street, Ministry of Agriculture,
Almogran, Khartoum, Sudan
Mob: 002498278418, 0024993986632
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
25. Mr. Lukurwe Ham Wilson Title: Process waste valorisation of
Technical Officer-Sector Skills Councils, horticultural waste
Skilling Uganda, Reform Task Force (RTF)
Ministry of Education and Sports Objectives:
Kampala, Uganda Increased profitability
Tel: +256 772962503, +256 702264145 Improved environmental friendly
Email: [email protected], practices
[email protected]
26. Ms. Rose Lukwago Nassali
Judicial Service Commission,
Farmers House,
Plot 6/8 Parliament Avenue,
P.O.Box 7679, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 772673217
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
13. Entrepreneurship Development among Rural Women
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl. No Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
1 Mr. Eweu Jackson Title: Promoting Vegetable (Tomatoes,
Agriculture tutor cabbages, Egg plants) Production among
Moroto Core Primary woman farmers through formation of
Teachers College (PTC), P.O.BOX 16 groups
Moroto, Uganda
Tel: 0772623702 / 0772514127 Objective: Increased production in vegetable
Email: [email protected] production, generation of income for the
group from sale of vegetables
2 Ms. Naigaga Hellen Title: To mobilise and train women to
Teaching Assistant form neighbour-hood saving groups in
Uganda Martyr’s University Nkozi sub county
Nkozi, P.O.BOX 5498,
Kampala, Uganda Objective: To train students on rural
Tel: 07794821377 women entrepreneurship development
Email: [email protected]
3 Ms. Nafula Inid Title: Cabbage cultivation through
Teacher formation of groups
MST Junior Academy School
Entebbe Road, Kawuku, Objective: Mobilization, sensitization
Bwerenga, Uganda of members, neighbour-hood group
Tel: 0771970983 formation, linkage to agricultural
Email: [email protected] (POC) extension workers.
4 Ms. Okiria Edith Title: Promoting indigenous Poultry
Chair Person (local) among rural woman
Pallisa Framers Association
C/o Uganda National Farmers Federation Objective: Improved nutrition status of
Kampala, Uganda rural woman
Mob: 0752811280
Email: [email protected]
5 Ms. Ankunda Marion Title: Vegetable Growing (tomatoes and
Teacher onions) among students, teaching and
Nyakasura School, non- teaching staff
Kabalore District Rwenzori Region
P.O.BOX 16, Fort portal, Kampala, Objective: Enough supply of Vegetable,
Uganda Improvement on the standards of living
Tel: 0772444480
Email: [email protected]
6 Ms. Nannozi Jane Francis Title: Mobilizing members, sensitizing
Member members, forming groups for growing
Katiko Women’s Group, Mityana, vegetables
Busimbi Division,
Mityana, Uganda Objective: Working in groups,
Tel: 0782897164 Networking and creation of awareness
Email: [email protected]
7 Mr. Okello Geoffrey Title: Produce marketing (Maize and
Lecturer Beans)
National Teachers’ College, Mubende
P.O.BOX 158, Objective: High profits from the sale of
Mubende, Uganda their agricultural produces, identification
Tel: +256 772638892, 772535698, of the potential market
Email: [email protected]
Sl. No Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
8 Mr. Mutabazi Damian Title: Irish potato cultivation
Ministry of Education Objective: Increased production,
Kabale-Bukinda PTC, P.O.BOX 154 Improved nutrition, Increased income,
Kabale- Uganda improved marketing
Tel: 0775724978
Email: [email protected] (POC)
9 Mr. Musuuki Robert Title: Vegetable growing (tomatoes)
Twekembe Group, Bukomansimbi District Objective: Mobilizing and sensitizing
Kibinge S/County, Budda Village local leaders and the community
Kampala, Uganda Vegetable capacity supply in the
Tel: 0789412672 community shall have increased
Sl. No Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
15 Mr. Nkayivu Leonard Title: Promote Vegetable growing among
CCT (Tutor) rural groups
Kabulasoke Core PTC
Kampala, Uganda Objectives:
Tel: 0772830847 Improved diet,
Email: [email protected] Being self-reliant
Increased income,
Improved skill development,
16 Ms. Nakanwagi Bonconsil Increased economic status
Training manager
Gudie Leisure Farm
P.O.BOX 27450, Kampala Uganda
Tel: 0701460865, 0772460865
Email: [email protected]
Sl. No Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
22 Ms. Atim Winnie Title: Economic empowerment of
Assistant Administrator Primary teachers
Eastern Agricultural Development Company
(EADC), P.O.BOX 35561, Objective: subsidized food locally
Senior Quarters, Lumumba Avenue, generated by and for teachers, increased
Soroti, Uganda, Tel: +256 782455560 saving and better standard of living
Mob: + 256 0705227271
Email: [email protected]
23 Mr. Nseko Timothy Title To organize, mobilize, sensitize,
Teacher train and initiate rural woman and youth
Iganga Secondary School into saving for an enterprise
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: 0775268393, 0756268393 Objective: Better income, saving culture,
Email: [email protected] asset acquisition, self-employment
creation, exposure and learning
innovations, collaboration and technical
skills, family health improvement,
collective best practices, operate
in organized structures, increased
standardof living
24 Ms. Jackline Kyomukama Title: Title: Mobilise women for
Social Worker agricultural enterprises
Tweyombeke Women in Development
Association (TWIDA) Objective: Increase family income,
P.O.BOX 144, Kabale, Uganda improve food and nutrition, increase
Tel: +256 772536007, Mob: 0772107585 number of women in leadership and
Email: [email protected] increase confidence and self-reliance
25 Ms. Nakiranda Miriam Title: Formation of Neighbour Hood
Facilitator (trainings) Groups (NHG)
Kasenge Riverford Organic Farm
Kasenge, Mbalala Objectives:
Mukono district, Uganda Increased yields,
Tel: +256 702648493, Mob: 0705216764 Improved savings and lending
Email: [email protected] schemes
26 Ms. Lubuulwa Ritah Title: Passion fruit marketing to increase
Volunteer income in the Rwenzori region
Advocacy Coalition for Sustainable Agriculture
P.O.BOX 14125, Kampala, Uganda Objectives:
Tel: 0703135757 Better organisation,
Mob: 0704908245 (Whatsapp) Higher incomes,
Email: [email protected] Good value chain
27 Ms. Agasha Glorious Title: Value addition on orange flesh
Agricultural Officer sweet potatoes and other food crops /
Nyarwanya Tukha Tanisi Group cereals to make and package snacks and
Bushenyi Local Government fortified foods
P.O.BOX 01, Bushenyi, Uganda
Tel: 0701140148 Objective: Establishment of a pastry and
Email: [email protected] Bakery unit to generate additional income
28 Mr. Gumisiriza Dominic Joram Title: Vegetable and Water melon
Tutor for agriculture production
Bishopstuart Core PTC, P.O.BOX 152 Mbarara
Tel: 0782351008 Objective: Provision of supplements
Mob: 0701812521, 0782812521 in form of greens/ vegetable to boost
Email: [email protected] children nutrition and health
Sl. No Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
29 Ms. Nabukenya Lillian Immaculate Title: Irish Potato Cultivation
The Aids Support Organization (TASO) Objectives:
Old Mulago Complex, P.O.Box 10443, Additional value on the irish potatoes
Kampala, Uganda Trainings to improve knowledge on
Tel: 0752648824, Mob: 0782922133 marketing skills
Email: [email protected] Tepresenting women internationally
30 Ms. Ay Thatcher Title: Creation of self employment
Company Director through skills development trainings
Papali Group (U) Ltd.
Plot 14B Vubyabirenge Road Objectives:
Ntinda, Kampala, Uganda Improved skills for self employment,
P.O.BOX 12036 Improved livelihood,
Mobile No: 0758135581 Reduced dependency and strategic
Email: [email protected] enterprise selection,
Increased employment opportunities
31 Mr. Ndugga Godfrey Title: Improving Banana plantation
Senior Tutor farming by using organic manure
Ministry of Education (Busuubizi Core PTC)
C/o Busuubizi Core PTC Objective:
P.O.BOX 5 Mityana, Uganda Employment generation for women
Tel: 0772386416, Mob: 0772386416
Email: [email protected]
32 Ms. Joy Mary Lwanga Title: Sale of honey and peanut full
Managing Director packaging through Self Help Groups
Shalom Organic Farm Ltd.
Greens & Fresh Co-operative Society Objectives:
P.O.BOX 11721, Gayaza Road Ziobwe Road Employment opportunities,
Kampala, Uganda Increased household income,
Tel: 256 0703510922, Mob: 0782952240 better health and nutrition,
Email: [email protected] Increased market opportunities
33 Ms. Noela V. Ojara Ogwal Title: Skilling for wage improvement in
Operations Director value addition to locally available farm
Divine Organic Foods, P.O.BOX 640, produce.
Ntinda Kampala.
Tel: 772664404, Mob: 0776380202 Objectives:
Email:[email protected]/ Efficient Resource Utilization
Value Addition
34 Mr. Muteesasira Sam Title: Training of tutors, teachers and
Senior Tutor community members in collectivism
Kibuli Primary Teachers’ College, and rural women empowerment in
P.O.BOX 7071 Agriculture
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: 070493442839 Objectives:
Mobile No: 0772442839 Impart savings habit among rural
Email: [email protected] women
Encourage women to work in groups
35 Mr. Tugume Desteo Title: Forming women farming groups
Programmes Coordinator
Better World Uganda Objectives:
P.O.BOX 406, Hoima, Uganda Mobilize farm based enterprise for
Tel: +256 772426607, Mob: 0752317447 collective marketing
Email: [email protected] Standard of living improved,
Job creation for the women,
Sl. No Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
36 Mr. Bidodo Benedict Title: Cassava production through Self
Manager Help Groups
Primary Co-operative (Nyamughasana Valley
Farmers Co-operative) Objectives:
Musasa – Kanyatsi – Kyondo To assure food security and reduce
P.O.BOX 216 Kasese malnutrition
Kasese district Uganda, E.A Generate employment for rural
Tel: 0772184651 women and generate additional
Email: [email protected] income
37 Ms. Nakidde Viola Title: Formation of Women groups and
General Manager training in agriculture skills and creation
Kwagaliza Nagojje Multi-purpose Cooperative of demonstration gardens
Nagojje Trading Centre Mukono District Objectives:
P.O.BOX 87, Lugazi, Uganda Skills training,
Tel: +256 753002046 Formation of neighbourhood groups,
Mob: +256 774130034, 0751719069 Provide credit facilities and impart
Email: [email protected] saving culture
38 Mr. Bekiita Silvestri Title: Rukoge Women Self-Help Group
Tutor/teacher formation and establishment
Ministry of Education
Bushenyi Core PTC, P.O.BOX 280 Objective:
Bushenyi, Uganda Improved hygiene and sanitation due
Tel: 0752842321, 0776842321 to collective construction of facilities
Email: [email protected] Increased production of salable
39 Ms. Nyangoma Grace Title: Formation of Self Help Groups
Bagonzakukora Joint Farmers Group
Kyabigambire S/C Hoima
P.O.BOX 101, Hoima, Uganda
Tel: 0782184755
Sl. No Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
43 Ms. Anna Kwatampora Title: Formation of groups for Tea
Women Coordinator seedling production
Women’s Desk
Caritas, Mbarara Objectives:
P.O.BOX 467, Mbarara, Uganda Employment opportunities for
Mob: 0772666221 women
Email: [email protected] Link to markets
44 Ms. Ndyomugenyi Rosemary Title: Skill Development for women in
Women’s Desk Coordinator saving and investment
Caritas Kabale Diocese
P.O.BOX 156 Kabale, Uganda
Tel: 0773244684
Email: [email protected]
Sl. No Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
51 Mr. Ogwang Simon Title: Vegetable growing and collective
Tutor PTC marketing (carrots, green pepper and
Ministry of Education and sports amaranthus)
P.O.BOX 7063, Kampala, Uganda
Mob: 0774942288, 0787067383 Objectives:
Email: [email protected] Enterprise management,
Saving ability,
Improved standard of living and
Improved diet
52 Ms. Yagala Julian Title: Brick making as an alternative
Coordinator, activity being a demand driven project
Women in Development
DSSD Caritas Fort Portal Objectives:
P.O.BOX 90, Fort Portal, Acquisition of knowledge and skills
Kampala, Uganda Increased income and self-reliance
Tel: 0772661137 Improved saving skills,
Mob: 0701661137 Identification of market,
Email: [email protected] Improved production,
Increased profits
53 Mr. SSengonzi Julius Title: Formation of self help groups
Tutor and Youth Chairman Kalungu district through students in the community
Kabukunge Primary Teachers’ College
Kanungu District Local Government Objectives:
Kanungu district, P.O.BOX 1276, Implement the Bottom top approach
Masaka, Uganda of Kudumbashree and formation of the
Tel: 0752991933 SHG
Email: [email protected]
54 Ms. Akello Esther Title: Organic farming (kitchen
Tutor gardening)
Soroti Core Primary Teachers’ College
P.O.BOX 476, Soroti, Uganda Objective:
Tel: 0392080479 Improved yield,
Mob: 0774402203, 0700777670 Market collectively,
Email: [email protected] Improve on their incomes,
Improvement on dietary practices,
55 Mr. Wejuli Hagai Title: Entrepreneurial Farming
Tutor PTC
Nyondo PTC Objective:
P.O.BOX 920 Improved quality of produce,
Mbale, Uganda Enough market opportunities,
Tel: 07874011884 Good market prices,
Group farming production,
56 Ms. Nakayemba Allen Title: Poultry project in schools and the
Project Coordinator community (mobilization, sensitization
Caritas Kampala and project identification)
Plot No.1538/39, P.O.BOX 1425
Old Gaba Road Nsambya Objective:
Kampala, Uganda Train students and rural women on
Tel: +256 414268871 organic farming, fruit production,
Fax: +256 41426880 vegetable production, entrepreneurship
Mob: +256 0789904022 skills and value chain addition
Email: [email protected]
14. Linking Farmers to Market: Opportunities and Challenges
Title of the Training Program: Linking Farmers to Market: Opportunities and Challenges
Date: 09 – 23 January, 2018
Venue: National Institute of Agriculture Marketing (NIAM), Jaipur, Rajasthan
Program Director
Dr. Hema Yadav
National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM),
Jaipur, Rajasthan
Mob: + 919829210019
Email: [email protected]
Feedback of Executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 1-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 8.78 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was VERY GOOD.
Field Visits
As part of the Feed the Future India Triangular Training Program on emerging trends in marketing of fruits and
vegetables, a field trip was organized for the participants to visit the Muhana terminal market, Jaipur, AKSHAYA
PATRA, Jaipur (Mid-Day Meal Programme), KVK Bharatpur, Warehouse, APMC & Barefoot College, Kishangarh.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
1. Mr. Thang Chhimkim Chhun Sensitisation training programs on
Officer of Agricultural Extension creation of Councils of Market for
Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Products (FPO).
Forestry and Fisheries
Road No.57, Damnak Luong Village,
Vatkor Commune, Battambang City,
Battambang Province, Cambodia
Tel: +855 53 952 957
Email: [email protected]
2. Ms. Porn Savet Enhancing livelihood of farmers by
Officer of Agricultural Extension Growing Organic Vegetables - with
Department of Agricultural Extension, income generating activities
Road No.57, Damnakuluong Village,
Sangat Watkor, Battambang Province,
Tel: +855 53852957, Fax: +855 53 952 957
Email: [email protected]
3. Mr. Un Aun Training’s on social media for agricultural
Accounting and Planning Officer, market information system
Prey Veng Provincial
Department of Agriculture,
Forestry and Fisheries, Village-4, Sangkat
Kampong Leave, Prey Veng Municipality,
Prey Veng Provincial, Cambodia.
Tel: 043 210372, 012259963 (R)
Email: [email protected]
Democratic Republic of Congo
4. Ms. Mutama Biwinja Valerie Creating of communication platform to
Head of Global Consulting Service, support FPO of cassava
NEOCENTCOM Business Consulting
1525 bld du 30 Juin C/ GOMBE immeuble,
VULAMBO 8 etage, Kinshasa, DR Congo
Tel: +243 15127984, 243 999 378 009
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
7. Mr. Seth Ampomah Duodu Using ICT information to linking farmers
Assistant Agricultural Officer
Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Statistics Research and Information Directorate,
P.O.Box M37, Accra, Ghana
Tel: 0302664317, 0241480396
Email: [email protected],
8. Mr. Paul Kithome Mumina Formation and strengthening of fish
Senior Fisheries Officer farmers clusters in Kenya
P.OP.BOX.58187- 00200, Upperhill,
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 722218358,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
9. Ms. Mary Wacera Kanyi Strengthening of Nakuru County Dairy
Deputy Directorate of Livestock Production Farmers Federation (NACODAFF) in Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 0721379470,
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
14. Mr. Fahnbelleh Momodu Dono Linking rural cassava farmers to district/
Technician, urban market
Sinje Town, Grand Cape Mount County,
Ministry of Agriculture, P.O.Box.10-9010
1000, Monrovia, Liberia
Tel: +231 886452703, +231 886644297
Email: [email protected],
15. Ms. Kalua Getrude Temwani Linkage of markets for groundnuts
Agriculture Extension Development Officer, farmers (Seed multiplication farmers) in
Nkhotakota District Agriculture Office, Malawi
P.O.Box.41, Nkhotakota, Malawi
Tel: 265 888935151,
888856375, 999436836
Email: [email protected]
18. Mr. Nyirenda Youngs Alfred Zebedia Yangazu Honey marketing for smallholder
District Agriculture Development Officer, beekeepers
Ministry of Agriculture,
PB 9, Chinteche, Malawi
Tel: +265 999938064, 888831300
Email: [email protected]
19. Ms. Jennifer Oyuru Strengthening rice farmers to become
District Agricultural Officer strong Farmer Producer Organizations
Alebtong District Local Government
P.O.BOX 316, LIRA, Uganda
Tel: +256 772873699/7776912712
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
15. Strategies for Enhancement of Farmers Income in Dryland Agriculture
Title of the Training Program: Strategies for Enhancement of Farmers Income in Dryland
Date: 16 - 30 January, 2018
Venue: ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad, Telangana
Program Director/Coordinators
10. Plastic technologies in water resource development and management
11. Agromet advisories and crop insurance for sustainability of agriculture
Training Outcome
The training outcomes were seen in the creation of Rainwater harvesting structures (farm ponds, contour
farming) promoted in Sudan with the help of CRIDA, Hyderabad.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 8.75 whereas the average score of post-training was
18.25. Thus, it is found that the level of knowledge of executives increased by 108.75 percent after the training
Feedback of Executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 1-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 8.22 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was excellent.
Field Visits
The executives were exposed to various field visits i.e IIRR (Indian Institute of Rice Research), IIMR (Indian Institute
of Millets Research), Water and Land Management Training and Research Institute (WALAMTARI), CRIDA (Farm
Machinery Workshop), CRIDA (Gunegal Research Farm and Watershed), National Institute of Agricultural Extension
Management (MANAGE), India Meteorological Department (IMD).
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
1. Mr. Rohullah Qayoumi Title: Increasing crop yield through
Rain-fed Agriculture Manager farm pond irrigation in Afghanistan
Chaharbolak General Manager of Agricultural
Services Objective: Increasing crop yield
Balkh Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and through farm pond irrigation in
Livestock Afghanistan
Charbolak District, Balkh Province
Tel: 0785400350, 0776668243
Email: [email protected]
2. Mr. Mohammad KabirSharifi Title: Promotion of mulching in melon
Plant Protection Officer crop
Directorate of Agriculture,
Irrigation and Livestock (DAIL) Objective: To promote and create
Plant Protection Department awareness on mulching
Samangan Province, Afghanistan
Tel: +93 785113731, +93 7955355708
Email: [email protected], humayo.
[email protected]
3. Mr. SharifullahRahimi Title: Enhancement in farmers income
Extension Manager through conservation furrows
Vegetable and Fruit Research Specialist
Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Objective: Enhancement in farmers
Livestock (DAIL) income through conservation furrows
Sar-e-pol Province, Afghanistan
Tel: +93 785941249
Email: [email protected]
4. Mr. Emmanuel AyimbireAnaba Title: In-situ moisture conservation
Crops Officer, Department of Food and using bund and furrow method
Ministry of Food and Agriculture Objective: Increase in crop yield using
P. O. Box 4 Walewale,Northern Region, West improved soil moisture retention
Mamprusi, Ghana
Tel: 0203717730, 0240027008
Email: [email protected]
5. Mr. Romeo Owusu Kankam Title: Integrated farming system for
Assistant Chief Technical Officer maize and poultry production
Konongo Asante Akim Central
Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Objective: Increase in farmers
ACCRA, Ghana production and double their income
Tel: 0244693329, 0244643626 and welfare
Email: [email protected]
6. Mr. Stanley Ngoju Humaiya Title: Increase in milk production by
Senior Assistant Director improved quality of livestock food
Livestock Production
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Objective: Increase in milk production
Nairobi, Kenya by improved quality of livestock food
Tel :+254 0722260620/ +254-202718870
Email : [email protected],
[email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
7. Mr. DishonMwawasiMkaya Title: Increase in framers income by
Senior Superintending Engineer using Farm ponds and greenhouse
Water Harvesting and Utilization Division technologies.
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries,
P.O.Box 30028-00100- Nairobi Objective: Increase in yield and
Kenya, Tel: 0720848988 income of farmers
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
8. Ms. Grace WanjiruNjagi Title: Dissemination of technology on
Senior Fisheries Officer, rainwater harvesting in Farm pond for
State Department for Fisheries and Blue fish farming
Economy, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and
Fisheries, P.O.Box 48511-00100 Museum Hill, Objective: Increase area under fish
Kipande Road, Nairobi, Kenya farming
Tel: +2540-721989675, +025(0)722421224
Email: [email protected], omolobox@
9. Mr. Kyi Myint Title: Establishment of Vermi-
Staff Officer composting unit and production of
Department of Agriculture 15000 tons of compost
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation,
Magway Region, Myanmar. Objective: To produce 15000 tons of
Telephone/Mobile: +95-09-401536357 compost
Fax No.: +95-63-69234
Email: [email protected]
10. Mr. Thant Sin Kyaw Title: Water management using
Staff Officer mulching
Department of Agriculture
Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Irrigation , Objective: Mulching in 1000 acres for
Kayah State, Myanmar growing garlic and onions
Tel: 95-261241189,
Fax No.: 95-083-2221047
Email: [email protected]
11. Mr. Edward Daniel Mjojo Title: Implementation of various soil
Agriculture Extension Development and water conservation techniques in
Coordinator/ Acting AEDC Bango
Lilongwe East District Agriculture Office
P/Bag36, Lilongwe, Malawi Objective: Implementation of various
Tel: +265999572361 soil and water conservation techniques
Email: [email protected]
12. Ms. YatipaNangoma Title: Conservation Agriculture
Agriculture Extension Development Officer
NKHOTAKOTA District Irrigation Office , Objective: Enhancing household
Box No 41, Ministry of Agriculture income by increasing yield
Lilongwe, Malawi
Tel: +265881755998
Email: [email protected]
13. Ms. Eliza Chinula Title: Manure making, mulching and
Agriculture Extension Development Officer introduction of early maturity varieties
Ministry of Agriculture and Food Safety, Malawi
Tel: +265996033375 Objective: High yield and water
Email: [email protected] productivity
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
14. Mr. Emuron Joseph Title: Fodder development for
Agricultural Officer livestock production
Department of Production and Marketing
Katakwi Local District Government Objective: Enhancement in farmers
P.O.Box 1, Katakwi, Uganda income through increase in livestock
Tel: +256 772315293, +256 782273027 and dairy production
Email: [email protected]
15. Mr. Emmanuel Ogwal Title: Production of cactus fodder for
Agricultural Officer livestock feedings
Otuke District Local Government/ Production,
P.O.Box 617, Objective: Demo plot establishment
Lira District, Uganda, and adoption by the farmers
Tel: +256 772871650
Email: [email protected]
Democratic Republic of Congo
18. Ms. Ifua Basele Celestine Marie-Robert Title: Implementation of various soil
Coordinator of The Project and water conservation techniques
BWETA Foundation,
KINGABWA N°1403, Limete Township,
Democratic Republic of Congo
Tel: +243902182217, +243810627678
Email: [email protected],
19. Ms. Fatima Jumaa Tawor Halowf Title: Awareness on climate change
Agricultural Engineer, impact on farmers income
General Administration of Planning
&Agriculture Economies Objective: Enhancing knowledge on
Ministry of Agriculture impact of climate change on farmers
Khartoum, Sudan income in red sea state
Tel: +249918021542, Fax No.: 779957
Email: [email protected]
20. Ms. Rwan Mohamed Elhassan Osman Title: Awareness on Rainwater
Agricultural Engineer, Management
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
General Administration of Planning & Objective: Enhancement in farmers
Agriculture Economies, Khartoum, Sudan income through yield and productivity
Tel: +249123334261, +249918073153, enhancement
Email: [email protected]
21. Mr. Romeo Belley Kaioh Title: Increased Cassava Production
Assistant Administrator
Citizen Against Poverty,
Ministry of Agriculture
P.O.Box- 10-9010, 1000
Monrovia 10, Liberia
Tel: 886763808/231777008770
Email: [email protected]
22. Mr. Flomo Augustine Binda Title: Income enhancement through
Extension Technician increase in yield of Maize crop
Ministry of Agriculture
P.O.Box 10-9010 1000
Monrovia 10, Liberia
Tel: 0886-485-992 /0775519941
Email: [email protected]
16. Value Addition and Market Linkage Mechanisms in Millets
Title of the Training Program: Value Addition and Market Linkage Mechanisms in Millets
Date: 23 January - 06 February, 2018
Venue: ICAR-Indian Institute of Millet Research (IIMR), Hyderabad, Telangana
Program Director/Coordinator
Feedback of Executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 1-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 9.75 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was EXCELLENT.
Field Visits
The executives were exposed to various field visits i.e. ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the
Semi-arid Tropics), CRIDA (Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture), Farm Machinery Workshop PJTSAU,
MANAGE, NIRD & PR, ICAR-NAARM, T-hub, Nampally Exhibition.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
8. Ms. Lucy Mchenga Title: Processing and value addition of
Food and Nutrition Officer , Ministry of millets in Phalombe - Malawi
Agriculture and Water Development, Extension
Department , Phalombe district Agriculture
Office, P.O Bodx 62, Phalombe, Malawi
Tel: +265 999293305/ +265888388613
Email: [email protected],
9. Ms. Chikondi Solomoni Title: Upscaling of millet production and
Lilongwe East Agriculture Office, value addition
P/ Bag 36 Lilongwe, Malawi
Tel: +265 999129902/+265886495330
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
14. Ms. RobinahAkiror Title: Processing and value addition of
Teacher, Kamonkoli College, millets products in Budaka district
P.O. Box 775, Mbale, Uganda
Tel: +256 712870009 /
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
15. Ms. Loy KitalambwaKwikiriza Title: Implementation of secondary
Teacher, Kyemeire International Vocational processed millets at schools
Secondary School Jinja District, Uganda
Tel: +256 782464903 / Email: kwikirizaloy@
16. Mr. Naing Saw Title : Field trials on millet yields using
Assistant Staff Officer , Department of different methods of sowing
Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Irrigation
Chin State, Myanmar
Tel: 09-264816252, 95-09-444026419 /
Fax No.: 95-67-410067
Email: [email protected]
17. Ms. Nan Ngu War Hlaing
Deputy Staff Officer, Plant Protection Division,
Department of Agriculture, Ministry of
Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation
Magway Region, Myanmar
Fax No.: +95-63-2023165
Email: [email protected]
18. Ms. Aye Aye Mon
Assistant Staff Officer, Horticulture and Plant
Biology Division Department of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation,
Mandalay Region, Myanmar
Fax No.: +95-67-2847815
Email:[email protected]
19. Ms. Dolgorsuren Choijoo Title : Field trials on millet yields using
Officer for Science and Technology different methods of sowing
Policy and Innovation
Department of Policy and Planning
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry
Bayanzurkh district, Ulaanbaatar 13381,
Telephone/Mobile: 976-51-260709, 976-
99067861, 976-77687861
Email: [email protected]
20. Ms. OyunErdene Danaajav Title : Field trials on millet yields using
Senior Officer for Agricultural Exchange and different methods of sowing
Marketing Department of Policy and Planning
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry
Bayanzurkh district, Ulaanbaatar 13381,
Tel: 976-51-260709, 976-99903193
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
Value addition in crop production sector of
Mongolia and Millets Production
17. Management of Technology and Extension for Soil Testing Based Advisory
Services to Farmers
Title of the Training Program: Management of Technology and Extension for Soil Testing based
Advisory Services to Farmers
Date: 30 January - 13 February, 2018
Venue: ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil Sciences (IISS), Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Program Director/Coordinator
Program Director Dr. Ashok K. Patra
Nabibagh, Berasia Road,
Bhopal – 462038, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Phone: (Off.) 0755-2730946, (Mob) 9811733465,
Email: [email protected], [email protected],
Program Coordinator Mr. Sanjay Sreevastava
Course Coordinator,
Mobile: 9977655437,
Email: [email protected]
Participants profile: 21 executives from 7 countries (16 male & 5 female)
Country No. of executives
Ghana 3
Kenya 3
Liberia 1
Malawi 4
Mongolia 2
Myanmar 3
Sudan 2
Uganda 2
Training objectives
To impart skills on new and innovative soil health management strategies for sustainable agriculture
leading to conservation of natural resources in different cropping systems.
To introduce the concept of farmers’ participatory diagnosis of constraints and opportunities (PDCO)
survey for soil fertility management in relation to crop production.
To introduce the use of internet and mobiles in the dissemination of soil test based fertilizer
recommendations, also the soil fertility maps and fertilizer nutrient recommendations based on these
Training Curriculum
1. Soil, crop, and climate specific soil test based nutrient recommendation technologies.
2. Concept of Integrated Plant Nutrient Supply (IPNS) system and the IPNS technologies generated by the
institute and their dissemination
3. Participatory Diagnosis of Constraints and Opportunities (PDCO) Survey.
4. On farm and off farm rapid compost generation technologies for the improvement of soil health.
5. Demonstration and hands on training on Mridaparikshak mini lab and its role in quick dissemination of soil
test results to farmers.
6. Exposure to result and method demonstration in farmers’ fields, an institute experience.
7. Geo-referenced soil fertility maps, their generation and use in balanced fertilizer applications.
8. Interpretation of soil water analysis report. Exposure to on-line soil test based fertilizer recommendation
system Government soil health card scheme: An Indian experience in the dissemination and impact of
soil health cards.
9. About 50% time shall be devoted in lecture-cum-interaction sessions, 40% time on hands on practices
in laboratories and field demonstrations, 10% time for institutional visits and interaction.
Training Outcome
The training outcomes were observed in the promotion and adoption of innovative soil collection tools
and soil sampling kits propagated in Kenya, Uganda and Malawi by the participants.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 20.5 whereas the average score of post-training was
24.2. Thus, it is found that the level of knowledge of executives increased by 18.05 percent after the training
Feedback of Executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 1-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 9.67 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was EXCELLENT.
Field Visits
The participants were exposed to Divisions/Units/laboratories, Library, Museum, AKMU of the institute and various
research organizations public and private, farmer fields, such as Soya Choupal, Madhya Pradesh Department of
Agriculture, ICAR-National Institute of High Security Animal Diseases, Bhopal and organic growers/farmers in
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
5. Mr. Adzivor Samuel Yao Assessing Leaf Nitrogen Status to
District Director of Food and Agriculture, determine the time of nitrogen top
Department of Food and Agriculture, dressing in maize.
P.O.Box: 18, South Dayl District Assembly,
Kpeve, Ghana,
Mobile: +233-244946646,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
6. Mr. Honu Geoffrey Kwaku Amendments advisory services to
Director of Agriculture, farmers in Birim Central Municipality,
Department of Food and Agriculture, Ghana
Ministry of Food and Agriculture,
P.O. Box. KF 8, Koforidua - Eastern Region,
Ghana-West Africa,
Mobile: +233208164428,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
7. Mr. Omolo Bethuel Oduor Documentation of fish pond effluent in
Fishery Manager, Kenya
State Department of Fisheries,
C/o. Director General Fisheries,
Museum Hill, P.O. Box 48511-00100,
Nairobi, Kenya,
Mobile: +254-722619909,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
[email protected]
8. Ms. Bett Jenifer Wanjiku Use of LCC to determine top dressing of
Principal Livestock Production Officer, maize crop in March-May season
Department of Livestock,
Ministry of Agriculture,
Livestock & Fisheries,
P.O. Box. 1791, Nakuru, Kenya,
Mobile: +254-7212225960,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
9. Mr. Mathias Wafula Mukhone Assessment of physical parameters of
Principal Agriculture Officer, soil health
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries,
P.O. Box. 30028-00100, Nairobi, Kenya,
Tel: 7222680560 Mobile:+2542718871
Email: [email protected]
10. Mr. Solobert Wilson David Composting Technologies
Extension Officer,
Farmer Union Network, IFAD,
Ministry of Agriculture,
P.O.Box. 10-9010, 1000
Monrovia 10, Liberia,
Mobile: +231-886457937, 0777057173,
Email: [email protected], dsolobert@, [email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
11. Mr. Banneyco Jehu Prosper Extension outreach and advisory
Extension Officer, services to smallholders farmers on the
National Agro Inputs Dealers use of bio fertilizer
Association of Liberia, P.O.Box.10-9010, 1000
Ministry of Agriculture, Monrovia, Liberia
Mobile: +231-886347232, Email: aidalliberia@, [email protected]
12. Mr. Chayea Bobby Williams Establishment of compost technology in
Area Coordinator, Liberia
Ministry of Agriculture, Old LPRC Road,
Somalia Drive, Gardnerville, Liberia
Mobile: +231-777168197,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
13. Mr. Sirleaf Maima Diaba Development of compost for vegetable
District Agriculture Officer, production
Ministry of Agriculture,
P.O. Box. 10-9010, 1000
Monrovia 10, Liberia,
Mobile: +231 - 886534013,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
14. Mr. Singo Amissi Farmer sensitisation meetings and
Agriculture Extension Development Officer, trainings on conservation agriculture
Nkhotakota District Agriculture Office,
Agriculture Extension, Ministry of Agriculture,
P.O. Box 41, Nkhotakota, Malawi,
Mobile: +265-884611803,
Email: [email protected]
15. Mrs. Linda Kamtogo Promotion of conservation agriculture
Agricultural Extension Development Officer,
Agricultural Extension
Department, Ministry of Agriculture,
P.O.Box. 259, Lilongwe, Malawi,
Mobile: +265 999699963,
+265 994006700,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
16. Mr. Chodzi Mphatso Prince Bio-waste recycle/compost
Agricultural Extension Development Officer,
Lilongwe District Agriculture Office,
P/Bag 36. Lilongwe, Malawi,
Mobile: +265884173049,
Email:[email protected],
[email protected]
17. Mrs. Hawonga Tuchi Techi Participatory Radio Campaign (PRC)
Programme Manager, on the importance of soil health for
Karonga Agriculture Development sustainable crop productivity
Karonga Agriculture Development Group,
P.O.Box. 4, Karonga, Malawi,
Tel: +265 880114515
Mobile: +265999452726,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
18. Ms. Myo Khin Mar Soil Test Based Fertiliser
Deputy Staff Officer, Recommendation on Rice
Land Use Division (Lab), Department of
Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Irrigation,
Bayintnaung Road,
West Gyogone, Insein Township,
Yangon, Myanmar
Tel: + 95 15388854,
Mobile: +95673410514,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
19. Mr. Khant Aung Aung Use of Leaf Colour Chart for nitrogen
Assistant Staff Officer, management in rice.
Department of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Irrigation,
Yangon, Myanmar
Tel: +067 410325
Mobile: +9567410067,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
20. Mr. Amandrua Ronald Increasing fertiliser use efficiency by Use
Agriculture Officer, of lCC and split dose urea application
Department of Production and Marketing, in upland rice (NERICA) production in
P.O.Box. 1, Arua, Uganda, Uganda
Mobile: +256-776709870,
+256-758709870, 776
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
[email protected]
21. Mr. Omuron Geoffrey Efficient use of fertilisers
Soil Fertility Officer,
Department of Crop and Natural Resources,
Nabuin Agriculture Research and
Developmental Institute,
P.O. Box. 132,
Moroto, Uganda,
Mobile: +256-773326768,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
18. Production, Processing and Marketing of Organic Vegetables
Title of the Training Program: Production, Processing and Marketing of Organic Vegetables
Date: 06 – 20 February, 2018
Venue: ICAR- Indian Institute Vegetable Research (IIVR), Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
Program Director/ Coordinators
Dr. P. M. Singh
Principal Scientist
Tel: 0542-2635236,37,47,
Fax: 05443-229007,
Mob: +91 9454089614
Email: [email protected]
Participants profile: 21 executives from 11 countries (12 male & 9 female)
Training objectives:
Skill development of participants in post-harvest management and processing of organic vegetables
for nutritional security.
Equip the participants in identification of vegetables pests and their integrated management.
Certification of organic produce and their marketing for entrepreneurship development.
Training Curriculum:
1. Global scenario of organic vegetable production: Current status and future strategies.
2. Selection of improved varieties/planting materials
3. Nursery management in vegetable crops
4. Organic production technology for - Solanaceous crop, Cole crop, Root crop, Bulb crop, Peas and
Beans, Okra, Cucurbits, Leafy vegetables and Rare vegetables
5. Weed Management, Water Management, and Integrated Plant Nutrient Management forθ organic
vegetables production
6. Vegetable based cropping system for organic farming
7. Pre & Post harvest management of organic vegetables produce
8. Processing and value addition of organic vegetables produce
9. Disease and insect-pest management in organically grown vegetable crops
10. Seed Production and Management of organic vegetable crops
11. Nutritional and medicinal value of organic vegetables
12. Certification of organic produceθ Marketing, export of organic vegetables
Training Outcome:
The training outcomes were practising of good practices on organic vegetable farming promoted in
partner countries through participatory radio campaigns.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 10.1 whereas the average score of post-training was
17.71. Thus, it is found that the level of knowledge of executives increased by 75.35 percent after the training
Feedback of Executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 0-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 9.57 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was excellent.
Field Visits
Apart from different practical sessions and visit to ICAR-IIVR Research lab and field, study visits for the participants
were also organized for BHU, Varanasi and Surbhi Soodh Sansthan, Mirzapur for gaining hands-on learning
experiences on organic farming.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
1. Mr. Zaryal Khalilullah, Title: Use of integrated farming system
Regional Marketing and Business Development to assure sustainable food security
Officer, Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation &
Livestock (DAIL), Objective: Increase in net return due to
District#10, Opposite to UNAMA, decrease in cost of cultivation.
Kandahar, Afghanistan,
Mobile: +93- 706 001 932,
Email: [email protected],
2. Ms. Azita Salimshahi Title: Introducing organic vegetables
Pashtun Zarghun Saffron Co. Market Promotion production in kitchen garden for women
Officer, Hashimi Street, Ninth District,
Province: Herat, Afghanistan, Objective: Development of organic
Mob: +93- 793 673 441, kitchen garden for 20 women
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
3. Mr. Qais Totakhil Title: Introducing organic vegetable
Foreign Relation Officer, farming in ANSTU
Afghanistan National University of Agriculture
Science and Technology (ANASTU) Objective: Preparation of organic farm,
Near Airport Dand District, Kandahar, produce organic seeds and biofertilizers
Afghanistan, Mob: +93-771 200 768
Email: [email protected],
4. Mr. Mirwais Khpalwaak, Title: Developing small organic
Fruit and Vegetable Manager, vegetables production farm
Helmand Lashkerghah belan Research Farm,
Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Objective: Develop organic farm by
Livestock, Helmand, Afghanistan, applying all agriculture practices and
Mobile: +93- 703077816 organic farming procedures
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
5. Mr. Muhammad Hanif, Title: Farm demonstrations and trainings
Agriculture Affair Section Head,
Department of Agriculture, Irrigation and Live Objective: Public awareness program
Stock Urozgan Trenkot Afghanistan, about production, process and marketing
Mobile:0093 -747264424 ,0093-774646564, of organic vegetables
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
6. Mrs. Munisola Rebecca Kahundu, Title: Production of vegetables through
Sub District Horticulture Officer, organic farming system in Botswana
Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Crop
Production, P.O. Box. 188, Maun, Botswana, Objective: Organise training for farmers
Mobile: +267-6860230, 74208982, and officers on production & process of
Email: [email protected], munisola@ organic farming, demonstrations., [email protected]
Democratic Republic of Congo
7. Mr. Jean Baptiste Bushiri Waliuzi, Title: Sensitisation, planning, check work
Manager & report
Baraka Welcome Enterprise,
09 AV. LUMUMBA VILLE DE Objective: Organise training and
KINDU, Democratic Republic of Congo, meetings, add more farmers in organic
Mobile: +243 815 129 160, farming and ~70% increase in production
Email:[email protected],
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
8. Mrs. Kyere Yeboah Vivian, Title: Production of organic vegetables
Technical Engineer,
Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Objective: Sensitise extension officers and
Adadekotopon Municipal Assembly, farmers through trainings and increase in
P.O.Box. 395, Accra, Ghana , income and organic crop yield.
Mobile: +233-0244712096,
Email: [email protected]
11. Ms. Jao Emma Baby, Title: Marketing of vegetables
Research Associate,
Central Agricultural Research Institute (CARI), Objective: Sensitise farmers and
Ministry of Agriculture, Liberia, extension agents about market and
Mobile: +231-8887139014, reduce cost of cultivation
Email: [email protected], walter_
[email protected],
12. Mr. Nyirenda Watson Kaunga, Title: Promotion of organic vegetable
Agricultural Extension Development Officer, farming
Salima district Agriculture Office, Ministry of
Agriculture, Irrigation & Water Development, Objective: Conduct sensitisation meeting
P.O. Box. 491, Salima,Malawi, with farmers group and other stakeholders
Mobile: +265-999635370, from public & private sector.
Email: [email protected]
14. Ms. Sereenen Jargalsaikhan, Title: Developing organic farming and
Officer of the State Fund, formation of farmers group
Department of Policy and Planning, Finance
Division, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Objective: Increase in knowledge of
Industry, Government Building 9/A, Enkhtaivan farmers, entities & organization people
Avenue 16 A, Ulaanbaatar - 13381, and organic product certification
Mongolia, Mobile- +97651262376,
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
15. Mr. Moe Tin, Title: Developing organic farming
Deputy Staff Officer, Department of standard & certification for better price
Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture,
Livestock and Irrigation, Objective: Certification committee
Mandalay Region, Myanmar, formation and Organic farming standard
Mobile: +96-67-410147, finalization
Email: [email protected],
16. Mr. Win San, Title: Promotion of organic vegetable
Assistant Staff Officer, Department of farming
Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock
and Irrigation, Mandalay Region, Myanmar, Objective: Increase in knowledge,
Mobile: +96-09-799171076, production and income through organic
Email: [email protected], farming
[email protected]
17. Mr. Aung Thet Zaw,
Deputy Assistant Staff Officer,
Department of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation,
Mandalay Region, Myanmar,
Mobile: +96-67-410147,
Email: [email protected]
18. Ms. Lubna Mohammed Sidahmed Title: Production of organic vegetables
Mohammed, as model farm
Agriculture Engineer,
General Directory of Horticulture Production, Objective: 50% increase in income and
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Khartoum, yield from organic farm
Mobile: 0124471144-0965518045,
Email: [email protected]
19. Ms. Manal Ismael Mohammed Ahmed, Title: Minimizing pesticides use in
Agriculture Engineer, vegetables
Ministry of Agriculture,
Forestry, General Administration of Objective: Reduce indiscriminate use of
Horticulture Production, Khartoum, Sudan, pesticides in vegetables
Mobile: 0915017517-122782996, Increase in income and yield by 70%
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
20. Mrs. Ayingabire Beatrice, Title: Promoting organic vegetables
Agriculture Officer,
C/o. Production Department, Kisoro District Objective: Increase in organic vegetable
Local Government, production
P.O. Box. 123, Kisoro, Uganda,
Mobile: +256-0782404874, 772698160,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
21. Mrs. Alum Dorcas, Title: Improving vegetable production by
Principal Agriculture Officer, Lira District Local using organic inputs
Government, Objective: Reduce indiscriminate use of
P.O. Box. 49, Lira, Uganda, pesticides in vegetables ~40% increase in
Mobile: +256-780451494, use of organic inputs.
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
19. Agricultural Credit for Sustainable Livelihoods
Title of the Training Program: Agricultural Credit for Sustainable Livelihoods
Date: 06 – 20 February, 2018
Venue: Bankers' Institute of Rural Development (BIRD), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Program Director / Coordinator
Program Director Dr. D.V. Deshpande
Bankers’ Institute of Rural Development
Sector-H, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road,
Lucknow – 226 012, Uttar Pradesh
Tel: + 91-522-2421954, Fax: +91-522-2421047
Email: [email protected]
Program Coordinator Dr. K. C. Sharma
Academic In Charge
Bankers’ Institute of Rural Development (BIRD),
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Mob: + 919532096025
Email:[email protected] ; [email protected]
Feedback of Executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 1-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 9.70 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was EXCELLENT.
Field Visits
The executives were exposed to various field level institutions and situations in the area of agricultural credit
like NABARD Regional Office in Lucknow, the Head office of Aryavart Gramin Bank and projects in rural areas of
Barabanki district in Uttar Pradesh.
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
7. Mr. Adama Charles Ayueboro Awareness creation for small hoder
Agricultural Economist savings and credit advancement for
Policy, Planning and Budget Directorate Agricultural Development.
Ministry of Food andAgriculture,
PO.BOX M37, Accra, Ghana
Tel: +233267878193,
Email: [email protected]
8. Ms. Omolo Elizabeth Sensitization of livestock farmers
Assistant Director of Veterinary Services
Directorate of Veterinary Services,
State Department of Veterinary Services
P.O.Box.19349, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 722895138/+254 722659170
Email: [email protected],
9. Ms. Ungadi Susan Wairimu Empowering fish farmers to organize
Agriculture Director General fishing communities
State Department of Fisheries and Blue
Economy, Ministry of Agriculture,
Livestock and Fisheries, P.O.BOX 916-00618,
Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: +254 722287208
Email: [email protected],
10. Mr. Korir Dixon Kiptonui Sensitization of ministry principals on
Principal Agricultural Officer, the Indian experience
State Department of Agriculture, Fertilizers
Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and
Fisheries, Kilimo House, Cathedral Road,
P.O.Box. 30028,, Nairobi, 00100, Kenya
Tel: + 254 202718870, Email: [email protected],
11. Mr. King Samuel T. Production of hot pepper.
Citizen Union for Zero Hunger,
Charles Valley, Lower Margibi County,
Monrovia, Liberia
Tel: +231 777349051 (Supervisor)
Email: [email protected] ,
12. Mr. Suah Joseph F Sweet potatoes production for rural
Trainer, women empowerment
Ministry of Agriculture, Old LPRC Road, Somalia
Drive, Monrovia, Liberia
Tel: +231 886385133, 776432860
Email: [email protected] ,
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
14. Ms. Johnson Kebeh Bright Creation of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) for
Area Coordinator (Bong County) sustainable livelihoods
Department of Technical Services, Ministry of
Agriculture, Gbarnga City, Bong County,
Monrovia, Liberia
Tel/Mobile: +231 777 433558, +231-886456838
Email: [email protected]
15. Mr. Kaombe Sannie James Creation of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) for
Farm Business Management Officer, sustainable livelihoods in Malawi
Nkhotakota District Agriculture Office,
P.O.Box.41, Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation
and Water Management,
Nkhotakota, Malawi, Tel: +265 999363693
Email: [email protected]
18. Ms. Hazer Burie Mohammad Ahmed Organic farming and manure preparation
Marketing Officer, by SHGs
Department of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture, Khartoum, Sudan
Tel: +249 83798843, 910742539
Email: [email protected],
19. Mr. Mutema Mathias Mulumba Strategies for Self-Help Groups
Curriculum Specialist Agriculture
National Agriculture Development Centre
Ministry of Education and Sports,
P.O.BOX 7002, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 393 112008, 752658335
Email: [email protected]
20. Income Generating Enterprises in Plantation Sector
Title of the Training Program: Income Generating Enterprises in Plantation Sector
Date: 13 - 27 February, 2018
Venue: ICAR - Central Plantation Crops Research Institute (CPCRI), Kasaragod, Kerala
Program Director/Coordinators
Dr. C. Thamban,
Principal Scientist
Email: [email protected]
Dr. S. Jayasekhar
Senior Scientist
Ph: 04994 232894
Mobile: 9961991692
Participants profile: 21 executives from 7 countries (15 male & 6 female)
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 4.76 whereas the average score of post-training was
13.16. Thus, it is found that the level of knowledge of executives increased by 176.47 percent after the training
Feedback of Executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 1-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 9.38 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was excellent.
Field VisitS
Back At Work Plans (BAWP)
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP
1. Mr. Kuong Reathda, Legal Issues related to seed policy in
Government Official, Cambodia
General Directorate of Agriculture,#54B/49F,
Street 395-656, SangkatTeoukLaak 3, Khan
ToulKok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia,
Mobile: +85523883427,
Email: [email protected]
3. Mr. Gyan David, Training of private nursery operators on
Field Officer, raising of grafted cashew Seedling
Directorate of Crop Services,
Ministry of Food and Agriculture, WenchiAgric
Station, P.O.Box 100,
Wenchi-B/A, Ghana, Mobile: +233-200594920,
Email: [email protected]
7. Mr.Mwangi Simon Ngugi, Capacity building for the small scale tea
Principal Agriculture Officer, farmers in Kangari, Muranga County in
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries, Kenya.
P.O.Box 30028-00100, Nairobi, Kenya,
Mobile: +254-0720718870,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP
8. Mr. Ombachi Atika, Leadership and Farmer Producer
Horticulture Specialist Groups’ Training
Drought Resiliance& Sustainable Livelihood
programme (DRSLP),
State Department of Agriculture,
P.O.Box. 30028-00100, Nairobi, Kenya,
Mobile: +254729649058,
Email: [email protected]
9. Mr. Mohammed Juma Mutungei, Mobilization of the Kiambu county
Principal Agricultural Officer, coffee farmers into a farmers’ company
State Department of Agriculture, Ministry of
Agriculture, P.O. Box. 30028, Nairobi, Kenya.
Mobile: 020-718870/9, 0722676794.
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
10. Mr. Nyahn Paul Gakpoe, Coconut intercropping with tuber crops
Extension Officer, for enhancing total productivity and
Farmer Union Network, IFAD, profitability
Ministry of Agriculture, P.O.Box. 10-9010,
1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia,
Mobile: +231-778036200,
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP
15. Mrs. Nkhono Panji, Women Empowerment through
Agriculture Gender Roles Extension Support diversification of household enterprises
Services Officers,
Kasungu district agriculture officer, ,
P.O. Box 17, Kasungu, Malawi,
Mobile: +265888743730,
Email: [email protected]
16. Mr. Mohammed Farah Hussein Farah, Facilitate the formation of farmer
Ministry of Agriculture and Forest – organization in Wheat production
General Administration of Planning and Agri-
Mobile: +249123334261,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
17. Ms. Sumia Ibrahim Elamin Agbash Capacity building of marketing staff in
Agriculture Economist value chain analysis
Ministry of Agriculture and Forest –
General Administration of Planning
and Agri-Economics,
Khartoum, Aljaamh Street, Sudan
Mobile: +249912959432,
Email: [email protected],
18. Mrs. Ilemut Christine, Establishment of cassava mini sett
Agriculture Officer, multiplication nursery
Amuria District Local Government,
P.O.Box. 4, Amuria, Uganda,
Mobile: +256-782039249, 702039249,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]
21. Critical Production and Processing Technologies in Rice
Title of the Training Program: Critical Production and Processing Technologies in Rice
Date: 20 February - 06 March, 2018
Venue: ICAR- Indian Institute of Rice Research (IIRR), Hyderabad, Telangana
Program Director/Coordinators
Training Outcome:
The training outcome were popularization and practising the direct seeded sowing of rice in areas with
less water availability for irrigation and IPM practices for major pests of rice in partner countries.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 5.7 whereas the average score of post-training was
15. Thus, it is found that the level of knowledge of executives was increase by 163.16 percent after the training
Feedback of executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 1-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 9.07 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was EXCELLENT.
Field Visits
Learning by doing
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
1. Mr. Enayatullah Rustaqi Title: Soil testing
Cereal Crops Manager
Takhar Agriculture Department
Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and
Livestock, Takhar, Afghanistan
Cell No. +93-700 707 525, +93-780000745
Email: [email protected]
2. Mr. Fawad Khan Ahmadzai Title: Basmati rice production
Senior Rice Extension Officer
Paddy Rice Development Specialist
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
(MAIL), Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: +93- 706 319 521, +93- 799215858
Email: [email protected]
3. Mr. Hayatullah Nazari Title: Identification of pest and diseases
Provincial Extension Manager in rice
Takhar Agriculture Irrigation and Livestock,
Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation
and Livestock Kunduz, Afghanistan
Tel: +93- 700 742 013, +93-0707172087
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
4. Mr. Shamsuddin Baher Title: Rice technologies for smallholder
Technical Manager farmers
Motahid Sharq Agriculture Services Company
Laghman, Afghanistan
Tel: +93-700 242 417
Email:[email protected]
5. Mr.Tawakal Safi
Provincial Extension Officer
Asadabd PAIL,
Kunar, Afghanistan
Tel: 93 779054243
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
6. Mr. Zalmay Bayat Title: Post harvest management
Rice Research Improvement Specialist
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
(MAIL) Karte Sakhi
Jamal Mena, District 3 Kabul Afghanistan
Tel: 93 772011854,
Email: [email protected]
Democratic Republic of Congo
7. Ms. Djenny Balyh’amwabo Rugamika Title: Promotion of rice production
charge de relation publique Technologies among smallholder
(public relations charge), farmers
syfeab ,Democratic Republic of Congo
Tel: +243850503351, +243818141784
Email:[email protected],
[email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
8. Ms. Elysee kabangie Mvubi Title: Awareness on latest rice
Chef de Bureau Ministere production technologies
de l’agriculture croisement Boulevard du 30
juin, Avenue Batetela Kinshasa/Gombe
Democratic Republic of Congo
Tel: +243 998263760 Email: sgagrirde@gmail.
com, [email protected]
9. Mr. Justine Lieber Title: Water and weed management
Municipal Agricultural Engineer
Ministry of Food and Agriculture/ Agricultural
Engineering Services
Directorate Post Box No 29,
Ejura-Ashanti, Ghana
Tel: 0209276029, 0548407894
Email: [email protected]
10. Mr. Peter Yaw Gasu Title: introduce the small scale
Works superintendent mechanization, small scale rice mill
Ministry of Food and Agriculture,
Agricultural Engineering Services
Directorate P. O Box M 82, Accra, Ghana
Tel: 233-302-777789/ 233-243840095
Email: [email protected], petergasu.9@
11. Ms. Madusu Gabrietta Kromah Title: Integrated soil health
County Coordinator( montserrado county) management
Ministry of Agriculture
Department of technical services old lprc road,
Somalia Drive, Gardnersville, Liberia
Tel: +231-776 819126 / 886 626217
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
12. Ms. Linda Kpanai Sumo Title: Low land rice production
Area Coordinator
Ministry of Agriculture department of Technical
Services, Old lprc road,
Somalia drive, Gardnersville, Liberia
Tel: +231 777583181 / 886583181
Email: [email protected],edibope@
13. Ms. Tin Tin Kyu Title: Seed production
Deputy Staff Officer Agriculture Extension
Department of Agriculture Ministry of
Agriculture, Livestock and
Irrigation Kyautdga Township,
Bago Region, Myanmar
Tel: +95-09-250707560, +95-54- 2860010
Fax No.: +95-54- 2860010
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
14. Mr. Kyaw Swar Htun Title: System of rice intensification
Assistant Staff Officer
Department of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Irrigation
Ayeyarwady Region, Myanmar
Tel: 09-264816252 Fax No.: 95-67-410067
Email: [email protected]
15. Mr. Nan Myo Aung
Assistant Staff Officer
Department of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and
Irrigation Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Tel: +95-67-410581 , Fax No.: +95-67-410581
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
16. Ms. Omaima Merkni Eltahir Title: Promotion of rice production
Agricultural Engineer Technologies
Federal Ministry of Agriculture
and Forestry, Khartoum Sudan
Tel: 249183773013
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
17. Mr. Yasir Hussain Mohamed Elamin
Monitoring and evaluation Officer
Ministry of Agriculture and Foresty
Khartoum, Sudan, Tel: 249183766765
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
18. Miss. Natalie Furah Title: Popularize the rice seed
NASECO 1996 Ltd, production technologies among the rice
Sales and Marketing Department farmers
PO Box 24137, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: 256754618007
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
19. Miss. Stellaha Mbatudde Title: Production and processing
Project Coordinator technologies in rice sector
NASECO 1996 Ltd PO Box 24137,
Kampala , Uganda
Tel: 256754618007
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
20. Mr. Zacchaeus Mukasa Title: Management of rice blast disease
Agricultural officer Kayunga District
Local Government BBAALE sub county
Headquarters , Kayunga District P.O.Box No
18000, Kayunga , Uganda
Email: [email protected],
Tel: +256776261998
22. Plant Biosecurity and Food Safety
6. Food safety concepts & regulations
7. Quality control of pesticides
8. Pesticide residues in foods vis-à-vis international food trade
9. Residue analysis of raw agricultural commodities and challenges in residue monitoring
10. Risk analysis and fixation of maximum residue limits
11. Integrated plant health management technologies for food and plant safety
12. Agro ecosystem analysis and ecological engineering concepts for sustainable food production
Training Outcome:
Implementation of integrated plant health management concepts and practices based on agro
ecosystem analysis and ecological engineering in partner countries.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 11.30, whereas the average score of post-training was
17.76. Thus, it was found that the level of knowledge of executives was increased by 56.37 percent after the training
Feedback of executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale of
1-to-10. Executives rated the overall training program with a score of 9.63 on 10-point continuum i.e. EXCELLENT.
Field Visits
The executives were exposed to various field and Institutional visits viz. National Institute of Agricultural Extension
Management (MANAGE), International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Rural Technology
Park (RTP) of National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj (NIRD-PR), Indian Institute of Oilseeds
Research (IIOR), National Bureau for Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), Kisan Call Centre (Farmers Call Centre) of
PJTS Agricultural University and Pomegranate Packing Facility at M/s. Sam Agritech.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
1. Mr. Samiullah Nasrat Title: Responsible use of pesticides in
Agriculture Extension Manager vegetable and fruit production
Directorate of Agriculture,
Irrigation and Livestock, Khost, Afghanistan Objective: Adopt the use of bio
Tel: 0799531261/0774054591/93- 70 677 227 pesticides, IPM and GAPs as their main
3 Email: [email protected] pest management strategies reduce
pesticide residue levels
2. Mr. Basir Ahmad Tabib Title: Fruit fly lure preparation and
Plant protection Manager trapping
Directorate of Agriculture,
Irrigation and Livestock, Herat Afghanistan Objective: Adopt the low cost simple
Tel: +93-785 383 607 technique of preparation of fruit fly lure
Email: [email protected] and locally available traps to reduce
male fruit fly population and increase
3. Mr. Bismillah Zahid fruit production and fruit quality
Plant Protection Manager
Directorate of Agriculture,
Irrigation and Livestock, Helmand, Afghanistan
Tel: +93- 703951950
Email: [email protected]
4. Mr. Kabo Kapaletswe Title: Suppression of fruit fly
Agricultural Scientific Officer/Plant Protection populations using low cost pheromone
Officer traps in Ngwaketse central sub district,
Ministry of Agricultural Development and Kanye
Food Security /Crop Protection Private Bag 32,
Kanye, Gaborone, Botswana Objective: Mass production of low cost
Tel: +267 544 0346/ +26771849164 traps at district level
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
Democratic Republic of Congo
5. Ms. Marie Mwilabwe Mwinziya Marguerite Title: Training for integrity biodiversity
General Administrator PERCEE SARL 329, and food safety into business strategies
Kajama Avenue Q/ Bhaishara C/Dilala Kolwezi
Lualaba, Democratic Republic of Congo Objective: Bringing farmers to food
Tel: 243 82 4443414 sufficiency, food safety and export
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
7. Mr. Adi Okutu Title: Responsible use of pesticides
Assistant Agriculture Officer
Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Plant Objective: Sensitize small holder
Protection & Regulatory Services Directorate farmers on the effects of irresponsible
Pokuase-Accra, Ghana pesticide use on the crops
Tel: 0275713378, 0275 713 378
Email: [email protected]
8. Mr. George Prah
Deputy Director
Ministry of Food and Agriculture-
Directorate of Crop Services Accra, Ghana
Tel: 0244897314,
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
14. Mr. Julius Koko Kossigba Title: Vertebrate pest control
KAVTC Klay Bomi COUNTY, Objective: Awareness on integrated
Monrovia, Liberia pest management technique
Tel: 231778220750
Email: [email protected]
15. Mr. Elia Kazinga Title: Pest surveillance
Agriculture Extension Development
coordinator(AEDC), Ministry of Agriculture /
Extension SA DAO, BOX 491 ,
SALIMA, Malawi
Tel: +251(0)888573173, 991033488,
994482283, Email: [email protected]
16 Ms. Chikoma Miriam Madalisto Title: Pest surveillance
Agriculture Extension Development Officer,
Agriculture Extension Services, Department of
Agricultural Extension Services, P.O.Box.30145,
Lilongwe-3, Malawi
Tel: +265 999398880, 885836401, +265
999226261 / 884221605(Supervisor)
Email: [email protected] ezidana@ (Supervisor)
17 Ms. Wine Nandar Kyaw Title: Effect of biocontrol agent,
Junior Research Assistant trichoderma harzianum on rice root
Plant Pathology Research Section, Department nematode ( Hirschmanniella oryzae)
of Agricultural Research (DAR) D-40, Cherry
Myaing Street, Department of Research, Yezin, Objective: Effective control measure
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar using biocontrol agent, trichoderma
Tel: +95-67-416531,+959797679259 harzianum can be observed and applied
Email: [email protected] , against rice root nematode
[email protected]
18 Ms. Win Win Khaing Title: Effect of biocontrol agent,
Junior Research Assistant trichoderma harzianum on rice root
Plant Pathology Research Section, Department of nematode ( Hirschmanniella oryzae)
Agricultural Research ( DAR ) D-21, Staff Housing,
University of Veterinary, Yezin, Nay Pyi Taw, Objective: Effective control measure
Myanmar Tel: +95-67-416531, +95943132713, using biocontrol agent, trichoderma
+959420740818 Emai:[email protected], harzianum can be observed and applied
[email protected] against rice root nematode
19 Ms. Eman Ali Sawi Title: Organic farming for sustainable
Quality Control Officer agriculture
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Quality Control and Export Development Objectives:
Administration Algamaa Street, Sudan 1. Reduce the effects of using chemical
Tel: +249183774688, +249123821656 fertilizers and pesticides on plant
Email: [email protected] , and environment
[email protected] 2. Increase the value and quality of
agriculture products of produce
organic crops
3. Increase production and productivity
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
20 Mr. Khalil Mohamedelmahdi Suliman Title: Compliance to WTO Measures
Quality Control Officer according to SPS
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Quality Control and Export Development Objectives:
Administration Algamaa Street, Sudan 1. Increase awareness about
Tel: +249183774688, +249912433812, international market requirements.
+249123433812 2. Applying (GAP) in agriculture.
Email: [email protected] , 3. Strengthen food safety standards.
[email protected]
21 Mr. Francis Okumu Sande Title: Fruit fly lure preparation and
Assistant Agricultural Officer P.O.Box 124, trapping
Busitema Sub County,
Busia District, Uganda Objective: Adopt the low cost simple
Tel: +256 787760336, +256 784956580 technology of preparation of fruit fly
Email: [email protected] lure and locally available traps to reduce
male fruit fly population and increase
22 Ms. Gertrude Badaru fruit production and fruit quality
District Agricultural Officer Arua District Local
P.O.Box 1, Arua, Uganda
Tel: 0256 772636778, +256 77653387
Email: [email protected] , gertrude_
[email protected]
23 Mr. Benedict Ssekyanzi Title: Capacity building of Sub County
Principal Agricultural Officer Extension Workers in pest and disease
Kiboga District Local Government, surveillance
Production Department, P.O Box No 1,
Kiboga , Uganda Objectives:
Tel:+256772697883, +256782245570 1. Reduction in use of pesticides
Email: [email protected] 2. Food safety
3. Reduction in pest and disease
4. Reduction in human exposure to
5. Decrease in costs of production
23. Management of Dairy Cooperatives
Title of the Training Program: Management of Dairy Cooperatives
Date: 10-24 April, 2018
Venue: ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal, Haryana, India
Program Director
Training objectives:
To acquaint the participants with knowledge in principles, planning and technical approach for establishing
viable dairy farms, processing of milk
To develop the marketing network and Development of value chain in milk production, processing and
To minimize the marketing channels with emphasis on dairy cooperatives.
Training Curriculum:
1. Dairy Industry: Opportunities & Challenges
2. Utilization and Management of dairy farm waste
3. Quick tests for checking adulteration in dairy products
4. Chemical Quality analysis of milk & Milk Products
5. Integrated Farming System Model
6. Extension services delivery mechanisms of dairy cooperatives
7. Waste water reused for livestock based farming system followed by visit to fodder Farm
8. Breeding policies and programmes for improvement of Cattle and Buffalo
9. Microbial Biosensor, Food Safety and Quality Assurance
10. Developments in Value Added and fortified dairy Products followed by visit to BPD Unit
11. Climate smart practices for livestock production and reducing greenhouse emissions followed
by visit to climate Resilient Centre
Training Outcome:
The training outcomes were capacity building on improved animal health practices and dairy
cooperative management strategies undertaken by participants in their respective countries.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 46.5 (64.58%) whereas the average score of post-
training was 63.05 (87.56%). Thus, it is found that the level of knowledge of executives was increase by 22.99
percent after the training programme
The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 9.44 on a 10-point
continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was EXCELLENT.
Field Visits
Back At Work Plans
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
6. Mr. Ombiro Robin Okerosi Title: Control/ elimination of milk
Farm Manager, adulteration in Yala Cooperative Society.
A.H.I.T.I College Farm, P.O.Box.1,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Objective: Market expansion from
Nyahururu, 20300, Kenya processed products.
Tel: +254722687192, +254 729672150, +254
725585822 (supervisor)
Email: [email protected], adhimabuga@,
7. Mr. Kamara Abu Sumaila Title: Strengthen extension delivery
Soil & Water Quality Technician, mechanisms of small- scale farmers
Technical Service Department, through awareness & sensitization,
Ministry of Agriculture, animal nutrition, animal care and disease
Monrovia, Republic of Liberia prevention.
Tel: +231 775781283, 886653371,
Email: [email protected], Objectives:
[email protected], To enhance farmers potentials
To enable farmers to take ownership
8. Mr. Keah Jecob Zaza Title: Dairy farming cooperation
Field Technician,
Citizens against Poverty
P.O.Box.10-9010, Ministry of Agriculture,
1000 Monrovia, Liberia
Tel: +231 770365364, 886324891, 231
0880511126, 0775060863 (Supervisor)
Email: [email protected], dsuah85@gmail.
com (Supervisor)
9. Mr. Mapundi Michael Asimenyemwene Title: Good feeding regimes for increased
Animal Health & Livestock Development milk production.
Officer, Karonga District Agriculture Office,
P.O.Box.320, Department of Animal Health & Objective: Increase in milk production
Livestock Development,
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water
Development, Karonga, Malawi
Tel: +265 999768518,993778714,
+265884263591 (WhatsApp),
265 999317216
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
10. Mr. NkhataRhoman Dillon Title: Animal (livestock) breeding
Assistant Veterinary Officer, (Artificial Insemination)
Department of Animal Health & Livestock ,
Ministry of Agriculture, SA, DAO, Box.No.491, Objectives:
Salima, Malawi All dairy farmers in the group.
Tel: +265 999308515, To use A.I. breeding system.
Email: [email protected], To source semen from A.I. centre.
[email protected], To improve dairy program (milk
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
11. Ms. Chamayere Elizabeth Ireen Title: Establishment of a Dairy
Agriculture Extension Development Officer, Cooperative
Lilongwe East Agriculture, District Agriculture
Office, Objectives:
Chitekwere EPA, P.O.Box,77, Nkhoma A well established cooperative.
Lilongwe, Malawi Well established markets.
Tel: +265 991234026, +265 999 201333 Value addition to our dairy.
Email: [email protected],
12. Ms. Mhone Mazganga Suzanna Title: Linkage up the livestock department
Principal Livestock Development Officer, and Bunda College of Agriculture to
Department of Animal Health and Livestock relevant personnel at NDRI and NBAGR
Development, P.O.Box.2096, Lilongwe, Malawi to start collaboration.
Tel: +265999938623, +265999457130, +265
888853457, +265 5991277492 (Supervisor) Objectives:
Fax: +265 1751349, +265999457130 To sensitize the policy maker’s
Email: [email protected], veterinary staff and university on the
[email protected], need to increase milk consumption.
[email protected], To sensitize on the need to have
commodity based utilizations and
introduction and pricing based on
milk components.
13. Mr. Mabunda Pinto Jorge Title: Establishment of self-help group
Agronomist/Extension Officer, and training to farmers for Self-help
District Service of Economics Activities, group and dairy cooperatives
Massingir, Gaza, Mozambique
Tel: +258 20033385, +258 865222926, +258 Objective:
876627353, +258 865222926 (WhatsApp) Good management of complete Value
Email: [email protected] chain, intensive or closed system of
production and integrated system
14. Dr. Win Chit San Title: Training to small-scale farmers on
Deputy Veterinary Officer self-help group and dairy cooperatives.
Office No.36, Livestock Breeding and Veterinary
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Tel: +95 673408457, 95-9-401635893,
Fax: +95 673408342, +959401635893
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
15. Dr. Lynn Nang Ni Ni Title: Caring in artificial insemination and
Deputy Veterinary Officer extension services
Office No.36, Livestock Breeding and Veterinary
Department, Objective: More milk production by
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation artificial intelligence
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Tel: +95 67 3408385, +95-9- 974907111, Fax:
+95 673408342, +959974907111 (WhatsApp)
Email: [email protected],
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
16. Dr. Aung Thant Zin Title: Improving for breeding of dairy
Deputy Township Veterinary Officer cattle and decreasing disease of milch
Office No.36, Livestock Breeding and Veterinary animals.
Department, Ministry of Agriculture,
Livestock and Irrigation, YazaThingaba Road,
OattayaThiri Township, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Tel: +95 67-408044, +95-9974303074, Fax: +95
673408342, +959974303074 (WhatsApp)
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
17. Mr. Caku Benjamin Title: To establish functional dairy
Animal Husbandry Officer, farmers association.
Arua District Local Government,
Department of Production & Marketing, Objectives:
P.O.Box.1, Arua, Uganda Formation of Functional dairy
Tel: +256 772636778, +256 775502304 farmers association/union
Email: [email protected], Value addition and marketing
[email protected],
18. Mr. Nayebare Fred Title: Popularising dairy technologies
Managing Director,
Kirindimura Farm Limited, Kadagama Sub
County, P.O.Box.10, Lyantonde, Uganda
Tel: +256 772 412 146, +256 752585431
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
19. Ms. Nabulime Loy Title: Creating Self-Help Groups
Animal Production Officer
Mayuge Town Council, P.O.Box.1317, Mayuge Objectives:
District Local Government, Department of To have the women empowered with
Production and Marketing, Mayuge, Uganda knowledge of dairy production, milk
Tel: +256 750827755(WhatsApp), 779844413, value addition, collective marketing of
+256 779223610, milk and milk products.
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
20. Mr. Basulira Yake Title: Milk cooperative model establishment,
District Veterinary Officer, value addition to dairy products and proper
Ntungamo District Local Government, testing for adulterated milk.
Ministry of Education and Sports, P.O.Box.1,
Ntungamo, Uganda ObjectiveS:
Tel: 256 772465302,+256702465302 Proper testing of milk for adulteration.
(WhatsApp), 246 772886842 (Supervisor) Improved cooperation, marketing and
Email: [email protected], amugabe1@gmail. value addition to milk collected.
21. Mr. Itiakorit Julius Title: Sensitization of milk producers and
Assistant Animal Husbandry Officer, handlers on mil quality enhancement so
Ngora District Local Government, P.O.Box.31, as to improve its self life and fetch better
Ministry of Education and Sports, market price.
Ngora, Uganda ObjectiveS:
Tel: +256 772935817, +256 787742528, +256 Improvement in hygiene of milk
706649531, +256 77935817 equipment and persons handling milk.
Email: [email protected]
Increased use of recommended milk
handling equipment like cans.
General improvement on milk quality.
24. Entrepreneurship Development in Food Processing
Title of the Training Program: Entrepreneurship Development in Food Processing
Date: 17 April - 01 May, 2018
Venue: Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology (IIFPT), Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India
Program Director/Coordinators
Liberia 1
Malawi 4
Mozambique 3
Myanmar 2
Uganda 5
Training objectives
To identify emerging issues that could change or enhance the food business in the technology and the
To leverage them in identifying emerging opportunities for growth in both domestic and international
To transfer the knowledge and learnings on Food Safety and Standards IPR and Management in Food
Value Addition in Food Processing
To teach the advanced techniques in Food Packaging and Labelling, Food Quality analysis and Quality
control Government Regulations/Guidelines for Food Sector.
Training Curriculum
1. Overview on food processing sector and food business in context to global scenario
2. Food business Environment & Policy
3. Financial Management & Financing for Food Industries
4. Advances in Food Processing technologies
5. Supply and Cold Chain Management
6. Food Safety and Standards
7. IPR and Management in Food Value Addition in Food Processing
8. Food Packaging and Labeling
9. Food Quality analysis and Quality control
10. Government Regulations/Guidelines for Food Sector
11. Visit to Food processing industries
Training Outcome
The training outcomes were promotion of value addition technologies in Banana, Mango, Soybean and
other agricultural crops in the partner countries.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test as 4.3/10 whereas the average score of post-training was
7.17/10. Thus, level of knowledge of executives increased by 29 per cent after the training program.
Executives rated the overall training program with a score of 9.3 on 10-point scale. The training was perceived as
Field Visits
The participants were taken to Nagapattinam to visit the Tamil Nadu fisheries university, Dr.MGR Fishery College
and Research institute, local fresh water fishery pond, and the cashew nut processing plant.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
1. Ms. Wanjohi Cathryn Wanjiru Sensitisation of stakeholders on use of
Deputy Director of Veterinary Sciences waste products in meat processing
State Department of Livestock, Directorate of
Veterinary Sciences, Ministry of Agriculture,
Livestock and Fisheries, Private Bag-00625,
Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: +254 2080 43441
Email: [email protected]
2. Mr. Nyikiti Gordon Ochieng Training to farmers, youth groups in
Senior Lecturer, fruit processing and value addition
Kenya School of Agriculture, technologies - Banana Value Chair
P.O.Box.1909-10100, Nyri, Kenya
Tel: +254 722 448701, 725256662
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
3. Mr. Wanjohi Bernard Kiregi Value addition of mangoes
Agriculture Information & Communication
Specialist, Small Scale and Value Addition
Project (SIVAP), State Department of Agricultur
e,P.O.Box-30028-00100, Ministry of Agriculture,
Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: +254 721 229 731
Email: [email protected]
4. Ms. Wasike Cynthia Naliaka Training farmers groups in fruit and
Self Employed vegetable processing (Banana, Tomato &
Buruburu Phase 5 Extension, Mango value chair)
P.O.Box.73816-00200, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 704021230, +254 725009766
Email: [email protected]
5. Ms. Thome Alice Mumbi Processing and value addition of fruits
Chief Agricultural Officer, and vegetables (Tomato, Mango &
Kenya School of Agriculture, Bananas)
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries,
P.O.Box.7940-01000, Thika, Kenya
Tel: 0722565091,
Email: ksasongambele@gmail.
6. Mr. Varney Emmis Fallah Building of smallholder farmers capacity
Soil and Water Quality Technician, by training through extension
Technical Service Department, Ministry of
Agriculture, Monrovia, Liberia
Tel: +231 886543039, 778089249
Email: [email protected]
7. Ms. Mwase Ethel Rice processing (cleaning, processing
Agricultural Development Extension and polishing)
Coordinator, Ministry of Agriculture, Food
Security, Nkhotakota District Agriculture
Office, P.O.Box.41, Nkhotakota, Malawi
Tel: 265 999253110, 999654306
Email: [email protected],
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
8. Mr. Chuma Madalisto Milk processing from soya beans
Program Manager,
Kasungu Agricultural Development Division,
Department of Agricultural Extension Services,
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water
Development, P.O.Box.28, Kasungu, Malawi
Tel: +265 999 925 661, 0991668033,
Email: [email protected],
9. Mr. MakokaYamikani Francis Orange fleshed sweet potato processing
Agriculture Extension Development Officer,
Lilongwe District Agriculture Office,
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water
Development, Private bag 36,
Lilongwe, Malawi
Tel: + (265) 888 212 081, + (265) 888 369 657
(Supervisor), Email: [email protected]
10. Ms. Kumwembe Annie Soya bean processing
Zomba RTC,Private Bag.No.287,
Ministry of Agriculture,
Zomba, Malawi
Tel: 0888 169 688, 0999938625
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
11. Ms. Chilaule Catia Pery Processing of lettuce
Technical Superior
Agro-pecuaria N1,AV.25 de Setembro 2780, 1o
Directorate of Agriculture of Maputo City,
ExtensaoAgraria, Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: +258 21314859, +258 828911700,
Fax: +258 21323435
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
12. Mr. Chicuate Noe Carlos Francisco Production of broiler chicken
Directorate of Agriculture and Food Safety of
Maputo City
25 September Avenue, No.21314859/60
Maputo City, Mozambique
Tel: +258 21323435, +258823106859
Fax: +25821430102
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
13. Mr. Banze Lourenco Fernando Processing of cabbage
Directorate of Agriculture and Food Safety of
Maputo City
25 September Avenue, No.21314859/60
Maputo City, Mozambique
Tel: +258 258844506022, +258823106859
Fax: +25821430102
Email: [email protected], lucialuz_2007@,
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
14. Mr. San Hitalar Extension service for milk processing
Deputy Veterinary Officer knowledge to farmers and villagers
Office No.36, Livestock Breeding and Veterinary
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation,
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Tel: +9567 3048385, Fax: +9567 3408342
Email:[email protected],
[email protected],
15. Ms. Su Sandi
Deputy Veterinary Officer
Office No.36, Livestock Breeding and Veterinary
Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock
and Irrigation, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Tel: +9567 3048198, Fax: +9567 3408342
Email: [email protected],
16. Ms. Ateng Santa Sensitisation of rural women and
Managing Partner, youth farmers groups for sustainable
JJ Enterprises Limited, APAC Civil Society development initiatives in processing
House, Market Street, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: 0777155563 / 0775364050, 0783084639
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
17. Mr. Bilungi Dennis Integrated fish and mushroom value
Senior Fisheries Officer, addition project
Production and Marketing Department,
Kisoro District Local Government,P.O.Box.123,
KISORO, Uganda, Tel: +256 775344614,
Email: [email protected]
25. Modern Poultry Management
Title of the Training Program: Modern Poultry Management
Date: 01 – 15 May, 2018
Venue: ICAR - Directorate of Poultry Research (DPR), Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Program Director/ Coordinators
Dr. M. Shanmugam
Senior Scientist (Physiology)
ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research (DPR),
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Telangana
Ph : 40-24015651/24017000
Email: [email protected],
Participants profile: 29 executives from 8 countries (16 male & 13 female)
Training Outcome
The training outcomes were that the participants are training officials & farmers regarding critical part of
brooding and vaccination in the poultry business.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 11.79, whereas the average score of post-training was 18.52.
The level of knowledge of executives was found to be increased by 26.9% after the training program.
Feedback of executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale of
1-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 9.76 on a 10 point
continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was EXCELLENT.
Field Visits
The executives were taken on field visits to various organizations i.e. SH Protein Food Pvt ltd (Srinivasa Hatcheries),
ICAR-NRC (National Research Centre on Meat), P.V. Narasimha Rao Telangana Veterinary University (Poultry and Dairy
Farm), ICAR-IIMR (Indian Institute of Millet Research), ICAR-IIRR (Indian Institute of Rice Research), Tribal Village (Bhovoji
Thanda), Suguna Feed Plant, MANAGE and places of cultural and historical importance.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
1. Ms. Kegomoditswe Bula Title: Implementing artificial insemination
Senior Scientific Officer on poultry to improve fertility and increase
Department of Animal Production productivity of indigenous poultry
Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food
Security Objectives:
P.O.Box 1429, Palapye Botswana Increase in poultry productivity
Tel: 0267 4924741/ 002674920075, Increase in fertility
0267 73104385/ 0267 72751576 Improved local breeds
Email: [email protected] Adoption of artificial insemination
2. Ms. Mary Adhiambo Ochieng Ondieki Title: Skilled veterinary extension
Chief Veterinary Officer services for an improved productivity in
Directorate Of Veterinary Services, rural poultry in Kenya.
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries,
P.O.Box.34188, Objectives:
Nairobi, Kenya Improved management of backyard
Tel: 020-8043441, +254723440400 poultry for egg and meat production.
Email: [email protected], abhimabuga@ Good disease prevention and control by implementing vaccination
programs correctly.
Improved household nutrition.
Improved rural household income.
3. Mr. James Charo Samaki Title: Sensitize and follow up of all
Veterinary Farms Manager veterinary farm managers to embrace
Directorate of Veterinary Services modern poultry management skills
Private Bag Kabaete Code 00625,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Objectives:
Kangemi, Kenya Reduce poultry mortality
Tel: 020 8043441, +0254 724937687 More farmers take up backyard
Email: [email protected], jamescharoo@ poultry Improved nutritional levels and
economic levels
4. Mr. Ronald Kipkogei Kimitei Title: Development of competency based
Senior Livestock Production Officer curriculum training poultry management
Dairy Training Institute, State Department of courses at 3 levels i.e. short course
Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and (1-2weeks), certificate (3months-1 year)
Fisheries, Naivasha, Kenya and diploma (2 years) levels.
Tel: +254 50 50481, +254 724641560
Email: dtinaivasha@yahoo com, Objective: Draft curricula for training at
[email protected] Levels III, IV and V in poultry management
5. Mr. Charles Mwaniki Ngonyoku Title: Breed improvement in local/
Lecturer indigenous poultry
Animal Health & Industry Training Institute,
State Department of Livestock Objectives:
Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries, Students training in modern poultry
Nyahururu, Kenya management
Tel: +254721325453, Members of Mandaraka water SHG
Email: [email protected], training on breeding cock selection
and other aspects of modern poultry
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
6. Mr. Elijah Munyao Munguti Title: Training of veterinary service
Senior Veterinary Officer providers on poultry farm management
Directorate of Veterinary Services and biosecurity
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries,
32 - 10300, Kerugoya, Kenya Objective: Extension officers trained
Tel: +254723438288, +254729893864 on modern poultry management and
Email: [email protected], biosecurity and disease, control and
7. Mr. Evans Mukhichi Makokha Title: Trainings on Poultry Farm
Senior Assistant Director Management
Livestock Production
State Department of Livestock, Ministry of Objectives:
Agriculture and Irrigation Increase in supply of quality chicken
PO Box 34188 00100 Nairobi, Kenya Increase in productivity of indigenous
Tel: +254725828249, 774187295 chicken
Email: [email protected] Increase incomes of rural farmers
8. Ms. Yeanua Angela Kehleay Title: The Establishment of backyard
Community Training Officer poultry farming
Ministry of Agriculture Old LPRC Road,
Somalia Drive, Liberia Objectives: Increase in yield and income
Tel: +231880445262
Emai:[email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
12. Mr. Matembo Zebron Nyasulu Title: Disease control in rural poultry
Assistant Veterinary Officer
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Objectives:
Development, Increase in chicken population
Department of Animal Health and Livestock Improved nutrition
Development. P. O. Box 320 , Increase in income
Karonga District , Malawi Increase manure production
Tel: +265999317216, 888244725, 999703747 Reduced Newcastle disease related
Email: [email protected] deaths in Chickens.
13. Mr. Aubrey Bongozo Mugala Title: Quails Production
Agriculture Extension Development Officer
Lilongwe East Agriculture , District Agriculture Objectives:
Office, P/Bag 36, Lilongwe, Malawi Yield increase, meat and meat
Tel: +265999142518 products available
Email: [email protected] Nutritional levels reduced
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
18. Ms. Erdenejargal Oyunsoyombo Title: Contribute to improvement of pro-
State Examiner of Veterinary Inspection duction of Mongolian farming through
Inspection of Capital Inspection Office training of farmers
Department of Agriculture and Food Security,
Municipal Administration, Building III, J. Objectives:
Sambuu’s Street, 4thKhoroo, Chingeltei District, Increase the production of feed industry
Ulaanbaatar-15170, Mongolia Reduces the problem of environment
Tel: +976 77775000, +976 88017078 pollution, by converting poultry waste
[email protected], into bio-gas
19. Mr. Khairkhan Khanddorj Nomgon Title: Contribute to improvement
Ecological Officer, of production of Mongolian farming
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light through training of farmers
Industry, KhalkhGoI Zone for National
Creation and Establishment, Objectives:
TEDS Budilding, Chinggis Avenue, 3rdKhoroo, Increase the production of feed
Khan-Uul District, Ulaanbaatar-17070, industry
Mongolia, Tel: +976 83141455, +976 99859274 Reduces the problem of environment
Email: [email protected], pollution, by converting poultry
20. Mr. Balgan Munkh Erdene waste into bio-gas
Legal Specialist
HERD Protection fund, Ministry of Food,
Agriculture and Light Industry, Bayanzurkh
District, Peace Avenue 16A, Government
Building No.9, Suite 203, Ulaanbaatar-210349,
Mongolia, Tel: +976 11453233, +976 99188908
Email: [email protected],
21. Ms. Margarida Dique Mussimbite Title: Short course trainings to sensitize
Extension Officer, farmers, on the need to commercialize
Maputo city, 25 de setembro Av, backyard chicken production
n0 2780 Mozambique.
Tel: +25821314859, +258825657977 Objective: Embracing the concept of
Email: [email protected] commercial backyard poultry farmers in
Groups of poultry keepers
22. Ms. Mo Zin Myint Title: Artificial Insemination in native
Deputy Veterinary Officer chickens
Livestock breeding and veterinary Department
C-130/2 No. (1) Copper Mine, Monywa Objective: To promote backyard poultry
Township, Sagaing Region, Myanmar chicken
Tel: +95965408342
Email: [email protected]
23. Ms. Wai Wai Aung Min Title: Disease control of village chickens.
Deputy Veterinary Officer
Livestock breeding and Veterinary Department, Objectives:
Aung Chan Thar Quarter, Increased knowledge of diseases and
Indaw Township, Myanmar how to prevent disease
Tel: 95673408342 Decreased mortality rate
Email: [email protected]
24. Ms. Phyo Htet Kyaw Title: Artificial insemination of poultry
Department of Animal Science,
University of Veterinary, Yezin, ZayarThiri
Township Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Tel: 95 67416529, +95 9420769053,
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
25. Ms. Nellie Florence Okullo Title: Agripreneurship among trainees in
Program Officer institutions of higher learning in modern
Linkages Northern Uganda Regional Office poultry management : (A two day multi-
Shine Cares Uganda, Stakeholder workshop)
Oyam District, Uganda
Tel: +256 0392900302, +256 776626708 Objectives:
Email: [email protected] , Linking and partnering the training
[email protected] institutions with MANAGE and the
training opportunities available
Encouragement of extension
research and innovation among the
agricultural professionals
Establishment of agri clinics and
developmental projects in modern
poultry development
26. Mr. Patrick Lukooya Title: Improvement of commercial feed
Demonstration Mixed Farm Agrario Objectives:
Mixed Model Demonstration Farm Increasing yield and profits.
BuwamaMpigi District, Uganda Reducing on capital input for food
Tel: +256775568022, +256704992786, house profits
Email: [email protected]
26. Entrepreneurship Development Among Rural Women
Title of the Training Program: Entrepreneurship Development Among Rural Women
Date: 9-23 May, 2018
Venue: Kudumbashree Mission, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Program Director
Dr. Rahul Krishnan
Thematic Anchor-Farm Livelihood
Trivandrum, Kerala
Mob: 8281655705
Email: [email protected], [email protected],
Training objectives
To introduce the significance of a strong community institution mechanism to provide a conducive
atmosphere that promotes women entrepreneurship
To Introduce the various non –farm entrepreneurship models practiced by Kudumbashree to provide
knowledge on various opportunities that can be explored in the host country
To Introduce the concept of entrepreneurship among the women
To Provide information on the significance of collective effort in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship
for collective bargaining, value addition and marketing
Training Curriculum
1. Scale and scope of entrepreneurship among rural women
2. Significance of collective effort for bargaining, value addition & marketing
3. Opportunity and challenges in developing the collectives and marketing
4. Introduction of best practices and its adoption barriers
5. Agriculture value chain and best technological practices available in India
6. Live interaction with Kudumbashree entrepreneurs for tracking the real field work
7. Support environment required for entre/agri-preneurs Plan for tracking progress
Training Outcome
RONGO youth entrepreneurship project started by two Kenyan participants (Ms. Maurice Ouma & Ms.
Grace Kimaru). They conduct regular trainings and field visits to promote entrepreneurship among the
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 19 whereas the average score of post-training was
26 and thus, it was found that the level of knowledge of executives was increased by 37 percent post the training
Feedback of executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 1-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 9.6 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was EXCELLENT.
Field Visits
The participants were taken on field visits focusing on agriculture and off farm enterprises which included café
kudumbashree, micro enterprises, nutrimix etc. They have been exposed to marketing interventions and livelihood
approaches of kudumbashree through field visits of paddy collectives at Pathanamthitta, Thirumadhuram, Ksheera
sagaram, and Joint liability groups. They got a chance to visit one of the NHG, BRC and experience BUDS and
SNEHITA, which are Kudumbashree’s Social empowerment initiatives.
Back At Work Plans(BAWPs)
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
1. Ms. Apondi Monica Jackline Atieno Title: Awareness creation on saving culture.
Country Director of Livestock Production
County Department of Livestock Production, Objectives:
P.O.Box.479, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Awareness creation in every meeting
and Fisheries, SunaMigori, Kenya about Kudumbashree
Tel: +254 0733711207 Identified livelihood activities like Café
Email: [email protected] shop, Tailoring, Backyard Poultry
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
6. Mrs. Ngethe Esther Wangari Title: Formation of good samaritan
Deputy Director Veterinary Services/Principal widows group
Animal Health and Industry Training Institute,
Directorate of Veterinary Services, Objectives:
P.O.Box.1-20300, Nyahururu, Kenya Introduce savings through thrift,
Tel: +254 701821444, Micro enterprise identification,
Email: [email protected] Economic empowerment
7. Ms. Muchai Lynette Gakii Title: Formation of micro enterprise
Program Assistant Market Information System canteen unit selling traditional porridge
Eastern Africa Grain Council, Mbaazi Avenue,
Off Kingara Road, P.O.Box.218-00606, Objectives:
Nairobi, Kenya Promotion of consumption of
Tel: +254 712005747, 710607313, 733444035, traditional porridge
+254 722352310, Fax: +254 203745841 Preservation of endangered cultural
Email: [email protected] practices
8. Ms. Kirimi Lydia Ncabira Title: To organize, mobilize, form and
Chief Agricultural Officer, sensitize a women group in undertaking
Wamugu Agricultural Training Centre a micro enterprise.
(WATC), P.O.Box.5069-10100, Directorate of
Agriculture,Ministry of Agriculture, Objective: Improved livelihoods
Nyeri, Kenya, Tel: +254 723715006,
Email: [email protected]
9. Ms. Kalayi Rebecca Sia Title: Developing the mindset of
Agriculture Technician, vulnerable women and girls through
Non Input Dealer Association of Liberia agriculture practices to eradicate poverty
Ministry of Agriculture, P.O.Box.10-9010 with in their family and community
1000, Monrovia, Liberia
Tel: +231 886579681,770192259, Objectives:
Email: [email protected] Increased self-employment women
and girls
Access & affordable food by women
Increased entrepreneurship among
rural women.
10. Ms. Flomo Marie Harris Title: Developing the mindset of
Technician, vulnerable women and girls through
Gross Roots Women Agricultural Multipurpose agriculture practices to eradicate poverty
Ministry of Agriculture, P.O.Box.10-9010 with in their family and community
1000, Monrovia, Liberia
Tel: + 231 886822619, + 231 886896470 Objectives:
Email: [email protected], Increased self-employment women
and girls
11. Ms. Wuo Benetta Nohn
Access & affordable food by women
Extension Officer,
Increased entrepreneurship among
Ministry of Agriculture, P.O.Box.10-9010
rural women.
1000, Monrovia, Liberia
Tel: +231 776180899,886545786
Email: [email protected], edibope@yahoo.
com, [email protected],
12. Ms. Karyar Yorlor
Extension Officer,
Extension Department, Ministry of Agriculture,
Monrovia, Liberia, Tel: +231 776881290
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
13. Mr. Wanda GrenoPalacido Martin Title: Formation of Micro enterprise
Principal Women’s Program Officer, groups for women
Salima Agriculture Department Division,
Private Bag-1, Department of Agricultural Objectives:
Extension Services, Ministry of Agriculture, Increase access to farm inputs
Irrigation and Water Development, Increase income generation
Salima, Malawi
Tel: +265 884824764
Email: [email protected]
14. Ms. Zambezi Diana Mayamiko Title: Formation of micro enterprise
Crop Production Officer, groups for women
Neno District Agriculture, P.O.Box.No.55,
Ministry of Agriculture, Neno, Malawi Objective:
Tel: +265 999 298 124, 888 174 124, Increase access to farm inputs
Email: [email protected] Increase income generation
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
19. Ms. Nankya Betty Title: Skill development the hope for girl
Executive Director, child & Women empowerment
Kajwejwete Foundation,
Galiraya Road, Kyerima Village, Kayunga Objectives:
District, P.O.Box.33378, Value addition on their products (20
Kampala, Uganda women trained),
Tel: +256 772505169, Better sustainable financial support
Email: [email protected] through skill development
20. Mr. Kansiime Zachary Title: Reforming of women groups
Programme Officer structures in Uganda
Skills Development & Entrepreneurship
Uganda Entrepreneurship Program, Objectives:
Ministry of Gender, Labour & Social Improved record Keeping of WG’s
Development, Simbamanyo Building, Support more micro enterprises
Plot.2, George Street, Skilled women groups in value
P.O.Box. 7136, Kampala, Uganda addition
Tel: +256 789816194, Office +256414699219,
Mob +256789816194,
WhatsApp: +256704945108
Email: [email protected],
21. Ms. Naggujja Rosemary Title: Women empowerment through
Chief Executive Officer, credit and thrift
New Cycle Guide Limited,
Wakiso, P.O.Box.881, Objectives:
Kampala, Uganda Support women groups to register
Tel: +256 772664469, C.B.O’s with the district
Email: [email protected], Teach good systems for saving and
[email protected], taking loans
Proper record keeping and
transparency, good accounting
systems, introduction of gender self-
22. Ms. Gwokyalya Christine Title: Women group making of fireless
Women Councilor, Cooker & Oven
Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA)
P.O.Box.7010, Objective:
Ministry of Education and Sports, Improve skills to make improved
Kampala, Uganda cookers
Tel: +256 775528812, +256 701528812, +256 Better record keeping.
772448240 (Mr. George Muteekanga)
Email: [email protected],
23. Ms. Nankya Agnes Title: Economic & social empowerment
Project Women Coordinator for girls and women in Uganda
Our Children and Future Project,
P.O.Box.70, Objective:
Masaka, Uganda Agricultural trainings for home
Tel: +256 705880986, gardeners,
WhatsApp: +256776885638 Skills building trainings (craft &
Email: [email protected], cookery),
[email protected] Improved farming methods and a
model farm
27. Value Addition in Spices
Title of the Training Program: Value Addition in Spices
Date: 15 – 29, May 2018
Venue: ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research (IISR), Calicut, Kerala, India
Program Director / Coordinators
Training objectives:
Introduce the significance of a strong community institution mechanism to provide a conducive
atmosphere that promotes women entrepreneurship
Introduce the various non –farm entrepreneurship models practiced by Kudumbashree to provide
knowledge on various opportunities that can be explored in the host country
Introduce the concept of entrepreneurship among the women
Provide information on the significance of collective effort in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship
for collective bargaining, value addition and marketing
Training Curriculum
1. Harvest and post-harvest processing and value addition of spices
2. Marketing, trade and value chain development
3. Hands on training and demonstration of value added products from ginger, curry powder production
from spices
4. Spices as functional food, international quality standards in spices, packaging and storage of spices and
products, mechanization etc
Training Outcome
Promotion of large scale production of turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, garlic, annatto, pepper and lemon
was taken up by the participants in their areas.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pretraining test was 12.09 whereas the average score of post-training was
19.09 and thus, it was found that the level of knowledge of executives was increased by 28 percent post the training
Feedback of executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 1-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 9.22 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was EXCELLENT.
Field Visits: The programme included visits to institutions such as Central Food Technological Research Institute
(CFTRI), Mysuru, and spice industries such as Kancor Ingredients Limited, Angamaly; Panda Foods (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
Wayanad etc.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
1. Mrs. Kibisu Lynette Wanjiku Title: Value addition of locally grown
Principal Agricultural Officer, ginger and turmeric
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock,
P.O.Box. 66730-00800, Nairobi, Kenya Objective: Identifying spice growers with
Tel: +254 733850354, reference to ginger and turmeric where
Email: [email protected], any new grower can visit for learning
[email protected], purposes.
[email protected],
2. Mrs. Chirchir Grace Jepleting Title: Develop policy to promote value
Deputy Director of Agriculture, addition in Spices in Kenyan consultation
Agribusiness and Value Addition, State with various departments
Department of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Objective: To promote value addition in
P.O.Box.30028-00100, Nairobi, Kenya spices in Kenya
Tel: +254 0202718870, +254 723789250
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
3. Mr. Kamau Eliud Mathu Title: Assessment of the status of spice
Assistant Director/ Head of State Corporations production and value addition in Kenya
Unit, P.O.Box.00100, Ministry of Agriculture, and guidance on policy towards up-
Livestock and Fisheries, Nairobi, Kenya scaling of production and value addition
Tel: +254 27188719, +254 721741116, of spices.
721635347, 725789742
Email: [email protected], ndiiraben@gmail.
com, [email protected],
4. Mr. Wambugu John Mutahi Title: Training programme for promotion
Senior Assistant Agricultural Officer, of utilisation of spices with emphasis on
Wambugu Agricultural Training Centre ginger
P.O.Box.5069-10100, Directorate of Agriculture,
Nyere, Kenya, Tel: +254 721873324, Objective: Promotion of utilisation of
+254 722918407, +254722698352 spices with emphasis on ginger
Email: [email protected], johnmutahi244@, [email protected]
5. Ms. Karigu Mary Wanjiku Title: Capacity building of rural women
Field Officer, groups on value addition in spices.
Women Farmers Association of Kenya
(WOFaAK), Jonathan Estate Suite 81, Objective: Capacity building of rural
P.O.Box-5910-00200, Nairobi, Kenya women groups on value addition in
Tel: +254 78923709, +254 727 118 599, +254 spices
Email: [email protected], ishikomary@,
[email protected],
6. Ms. Gitonga Hannah Wairimu Title: Training of stakeholders on value
Chief Agriculture Officer, addition of ginger and garlic
Kenya School of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture, Objective: Help establish whether
P.O.Box.79409100, Thika, Nairobi, Kenya spices are available to consumers and in
Tel: +254 722566091, +254722892297, +254 which form they are consumed (raw or
722448701, Email: ksasongambele@yahoo. processed)
com, [email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
7. Ms. Collins Sophia Title: Training schedule on ginger
Technician, processing
Agriculture Food Processing Unit,
Ministry of Agriculture, P.O.Box.10-9010,
1000, Monrovia, Liberia
Tel: +231 886431713, 888533445
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
8. Mr. Zokungay Mehn Title: Baseline assessment through key
Extension Officer, informer’s
Central Agriculture Research Institute (CARI),
Ministry of Agriculture, Monrovia, Liberia
Tel: +231 886979681, 886456868
Email:[email protected]
[email protected],
[email protected],
9. Ms. Togba Henreietta Budu Title: Sensitisation programme for
Trainer, increasing chilli production
Flying Horse Women Group,
Ministry of Agriculture, Old LPRC Road, Somalia Objective: Programme for increasing
Drive, Monrovia, Liberia chilli production in two districts of
Tel: +231 77554261, 777550590, Gamglota for income generation for
886554942, 886879800 selected farmers
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
10. Mr. Mambo Geoffrey Kasinja Title: Training programme for ginger
Agricultural Extension Development Officer, production and value addition
Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security,
Nkhotakota District Agriculture Office,
Nkhotakota, Malawi
Tel: +265 888909113, 999392230
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
11. Mr. Chautsi Precious William Brace Title: Production of chilli, ginger, paprika
District Agriculture Development Officer, production and value addition
Mchinji District Agriculture Office, P.O.Box.7,
Mchinji, Malawi
Tel: + 265 999389886,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
12. Ms. Kachigunda Prisca Tinenenji Title: Training on advocating the
Agriculture Extension Development Officer production and processing of spices in
Department of Agricultural Extension Services, Malawi
Ministry of Agriculture, P.O. Box 30145, Capital
City, Lilongwe 3, Malawi
Telephone/Mobile: +265 999 936 205, +265
884 173 502/ +265 995 282 049
Fax No.: + 265 1 750 384
Email:[email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
13. Mr. Namonde Steve Ronald Title: Introduction of spice production
Farm and Resource Centre Manager/AEDO demonstration gardening with an
Zombo Residential Training Centre (ZRTC) interest in ginger and Turmeric agronomic
Zomba District Agricultural Office,Ministry of practices and primary processing
Department of Agriculture Extension Objectives:
Lilongwe, Malawi Demonstrating good agronomic
Tel: +265 888 668 185, practices and primary processing
+265 881308888, +265 888 169 688 in the production of Ginger and
Email: [email protected], Turmeric spices.
[email protected], To strengthen linkage between
research and extension services
To facilitate development of
agribusiness opportunities
To promote adaptation to climate
related challenges
14. Ms. MvulaSmang Aliso Priscillar Title: Production and value addition of
Agricultural Extension Development Officer, three spices popular in the region ginger,
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water turmeric and tamarind
Development, Mpingu, EPA, P.O.Box.1989
Lilongwe, Malawi Objective: To conduct a bench mark
Tel: +265 999 458 092, +265 999 526 166, survey on cultivation and use of these
Email: [email protected], spices
[email protected]
15. Ms.Htun Zar Gyi Title: Training for processing of ginger
Deputy Staff Officer squash to women self-help groups
State Office, Taungyi Township, Shan State (SHGs)
Nay PyiTha, Myanmar
Telephone/Mobile: +95-81-2125744, +95-
9-402555390, +95-67-410578,Fax No.:+95-
81-2121057 Email:[email protected] ,
[email protected]
16. Ms. Sein Dee Title: Training for processing of candied
Assistant Staff Officer ginger to women self-help groups (SHGs)
Department of Agriculture
Township Office, Kyaing Tong Township,
Shan State, Nay PyiTha, Myanmar
Telephone/Mobile: +95-84-22880,:+95-9-
420764809, Fax No.:+95-84-22466
Email: [email protected]
17. Ms. San Moh Moh Title: Training for processing of chillies to
Deputy Assistant Staff Officer women self-help groups (SHGs)
Department of Agriculture, Office No (43),
Department of Agriculture,
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Telephone/Mobile: +95-67-410383,
Fax No.:+95-67-410067
Email:[email protected],
[email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
18. Mr. Francis Ogulli Title: Capacity building training officials
Director of Education and Sports and students on Value chain approach
Ministry of education and sports to spice production processing and
+256 454436517, 782013007 marketing
Email: [email protected],
[email protected] Objective: Value chain approach to spice
production processing and marketing
19. Ms. Luzinda Lucy Nusula Title: Promotion of value added products
Education Officer, from ginger
Our Lady of Good Counsel, SSS,
Gayaza, P.O.Box.19142,
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 789341911, +256754485522
Email: [email protected],
20. Mr. Iisa Augustine Title: Processing of turmeric powder and
Agricultural Officer, packaging
Kumi District Local Government,
Ministry of Education and Sports,
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 772830166,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
21. Mr. Gyagenda Alex Title: Training and awareness
Agricultural Officer, programmes on prospects and cultivation
District Agricultural Office, of spices to Farmers
Kigandalo Sub County,
Mayuge District Local Government,
Mayuge, Uganda
Tel: +256 702151262, +256 703873717
Email: [email protected],
[email protected] (Supervisor)
22. Ms. Nabawanuka Crusum Title: Training farmers in value addition
Agriculture Officer, of ginger
Bugiri Municipal Council, Production and
Marketing Department,
Ministry of Education and Sports, P.O.Box.77,
Bugiri, Uganda
Tel: +256 777794006
Email: [email protected]
28. Modern Storage Technologies in Agriculture
Title of the Training Program: Modern Storage Technologies in Agriculture
Date: 11 – 25 June, 2018
Venue: ICAR - Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering & Technology (CIPHET),
Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Program Director / Coordinators
Program Director The Director
ICAR - Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering & Technology,
Ludhiana-141004, Punjab, Off. Phone: 0161-2313101, Fax: 0161-2308670,
Email: [email protected]
Program Coordinators Dr. V. EyarkaiNambi
Scientist ( AS&PE)
CIPHET, Ludhiana. Mob: +91 9465667772 (Punjab), +91 99522 4(Tamil Nadu), Email:
[email protected]
Dr. R. K. Vishwakarma
Head (Acting), Horticultural Crop Processing Division & In-charge
ICAR - Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering & Technology (CIPHET),
Ludhiana, Punjab, Mob: +91 9463100973, Email: [email protected]
Participants profile: 21 executives from 7 countries ( 16 male & 5 female)
Country No. of Executives
Cambodia 1
Kenya 5
Liberia 3
Malawi 3
Mozambique 1
Myanmar 3
Uganda 5
Training objectives
To introduce and to acquaint the participants with knowledge in the concept of different storage
techniques/systems available for major food grains and horticultural produce storage in developing
countries and design, construction and management of low-cost evaporative cooled storage structures for
The program also aims at sensitizing the participants about insect control, fumigation and other quality
control of stored grain ecosystems, demonstrate the bulk storage systems with effective handling of food
grains, Controlled Atmosphere (CA) storage & modified atmosphere storage for horticultural produce.
Training Curriculum
1. Concepts of stored grain ecosystems,
2. Quality and insect control in the stored grains,
3. Different type of fumigation methods/systems & fumigation standards,
4. Plant quarantine operations
5. Physiology of horticultural produce
6. Design and operational aspects of evaporative cooled storage, cold storage, modern 4 methods like
storage, delayed ripening processes and multi-commodity cold storage systems.
7. Concept of cold chain and its management
Training Outcome
The training outcomes were seen as the promotion of safe fumigation in warehouses and effective grain
storage techniques among farmers.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 10.1 whereas the average score of post-training was 17
and thus, it was found that the level of knowledge of executives was increased by 68.32 percent post the training
Feedback of executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 1-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 8.68 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was VERY GOOD.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
1. Mr. Yem Moeurn Title: Post-harvest handling and storage
Government Official, aspects (rice and maize) bag Storage
General Directorate of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries,
#54B/49F, Street 395-656, SangkatTeoukLaak 3,
Khan ToulKok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia,
Mobile: +85523883427,
Email:[email protected]
2. Mr. Makau John Kamau Title: Hermetic storage - super bags
Senior Veterinary Officer,
State Department of Livestock, AhitiNyahururu,
P.O. Box. 1-20300, Ministry of Agriculture and
Livestock, Nyahururu, Kenya,
Mobile: +254-701821444,
Email: [email protected]
6. Mr. Wairangu Ephraim Maina Title: Use of solar energy in fish farming
Assistant Director Fisheries,
State Department of Fisheries and Blue Objective: Improve the adoption of post-
Economy, Kenya Fisheries’ Services, harvest technologies in fisheries sub-
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries, sector.
P.O.Box 58187 - 00200, Museum Hill, Nairobi,
Kenya, Mobile: +254-202161803,
Email: [email protected]
7. Mr. Dologbay Terry Nendehyee Title: Post-harvest handling and storage
Extension Officer, aspects (rice and maize) Bag Storage
Ministry of Agriculture, P.O.Box. 10-9010, 1000
Monrovia 10, Liberia, Objective: Farmers awareness post-
Mobile: +231-886523750, harvest management.
Email: [email protected],
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
8. Ms. Miller Yassa Kebawu Title: Sensitisation training on modern
Technician storage technologies to farmers and other
Department of Technical Services segments of the agricultural workforce.
Ministry of Agriculture, P.O.Box. 10-9010, 1000,
Monrovia 10, Liberia, Objective: Minimise the loses or grains
Mobile: +231-777280258, during processing and increase in
Email: [email protected] production of grains
9. Mr. Weah Victor Title: Sensitisation training on
County Coordinator “Modern Storage Technologies - Bags
Farmers for Sustainable Agriculture Storage Management” to farmers and
Development of Liberia (FASADEL), cooperative groups in Lofa County
LOFA County, Ministry of Agriculture,
Monrovia, Liberia, Objective: Minimise the loses or grains
Tel: +231886936220, during processing and increase in
Email: [email protected] production of grains
10. Mrs. Kokota Jane Title: Post-harvest handling process in
Crop Protection Officer, maize grain - sensitising plastic bags
Kasungu District Agriculture Officer, storage technologies
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation & Fisheries,
Objective: Minimising grain loss in both
Kasungu, Malawi,
quality and quantity resulting to more
Mobile: +256-888869607,
income per farm household and food
Email: [email protected]
security to the whole country.
11. Mr. Phiri Matiya Haward Title: Post-harvest handling process in
Crops Development Officer, maize and sorghum grains - sensitising
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation & Fisheries, on bulk storage technologies
SA DAO, P.O. Box. 491, Salima, Malawi,
Mobile: +265-995580643, Objective: Knowledge gap in proper
Email: [email protected] handling and storage of maize and
[email protected] sorghum by farmers and field staff
12. Mrs. Edna Nyirongo Title: Post-harvest handling process of
Agriculture Extension Development Officer, food grains
Lilongwe East District Agriculture Office,
P.Bag - 36, Ministry of Agriculture, Objective: Popularise the modern
Lilongwe, Malawi, storage technologies in food grains
Mobile: +265993633580, +265999357527, among the farmers
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
13. Mr. Chavela Francisco Title: Modern storage technologies in
Extension Supervisor, Cashewnut storage
District of Matola Economic Activities - Ministry
of Agriculture, Rus dos eculiptos, Tsalala Objective: Modern storage technologies
-Matola, q- 165, Parcela - 709, Mozambique, in Cashewnut storage and value addition
Tel: +258824887800, +2588482830686,
Email: [email protected]
14. Ms. Khaing Mar Thinn Title: Training of modern storage
Deputy Staff Officer, technologies for rice
Plant Protection Division, Department of
Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Objective: Training to farmers and
Livestock and Irrigation, stakeholders about post-harvest loses
Mgway Region, Myanmar, and modern storage technologies for
Mobile:+95 632023157, rice
Email:[email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
15. Mr. Soe Kyaw Oo Title: Extension to the farmers to use
Assistant Staff Officer, fumigation techniques
Department of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation,
Sagaing Region, Myanmar,
Mobile: +9567410007,
Email: [email protected]
16. Mr. Aung Phyo Paing Title: Extension to the farmers to use
Assistant Staff Officer, fumigation techniques
Plant Protection Division,
Department of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agricultural, Livestock and
Irrigation, Ayeyarwadi Region, Myanmar
Mobile: 95-970309662,
Email:[email protected]
[email protected]
17. Mr. Abaasa Innocent Stephen Title: Yogurt processing
Ssese Farm Institute, Objective: Establishment of yogurt
Ministry Education Science Technology and processing unit at Ssese Agricultural
Sports, P.O.Box. 5, Kalangala, Uganda, Institute
Mobile: +256-392964762,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
18. Mr. Ssebukyu Edward Kubanja Title: Parent/Guardian led feeding in
Assistant Commissioner primary schools in Uganda
Private Schools and Institution,
Ministry of Education and Sports, Objective: To sensitise the schools and
P.O.Box 7063, Kampala, Uganda, community regarding mid day meal
Mobile: +256-772449673,
Email:[email protected]
19. Mr. Semwanga Richard Title: Adoption of fumigation
Agriculture Officer, technologies.
Office of Agriculture Officer,
Lwabiyata Sub County,Production Department, Objective: Stakeholders empowerment
Nakasongola District Local Government, on fumigation technologies of maize
P.O.Box.1, Nakasongola, Uganda grain for increased shelf life and quality
Tel: +256 783135684 maintenance
Email: [email protected],
20. Mr. Bugembe Richard Title: Bulking and marketing of 40 MT of
Program Coordinator, processed coffee (FAQ) from 6 farmers
CARITAS, P.O.Box.14125, Mengo, primary cooperative societies in Mpigi
Kampala, Uganda district in Uganda
Tel: +265 772657206, +256772358150
Email: [email protected]
29. Value Chain and Innovations in Agriculture Marketing
Title of the Training Program: Value Chain and Innovations in Agriculture Marketing
Date : 1 - 15 October, 2018
Venue: CCS National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Program Director / Coordinator
Program Director Dr. Hema Yadav
National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM), Jaipur, Rajasthan
Mob: + 919829210019, Email: [email protected]
Program Coordinator Mr. Sathyendra Kumar
Assistant Professor
National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM), Jaipur, Rajasthan
Participants profile: 30 executives from 7 countries (26 male&4 female)
Country No. of Executives
Myanmar 10
Mongolia 2
Nepal 6
Kenya 5
Malawi 4
Mozambique 1
Uganda 2
Training objectives
To build capacity of officers, executives and managers in the area of emerging market trends, opportunities
in value chain and how markets can be effective to maximize value realization.
To bring understanding of path ways of linking farmers to alternative markets like contract
farming, e-markets, direct marketing etc.
To bring awareness about the opportunities and challenges in food safety and requirements for getting
linked with profitable value chains.
To inform about online marketing and application of IT Tools for marketing so as to design projects and
applications for the farmers to enable them to avail these opportunities.
To bring understanding of market information and marketing decision.
Provide exposure to best marketing practices in ensuring food safety, managing supply chains and value
To bring information about ways to have access finance, credit and risk management in marketing.
Training Curriculum
1. Value chain approach for economic empowerment.
2. Market innovation and market driven production – the new paradigms
3. The need for business plan preparation in commercial agriculture.
4. Integrated farming for better value proposition
5. Emerging trends in Horticulture value chains
6. Emerging Trends in Marketing of Super Food
7. Business linkages through FPO
8. Agri logistics for value chain integration
9. Value chain Financing
10. Agri Incubation
11. Agri-preneurship and Innovations in marketing
12. Policy Innovations
Training Outcome
The training outcomes were promotion of Agripreneurship and formation of FPOs among farmers in
Nepal, Uganda, Kenya.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 13.86 whereas the average score of post-training was
15.15 and thus, it was found that the level of knowledge of executives was increased by 9.31 percent post the
training programme.
Feedback of executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 1-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 8.46 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was GOOD.
Field Visits
The trainees were exposed to field visits of practical importance. They visited the Muhana Agriculture Produce
Market Committee (APMC), Barefoot Collage and the Rajasthan Olive Cultivation Limited.
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title
22. Mr. Albert Maina Mwangi Title: To organize fish markets and
Principal Fisheries Officer traders in Narobi country into effective
State Department for Fisheries and efficient fish marketing organization.
17103-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 722658470, 727203090
Email: [email protected],
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title
30. Entrepreneurship Development among Rural Women
Title of the Training Program: Entrepreneurship Development among Rural Women
Date: 06-20 November, 2018
Venue: Kudumbashree Mission, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Program Director
Dr. Rahul Krishnan
Thematic Anchor-Farm Livelihood
Kudumbasree, Trivandrum, Kerala, Mob: 8281655705
Email: [email protected], [email protected],
Participants profile: 26 executives from 8 countries (6 male & 20 female)
Country No. of Executives
Cambodia 5
Kenya 2
Liberia 2
Malawi 2
Mongolia 1
Myanmar 7
Nepal 5
Uganda 2
Training objectives
To build capacity of officers, executives and managers in the area of emerging market trends, opportunities
in value chain and how markets can be effective to maximize value realization.
To bring understanding of path ways of linking farmers to alternative markets like contract farming,
e-markets, direct marketing etc.
To bring awareness about the opportunities and challenges in food safety and requirements for getting
linked with profitable value chains.
To inform about online marketing and application of IT Tools for marketing so as to design projects and
applications for the farmers to enable them to avail these opportunities.
To bring understanding of market information and marketing decision.
Provide exposure to best marketing practices in ensuring food safety, managing supply chains and value
To bring information about ways to have access finance, credit and risk management in marketing.
Training Curriculum
1. Scale and scope of entrepreneurship among rural women
2. Significance of collective effort for bargaining, value addition & marketing
3. Opportunity and challenges in developing the collectives and marketing
4. Introduction of best practices and its adoption barriers
5. Agriculture value chain and best technological practices available in India
6. Live interaction with Kudumbashree entrepreneurs for tracking the real field work
7. Support environment required for entre/agri-preneurs
8. Plan for tracking progress
Training Outcome
The participants were popularizing the Indian innovations on linking the small dairy farmers to market in
Kenya and Uganda.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 15.5 whereas the average score of post-training was
17.91 and thus, it was found that the level of knowledge of executives was increased by 19 percent post the training
Feedback of executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 1-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 8.96 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was VERY GOOD.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title
1. Ms. SotheavyMeas Title:Improvement of local crop and
Deputy Director vegetables for women
Department of Planning and Statistics,
#200, Preah Norodom Blvd, TonieBassac,
Khan Chamkamon,
Phnom Pehn, Cambodia
Tel: +855 12975519, Fax: +855 23720527
Email: [email protected], sreyvuthy.
[email protected],
2. Ms. Sokha Lo Title: Sensitisation programs in
Deputy Director agriculture development
Department of International Cooperation
#200, Preah Norodom Blvd, SangkatTonleBasak,
Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Pehn, Cambodia
Tel:+855 92549697, Fax: + 85523217322
Email: [email protected], sreyvuthy.
[email protected],
3. Ms. Danina Nareth Title: Sensitization programs to fisheries
Chief Administration and Human Resource and agriculture farmers
Department of Personnel and Human Resource
Development, #200, Preah Norodom Blvd,
TonleBassac, KhenChamkamon,
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: +85512999228, Fax: +855 23217320
Email: [email protected], sreyvuthy.
[email protected],
4. Ms. Phearun Soun
Technical Official,
Department of Planning and Statistics
#200, Preah Norodom Blvd, TonleBassac,
KhenChamkamon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: +855 967094707, Fax: +855 23720527
Email: [email protected],
5. Mr. Yuthin Heng Title: Sensitisation programs - price
Technical Officer of farmer product decreasing during
Department of Planning and Statistics, harvesting season
#200, Preah Norodom Blvd, TonleBassac,
Khan Chamkamon, Phnom Pehn, Cambodia
Tel: +8556789336, Fax: +855 23720527
Email: [email protected],
6. Mrs. Mwangi Ruth Njoki Title: Sensitization programs for rural
Senior Assistant Director of Agriculture, women
State Department of Crops Development,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries,
P.O.Box. 30028, 00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 2718870, Mob: +254 722337107,
Email: [email protected],
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title
7. Ms. Ngunjiri Caroline Kabura Title: Sensitisation of rural women’s to
Entrepreneur / Farmer establish micro Enterprises
Mere Horticultural Growers,
P.O.Box.275 (10102), Kiganjo, Nyeri, Kenya
Tel: +256 0717284198,
Email: [email protected],
8. Ms. Deborah Junius Williams Title: Introduction of joint
Training Coordinator entrepreneurship
Ministry of Agriculture,
P.O.Box.10-90100, 1000,
Monrovia, Liberia
Tel: +231886553197, +231770469847
Email: [email protected],
9. Ms. Woods Keturah K.T Title: Sensitisation skill training programs
Gender Officer to women farmers
Planning Department,Ministry of Agriculture,
Libsuco Compound, Gardnersville,
Somalia Drive, Liberia
Tel: +231770032136
Email: [email protected],
10. Ms. Malizani Phadress Title: Women empowerment training’s
Development Worker
NICO Life Company, P.O.Box.304021,
Lilongwe, Malawi
Tel: +265 881222248, 997640088
Email: [email protected],
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title
13. Ms. Hlyan Zin Htoo Title: To increase income and
Field Officer yield, develop capacity building
IFDC Myanmar, Fertilizer Sector Improvement the relationships between women
Project (FSI+) empowerment from agricultural sector
No.22, Baw Ga Street, 9 Mile/Ward 5,
Mayangone Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Tel: +959448934763, +959797858434,
Fax: 959 01662496,
Email: [email protected],
14. Ms. Thandar Win Maung Title: To increase income and livelihood,
Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist to strengthen collective action and
International Fertilizer Development Centre to improve self-confident, to be
(IFDC), No.21 B, Bawga Street, independent housewives business
Mayangone Township, women group
9 Mile,Yangon, Myanmar Tel: 0959
5943045748, Fax: 095901662496
Email: [email protected],
15. Ms. Aung Su Su Title: Knowledge sharing, awareness,
Managing Director, farmer group formation
YwanganAmayan Co. Ltd.,
(64), Ba Htoo Road, Zay Dan Quarter, Ywangan,
South Shan State, Myanmar
Tel: 959428369062,
Email: [email protected],
16. Ms. Aung Win Lei Lei Title: Coffee farmers producer groups
Board of Director
ShweTaung Thu Co. Ltd., No.95, Sein Pann Ni
Street, Ywangan Quarter,
Ywangan Southern Shah State, Myanmar
Tel: 959450475277, 959781848531
Email:[email protected]
17. Ms. Cho Yin Yin Title: To increase income and livelihood
Assistant Director, of rural women
Department of Rural Development, Monywa
Township, SI Thu Street, Nandawon Ward,
Monywa Town, Sagaing Region, Myanmar
Tel: +957126216, +95261242439,
Fax: +95 71 26203
Email: [email protected],
18. Ms. Khin El El Title: Establishment of micro enterprises
Assistant Director, by rural women
Department of Rural Development,
Loikaw Township, Nadi Street, Nan Bowan
Ward, Kayah State, Myanmar
Mob: +959973400855, Telefax: +95832223127
Email: [email protected],
19. Ms. Htwe Ngu War Title: Development of rural production
Assistant Director, business.
Department of Rural Development, Taungoo
Township, No.1 WARD, Beside Yangon-
Mandalay Highway Road, Taungoo Township,
Bago Region, Myanmar
Tel: +959258587202, Fax: +95 5426172
Email: [email protected],
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title
20. Ms. Poudel Bhattarai Bindu Title: To produce vermicompost waste,
Project Coordinator management product and focus on
Federation of Women Entrepreneurs organic farming for the Socio-economic
Association, of Nepal (FWEAN) empowerment of rural women
MID Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: 977014486775, 977-014495512
Email: [email protected], fwean.
[email protected],
21. Mr. Paudel Prakash Title: Enhancing rural entrepreneurship
Chief Executive Officer through development of Micro
Palung Multipurpose Cooperative Society Enterprise Consultants
Limited, Thaha Municipality, 04,
Makwanpur, Nepal
Tel: 9845064047, 057400005, 9855030006
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
22. Mr. ThapaPrakhyat Jung Title: Enhancing rural entrepreneurship
Senior Business Opportunities Manager through development of Micro
Feed The Future Nepal Knowledge Based Enterprise Consultants
Integrated, Sustainable Agriculture in Nepal
(KISAN)-II Project, Kalika Marg, SANEPA-2,
Lalitpur, Nepal, Tel: 9779851176026,
Email: prakhyat.thapa@winrock
23. Mr. Amrit Prasad Lal Karn Title: Sensitization programs to women
Junior Technician, farmers
Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture
and Cooperatives, State No. 2, Government of
Nepal, Janakpurdham, Dhanusha,
Province No.2, Nepal
Tel: +9779844026153, Fax: 041522350
Email: [email protected],
24. Ms. Nhemaphuki Sunita Title: Formation of female farmers group
Chief Executive Officer for development of entire agriculture
R & D Innovative Solution Pvt. Ltd., value chain
141 Everest Marg, New Baneshwor,
Kathmandu, Nepal, Tel: +97714785756,
4785842,WhatsApp: +977-9851140610
Email: [email protected]
25. Mr. Kyokuhaire Thomas Rukyalekere Title: Orientation training programs to
Programme Manager farmers and local officials
Action on Disability and Development (ADD)
Plot 32, Kanjokya Street, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256772463426, +256200907582 (o),
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
26. Ms. Kukundakwe Mildred Title: Forming a self help group for
Agriculture Officer, Rukungiri District Local banana farmers and introducing the
Government, P.O.Box.1, Rukungiri, Uganda concept
Tel: +256772687937
Email: [email protected],
31. Plant Health Management, Bio-Security and Quarantine
Title: Plant Health Management, Bio-security and Quarantine
Date: 27 November - 11 December, 2018
Venue: National Institute of Plant Health Management (NIPHM), Hyderabad,
Program Director / Coordinator
Training objectives
To impart knowledge on international regulatory framework and SPS agreement
To impart skills on pest risk analysis and phytosanitary treatments
To impart knowledge on food safety regulations
To impart skills on pesticide management, pesticide residue analysis and risk mitigations.
To impart knowledge and skills on integrated plant health management concepts and practices based
on agro ecosystem analysis and ecological engineering.
Training Curriculum
1. International and National regulatory frame work
2. SPS Agreement vis-à-vis Plant and Food Safety
3. Impact of introduced pests and potential looming plant pest threats of world
4. Pest Risk Analysis and Pest Surveillance Protocols
5. Phytosanitary Treatments & Importance of stored grain pests in International trade
6. Food Safety Concepts & Regulations
7. Quality control of Pesticides
8. Pesticide Residues in foods vis-à-vis International Food Trade
9. Residue analysis of Raw Agricultural Commodities and challenges in residue monitoring
10. Risk analysis and fixation of Maximum Residue Limits
11. Integrated Plant Health Management Technologies for Food and Plant Safety
12. Agro Ecosystem Analysis and Ecological Engineering concepts for sustainable food production
Training Outcome
The training outcome were seen in the effective control of fall army worm using IPM strategies in
partner countries.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
A pre- test was organized with the objective to check the existing knowledge of the participants so that it can help
in establishing a benchmark for conducting technical sessions. Out of the maximum score of 25, the average score
of the group in pre-test was 10.8 while in the post-test the group scored average of 15.45. The increase in the
knowledge level of the participants was 43.06 percent.
Feedback of executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 1-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 9.63 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was EXCELLENT.
Field Visits
The executives were exposed to various field and Institutional visits viz., National Institute of Agricultural Extension
Management (MANAGE), International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Rural Technology
Park (RTP) of National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj (NIRD-PR), Indian Institute of Oilseeds
Research (IIOR), National Bureau for Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), Kisan Call Centre (Farmers Call Centre) of
PJTS Agricultural University and the Pomegranate Packing Facility at M/s. Sam Agritech.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title & Objective
1. Mr. Fazil Mohammad Fahim Title: Manufacturing of vermi compost
Central Zone Pest Manager, and vermi wash and organizing farmers
Plant Protection and Quarantine Department, trainings
TaheMaskan, Badambagh, Objective: To create awareness on use
Kabul, Afghanistan of vermi compost
Tel: 0093-700259618, 0093708971121
Email: [email protected],
2. Mr. Ghorbandi Habib Rahman Title: Using of new technology to detect
Mycology Specialist the pesticides in the plant system
Plant Protection and Quarantine Department,
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock Objective: To diagnose pesticide
(MAIL), TaheMaskan, Badambagh, residues in plants and reduce the use of
Kabul, Afghanistan pesticides
Tel: 0093700259618, 0777021620,
Email: [email protected],
3. Mr. Mashwani Sadiqullah Title: Bio Control of Codling Moth
Senior Irrigated Pest Management Specialist, CydiaPomonella
National Horticulture and Livestock Project, Objective: Demonstrate and popularize
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock the management practices of Codling
(MAIL), Jamal Mina, Kat-e-Sakhi, Kabul, Moth among the farmers
Afghanistan, Tel: 0093787866441,
Email: [email protected],
4. Mr. Hamidi Shah Mahmood Title: Awareness of quarantine technical
National Plant Quarantine Specialist, staff on phytosanitary treatments
Agrochemicals and Plant Quarantine Networks, Objectives:
Afghanistan Agricultural Inputs Project (AAIP), To aware the quarantine staff
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock on the treatments.
(MAIL), To produce safe agricultural
Jamal Mina, District#3, University Road, produces for export porpuse.
Kabul, Afghanistan To avoid introduction of exotic
Tel: 0093 794731300, 0093 731700101, pest.
Email: [email protected], Mahmood. To detect and diagnose
[email protected], quarantine pest.
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title & Objective
5. Mr. HakimiIhsanullah Title: Aphids: IPM based management
Regional Integrated Pest Management of aphids on peach oracheds at
National Horticulture and Livestock Project Jalalabad Afghanistan
(NHLP), Animal Diagnosis Lab, Objective: To reduce the usage of
Rokhan Mena Torkham, pesticides for the management of pest
Jalalabad Main Road, in the targeted area of Afghanistan.
Nangarhar, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093783137897, 0093788864609
Email: [email protected],
6. Ms. KaaruJosphine Nyokabi Title: Fall army worm surveillance and
Assistant Director, management in Embu County- Kenya
Diocese of Embu Caritas, Objective: Surveillance and
P.O.Box.884-60100, management of fall army worm
Embu, Kenya
Tel: +254 722458511, Email:
[email protected],
7. Mr. Fahnbulleh Augustus B.G Title: Public awareness on plant and
Director animal quarantine service measures in
Plant and Animal Quarantine, relationship with the national laws and
Technical Service, Ministry of Agriculture, international conventions
P.O.Box. 10-90100, 1000, Monrovia, Liberia Objective: To improve the systems
Tel: +231 886439982, +231 777439982 through partnership and government
Email: [email protected], policy supports.
8. Mr. Ngamba Moses Fwilachalo Title: Survey and surveillance for fall
Agriculture Extension Development Officer army worm and management
Department of Agriculture Extension Services Objective: To reduce the infestation of
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water FAW to the targeted group
Chitipa District Agriculture Office, P.O.Box.12,
Chitipa, Lilongwe-3, Malawi
Tel: +265 882464848, Email: rumzykayz@gmail.
com, [email protected],
9. Ms. Kaitano Cathberity Rose Title: Monitoring and surveillance
Agriculture Extension Development Officer for Fall Army Warm (FAW) and
Thyolo District Agriculture Office, P.O.Box-22, management
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Objective: To monitor, surveillance and
Development, Thyolo, Malawi management for FAW
Tel: +265 999684282
Email: [email protected],
10. Ms. Nay Nay Oo
Research Assistant Title: Use of biofertilizer mycorrhiza on
Plant Pathology Research Station, pulses in Nay Pyi Taw
Department of Agricultural Research Objective: To reduce the usage of
Yezin, Naypyitaw, Myanmar chemical pesticides
Tel: +95 9797711897, 95 87416531
Fax: +95 67416635
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
Supervisor: +9567416537,
[email protected]
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title & Objective
11. Ms. Chan Yan Win Title: Storage pests in rice, rice research
Junior Research Assistant section, Yezin , Nat Pyi Taw
Rice Research Station, Department of Objective: To identify different storage
Agricultural Research, pests and their incidence
Yezin, Naypyitaw, Myanmar
Tel: +95 448540467, Fax: +9567416535,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title & Objective
Sri Lanka
17. Ms. Welliveriya LiyanagaIresha Anuradhana Title: Survey & surveillance for fruit fly
Harischandra & management to Sri Lanka
Research Assistant,
National Plant Quarantine Service, Objective: Survey & surveillance for
Plant Quarantine Station, fruit fly
Department of Agriculture, Canada Friendship
Road, Katunayake, Sri Lanka
Tel: +94718258191, +94 112252058,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
18. Ms. Dissanayake Sagarika Sujeewani Sithara Title: Prevention of inversive pests enter
Agriculture Instructor, to the country
National Plant Quarantine Service,
Plant Quarantine Station, Department of Objective: Prevention of inversive pests
Agriculture, enter to the country.
Katunayake, Sri Lanka
Tel: 0718013305, 011-2263954
Fax: 0314879534, 011-2253709
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
19. Mr. Aloyce Kasmir Title: To improve livelihood of maize
Senior Agricultural Tutor farmers by reducing production cost
Ministry of Agriculture Training Institute, caused by the pest control using simple
Ukiriguru, alternatives
P.O.Box 1434 Objective: To improve livelihood of
MWANZA, Tanzania maize farmers by redusing production
Tel: +255 754430983, 0717 491574 cost caused by the pest control using
Email: [email protected], mati- simple alternatives
[email protected],
20. Mr. Iragaba Herbert Title: Technologies and equipment to
Agricultural Officer trap and manage fruit fly infestation in
Production Department, orange and mango orchards
Nakaseke District Local Government, Objective: To reduce fruit loss due to
Ministry of Education & Sports, P.O. Box. 451, fruit flies by 60% in the first 12 months
Luweero, Uganda, Tel: 0773245151 through trainings and trapping in 5
Email: [email protected] selected villages.
32. Modern Dairy Technology, Management and Cooperatives
Title of the Training Program: Modern Dairy Technology, Management and Cooperatives
Date: 5 - 19 February, 2019
Venue: ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal, Haryana, India
Program Director
Feedback of executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 1-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 8.55 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was excellent.
Field Visits
The executives were exposed to various field visits i.e. Verka Plant (Mohali) which is successful dairy cooperative
of Punjab, progressive dairy cooperative farms in Karnal and Kurukshetra Districts, dairy based Self-Help Groups
of Women(Taprana and ApritpurKalan), Nanu Dairy farm, etc. to interact with the experts in specific areas and
exposed them with live examples and success stories.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No. Name & Address BAWP Title& Objective
1. Mr. Zaki Aziz Ahmad Capacity building for farmers and
General Manager private sector in Afghanistan
Directorate of Livestock
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
Darul-Anam Road, Sanatorium Street,
Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093744272262, 0093-799332332,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
2. Mr. Serat Mohammad Baidar Capacity building for farmers and
Regional Poultry Officer private sector in Afghanistan
National Horticulture and Livestock Project
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
Central Region Badam Bagh,
Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093-786915090, 0093700915090,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
[email protected]
3. Mr. Saeedi Najibullah To generate income for rural women
Provisional Private Sector Development Officer, milk producers in Balkh Province,
Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Afghanistan.
Livestock (DAIL)
West Part of Mazar-i-Sharif City, Distri No.4th,
Karte Zerahat, Infront of Kefayat Hotel,
Balkh Province, Afghanistan
Tel: +93 799606076, +93788302496,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
4. Mr. Nemat Khalid Khan Sensitizaiton programs on modern dairy
General Manager technologies
Khatiz Dairy Union, Opp: Khurma Bagh,
Farm Ada, Jalalabad, Afghanistan
Tel: +93 789812006, +93 786000334,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
5. Mr. Faqiri Ateequllah Increase of milk productivity of Sabzak
Dairy Officer village in Logar province.
Livestock Directorate Kabul Dirullaman Road,
General Directorate of Livestock and Animal
Health, Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: +93 798231962, +93 788223696
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
Sl.No. Name & Address BAWP Title& Objective
6. Mr. Seng Seysak Training on technical support to
Official Incharge cooperatives
Agricultural Cooperative Promotion Office
Provisional Department of Agriculture
Forestry and Fisheries ,
Tbouing Khmum Province Compound,
N Road-73, Nikum Leu Village,
Srolorb Commune, Tbouingkhmum, Cambodia
Tel: +855 12517347, +855 977581952
Email: [email protected]
7. Mr. Him Pirun Trainings on green fodder for cattles
Official Incharge, Agricultural Extension Office
Provisional Department of Agriculture
Forestry and Fisheries
Tbouing Khmum Province Compound, N Road-
73, Nikum Leu Village, Srolorb Commune,
Tbouingkhmum, Cambodia
Tel: +855 98773760, +855 977581952, +855
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
8. Mr. En Net Training’s on capacity building
International Cooperation Division
#200, Preah Norodan Blnd, Sangkat stoeng,
Basac, Khan Chack Kaman, Phenom Phen,
Cambodia, Tel: +855 962225487, 17717201
Email: [email protected]
9. Ms. Ei Moh Moh Hmwe Sensitizaiton programs on modern dairy
Deputy Veterinary Officer, technologies
Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation,
Yinmabin Township, Sagaing Region, Myanmar
Tel: +95 99542748885,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
10. Ms. Moe Pwint Phyu To implement knowledge gain acquired
Assistant Researcher, to improve dairy industry
Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation,
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Tel: +95 9968649911, 95673408198
Fax: +957135149
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
11. Ms. Thin Yadanar Soe Sensitization Programs on modern dairy
Deputy Veterinary Officer, technologies
Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Tel: +95400547897, +95673408198
Fax: +95 67 3408342
Email:[email protected]
Sl.No. Name & Address BAWP Title& Objective
12. Ms. Shaba Roseline Atamba Trainings of feeds and feeding
Senior Principal Lecturer
Bukura Agricultural College,
Department of Agriculture and Animal
Sciences, Ministry of Agriculture,
P.O.Box No.23-50105, Bukura, Kenya
Tel: +254 714045912
Email: [email protected], rambani@
13. Ms. Kilonzo Elizabeth Mbinya Trainings on management of foot &
Chief Livestock Health Assistant mouth disease
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock,
Fisheries and Irrigation,
Kangemi, Kenya
Tel: 0721470476, 0725525822
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
14. Mr. Nganga Benson Mburu Extension services to the farmers
Animal Health/ Artificial Insemination
NGAPIA Cooperative, P.O.Box.15615
Nakuru, Kenya
Tel: +254 702151131, +254 722268520
Email: [email protected]
15. Mr. Gaithuma Partick Ndungu Sensitization programs on modern dairy
Farmer/Entrepreneur/Cooperative Member technologies
OL ‘KALOU Dairy Limited
603-20303, OL ‘KALOU
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 722312934, Supervisor: +254
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
16. Mr. Mukuna Stephen Waititu Formulating an on farm balanced ration
Principal Livestock Production Officer to feed during the transition period.
State Department of Livestock Production,
Molo, Kenya
Tel: +254 723 441480,
Email: [email protected],
Supervisor: +254 722 360244, simonokore@
17. Mr. Wilson Samuel Talawaly Introduction of the of ‘’dairy farming’’
Field Technician in Liberia
Farmers Empowerment & Educational
Development of
Liberia (FEED), Ministry of Agriculture,
Pipeline Road, Paynesville,
Tel: +231 0886579682, +231 0770089249
Email: [email protected],
Sl.No. Name & Address BAWP Title& Objective
18. Ms. Nthiliro Lissa Munga To establish dairy cooperatives at
Agriculture Extension Officer home,and to revamp the oud one’s
Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation
Chitekwere EPA, P.O.Box.77
Lilongwe, Malawi
Tel: +265 999014459, +265 992746493
Email: [email protected],
19. Mr. Tembo Charles To do needs assessment and then create
Agriculture Extension Development Officer awareness on why there are producing
(AEDO), Ministry of Agriculture and Extension low milk and how they can have assured
Department markets of the dairy products.
Dedza DAO, P.O.Box.49
Dedza, Malawi
Tel: 0888711927, 0998097955, 0997036344
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
20. Mr. Govati Charles Michael Sensitization Programs on modern dairy
Platform Manger & Coordinator technologies
Commercial Agriculture Support Services
C/o. Agricultural Resources Limited,
P.O.Box.31301, Lilongwe-3, Malawi
Tel: +265 995610288, +265 88149000
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
21. Mr. Chimombo Masautso Joseph Reducing Incidences of mastitis
Lecturer, disease in dairy animals through strict
Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural adherence to hygiene
Resources, Extension Department, LUANAR,
Bunda College Campus, P.O.Box.219,
Lilongwe, Malawi
Tel: +265 995727020, +265 01277289
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
22. Mr. Yussuf Abdullah Masauni To implement knowledge gain acquired
Livestock Officer, to improve dairy industry
Department of Livestock Development,
Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources,
Livestock and Fisheries, P.O.Box.159, Maruhubi,
Zanzibar, Tanzania
Tel: 255 777488801, 255 24 2230987
Fax: 255 24 2234650
Email: [email protected], ps @,
23. Mr. Mwachapite Japhet Maiko Inferior breeding bulls
Principal Livestock Tutor
Ministry of Agriculture Training Institute (MATI)
MATI Uyole, P.O.Box. 2292, Mbeya, Tanzania
Tel: +255 768422025, +255 733 5140 015
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
Sl.No. Name & Address BAWP Title& Objective
24. Mr. Miyuguyu Fabian Elias Fodder conservation at Maruku,Bukoba-
Agricultural Tutor, Kagera Tanzania
Ministry of Agriculture Training
P.O.Box. 127, Bukoba,
Kagera, Tanzania
Tel: +255 755682797, +255 765020583,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
25. Mr. Luhagi Sanifu Moses To increase milk production and
Tutor productivity of local and frisian
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources crossbreeds
Canre Animal Health and Production
Dar Es Salam, Tanzania
Tel: +255 754274393, +255 754274392
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
26. Mr. Sarakikya Maximilian Elisamia Training’s on Increasing of quality milk
Deputy Principal and ghee among the cattle keeping
Kaole Wazazi College of Agriculture community in Buliisa District
Bagamoyo, Tanzania
Tel: +255 714919019, +255655548761,
+255 716231777
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
27. Mr. Magala Joseph Sensitization Programs on modern dairy
Animal Husbandry Officer technologies
Production and Marketing Department
Buliisa District Local Government
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 784747187, +256 785069242
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
28. Mr. Kasule Timothy To increase farmers’ productivity
Veterinary Officer through cooperation and quality To
Luweero District Local Government strengthen
Production and Marketing Department,
Ministry of Education & Sports,
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 782230095, +256 772628970
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
29. Mr. Mugura Samuel Lukurwe Promote farmers to start small business
Managing Director enterprises
Abamwe Dairy and Crop Farmers Association
Nyakashashara Sub County,
Kiruhura District, Uganda
Tel: +256 772748550
Email: [email protected]
33. Seed Production, Processing and Commercialization
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl. No. Name & Address BAWP Title
1. Mr. Zubin Zabihullah Create more trade unions and
Agricultural Affairs Section Head association among the farmers
Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and
Livestock (DAIL)
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
(MAIL), Balkh Province, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093 799085867
Email: [email protected],
2. Mr. Afzal Khalid Introduction of Seed certification system
Field Inspection Section Incharge in Afghanistan
Seed Certification Directorate,
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
(MAIL), Badam Bagh, Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: +93 787204742, +93 749148066
Email: [email protected],
Sl. No. Name & Address BAWP Title
7. Mr. But Sambath Establishment of seed production,
Official processing plant
Department of International Cooperation,
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries,
#200, Preah Norodan Blnd,
Sangkat Tonle, Basac,
Khan Chack Kaman,
Phenom Phen, Cambodia
Tel: +855 11900955,
+855 23726126
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
8. Mr. Sim Thy Extension and seed production training
Deputy Director of Agriculture for farmers
Provisional Department of Agriculture, Forestry
and Fisheries,
Tbouing Khmum Province Compound,
N Road-73,
Nikum Leu Village,
Srolorb Commune,
Tbouingkhmum, Cambodia
Tel: + 855 12700311, +855 977581982
Email: [email protected],
9. Mr. Choup Rith Extension and seed production training
Official Incharge for farmers
Agricultural Extension Office,
Provisional Department of Agriculture, Forestry
and Fisheries, Tbouing Khmum Province
N Road-73, Nikum Leu Village,
Srolorb Commune,
Tbouingkhmum, Cambodia
Tel: + 855 92372007, 741253
Email: [email protected],
10. Mr. Kim Sothea Extension services in implementation of
Officer seed production for farmers
Department of International Cooperation,
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries,
#200, Preah Norodan Blnd, Sangkat Tonle,
Basac, Khan Chack Kaman,
Phenom Phen, Cambodia
Tel: +855 89297921, 69611398, +855 23726126
Fax: +855 23217320
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
11. Mr. Samand Chimed Ochir Production of wheat seeds in Mongolia
Specialist at Planning and Execution,
Crop Production Support Fund,
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light
Industry, Khan uul District, 3-R, Khoroo,
Office Building of Crop Production Support
Fund, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Tel: +976 77238888, +976 91914524,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
Sl. No. Name & Address BAWP Title
12. Mr. Myo Tun Improvement of seed systems in
Assistant Staff Officer Myanmar through proper production
Tartapaw Farm, Maubin Township, certification and processing
Department of Agriculture, Ministry of
Irrigation, Livestock
Ayeyarwaddy, Myanmar
Tel: +958 780220527, Email: myotun2003.
[email protected],
13. Ms. Aye Sandee Thant Farmers awareness in seed selection
Deputy Assistant Staff Officer
Seed Division, Department of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation,
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Tel: + 95 67410493, 95 9420730371
Fax: +95 67 410385
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
14. Ms. Kyi Kyi Oo To produce rice foundation seed and
Deputy Assistant Staff Officer registered seed for modern seed farm
Thyaung Chaung Seed Farm, village
Pathein Township,
Ayeyarwaddy Division, Myanmar
Tel: +95 67410493, Mob: 9794529181
Fax: +95 67 410385,
Email: [email protected]
15. Ms. Mmangisa Karen To facilitate the formation of law at
Agriculture Extension Development Officer village level on the emphasis of the use
Dedza District Agriculture Office, of pure seed
Ministry of Agriculture and Water
Development, Extension Department,
Lilongwe, Malawi
Tel: +265 995649226, 0888366177,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
16. Ms. Jalasi Bridget Awareness meetings and
Manager demonstrations on seed production
Emman Investments
T/A Ndindi, Ngwena Village, Chipoka,
Salima, Malawi
Telephone/Mobile: +265 888 222 407,
+265 999745407, 265 888506440
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
17. Mr. Kiplosgei Leonard Kiptum To improve basic seed quality at
Production Manager Basic Seed production and processing
Kenya Seed Company Limited
P.O.Box. 553-30200, Kitale, Kenya
Tel: 0722273677,
0726141856, 254(054) 31909-14
Fax: 254-303815
Email: [email protected],
Sl. No. Name & Address BAWP Title
18. Mr. Ewambari Allan Njoroge Increase yields of seed per unit area
Research Officer through adoption of bio priming and
Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC) nano particle technology
ADC Head Office, Development House, MoI
Avenue, P.O.Box. 47101-00100,
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 713697229, 020-2250695/ 185, 020-
3315746, Fax: 02022435965
Email: [email protected], adc.
[email protected]
19. Ms. Ndunda Lucy Nyawira Seed processing and marketing
Livelihood Improvement & Counseling,
Transforming Agricultural & Industrial
Development Oasis, P.O.Box.53-20115,
Egerton Centre, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 722338752, +254 725206734,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
20. Mr. Muthii Thomas Kariuki Promote use of certified common bean
Chief Seed Production Officer seed & bio priming among small scale
Simlaw Seed Company, P.O.Box. 40042, 00100 farmer
Kijabe Street - Near Globe Cinema Round
about, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 0723604236. 0722200545
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
21. Mr. Ondiek Evanson Ochiang To create more awareness to farmers
Project Coordinator about the post harvesting on seeds
Livero Consortium Project,
Box. 1-40118, Katito, Kenya
Tel: +254 724557271, +254 720987870
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
22. Ms. Mends-Cole Morleeta Teta Technical Training’s in quality seed
Seed Specialist, production and processing
Crop Resource Division
Ministry of Agriculture, Somalia Drive,
Gardnersville, Liberia
Tel: +231 886855075, +231 775820472
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
23. Mr. Barber Enoch Kapakola Sensitization programs to farmers
Farm Supervisor
Farmers Empowerment & Education
Development of Liberia (FEED)
Pipeline Road, Paynesville, Liberia
Tel: +231 7764177446, 886525874,
+231 886543039, Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
24. Ms. Haule Valentina John Sensitization training’s to train farmer to
Head of Kibondemzungu Seed Farm use improved seed
Department of Agriculture,
P.O.Box.159, Zanzibar, Tanzania
Tel: +255 242230985,
+255 242230985
Email: [email protected],
Sl. No. Name & Address BAWP Title
25. Mr. Bakari Ramadhani Huseni Train farmers on the importance of
Agricultural Tutor II using quality seeds in agriculture
Ministry of Agriculture Training Institute (MATI)
Ministry of Agriculture,
P.O.Box. 1434, Ukiriguru, Mwanza, Tanzania
Tel: +255 787106099, +255 754430983
Email: [email protected], ukiriguru@,
26. Ms. Makoi Lilian EWald Joseph Improving the public and private
Program Advisor partnership in seed industry
Mtandao wa Vikundi vya Wakulima Tanzania
(MVIWATA), Manyara, 446, Babati, Tanzania
Tel: +255 654724262, +255 752838338
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
27. Mr. Pallangyo Elibariki Japhet Train seeds producers
Agricultural Tutor
Horticultural Research and Training Institute
Ministry of Agriculture, Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 754322589
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
28. Ms. Abebe Sharifa Adajo Techniques in hybrid seed production
Managing Director
Jambe Agro Co. Ltd., Jambe Farm, Kwamgwe
Road, 24 KM from Michungwani, Kwamgwe
Ward, Handeni, Tanga, Tanzania
Tel: +255 715300413, +255 718473627
Email: [email protected],
29. Mr. Soloka Bakari Ramadhan To educate the people how increase
Quality Declared Seed Producer yield per unity area (acres).
Kiduka Pembejeo,
P.O.Box.43, Chemba,
Konda, Dodoma, Tanzania
Tel: +255 756400093, 784820993
Email: [email protected],
30. Mr. Okello Martin Limited small scale farmers’ involvement
Senior Agricultural Officer in commercial quality seed production
Kumi District Local Government in Kumi District
Department of Production and Marketing,
P.O.Box. 44, Kumi, Uganda
Tel: +256 782140276, 256 752140276, 256
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
31. Mr. Chepkwurui Vincent Sensitization and training’s to farmers
Agricultural Officer
Kween District Local Government
Kaproron Sub Country
Kween District, Uganda
Tel: +256 770560643,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
34. ICT Applications in Agricultural Extension Management (Farmers Call Centre)
Training Outcome:
Trainees from Afghanistan have started Kisan Call Centre in their country.
Trainees are creating awareness among the farming communities in their countries on various aspects
of ICT application and usage of social media in Agriculture.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
A pre- test was organized with the objective to check the existing knowledge of the participants so that it can help
in establishing a benchmark for conducting technical sessions. Out of the maximum score of 25, the average score
of the group in pre-test was 12.7 while in the post-test the group scored average of 17.06. The increase in the
knowledge level of the participants was 34.33 percent.
Feedback of Executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 0-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 8.37 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was VERY GOOD.
Field Visits
The executives visited the Kisan Call Centre to understand the functioning of the system.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
1. Mr. Elhamuddin Boura Developing a farmer call centre
Farmer Call Centre Officer Software system
Farmers Call Centre
General Directorate of Extension and
Agriculture Development
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
(MAIL), Jamal Mena, Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093-700603921
Email: [email protected],
2. Mr. Imran Mohmmadi Development of Farmers Call Centre
Farmer Call Centre Officer (FCC) data base
Farmer Call Centre,
General Directorate of Extension and
Agriculture Development
Ministry of Agriculture,
Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL),
Jamal Mena, Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093-787114728
Email: [email protected],
3. Mr. Atal Niazi Development of Farmers Call Centre
Farmers Call Centre Operator (FCC) data base
Farmer Call Centre,
General Directorate of Extension and
Agriculture Development
Ministry of Agriculture,
Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL),
Jamal Mena, Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093- 202922292, Mob: 0093 792137514
Email: [email protected],
4. Mr. Mullakhail Mohammad Idrees Developing Afghanistan agricultural
Farmers Call Centre Operator knowledge web page
Farmer Call Centre,
General Directorate of Extension and
Agriculture Development
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
(MAIL), Jamal Mena, Kabul, Afghanistan
Mob: 0093-787335299
Email: [email protected]
5. Mr. Karimullah Raoufi Sensitisation training to farmers on ICT
Farmers Call Centre Operator tools
General Directorate of Extension and
Agriculture Development
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
(MAIL), Jamal Mena, Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093-700755545
Email: [email protected],
6. Mr. Zwanmal Karimi Create whats app group for saffron
Farmers Call Centre Operator producer farmers
General Directorate of Extension and
Agriculture Development Ministry of Agriculture,
Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL),
Jamal Mena, Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093-798784705
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
7. Mr. Abdul Hadi Afghan Create whats app group for saffron
Farmers Call Centre Operator producer farmers
General Directorate of Extension and
Agriculture Development
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
(MAIL), Jamal Mena, Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093-773333513
Email: [email protected],
8. Mr. Mohibullah Raza Creation of new ICT applications
Farmers Call Centre Operator
General Directorate of Extension and
Agriculture Development
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
(MAIL), Jamal Mena, Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093-780104894
Email: [email protected],
9. Ms. Osmani Murwarid Content development for farmers
Farmers Call Centre Operator engagement in social media
General Directorate of Extension and
Agriculture Development
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
(MAIL), Jamal Mena, Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093 0202922299
Mob: 0093 0788292335
Email: [email protected],
10. Ms. Langar Bibi Hamida Use of facebook for agriculture
Farmers Call Centre Operator
General Directorate of Extension and
Agriculture Development
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
(MAIL), Jamal Mena, Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093 202922299, Mob: 0093-0787373127
Email: [email protected],
11. Mr. Latifi Mohammad Omer ICT applications in agriculture
Farmers Call Centre Operator
General Directorate of Extension and
Agriculture Development
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
(MAIL), Jamal Mena, Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093-782613141
Email: [email protected],
12. Mr. Fahim Mohammadi Making Farmers Call Centre (FCC) book
Farmers Call Centre Operator
General Directorate of Extension and
Agriculture Development
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
(MAIL), Jamal Mena, Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093 202922299, Mob: 0093785274717,
Email: [email protected]
13. Mr. Najiullah Koshan Awareness on ICT applications
Farmers Call Centre Operator
General Directorate of Extension and
Agriculture Development
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
(MAIL), Jamal Mena, Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093 0202922299, Mob: 0093-794441642
Email: [email protected],
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
14. Mr. Mohammad Asim Bahrami New ICT technologies in marketing e
Farmers Call Centre Operator NAM
General Directorate of Extension and
Agriculture Development
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
(MAIL), Jamal Mena, Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093 0202922299, Mob: 0093-700804020
Email: [email protected],
15. Mr. Fitrat Noorullah Backup and recovery strategy of a
ICT Service General Manager transaction processing system
General Directorate of Extension and
Agriculture Development
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
(MAIL), Jamal Mena, Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093-202292001, 0093-744995222
Email: [email protected],
16. Mr. Abdul Hasib Habib Use of Plantix Best Agriculture app
IT Director technologies in agriculture
General Directorate of Extension and
Agriculture Development
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
(MAIL), Jamal Mena, Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093-799886664, 0093 202502242
Email: [email protected],
17. Mr. Nasim Khogiani ICT Technologies in agriculture
Farmers Call Centre Operator
General Directorate of Extension and
Agriculture Development
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
(MAIL), Jamal Mena, Kabul, Afghanistan,
Tel: 0093-786387694
Email: [email protected],
18. Mr. Noor Ahmad Ahmadzai Redundancy link for our farmers call
IT Officer centre.
Directorate of IT
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
(MAIL), Jamal Mena, Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: 0093-788558408
Email: [email protected],
19 Mr. Jan Mohammad Jahed Automatic greenhouse monitoring
ICT Consultant system
Ministry of Agriculture,
Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL), Jamal Mena,
District#3, Kabul, Afghanistan,
Tel: 0093-770461343
Email: [email protected],
20. Mr. Long Puthdano Awareness of people/farmers using ICT
Vice Chief Officer application
Information and Communication Technology
Office, #200, Preah Norodan Blnd, Sangkat
Tonle, Basac, Khan Chack Kaman,
Phenom Phen, Cambodia
Tel: +855 86345832, 02321135
Email: [email protected],
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
21. Mr. Zaw Moe Lwin ICTs tools among small scale farmers in
Deputy Staff Officer agricultural extension sector
Office No.43, Rice Division, Department of
Agriculture, MOALI, Myanmar
Tel: +959673410070,
Fax: +959673410386
Email: [email protected],
22. Mr. Paing Oo Zaw Awareness of fertilizer application
Assistant Staff Officer technology among farmers
Office No.43, Land Used Division,
Department of Agriculture,
MOALI, Myanmar
Telefax: +95 673410514
Email: [email protected],
23. Mr. Bikash Dangol Private extension service providers of
Technical Director KISAN-II project
Pathway Technologies & Service Pvt. Ltd.,
Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977 4101544
Email: [email protected],
24. Mr. Rabindra Das Patel Enhance the current KISAN app
Regional Director
Centre for Environmental and Agricultural
Policy, Research, Extension and Development
Nepalgung, Banke, Nepal
Tel: 00977-81-522439, 9858023584
Email: [email protected],
25. Mr. Rajan Man Bajracharya Prototyping knowledge base
Co-Founder management on livestock to strengthen
Geo KRISHI Initiative KISAN Call Centre (KCC) agents
Pathway Technologies & Service Pvt. Ltd.,
Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: 00977-14101544, 14273998
Email: [email protected],
26. Mr. Surya Prasad Paudel Knowledge base management for
Senior Livestock Development Officer livestock extension to strengthen KISAN
Agriculture information and Training Centre, Call Centre (KCC)
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Development,
Harihar Bawan, Lalitpur, Nepal
Tel: 0977-9841242893, 097715522248
Email: [email protected],
Sri Lanka
27. Mr. Wagasin Kankanamge Indika Kumara From social media buildup farmer
GAP Farmer groups
Indika Agro Farm, Tangalle,
Pattiyapola West, Netolpitiya,
Tangalle, Sri Lanka
Tel: 0094715216827, Fax: 0094112863593
Supervisor: [email protected],
Mob: 0094714397965
Sl.No. Name and Address BAWP Title
28. Mr. Hewawasam Gamaga Lasitha Raveendra Formation of social media groups, usage
Dayananda of mobile app
H&D Agro Farm
317, Jayanthimw,
Padukka, Sri Lanka
Tel: 0094112831020, Fax: 0094112863593
Email: [email protected],
29. Mr. Halambage Dilraj Krishan De Silva ICT based tools among farmers and
Siriwardhana officers in agriculture sector
Deputy Director of Agriculture (Extension)
Department of Agriculture, Gabada Weediya,
Hakmana Road, Southern Province, Sri Lanka
Tel: +94 0717933990, Fax: +94 0412220110
Email: [email protected],
35. Agri-business and Management
Training Outcome
The practice and implemetation of various agriculture and business concepts necessary for a successful
career in Agribusiness are taken up by the participants in their respective countries.
Change in Knowledge:
A pre- test was organized with the objective to check the existing knowledge of the participants so that it can help
in establishing a benchmark for conducting technical sessions. Out of the maximum score of 25, the average score
of the group in pre-test was 16.62 while in the post-test the group scored average of 17.36. The increase in the
knowledge level of the participants was 4.45 percent.
Feedback of executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 0-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 8.65 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was VERY GOOD.
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
5. Mr. Khosbayar Lkhagvasuren Title: Improvement of potato and
Vegetables Fruits Green House Specialist/ vegetables production in Selenge,
Agronomist Mongolia
The Department of Food and Agriculture
Selenge Province, Mongolia Objective: Improve quality of potato
Tel: 976 80608060, Fax: 97670363500 and vegetables produced at our
Email: [email protected], province selenge, Mongolia
6. Mr. Tsoodol Munkhtsooj Title: Role of aggregation in farming
Head of Administration Department
Crop production supporting fund, Objective: Encouraging farmers to
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light affregate for empowerment on a
Industry, business perspective
Crop Production Supporting Fund Building,
Workers Street, 3rd Khoroo, Khan-Uul District,
Ulaanbaatar-17070, Mongolia
Tel: 976-91119003
Email: [email protected],
7. Ms. Dorjdan Tugsjargal Tugsuu Title: Improvement of potato and
Head vegetables production in Selenge,
Administration and Extension Mongolia
Department of Food and Agriculture,
2nd District of Erdenebulgan, Objective: Research on the livestock
Arkhangal, Mongolia sector and turning the research into
Tel: 976-99151661 (WhatsApp), practice
Telefax: 976-7033889
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
8. Ms. Damjin Battsetseg Title: Promotion of acceptable practices
Food Extension Specialist among the dairy farmers
National Agricultual Extension Centre
4th Floor, 60/1 building, 6th Khoroo, Objective: Developing guidelines of GAP
Chingeltei District, in dairy farming and organizing training
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia for farmers about 300 in selected area
Tel: 976-89060472, 976-70118087
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
Sri Lanka
9. Ms. Ajitha Manikrama Title: Declying of vegetable price during
District Director of Agriculture (Matale), the harvesting season
Department of Agriculture, District Secretariat,
Matale, Sri Lanka Objective: To form vegetable growing
Tel: +946 62227955, Mob: +94662224793, farmers as a farmer producer
+94712989146 (WhatsApp), Fax: organization in two divisional secretary
+94662227955, areas in Matale districts
Email: [email protected],
10. Ms. Liyadde Gedara Chamini Pushpamala Title: Maximizing market access to
Kumari Somadasa women farmers
Assistant Commissioner (Ampara),
Department of Agrarian Development Objective: Capturing new market and to
Ararian Development District Office get higher price for their production
Ampara, Sri Lanka
Tel: +063-2224382, Fax: 063-2223198
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
11. Mr. Dasanayake Dissanayake Mudiyanselage Title: Retaining youth in agriculture
Assistant Director,
National Fertilizer Secretariat,
District Secretariat, Puttalam, Sri Lanka
Telefax: +094 032 2266322,
Fax: 094 011 2887409, Mob: 094 0776681466
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
12. Mr. Jayadeva Indrajith Wijenayake Title: Excess fertiliser usage in the field
Assistant Director, crop at Hambntita district in
National Fertilizer Secretariat Sri Lanka
District Secretariat, Hambantota, Sri Lanka
Tel: 094 047 3628890, Fax: 094 047 56504 Objective: Control the unwanted
Mob: 094 0718050854 fertilizer usage in the field crop in the
Email: [email protected] village level
13. Ms. Ambepitiya Dilupa Nilushi Title: Establish minimum support prices
Assistant Director (MSP) for farm produce
Monitoring and Evaluation
Ministry of Agriculture, Objective: To introduce minimum
288, Sri Jayawardenepura, support pricing system to farm produce
Mawata, Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka to mitigate price risk
Tel: +94714419953, Fax: +94 112863695
Email: [email protected],
14. Ms. N.D.T. Priyadarshani Jayasinghe Title: Training on Post Harvest
Development Officer Management (PHM)
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Development,
Irrigation and Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Objective: Minimizing the post harvest
Development Ministry of Agriculture, 288, Sri loss percentage keeping under 20%
Jayawardenepura, Mawata, Rajagiriya, from total production in the selected
Sri Lanka, Tel: +94 0112096280 area
Mob: +94 717187764 (WhatsApp)
Email: [email protected],
15. Mr. Madan Raj Bhatta Title: Promoting Agri Mechanization
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) through Agro Micro Credit Scheme
Head Office, Srijanshil Saving and Credit Objectives:
Cooperative, Provide agro micro credit loan to
Shuklaphnata Municipality, Word No.10, farmers through cooperative society.
Jhalari, Kanchanpur, Nepal Providing large equipments to
Tel: 00977- 9858750165, Fax: 00977-540066 farmers through cooperatives by
Email: [email protected], taking same as collateral.
16. Mr. Vinod Kumar Barai Title: Promote improved production
Cluster Business Manager, Kailali technologies among small holding
Feed the Future, USAID’s KISAN II Project farmers for market oriented commercial
Winrock International agribusiness
(USAID/ KISAN II project),
Sanepa Lalitpur, Nepal Objectives:
Tel: +977 9848434631, Organize small holders into group
Email: [email protected], for motivation to apply market led
production plan collectively.
Provide technical training to the
farmers on improved production and
prost-harvest technologies.
Establish mutual trusted linkage
between producers and market
actors; ensure backward and
forward linkage of the producers
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
17. Mr. Santosh Raj Paudel Title: Raising income of smallholder
Sr. Agricultural Economist Officer neglected and underutilised spices
Department of Agriculture (NUS) crop farmers prioritized NUS crop
Centre for Crop Development and includes (by default organic product)
Agro-Biodiversity Conservation
Shree Mahal, Lalitpur, Nepal Objective: To assure markets by linking
Mobile No. 9855053218 private sector and NUS crop producing
Email: [email protected], farmers and facilitate to establish
[email protected] institutions of value chain actors
18. Mr. Salik Ram Poudel Title: Raising awareness about Nepal
Agriculture Extension Officer GAP among province level authorities
Department ofAgriculture, and practitioners.
Lalitpur, Nepal Objective: To help department in raising
Tel: +977 9857080690, +977 5521356 awareness among provincial authorities
Email: [email protected], i to identify basic premises and potential
[email protected] benefits of GAP and raise public
awareness of GAP among farmers.
19. Ms. Khomba Cynthia Florence Title: Pest and Diseases Management
Agriculture Extension Development Officer
Ministry of Agriculture,
Lilongwe Add, Department of Agriculture
Extension Services, P.O.Box.30134,
Lilongwe, Malawi
Tel: +265 999868401 (WhatsApp),
Email: [email protected],
20. Ms. Whayo Gama Rahaby Rarah Title: Promotion of agribusiness among
Extension Worker farmers
Ministry of Agricultre, Objectives:
Salima District Agriculture Office, P.O.Box.491, To revamp already existing
Salima, Malawi Liganga Milk Bulking Group
Tel: +265 888107342 (WhatsApp), (LMBG) to be self reliant
+265 999107342, To create linkage between my
+265 999498252 farmers and value chain
Email: [email protected] actors,To provide GAP to my
21. Mr. Magugu Maxon Kamwachoka Title: Access to credit for agripreneurs
Agribusiness Manager in Malawi
NBS Bank PLC Objectives:
Agribusiness Division, P.O.Box.829, To analyze and understand
Lilongwe, Malawi Malawi’s various agriculture value
Tel: +265 0999378373 chains in order to identify
(WhatsApp), 995186524 the gaps that require financial
Email: [email protected], intervention.
To review and develop credit
policy for the bank for various
agriculture value chain in order to
create tailor made solutions.
22. Ms. Kemirembe Monica Title: Pests and crop diseases control
Program Officer management
Master Link Associates, Kisoro Municipality,
Kampala, Uganda Objective: To form small farmer groups
Tel: +256 393113010 and give them trainings on some of the
Mob: +256 784922574 (WhatsApp) good agricultural practices
Email: [email protected],
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title & Objective
23. Ms. Ninsiima Sarah Title: Maximising market acess
Livelihood Officer
Shine Cares Uganda Objective: Farmer group training on
Bushenyi Branch marketing fundermentals
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 702266516,
Mob: +256 773238460
Email: [email protected]
24. Mr. Mutehimbwa Chrispin Kakuba Title: Improving access to agricultural
Executive Director credit or finance
Sensitise Uganda
Plot 106, Kisaasi-Kyanja Road, Objectives:
Kampala, Uganda To improve young farmers’ access
Tel: +256 775663980, to cheap agricultural loans.
+256 393287029 To promote farmer youth
Mob: +256 704503410 cooperatives
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
25. Mr. Kilama Alfred Title: Improving access to agricultural
District Agricultural Officer/ Sr. Agril. Officer credit or finance
Nwoya District Local Government
Gulu, Uganda
Tel: +256 777360683, 256 772480351
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
26. Ms. Islam Ramla Mohamed Title: Access to finance/credit
Assistance Agro Business
Planning Research and Policy Objective: To improve access to
P.O.Box.159, agricultural finance by encouraging
Zanzibar City, Zanzibar them to do small monthly savings where
Tel: +255 2233320 they can borrow and builds themselves
Fax: +024 22385142
Mob: +255 712700300
Email: [email protected].
[email protected]
36. Agribusiness: Start-up to Scaleup
Training Outcome
The training outcome were to discover the agribusiness potential is the respective partner countries
and expand the scope of a start-up among the farmers.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
A pre- test was organized with the objective to check the existing knowledge of the participants so that it can help
in establishing a benchmark for conducting technical sessions. Out of the maximum score of 25, the average score
of the group in pre-test was 11.85 while in the post-test the group scored average of 14.54. The increase in the
knowledge level of the participants was 22.70 percent.
Feedback of executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 0-to-10. The executives expressed their satisfaction level by rating the program on an average score of 8.11 on a
10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the programme was good.
Field Visits
During the program, executives visited Rural Technology Park (RTP) at National Institute of Rural Development and
Panchayat Raj (-NIRD), T-Hub, IIIT, Hyderabad, Indian Institute of Millets Research (IIMR), Hyderabad, Centre for
Entrepreneurship Development (CED), ALEAP Industrial Park (CED-ALEAP). Agribusiness and Innovation Platform,
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (AIP-ICRISAT), T-Hub at ICRISAT, Centre hosted at
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and Lesparanza Unit.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title
Sri Lanka
1. Mr. S. M. Nagahawatta Traditional bee honey extract
District Director of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture,
288, Srijayavardanapura Mawata, Rajagiriya,
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Mob: +947 73588740
Tel: +94 112369311, +947 19791660,
Email: [email protected],
2. Mr. Somawansa Senarath Yapagedon Asanga Traditional bee honey extract
Assistant Commissioner,
Department of Agrarian Development,
O/o. Deputy Commissioner, Department of
Agrarian Development,
42, Sri Marcusfernando Mawata,
Colombo-07, Sri Lanka
Mob: +94 710846386, Tel: +94 272222183,
+94 702567223 (WhatsApp)
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
3. Mr. Dissanayake Mudiyanselage Edirisingha Awareness programs on organic green
Bandara Dissanayake gram cultivation in Sri Lanka
Assistant Director
Ministry of Agriculture,
288, Srijayavardanapura Mawata,
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Mob: 077-4409021
Telefax: +94 11 28887447
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
4. Mr. Anawala Gedara Arunatilaka Monitoring program in fertiliser
Assistant Director producing company and farmers
Ministry of Agriculture,
288, Srijayavardanapura Mawata,
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Telefax: +94 11 28887447
Mob: + 94718075454
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
5. Mr. Pushpa Nuwan Colambage Attracting Youth in Agriculture
Janatha Govi Samagama Company,
St. Thomas Junction, Weliwada Road,
Bandarawela, Sri Lanka
Tel: +94 572231042, +94 763608983
WhatsApp: +94 714371115
Email: [email protected],
6. Ms. Kumuduka Gayathri Ambawattha Adding value to the Sri Lankan cashew
Public Management Assistant nuts
Procurement Section,
Ministry of Agriculture,
No.288, Sri Jayawardhanapura,
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Mob: +94 0766260660, Telefax: 011-2887406
Email: [email protected],
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title
7. Ms. Merenchi Kankanamge Wajira Mobile app for farmers
Public Management Assistant
Ministry of Agriculture,
No.288, Sri Jayawardhanapura,
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Tel: Telefax: 011-2887406,
Mob: +94 0714419166 (WhatsApp)
Email: [email protected],
8. Ms. Kanchani Jayasinghe To reduce over usage of fertiliser up to
Development Officer 70% and Increase crop productivity
Ministry of Agriculture,
Sri Jayewardhanapura Mawatha,
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Mob: +94 718332361
Telefax: 011 2887401
Email: [email protected],
9. Mr. Mahawala Gamage Premalal Ranasinghe Decrease Post harvest losses
Development Officer
Ministry of Agriculture,
Sri Jayewardhanapura Mawatha,
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Tel: +94 112887406
Mob: 0094 715787231
Email: [email protected],
10. Ms. Subasinghe Arachchilage Gayani Disseminate knowledge on technology,
Sandaseeli markets and credit access
Development Officer
Ministry of Agriculture
No.288, Sri Jayewardhana Road,
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Mob: +94 0775009171
Telefax: +94 112887406
Email: [email protected],
11. Mr. Moti Prasad Lamichhane To promote commercialization of dairy
Livestock Development Officer cattle farm
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock
Kathmandu, Nepal
Mob: +977 9846039162
Telefax: +977 014211950
Email: [email protected]
12. Mr. Navaraj Acharya To improve the productivity of vegetable
Cluster Business Manager (CBM) in Surkhet district of Nepal
Enterprise Development, Micro Finance,
CEAPRED, Nepal (USAID/Kisan II Project)
Sanepa-2, P.O.Box. 8975,
Lalitpur, Nepal
Mob: +977 9841517945
Tel: 977-01-5543861, 01-5184242
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title
13. Mr. Rahul Gupta Awareness among farmers to adopt
Senior Manager modern techologies
Shanti Khadya Udhyog
Ward No.3, Gulariya Municipality,
Bardiya, Nepal, Mob: +977 9866534834
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
14. Mr. Ram Sharan Bhandari Increase income of farmers by
Secretary agribusiness
Bindhavshini Bachat Tatha Rin Sahakai Sansta
Ltd., Banepa-7,
Kavrepalnchok, Nepal
Tel: +977 9851216965
Mob: +977 9849284451 (WhatsApp)
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
15. Mr. Ram Prasad Pudasaini To improve skill and knowledge on
Chairman technology use among members
Shree Jagaruk Krishi Sahakari Sanstha Limited,
Shivapuri Rural Municipality-8,
Thapapati, Nuwakot, Nepal
Mob: 9751029814, 9851109814
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
16. Mr. Ashok Sapkota To improve skill and knowledge on
Member technology use among members
Aatmanirvor Bahuudeshiya
Cooperative Ltd., Panchkhal-10,
Kavrepalanchok, Nepal
Mob: +977-9851082508,
Email: [email protected], aatmanirbhar.
[email protected],
17. Ms. Shrijana Timilsina Crop pest and disease management
Agriculture Economist
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock
Development, Singha Durbar,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Mob: +977 9851183824
Email: [email protected], shrijana.
[email protected]
18. Mr. Frank Friday Merriam Low value addition & commercialisation
Field Technical of cassava in Liberia
Farmers Empowerment & Educational
Development of Liberia (FEED)
Pipeline Road, Paynesville City, Liberia
Mob: +231 775171144, Tel: +231 777195344
Email: [email protected],
19. Ms. Margaret Bwanali Marketing strategies on poultry among
Manager (Self-employment) small holder farmers in Malawi
Emmanuel Poultry Farm,
P.O.Box.30918, Lilongwe, Malawi
Mob: +265 999497376 (WhatsApp)
Tel: +265 880585456
Email: [email protected],
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title
20. Mr. Kennedy Mphatso Msodoka Promote Integrated Farming Systems
Agriculture Extension Development Officer (IFS) among farmers
Nkhotakota District Agriculture Office,
P.O.Box.41, Nkhotakota, Malawi
Mob:- +265 999330437 (WhatsApp)
Tel: +265 880585456
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
21. Mr. Staphord Banda To improve the soil fertility for better
Agriculture Extension Development Officer results in Lisasadzi EPA, Kasungu,
Ministry of Agriculture, Malawi
Kasungu District Agriculture Office
Box. No.17, Kasungu, Malawi
Tel: +265 999921271, Mob: +265 993363326
Email: [email protected],
22. Mr. Khayankhyarvaa Enkhsuren Online ordeing platform for vegetables
Senior Officer
Department of Information and Technology
Mongolian Commodity Exchange
2nd Floor, Peace Avenue, 18A-1,
Bayanzurkh District, Mongolia
Mob: +976 88098600, Telefax: +976 70108779
Email: [email protected],
23. Ms. Badamtsatsral Baasanjav To provide pesticide users and importers
Teacher with pesticide application, storage, and
University of Agriculture, School of Agro other pesticide related knowledge
economics, Central Building 152, Zaisan, MULS,
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Tel: +976 99879547, +976 7777243
Mob: +976 99879547 (WhatsApp),
Fax: 75107777243
Email: [email protected],
24. Ms. Khatib Mwantanga Buda Increase the production of tomatoes
Planning Officer
Department of Agriculture,
Mbweni, Zanzibar
Tel: +255 679611961
Mob: +255 777434874
Email: [email protected],
25. Mr. Ssebaduka Micheal Mboowa Promote Integrated Farming System
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer (IFS) among the farmers
CBS-PEWOSA, Bulange, Mengo
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 773938909,Mob: +256 703565952
Email: [email protected],
37. Climate Smart Agriculture
Training objectives
To address human and institutional capacity gaps in Agriculture and allied sectors to achieve food and
nutritional security.
Training Curriculum
1. Agro-climatological applications,
2. Real-time contingency plans,
3. On-field soil and water management measures,
4. Efficient crops and cropping systems,
5. Water harvesting measures,
6. Farmers’ practices and Indian success stories etc. for practicing Climate Smart Agriculture.
Training Outcomes
The major outcomes were the awareness, promotion, dissemination and adoption of Climate Smart
Agricultural practices by the participants in their respective countries.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 14.78 whereas the average score of post-training was
16.52. Thus, it is found that the level of knowledge of executives was increase by 11.77 percent after the training
Feedback of executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 0-to-10 (‘0’ being the poor and ‘10’ being the excellent). The executives expressed their satisfaction level by
rating the program on an average score of 9.03 on a 10 point continuum indicating the overall impression about the
programme was EXCELLENT.
Field Visits
During the training program executives visited IFS & ITK, Ameerpet village, Maheshwaram Mandal, R.R. Dist.
Government of Telangana initiatives; Govindapur Watershed, Vikarabad; KVK Adopted village- Gaddamallaihguda,
Yacharam Mandal of Telangana State; CRIDA research farm at Hayathnagar and ICRISAT, Hyderabad.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title
1. Mr. Mohammad Rahman Arghandiwal Promotion of Watershed and water
Director conservation practices
Directorate of Agriculture,
Irrigation and Livestock
Samangan Province, Kabul, Afghanistan
Mob: 0093 799241341
Email: [email protected],
2. Mr. Abdul Mannan Matin Drip Irrigation and water harvesting
Provisional Director of Agriculture, Irrigation
and Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation
and Livestock (MAIL),Bagh-e-Now, DAIL Office,
Farah Province, Afghanistan,
Mob: 0093 799590438
Email: [email protected],
3. Ms. Gabaoitse Tiroyaone Water management technologies in
Agricultural Scientific Officer-I conservation agriculture by dry land
Department of Crop Production, Ministry of farmers in Botswana
Agriculture, Food & Security Department,
P.O.Box.12, Gaborone, Botswana
Tel: +267 3689000, Fax: +267 3907057
Mob: +267 73687334,
Email:[email protected],
4. Ms. Yoem Malen Knowledge on adaptation to climate
Officer change and crop diversification in
Planning and accounting office, kompong siem district , kampong cham
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and province
Fisheries, SK.Boeng Kok, Kh.Kampong Cham,
Ct. Kampong Cham, Cambodia
Tel: +855 42211004/007, Mob: +855 78859707
Email: [email protected],
5. Ms. Suon Kanika Awareness on Climate Smart Agriculture
Vice Chief of Planning and Statistic Office among the farmers and agriculture
General Directorate of Agriculture (MAFF) professionals
#54B/49F, Street 395-656, Sangkat Toeuk
Laak3, Khan Toul Kok, Phnom Pehn, Cambodia
Tel: +855 23883427
Mob: +855 17552993/+855 7583440
Email: [email protected],
Sri Lanka
6. Ms. Sarojani Prathapasinghe To implement customer hiring centres
Development Officer to provide farm machinery to farmer
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs, organisations and small holder farmers
Livestock Department, Irrigation and Fisheries
and Aquatic Resources Development,288, Sri
Jayewardenepura Mawatha, Rajagiriya, Sri
Lanka, Tel: +94112872097, Fax: 011-2869698
Mob: 0717699365 (WhatsApp)
Email: [email protected],
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title
7. Mr. Chandana Kodippili To promote the agricultural insurance
Assistant Director (Operation), policies
Agricultural & Agrarian Insurance Board
117, Subadrarama Road, Gangodawila,
Nugegoda, Sri Lanka
Tel: 0094 115384000, Fax: 0094 112863593
Mob: 0094 71 3486263
Email: [email protected],
8. Mr. E.M. Neel Bandara Ekanayake To develop Climate Smart Integrated
Assistant Director (Insurance), Crop Insurance System in Sri Lanka
Agricultural & Agrarian Insurance Board
117, Subadrarama Road, Gangodawila,
Nugegoda, Sri Lanka
Mob: 0094 713486433, Tel: 0094 115384000,
Fax: 0094 1128127571
Email: [email protected],
9. Ms. S. Dilrukshi Rambukpitiya Promotion of Climate Smart Agricultural
Development Officer Practices for water conservation
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Development,
Irrigation and Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Development, 288, Sri Jayewardenepura
Mawatha, Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Mob: 0094 779621878,
Tel: 0094112869698, Fax: 0094 112863593
Email: [email protected],
10. Ms. Nugaliyadda Ayodhya Harshapriya Ravini In Situ moisture conservation by using
Development Officer, polymers during dry season in dry zone
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs, of Sri Lanka
Livestock Department, Irrigation and Fisheries
and Aquatic Resources Development, 288, Sri
Jayewardenepura Mawatha, Rajagiriya,
Sri Lanka
Mob: 094 776330341, Tel: 094 2869553,
0942872097, Fax: 094 112878674
Email: [email protected],
11. Mr. Janak Dilantha Daluwatta Development of Integrated Pest
Development Officer (Grade-2) Management Mobile App
Ministry of Agriculture,
National Fertilizer Secretariat
No.288, Sri Jayewardenepura Mawatha,
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Mob: 094 0716913171, Tel: 0112869698
Email: [email protected],
12. Mr. Rajendra Bahadur Singh Awareness Training’s on Seed fertilizer
Manager technology
Samjhauta Bahuddesiya Sahakari Sanstha
Limited, Belauri Municipality, Ward No.10,
Kanchanpur, Nepal
Mob: 009779806464243
Tel: 00977099580319
Email: [email protected],
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title
13. Mr. Purusottam Prasad Gupta Promotion of Climate Smart Agricultural
Cluster Business Manager/ KISAN II Practices for water conservation
Madan Marg-13, Nepalgunj, Nepal
Tel: 977-9804711662
Mob: 977 9868551818
Email: [email protected],
14. Mr. Uttam Dhakal Drip Irrigation for Horticultural Crops
Senior Planning and Milestone Manger
Winrock International,
KISAN II Project, Kalika Marg, Senepa,
Lalitpur, Nepal
Mob: +91 9620742716(India)
Tel: 977 5541961, 5544962
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
15. Mr. Binod Kunwar Establishment of Custom Hiring centres
Plant Protection Officer
Agriculture Extension (GON)
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock
Development, Kathmandu, Nepal
Mob: +977 9847303393
Tel: 977 014331629, 14211935
Email: [email protected], binod.
[email protected],
16. Mr. Malla Suvash To provide quality inputs to retail
Proprietor network and farmers
Kesan Kheti Pasal, Hetauda 10, Buspark,
Makwanpur, Nepal
Mob: +977 9845298041
Tel: +977 57-524417
Email: [email protected],
17. Mr. Amariati Wycliffe Linyerera Promotion of Climate Smart Agricultural
Principal Agricultural Officer Practices for water conservation
Agriculture Crops Development,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and
Irrigation, P.O.Box. 30028-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Mob: +254 0721915804
Tel: +254 202723734
Email: [email protected], info@,
18. Ms. Kapesi Mercy Dissemination of knowledge among
Agriculture Extension Development Officer farmers at katelera east section on
Agriculture Extension. good soil and water management
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water technologies
Katelela Epa, Salima District, P.O.Box.1,
Salima, Malawi
Mob: +265 999301498, Tel: +265 263213
Email: [email protected],
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title
19. Mr. Mathews Roberts Mwangonde Disseminatio of knowledge on use of
Technical Officer cow dung,urine and vaccinations of
Department of Animal Health and Livestock chickens among the dairy farmers in
Development Department Ministry of Mzuzuz city
Mzuzu Add, Box.8, Mzuzu, Malawi
Tel: +265 312223, Mob: +265 999133872
Email: [email protected],
20. Mr. Kyaw Thet Oo Demonstration of CSA technologies
Deputy Staff Officer
Department of Agriculture,
Building No.43, Landuse Division
(Head Office),
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation,
Naypyi Taw, Myanmar
Mob: 95 9 971586205,
Telefax: 95673 410384
Email: [email protected],
21. Mr. Edson Rafael Manso Technology diffusion to reduce
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer production costs and soil improvement
Agrarian Extension, in the province of Manica
Department of Agriculture and Food Security
of Manica-
Provincial Department of Agrarian Extension of
Street Pigivide, Number 678, Chimoio City,
Manica Province, Mozambique
Tel: +258 05122075
Mob: +258 822548307
Email: [email protected],
22. Ms. Judite Jose Natal Soil Management Strategies in the
Agricultural Extension Technician – Rural Limpopo river
District Service of Economic Activities of
District of Mabalane,
Gaza Province, Mozambique
Mob: +285 866498183
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
23. Mr. Khamis Maulid Mohamed Promotion of water conservation
Plant Pathologist techniques for Zanzibar farmers
Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources,
Livestock and Fisheries, Maruhubi,
Zanzibar, Tanzania
Mob +255 717904399
Tel: +255 2230985, Fax: +255 242234650
Email: [email protected], kilimo@,
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title
24. Ms. Miza Suleiman Khamis Mainstreaming Gender in Climate
Deputy Chief Programme change and Natural resources
Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources, Management
Livestock and Fisheries,
Department of Forestry and
Non-Renewable Natural Resources,
P.O.Box.159, Maruhubi,
Zanzibar Tanzania
Tel: +255 242230985
Mob: +255 777332223,
Fax: + Fax: +255 242234650
Email: [email protected],
25. Ms. Nansamba Alice Popularization of water conservation
Regional Coffee Technical Officer practices in coffee and banana growing
Uganda Coffee Development Authority areas
Coffee House, Plot.35, Jinja Road,
Kampala, Uganda
Mob: +256772853488,
Tel: +256 312260470
Email: [email protected],
26. Mr. Katongole Emmanuel Promotion of locally made repellents
Agricultural Officer in the management of the termites in
Production Department, orchard fields of Nakasongola district
Nakasongola District Local Government, Uganda
Nakasongola, Uganda
Mob: +256 773471866
Tel: +256 777525652
Email: [email protected],
27. Ms. Massaquoi Laurenor S. Water and soil management through
Environmental Officer CSA
Quavantine Department,
Ministry of Agriculture,
1000, Monrovia-10, Liberia
Tel: +231 770-6178723
E-mail: [email protected]
38. Integrated Technology for Production, Processing and Value addition in Tuber Crops
Title of the Training Program: Integrated Technology for Production, Processing and Value
addition in Tuber Crops
Date: 16-30 September, 2019
Venue: ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Dr. V. Ravi
Principal Scientist
(Plant Physiology) Head, Division of Crop Production
ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
Trivandrum-695 017, Kerala, India
Mob: 9447587141
Email: [email protected]
Participants profile: 29 executives from 10 countries ( 17 male & 12 female)
Country No. of Executives
Afghanistan 1
Botswana 1
Cambodia 1
Sri Lanka 7
Nepal 1
Kenya 4
Liberia 1
Malawi 4
Mozambique 3
Myanmar 2
Uganda 4
Training objectives
To introduce production system-specific technological advances of tropical tuber crops
To build capacities of participants on cultivating tuber crops in a profitable and sustainable way using
improved technologies
To sensitize the participants on diversified applications of tropical tuber crops to improve economic
security of farmers
To equip participants to identify and use potential value added tuber crops technologies to develop
sustainable business
Training Curriculum
1. Agro-ecosystem
2. Specific tuber crops technologies
3. Management of genetic resources of tuber crops
4. Best agronomic practices for tropical tuber crops
5. Recent advances in soil fertility and Plant nutrient management of tropical tuber crops
6. Site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) for tropical tuber crops
7. Precision farming in tuber crops
8. Integrated farming system of tropical tuber crops
9. Post-harvest physiological deterioration
10. Storage techniques in tuber crops
Training Outcome
The participants practised the various methods and techniques of integrating roots and tubers for
sustainable livelihoods under the scenario of global climate change.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
The average score of executives in the pre-training test was 9.69 whereas the average score of post-training was
15.66. Thus, it is found that the level of knowledge of executives was increase by 61.61 percent after the training
Feedback of Executives was collected on all technical and practical sessions taken by resources persons on a scale
of 0-to-10 (‘0’ being the poor and ‘10’ being the excellent). The executives expressed their satisfaction level by
rating the program on an average score of 9.4 on a 10 point continuum indicating the overall impression on the
programme was EXCELLENT.
Field Visits
During the training program executives visited M/S Tierra Foods, KINFRA Park, Elamanoor , Adoor, Sangamaithri;
Pallichal – A Farmers Producer Organization, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram ; Kovalam ;
Model Tuber Crops farm – Farmer’s interaction and group discussion - Chandavizha, Kataikonam and places of
cultural and historical importance in Thiruvananthapuram and Kanyakumari.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl. No. Name and Country BAWP Title
1. Mr. Tasal Abdullah Food Safety Management System(FSMS)
Director of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, through PRP Approach
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
Pul-E-Alam Logar Province, Afghanistan
Mob:+93787822040, +93792501414
Email: [email protected],
2. Ms. Matshidiso Masopa Reduction of Post-Harvest losses
Agricultural Scientific Officer of Sweet Potato using Pit Clump
Ministry of Agriculture, Technology among Small Scale Farmers
Department of Crop Production in Central District of Botswana
Private Bag. 0091, Baborone, Botswana
Mob: 09267 75410172,
Fax: 09267 3928768
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
3. Ms. Srun Khema Technology for Production, Processing
Head, and Value addition in Tuber Cassava
Post-harvest and Marketing Office, Crop in Cambodia
Department of Rice Crop,
#54B/45F, Street-395-656,
Sangkat Toeuk Laak3, Khan Tuo Kok,
Phenom Penh Cambodia
Tel: +855 23883427, Mob: +855 17337338
Email: [email protected],
4. Ms. Heyi Evelyne Avagala Value addition to white ginger
Principal Agricultural Officer
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and
Irrigation, P.O.Box.30028-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 720335398
Email: [email protected],
5. Mr. Odongo Paul Ayiemba Increase cassava production by use of
Research Scientist green manure among small scale farmer
Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research in Gwassi East location, Homabay
820-20200, Kericho, Kenya county
Tel: +254 722209915, +254 05220598,
Mob: +254 725862492
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
6. Mr. Munyua Lazarus Mburugu Development of bankable business
Senior Agricultural Officer plans for small scale Agro processing
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and tuber crops enterprises in Kenya
Irrigation, P.O.Box.30028-00100
Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: +254 720593254
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
Sl. No. Name and Country BAWP Title
7. Ms. Kihara Naomi Wangeci Technology for Production, Processing
Chief Agricultural Officer and Value addition in Cassava Crop in
State Department for Crops Development Cambodia
P.O.Box.30028-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 2718870
Mob: 0722942457
Email: [email protected],
8. Ms. Johnson Tellewo Melvina Technology for Production, Processing
Extension Officer and Value addition in Cassava Crop
Ministry of Agriculture,
Old L.P.R.C Road,
Gardnerville, Somalia Drive, Liberia
Tel: + 231 881461516
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
9. Mr. Beya Christopher Leonard Production of Quality Tuber crops
Farm Manager Planting Materials at Mchilika Farm in
Mchilika Horticultural Farm Mchinji district, Malawi
Kakhogwa Village, Ta M’Duwa,
Machinji, Malawi
Tel: +265 999962554
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
10. Mr. Mwendo Phiri Essau Establishment of market system for
Executive Member quality tuber seed planting materials in
Malawi Forum for Agricultural Advisory central region of Malawi
P.O.Box.30081, Lilongwe-3, Malawi
Tel: +265 999832156 / +265 884613748, Mob:
+265 993275591
Email: [email protected],
11. Mr. Thole Phatiswayo Enhancement of effective seed system
Agricultural Officer (Legumes) and disease control mechanism for
Mzimba North District Agriculture Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) to
Development Office, cassava crop in Mzimba North in Malawi
Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Water
P.O.Box.8, Mzuzu, Malawi
Tel: +265 888512762,
Mob: +265 999158772
Email: [email protected],
12. Mr. Chikafa Jethro Fraser Esau Minimize the loss of Cassava tubers
Crops Production Officer during harvesting amongst cassava
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water farmers in Dowa district Malawi
Department of Crops Development, Dowa
West RDP, P.O. Box 131,
Mponela, Malawi
Tel: 0888377285 / 0888950261 / 0999111004
WhatsApp number: 0888950261 / 0888377285
Email: [email protected],
Sl. No. Name and Country BAWP Title
13. Ms. Badru Anilda Eugenia Increase in the production of Tuber
DPASA-Extension crops
Provincial Director of Agriculture and Food
Security (DPASA)-SDAE
Zambegia, Mozambique
Mob: 825359280
Email: [email protected],
14. Mr. Siueia Junior Matias Evaluation of soil fertility in cassava
Agronomist production
Maputo Municipality Council
Praca Da Independencia, CP 251,
Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: +258 849051416, +258 824024846
Email: [email protected],
15. Ms. Aurelio Zitha Neuza Rosa Improve production of cassava in
Agricultural Extension Technician-Rural Chigubo - Gaza
District Service of Economics Activities of
District of Chigubo,
Gaza Province, Mozambique
Tel: 828417550/822966080/861353657, Mob:
Email: [email protected],
16. Ms. Aye Thiri Myo Post-harvest and Value addition of Tuber
Deputy Staff Officer, crops in Myanmar
Department of Agriculture,
Office No. 43, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Mob: +95 9699550690
Email: [email protected],
Sl. No. Name and Country BAWP Title
Sri Lanka
19. Ms. Garumuni Dilrukshi Nadeeshani Menike Increase of land use efficiency in paddy
Research Officer cultivating areas in dry zone of Sri Lanka
National Institute of Post-harvest Management, due to climate change
Jayanthi Mawatha,
Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
Mob: +94 712888936, Fax: +94 252223983
Email: [email protected],
20. Mr. Tellambura Hettige Kasun Dhanusha Income generating activities for Tuber
Research Officer crop farmers
National Institute of Post-harvest Management,
Jayanthi Mawatha,
Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
Mob: +94 711421533
Fax: +94 252223983
Email: [email protected],
21. Mr. Dasanayake Mudiyanselage Athula Introduce a novel harvesting tool for
Kumara Dasanayake cassava harvesting in cassava in the
Extension Assistant northwestern province of Sri Lanka
National Institute of Post-harvest Management,
Research and Development Centre,
Jayanthi Mawatha,
Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
Mob: +94 253230000
Fax: +94 252220149
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
22. Mr. Adikari Mudiyanselage Gamagedara To mitigate the hardy texture of cassava
Champika Priyantha Kumara chips using a simple method
Technical Officer
National Institute of Post-harvest Management,
Research and Development Centre, Jayanthi
Mawatha, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
Tel: +94 253230021, Mob: +94 718006722
Fax; +94 2223983
Email: [email protected],
23. Mr. Tissera Hettiarachchige Pradeep Edward To introduce Cassava resistant variety to
Milroy Cassava Mosaic Disease
Assistant Director
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs,
Irrigation and
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development
No.288, Sri Jayewardenepura Mawatha,
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Tel: 034-2247066 / 0718616150
Email: milroytissera@rocketmail.
com,[email protected],
24. Ms. Hettiarachchi Dona Sudarshani Rupika To promote the insurance scheme for
Assistant Director cassava and Sweet potato farmers
Agricultural and Agrarian Insurance Board
No.117, Subhaddrarama Road,
Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Mob: 0094 715338491
Email: [email protected],
Sl. No. Name and Country BAWP Title
25. Mr. Kiriella Gedara Anuruddha Mangala To introduce mini-sett technology as
Agricultural Research and Production Assistant quality planting materials for cassava
Department of Agrarian Development farmers
Agrarian Service Centre, Paragammana,
Kegalle, Sri Lanka
Mob: +94 764633065, Tel:
Email: [email protected],
26. Mr. Ngabirano Caleb Reducing bulkiness of cassava planting
Agricultural Instructor material and eliminating the poor sett
Rukungiri Agricultural College, cutting technique
Rukungiri, Uganda
Tel: +256 703474841
Mob: +256 776153800
Email: [email protected],
27. Mr. Orishaba Alex Reducing vitamin A deficiency among
Agricultural Officer children of below 5years and above,
Kabale District Local Government, breast feeding mother’s and pregnant
Production and Marketing Department, women through introduction and
P.O.Box,5, promotion of orange fleshed sweet
Kabale, Uganda potatoes cultivation and consumption
Tel: +256 48622335, through primary schools
Mob: +256 785300345
Email: [email protected], caokdig@,
28. Mr. Oswang Samuel Baker Promoting use of good Cassava quality
Senior Science Officer planting material and value addition to
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation increase income of small holder farmers
Rumee Building, Plot19, Lumumba Avenue, in Kole district in Uganda
P.O.Box. 7466,
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 783261068
Mob: +256 751742007
Email: [email protected], samuel.ogwang@,
29. Ms. Akankunda Loydah Train farmers on positive selection of
Agricultural Officer planting materials and set up rapid
Kabale District Local Government, multiplication centers for Orange
Production and Marketing Department Fleshed sweet potato vines
P.O.Box,5, Kabale, Uganda
Tel: +256759839357, Mob: +256 774002387
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
39. Agroforestry: Policy, Practice and Impact
Title of the Training Program: Agroforestry: Policy, Practice and Impact
Date: 10 - 24 October, 2019
Venue: World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), New Delhi, Central Agroforestry Research Institute
(CAFRI) at Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, Forest College and Research Institute (FCRI),
Mettupalayam, Tamil Nadu.
Program Director / Coordiator
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title& Objective
1. Dr. Moni Zakiah Rahman Title: Promote fruit based AF model in
Senior Scientific Officer hilly region
Technology Transfer and Monitoring Unit, Objective: To increase production as
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council well as nutrient demand
(BARC), New Airport Road, Farmgate,
Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh
Tel: +880258157492, Mob: +8801212634352,
WhatsApp: 1712634352, Fax: +88 029128061
Email: [email protected],
2. Dr. Noor Shaila Sarmin Title: Inter cropping of Tomato with
Associate Professor and Head Aonla based Agro-forestry system in
Department of Agroforestry and Environment Bangladesh
Bangabanhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Agricultural University, Objective: To promote fruit based AF
Gazipur-1706, Bangladesh model in hilly region. Ensure nutritional
Tel: +029205310-14 (Extn. 2002) security as well as soil erosion.
Mobile: +88 01816923427,
Fax: +88 02 9205333
Email: [email protected],
3. Mr. Olatotse Matswerere Midro Title: Promote Agroforestry in the
Technical Officer unutilized community projects in the
Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Village/district.
Security, Crop Production
P.O.Box.83, Tonota, Botswana Objective: Re-igniting the benefits of
Mob: 0026772159050 Agroforestry benefits to the community
Email: [email protected],
4. Mr. Sarun Nhem Title: Integration of vegetable crops
Vice Chief of Vegetable Crops production in Agro-forestry
Horticulture and Subsidiary Crops of General
Directorate Objective: Vegetables crops production
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries under fruit tree-based system.
(MAFF), #45B/49F, St.395-656, Sankat
Toeuk Laak3, Khan Tuol Kork, Phenom Penh,
Cambodia, Tel: +855 12757937
Email: [email protected],
5. Ms. Hlaing Mi Mi Title: Farmer awareness program in dry
Staff Officer zone, Myanmar
Office No.23, Department of Agriculture,
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar Objective: To increase incomes of
Tel: + 959-455871724, Fax: 095-067-3410146 farmers in study area.
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
6. Dr. Htay Htay Oo Title: Formulation of curriculum of agro-
Associate Professor forestry for climate change
Department of Agronomy, Yezin Agricultural
University, Yezin, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar Objective: To share knowledge about
Tel: +95 673 416512, Mob: +95 9448547918 AF system to the students who will
Email: [email protected], solve the problems facing in agricultural
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title& Objective
7. Dr. Soe Soe Win Title: Value Chain Development for
Associate Professor, Coffee Industry in Myanmar
Department of Agricultural Economics,
Yezin Agricultural University, Yezin, Objective: to identy the value chain
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar processing of coffee industry in the
Mobile: +95 9261786240 selected regions and to upgrade
Email: [email protected], the livelihoods and developement
of producers based on coffee crop
diversities in the selected areas.
8. Ms. Aye Aye Soe Title: Establishment of Agro-forestry
Staff Officer, system in Chin State
Department of Agriculture,
Office No. 43, Objective: To encourage Agroforestry
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar system instead of shifting cultivation
Mobile: +95 9797599231 practice.
Email: [email protected],
9. Mr. Pangani Wyson Chadzala Title: Value Chain Development for
Agricultural Extension Development Officer Coffee Industry in Myanmar
Ministry of Agriculture,
P.O.Box.41, Objective: To provide high profitable
Nkhotakota, Malawi potential for coffee/orange
Mob: +265 888396221
Email: [email protected],
10. Ms. Mtaza Violet Title: Improve livestock production in
Program Officer, Kasungu district
Civil Society Agriculture Network
P.O.Box.203, Lilongwe, Malawi Objective: To intercrop maize with
Mob: +265 99188834 acaicia species
Email: [email protected]
11. Mr. Saad Salum Bakari Title: Tree improvement
Forest Officer
Jambiani-Muyuni Forest Reserve, Objective: Established seed stands and
Department of Forestry and Non Renewable clones
Natural Resources,
Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources,
Livestock and Fisheries, P.O.Box.3526,
Zanzibar, Tanzania
Mob: +255 772904055
Email: [email protected],
12. Mr. Tonju Samwel Cheruiyot Title: Starting up of a high technology
Research Technician Tree nursery
Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research
Organization, The Tea Research Institute (TRI),
P.O.Box.820-20200, Nairobi, Kenya
Mob: +254 729139445
Email: [email protected],
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title& Objective
13. Ms. Natumanya Monica Title: Awareness and knowledge on
Field Extension Officer, Agroforestry practices in southern agro
Mbarara Zonal Agricultural Research and ecological zone
Development Institute,
P.O.Box.389, Mbarara, Uganda
Mob: +256 703780444
Email: [email protected],
14. Mr. Gawaya Geroge Title: Inadequate production of Biofuels
Afforestation Officer in Uganda Prisons
Uganda Prison Services
P.O.Box.7182, Kampala, Uganda Objective:To increase bio fuel seedling
Mob: +256 077821774 production by 75% by end of 2020/21
Email: [email protected], financial year.
15. Dr. Bhattarai Pradeep Chandra Title: Concern authorities are not
Senior Livestock Development Officer, sufficiently aware of key issues and
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock demands of stakeholders across value
Development (MoALD) chain to implementation of AF Policy,
Govt. of Nepal, Nepal
Sighadurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977 14211697, Fax: 97714211935 Objective: Identify key issues that are
Email: [email protected], to be addressed while designing policy
[email protected], implementation action plan in terms of legal,
institutional and program/project back up.
16. Ms. Tara Sharma Title: Improvement of Mandarian based
Horticulture Development Officer, Agri-horti-Pasture system in Mid-hills of
National Fruit Development Center, Nepal.
Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Objective: To motivate Mandarian
Tel: 977 014331619
farmers to adopt Agri-horti-pasture
Email: [email protected],
system in mid hills of Nepal.
Sl.No Name & Address BAWP Title& Objective
20. Ms. Bimala Lama Title: Adoption of miniclonal technology
Assistant Research Officer, in nurseries of Forests Research and
Forest Research and Training Centre Training Center.
Babar Mahal, Kathmandu, Nepal Objective: To develop capacity of
Mob: 977 9845704267 nursery staffs of Forest Research and
Tel: 977 14220482 Training Center
Email: [email protected],
21. Mr. Murari Raj Joshi Title: Makenia weed problems in
Associate Professor, community forests and degraded lands
Kathmandu Forestry College, Objective: Removed weeds and plant
P.O.Box.1276, Koteshwor, fodder and forage species through
Kathmandu, Nepal. community mobilization
Tel: 977 9841911230
Email: [email protected],
Sri Lanka
22. Mr. Abdul Lateef Mohammed Zuhry Title: Lack of protocol for mass
Deputy Conservator for Forests (Research) propagation of teak clones through
Forest Research Centre, Forest Department micro cuttings
Kumbalpola, Boyagane, Sri Lanka Objective: Establishment of protocol for
Mob: +947 18660608 mass production of teak clones in Sri
Tel: +94372238807, Fax: +94372238770 Lanka
Email: [email protected],
23. Eng. Sinhalage Prabhath Malinda Jayathilaka Title: Improving Accuracy of V-notch
Civil Engineer, EIC Office, flow measurement, Kalawewa Dam, Sri
H.A.O. & M. Division, Mahaweli Authority of Lanka
Sri Lanka, Division of Major Dams & Reservoir Objective: Automation V-notch flow
Operation, Bowatenna, Naula, Sri Lanka data. Precise Seepage Analysis
Tel: +9436 2247190, Mob: +94718201230
Email:[email protected],
24. Mr. Bamunsighe Archchighe Jayantha Priyal Title: Awareness Training Programmes
Research Officer on Agro-forestry for stakeholder
Ministry of Mahaweli Development and agencies
Environment, 416/C/1, Sobadaam
Pryasa Battramulla, Sri Lanka
Mob: 0094 773433156
Email: [email protected],
25. Mr. Mansoor Abdul Rasheed Title: Productivity improvement through
Agrarian Development Officer AF among High land other field crop
Department of Agrarian Development (OFC) cultivation
No.42, Sir Marcus Fernando Mawatha,
Colombo-07, Sri Lanka
Mob: 094 713503105, Tel: 094652258328
Email: [email protected],
26. Mr. B.A. Jayananda Title: To rehabilitate degraded
Director (Land Use Planning) agriculture lands
Land Use Policy Planning Department,
No.31, Pathiba Rd., Narahenpita,
Colombo -05, Sri Lanka,
Mob: 0094 714242120
Tel: 094-112753356
Email: [email protected]
40. Integrated Management Strategies for Major Crop Pests & Diseases in Developing Countries
(With special focus on Fall Army Worm)
Title of the Training Program: Integrated Management Strategies for Major Crop Pests & Diseases in Developing
Countries (With special focus on Fall Army Worm)
Date: 19 November - 03 December, 2019
Venue: National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Program Director/Coordinators
Program Director Dr. Mahantesh Shirur
Deputy Director (Agril.Extn.)
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE),
Hyderabad-500030, Telangana
Tel: 040-24594538, Email: [email protected]
Program Coordinators Dr. J.C.Sekhar
Principal Scientist & I/c
Winter Nursery Centre, ICAR- IIMR
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030
Phone: 040 29701340 (O), Fax :040 24018457
Mobile:+91-9908600340, E mail:[email protected]
Training objectives
To understand the overview of Plant Health Management Techniques and Approaches and status of
Fall Army Worm
To sensitize the executives on Insect pests of Maize and Their Management
To demonstrate skills on Agro-techniques for FAW Management
To impart knowledge and skills on Integrated Plant Health Management Concepts and Practices based
on Agro Ecosystem Analysis and Ecological Engineering.
To impart knowledge on Insect Ecology and Integrated Pest Management to Control Fall Army Worm
Training Curriculum
1. Biology, symptomotology, identification and scouting for Fall Army Worm
2. Strategies for management of FAW
3. Protocols for mass rearing and screening techniques of FAW
4. Biological, Semi-chemicals and other eco-friendly approaches in the management of Fall Armyworm
5. Management of FAW in millets
6. Mass production of Parasitoids
7. Mass production of Entomopathogenic Fungi (EPF) and NPV
8. Agro-Ecosystem Analysis (AESA) based Plant Health Management
9. Ecological Engineering for Pest Management
10. Use of Vermicompost for sustainable agriculture
11. Importance of plant bio-security and plant quarantine
12. Fruit fly trap and lure preparation
13. Pest Risk Analysis-Asian and African scenario
14. Detection and diagnosis of plant pathogens and Seed Health Testing
Training Outcome
The training outcomes were anticipated in the view of practising and implementing the Agro Forestry
initiatives and programs at village/county level in their respective countries.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
It was observed that the average score of the pre-test was 10.7 while that of the post test was 17 out of 25 marks
indicating a change of 58.99 percent increase in the knowledge level of the participants.
The participants were asked to rate the technical session on a linear rating scale of 10. The overall impression
of the training program from the participant’s perspective was 8.74 indicating higher level of satisfaction by the
Field Visits
The executives were exposed to various field and institutional visits apart from WNC-IIMR and NIPHM. They are the
International Crops Research Institute for Semi Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), International Maize and Wheat Improvement
Center (CIMMYT), Corteva Agrisciences, Hyderabad and the Nutri-cereals Conclave, flagship event of the Indian
Institute of Millets Research (IIMR), Hyderabad.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title& Objective
1. Mr. Md. Islam Rezaul Title:Infestation of Fall Army Worm in
Deputy Director Maize.
Plant Protection Wing, Room No.303,
Rear Building, Department of Agricultural Objective:
Extension (DAE), Khamarbari, 1) Buildup awareness among the
Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh, Tel: 01711488176 Extension people & farmers about FAW.
Email: [email protected], 2)Buildup proper monitoring system
2. Mr. Anjan Kumar Barua &managenent strategy to control FAW.
Deputy Director (Coordinator)
Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE)
Room No.417, Middle Building,
Field Services Wing, Department of Agricultural
Extension, Khamarbari, Farmgate,Dhaka,
Bangladesh, Mob: +880 1716341539
Email: [email protected],
3. Mr. Md. Mizanur Rahman
Deputy Director (Monitoring)
Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE)
Room No.417, Middle Building, Field Services
Wing, Department of Agricultural Extension,
Khamarbari, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh
Mob: +01767465667, Tel: 0716852186
Email: [email protected]
4. Ms. MST Sarmin Akter
Agricultural Officer
Department of Agricultural Extension, Upazila
Agriculture Office
Sherpur, Bogura, Bangladesh
Tel: 07121146383, Fax: +880502977098
Email: [email protected],
5. Mrs. Zakia Begum
Deputy Director (Surveillance & Forecasting),
Room No.311, Rear Building, 2nd Floor, Plant
Protection Wing, Department of Agricultural
Extension, Khamarbari-1215, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, Mob: +880 1740593148,
Tel: +880 255028436, Email: [email protected],
6. Ms. Tahmina Khatun Title:Infestation of Fall Army Worm in Maize.
Additional Deputy Director,
Department of Agricultural Extension, Objective:
Room No 307, 2nd Floor, Plant Protection Wing, 1) Buildup awareness among the
Khamarbari, Dhaka, Bangladesh Extension people & farmers about FAW.
Mob: +8801715 014537, 2)Buildup proper monitoring system
Email: [email protected], &managenent strategy to control FAW.
7. Ms. Jeffrey Sithembiso Pricillah Title: High dependency on chemical
Agricultural Scientific Officer-II pesticides to control FAW
Crop Production, Ministry of Agricultural
Development and Food Security, Objective: Reduce high dependency on
P.O.Box.300, Mahalapye, Mob: 00267 71811215, chemical pesticides increased
Tel: 00267-4710257, Fax: 00267 4710675
Email: [email protected],
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title& Objective
8. Mr. Monirith Ouch Title: Transfers Technology About
Official Nutrient management and Agro-
General Directorate of Rubber, MAFF Ecosystem management
National Road No.6A, Phum Bakkheng, Sangkat
Prek Leap, Khan Chroy Changva, Objective: To Compare the cost and
Phnompenh, Cambodia benefit on Rubber sector and increasing
Mob: 855 77223241, 855-236722590 income for rubber farmer
Email: [email protected],
9. Mr. Kou Phally Title: Improvement of agro ecosystem
Deputy Director, on rubber plantation
Department of Rubber Development
General Directorate of Rubber, Objective: To improve and promote
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Agro Ecosystem Analysis capacity of
National Road No.6A, Phum Bakkheng, Sangkat government officials and smallholder
Prek Leap, Khan Chroy Changva, rubber farmers, To bring back biodiversity
Phnompenh, Cambodia, losses to rubber plantation
Mob: +855 12523433
Email: [email protected],
10. Mr. Njuguna Peter Kamau Title: Unexploited avenues in pest
Research Technologist management
Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research
Organization, P.O.Box.820-20200, Objective: To promote the functional
Kericho, Kenya approach of IPM
Mob: +254 705794146,
Tel: +254 2206-20200
Email: [email protected],
11. Ms. Soysouvanh Pheophanh Title: FAW Infestations in Lao PDR
Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Objective: Capacity building through
Lane Xang Avenue, Patuxay Square, dissemination of relevant IPM
P.O.Box.811, Vientiane,Lao PDR information to farmers and provincial
Mob: +856 2029495625, Tel: +856 21412350 staffs
Email: [email protected]
12. Mr. Nyasulu Amon Dominic Title: Build capacity of youth leaders and
National Coordinator also raise awareness for preparedness
National Climate Smart Agriculture Youth management against Maize FAW
Network (CSAYN), P.O.Box.607,
Lilongwe, Malawi Objective: Capacity building through
Mob: +265 999621845 dissemination of relevant IPM information
Email: [email protected], to farmers and provincial staffs
13. Ms. Chatama Beauty Towela Title: To reduce the use of chemical
Crops Officer fertilizers and replace with the
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water biofertlizers
Development, Blantyre Agriculture District
Office, B/Bag.32,Blantyre, Malawi
Mob: +265 999917707, Tel: +265 884112222
Email: [email protected],
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title& Objective
14. Mr. Joaquim Boneze Nhampoca Jaime Title: Capacity building for FAW
Agrarian Extensionist management
Provincial Directorate of Agriculture & Food
Security, Macossa District Economic Activities
Services/ Agrarian Extension Section,
Manica Province, Macossa District Next to
Central Market, Mozambique
Mob: +258 848643864,
Tel: +258 867771614
Email: [email protected],
15. Mr. Htet Wai Lin Title: IPM based solution for the
Assistant Staff Officer management of FAW
Department of Agriculture (DOA)
Plant Protection Division, Ayeyarwady Region, Objective: Capacity building of IPM
Ministry of Agriculture, package for major crops. IPM based
Livestock and Irrigation, solution for the management of FAW
Naypyitaw, Myanmar,
Mob: +95 9797185660
Email: [email protected],
16. Mr. Kyaw Thet Title: Performance of rice affected by
Junior Research Assistant using neem coated urea (NCU)
Kyauktada Research Farm, Madaya Township,
Department of Agricultural Research (DAR) Objective: To investigate the effect of
Yezin, Myanmar yield on using NCU in rice
Mob: +95 9797493778,
Tel: +95 67416531
Email: [email protected],
17. Mr. Pramod Gautam Title: Awareness and Management of
Agriculture Productivity and Marketing FAW to Maize farmers in ZOI II of KISAN II
Manager, Kisan-II, Kalika Marg, Sanepa-2, Project in Nepal
P.O.Box.8975, EPC No.1888, Objective: Trainings ,Demonstrations
Lalitpur, Nepal and interaction meeting, Conduct
Mob: +977 9851141205 training for traners for Extension worker
Email: [email protected], pramod including Government.
18. Mr. Rupak Baniya Title: Promotion of VermiCompost
Unique Agro Centre and Rupak Vet Pharma Objective: Training of farmers on vermi
Kapilvastu Municipality, Ward No.1, Gaudhi compost
Chowck, State-5, Kapilvastu District, Nepal
Mob: +9801171688, Tel: +977 9867903215
Email: [email protected],
19. Mr. Prabhakar Gupta Title: Establish manufacturing unit for
Focal Person making lure and trap at reasonable price
Shashi Agro Vet Centre, Nepalgunj-1, Nepal
Mob: +977 9818043681, Tel: +977 81520735
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title& Objective
20. Mr. Rajendra Sahu Teli Title: Awareness and Management of
Senior Technical Assistance Manager FAW to Maize Farmer’s in ZOI KISAN II
Winrock International, USAID/Kisan II Project Project in Nepal.
Madan Marg, Ward No.13, Nepalgunj, Sub-
Metropolitan City, Banke, Nepal
Mob: +977 9842828273, Tel: +977 81-522439
Email: [email protected],
Sri Lanka
21. Mr. Ariyanratne Batupituya Athukorlage Nimal Title: Improve soil nutrition
Zonal Officer, Hadabima Authority of Sri Lanka,
No.09, Gannoruwa, Peradeniya
Sri Lanka,
Mob: 0711052870, Tel: 071-4474346
Email: [email protected],
22. Ms. Hewa Gajaman Kankanamge Amarakanthi Title: To engage more than 10% of
Kularathna farmers for GAP certifications
Agriculture Monitoring Officer
Ministry of Agriculture,
No.288, Sri jayawardenapura Mawatha,
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Mob: +947599772802
Tel: +94115491120
Email: [email protected],
23. Mr. Kularathna Wickramasooriya Arachilage Title: Adoption of IPM technologies by
Rajeewa farmers
Assistant Director
Agricultural and Agrarian Insurance Board Objective: To reduce pesticides usages
Thambuthtegama, Sri Lanka and promote more IPM programms
Mob: +94713485465
Fax: +94112812573
Email: [email protected],
24. Ms. Gega Pamellah Birungi Title: Train and sensitize farmers on the
Agricultural Officer use of farmer field schools
Rubanda District Local Government
P.O.Box.781, Kabale, Uganda Objective: To train and sensitize farmers
Mob: +256 772978524 on the use of farmer field schools.
Email: [email protected],
25. Ms. Nabiyina Zaituni Kabuye Title: Capacity building and strengthening
Trade fair Coordinator on IPM in the project area of Mpigi and
CBS-PEWOSA, P.O.Box.12760, Wakiso districts.
Kampala, Uganda Objective: Capacity building and
Mob: +256 772656120 strengthening through dissemination of
Email: [email protected], technical information to the Local leader,
project field staff and farmers about the
IPM in the project area of Mpigi and
Wakiso districts.
26. Mr. Nzamuhiki Justus Title: To create awareness about FAW
Agricultural Officer occurrence and its impact on maize and
Production and Marketing Department, sorghum farming
Rubanda District Local Government,
P.O.Box.781, Kabale, Uganda
Mob: +256 779146158, Tel: +256 706903625
Email: [email protected],
41. Agricultural Policy Formulation, Review and Analysis
Title of the Training Program: Agricultural Policy Formulation, Review and Analysis
Date: 21 January - 4 February 2020
Venue: National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Program Director / Coordinator
Sl.No Themes Sessions
3 Production and Resource oriented Livestock Policy, Policy measures for ZBNF in India, e-governance.
policies in Indian agriculture and
4 Policies and mechanisms of social India’s policy measures for Agricultural Insurance: issues, challenges,
security agricultural research, Policies of Food and Nutritional Security and Public Distribution System,
education and extension Program and support for Agriculture Risk Management of Farmers and
Policy implications for MNREGA, Nutrihub-IIMR.
5 Policies on marketing and post- Doubling Farmers Income, Market related policies and implications,
harvest technology in India e-NAM, Start-ups, Theory of Change approach to the policy evaluation
and analysis, APMC.
6 Policy evaluation and impact Qualitative and Quantitative evolution methods for policy analysis
Training Outcome
The training outcomes are the participants are expected to execute the leanings during the training,
share the practical experiences and implement the actions at the policy level in agriculture sector in
their respective countries.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
It was observed that the average score of the pre-test was 12.03 while the post test was 15.86 out of 25 marks
indicating a change of 31.84 percent increase in the knowledge level of the participants.
The participants were asked to rate the technical session on a linear rating scale of 10. The overall impression
of the training program from the participant’s perspective was 9.4 indicating higher level of satisfaction by the
Field Visit
The participants were exposed to various places and organizations of practical importance to the training. The
participants visited Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC), Malakpet, Central Research Institute for
Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA) - Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Kisan Call Centre (KCC), Nutri Hub, Indian Institute of
Millets Research (IIMR) and National Institute of Plant Health Management (NIPHM).
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title& Objective
Sri Lanka
1. Ms. Ushanthi Niranjala Gunarathna De Zoysa Title: Establishment of customer hiring
Development Officer centers in farmer organizations to
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affair, provide farm machineries to small
Irrigation, Fisheries and Aquatic Resources holder farmers
Development, No.126, Sri Jayawardanapura
Mawatha, Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka Objective: Establishment of customer
Mob: +94 713184078, Telefax: +0112872093, hiring centers in farmer organizations
Email: [email protected], to provide farm machineries to small
2. Ms. Prasanga Nirmani Wijayasiri holder farmers
Development Officer
Ministry of Agriculture
No.288, Sri Jayawardanapura Mawatha,
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Mob: +94 778425950, Tel: +94 112872093
Email: [email protected],
3. Mr. Mohammad Kamruzzaman Tito Title: Increase Agro-based Industries in
Senior Manager (Operations) Rural Area
Pran-RFL Group
Pran-RFL Centre, 105, Middle Baddha,
Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Mob: 01704140360, 01704132828
Email: [email protected]
5. Mr. Keshab Khanal Title: Promotion of Farm mechanization
Senior Agricultural Extension Officer and collective farming
Agriculture Extension, Ministry of Land
Management, Agriculture & Cooperatives
Hetauda, Bagamati Province, Nepal
Tel: +977 9843152113, Tel: 977057525945
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
6. Mr. Nand Lal Verma Objective: To enhance Balanced
Senior Livestock Development Officer Ecosystem existence with respect to
National Farmers Commission, Nepal productivity
Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur, Nepal
Mob: 9841191811, Tel: +977 014211665
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title& Objective
8. Mr. Resham Raj Gyawali Title: Analyzing gaps in implementation
Senior Livestock Development Officer of National Dairy Development Policy on
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock quality concern
Singha Durbar, Kathmandu Objective:
Mob: +977 9841814039 Analyzing gaps on the implementation of
Tel: +977 14211808, Fax: 014211535 National Dairy Development Policy (2064
Email: [email protected], B.S.) with reference to quality concerns.
9. Mr. Bhim Nath Sharma Title: Inititate auction method to sell
Senior Agriculture Economist (9th Level Officer), farmers’produce
Directorate of Agriculture Development,
Agriculture Extension Planning, Monitoring and Objective: Provide reasonable price for
Evaluation, Province-5, Nepal them of their agriculture produces
Mob: + 977 9847023081, Tel: 977-071-420040
Email: [email protected],
10. Mr. Shankar Prasad Sah (10th Level Officer), Title: Awareness on soil health and
Agriculture Knowledge Centre, ZBNF to increase the farm income
Ministry of Agriculture,
Govt. of Nepal, Province No.2, Janakpurdham,
Dhanusha, Nepal
Mob: +977 9854027739/ 9851236698
Email: [email protected],
11. Mr. Badri Prasad Dahal Title: To reduce cost of cultivation
Senior Agriculture Economist among rice farmers of Nepal
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock
Development, Kathmandu, Nepal
Mob: +977 9841668027
Tel: 977 14211905
Email: [email protected],
12. Mr. Pashupati Pokhrel Title: Information sharing on Indian
Senior Agriculture Development Officer agriculture policies/program implication
Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture & in Nepal province
Province No.1, Biratnagar, Nepal Objective: To acquaint policy makers
Mob: +977 9841382300, 9852070302Tel: and extension personnel regarding the
+077021470172 Indian agriculture policies implication
Email: mrpashupati@yahoo. on Nepal’s province one agriculture
com,[email protected], production and marketing.
13. Dr. Chitra Bahadur Rokaya Title: Promotion and Standardization
Senior Agriculture Economist, of Organic Farming at Karnali Province,
Directorate of Agriculture Development Nepal
Birendranagar, Surkhet-Karnali Province, Nepal
Mob: +977 9858053125, Tel: +083-520305, Objective: To promote and standardize
Email: [email protected], organic farming for income enhancement
[email protected], of farmers in Karnali Province.
14. Mr. Chandra Dhakal Title: Development of a comprehensive
Senior Livestock Development Officer, livestock development policy: analysis
Department of Livestock Services and feedback incorporation
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock
Development, Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur, Nepal Objective: Analysis of existing livestock
Mob:+977 9851110704 related policies and draft of livestock
Tel: +977 015522056, Fax: +977 015542915 development policy is analysed reviewing
Email: [email protected], with Indian livestock policy document.
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title& Objective
15. Mr. Sirish Pun Title: Market Promotion of organic
Senior Agriculture Economist, vegetable through collective farming
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and legal framework approach
Development, Objective: To advocate for the need of
Singhburbar, Kathmandu, Nepal the policy/legal framework and prepare
Mob: +977 9847030013, Tel: 977 014211665 the draft concept notes on: 1. PGS organic
Email: [email protected], certification and 2. Producer company
16. Dr. Mahendra Prasad Khanal Title: Conduct study to identify gaps and
Senior Policy and Program Advisor develop a private sector engagement
Knowledge-based Integrated Sustainable guidelines
Agriculture in Nepal
(KISAN-II) Project, Winrock International, Objective: Support in conducting study
Sanepa, Lalitpur, Nepal to identify gaps and develop a private
Mob: +977 9851205297, Tel: +977 15541961 sector engagement guidelines
Email: [email protected],
17. Mr. Gokul Prashad Bohara Title: To distribute soil health cards to
Senior Agriculture Extension Officer the farmers of Sudurpaschim province,
Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture and Nepal
Cooperatives, Dhangadi, Kailali,
Sudurpaschim Province, Nepal
Mob: +977 9858750665, Tel: +977 091417225
Email: [email protected]
18. Ms. Jasmina Rawal Title: Identification of Implementation
Livestock Development Officer gaps of Live Animal Transport Standard
Ministry of agriculture and Livestock
Development Singh Durbar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Mob: +977 9845471202, Tel: +977 014211808,
Fax: 977 01-4211535
Email: [email protected],
19. Mr. Seth Ooko Onyango Title: Review the monitoring and
Assistant Director evaluation framework for Tsetse and
Livestock Production, Trypanosomiasis eradication activities
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries, under the devolved government system
P.O.Box.66290-00800,Westlands, Nairobi, Kenya in Kenya
Mob: +254 722281123, Tel: + 202513131,
Email: [email protected],
20. Mr. Anthony Mutua Munyao Title: Minimize loss of livestock
Principal Livestock Production Officer deaths and sustain livelihoods during
State Department for Livestock, Directorate of emergencies (e.g. droughts and floods)
Livestock Production, Hill Plaza, 7th Floor, Off
Ngong Road, P.O.Box.34188-00100,
Nairobi, Kenya
Mob: +254 702553115, Tel: 0722724713
Email: [email protected],
21. Mr. Jerry J. Carr Title: Policy on cassava value addition to
District Agriculture Officer (DAO) improve economic values and access to
Action Against Hunger Liberia markets.
Lawalazu Road, Voinjama City, Voinjama Objective: To lobby for policy formulation
District, Lofa County, Republic of Liberia that promotes value addition of cassava
Mob: +231 8864042731, 776417446 through processing into various high
Email: [email protected], quality end-use products
Sl. No. Name and Address BAWP Title& Objective
22. Mr. Goliati George Zagwazatha Title: Transforming agricultural
CASS Youth Coordinator marketing in Malawi through agri-social
Commercial Agriculture Support Services entrepreneurship
(CASS), C/o. Agricultural Resource Limited,
Plot No.29/120, Kenengo,P.O.Box.31321 Objective: To map out the supply
Lilongwe-3, Malawi base, supply estimates and marketing
Mob: +265 993733353, Tel: +265 995610288 channels that can supply at least 10000
Email: [email protected], tons of each of the first 5 major grain/
[email protected], legume crops and 2 tons per month for 6
months of each first 5 major horticultural
crops, and collect buyer information for
the suppliers, that can start proposing
buying contracts by February, 2020.
23. Mr. Nelson Issufo Mussa Title: Mobilize farmers to form Farmer
Agricultural Technician Groups and construction of agro-
Avenue September 25th , processing centers
Directorate of Agriculture and Food Security,
Maputo, Mozambique Objective: Increase the efficiency in
Mob: +258 840153624, Tel: +258 826864180 production and standard of living of the
Email: [email protected], farm family.
24. Mr. Mwinjuma Mahmoud Sareva Title: Comprehensive guideline for
Economist delivery of agricultural extension service
Ministry of Agriculture in Tanzania.
P.O.Box.2182, Dadoma, Tanzania
Mob: +255 692918400, Tel: +255 0262321407
Email: [email protected], mwinjuma.
[email protected],
25. Ms. Karoma Blandina Ndamwesiga Title: Facilitate development of Mobile
Program Coordinator for Soy Value Chain App to link women farmers with
CARE International in Tanzania financial institutions
Box: 750, Iringa, Plot 175 Upper Kinondoni,
ADA Estate, P.O. Box 10242, Plot 175B Ruhinde
Rd, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Mob: +255 755464500
Tel: 255 755464500, +255 783160016
Email: [email protected],
26. Ms. Nakundu Pamela Kokunda Title: Awareness and dissemination
Advocacy Officer about Zero budget and natural farming
Agri-Tech Uganda, Mpigi, Uganda methods in improving soil fertility and
Mob: +256 700858869, Tel: +256776444590 increase crop yield
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
42. Good Agricultural Practices for Sustainable Agriculture in Developing Countries
Title of the Training Program: Good Agricultural Practices for Sustainable Agriculture
in Developing Countries
Date: 11 - 25 February, 2020
Venue: International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT),
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Program Director / Coordinators
Dr D Kumara Charyulu
Senior Scientist, Agricultural Economics
ICRISAT Development CenterAsia Program
“KumaraCharyulu, Deevi (ICRISAT-IN)” [email protected]
Participants profile: 25 executives from 9 countries ( 16 male & 9 female)
Country No. of Executives Country No. of Executives
Bangladesh 2 Liberia 2
Nepal 7 Tanzania 2
Sri Lanka 2 Uganda 2
Kenya 4 Mozambique 2
Myanmar 2
Training objective
To sensitize international executives from partner countries on Good
Agricultural Practices (GAPs) of various crops and allied activities for sustainable agricultural
Training Curriculum
Sl. No. Theme Sessions
5. Agri-Business Agri Business and Innovation Platform, Product designing and
Promotion, Low cost mechanization tools from rainfed agricul-
ture, GAPs in value chain analysis, Promoting livelihoods and
nutrition through vegetable cultivation
Training Outcome
The training outcomes were that the participants started crop field demonstrations on GAPs in their
respective countries and popularising the various GAPs among the farming community learnt during
the training at India.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
It was observed that the average score of the pre-test was 12.52 while that of the post test was 15.52 out of 25
marks indicating a change of 23.96 percent increase in the knowledge level of the participants.
The participants were asked to rate the technical session on a linear rating scale of 10. The overall impression of the
training program from the participant’s perspective was 9.2 indicating the level of satisfaction by the participants as
Field Visits
The participants were exposed to various farms and fields, agricultural research organizations of practical importance
to the trainings. The participants visited ICRISAT and Charles Renard Analytical Lab and Gene bank, Kothapally
watershed and Mahindra CSR site, National Institute of Plant Health Management (NIPHM), Institute of Oilseeds
Research (ICAR-IIOR), India Institute of Millet Research (ICAR-IIMR) and the Central Research Institute of Dryland
Agriculture (CRIDA).
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No. Name and address BAWP Title
7. Mr. Sunil Dhungel Enhance the attractiveness of farm work
Program Manager for the younger generations IN Agri
Centre for Environment and Agricultural Policy Value Chain Enterprises
Research, Extension and Research (CEAPRED),
Nayabato, G.P.O.Box.5752, Lalitpur, Nepal
Mob: +977 9851176726, Tel: +977 14184272
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
8. Mr. Upendra Raj Joshi Awareness on compost and bio
Agriculture Productivity and Marketing fertilizers
Manager, Winrock International / Kisan-II
USAID/KISAN-II Project, Sanepa,
Lalitpur, Nepal
Mob: +977 91526381, +977 9848423724
Tel: +977 15543861
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
9. Mr. Prem Lal Chaudhary Introduction and multiplication of
Senior Agriculture and Production Manager beneficial nematode (ENP) among the
Feed The Future Knowledge-based Integrated farmers
Sustainable Agriculture in Nepal (KISAN) II/
Project Regional Office, Nepalgunj,
Submetropolitincity, Madanmarg, Nepal
Mob: +977 081524725, Email: prem.
[email protected],
[email protected];
Sri Lanka
10. Mr. Senarath Yapa Sarath Desapriya Popularize GAP technologies for field
Assistant Director of Agriculture (Research) crops and introduce Climatic resilient
Department of Agriculture Pigeon pea as a new crop
Agriculture Research Station,
Weerawila New Town, Sri Lanka
Mob: +94 718081443, Telefax: +94472237079
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
11. Ms. Wellawala Archchige Dona Achala Dilhani Development of an Agricultural
Development Officer Database for quick access
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs,
Irrigation, and Fisheries and Aquatic Resourced
288, Sri Jayawardanapura Mawatha,
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Mob: +94773910386, Tel: +94 112872093
Email: [email protected],
12. Ms. Mwanyigha Winnie Mashaghala Emphasize on the Adoption of Smart
Project Research Assistant Foods in Kenya
Emerald Environment Limited
P.O.Box.24464-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Mob: +254 722104045, +254 727873653
Email: [email protected],
Sl.No. Name and address BAWP Title
13. Ms. Nzesya Jane Katunge Promote Good Agriculture Practices and
Principal Agricultural Officer drought tolerant crop varieties/hybrids
State Department for Crop Development and for improved market access and food
Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture, security
Livestock and Fisheries, P.O.Box.30028-00100,
Nairobi, Kenya, Mob: +254 00722760582
Email: [email protected],
14. Ms. Juliana Mumbua Mutua Address Chronic malnutrition in
Quality Assurance lactating mothers and school-age
Bio Food Products Limited, children by ensuring food and
P.O.Box.27623-00506, Industrial Area nutritional security through GAPs
After Sameer Industrial Park, Nairobi, Kenya
Mob: +254 729462775
Email: [email protected],
15. Mr. Njuguna Paul Kariuki Address the Lifestyle diseases especially
Assistant Director of Agriculture liver cirrhosis due to food safety issues
Department of Agriculture,
Turkana County Government, Nairobi, Kenya
Mob: +254 710911644, Tel: +254 712278294
Email: [email protected], abraham.
[email protected],
16. Ms. Kwennah Demai K Value Addition Of Duo-Purpose
Quarantine Officer Sorghum for increased Food Security
Ministry of Agriculture, P.O.Box.10-9010,
1000 Monrovia, Liberia,
Mob: +231 777220333
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
17. Mr. James Allen Bohr To create awareness about the
District Agriculture Officer (DAO) importance of food safety and aflatoxin
Humanity Liberia, Ministry of Agriculture, food safety
Gbarnga, Bong County, Liberia
Mob: +231 770149148
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
18. Mr. Langa Carlos Tomas Eduardo Identify the gaps in farmer-to-farmer
Technology Transfer Officer cooperation in enhancing sustainable
Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Food Agricultural practices
Safety, Department of Agrarian Extension,
Niassa Province, Government Building,
1st& 2nd Floor, P.O.Box.43, Freedom Square
Lichinga, Mozambique, Mob: +258 8468540
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
19. Mr. Wazenguia Roberto Eduardo Gaspar Change the cropping system in cotton
Agricultural Extension Technician-Rural production
Extensionist, District Economic Activities
Services, Mandlakazi Distirct, SDAE, Samora
Machel Avenue, Gaza Province, Mozambique
Mob: +258 845884224
Email: [email protected],
Sl.No. Name and address BAWP Title
20. Ms. Han Thin Thin Integrated weed management in paddy
Deputy Staff Officer field in Ayeyarwaddy Region, Myanmar
Department of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation
Ayeyarwaddy Region, Myanmar
Mob: +954 50825228,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
21. Ms. Htwe Thwe Han Extention of Aflatoxin Management
Deputy Staff Officer Practices in Groundnut
Department of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation
Mandaley District, Myanmar
Mob: + 959 796518559
Email: [email protected],
22. Ms. Iddi Mwanaidi Japhary Sensitize different group of people in
Agriculture Tutor our community on good agriculture
Ministry of Agriculture, practices which are climate sensitive
P.O.Box.97, Kidatu,
Morogoro, Tanzania
Mob: +255 684862060, Tel: +255 786238272
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
23. Mr. Mwera Makindi Jacob To Sensitize the farmers and other
Ward Agricultural Extension Officer Stakeholders on Good Agriculture
Serengeti District Council of Agriculture Practices
P.O.Box. 176, Mugumu,
Serengeti, Tanzania
Mob: + +255 625719124,
Email: [email protected],
24. Mr. Mpagi Henry Tumusiime Sensitization on Good Agricultural
Programme Officer-Linkages Practices
Shine Cares Uganda
Bushnyi District, South Western Region
Ishaka, Uganda
Mob: +256 703832409, Tel: +256 774042359
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
25. Mr. Kademeri Amon Capacity Building of agri-institutions
Skill Advisor to offer hands on market oriented
AVIS Foundation-Uganda incubation service
Mbarara, Kacence
Kampala, Uganda
Mob: +256 0782301516,
Tel: +256 782301516, +256 312501604 (o)
Email: [email protected], amon.
[email protected],
43. Food Processing and Value Addition Technologies for Agripreneurship
Dr. B S Roopa
Sr. Scientist
Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI)
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
Email: [email protected]
Training Curriculum
1. Flour, Milling & Baking Confectionary Technology
2. Food Engineering
3. Food Protection and Infestation Control (FPIC), Food Safety & Analytical Quality Control Laboratory
4. Grain Science & Technology
5. Food Packaging Technology Department (FPT) and Plant Cell Biotechnology
6. Spice & Flavor Science Department (SFS) and Protein Chemistry Technology
7. Fruits and Vegetables Technology
8. Microbiology and Fermentation & Meat and Marine Science
9. Traditional foods and Sensory Science Technology
Training Outcome
The training outcomes are proper understanding of the concepts of food processing technologies and
implementation of these technologies in their respective countries for adding value addition to food
products and generating additional income to the farmers.
Change in Knowledge of the participants
It was observed that the average score of the pre-test was 13 while that of the post test was 19 out of 25 marks
indicating a change of 46.15 percent increase in the knowledge level of the participants.
The participants were asked to rate the technical session on a linear rating scale of 10. The overall impression of the
training program from the participant’s perspective was 9.3 indicating the level of satisfaction by the participants.
Field Visits
Apart from the regular classroom and laboratory sessions the participants had exposure and field visits to private
enterprises involved in Food processing in Mysuru.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
3. Ms. OL Eliny Value addition and processing of fruits
Office Vice Chief and vegetables
Post-harvest Office of the General Directorate
of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry
and Fisheries (MAFF),
#54B/49F, Street 395-656, SangkatToeuk La-
ak3, Tumpun2, Khan Meanchey,
Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Mob: +855012620015,
Email: [email protected],
Sri Lanka
4. Mr. RanathungaArachchigaChandana Prasad Post harvest technology in mangoes
Assistant Commissioner (Development Service)
Department of Agrarian Development,
Department of Administration services,
No.42, Sir Marcus Fernando Mawatha,
P.O.Box.537, Colombo-07, Sri Lanka
Mob: +070 2728296, Tel: 077 9962751
Email: [email protected],
5. Mr. Senadeera Pathirannahelege Palitha Post harvest technologies for pumpkin
Senadeera in Puttlam District
Assistant Commissioner
Sri Lanka Administrative Service
Department of Agrarian Development,
District Office, Kurunegala Road,
Chilaw, Sri lanka
Mob: 070 2198800, Tel: 032 2222596
Email: [email protected],
6. Ms. WellalaChandiKanchanaDeepali Capacity building on food processing
Assistant Director of Agriculture (Agric. and value addition by farmers
Food Research Unit, Department of
Agriculture, Gannoruwa,
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Economics Affairs,
Irrigation, Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Development, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Mob: +094714998018
Email: [email protected],
Sl.No. Name and address BAWP Title
7. Ms. Kabaji Mary Njeri
Principal Agriculture Officer Capacity building of the youth groups on
State Department for Crops Development, processing of spices and herbs
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries,
Agri-Nutrition Unit,P.O.Box. 30028-00100,
Nairobi, Kenya
Mob: +254 722323696,
Email: [email protected],
8. Ms. Gachanja Lucy Karimi Capacity building to farmer groups on
Apiarist and Agripreneur value addition for their farm produce
Luken Enterprises Farm
19127-00501, JKIA,
Nairobi, Kenya
Mob: +254 722 700559,
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
9. Mr. Dudley Stalin Aboyonme
Quarantine Inspector Promote food processing and ensure
Technical Department, disease free food
Ministry of Agriculture, P.O.Box.10-90100,
1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia
Mob: +231 886992785, Tel: +231 770472390
Email: [email protected],
10. Mr. Chitulo Anibal Ernesto
Extension Training Officer Post harvest technology in fruits
Agrarian Extension Department
Niassa Province, Government Building,
P.O.Box. 43, Freedom Square,
Lichinga City, Mozambique
Mob: +258 861415266, Tel: +258 27120557
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
11. Ms. SoeSoe Food Safety in Peanut Production
Deputy Staff Officer
Department of Agriculture,
Myaung Township, Sagaing Region,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation
Naypyitaw, Myanmar
Mob: +959 796556794, +957143217
Email: [email protected],
12. Ms. LwinPhyuPhyu
Deputy Staff Officer Food Processing and Value Added
Small-Scale Industries Department, Products
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation
(MOALI), Office No.16,
Naypyitaw, Myanmar, Mob: +959 420756306
Email: [email protected],
Sl.No. Name and address BAWP Title
13. Mr. HtunZaw Linn Food safety in paddy production
Deputy Staff Officer
Department of Agriculture,
Coffee-Seasonal Crops Division, Office No.50,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation
Naypyitaw, Myanmar
Mob: +959422460308
Email: [email protected]
14. Mr. BhaskarGautam Minimum cost fresh vegetable
Cluster Business Manager (for Dang Cluster processing
Feed The Future USAID’s Kisan II Project
Winrock International, Sanepa,
Lalitpur, Nepal
Mob: 00977-980-333-4345
Email: [email protected], bhaskar.
[email protected],
15. Mr. Madhab Paudel Market Promotion of Spring paddy
Agriculture Officer through linkage & legal framework
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock approach in Chitwan District, Nepal.
Bharatpur-10, Chtwan, Nepal
Mob: 00977-9851015307, Tel: 00977-
Email: [email protected], pmamp.
[email protected],
16. Ms. Ranjana Chaudhary To minimize the loss of seasonal fruits
Food Research Officer and vegetables through processing
Department of Food Technology and Quality
Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Nepal
Mob: 977 9851237369
Email: [email protected],
17. Mr. Ghanshyam Sharma Processing of tomato, pea and carrot
UnnatKrishi Kendra
Kapurkot Rural Municipality-3,
KapurkotSalyan, Nepal
Mob: +9857825665, 9812805277
Email: [email protected],
18. Mr. Krishna Prasad Sapkota Value Addition technologies in rice and
Agriculture Productivity and Marketing Fresh vegetables
Manager (APMM), Winrock International/
KISAN II/ Program Implementation, KISAN II
Kapilvastu Cluster Office, KalikaMarga,
Taulihawa, Province 5, Nepal
Mob: +9779857632320,
Tel: +977-76-561166
Email: [email protected],
Sl.No. Name and address BAWP Title
19. Ms. Carolyine Charles Assessment of hygienic practices among
Lecturer food vendors around universities in
St. John’s University of Tanzania Dodoma municipality
P.O.Box.47, Dodoma, Tanzania
Mob:+255 0719831821,
Tel: +255 0262390044
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
20. Ms. Kuwese Gladys Naul Nutritional Awareness to Paddy Farmers
Agricultural Tutor in Mbuyuni Ward Inmbalali District
Ministry of Agriculture, Mbeya
Mati Uyole, P.O.Box. 2292,
Mbeya, Tanzania
Mob: +255 684543290
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
21. Mr. PeterByaruhanga Food safety and Quality management in
Agricultural Officer food processing and value addition
Rubirizi District Local Government,
P.O.Box. 239,
Rubirizi District, Uganda
Mob: +256 782712004
Email: [email protected],
22. Ms. HadijahMeeme Build the capacity of potential MSMEs
Head of the Fruits and Vegetables Technology on how to produce nutritious and
Department quality value added pineapple products
and Training Coordinator, enriched with turmeric
Uganda Industrial Research Institute,
Mukabya Road,
Nakawa, Uganda
Mob: +256 759766168, +256 702120840
Email: [email protected],
23. Mr. Kasule Denis Organic Waste recycling and organic
Quality Assurance and Control Manager solid management.
Brisk Beverages Uganda Limited
Plot 1068, KisaasiKyanja Road,
Kampala, Uganda
Mob: +256 0706702450, Tel: +256 0782022240
Email: [email protected],
44. Production to Post Harvest Management in Horticultural Crops
Title of the Training Program: Production to Post Harvest Management in Horticultural Crops
Date : 9-23 March, 2020
Venue: University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore & University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot, Karanataka,
Program Director/ Coordinators
Dr. G. K. Sadananda
Assistant Professor
College of Horticulture
University of Horticultural Sciences (UHS) Campus,
GKVK Post, Bengaluru – 560065, Karnataka
Mob: 09481181749, Email: [email protected]
Participants profile: 23executives from 6 countries ( 14 male & 9 female)
Training Curriculum
1. Advanced production technology of Horticultural crops
2. Biotechnology and Horticulture
3. Commercial floriculture
4. Horticulture and Allied Disciplines
5. Crop Protection Technologies in Horticultural Crops
6. Post Harvest Management and Techniques in Horticultural Crops
Training Outcome
The participants are expected to expose the potential of horticulture crops in terms of processing and
popularize the post harvest management technologies among the farmers to ensure increase in
Change in Knowledge of the participants
It was observed that the average score of the pre-test was 12.4 while that of the post test was 15.5 out of 25 marks
indicating a change of 24.91 percent increase in the knowledge level of the participants.
The participants were asked to rate the technical session on a linear rating scale of 10. The overall impression of the
training program from the participant’s perspective was 9.5 indicating the level of satisfaction by the participants as
Field Visits
The participants were exposed to various field trips to complement their classroom learning. The practical sessions
of the trainings had the objective of familiarizing the participants with Indian field technologies. The participants
visited the All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Dryland Agriculture GKVK, Model farm of ‘Organic
Mandya’, CFTRI, Mysuru and Kelagoor Tea Estate.
Back At Work Plans (BAWPs)
Sl.No. Name and address BAWP Title& Objective
7. Mr. Kiran Joshi Title: Adoption of Multiple cropping and
Program Coordinator Zero energy cool chamber
Bindhavasini Saving & Credit Cooperative
Society Limited (BISCOL) Objective: Multiple cropping system for
Panauti-10, Khopasi, Nepal the sustainability of farms and diversified
Mob: +977 011660965 source of income for farmers.
Email: [email protected] Maximize the use of biofertilizer and
biopesticides to promote organic farming.
8. Ms. PrativaKhanal Title: Training on protected horticulture
Agriculture Extension Officer crop production to technicians and
National Centre for Potato, Vegetable and Spice farmers.
Crops, Department of Agriculture,
Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal Objective: Techniques of protected
Mob: +977 9847146342 cultivation of horticultural crops
Email: [email protected],
9. Mr. Ram Kumar Yadav Title: Reduction of Post harvest loss in
Horticulture Development Officer management in Mango and litchi
Tropical Horticulture Centre,
Department of Agriculture, Nepal Objective: Reduce the post harvest loss
Nawalpur, Sarlahi, Nepal of mango because mango is the most
Mob: +977 9842099005, Tel: +977 9855053105 important produce in my region.
Email: [email protected]
10. Mr. Shah Shiva Narayan Title: Promote Plastic mulching in
Area Coordinator vegetable production
Centre for Environment and Agricultural
Policy Research, Extension and Development Objective: Reduce cost of production of
(CEAPRED), Nepal, (USAID/Kisan II Project) horticultural produce and help manage
Kapilavastu Cluster Office, soil borne diseases effectively.
Taulihawa, Kapilavastu, Nepal
Mob: 9847040626, 984560724
Email: [email protected]
11. Mr. Subedi Jyoti Title: Senstization and awareness
Manager programs on post harvest technologies
Small Farmer Agriculture Cooperative
Ltd.,Manahari-8, Makawanpur, Nepal Objective: To disseminate information
Mob: +977 9855071127 on organic vegetables and benefits of
Email: [email protected], the organic vegetables
Sl.No. Name and address BAWP Title& Objective
14. Ms. Eshani Karnahalupedigu Champika Title: To increase income by following
Development Officer suitable post harvest management
Ministry of Agriculture techniques
No.288, Sri JayawardenapuraMawatha,
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka Objective: To increase the production of
Mob: + 94718050400 farmers fields
Tel: +911 12702992,
+947 184050400 (o)
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
15. Ms. Hewage Kumari Nilanthi Habaraduwa Title: Promotion and popularization of
Agriculture Monitoring Officer PHT through field visits and trainings
Ministry Mahaweli,
Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Rural
No.288, Sri JayewardenepuraMawatha,
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Mob: 07144911114,
Tele: 01 12872093 / 01 t2034351
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
16. Mr. Samathapala Rajapaksha Disanayakalage Title: Introduce the concept of
Development Officer minimizing the post harvest losses in Sri
Ministry Mahaweli, Lanka
Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Rural
Development Objective: Post harvesting losses
No.288, Sri JayewardenepuraMawatha, reduction in fruits and vegetables
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Mob: +947 14140733
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
17. Ms. Narangoda Gayani Mekala Title: Smart investments and new
Development Officer technology to increase water harvesting
Ministry of Mahaweli, Objective: Identify currently using
Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Rural methods to store warer and their
Development sustainability
No.288, Sri JayawardenapuraMawatha,
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Mob: +94 775763508, Fax: +94112863669
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
18. Ms. Samaratunge Dissanayakage Title: Organize trainings on Post Harvest
KusumSriyani Technology Management in fruits and
Development Officer vegetables
Ministry Mahaweli,
Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Rural
No.288, Sri JayawardenapuraMawatha, Kotte,
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Mob: +94 714466322
Email: [email protected]
Sl.No. Name and address BAWP Title& Objective
19. Mr. Limbias Milton Title: Production technology of bio
Development Officer fertilizer
Ministry Mahaweli,
Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Rural Objective: Build up the knowledge on
Development bio fertiliser amoung the farmers
No.288, Sri JayawardenapuraMawatha,
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Mob: +94716389797,
Tel: +942034367, Fax: +94112868925
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
20. Ms. Liyanage Himali Title: Senstization and awareness
Development Officer programs on post harvest technologies
Ministry of Mahaweli,
Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Rural
No.288, Sri JayawardenapuraMawatha,
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Mob: +94 714409952
Email: [email protected],
21. Mr. Warakogoda Acharige Don Amila Roshan Title: Conduct a sample survey on post
Rathnasooriya harvest losses of crops
Statistical Officer Objective: There are no stastatistics
Ministry Mahaweli, about post harvest loss
Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Rural
No.288, Sri JayawardenapuraMawatha, Kotte,
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Mob: +94 714406123
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
22. Mr. Bbaale Moses Title: Shallow technology on production
Field Extension Officer and post-harvest management of
Kayunga District Farmers Association horticultural crops
Kayunga Town Council, Kayunga, Uganda Objective: Improve famers knowledge
Mob: +256 782344684 and skills on post-harvest production
Tel: +256 782344684, +256 700414348 and post-harvest management
Email: [email protected], technology
[email protected],
23. Mr. Mwongyera Benjamin Title: Introduce new horticultural
Farm Manager technologies to the farmers
Rukungiri Agriculture College, Objective:
Buyanja County, Rukungiri District, Uganda 1. Change of perception and approach
Mob: +256 772772272 to horticultural farming.
Email: [email protected], 2. Introduction of new technologies as
[email protected], learnt from the Indian situation
International Webinars organized under FTF ITT by MANAGE and USAID
MANAGE in collaboration with the USAID organized three International webinars as per the need of the
trainees. The webinars were organised on the following topics.
1. Agriculture Extension Strategies for Asia and Africa during COVID-19 Pandemic- on 8th July 2020.
2. Core Competencies for Agriculture Extension Professional- on 17th July 2020
3. Webinar on Back at Work Plans by FTF ITT trainees- on 8th September. 2020
The first webinar on "Agriculture Extension Strategies for Asia and Africa during COVID-19 Pandemic" was
organised on 8th July 2020 with four session as given below
International Webinar on Core Competencies for Agriculture Extension Professionals
The second webinar on “Core Competencies for Agriculture Extension Professionals” was organized on 17th July,
2020. Focus of the webinar was on the important core competencies of extension personnel and the ways to enhance
them. The assessment of competency is important to find ‘right man to do the right task’. Four speakers from MANAGE
and ICAR-NAARM delivered relevant topics as given below. The concluding remarks were given by Mr. Mustapha El
Hamzaoi, Director, Food Security Office, USAID India.
Topic Speakers
The New Extensionist: Core Competen- Dr. Saravanan Raj
cies for Extension Professionals Director
(Agricultural Extension)
MANAGE, Hyderabad
The third International webinar under FTF ITT was organized on Back at Work Plans on 8th September. 2020.
Seventeen selected officials from eight countries presented their works and shared their experiences in the webinar.
Director Program Program Program Junior Program
General Directors Managers Execu ves Execu ve
Feed the Future India Triangular Training (FTF-ITT) program is a global ini a ve designed to address the food
produc on challenges of the developing countries in Asia and Africa con nents. A new agriculture partnership was
formed between the US and India during 2010 to achieve evergreen revolu on to address the issues of global food
Security in Africa and Asia through triangular coopera on. More than 1100 officials from 21 countries were trained on
technological advances and innova ons from Indian Agriculture during 2016 - 2020. This report on FTF ITT gives the
detailed account of training methodology, curriculum followed, partner ins tutes, points of contact (PoCs) and trainers
and trainees’ database of all the 44 training programs organised under FTF ITT. This report will serve as an important
reference for designing global level training and capacity development programs on agriculture and food security.
Dr. Mahantesh Shirur
Deputy Director (Agricultural Extension).
Centre for Agri. Extn. Policy, PPP and International Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Extension,
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE)
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030. INDIA
Email: [email protected] / URL:
Mobile Phone No.: +91-9916220767/ Phone No.: +91-40-24594538