(19) United States
(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0248858A1
Parghi (43) Pub. Date: Dec. 9, 2004
(54) CURE FOR CANCER Publication Classification
(51) Int. Cl." ..................................................... A61K 31/60
(76) Inventor: Kaumil H. Parghi, Tempe, AZ (US) (52) U.S. Cl. .............................................................. 514/159
Correspondence Address: (57) ABSTRACT
1019 E. LEMON ST. The invention provides for application of Salicylic Acid, in
# 105 proportion and concentration depending upon the size of
TEMPE, AZ 85281 (US) cancer, onto or into a cancerous area in the body, in order to
reduce and remove the cancer. Upon application, Salicylic
(21) Appl. No.: 10/457,714 Acid will destroy all the extra cells in the body that form
cancer and rid the body of cancer. Salicylic Acid is the cure
(22) Filed: Jun. 9, 2003 for cancer.
US 2004/0248858 A1 Dec. 9, 2004
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED 0006 Eating foods that have proper proportions and
APPLICATIONS concentration of Salicylic Acid in them will prevent cancer
formation. Fruits and vegetables have Salicylic Acid in them
0001. Not Applicable in various proportions. Therefore, eating a diet with fruits
and vegetables in them prevents hemorrhoids and colon
0007 Salicylic Acid, if applied directly onto, or injected
0002) Not Applicable into the affected area, in proportion and concentration
depending upon the size of cancer, will reduce and remove
cancer of all types, including leukemia, or blood cancer. A
0003) Not Applicable 40% solution of Salicylic Acid is effective in reducing and
removing Small pimple sized cancerous cells. Higher con
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION centrations and doses would be needed for application on
0004 Intake of proper food has prevented humans from cancer areas depending on their size and density, for their
removal. The application of Salicylic Acid can be in form of
developing cancer. However, Since humans do not know cream that can be rubbed onto the affected area if the area
what chemical it is that prevents cancer, they have not been is on the Surface of the body. Or, the application of Salicylic
careful in eating foods that have this chemical. Discovering Acid can be in form of liquid Solution that can be injected
this chemical and eating foods that have this chemical will into a tumor inside the body, like a brain or a breast tumor.
prevent cancer. Application of this chemical in proper pro Similarly, Salicylic Acid can be injected in form of a liquid
portion and concentration, to a cancerous area will result in into the blood stream of patients that have blood cancer or
reduction and removal of cancer.
leukemia. Upon application, Salicylic Acid will destroy all
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION the extra cells in the body that form cancer and rid the body
of cancer.
0005 The chemical that prevents and cures cancer is
Salicylic Acid. Salicylic Acid, if applied directly onto, or
injected into the affected area, in proportion and concentra
tion depending upon the size of cancer, will reduce and 1. I claim that Salicylic Acid, if applied directly onto, or
remove cancer of all types, including leukemia, or blood injected into the affected area, in proportion and concentra
cancer. A 40% solution of Salicylic Acid is effective in tion depending upon the size of cancer, will reduce and
reducing and removing Small pimple sized cancerous cells. remove cancer of all types, including leukemia, or blood
Higher concentrations and doses would be needed for appli CCC.