1 - Introduction XRD
1 - Introduction XRD
1 - Introduction XRD
192 9 - Lo uis-Victor d e B rogli e fo r his dis co ve ry of the wa ve n ature o f the elec tron
fo r his contributi ons to our k n owl ed ge o f m olec ular structu re throug h his in ves tigatio ns
193 6 - P eter J. De by e
on dip ole mom ents an d on the diffraction o f X-rays and el ectrons in g ases
193 7 - Cli nton J. D a visson,
fo r their ex p erim ental disc o ve ry of the diffr action o f electrons by cry stals
Geo rge P . Tho m son
fo r his resea rch into the natu re o f the chem ical b on d an d its application to the el ucidatio n
195 4 - Lin us C. P aulin g
of the struc tu re o f com pl ex s ubs tances
196 2 - M ax F. P erutz,
fo r their studi es of the struc tures of glob ula r pr oteins
Jo hn C. K en drew
196 2 - Francis H.C. Crick, fo r their dis co ve ries c onc ernin g the m olec ular structu re o f nucleic ac id a nd its signific a nc e
Jam es D. W atson, M aurice H.F. W ilk ins fo r inform ation tr ans fer in li ving m ateri al (d oubl e helix)
fo r he r dete rm in ations by X-ray techni qu es of the s tructu res o f im po rtant bioc h em ical
196 4 - D orot hy C. Hod gkin
subs tances
fo r his studies on the struc tur e o f bo ran es illum inatin g probl em s of c he m ical bo ndin g
197 6 - W illiam N. Lipscom b
by X-ray diffrac tion
fo r his de velo pm e nt of cry stallog ra phic electro n m ic roscopy a nd his s tructural el ucidatio n
198 2 - S ir Aaron K lu g
of bi ologic ally im p orta nt nucleic acid-protein com pl ex es
198 2 - K en neth G. W ils on fo r his theory o f c ritic al phe nom en a in c onn ection with p hase transitions
198 5 - H erb ert A . Hau ptm a n, fo r their o utstandin g achi e vem e nts in the de velo pm e nt of di rec t metho ds fo r the
Je rom e K arle determ inatio n o f crystal struc tures
1988 - Johann Deisenhofer,
for the determination of the 3-dim ensional structure of a photosynthetic reaction center
Robert Huber, Harm ut Michel
for his application of methods for discovering order in simple systems to polymers and
1991 - Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
liquid crystals
1992 - Georges Charpak for his discovery of the m ulti wire proportional chamber
Light is focused
using lenses
Ways of focusing X-rays