Materialism Origins of Universe and Humans M Gwisai, ISO
Materialism Origins of Universe and Humans M Gwisai, ISO
Materialism Origins of Universe and Humans M Gwisai, ISO
What is Materialism?
1. To recall what we covered in Lecture No. 1, materialism may be defined as the camp
of philosophy which regards matter as primary and consciousness as secondary and as a
derivative of matter. Materialists maintain that matter is eternal, that none had ever created
it and that there are no supernatural forces in the world.
2. Materialists have been found in every society in the world that had advanced beyond
the Barbarism stage of primitive communism into civilisation.
a. Heraclitus - [Greek Philosopher,500BC]: “…the world, the all-in-one, was not
created by any god or any man, but was, is and ever will be a living flame
systematically dying down.”1
Chernikov et al (1988) p. 25. See p. 98, Reader.
acquired by individuals of generations were genetically inherited and fixed in the
following generations.”
10. The rough timelines of evolution from the primitive people to modern human beings
is like this:4
- The first primitive human beings were the Homo habilis “handy man” (2.5 - 1.5
million years ago) found in Kenya and Tanzania. Used stone choppers, hammers,
1.5 m tall, 40kg weight, 800 cc brain size.
- Next was the Homo erectus “standing man” (1.5 - 0.5 million years ago) using
rough stone tools and the first to make fire. Early Stone Age; Brain, 700-1200 cc.
Found in Tanzania, South Africa, China and Europe.
- Next were the Homo sapiens neandertalensis “Kabwe man” (500 0000 - 40
0000 years ago) found in Zambia, Europe, Central Asia. Size almost same with
modern humans, well-made stone tools - Middle Stone Age, brain size 1300cc.
- Finally, the modern human being, the Homo sapiens sapiens “thinking man”
about 150 000 years ago, initially in Africa. Brain size - 1400 cc. Late Stone Age,
Early Iron Age (AD 200 - AD 11000, Late Iron Age (AD 1100 - AD 1800;
Industrial Age, 1900; Space - Digital Age).
12. Place:
a. Humans and Apes: Figure with different types of apes: Garlake & Proctor - p. 45
b. Chronology of humans, C Harman, A People’s History of the World, p. 54.
17. The above features are what made human beings a distinct and unique specie. Despite
her/his apparent physical weaknesses compared to other animals, for instance not as
fast, lacking strong jaws, a weak skin with little hair, humans mastered and became
overlords of the planet. At different periods, places and stages of evolution of human
beings, in response to different environments, conditions and opportunities,
{necessity is the mother of invention], different races, ethnic groups, clans, sexes
have made significant and novel achievements in science, technology, economics,
politics, law, philosophy that have advanced humanity. This shows the inherent
equality and capacity of all human beings, contrary to the arguments of racists,
sexists, tribalists. For instance the first civilisations which laid the basis of science,
mathematics, medicine, astrology, the first states and alphabets were in Africa (Egypt,
Nubia) and the Middle East (Mesopotamia) about 5000 years ago.7
18. After centuries of struggle, resistance and defiance by oppressed and marginalised
classes and social groups led by the working class and including peasants, blacks,
women, ethnic minorities, sexual orientation minorities, bourgeois law at
G.P. Chernikov et al, (1988) p. 26.
The Africa Fact Book (Institute of African Knowledge, Harare, 2020); C Harman, p. 54 Reader
international, regional and national levels has now been forced to accept the
materialist based concept of equality of all human beings. The pioneering most
powerful examples of these having been found in the first socialist and workers
revolutions in history, the Paris Commune of 1871 and the 1917 October
Revolution in Russia. A few examples:
20. Scientists
- Steve Biko
“Even today, we are still accused of racism. This is a mistake. We know
that all interracial groups in South Africa are relationships in which
whites are superior, blacks inferior. So as a prelude whites must be made
to realise that they are only human, not superior. Same with blacks. They
must be made to realise that they are also human, not inferior.”9
- Albert Einstein:10
“In the United States everyone feels assured of his worth as an individual.
No one humbles himself before another person or class…. There is
however, a somber point in the social outlook of Americans. Their sense of
equality and human dignity is mainly limited to men of white skins. The
more l feel an American, the more this situation pains me. I can escape the
feeling of complicity in it only by speaking out.
Many a sincere person will answer: ‘Our attitude towards the Negroes is
the result of unfavourable experiences which we have had by living side by
side with Negroes in this country. They are not our equals in intelligence,
sense of responsibility, reliability.’
I am firmly convinced that whoever believes this suffers from a fatal
misconception. Your ancestors dragged these black people from their
homes by force; and in the white man’s quest for wealth and an easy life
they have been ruthlessly suppressed and exploited, degraded into slavery.
The modern prejudice against Negroes is the result of the desire to
maintain this unworthy condition…
I believe that whoever tries to think things through honestly will soon
recognise how unworthy and even fatal is the traditional bias against
22. The Code on Marriage, the Family, and Guardianship, October 1918, Russia
Shona proverb, meaning - Even the poor person is a human being - when alive they will not be buried.
Statement quoted in the Boston Globe (25 October 1977), Reader p. 102.
A Einstein, “The Negro Question”, Pageant Magazine, January 1946.
SW, “The Paris Commune, March 19871: We remember the first socialist revolution”, Socialist Worker, April
2018, p 27; Socialist Worker, “The 1871 Paris Commune: First Workers State” Socialist Worker, May 1995, p. 10.
“The 1918 Code swept away centuries of patriarchal and ecclesiastical power and
established a new vision base don individual rights and gender equality… It
abolished the inferior legal status of women and created equality under the law. It
eliminated the validity of religious marriage and gave legal status to civil marriage
only… The Code established no-grounds divorce at the request of either spouse. It
abolished the juridical concept of ‘illegitimacy’ and entitled all children to parental
support. If a woman could not identify the father of the child, a judge assigned
paternal obligations to all the men she had sexual relations with, thus creating a
‘collective of fathers.’ It forbade adoption of orphans by individual families in favour
of society. The Code also sharply restricted the duties and obligations of property
between spouses: a woman retained full control of her earnings after marriage, and
other spouse had any claim on the property of the other.”
- On marriage spouses could adopt the a co-joint surname of their names, or that
of the wife or the husband.
- The Decree on Land, No. 1, 1917, Article 6, provided, “(6) The right to use the
land shall be accorded to all citizens of the Russian state (without distinction of
sex) desiring to cultivate it by their own labour, with the help of their families, or
in partnership, but only as long as they are able to cultivate it. The employment
of hired labour is not permitted.”
23. Identify and summarise the key provisions in the following documents that provide
for equality of all human beings, including