14-Day Devo

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a delight ministries study

Picture this... it’s the middle of the semester, you’ve watched about 30
TikToks about how to “stay motivated” for the rest of the fall season and
you’re planning how you’re going to finish the semester well. Whether
you’ve been motivated or not, you are probably feeling a lot of different
emotions! As seasons change and become busier, it can be difficult to stick
to a routine and stay motivated, but there is GOOD NEWS, you don’t have
to navigate the rest of this fall season alone.

This 14-day devotional was written for YOU! We created this devotional
for the girl who’s handling a busy schedule, feeling unmotivated to finish
strong, trying to find her place on campus, craving community, or overall
feeling a bit scattered. There is nothing more grounding than the Word of
God, and our hope is that life feels a little less overwhelming and a lot
more life-giving as you press into His Word DAILY.

We all know that diving into God’s Word may feel overwhelming or
intimidating, which is why the purpose of this short and simplified
devotional is to simply get you rooted in TRUTH before you go about your
day and routine. Our prayer is that you find it relatable, encouraging, and
a resource that consistently draws you near to God.

Ready to finish strong?

Desiring to be in God’s Word?
Feeling alone and unmotivated in your day-to-day life?

If you’re on top of the mountain or in the valley, this is for

YOU to get rooted and finish the semester strong with Jesus!
day 1
“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in
knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern
what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,
filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ–to
the glory and praise of God.”
I was on a walk with a friend next to a pond
where old men were fishing and ducks were
swimming around when I broke down and told
her what was so heavy on my heart: “I don’t
think I’m wise.” I had this image in my head of a
wisened grandmother whose great-
grandchildren tell stories of her steadfastness FURTHER STUDY
and faith. I felt hopeless because how could Philippians 1:3-10
anyone ever think of me that way? My friend
looked at me and said, “But you’re not old yet.
You have time.”
Does God think it’s okay that we aren’t living
into our full potential right now? When I read Think of an older
verses like today’s, I’m inclined to think yes. Paul woman in your life
prays that the church in who you consider to
Philippi would grow more and more in their
love and understanding, meaning they aren’t all be wise. What
the way there yet. Our God gives us room to attributes does she
grow! He lets us take baby
steps. A walk with Jesus, a life in pursuit of have that you want to
holiness and unity with God, is not a one- emulate?
stop shop. It’s a process of falling a little bit
more in love with Him every day, and growing to
look a bit more like Him as you go.

So, if you don’t feel wise right now, that’s okay!

There’s a reason Grammie beat you
to it. She’s had more time to spend with Jesus!
Lean into the baby steps with God and trust that
He will do a good work in you and through you
(Philippians 1:6).
day 2
“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for
me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
PSALM 139:16
Today is important. Now, before you brush
that off as meaningless
inspirational propaganda, take a second to
think about what it would mean if every
single day could be treated like the most
important day of your life. Wouldn’t that
change how you lived it?

In Psalm 139, the writer says that all of our

days were written in God’s book. Imagine FURTHER STUDY
that! Our God, Creator of the universe and
loving Father, has a big book up there
Psalm 139
with Him in Heaven. We can picture it as
leather bound, with yellowing parchment
pages. Maybe there’s an intricate design on JOURNAL PROMPT
the front that seems to glow and
shimmer. Maybe it’s lined with gold. This Start keeping a record of
book is important. And, somewhere in that your days. As you do
book, our God painstakingly wrote out this, look for little God
what you would do today.
Hear that! Our God thought that what you moments and highlight
do today was important enough to write them. How is He moving
down in His book of life. How can we ever in your everyday life?
look at our lives as meaningless? How can
we see any moment as a waste? Your God,
the one working for your good (Romans
8:28), is on the edge of His seat for what
you are going to do today.
Doesn’t that get you excited? You can go
through your day looking for God’s
fingerprints in every moment. You can look
at your day-to-day life with a fresh
perspective, with holy optimism. Turn your
head to the Lord of Hosts and ask, “What
do you have for me today?”
day 3
“‘Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about
many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has
chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’”
LUKE 10:41-42
Have you tried reading the Bible with a one-
track mind? What if, every time you
cracked open that battered old Bible you got
in middle school and can’t seem to let
go of, you simply looked for the heart of
God in every word?

When you try that trick on this passage from

Luke 10, your mind suddenly opens up
a new understanding of the whole
Mary/Martha situation. Instead of trying to
Luke 10:38-42
decide whether you’re more of a Martha (the
sister who was rushing around, distracted)
or if you’re more of a Mary (the sister who
sat her butt down at the feet of Jesus
and listened), you can read this story and
actually focus on the real main character:
Fill in your name in the
In this moment in Scripture, Jesus shows His blank below. Can you
empathy, His tenderness, and His
corrective wisdom. You can see His heart claim this truth for your
leaking into every word. In His short reply,
He not only validates Martha’s feelings and
soothes her stress, but also drops a “ __________ has
nugget of wisdom attached to a promise for
all of us: When we choose total
chosen what is better,
connection to Jesus, it will not be taken away and it will not be taken
from us.
away from her.”
Are your eyes moving 100 miles a minute,
trying to focus on everything around you
instead of the One who we were made to
focus on? Are you perhaps missing the
real, meaningful parts of your life because
you have been distracted and sidetracked
by the unimportant things? Sister, all you
have to do is focus on the main character:
Jesus! Today, try living your life with a one-
track mind. Choose total connection to Jesus,
and hold firm to your tender, empathetic
day 4
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a
new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way
in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”
ISAIAH 43:18-19
Have you been experiencing
disappointment, hopelessness, frustration,
or setback after setback? Maybe you feel
overwhelmed with work, plagued by shame,
or stuck in the hurt of your past. Take heart!
The Bible says that in this world we will have
trouble, but that Jesus has overcome the
world (John 16:33). When we experience
setbacks, we are actually in the best position Luke 10:38-42
for God to set us up for something new! John 16:33
When Israel was faced with exile and
captivity, God told them not to focus on the
past or their setbacks, but to focus on Him JOURNAL PROMPT
and the new thing He was doing. If the
Israelites had stayed focused on the
Have you been dwelling
discouragement of their sin, failures and on a setback? Ask the
defeats, they would have totally missed the Holy Spirit to show you
really good brand new thing God had in how God is using your
store for them. They would have missed
locking eyes with the One who was working setback to set you up for
all things for their good. the new thing He is
While it can be so tempting to focus on our
setbacks or former things, let’s fix our
eyes on the One who says not to fear,
because He is with us and for us. He
promises to help us! He Himself is
everything you will ever need! Your peace,
your strength, your joy–and He is working
every single part of your story for your good
and His glory, more than you could ever
day 5
“The Lord said to Gideon, ‘You have too many men. I cannot deliver
Midian into their hands, or Israel would boast against me, ‘My own
strength has saved me.’’”
We have to stop taking credit for God’s victories
in our lives. In Judges 6, God told
Gideon to rescue Israel from the Midianites:
“The Lord turned to him and said, ‘Go
in the strength you have and save Israel out of
Midian’s hand. Am I not sending
you?’” (Judges 6:14). After lots of questioning
and asking God to confirm the word He had FURTHER STUDY
spoken, Gideon finally agreed. Gideon
gathered his army, but God had different plans. Judges 7
Twice Gideon had to shrink his army of 32,000
by the Lord’s request, until there were only 300
Psalm 147:10-11
men left. It was time to approach the Midianite
camp . . . can you imagine how Gideon felt
having to totally rely on the Lord for the
victory He had promised?! JOURNAL PROMPT
Every day we are faced with countless
List out the victories God
opportunities to try and accomplish things in has won in your life
our own strength. Instead of waiting on the lately. Then, give Him
Lord and relying on Him, we choose to
take things into our own hands and steal the thanks!
credit when we experience “victory.”
What would our days look like if we relied on
the Lord for every little victory? Instead
of trying to finish our school work by worrying
and drinking 3 iced coffees, what if we prayed
before we even opened our laptops and asked
God for His power and help? Instead of trying
to muster up the motivation to exercise, what if
we treated every workout as worship to the
Lord and let Him supply our strength?

Let’s allow God to provide our victories so we

can give Him the credit and glory He deserves.
He is worthy!
day 6
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and
teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely
I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
MATTHEW 28:19-20
If you’re anything like me, you probably have
an overwhelming desire to make
Heaven crowded but often find yourself
feeling unqualified and unworthy of
embarking on such an important mission! A
task like this one seems daunting and
impossible, but our role in fulfilling it is
actually pretty simple. The Bible says that we FURTHER STUDY
just need to be His witnesses and spread the
good news of the gospel everywhere we go, Matthew 28:16-20
and that we will receive power to do so
through the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8)! Mark 16:14-20
We learn in the book of Matthew that after
Jesus’s resurrection and prior to His
ascension, He appeared to His disciples and
gave them the Great Commission. This JOURNAL PROMPT
was essentially a commandment and an
assignment to go to the ends of the earth How can you be a
and bring people to know and follow Jesus!
The best part of this commandment is that He
disciple within your
promised to go with His disciples forever. community and beyond?
Even though the Great Commission was
initially delivered to those who followed
Him while He walked on this earth, it extended
to us, too. There are so many people
who have either never heard about or never
received the salvation that only Jesus
can provide, so we are called to be
ambassadors for Christ and to let God speak,
move, and work through us (2 Corinthians

Today, let’s remember that we have been

strategically and intentionally placed
here on earth to spread the gospel like
wildfire! He has promised to be with us and
to equip us, so let’s be obedient and follow
His example as we build the kingdom
day 7
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
Have you ever wondered why the Lord asks us to
guard our hearts? Maybe it’s because Jesus has a
super sweet, unique, crazy cool, calling on your life but
He knows it might be hard to hear. Every day we have
about a hundred different voices that can easily sway
us and impact our calling and He’s urging us to stay
attentive to this.

There’s this moment in Matthew 16 where Jesus

Himself practices the discipline of guarding His heart.
He had just prophesied his death, burial, and FURTHER STUDY
resurrection and one of the disciples, Peter, started to
panic! He couldn’t handle the fact that Jesus was going Matthew 16:21-28
to leave Him. Scripture says, “Peter took him aside
and began to rebuke him. ‘Never, Lord!’ he said. ‘This Proverbs 4
shall never happen to you!’ Jesus turned and said to
Peter, ‘Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling
block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of
God, but merely human concerns’” (Matthew 16:22-
What voices in your life
Although Peter meant well and everything he said
might have been rooted in love, Peter’s own voice was hold more weight than
getting in the way of God’s plan for Jesus’s life. Jesus
had a calling and mission over His life and He had to
be protective of that!

This makes me wonder what voices are speaking into

your life. Although they might be rooted in love, are
they distracting you from God’s plan and purpose? Is
there a friend, parent, or significant other whose voice
is louder than your Father’s? Are you listening to
“merely human concerns’’ or are you listening to the
“concerns of God?”

I love Jesus’s angsty response when He said, “Get

behind me, Satan!” He put his foot down and stood in
the authority that His Father had given Him. You can
walk in that same authority today! You have the ability
to say no, stand firm, and guard your heart in order to
see God’s crazy awesome plans. You have the
authority . . . now will you walk in it?
day 8
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I
am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you
with my righteous right hand.”
ISAIAH 41:10
Fear and dismay are two feelings I have become
very familiar with. Honestly, I have no idea what
the future holds for me. Maybe you’re in the same
boat. Or maybe you’re going through a breakup,
and you really thought he was your future
husband. Maybe you’re unhappy with the major
and the field you always thought you wanted to
go into. Maybe things with your family seem to be
falling apart. Maybe the new friends you thought Deuteronomy 31:8
that college would bring are nowhere to be
found. Psalm 121:1-2
Fear and dismay. Allll of the fear and dismay.
It’s easy to just get stuck in fear and dismay, to
muddle in sadness and hopelessness. It’s easy to Are you living in fear
keep all of the yucky stuff to ourselves, never and dismay? Do you
letting it see the light of day. That way, we don’t believe that God is
have to face the hard things. We don’t have to let
others in, we don’t have to do any emotional and bigger than your
mental workouts, we can just sit in it. feelings?
But God doesn’t want that for us. God wants to
lift us out of the yuck.

God’s righteous right hand is extended to us, and

His righteous right hand is so much stronger and
steadier than anything of this world we could ever
rely on. His righteous right hand will lift us out of
the fear and the dismay that we feel so stuck in.

His hand is extended to you! All you have to do is

reach out and grab it! Let Him lift you out of
whatever it is that you’re stuck in.
day 9
“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts
form one body, so it is with Christ.”
I don’t know about you, but I am very guilty of
being jealous of other people’s gifts and talents.
I look at the girl who preaches and speaks with
such confidence and clarity, and I envy her. I see
my friend lead worship so beautifully, and I am
embarrassed that I sound so terrible when I
sing. I listen as a girl in my small group speaks
with such wisdom and deep knowledge, and I
feel like a bad Christian because I don’t know as
much as she does when it comes to reciting Romans 12:4
Scripture and knowing all of the theology. These
gifts and talents are amazing, and I wish I had Isaiah 64:8

Does that sound familiar? Have you ever been JOURNAL PROMPT
stuck in the trap of comparison of gifts and
talents? Have you felt unimportant and
Do you believe that
unequipped as a part of the body of Christ? you are important to
Those feelings of comparison and insignificance the body of Christ? If
are tricks from the enemy to try to get us to
forget how important we are to the body of not, why? What’s
Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:26 says, “If one part getting in the way of
suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is you believing it?
honored, every part rejoices with it.” So you
feeling unimportant is impacting the whole
body! The enemy knows this. He knows that
when you live in envy, embarrassment, and
comparison, you are unable to fully live into
your role as a part of the body of Christ.

Your gifts are not small. They are not

insignificant. They are necessary to the body of
Christ. Without you, the body could not function
at its best! Don’t allow comparison to get in the
way! Be confident in your gifts and talents!
day 10
“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the
depths, you are there.”
PSALM 139:7
In the good times, it’s easy to know God is near,
and He loves us. Everything is awesome and
things are going our way, so of course God is
near, right?! But have you ever made your bed in
the depths? Have you ever hit absolute rock
bottom? Is it possible that you’re there right now? FURTHER STUDY
In those times, it is difficult to feel like God is Jeremiah 27:7
near. When everything feels hopeless and
unfixable, how could God be there? How could 2 Corinthians 12:9
God reach into those spaces?

Psalm 139:7 tells us that God is there in the good

times and in the bad times. He’s not just there JOURNAL PROMPT
when you get your dream job! He’s there when
your boyfriend of three years breaks up with you Do you know that you
out of nowhere. He’s not just there when you’ve are never too far out of
been reading your Bible and praying every day.
He’s there when you haven’t acknowledged Him God’s reach? How does
in years. He’s not just there when you went to that make you feel? How
church last Sunday. He’s there when you lied to
your parents about where you were last weekend.
should that change the
way you live?
No matter what you’ve done, no matter how many
days it’s been since you read the Bible, and no
matter how long it’s been since you prayed, He’s
there. No matter how much shame or
embarrassment you are carrying, He’s there. We
can’t flee from His presence! We are never too far

How can that change the way that you live today?
How does it feel to know that the King of the
world is right next to you, no matter where you
day 11
““For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not
submit again to the yoke of slavery.”
When you think of one word to describe Christians,
what is the first thing that pops into your head?
Maybe it’s love, peace, joy, or hope... and none of
those are bad options! But what about the word
free? Most believers wouldn’t pick free as their first
word because we often don’t understand the true
meaning of this word. Paul tells us in Galatians that
Jesus paid the ultimate price to set us free. When FURTHER STUDY
we are in Christ, we are freed from the bondage of
our sin and flesh. We are given this freedom by Hebrews 12:1-3
doing nothing to earn it and nothing to deserve it. Romans 8:1-4
In our freedom, we are filled with the hope of
Christ and radiate the joy of our relationship with
our Savior.

Without Jesus, we are slaves to the world, our flesh, PRAYER PROMPT
and Satan. We probably can look back at our lives
before Jesus and see areas where we were slaves
Jesus, I know You offer
to others’ opinions, our twisted body image, or me freedom through
horrible thoughts about others. But do our lives in simply having a
Christ look like we are free? When we choose to
keep living in the bondage of our former selves, we relationship with You.
reject the freedom Christ died for! We are called to Help me today to live in
stand firm in our relationship with Jesus and not
submit to the yoke of slavery. This slavery could be that freedom rather
living a worldly lifestyle full of satisfaction of flesh, than in the chains that so
or it could be a life chained to religious actions to
earn salvation. Jesus desperately wants you to live
easily entangle me.
into the freedom He gave you. So choose today to
throw off those chains that so easily find their way
back to entangle you. If you are caught up again in
a sin you thought you threw off, don’t be
discouraged. You aren’t alone. But instead of
living in bondage, look to Christ! Confess your sin
and turn back to the freedom you’ve been given.
For the sake of your freedom Christ has set you
free! Choose freedom today.
day 12
“ Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the
full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the
devil’s schemes.”
Do you ever feel like the entire world is
against you? Maybe that one bad day has
stretched into a week. You’re thinking about
the one small thing that someone said, and
your mind is racing with negative thoughts.
“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the FURTHER STUDY
devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking
for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). If you Ephesians 6:12-20
are doing the Lord’s work, the devil is looking 2 Corinthians 10:3-6
for a way to stop that.

That battle in your mind is not against flesh

and blood but against the devil. When we are
facing hardship, the Lord tells us to suit up
and put on His armor, whether that’s the belt Where do you run in the
of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the midst of a struggle?
sandals of peace, the shield of faith, the
helmet of salvation, or the sword of the Spirit.
2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us that we can “take
captive every thought to make it obedient to
Christ.” You have the power to change those
unkind thoughts into thoughts that reflect our
gracious Creator.

How we handle our struggles can impact how

we live our daily lives. If we want joy-filled
days, it is best to fight our battles the way God
tells us to, instead of striving to fix it on our
own. Imagine putting on that belt of truth and
speaking truth into the lies the enemy has
placed in your head. When you hear, “I am not
enough,” be comforted in the voice of your
loving Father whispering, “You are more than
day 13
“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us
an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So, we fix our
eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is
seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

How can we trust God with our salvation and our

eternity when we can’t trust Him to provide for
our next car payment? Why is it that we can so
simply trust God with the single biggest, most
important thing in our lives (our salvation and
eternal dwelling in Heaven with Him), but when James 1:2-4
it comes to the little troubles along the way, we
struggle with trusting Him to pull through for us?

There is nothing more important than where we

choose to place our faith, so if we have full
confidence and assurance in our eternal JOURNAL PROMPT
destination (Philippians 3:20), why is it that we
struggle so much with all these other things? Think about what
Exam seasons stress us out, breakups seem like burdens you are carrying
the end of the world, and bad roommate
situations are just the last straw. This is why God and what trials you are
calls us to “set our minds on things above, not walking through. Do you
on earthly things” (Colossians 3:2). If we are
walking by sight and in the flesh, we are going to view your circumstances
feel the weight of carrying those “light and in light of eternity?
momentary troubles.” But if we fix our eyes on
Heaven, we will be renewed day by day. For we
are called to walk by faith, not by sight.

There is a coming glory that will far outweigh all

of the trials and tribulations we go through. This
is why we do not lose heart. Live for Heaven
today. Don’t let another day go by where you
are not redirecting and focusing your mind on
Heaven. We are not of this world; we are citizens
of Heaven, so let’s let our thoughts, actions, and
lives reflect that truth!
day 14
“Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do
what it says.”
JAMES 1:22
Have you ever felt complacent? Are you
craving more depth in your faith? Maybe,
just maybe, it’s time to take a step back
and look at your life! And I mean really
look at it. Carve out some time, get in a
quiet space, and get real with yourself. FURTHER STUDY
2 Corinthians 13:5
Are you merely listening to God’s Word? Lamentations 3:40
Or do you listen to the Word at all?
Maybe you’ll find yourself asking those
questions and responding with a JOURNAL PROMPT
hesitant “yes.” Or maybe it’s deeper than
that. It’s possible that you’ve been Look at your life. Are
listening to the Word, yet you haven’t you being a doer of the
actually been doing what it says. Sort of Word, or are you merely
like when you were little and your mom listening? Consider
would tell you to do something and you asking a trusted friend
would listen and hear her loud and clear, to examine your life
yet what did you do? Typically, the
opposite of what she asked. James says alongside you.
that we are deceiving ourselves if we
choose to merely listen to the Word. I’m
not sure about y’all but I don’t want to
be deceived, and even more so I don’t
want to be the one deceiving myself! So
let’s look at our lives. Are we reflecting
what the Word says? Are we acting upon
what we are hearing? Let’s be doers of
the Word!
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