14-Day Devo
14-Day Devo
14-Day Devo
Picture this... it’s the middle of the semester, you’ve watched about 30
TikToks about how to “stay motivated” for the rest of the fall season and
you’re planning how you’re going to finish the semester well. Whether
you’ve been motivated or not, you are probably feeling a lot of different
emotions! As seasons change and become busier, it can be difficult to stick
to a routine and stay motivated, but there is GOOD NEWS, you don’t have
to navigate the rest of this fall season alone.
This 14-day devotional was written for YOU! We created this devotional
for the girl who’s handling a busy schedule, feeling unmotivated to finish
strong, trying to find her place on campus, craving community, or overall
feeling a bit scattered. There is nothing more grounding than the Word of
God, and our hope is that life feels a little less overwhelming and a lot
more life-giving as you press into His Word DAILY.
We all know that diving into God’s Word may feel overwhelming or
intimidating, which is why the purpose of this short and simplified
devotional is to simply get you rooted in TRUTH before you go about your
day and routine. Our prayer is that you find it relatable, encouraging, and
a resource that consistently draws you near to God.
Does that sound familiar? Have you ever been JOURNAL PROMPT
stuck in the trap of comparison of gifts and
talents? Have you felt unimportant and
Do you believe that
unequipped as a part of the body of Christ? you are important to
Those feelings of comparison and insignificance the body of Christ? If
are tricks from the enemy to try to get us to
forget how important we are to the body of not, why? What’s
Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:26 says, “If one part getting in the way of
suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is you believing it?
honored, every part rejoices with it.” So you
feeling unimportant is impacting the whole
body! The enemy knows this. He knows that
when you live in envy, embarrassment, and
comparison, you are unable to fully live into
your role as a part of the body of Christ.
How can that change the way that you live today?
How does it feel to know that the King of the
world is right next to you, no matter where you
day 11
““For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not
submit again to the yoke of slavery.”
When you think of one word to describe Christians,
what is the first thing that pops into your head?
Maybe it’s love, peace, joy, or hope... and none of
those are bad options! But what about the word
free? Most believers wouldn’t pick free as their first
word because we often don’t understand the true
meaning of this word. Paul tells us in Galatians that
Jesus paid the ultimate price to set us free. When FURTHER STUDY
we are in Christ, we are freed from the bondage of
our sin and flesh. We are given this freedom by Hebrews 12:1-3
doing nothing to earn it and nothing to deserve it. Romans 8:1-4
In our freedom, we are filled with the hope of
Christ and radiate the joy of our relationship with
our Savior.
Without Jesus, we are slaves to the world, our flesh, PRAYER PROMPT
and Satan. We probably can look back at our lives
before Jesus and see areas where we were slaves
Jesus, I know You offer
to others’ opinions, our twisted body image, or me freedom through
horrible thoughts about others. But do our lives in simply having a
Christ look like we are free? When we choose to
keep living in the bondage of our former selves, we relationship with You.
reject the freedom Christ died for! We are called to Help me today to live in
stand firm in our relationship with Jesus and not
submit to the yoke of slavery. This slavery could be that freedom rather
living a worldly lifestyle full of satisfaction of flesh, than in the chains that so
or it could be a life chained to religious actions to
earn salvation. Jesus desperately wants you to live
easily entangle me.
into the freedom He gave you. So choose today to
throw off those chains that so easily find their way
back to entangle you. If you are caught up again in
a sin you thought you threw off, don’t be
discouraged. You aren’t alone. But instead of
living in bondage, look to Christ! Confess your sin
and turn back to the freedom you’ve been given.
For the sake of your freedom Christ has set you
free! Choose freedom today.
day 12
“ Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the
full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the
devil’s schemes.”
Do you ever feel like the entire world is
against you? Maybe that one bad day has
stretched into a week. You’re thinking about
the one small thing that someone said, and
your mind is racing with negative thoughts.
“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the FURTHER STUDY
devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking
for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). If you Ephesians 6:12-20
are doing the Lord’s work, the devil is looking 2 Corinthians 10:3-6
for a way to stop that.