Literature Survey On Cutting & Grinding Wheel Manufacturing
Literature Survey On Cutting & Grinding Wheel Manufacturing
Literature Survey On Cutting & Grinding Wheel Manufacturing
This study has conducted keeping the primary requirement of developing new manufacturing facility for PE
Plus (Pvt) Ltd to manufacture abrasive grinding wheels product range which is currently imported and
distributed island wide under PE Plus brand. Grinding is an important operation for finishing machined
components. Grinding operation is carried out on a grinding machine having a grinding wheel which is
made of bonding material and abrasive particles. The properties of a grinding wheel are mainly governed by
these two constituents, i.e. Bond material and abrasive particles. Controllable machine parameters and
properties of the grinding wheel determine the kind of surface characteristics that can be achieved. Hence, it
is inevitable to study in detail, both the grinding wheel and the grinding machine. Unit 4 discusses the
grinding wheel and its constituents. Depending upon the workpiece material properties and machined
surface requirements, bonding material and abrasive particles type are selected. Commonly used bonding
materials are resinoid, vitrified, silicate, shellac and rubber. Under certain circumstances, metal bonded
grinding wheels are also used. Various types of abrasives used are Al2O3, CBN, sic, and diamond. A
grinding wheel marking tells about the various characteristics of grinding wheel, viz. Type of abrasive, grain
size, grade, structure and manufacturer’s mark.
Principle of grinding the grinding wheel. Thus, a grinding wheel can
be said to have self-sharpening characteristics.
Grinding is a surface finishing operation, which
The effective
can produce surface finish as good as less than 1
rake angle of the abrasive grains is
μm (say, 0.75 μm). In grinding operation, abrasive
negative, and the process is associated with
particles remove very thin layer of material
high specific cutting energy as compared to
producing discontinuous chips like that in milling
that in traditional cutting operations like
operation. The abrasive particles held by the
turning, milling, etc. For specifying a grinding
bonding material act as cutting tools
wheel, one needs to give details regarding
abrasive type, abrasive size, wheel grade,
Abrasive Machining Processes
wheel structure, bond material and
manufacturer’s identification mark. The
Depending upon the protrusion height of the
description of these characteristics of a
abrasive particles and depth of cut, some of the
grinding wheel is given in the following
protruding abrasives are active (participating in
cutting) while others are inactive (not
participating in cutting). As grinding continues,
Abrasive grains in grinding act as cutting tools.
the cutting edges of some of the grains become
The cutting ability of abrasive grains depends
blunt hence the grinding forces on these grains
on their properties like hardness, toughness,
increase until either the blunt abrasives fracture
friability (ability to fracture) and resistance to
and expose new cutting edges, or whole of the
attrition. Because of uniform cutting
blunt grain is consumed to expose new active
characteristics of the synthetic abrasive
grains, or partially used grain is dislodged from
Engineering Project Division PE Plus (Pvt) Ltdmaterials, they are more commonly used1than
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Abrasive Grinding Wheel and Sanding Flap Wheel Manufacturing ProjectPE Plus (Pvt)
natural abrasive materials. Conventionally used aluminium oxide. It is used for grinding of
abrasives for grinding wheels are aluminum oxide material of low tensile strength like cemented
(Al2O3), silicon carbide (SiC), boron carbide carbide, stone and ceramic, gray cast iron, brass,
(B4C), cubic boron nitride (CBN), and diamond. bronze, aluminium vulcanized rubber, etc.
A grinding wheel consists of bonding material, Aluminium Oxide
abrasives and pores (or porosity). Depending upon It is prepared by heating mineral bauxite, a
individual constituent percentage, the grinding hydrated aluminum oxide clay containing silica,
wheel attains its properties. Figure 4.2 shows iron oxide, titanium oxide mixed with ground
grinding wheel structure showing all the three coke and iron borings in a arc type electric
constituents. The large sized grains are crushed furnace. Preferred for grinding of materials of
and graded into various sizes by passing them higher tensile strengths like steel; high carbon and
through standard sieves. high speed steel and tough bronze
Generally abrasive properties like hardness,
Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3)
toughness and resistance to fracture uniformly
abrasives are classified into two principal groups:
Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) is a commonly
(a) Natural abrasives, and
used abrasive for grinding wheel.
(b) Artificial abrasives.
Aluminum-oxide grinding wheels have
high hardness and toughness, and can
Natural Abrasives
work at high temperatures (say, up to
Sand stone (solid quartz) These are relatively
2000°C). Al2O3 is also known as
Alumina. The abrasive content in a wheel
These cannot be used for grinding of hard material
decides its properties like hardness. The
natural form of alumina is known as
at faster speed.
corrundum and emery, which have
Emery is a natural aluminium oxide containing 55
impurities hence their performance is
to 65% alumina, rest are iron oxide and
inconsistent. These wheels are good for
grinding steel, soft bronze and high
Corundum : If percentage of aluminium oxide is
strength materials.
ranging from 75 to 95% then it is called
Silicon Carbide (SiC)
Diamond is not recommended to use as abrasive
Silicon carbide (SiC) is made from silica
due to its cost in effectiveness.
sand and coke with a small amount of
NaCl (common salt) and sawdust. It has
Artificial Abrasives
high heat resistance (up to 2050°) and
Silicon Carbide
excellent cutting properties. The latter is
It is also called carbornudum. It is manufactured
due to the sharp cutting edges obtained
from 56 parts of silica sand, 34 parts of powdered
when SiC is crushed. SiC grinding wheels
cake, 2 pats of salt, 12 parts of saw dust in a long
are available in two categories – black and
rectangular electric furnace of resistance type
green. The black SiC wheel is of lower
There are two types of silicon carbide abrasive,
quality than the green
green grit with approximately 97% silicon carbide
one. The abrasives are brittle in nature, and
black grit with approximately 95% silicon carbide.
are used to grind material with a low
It is less harder than diamond and less tough than
tensile strength (CI, cast bronze, cast
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aluminium, cemented carbides, etc.). SiC size is represented by a number which indicates
is also used for dressing grinding wheels the number of holes per linear 25 mm (one inch)
as a substitute for diamond. in the sieve used to size the grains (Figure 4.3).
This means, larger the sieve number the finer the
grains (Table 4.1)
Boron Carbide (B4C) Bond Materials
A grinding wheel gets its shape by bond material,
Boron carbide (B4C) is expensive and is
used for lapping, cutting and grinding. Its
hardness is very close to that of diamond
and heat resistance is even better than
Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN) which also holds abrasive grains together. Various
types of bond materials are used in making
Cubic boron nitride (CBN) is a synthetic grinding wheels for different purposes. These
material, which also has properties very bond materials are
close to that of diamond. This can cut Vitrified (V),
extremely hard materials at very high Silicate (S),
speed. It is very expensive. Shellac (E),
Resinoid (B),
Diamond Resinoid reinforced (BF),
Oxychloride (O),
Diamonds used in cutting industries are Rubber (R),
artificial ones because of their capability to Rubber reinforced (RF)
easily fracture, during machining. Due to The letters within parentheses are used to indicate
fracture, it presents new cutting edges the bond material on marking of a grinding wheel.
rather than getting glazed like natural Vitrified (V)
diamond. Diamond is known as the hardest Vitrified (V) bond is also known as
material, which cut at very high ceramic bond, and it is a commonly used
temperature and pressure. But it is quite bond material. It is made of clay, feldspar,
expensive quartz, talc, chalk and silicate of soda.
also. These wheels have high strength and
Abrasives type identification porosity, but they are unaffected by the
Above discussed abrasives are identified by presence of water, acids, etc. These wheels
different letters as follows. These abbreviations are brittle, and they are weak in
are used in the specification of a grinding wheel. mechanical and thermal shock. These
(a) Aluminum oxide – A wheels are suitable for high production
(b) Cubic boron nitride – B rates.
(c) Silicon carbide – C Silicate (S)
(d) Diamond – D Silicate (S) bond has low hardness and is
water glass hardened by baking. It is used
Grain Size (Grit Size) in making large sized grinding wheels and
Abrasive materials are crushed in ball not used for precision grinding, but good
mills to obtain grains of different sizes. The grain
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Abrasive Grinding Wheel and Sanding Flap Wheel Manufacturing ProjectPE Plus (Pvt)
enough for sharpening cutlery knives, and
carpenters’ chisels like tools.
Shellac (E)
Shellac (E) bond is used for making
grinding wheels for heavy duty, large
diameter wheels especially for fine finish
and cool cutting. These wheels are used
for finishing mill rolls.
Resinoid (B)
Resinoid (B) bond wheels are strong and
flexible, but are used for cutting at high
speeds and comparatively low
temperature. These wheels are used for
dressing of castings and also as cut-off
wheels. These wheels are made of bakelite
(synthetic/organic resin). These wheels are
affected by alkaline cutting fluid, and
temperature higher than 180°C. Addition
of graphite filler to the resinoid would
improve upon surface finish of the ground
Rubber (R)
Rubber (R) bonded wheels are flexible and
hard, and are made of hard vulcanized
rubber. These wheels are used like saw for
cut-off operation, and as a control wheel in
centerless grinding operation.
Metal (M)
Metal (M) bonded wheels are commonly
used in the advanced machining processes
like electrochemical grinding, and electric
discharge grinding, and for diamond
cutting. These wheels are made by using Grinding wheel and specs
powder metallurgy techniques A grinding wheel is one of the tools used in
and use mostly CBN or diamond machining, but what exactly is a grinding wheel?
abrasives. The abrasives are bonded to the Let’s take a particular grinding wheel as an
periphery of a metal wheel, up to the depth example and have a closer look at the structure
of 6 mm or less. Bonding is carried out using a microscope. Grinding wheels are generally
under high pressure and temperature. composed of the 3 elements “abrasive grains
(grains)”, “bond” and “pores” as shown in Fig. 1,
Micro level analysis and each of these plays the following roles.
Truing is the process of changing the shape of the
grinding wheel as it becomes worn from an
original shape, owing to the breaking away of the
abrasive and bond. This is done to make the wheel
true and concentric with the bore, or to change the
face contour for form grinding. Truing and
dressing are done with the same tools, but not
ceramic/resin bonded abrasive products. For the whole cutting wheel production line,
Technical Parameters of isharp brand cutting wheel making machine is the main
machines machine to begin this project.
Model MIX-2-50A MIX-2- MIX-2-
100A 200A Components of cutting wheel macking machine
50kg 100kg 200kg - Oil pump
Feeding - Machine frame
- Electric control circuit
Forks 24RPM 48RPM 28RPM
Rotary - Hydraulic press
Pots Rotary 10-40RPM 10-40RPM 10-30RPM - Other spare parts
Installed 15KW 15KW 29KW
Technical parameters of isharp cutting wheel making
Size 3200x120 3400x152 3800x3800
(LXWXH) 0x1580m 0x1750m x1780mm
m m Works
Model Type Production Productio
Weight 3000kg 4000kg 6000kg Size tations n
No. Capacity
The difference is that it's a better choice using machine model and cutting wheel you want to
rotary type machine if produce ultra-thin cutting
make. Below is the auto devices picture for your
wheel and big size wheels like 12, 14, 16 inch
due to rotary type machine with high accuracy. reference:
Of course, other sizes can also use rotary type
machine to produce. You can choose as your
The pusher type machine use air cylinder and
electric cylinder to push the molds move and
finish the disc forming, which is suitable for
making 4-9 inch cutting disc and grinding wheel.
2. Size
Type Diameter Hole( Flap's Flap's Flap's
(mm) mm) Length Width( Quantity
(mm) mm)
T27/T29 100 16 24 16-18 60-72
T27/T29 115 22 25 16-18 72-90
T27/T29 125 22 30 16-18 72-90
T27/T29 150 22 35 16-18 80-100
T27/T29 180 22 35 16-18 80-120
Note: Support OEM production.
1) Fiberglass backing
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Abrasive Grinding Wheel and Sanding Flap Wheel Manufacturing ProjectPE Plus (Pvt) Ltd
Customers can choose according to the production
granularity number and technical requirements.
2) Plastic backing Feature:
Widely used, especially in Europe, there are a variety
of colors to choose from, which will contaminate the
work surface. It must be specially designed to
increase surface contact to enhance adhesion. It is not
as safe as fiberglass backing and may be deformed at
high temperatures. Not recommended for sub- zero
temperature. The plastic backing is mainly made of
nylon. Their thickness is different, so the cost is also 2. Abrasives cloth
different. A thicker backing is a safer backing. Abrasive cloth is one of the most critical components
3) Metal backing and is often overlooked. It must be strong enough to
prevent premature abrasion of the grain, but not too
Feature: The safest, flap discs made of metal backing strong to cause gloss on the surface of the flap disc.
are the strongest, more expensive than fiberglass For metal working, there are three main types of
backing or plastic backing, made from stamped steel abrasives materials:
or aluminum, and require compatible adhesives.
1) Ceramic aluminum oxide abrasives can provide
the fastest cutting speed and maintain a high
cutting speed to achieve the longest service life. It
is suitable for workpieces made of standard steel,
tool steel, armored steel, titanium, and inconel.
The difference between full automatic flap disc
machine and semi-automatic flap disc machine is
mainly reflected in two aspects: put backing plate and
pick finished product.