Literature Survey On Cutting & Grinding Wheel Manufacturing

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Abrasive Grinding Wheel and Sanding Flap Wheel Manufacturing ProjectPE Plus (Pvt)



By Eng. Kasun Devapriya Rajapakse (Factory Director)


This study has conducted keeping the primary requirement of developing new manufacturing facility for PE
Plus (Pvt) Ltd to manufacture abrasive grinding wheels product range which is currently imported and
distributed island wide under PE Plus brand. Grinding is an important operation for finishing machined
components. Grinding operation is carried out on a grinding machine having a grinding wheel which is
made of bonding material and abrasive particles. The properties of a grinding wheel are mainly governed by
these two constituents, i.e. Bond material and abrasive particles. Controllable machine parameters and
properties of the grinding wheel determine the kind of surface characteristics that can be achieved. Hence, it
is inevitable to study in detail, both the grinding wheel and the grinding machine. Unit 4 discusses the
grinding wheel and its constituents. Depending upon the workpiece material properties and machined
surface requirements, bonding material and abrasive particles type are selected. Commonly used bonding
materials are resinoid, vitrified, silicate, shellac and rubber. Under certain circumstances, metal bonded
grinding wheels are also used. Various types of abrasives used are Al2O3, CBN, sic, and diamond. A
grinding wheel marking tells about the various characteristics of grinding wheel, viz. Type of abrasive, grain
size, grade, structure and manufacturer’s mark.
Principle of grinding the grinding wheel. Thus, a grinding wheel can
be said to have self-sharpening characteristics.
Grinding is a surface finishing operation, which
The effective
can produce surface finish as good as less than 1
rake angle of the abrasive grains is
μm (say, 0.75 μm). In grinding operation, abrasive
negative, and the process is associated with
particles remove very thin layer of material
high specific cutting energy as compared to
producing discontinuous chips like that in milling
that in traditional cutting operations like
operation. The abrasive particles held by the
turning, milling, etc. For specifying a grinding
bonding material act as cutting tools
wheel, one needs to give details regarding
abrasive type, abrasive size, wheel grade,
Abrasive Machining Processes
wheel structure, bond material and
manufacturer’s identification mark. The
Depending upon the protrusion height of the
description of these characteristics of a
abrasive particles and depth of cut, some of the
grinding wheel is given in the following
protruding abrasives are active (participating in
cutting) while others are inactive (not
participating in cutting). As grinding continues,
Abrasive grains in grinding act as cutting tools.
the cutting edges of some of the grains become
The cutting ability of abrasive grains depends
blunt hence the grinding forces on these grains
on their properties like hardness, toughness,
increase until either the blunt abrasives fracture
friability (ability to fracture) and resistance to
and expose new cutting edges, or whole of the
attrition. Because of uniform cutting
blunt grain is consumed to expose new active
characteristics of the synthetic abrasive
grains, or partially used grain is dislodged from
Engineering Project Division PE Plus (Pvt) Ltdmaterials, they are more commonly used1than
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Abrasive Grinding Wheel and Sanding Flap Wheel Manufacturing ProjectPE Plus (Pvt)
natural abrasive materials. Conventionally used aluminium oxide. It is used for grinding of
abrasives for grinding wheels are aluminum oxide material of low tensile strength like cemented
(Al2O3), silicon carbide (SiC), boron carbide carbide, stone and ceramic, gray cast iron, brass,
(B4C), cubic boron nitride (CBN), and diamond. bronze, aluminium vulcanized rubber, etc.
A grinding wheel consists of bonding material, Aluminium Oxide
abrasives and pores (or porosity). Depending upon It is prepared by heating mineral bauxite, a
individual constituent percentage, the grinding hydrated aluminum oxide clay containing silica,
wheel attains its properties. Figure 4.2 shows iron oxide, titanium oxide mixed with ground
grinding wheel structure showing all the three coke and iron borings in a arc type electric
constituents. The large sized grains are crushed furnace. Preferred for grinding of materials of
and graded into various sizes by passing them higher tensile strengths like steel; high carbon and
through standard sieves. high speed steel and tough bronze
Generally abrasive properties like hardness,
Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3)
toughness and resistance to fracture uniformly
abrasives are classified into two principal groups:
Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) is a commonly
(a) Natural abrasives, and
used abrasive for grinding wheel.
(b) Artificial abrasives.
Aluminum-oxide grinding wheels have
high hardness and toughness, and can
Natural Abrasives
work at high temperatures (say, up to
Sand stone (solid quartz) These are relatively
2000°C). Al2O3 is also known as
Alumina. The abrasive content in a wheel
These cannot be used for grinding of hard material
decides its properties like hardness. The
natural form of alumina is known as
at faster speed.
corrundum and emery, which have
Emery is a natural aluminium oxide containing 55
impurities hence their performance is
to 65% alumina, rest are iron oxide and
inconsistent. These wheels are good for
grinding steel, soft bronze and high
Corundum : If percentage of aluminium oxide is
strength materials.
ranging from 75 to 95% then it is called
Silicon Carbide (SiC)
Diamond is not recommended to use as abrasive
Silicon carbide (SiC) is made from silica
due to its cost in effectiveness.
sand and coke with a small amount of
NaCl (common salt) and sawdust. It has
Artificial Abrasives
high heat resistance (up to 2050°) and
Silicon Carbide
excellent cutting properties. The latter is
It is also called carbornudum. It is manufactured
due to the sharp cutting edges obtained
from 56 parts of silica sand, 34 parts of powdered
when SiC is crushed. SiC grinding wheels
cake, 2 pats of salt, 12 parts of saw dust in a long
are available in two categories – black and
rectangular electric furnace of resistance type
green. The black SiC wheel is of lower
There are two types of silicon carbide abrasive,
quality than the green
green grit with approximately 97% silicon carbide
one. The abrasives are brittle in nature, and
black grit with approximately 95% silicon carbide.
are used to grind material with a low
It is less harder than diamond and less tough than
tensile strength (CI, cast bronze, cast
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aluminium, cemented carbides, etc.). SiC size is represented by a number which indicates
is also used for dressing grinding wheels the number of holes per linear 25 mm (one inch)
as a substitute for diamond. in the sieve used to size the grains (Figure 4.3).
This means, larger the sieve number the finer the
grains (Table 4.1)
Boron Carbide (B4C) Bond Materials
A grinding wheel gets its shape by bond material,
Boron carbide (B4C) is expensive and is
used for lapping, cutting and grinding. Its
hardness is very close to that of diamond
and heat resistance is even better than

Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN) which also holds abrasive grains together. Various
types of bond materials are used in making
Cubic boron nitride (CBN) is a synthetic grinding wheels for different purposes. These
material, which also has properties very bond materials are
close to that of diamond. This can cut  Vitrified (V),
extremely hard materials at very high  Silicate (S),
speed. It is very expensive.  Shellac (E),
 Resinoid (B),
Diamond  Resinoid reinforced (BF),
 Oxychloride (O),
Diamonds used in cutting industries are  Rubber (R),
artificial ones because of their capability to  Rubber reinforced (RF)
easily fracture, during machining. Due to The letters within parentheses are used to indicate
fracture, it presents new cutting edges the bond material on marking of a grinding wheel.
rather than getting glazed like natural Vitrified (V)
diamond. Diamond is known as the hardest Vitrified (V) bond is also known as
material, which cut at very high ceramic bond, and it is a commonly used
temperature and pressure. But it is quite bond material. It is made of clay, feldspar,
expensive quartz, talc, chalk and silicate of soda.
also. These wheels have high strength and
Abrasives type identification porosity, but they are unaffected by the
Above discussed abrasives are identified by presence of water, acids, etc. These wheels
different letters as follows. These abbreviations are brittle, and they are weak in
are used in the specification of a grinding wheel. mechanical and thermal shock. These
(a) Aluminum oxide – A wheels are suitable for high production
(b) Cubic boron nitride – B rates.
(c) Silicon carbide – C Silicate (S)
(d) Diamond – D Silicate (S) bond has low hardness and is
water glass hardened by baking. It is used
Grain Size (Grit Size) in making large sized grinding wheels and
Abrasive materials are crushed in ball not used for precision grinding, but good
mills to obtain grains of different sizes. The grain
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Abrasive Grinding Wheel and Sanding Flap Wheel Manufacturing ProjectPE Plus (Pvt)
enough for sharpening cutlery knives, and
carpenters’ chisels like tools.
Shellac (E)
Shellac (E) bond is used for making
grinding wheels for heavy duty, large
diameter wheels especially for fine finish
and cool cutting. These wheels are used
for finishing mill rolls.

Resinoid (B)
Resinoid (B) bond wheels are strong and
flexible, but are used for cutting at high
speeds and comparatively low
temperature. These wheels are used for
dressing of castings and also as cut-off
wheels. These wheels are made of bakelite
(synthetic/organic resin). These wheels are
affected by alkaline cutting fluid, and
temperature higher than 180°C. Addition
of graphite filler to the resinoid would
improve upon surface finish of the ground
Rubber (R)
Rubber (R) bonded wheels are flexible and
hard, and are made of hard vulcanized
rubber. These wheels are used like saw for
cut-off operation, and as a control wheel in
centerless grinding operation.
Metal (M)
Metal (M) bonded wheels are commonly
used in the advanced machining processes
like electrochemical grinding, and electric
discharge grinding, and for diamond
cutting. These wheels are made by using Grinding wheel and specs
powder metallurgy techniques A grinding wheel is one of the tools used in
and use mostly CBN or diamond machining, but what exactly is a grinding wheel?
abrasives. The abrasives are bonded to the Let’s take a particular grinding wheel as an
periphery of a metal wheel, up to the depth example and have a closer look at the structure
of 6 mm or less. Bonding is carried out using a microscope. Grinding wheels are generally
under high pressure and temperature. composed of the 3 elements “abrasive grains
(grains)”, “bond” and “pores” as shown in Fig. 1,
Micro level analysis and each of these plays the following roles.

1. Abrasive grains: Grain act as cutter, and

mainly they remove the surface of workpieces.
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2. Bond: Bond ties grains together and holds them the solution to such issues by focusing on
in position when loads are applied during structure homogeneity. Before discussing
grinding. the influence of homogeneity on grinding
3. Pores: ∙ Provide gaps necessary to remove performance, we will explain the factors of
chips structure and concentration.
produced during grinding. ∙ Hold, and supply What are “structure” and “concentration”?
coolant to grinding points. ∙ Release heat Conventional wheel “structure” and
generated at grinding points into the atmosphere. diamond/CBN wheel “concentration” express the
volume percentage of grains exist in the grinding
These 3 elements are closely related to the wheel or abrasive material layer, and this
grinding wheel specs. In other words, whenever percentage is referred to as “grain content”. The
you use grinding wheel, by understanding its spec, higher the grain content, the more grains exit in
you’ll know what that grinding wheel is. the grinding wheel, resulting in a “dense”
structure. On the other hand, a lower grain content
results in a “open or porous” structure. Table 1
shows the relationship between conventional
wheel structure and grain content, and Table 2
shows the relationship between diamond/CBN
Grinding wheel specs are indicated with 5 factors: wheel concentration and grain content.
“abrasive grains”, “grit size”, “grade”, “structure”, A structure value of 6 represents a grain
and “bond”. These 5 factors are described briefly percentage of 50%, change in 1 structure value
below. changes 2Vol% grain content. JIS standards state a
range of 0 to 25, however, a structure of 7 to 10 is
5 Factors of conventional wheels commonly used for grinding. A concentration of
100 represents a grain percentage of 25%, and
1. “Abrasive grains”: Type of grain used to grind grain content is calculated with dividing the
objects concentration by 4.
2. “Grit size”: Size of abrasive grains
3. “Grade”: Abrasive grain bonding strength
4. “Structure”: Abrasive grains content
5. “Bond”: Type of material used to bond
abrasive grains together

Note that grinding wheels are referred to as

conventional wheels* and diamond/CBN wheels* How is grinding performance affected by
depending on the raw material used, and with changes in “structure” and “Concentration” ?
diamond/CBN wheels, “structure” is expressed as
“concentration”. As grinding performance is How is grinding performance affected by changes
greatly affected by 5 factors, it is important to in “structure” and “concentration”? Consider a
understand the effect of these factors to grinding case where the strength of the bond between
performance in order to obtain the required grains is uniform, and only the ratio of grains and
accuracy. Often on the job floor, multiple issues pores varies.
occur and it may be difficult to solve such issues With a dense structure, the content of grains
with incumbent grinding wheels. Noritake increases, while the volume of pores decreases,
developed a new grinding wheel which may be the distance between grains in the grinding wheel

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Abrasive Grinding Wheel and Sanding Flap Wheel Manufacturing ProjectPE Plus (Pvt)
becomes short (Right in Fig. 2). In such case, Noritake, we refer to the homogeneity of the grain
there are many points of contact between the arrangement as dispersibility. The grain content is
grains and workpiece during grinding, thus the same for both (a) and (b) in Fig. 4, and so the
smaller load is applied to each individual grain. As “structure” is the same. However, the grain
a result, grains are less likely to break down, and arrangement homogeneity is different. If the grain
the tips of the grains tend to wear down smoothly. arrangement is not homogenous (poor
Cutting ability is therefore sacrificed, however, dispersibility) (Fig. 4 (a)), the pores tend to be
the workpiece surface roughness becomes finer. large even though there are areas where grains are
With a open structure, on the other hand, the clumped together. The strength exhibited through
content of grains decreases, while the volume of the narrow gap between grains and extremely
pores increases, and so the distance between powerful bonding strength in these clumped areas,
grains in the grinding wheel becomes wider (Left as well as the role played by the deep chip pockets
in Fig. 2). In such created by the areas with large pores ensures good
case, as opposite to the dense structure, there are grinding performance when employing specific
fewer points of contact between the grains and grinding methods and under specific grinding
workpiece durling grinding, and greater load is conditions. However, depending on the conditions,
applied to each individual grain. Grains are more the clumps of grains may cause loading, or
likely to crack, and the tips of grains form sharp grinding burns (grains may fall off in large cluster
cutting edges. Cutting ability is therefore good, if this deteriorates). It is now known that in such
however, the workpiece surface roughness cases, the types of grinding wheels with
becomes rougher. homogenous grain arrangement with better
dispersibility shown in Fig. 4 (b) are most suitable.
We will now explain the benefit of the structure
with homogenous grain arrangement brings to
grinding using model case, as well as the
mechanism involved

Fig. 3 shows the results of Noritake’s evaluation of

grinding performance with different structures.
Here, the grinding wheel cutting ability is
expressed as the main spindle power consumption.
The lower the power consumption, the better the
cutting ability. We can see that when the structure
becomes open, the power consumption tends to be
low, and the surface roughness tends to be coarse.

Benefits of homogeneous structure and its


Grinding is a phenomenon in which countless

Dispersibility and grinding performances
grains on the grinding wheel surface chip away
workpiece in microscopic scale while creating
Even with the same grain content, grinding
chips. With grinding wheels having good
performance differs depending on pore size and the
dispersibility, the load applied to each grain during
dispersion of grains inside the grinding wheel. At
grinding is almost uniform. Let’s now consider this
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taking standard surface grinding as an example.
Fig. 5 shows a model which explains how grains bond which holds each of the grains together will
act on the workpiece, and how chips are produced be damaged, resulting in grain loss before the grain
under conditions of both poor and good exhibits expected grinding performance. On the
dispersibility. “g” in Fig. 5 is a parameter known as other hand, cutting depth of gain A at section a1 is
grain cutting depth. The derivation of a detailed smaller than that of grain B at section a 2, and so
equation has been omitted here, however, the the load applied while grinding decreases. With
theoretical formula derived from the “g” grinding small grinding load, self-sharpening* caused by the
theory in surface grinding is as shown in formula 1. crushing of grains becomes difficult, the tips of the
grains are worn down through friction, and
grinding wheel cutting ability deteriorates. This
results in greater frictional heat between the grains
and workpiece, creating
defects such as grinding burns. With good
dispersibility as shown in Fig. 5 (b), grain A and
grain B cutting depths are the same. Here, the
grinding load is almost the same for all grains, and
so grinding performance tends to be stable. By
preventing extreme grain loss and grain wear, and
through an appropriate level of self-sharpening, we
believe it is possible to achieve stable grinding
“a” in Fig. 5 indicates the distance between grains,
and is closely related to structure as mentioned
Grades of a grinding wheel
“Grain cutting depth” is approximately equal to
The grade of a grinding wheel indicates its
thickness” , and if a is large, i.e. if the distance
strength which is usually represented in terms of
between grains is wide, the depth at which the
scale of hardness in alphabet letters. Various
grades of the grinding wheels are very
cut into the workpiece becomes deeper, and the
 soft (E, F, G),
 soft (H, I, J, K),
applied to the grains increases.
 medium (L, M, N, O),
With poor dispersibility as shown in Fig. 5 (a), the
 hard (P, Q, R, S)
distances between grains varies as a 1
 very hard (T, U, W, Z).
, and a 2, and the
load applied to each the grains differs. This can
Grade of a grinding wheel is the property
therefore lead to unstable grinding performance.
attributed by the type of bonding material used in
With a 2 shown in Fig. 5 (a), grain B’s cutting
the grinding wheel. The rate of wheel wear is less
depth g 2
in hard wheel and more in soft wheel. The grade
is greater than grain A’s cutting depth g1, and so
of a wheel should be carefully selected according
to the type of the work material. Too hard a wheel
B generates a greater grinding load than grain A. If
will generate excessive heat resulting in softening
of the workpiece, and too soft wheel will be
grinding load is too great, grains will crack, and/or
uneconomical (due to excessive wear of grinding
wheel), and poor dimensional accuracy.
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Specifications/ Marking of a Grinding wheel
Structure of a grinding wheel indicates Specification or marking of any grinding wheel
relationship in terms of volume of abrasive grains, indicates its various characteristics. The
bond material and voids, and their relative specifications are to be given in a particular order;
arrangement in a unit volume of the grinding for example, abrasive type, grain size, grade,
wheel. Grinding wheel structure is classified in structure, bond type, and a manufacturer’s mark.
three groups, and each group is sub-classified by In some cases, manufactures mark is given as a
numbers as: prefix in place of suffix. Suppose, a wheel (Figure
 Dense (0, 1, 2, 3), 4.4) is specified as A-36-L-5-V-26. Here, A
 Medium dense (4, 5, 6) indicates abrasive type that is aluminium oxide,
 Open (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12). 36 indicates medium grain size, L stands for
Proper selection of the structure will reduce medium grade, 5 represents medium dense
loading of the wheel by the chips and will lead to structure, V is for vitrified bond, and 26 is
higher output. manufacturer’s own identification mark Thus, a
grinding wheel marking consists of the
Profiles of grinding wheels information in the following order:
Profiles of grinding wheel are indicated by letters. (a) abrasive type,
(Only applied to Type1 straight wheel.) (b) grain size,
(c) grade,
(d) structure,
(e) bond type, and
(f) identification mark
Sometimes, manufacturer’s own identification
mark is written first as follows:
Dimension of grinding wheel 38-B-60-J-5-V

The grinding wheel size is indicated by the

dimensions of the outside diameter(mm)*wheel
thickness(mm)*hole diameter.

The size of available wheel is marked on the

grinder, make sure to use wheel with the correct

Selection of a grinding wheel

During the selection of a grinding wheel (or
deciding its specification) for particular
application, one should account for the workpiece
material, workpiece requirements (in terms of
tolerances, surface finish, etc.), type of operation

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to be conducted, grinding conditions and type of
grinder to be used. As a rule of thumb,
 a soft grade wheel is recommended for the
grinding of hard materials to facilitate self-
sharpening action of the wheel,
 while relatively harder wheel is advised
for softer materials to be ground so that
larger MRR can be achieved.
 Further, if workpiece-wheel contact area is
small, wheel wear rate will be low,
 and if large contact area, wheel wear rate
will be high.
 It is also recommended to use a close
structure wheel on hard brittle material,
 but a more open structure wheel for soft
ductile material.
 A coarse grain wheel gives rapid stock
removal and rough finish,
Type 1,2,3 These are generally used for
 while a fine grain wheel yields low MRR
cylindrical, internal, centerless and surface
and fine finish.
grinding operations. These wheels vary in size,
MRR is influenced by the method of dressing of
diameter and width of the face.
the grinding wheel. Bonding material should
provide sufficient strength to resist various forces
Type 4 It is also a straight wheel but its free is
acting on the grinding wheel.
slightly tapered to
facilitate the grinding of threads and gear teeth.
Types of grinding wheel
Type 5. It is used for surface grinding, i.e.
Grinding wheels are available in various shapes
production of flat surfaces. Grinding takes place
and sizes in the market. Some of these shapes of
with the help of face of the wheel.
grinding wheels are shown in Figure 4.6. It should
be noted that robust grinding machine with soft
Type 6. It is used for grinding flat surfaces with
grade wheel can produce accurate work.
the help of face of grinding wheel.

Type 7 used in grinding of tools in tool room.

Type 8. It is used for sharpening of circular or
band saw

Type 9. These are normally on vertical spindle,

rotary type
and reciprocating type surface grinders
Type 10. It is also used for grinding of tools in
tool room. It is
capable to grind very narrow places due to its

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If a wheel consists of tough strongly bonded
Grinding wheel defects grains, then these grains even when they are worn
The performance of a grinding wheel may out, do not fracture or dislodge from the wheel.
deteriorate overtime on account of the following: Such grains quickly develop a glazed (or shining)
(a) loading, appearance. This phenomenon is known as
(b) glazing, glazing. Such a glazed grinding wheel will not be
(c) damage, and able to cut the work material properly and will
(d) wear overheat the wheel as well as workpiece.
If a soft material is ground by inappropriate
grinding wheel, the space between the individual
grains of the grinding wheel get filled with the
chips (work material particles). Under such
circumstances, the particles of work material can
often be seen embedded in the wheel. This
condition of grinding wheel is known as loading
(or wheel loading). Loading of a grinding wheel
minimizes clearance between the grains. As a
result of this, the grains rub against the workpiece
rather than perform cutting. It may lead to fracture
of the wheel due to high force or/and overheat it
to weaken the bond and damage the wheel. More
than this, high force overheats the workpiece as
well. Hence, heating of the workpiece may lead to
the undesirable change in workpiece surface
A grinding wheel may be called damaged if the
properties like surface hardness and thermal
wheel is chipped off, cracked, worn unevenly, or
cracks [Timings, 2002].
dressed on even when it is too thin. Such a
damaged wheel or unbalanced
wheel which may lead to vibration should not be
Due to continuous fracture and breakage of
abrasive grains and bond material, a grinding
wheel during usage suffers uneven wear leading to
form error in the wheel. This causes dimensional
error in the ground workpiece. This is corrected
by periodic turning of the wheel.

Dressing, truing and balancing

To make the glazed or loaded wheel serviceable,
the wheel must be dressed and trued.
Dressing of a wheel is done to achieve one or
more of the following objectives:

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 to remove blunt abrasive grains from the for the same purpose the only satisfactory method
bond, of truing a wheel is using a diamond tool in a
 to fracture the blunt grains to generate or similar manner as explained before. In turning a
expose sharp new cutting edges, wheel with a diamond, the feed rate must not
 and to remove embedded foreign matter exceed 0.02 mm, otherwise grooves may be cut
from the grinding wheel. However, to into the wheel.
make the periphery of the grinding wheel
concentric to the spindle axis, it is trued. A grinding wheel should be accurately balanced to
There are various types of dressers that are used avoid any accident and to obtain accurate ground
for dressing a grinding wheel, parts. Out-of-balance wheel would produce
 viz, vibration and a pattern on the finished surface, and
 Huntington wheel dresser, finally may lead to the damage of the spindle
 dressing stick, bearings. The balancing operation can be carried
 or diamond wheel dresser. A diamond out in two ways (static balancing and dynamic
wheel dresser cuts the wheel to shape and balancing).
is also simultaneously used for dressing
and truing the wheel on a precision Grinding wheel – Workpiece interaction
grinding machine, such as surface and
cylindrical grinding machines. To retain
sharpness of the diamond, it should trail
the direction of rotation of the wheel at an
angle between 5° to 15°, but lead the
center of rotation slightly (Figure 4.7).
Traversing the diamond rapidly across the
face of the wheel will open the structure.

Truing is the process of changing the shape of the
grinding wheel as it becomes worn from an
original shape, owing to the breaking away of the
abrasive and bond. This is done to make the wheel
true and concentric with the bore, or to change the
face contour for form grinding. Truing and
dressing are done with the same tools, but not

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Preparing the grinding wheel mixture begins with

selecting precise quantities of abrasives, bond
materials, and additives according to a specific
formula. A binder, typically a water-based wetting
agent in the case of vitrified wheels, is added to
coat the abrasive grains; this coating improves the
grains' adhesion to the binder. The binder also
helps the grinding wheel retain its shape until the
bond is solidified. Wheel manufacturers often
spend considerable effort to develop a satisfactory
mixture. The blend must be free-flowing and
distribute grain evenly throughout the structure of
the grinding wheel to assure
uniform cutting action and minimal vibration as
the wheel rotates during use. This is particularly
important for large
The Manufacturing Process
wheels, which may be as big as several feet in
Most grinding wheels are manufactured by the
diameter, or for wheels that have a shape other
cold-press method, in which a mixture of
than the familiar flat disk.
components is pressed into shape at room
temperature. The details of processes vary
considerably depending upon the type of wheel
and the practices of Individual companies. For
mass production of small wheels, many portions
of the process are automated.
i) Mixing
ii) Molding
iii) Firing
iv) Finishing

 For the most common type of wheel, an

annular disc, a predetermined amount of
grinding wheel mixture is poured into a mold
Mixing the ingredients
consisting of four pieces: a circular pin the
size of the finished wheel's arbor hole (its
center hole); a shell with a 1-inch (2.5-
centimeter) wall, about twice as high as the
desired grinding wheel is thick; and two flat,
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 Using pressures in the range of 100 to 5000 300 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (149 to 204 degrees
pounds per square inch (psi) for 10 to 30 Celsius), and wheels with vitrified bonds are fired
seconds, a hydraulic press then compacts the to temperatures between 1700- and 2300-degrees
mixture into the grinding wheel's final shape. Fahrenheit (927 to 1260 degrees Celsius).
Some manufacturers use gage blocks between finishing
the two face plates to limit their movement After firing, wheels are moved to a finishing area,
and establish uniform thickness. Others where arbor holes are reamed or cast to the
control wheel thickness by closely specified size and the wheel circumference is
monitoring the consistency of the mix and the made concentric with the center. Steps may be
force of the press. necessary to correct thickness or parallelism of
After the mold has been removed from the press wheel sides, or to create special contours on the
and the wheel stripped from the mold, the wheel is side or circumference of the wheel.
placed on a flat, heatproof carrier. Final shaping of Manufacturers also balance large
the wheel may take place at this time. All work at wheels to reduce the vibration that will be
this stage has to be done very carefully because generated when the wheel is spun on a grinding
the wheel is held together by only the temporary machine.
binder. Lighter wheels can be lifted by hand at this Inspection
stage; heavier ones may be lifted with a hoist or We inspect all products to keep high quality and
carefully slid on a carrier to be transported to the safety.
kiln.  Visual inspection
 Surface deflective inspection
 Balance inspection
Its purpose is to correct errors in index, helical Testing
angle, tooth profile and eccentricity. The process Perform many test for maintaining high quality
can also improve tooth surface finish and and safety of the products.
eliminate, by crowned tooth forms, the danger of  Impact test
tooth end load concentrations in service.  Grinding test
Firing  Destructive rotation test

Once wheels have received labels and other

markings, they are ready for shipment to the

What materials are required for making

Cutting disc and grinding wheel?

Generally, the purposes of the firing are to melt

Abrasives grains— Abrasive grain are particles
the binder around the abrasives and to convert it to
of man-made abrasive compounds. The chemical
a form that will resist the heat and solvents structure of the
encountered during grinding. A wide range of grains determine the physical properties of the
furnaces and kilns are used to fire grinding grains. (\e. shape, sharpness, hardness, friability).
wheels, and the temperatures vary widely Common grain types used in making bonded
depending upon the type of bond. Wheels with a abrasives are brown aluminum oxide, white
resin bond are typically fired at a temperature of
aluminum oxide, single crystal aluminum oxide.
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Abrasive Grinding Wheel and Sanding Flap Wheel Manufacturing ProjectPE Plus (Pvt)
fiberglass net and net with black papers are used
Brown aluminum oxide: A tough blocky shaped according to different production process.
grain used for cutting metals and other high
tensile strength materials without excessive Active fillers— Used to enhance the wheel
fracturing. Used for hardened carbon steel, alloy properties and make the composite more compact,
steel, tool steel stronger or abrasion resistance, improve its
conductivity and inhibit resin deterioration due to
White aluminum oxide: High friable grain and oxidation.
suitable for fast and cool cutting used for stainless
steel (Cr, W), tool steel! (SUS, SKH, SU) Steel ring— There are several functions of the
steel rings. One is to position the center hole of
Single crystal aluminum oxide: It is used to grind the cutting disc and grinding wheel. The second is
stainless-steel, high-speed steel and heat sensitive to protect the spindle from being worn by repeated
steel installation of grinding wheels. Third, it is very
easy to transform a small washer to cope with the
‘The most popular abrasive material used in size of the center hole of various non-standard
manufacturing cutting wheels is aluminum oxide. grinding wheels. In general, the steel ring is made
You can Purchased aluminium oxide cutting of stainless iron, tinplate or galvanized iron.
wheel in INOX grade quality, which means the
cutting wheel contains no iron, which has the Label paper— The label is for showing the
ability to cut both stainless steel and mild steel. if company information (name, logo, website...),
the cutting wheel does not specify for use on cutting disc and grinding wheel information (size,
Stainless Stee! RPM, safety signs...). Chrome paper label and
or have INOX marked on the label, then it is most black paper label are commonly used.
likely only used for mild steel cutting. As stainless
steel is one of the
harder types of steel to cut, if a disc can cut
through stainless steel, it will cut through all types
of metal including ‘aluminium, rebar, sheet metal
and other mild steels.

Bonding agent— The bonding agent that holds

the grains together determines the resistance of the
wheel. The
bonding agent commonly used is phenolic resin
powder and phenolic resin liquid

Reinforcement— The reinforcement fiberglass

material provides extra strength to use the wheel
at maximum RPMs
and withstand lateral pressure that is applied What equipment’s are required for
making cutting wheels?
during use.
Generally, for making cutting and grinding wheel
‘The fiberglass mesh is used for reinforcing will need hydraulic mixer, vibrating sieve, cutting
strength of cutting disc and grinding wheel, naked
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Abrasive Grinding Wheel and Sanding Flap Wheel Manufacturing ProjectPE Plus (Pvt)
disc making machine, air compressor, electric Sieve Size 1200x800mm
curing oven, rotation strength test machine, static (LXW)
balance tester. Overall Machine 1770x1000x81
Size Omm (LXWXH)
Double pots hydraulic mixer Weight 200kg
This countercurrent mixer is specially designed
for mixing of abrasive materials for Cutting wheel making machine

ceramic/resin bonded abrasive products. For the whole cutting wheel production line,
Technical Parameters of isharp brand cutting wheel making machine is the main
machines machine to begin this project.
Model MIX-2-50A MIX-2- MIX-2-
100A 200A Components of cutting wheel macking machine
50kg 100kg 200kg - Oil pump
Feeding - Machine frame
- Electric control circuit
Forks 24RPM 48RPM 28RPM
Rotary - Hydraulic press
Pots Rotary 10-40RPM 10-40RPM 10-30RPM - Other spare parts
Installed 15KW 15KW 29KW
Technical parameters of isharp cutting wheel making
Size 3200x120 3400x152 3800x3800
(LXWXH) 0x1580m 0x1750m x1780mm
m m Works
Model Type Production Productio
Weight 3000kg 4000kg 6000kg Size tations n
No. Capacity

Vibrating sieve Pusher 100-

PRS- 125mm, 1- 32 3500-
This vibrating sieve is designed for sieving abrasive P32T125A4 type 3mm 4800pcs/
and other grains, low noise when working and high 5 8hours
Pusher 100-
PRS- 125mm, 1- 46 3200-
Technical Parameters P46T125A1 type 7mm 4500pcs/
Model VS-100A 5 8hours
Amplitude 25-30mm
PRS- Pusher 100-
Shaking 15-20kgs/minute 125mm, 1- 52 7800-
Efficiency P26D160 type 9500pcs/
Voltage 380V 11 J45 8hours
Power 0.55KW 150- 42 2400-
PRS- Pusher
Sieve Layer 1 230mm, 1- 3000pcs/
P42T25 type 7mm
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8hours Circulation type type
0A679 thickness
300- /OppositeIy /OppositeIy
RPS- Pusher 2 800-
400mm, blow type blow type
P2D400 type 2.5-4mm 8hours Thermocouple 4 4
J1246 thickness Highest 250'C 250“C
PRS- 300- Highest +2 +2
R10T40 Rotary 400mm, 10 1800- Tolerance
2.5-4mm 2200pcs/ Heating Power 2*6*1.SKW 2*9*1.SKW
0A124‹ type 8hours
thickness Fan Motor Power 2*2.2KW 2*3KW
Air compressor Consumption 12-15KW 21-24KW
Air compressor is equipped use with cutting
wheel making machine to provide power for Rotation Strength Test Machine
pneumatic parts of the machine. It is designed to test the rotation speed of cutting
Model AC-BK11-8 AC-BK18—10 disc, grinding wheel, flap disc, flap wheel. This
Volume 1.7 m'/min 3m'/min machine is easy to operate and maintain.
Power 11KW 18KW
Model STM-936F22 STM-1636F22
Air Tank 0.6cbm 1cbm
Speed Frequency control Frequency control
Power Supply 380V 50Hz, 380V,50Hz,3PH Regulation
3PH Max 36,000rpm 36,000rpm
Generally, three sets of cutting wheel making
machine should choose 3m°/min volume air
compressor properly. If purchase one set cutting
wheel making machine, small volume
Worki 100-230mm 100-400mm
compressor is enough.
Electric Curing Oven Size
Curing oven is mainly used for resin cutting wheel Bore 16/22mm 16/22/25.4mm
curing and hardening. There are two motors and Size
fans installed, which forms a circular heat flow Acces Automatic Automatic
cycle, decrease the temperature difference. Curing sories electromagnetic electromagnetic
card, printer card, printer
oven will equipped with the trolley and rail for
Note The max speed can The max speed can
putting cutting wheels in the oven. reach 1.88 times of reach 1.88 times of
100m/s (100- 100m/s (100-
Models of curing oven for choosing: 230mm). 300mm). The max
Model OVN-304T OVN-504T speed can reach
Inner Cubage 3CBM SCBM 1.88 times of
80m/s (300-
Cutting wheel 24,000-33,000 35,000-43,000
numbers pcs pcs
(107x1.2mm) Power 380V, 3PH, 380V, 3PH,
Hot Air Top sucking Top sucking
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Abrasive Grinding Wheel and Sanding Flap Wheel Manufacturing ProjectPE Plus (Pvt)
Rotation speed machine is generally used for testing the the abrasive grains, which improves the adhesion
wheel size which diameter is over than 125mm. Normally, of grains to the bonder. The bonder also helps the
for making 4-5inch thin cutting disc, it is no need this grinding wheel retain its shape until the bond is
rotation strength test machine. You can choose as your solidified. Some manufacturers simply mix all
requirement. materials in a single mixer. Others use separate
steps to mix abrasive grains with bonder.

Cutting disc/gringding wheel manufacturers often

make a great effort to develop a satisfactory
Static Balance Tester mixture. The mixture must be able to flow freely
and distribute grain evenly throughout the wheel
Balance tester is mainly used for testing the
structure to ensure uniform cutting action and
balance of bigger size, like 12-16inch cutting
minimal vibration when the wheel rotates during
wheel. We have two models of balance test, one is
use. This is particularly important for large wheels.
common and small one, which is common use in
the factory. Another one is more precise than the Sieving raw materials
common one. The mixture will lump after a while, and it need to
Model SBT-1216 STB-1216S SBT-49
Testing size 350- 180-410mm 100-230
Flow Chart 405mm mm
Cutting wheel T41 T41, T27 T41, T27
Accuracy +0.3g +0.3g-0.4g +0.2g-
Maximum 3kg 3kg 3kg
Testing hole 16, 22.23, 22.2, 16.4,
25.4, 25.4mm 22.2mm
be shaking after mixing and before molding.

For the most common type of cutting disc and

grinding wheel, a predetermined amount of wheel
Mixing the raw materials mixture need to poured into each mold (a pin the
size of the finished wheel's center hole, a mold
Preparing the mixture of the grinding wheel begins
ring and two flat or depressed center mold plate
with selecting precise quantities of abrasives grains,
with diameter and hold sizes equal to wheel's).
bond materials, and actitive fillers according to a
Decide how many times mixture to pour, how
specific formula. A bonder, typically the phenolic
many fiberglass mesh to put, one or two steel
resin powder and liquid agent are added to coat
rings to put according to the production
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specification. Various methods are used to evenly only, you can choose 32wokrstations and
distribute the mixture. Typically, the straight edge 52workstations, which are suitable for making
pivots around the center arbor pin to spread the thin cutting disc with double nets.
mixture throughout the mold. b. If you want to make 4-5inch both cutting disc
Using pressures according specific formula and grinding wheel, 46workstations is proper
within the pressure range of machine's for certain one, which can make from 1-7mm thickness,
seconds, the hydraulic press then compacts the single nets and double nets.
mixture into the cutting disc and grinding wheel's
Choose from production capacity you expected:
final shape. (take making 4-5inch thin cutting disc as example)
After the mold moving from the hydraulic press c. To make 4-5inch thin cutting disc, there has 32
and the wheel stripped from the mold, the wheel is workstations and 52 workstations for choosing.
placed on bunching shaft. All work at this stage If you want to have high output, 52 workstations
need to be done very carefully because the wheel are designed to produce two pieces of disc at one
is held together only by bonder temporarily time, so this machine production capacity is higher
than 32workstations.
Testing balance value
Choose from machine type: (take making 12-16inch
It is necessary for large wheels 12-16 inch to test s example)
unbalance value after molding or after baking.
To make 12-16inch, there has two workstations
Which will ensure the stability of the large pusher type and 10 workstations rotary type for
wheels. choosing.
d. If you have lower output
Baking grinding wheel
requirement and want to begin this project, two
After molding, the cutting disc and grinding
workstations is enough, which can produce both
wheel need to be baking in an electric curing
single net and double nets. It can ensure the basic
oven. At high temperature solidify the bonder
requirement of making the disc.
around the abrasives to enhance the resistance of
wheels. e. If you have high
requirement for output and balance of the disc
Testing rotation speed
made, 10 workstations is better. It is rotary type,
The final product is obtained after the grinding so when it is producing the disc, the molds are
wheel is solidified, which should be test rotation
not moved as pusher type, they are moved as the
speed to up to standard and ensure the security.
rotary table run. Thus, the raw materials leveled
1. How to choose machine? will be more even, and because this machine also
From above list, it shows different machines with has baking net function, so the appearance of
basic information. disc made will be better.
Choose from disc size you want to make: (take To better help you with this project, you can also
making 4-5inch as example)
tell us the cutting wheel specifications you want
a. If you want to make 4-5inch thin cutting disc
to produce, for example, the diameter, thickness,
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single net or double nets, color, expected machine, putting nets, label and ring should be
production capacity etc, we can recommend the finished by workers.
suit machines for you based on your While for fully automatic machine, all the
requirements. And if there has any other process of forming cutting disc are finished by
information you want to know about, you can related auto device, for instance, automatic
also contact with us, then we discuss about that. feeding device, auto putting net device, auto
2. What's the difference between pusher putting label and ring device.
type & rotary type machine?
And there also has automatic cutting disc pileup
Pusher type grinding wheel making machine and machine which can instead of workers quickly
rotary type grinding wheel making machine have
put cutting wheel, separating net and aluminum
same functions, same capacity and require same
plate on bunching shaft to waiting for baking.
labor numbers in production of same
specification. Above auto devices should be choose based on the

The difference is that it's a better choice using machine model and cutting wheel you want to
rotary type machine if produce ultra-thin cutting
make. Below is the auto devices picture for your
wheel and big size wheels like 12, 14, 16 inch
due to rotary type machine with high accuracy. reference:
Of course, other sizes can also use rotary type
machine to produce. You can choose as your
The pusher type machine use air cylinder and
electric cylinder to push the molds move and
finish the disc forming, which is suitable for
making 4-9 inch cutting disc and grinding wheel.

3. What's the difference between semi-

automatic machine & fully automatic
The main difference between semi auto machine
and fully auto machine is full auto machine save
the labors need. Semi auto machine can be
upgraded to fully auto machine though add the
related devices.

Set 52 workstations machine as example:

Semi- automatic machine including heating nets,
feeding materials, leveling materials, press, and
auto pick up the disc. During the production
process of forming cutting disc, on this semi-auto

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Abrasive Grinding Wheel and Sanding Flap Wheel Manufacturing ProjectPE Plus (Pvt) Ltd
The shape and size of flap discs
Flap Disc Production Line 1. Shape
The flap disc is anabrasive product found in the coated Flap disc generally have two shapes, convex and flat. Flat
abrasive series. The flap disc is composed of many is also called T27, while convex is generally referred to as
layered conventional flap disc, flexible flap disc and T29.
vertical flap disc.
T27 flap discs polishing surface is flat, mainly used for
polishing the plane and the edges and comers of the
, overlapping abrasives or "flaps”. outside. When working, there is an Angle between the
These flaps are made of a polycotton or polyester flat blades and the workpiece being polished, which can
backing material to which abrasive grain are adhered, be used for one- time grinding and polishing to reduce
which are then layered and bonded to the substrate. The the working process.
backing provides stability for the flap disc. The flap
disc has different shapes, such as The polishing surface of the T29 flap discs has an
upward radian, which gives the T29 flap discs better
cutting ability on the plane.When working, the Angle
between T29 molding sand wheel and the grinding
surface is from 15° to 25°, which is mainly used to
deal with the grinding of contour and edge. When there
is a high demand for speed and cutting ability, T29
flap discs is undoubtedly the best choice.

2. Size
Type Diameter Hole( Flap's Flap's Flap's
(mm) mm) Length Width( Quantity
(mm) mm)
T27/T29 100 16 24 16-18 60-72
T27/T29 115 22 25 16-18 72-90
T27/T29 125 22 30 16-18 72-90
T27/T29 150 22 35 16-18 80-100
T27/T29 180 22 35 16-18 80-120
Note: Support OEM production.

The application of flap disc

Flap wheels can be used for removing rust, paint, burr
and welding seams of all kinds of metal and non-
metal materials in shipbuilding, automobile, aviation,
machinery, instrument, bridge and construction
industries and furniture.
A. Flap disc for aluminum:
Compared with other metals, aluminum has a lower
melting point and is easy to melt. To remove burrs,
use a T29 cone at a 15 degree angle to provide
maximum surface contact. If you need to clean the
surface or provide a smooth surface effect, please use
a T27 flat flap disc parallel to your work area. For
best results, use a small and uniform pressure to
optimize the grinding process and reduce the load.
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b. Flap disc for wooden: The glass fiber backing is made by bonding glass
fiber mesh layers and pressed together to form a
The flap disc is an excellent tool for working on
recessed central disc.
wood. A flap disc designed for wood is essentially
similar to a flap disc designed for metal. You can use Feature: The fiberglass backing is the most popular,
alumina sand for wood. For wood, you should also extremely strong, durable and safe. It forms a firm
use a baffle on the angle grinder like a grinding bond with the adhesive and does not pollute the work
wheel. In order to avoid scratching too deeply, please surface.
use coarse grit first, and then gradually polish to fine
grit (100#) to complete the final processing. For wood
sanding, please select 120#, 150#, 180# and 220# grit
in turn to obtain a furniture-grade surface.
c. Flap disc for paint removal:
Do you have any rusty metal objects, but do you
know that you can extend its service life? Is there any
old, peeling paint on your car that needs to be
removed to give it a new look? Flap discs, especially
non-woven discs, are ideal tools for removing paint
and rust. Non-woven flaps or flap disc with aluminum
oxide can be used for paint removal or rust removal
applications. Like the usual flap discs, these discs can
be ground and finished in one operation while
providing smooth and controlled grinding.
D. Flap disc for concrete:
You need silicon carbide or diamond to effectively
remove the blanks on the concrete. Silicon carbide
and diamond are the hardest materials in the world.
Usinp these flap discs will allow you to work on
concrete surfaces without high pressure. These flap
discs have a hard backing and can also be used on
other surfaces such as artificial stone, granite, marble
and ceramics

The raw materials needed to produce flap

1. Backing
For 100mm flap disc, you can choose 6+1 or 7+1.
Backing of flap discs are made of following
materials: For 115mm 125mm flap disc, you can choose 7+1 or
For 150mm 180mm flap disc, you can choose 8+1 or

1) Fiberglass backing
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Customers can choose according to the production
granularity number and technical requirements.
2) Plastic backing Feature:
Widely used, especially in Europe, there are a variety
of colors to choose from, which will contaminate the
work surface. It must be specially designed to
increase surface contact to enhance adhesion. It is not
as safe as fiberglass backing and may be deformed at
high temperatures. Not recommended for sub- zero
temperature. The plastic backing is mainly made of
nylon. Their thickness is different, so the cost is also 2. Abrasives cloth
different. A thicker backing is a safer backing. Abrasive cloth is one of the most critical components
3) Metal backing and is often overlooked. It must be strong enough to
prevent premature abrasion of the grain, but not too
Feature: The safest, flap discs made of metal backing strong to cause gloss on the surface of the flap disc.
are the strongest, more expensive than fiberglass For metal working, there are three main types of
backing or plastic backing, made from stamped steel abrasives materials:
or aluminum, and require compatible adhesives.
1) Ceramic aluminum oxide abrasives can provide
the fastest cutting speed and maintain a high
cutting speed to achieve the longest service life. It
is suitable for workpieces made of standard steel,
tool steel, armored steel, titanium, and inconel.

2) Zirconia aluminum oxide, which is an excellent

mixture of zirconia and alumina grains, can
provide an excellent cutting rate/cost ratio, has
strong self-sharpening properties, and has
2. Epoxy resin glue excellent retention under high temperature and
high pressure. It It can be cut quickly and has a
1) The most widely used adhesive is epoxy resin glue, long service life. It is made of cast iron, carbon
the color is blue, one-component glue, it needs eating steel, structural steel and stainless steel
to cure. applications, which is a good choice.
2) After proper curing, it can form a strong bond with
all types of surfaces. 3) Aluminum oxide, the original metal processing
abrasive, the disc made of alumina has a hard,
3) We have 30 kg and 300 kg glue; you can choose durable texture and a strong initial cutting rate.
according to the size of the glue pump. Aluminum oxide is very suitable for workpieces
made of materials such as steel and cast iron and
for various purposes. This product is
recommended for smaller jobs that require stable,
low-cost products.

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What machines are needed to produce flap disc
1) Jumbo roll slitter: Slitting the jumbo cloth rolls into
narrow rolls
2) Flap disc making machine: produce the flap disc
3) Curing oven: Heating the flap disc
4) Rotation strength test machine: Testing the strength
of the flap disc
5) Automatic labeling and packing machine: Putting
label on the flap disc and packing the flap disc
6) Air compressor: Used to offer power for pneumatic
parts. Production flow chart:

1.Jumbo Roll Slitter

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Abrasive Grinding Wheel and Sanding Flap Wheel Manufacturing ProjectPE Plus (Pvt) Ltd
1) Application of jumbo roll slitting machine for flap We produce three types of flap disc machines,
disc production: conventional flap disc making machine, flexible flap
disc making machine and vertical flap disc making
2) Direct slit jumbo roll to narrow roll, with min
machine. Fully Automatic Flap Disc Machine &
width is 20mm.
Semi-Automatic Flap Disc Machine
3) Installed with two sets of cutting blade shaft.
1) Designed to produce abrasive flap disc and non-
4) Different width can be silted by changing blades woven flap disc.
2) Auto quantitative gluing, auto cut and put flaps,
5) Speed is adjustable. auto shaping, with high degree of automation, remote
monitoring and maintenance, uniform flap
arrangement, improved efficiency and stable quantity.
3) Uses the modular assembly, the adjustment and
maintenance of the machine is convenient.

We have two types of slitting machines. The

maximum width of abrasive Jumbo roll cloth is
1460mm and 1650mm. Different slitting widths can
be re aced with different blade shafts. Customers can
cut the required widths according to their needs, such
as 22mm, 25mm, 27mm and 30mm, etc
2. Flap Disc Making Machine

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Customers can choose different types of machines
according to their needs.
Flexible Flap Disc Making Machine
1) Designed to production of flexible flap disc.
2) Auto quantitative gluing.
3) Auto cut and put flaps.
4) Auto shaping.
5) With high degree of automation, remote
monitoring and maintenance, uniform flap
arrangement, improved efficiency and stable quality.
6) Uses the modular assembly, the adjustment
and maintenance of the machine is convenient.

The difference between full automatic flap disc
machine and semi-automatic flap disc machine is
mainly reflected in two aspects: put backing plate and
pick finished product.

1) On fully automatic flap disc machine, put backing

plate and pick finished product is doing by the
2) On semi-automatic flap disc machine, put backing
plate and pick finished product is doing by the auto
mechanical arm.
3) It requires one worker to work on the semi-
automatic machine for put the backing plate and pick
the finished product. For fully automatic machine, on
4 machines.

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This machine has 12 workstations and two glue Curing Oven
pumps, which is specially designed to produce
1) Designed to curing flap disc, automatic heating.
flexible flap disc.
2) Intelligent temperature control meter, low
Vertical Flap Disc Making Machine
temperature tolerance.
1) This machine has 8 workstations, which is
3) New structure of kiln car, which makes the push
designed to produce vertical flap disc machine in
and pull very light and reduces the labor intensity.
semi-automatic way.
2) Used to produce vertical flap disc, common size is
4 inches, standard the grit of the 60, 80, 120, 180,
240, 320.
3) Automatic to feeding, auto cut & put flaps, auto
shaping, the output of the machine is 3000-4000
pieces every eight hours.
4) With high accuracy, PLC precise control.

Note: Customers can choose the suitable oven

according to the daily output. The flap disc curing and
heating time is relatively short, most customers
choose 2CBM.

Rotation Strength Test Machine

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1) Designed to test rotation speed of flap discs.
2) Mechanical spindle.
3) With printer to print out testing result. Easy to
operate and maintain.

Automatic L labeling and Packing Machine

1) Designed for labeling and packing of coated disc
2) Auto pick products, position detecting, labeling,
put in order, packing.
3) With high degree of automation, high efficiency,
stable quality.
4) The cost of raw materials is low, max the profits.

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