Professions: Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Masters
Professions: Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Masters
Professions: Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Masters
Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Masters
2 012 stu d e nt h a n d boo k
Critical Dates Welcome Program structure MBA (12) / MBA (Advanced) Graduate Diploma / Graduate Certificate in Business Administration Course Descriptions Course Pre-requisites Program Information study Information study exchange Postgraduate student support Hub services and Facilities 4 6 8 8 10 12 24 26 34 36 38 44
the University of Adelaide is one of Australias oldest and most prestigious universities.
FIrst trIMester
Mon 30 January Mon 13 February Fri 3 February Fri 17 February Fri 30 March Fri 27 April trimester 1 begins Last day to add courses online Due date for payment of tuition fees CensUs DAte: Last day to withdraw without incurring tuition fees Last day to withdraw without failure (WnF) Last day to withdraw fail (WF)
seConD trIMester
Mon 21 May Mon 4 June Fri 25 May Fri 8 June Fri 20 July Fri 17 August trimester 2 begins Last day to add courses online Due date for payment of tuition fees CensUs DAte: Last day to withdraw without incurring tuition fees Last day to withdraw without failure (WnF) Last day to withdraw fail (WF)
tHIrD trIMester
Mon 3 september Mon 17 september Fri 7 september Fri 21 september Fri 26 october Fri 23 november trimester 3 begins Last day to add courses online Due date for payment of tuition fees CensUs DAte: Last day to withdraw without incurring tuition fees Last day to withdraw without failure (WnF) Last day to withdraw fail (WF)
We hope that you will enjoy your experience of studying in the Business school at the University of Adelaide. the Business school has a strong national and international reputation in both its teaching and its research. In addition to the MBA-related program you are undertaking, the school also offers postgraduate studies in the core disciplines of accounting, finance, management, international business and marketing. the strength of the program emanates from three distinctive aspects of the Adelaide MBA: Firstly, the selection process for Business Administration programs ensures that you will be sharing a classroom with high-calibre students, both Australian and international, all with managerial experience in the work place. you will have the opportunity to make new acquaintances who will potentially become colleagues and business partners in years to come. secondly, we have constructed the curriculum and course content that are bench-marked against world class institutions, and assessed against the debate as to latest trends in business education and where learning outcomes are mapped and rigorously tested. so you can be assured that the learning experience is high quality, and as you master it in the learning process, this will put you in good stead for your future in the global environment of modern business.
Lastly, our lecturers are recognised for the international impact of their work, and academic and administrative staff are committed to providing the very best quality learning experience for students. Faceto-face educational interchange between lecturers and students and between students themselves is emphasised and encouraged, supplemented with advanced online student support. We hope that you take the opportunities that are presented, and recognise that the richness of the experience comes additionally from your inputs into the above. take the time to make as many new friends as possible. Challenge your lecturers with questions and issues and debate the responses. Develop all aspects of the attributes possible from your experience. Many of the schools graduates now occupy senior positions in business, government and academia, both within Australia and internationally and we hope that the framework we provide in concert with the effort you put in will see you in a similar position in just a few years. associate Professor barry burgan head, business school the university of adelaide
the school has a strong national and international reputation in both its teaching and its research.
ProGrAM strUCtUre
mba (12) study Pathway Fundamentals of Leadership Accounting for Managers Marketing Management economics for Management Managing Contemporary organisations Managerial Finance Global business or approved International business elective or approved overseas study Strategic Management operations Management business or Management project business Law three electives (9 units) Five electives (15 units) total units 36
mba (advanced)
Grad Certificate study Pathway Fundamentals of Leadership Accounting for Managers Marketing Management economics for Management Managing Contemporary organisations Managerial Finance one elective (3 units)
Grad diploma
CoUrse DesCrIPtIons
business Law
assessment: MAnAGeMt 7022 exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture this course will introduce managers to a range of legal issues that impact on their business and on their duties and responsibilities as managers. there is an increasing trend in the law to make managers personally liable for breaches of the law by their business. the course will help managers to identify areas of legal liability and risk and suggest how to minimise legal risk. the topics covered in the course include an introduction to the legal system, the law of business structures, contract law, intellectual property law, employment law, law of business torts, consumer protection law, competition law and electronic commerce law. In each topic, emphasis is placed on identifying the legal duties that apply to a manager and the legal liabilities that may be attracted by their actions.
business Valuation
assessment: MAnAGeMt 7109 exam/assignments as prescribed at first lecture this course provides a framework for managers to understand how pricing and valuation of both securitised and non-securitised business entities (whether that be specific assets or whole companies) occurs. this involves the utilisation of both accounting and financial analysis of the business to determine value. the course will approach the subject from an applied viewpoint to enable participants to practise valuation methods and will also incorporate basic capital raising issues.
Fundamentals of Leadership
assessment: MAnAGeMt 7086 exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture upon completion, students will possess an understanding of the development of management thought and practice, providing a background against which new trends in management can be viewed. they will be able to identify and discuss the major challenges facing management in today's environment, and, with heightened self-awareness, develop the understanding and communication skills required to effectively lead and manage a diverse workforce. to achieve success in today's competitive environment it is essential that managers develop the ability to interact positively with others, whether they be employees, employers, colleagues, customers or suppliers. Strong interpersonal skills are also required if students are to maximise the benefits from their management studies. Fundamentals of Leadership, positioned at the beginning of the MbA program, encourages students to explore issues and develop personal skills central to leadership. by exploring self-awareness, students will be well placed to broaden their understanding of others. topics include written and oral communication skills, team skills, conflict management and stress management.
assessment: MAnAGeMt 7000 exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture entrepreneurship is increasingly recognised as an important driving force in the economic development and prosperity of a community. While broader issues of entrepreneurship are covered, the course focuses on entrepreneurship in new venture creation, identifying opportunities, business planning for a new venture, obtaining venture capital, growth, technological innovation, harvesting wealth and coping with failure and bankruptcy.
Global business
assessment: MAnAGeMt 7081 exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture this course prepares students for doing business in the global environment. the broad content introduces the core theories, frameworks and issues in global business at the supranational, country and firm levels to assist students in developing the ability to deal with the complexity and multiplicity of the global business environment. Specific topics included in this course comprise two clusters. the first cluster focuses on understanding theories of international trade and investment as well as variations in political, economic, socio-cultural, and legal systems between countries and pertinent risks involved in crossborder business operations. the second cluster focuses on exploring how the firm formulates international business strategy and adapts various functional areas of the enterprise for successful international operations. Students are provided with the opportunity to develop skills in indentifying opportunities and challenges in the international marketplace as well as understanding the impact of global developments on local enterprises.
management of Change
assessment: MAnAGeMt 7039 exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture the objectives of this course are to explore approaches to understanding and to managing the organisational change process, and to identify practical approaches to effective change implementation. the course will strike a balance between theory and research on the one hand, and practical management tools and techniques on the other. the course will consider management skills in change implementation as well as the organisation's ability to encourage innovation, and to cope with change. one integrating theme of the course will be the expertise of the change agent, the nature of that expertise, and how it can be developed. A second integrating theme will concern the organisational attributes that either encourage or stifle creativity, innovation, and change, and how to develop creative organisation cultures that are receptive to innovation and change.
knowledge management
assessment: MAnAGeMt 7224 exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture the value of most organisations today greatly exceeds their net tangible assets. this course addresses contemporary issues in managing knowledge, intellectual capital and other intangible assets. beginning with a view that these intangibles are strategic assets, the course will introduce the fundamentals of managing knowledge and intellectual capital, understanding some of the measurement issues, processes and cycles involved in their management and the specific issues in managing knowledge based workers and the organisations in which they work. the course then turns to the strategic issues of creating value from flows in intangible assets and organisation structures to support knowledge and intellectual capital development leading to an examination of the management of knowledge intensive businesses. the course concludes with a review of specific application issues, global issues, application to the public sector and current developments in the field.
managerial Finance
assessment: MAnAGeMt 7101 exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture this course introduces you to the world of modern finance, especially to the financial operations of business. It covers the concepts of time value of money, asset valuation, risk and return paradigm, capital budgeting, financing, and payout decisions, and derivatives. upon completion, students will be able to value bonds and stocks, estimate asset returns according to their risk characteristics and choose projects that maximize shareholder's wealth using a wide range of analytical tools. they will also develop a good understanding on how firms finance their capital expenditure on their investment and the levels of dividends and other payouts for their shareholders. Finally, students will gain a basic understanding on derivatives such as options and futures, and apply them for sound risk management practices.
marketing management
assessment: MAnAGeMt 7104 exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture Marketing lies at the core of all business. Whatever the character or size of your entity, its profit can come from only one place; the marketplace. All businesses are dependent on the income they earn from their customers, clients or buyers. In most larger businesses it is marketing managers who are primarily responsible for keeping their company close to its customers. In any case, all those who have a direct responsibility for identifying, reaching and satisfying customers are engaged in marketing and everybody in a business needs to understand its marketplace activities. this course offers a complete introduction to professional marketing thought and action. the course explains the nature and purpose of marketing, followed by the fundamentals of each of the most important marketing tasks. It analyses the business need for customer orientation, the evaluation of markets and the targeting of market opportunities. there is then assessment of buyer behaviour and the role of market information. In addition, the course explains how to integrate product and service decisions with those on pricing, distribution and promotion and why this is necessary.
negotiation skills
assessment: MAnAGeMt 7046 exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture the purpose of this course is threefold. the first is to explore the major concepts and theories of negotiation, as well as the dynamics of interpersonal and intergroup conflict and its resolution. this will involve studying the structural (e.g. parties, positions, interests) and process (cognitive, interactional) dynamics that are required for a sound critical understanding. the second objective is to develop practical skills applicable to a broad range of contexts. this involves direct training in identifying crucial elements of negotiation situations and implementing appropriate resolution strategies. the third objective is to develop teamwork skills by working within and through group exercises.
operations management
assessment: MAnAGeMt 7031 exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture this course examines the role of the operations Management and its role in supporting effective Strategy execution, and how it may be leveraged as a sustainable source of competitive advantage. topics covered include addressing the strategic issues of operations strategy formulation and associated implementation decisions, including choice of process and technology, operational structures, facility location, detailed layout, process and job design, and strategic operational planning. Manufacturing, process and service industry contexts are all considered. the tactical aspects of implementing and managing effective operations are then considered. this includes, inventory control, MrpII/erp, operations scheduling, quality management, supply chain management and operations improvement.
marketing strategy
assessment: MAnAGeMt 7112 exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture Marketing means many things to many people but one issue is certain, it is the driving force that separates successful organisations from unsuccessful ones in the current fast-changing, global, competitive environment. this course explores what it means to be truly market-driven and to fully realise the power that marketing has to drive your organisation forward. It will explore a variety of issues, including why being market-driven pays off, how to effectively understand the market, how to analyse marketing competencies, how to make strategic choices, how to create and deliver value to customers and finally how to measure marketing effectiveness. these questions will be examined through interactive class discussions, case studies and video cases on leading international organisations.
Project management
assessment: MAnAGeMt 7040 exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture this course investigates the increasing use of projects to accomplish limited duration tasks in many organisations and the unique style of administration required to manage them. projects considered include randd studies, campaigns, construction, emergency operations and other such endeavours. topics include the selection of projects, creativity and technological forecasting, the role of the project manager, how to organise and plan a project, negotiation and conflict resolution, budgeting and cost estimation, project scheduling (pert/CpM) and resource location among multiple projects, project monitoring and information systems (including project management software), controlling projects, auditing projects, ways of terminating projects and running projects in multicultural settings.
strategic management
assessment: MAnAGeMt 7044 exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture Strategic management is concerned with the long-term direction, scope and performance of an organisation. As such it draws on other disciplines (e.g. marketing, finance, economics, organisational behaviour) already covered in the MbA. Whether the overall strategy of an organisation emerges from the interplay of functional departments or is a grand plan devised by one group, its implementation takes place at the functional/process level where goals, plans and actions need to align with other departments as part of a coherent orientation. hence all managers need to understand how their roles and functions are part of the overall strategy of the organisation.
CoUrse Pre-reqUIsItes
Pre-requisite Courses none Fundamentals of Leadership, Accounting for Managers, Marketing Management Fundamentals of Leadership, Accounting for Managers, Managing Contemporary organisations All MbA core courses Accounting for Managers, Managerial Finance none Accounting for Managers, Marketing Management Fundamentals of Leadership none foundation course Fundamentals of Leadership, Accounting for Managers, Marketing Management, economics for Management Fundamentals of Leadership, Marketing Management, Managing Contemporary organisations Fundamentals of Leadership, Managing Contemporary organisations All MbA core courses Accounting for Managers
Course Managing Contemporary organisations Managing Various business Models Across borders
Pre-requisite Courses Fundamentals of Leadership Fundamentals of Leadership, Accounting for Managers, Marketing Management, economics for Management none Marketing Management Fundamentals of Leadership, Managing Contemporary organisations Fundamentals of Leadership, Accounting for Managers, Fundamentals of Leadership, Accounting for Managers, Managerial Finance Fundamentals of Leadership, Accounting for Managers; Assumed Knowledge: business performance Improvement Fundamentals of Leadership, Accounting for Managers, Marketing Management, economics for Management; Assumed Knowledge: Managing Contemporary organisations Global business, Managing Contemporary organisations; Assumed Knowledge: Accounting for Managers, economics for Management, Managerial Finance
MAnAGeMt 7012
Marketing Management Marketing Strategy negotiation Skills operations Management project Management
MAnAGeMt 7104 MAnAGeMt 7112 MAnAGeMt 7046 MAnAGeMt 7031 MAnAGeMt 7040
business project (Consulting) business Valuation economics for Management entrepreneurship Family business Issues & perspectives Fundamentals of Leadership Global business
MAnAGeMt 7225 MAnAGeMt 7109 MAnAGeMt 7103 MAnAGeMt 7000 MAnAGeMt 7228 MAnAGeMt 7086 MAnAGeMt 7081
MAnAGeMt 7233
Strategic Management
MAnAGeMt 7044
Knowledge Management
MAnAGeMt 7224
MAnAGeMt 7230
ProGrAM InForMAtIon
InternAtIonAL stUDents
the MBA programs are delivered through face-to-face class sessions in which student interactions with the lecturer and fellow students are expected and encouraged. some lecturers will include class participation in their assessment components. Whether it is assessed or not, it is important that you attend all classes and contribute to discussions. If work commitments, illness or other circumstances require you to be absent from class, you are expected to inform the course lecturer in advance by telephone or email so that the lecturer may discuss the topics to be covered in the session and the tasks that you should complete before the next session. the lecturer will monitor student attendance. It is your responsibility to ensure that you make arrangements with the lecturer or other students to catch up on information discussed in class. It is not expected that the lecturer will repeat part of a class session to cover your absence. As a visa holder permitting study in Australia, certain requirements must be maintained throughout the course of your study. Details regarding study load and requirements can be found at
A textbook list is available on the Postgraduate Hub MBA page. unibooks, located in the Union building on the north terrace campus, is the Universitys preferred supplier, and textbooks may be purchased in store or online.
MoBILe PHones
to ensure that the learning environment for other students is not interrupted please turn off your mobile phone before entering class. If you are required to have your phone on for specific reasons at all times please switch it on to the appropriate silent mode and seek permission from your lecturer prior to the commencement of the class.
Assignment submission
Assignments are usually submitted in class, online or in hardcopy at the Professions Postgraduate Hub. Please check your course outline for the preferred submission method. When submitting an assignment it must be accompanied by a signed cover sheet. you can find a copy of the cover sheet in your course outline.
Assignment Collection
Most assignments are handed back to students in class. you will need to collect your assignment within two weeks of the date your assignment is made available. once this date has passed, assignments will then be made available for pick-up from the Professions Postgraduate Hub, where they will be available until the end of each trimester before being destroyed.
All applications for supplementary exams must be completed on the official application forms available on the University webpage and be accompanied by supporting documentation or evidence when lodged to the Professions Postgraduate Hub. Guidelines for procedures for Medical and Compassionate supplementary examinations can be downloaded from the web at: you will be notified of the outcome of your medical, compassionate or final trimester supplementary application via your official student email.
examinations are held in the final week of each trimester. the examination timetable will be made available to students at least 6 weeks prior to the examination period each trimester via the Postgraduate Hub MBA page. It is a students responsibility to read the examination timetable. Misreading the timetable is not accepted as grounds for granting a supplementary examination. University staff are not permitted to provide examination times to students over the telephone or in response to personal enquiries. Further information on exams can be found at
viewing exams
you are allowed to access the examination scripts for discussion with academic staff as part of the normal learning and teaching process. Please contact the lecturer of the particular course for further details.
Academic Integrity
As a student of the University its important that you familiarise yourself with the Academic Honesty & Assessment obligations Coursework student Policy, which includes issues associated with plagiarism and cheating in assessment and exams and what your responsibilities are: the following website lists extensive resources such as strategies to avoid plagiarism:
supplementary exams
supplementary examinations are offered to provide an opportunity for students whose academic performance was impaired by circumstances beyond their control in the primary examinations. the University may grant supplementary exams on the following grounds: medical, compassionate, last course or academic. Please note that Business school policy requires that students must attend at least 80% of classes to be eligible for an academic supplementary exam.
the Faculty of Professions promotes academic excellence among its students. numerous prizes have been established to recognise top performing students enrolled in the MBA (12) / MBA (Advanced) program at the University of Adelaide. Prize-winners are formally recognised at a function each year to which employer representatives and donors are invited. MBA (12) / MBA (Advanced) prizes won by students are included on individual academic transcripts. If more than one student is deemed eligible for a prize, the prize amount will be shared between the recipients. The MBA prizes are generously donated by companies that have a close association with the Business school.
If you believe you have completed the requirements of the degree, you should consult the specific Program rules for the year in which you were first enrolled (not for the year in which you are completing the degree) to confirm the compulsory and elective courses that were required. Most students will no longer be required to apply to graduate. the Graduations office will run an automated process which will identify potential graduands, based on their expected completion date and/or accumulated units completed, and create applications in Access Adelaide for the students who satisfy the criteria. to ensure you are included in this process it is important students update their expected completion date when their enrolment changes i.e. breaks from study, change of program. students who are not identified as part of the automated process will need to submit a manual application via Access Adelaide by the relevant deadline. the Graduations office will notify students of their eligibility or ineligibility to graduate via Access Adelaide after an application has been submitted. students who are eligible must confirm their attendance option to have a parchment issued. Please refer to the following website for the full Graduation process:
Bridging Program
the Faculty of the Professions offers a unique Bridging Program to international students from all schools throughout the Faculty. this program is designed to introduce new international students to the cultural, social and academic conventions of study at the University of Adelaide and facilitate the transition into studying at the University. the Bridging Program is designed to equip new international students with time management, academic reading and interpretation, writing, listening and presentation skills. As part of the program, students work on a group project involving a written report and an oral presentation. these are presented to peers and staff, which give students the opportunity to gain confidence and receive constructive feedback, prior to their first trimester of study.
stUDy InForMAtIon
Discontinuation of studies
Provision exists for students to graduate with a lesser degree if they need to exit a program early. the following criteria must be satisfied to be eligible: Four MBA courses (at least three of which are compulsory core courses) to be awarded a Graduate Certificate in Business Administration; Eight MBA courses (at least six of which are compulsory core courses) to be awarded a Graduate Diploma of Business Administration; Twelve MBA courses (at least nine of which are compulsory core courses) to be awarded a Master of Business Administration (12).
stUDy exCHAnGe
TesTimonial: When first considering participating in an mBa exchange, it seemed like a great opportunity to travel while at the same time fast tracking my studies. i selected the essam program because it was the exchange option that could be completed within two weeks. During this time, i was able to obtain credit for two mBa subjects. i would strongly recommend that other mBa students explore the possibility of participating in an exchange. i have no doubt that the experience you will have will enhance and enrich your current skill set and make you more effective in your position. The mBa exchange is an experience that ill never forget! Jeremy Brown essam Program (Denmark)
exchange arrangements exist with a number of management schools in europe, north America & Asia.
Located on Level 1, Majoribanks Wing, nexus 10, the Postgraduate student support Hub (the Postgraduate Hub) administers many aspects of the program including enrolment support, program advice and online services. student facilities include 24/7 access to modern computing suites, Wi-Fi, seminar rooms, a common study area, kitchen facilities and after-hours access. If you seek advice of a more complex nature you are encouraged to make an appointment with a program adviser via [email protected]
to report service problems or for any other enquiries contact the online education Helpdesk on 8303 3335, MondayFriday: 8am6pm. Access Adelaide is a web-based system that allows you to view and amend your University record online. you can log-on from any computer with Internet access at home, at work, on campus or at a caf! visit Log-on and: View and amend your current enrolment View your enrolment details for any trimester Add and drop classes View and print your unofficial transcript View and amend your personal details, including your name, address and telephone numbers View the fees, charges and payments on your University account Webmail the University email system is the main mode of communication to students. the University of Adelaide provides you with a free email account (Webmail) which is created when you enrol. your email address follows the rule: [email protected] students can access their email at any of the Universitys computing labs, or at any computer connected to the Internet. If you have a work or personal email account that you would prefer to use, you must arrange to have your University email account redirected via the Account Manager function. It is advised that you check your student email account regularly to ensure you do not miss any important information. to log-on:
stUDent ID CArDs
All students enrolled in academic courses or subjects offered by the University of Adelaide require a University of Adelaide Identity Card. new students are issued with the University of Adelaide Identity Card as part of the enrolment process. Continuing students must update their card (with a sticker) annually. the Identity Card is an all-in-one card designed to make life easier for you. It gives you convenient access to a whole range of essential campus services and functions. these include: Identification on university campuses and at examinations Student concessions (full-time students only) Borrowing rights in the University libraries, library online services, printing and photocopying facilities Access to secure areas, including computer rooms Please ensure you complete your enrolment for before attending Card services to have your photograph taken and your student ID card issued. you will also need to bring your enrolment summary a print out from Access Adelaide and photo identification. this can be one of the following: drivers licence, proof of age card or passport. Alternatively, you can apply for your student ID Card online and it will be posted out to you. For further information please visit the website: If you lose or misplace your student card, Card services charges AUD$20 to replace your card.
Disability services
Horace Lamb Building, Ground Floor office Hours: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday t: 8303 5962 e: [email protected]
Car Parking
Parking is available after hours to the public, staff and students without a current parking permit. Car park after hours are: Monday to Friday after 4.30pm until 9.15am the following day. All day Saturday, Sunday and any SA public holiday. note: Public holidays do not include trimester breaks or the University Christmas break. For further information please see the Car Parking Procedures website. Car parks are located at: Gate 23 North Terrace underground car park Gate 10 Victoria Drive Gate 13 Kintore Avenue tickets must be purchased from ticket machines and be clearly displayed on the right hand side of the dashboard. An after hours permit may also be purchased. simply visit: parking/ select apply for parking permit and follow the prompts. there is a small grace period of approximately 15 minutes prior to 4.30pm for after hours permit holders only. If you have any questions regarding your permit, please contact tenix solutions on telephone 1300 106 065 or email [email protected] Alternative parking sites include easi Park on Frome street, the U Park or target Car Park on rundle street.
University services
the University and student Union provide a number of services for students, ranging from academic to personal and recreational services and amenities. For further information visit student Centre Wills Building t: 8303 5208 e: [email protected] office Hours: Mon, Wed, thurs, Fri: 8.45am5.00pm & tues: 9.30am5.00pm Administered by the student Administration Branch, this office serves as a central one-stopinformation shop for general University issues. staff can help you with most general queries, and if they do not have the answer, they will advise you with whom you should speak. International student Centre (IsC) old Classics Wing t: 8303 4828 e: [email protected] office Hours: Monday: 10am5pm; tuesday to Friday: 9am5pm the International student Centre provides ongoing support to international students. It works closely with student groups, faculties and University administration to ensure the experience of all international students is a positive and successful one. services offered by the IsC include: Assistance with visa matters including visa extensions and meeting compliance requirements Ongoing support by International Student Advisers Information on Overseas Student Health Cover Returning home re-entry program for international students completing their study in Adelaide Peer Mentor Program Language and Cultural Exchange Program Social Activities and Workshops Student Newsletter
stUDent FInAnCe
t: 8303 5880 e: [email protected] For all student finance enquiries including payments and further information, visit the student Centre in the Wills Building. For more information on how to pay your student fees, including if you are an international student, visit It is your responsibility as a student to ensure that all fees are paid before the census date. Failure to pay fees before the census date may result in your enrolment being cancelled. reminders are sent from student Finance via Access Adelaide for outstanding fees.
the following services are offered: Individual counselling (appointment required) Telephone counselling Assistance in crisis Drop-in service (daily from 1.00pm4.30pm) Workshops: education and Welfare officers (eWos) Ground Floor, Lady symons Building Gate 10 victoria Drive t: 8303 5430 e: [email protected] the eWos advise students about welfare resources on campus, financial matters (youth Allowance, Austudy or Abstudy), housing, personal issues and academic matters. other university Wide services other services include: Health Centre Clubs & Societies Students Association Overseas Students Association Accommodation Service Wilto Yerlo (Aboriginal Programs) Student Loans Please visit the University website for further information on these and other services offered by the University.
Learning support
Counselling and Advocacy services Ground Floor of the Horace Lamb Building the Counselling service deals with personal issues such as stress, relationship difficulties, panic and anxiety, depression, family issues, abuse and sexuality. Academic issues dealt with include motivation, organisation, concentration and special consideration for assessment.
RuLes FoR assessment University rules relating to assessment and plagiarism can be found in section 26 of the coursework Academic Programs Policy RuLes FoR student ConduCt Universitys procedure for handling student conduct matters including mediation and the Board of Conduct student GRIeVanCe student Grievance resolution Process: If you have a grievance because of a decision or action by a University of Adelaide staff member or the action of one or more University of Adelaide students, the student care staff will do their best to help you resolve the grievance. unsatIsFaCtoRy aCademIC PRoGRess by CouRseWoRk students PoLICy