Palladio - Enterprise Architecture Foundation With TOGAF
Palladio - Enterprise Architecture Foundation With TOGAF
Palladio - Enterprise Architecture Foundation With TOGAF
▪ Palladio Consulting GmbH & Co. KG is a member of The Open Group Architecture Forum and has a
commercial license for the TOGAF® Standard, 10th Edition & Earlier.
▪ The Open Group TOGAF 9 templates and examples, Copyright (c) 2010 The Open Group, The
Open Group gratefully acknowledges Capgemini for contributing these templates and examples.
1 Welcome
4 Preliminary Phase
18 Practice Test
19 Wrap-up
▪ Course outline
1. Welcome ▪ Course instructors
▪ TOGAF Certification Program
6. Phase B:
▪ Purpose, Objectives, Steps & Approach
▪ Gap Analysis
7. Phase C: Interface 1
App 1 Interface 2
▪ Purpose, Objectives, Steps & Approach
▪ Application & Data Architecture Artifacts
App 2
Interface 3
8. Phase D:
▪ Purpose, Objectives, Steps & Approach
▪ Technology Architecture Artifacts
10. Phase F:
▪ Purpose, Objectives, Steps & Approach
▪ Implementation Governance Model
11. Phase G:
▪ Portfolio
▪ Identify the products
needed by the enterprise
▪ Architecture Contracts
▪ Compliance Assessment
of the products of the products
Governance ➢ The Enterprise Architect serves the stakeholders guarding the mission, vision, goals
and investment roadmap, hence guarding enterprise value
12. Phase H:
▪ Purpose, Objectives, Steps & Approach
Arch. Change
▪ Change Request
13. Require-
▪ Purpose, Objectives, Steps & Approach
ments Mgmt. Requirements
16. Architecture
▪ Corporate & EA Governance
Governance &
▪ Architecture Board & Capability
EA Capability
▪ Expert in Enterprise Architecture Management
▪ Master degree in mechanical engineering
▪ Managing partner at palladio Consulting
▪ Certified in TOGAF, Business Analysis & SCRUM Master
▪ Consulting experience in Enterprise Architecture
Management since 2016 (> 20 business/IT projects)
▪ Father of two daughters
▪ Board game geek
▪ Hiking in the mountains
▪ PhD in Computer Science focusing on Enterprise Architecture
▪ Managing partner at palladio Consulting
▪ Certified in TOGAF, ArchiMate, COBIT and ISO/IEC 20000
▪ 15 years consulting experience in Enterprise Architecture
Management (> 50 business/IT projects)
▪ Professional trainer since 2008 (TOGAF and IREB)
▪ Two young kids
▪ Sports & outdoors
▪ Blogging & writing (15 books, > 500 posts)
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain the TOGAF Certification Program and distinguish between the levels for certification
TOGAF Certification Program – Exam (1/2)
Reach your TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Foundation Certification
▪ Validates that the candidate has gained knowledge of the terminology and basic
concepts of The TOGAF® Standard, 10th Edition and understands the core
principles of Enterprise Architecture and the TOGAF® framework
▪ Closed book
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain the TOGAF Certification Program and distinguish between the levels for certification
TOGAF Certification Program – Exam (2/2)
Book & take your Enterprise Architecture Part 1 Exam with Pearson Vue
▪ Conditions
▪ Booked at & conducted by Pearson Vue on behalf of The Open Group
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain the TOGAF Certification Program and distinguish between the levels for certification
Document outline
Enterprise Architecture Foundation with the TOGAF Standard, 10th Edition
1 Welcome
4 Preliminary Phase
Data Architecture
Describes the Structure of an organization’s conceptual, logical & physical data assets,
data management resources
IT Architecture
Application Architecture
Provides a blueprint for the individual applications to be deployed, their interactions and their
relationships to the core business processes of the organization
Technology Architecture
Describes the digital architecture and the logical software and hardware infrastructure capabilities and
standards that are required to support the deployment of business, data and applications services
Business Architecture
▪ Business Capabilities ▪ Value Streams ▪ Organization Units
▪ Business Processes ▪ Information Concepts ▪ …
Data Architecture
▪ Information Objects ▪ Data management ▪ …
▪ Data Objects resources
Application Architecture
▪ Applications ▪ Application Domains ▪ Application Services
▪ Interfaces ▪ Application Functions ▪ …
Technology Architecture
▪ IT infrastructure ▪ Network elements ▪ Cloud services
▪ Middleware ▪ Technology platforms ▪ Runtime environments
Business Architecture
Data Architecture
Business Function Application
Sales HR Sales-System HR-System
Product Margin Data x Product Margin Data x
Customer Data x Customer Data x
Data Entity
Data Entity
Employee Data x Employee Data x …
Payroll Data x Payroll Data x
Insurance Data x Insurance Data x
Revenue Data x Revenue Data x
Application Architecture
ID Name Category Organization
Enterprise Resource Sales HR
L_APP_01 Plattform
Planning CRM x
Customer Relationship ERP x
L_APP_02 Plattform
Management DWH x x …
Data Videocall x x
L_APP_03 Plattform
Warehouse DMS x x
Technology Architecture
ID Name Category
L_TEC_01 Workflow Automation
L_TEC_02 Event trigger Automation …
L_TEC_03 App Connector Automation
Technology Portfolio Platform Decomposition Environments & Location
Catalog Diagram Diagram
Invoice Transaction
order confirmation order
Cloud Platform
Baseline Architecture
Current state acting as
reference for all change
Transition Architecture Target Architecture
Fully functional future state that partially Future state that
realizes targets with a specific time and stakeholders have approved
target conformance
Today Future
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Scoping Architectures – Scope, Detail, Domains & Time
Four dimensions define and limit the scope of an architecture
Scope of the architectural activity is mostly limited by people, finance, objectives, stakeholder concerns and the
organisational authority of the EA team
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain how to scope an architecture
Architecture Levels – Strategic, Segment & Capability Architecture
The concept divides the Architecture Landscape into three levels of granularity
Provide an organizing framework for change &
operations describing & classifying the landscape
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. List the three levels of the Architecture Landscape
Architecture Partitioning – Approach
A divided subset of an architecture facilitates its development & management
What (Conceptual)
With what (Physical)
What functionality and
With what assets shall
other requirements
we implement this
need to be met by the
➢ Dividing a problem area into smaller problem areas easier to model & to solve
Note: Why, what and how have no connection to Zachman® Enterprise Architecture Framework
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly describe how architecture abstraction can be used in Enterprise Architecture
Architecture Abstraction Levels – Definition
The concept divides an architecture effort into four distinct levels Exam
▪ Understand the Environment of an enterprise and the
context of architecture work
▪ E.g., scope, motivation, drivers, scope, goals, objectives
▪ Understand the problem Moving
▪ Requirements and service models from
▪ E.g., business service, application service, technology service high-level
▪ Identify implementation-independent components to models to
Logical more
achieve the services of the conceptual abstraction
Abstraction detailed
▪ E.g., business, data, application and technology components
Physical ▪ Find alternatives for allocation and implementation of
Abstraction physical components to meet the logical components
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly describe how architecture abstraction can be used in Enterprise Architecture
Abstraction Levels vs. Levels of the Architecture Landscape
One or more Abstraction Levels describe the Levels of the Architecture Landscape
Levels of the Architecture Landscape Architecture Abstraction Levels
▪ Has normally a type that corresponds to the Enterprise Metamodel (e.g., actor,
business service, application, data entity)
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Details: Object Management Group® Reusable Asset Specification Explain what building blocks are and their use in the ADM
Building Block – Characteristics
A good Building Block meets several criteria
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain why the TOGAF Standard is suitable for use as a framework for Enterprise Architecture
The TOGAF Standard – Suitability
TOGAF is a suitable framework for Enterprise Architecture
▪ Enables organizations to operate in an efficient & effective way
using a proven and recognized set of best practices to address
business & technology trends
▪ Should be tailored and integrated into the processes and organization structures
Iterative approach
to developing an
Enterprise Typical
Architecture. Architecture
and how to
Collection of techniques to Organization, processes, classify, store
apply the TOGAF approach roles and responsibilities and re-use
and the Architecture to establish and operate them
Development Method (ADM) Enterprise Architecture
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Describe where guidance on how to apply the TOGAF Standard is provided
The TOGAF Standard – ADM, Supporting Guidelines & Techniques
The TOGAF ADM is supported by an extended set of resources
➢ Individual guidelines & techniques are described separately so that they can be
referenced from the relevant points in the Architecture Development Method (ADM)
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly describe how the ADM and Supporting Guidelines and Techniques relate to each other
The TOGAF Library – Overview
The portfolio of additional guidance material supports the practical application
▪ Accompanies the TOGAF Standard
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Describe where guidance on how to apply the TOGAF Standard is provided
Enterprise Architecture – Purpose (1/2)
A framework for continuous change links strategic direction & business value
▪ Manages complexity & risks and supports Change
▪ Provides enterprises a strategic context for the evolution and reach of digital
capability in response to the changing needs of the business environment
▪ Allows business units to innovate for business goals and competitive advantage
▪ Enables an integrated strategy with synergies across the enterprise and beyond
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain the purpose of Enterprise Architecture
Enterprise Architecture – Purpose (2/2)
The business capability guides effective change to improve an enterprise
▪ Governs (directs and controls) the change activity
to realize the expected value
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain the purpose of Enterprise Architecture
Enterprise Architecture – Benefits
Enterprise Architecture has several key benefits for an organization
Better return on existing More effective and efficient More effective strategic
investment & reduced risk digital transformation and decision-making by C-Level
for future investment operations executives & business
More effective and efficient Faster, simpler and cheaper Right balance across
business operations procurement conflicting demands
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. List the business benefits of having an Enterprise Architecture
Document outline
Enterprise Architecture Foundation with the TOGAF Standard, 10th Edition
1 Welcome
4 Preliminary Phase
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly describe the ADM and its phases
Architecture Development Method (ADM) – Overview (2/9)
The method develops & manages the lifecycle of an Enterprise Architecture
▪ Step-by-step approach with 10 phases (8 arranged in a cycle)
▪ Reference model:
▪ Deliver solutions in an architected way
▪ Identify interacting components and relationships
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly describe the ADM and its phases
Architecture Development Method (ADM) – Overview (3/9)
Preliminary Phase creates the architecture capability of an organization
Preliminary Phase
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly describe the ADM and its phases
Architecture Development Method (ADM) – Overview (4/9)
Phase A initializes an architecture development cycle
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly describe the ADM and its phases
Architecture Development Method (ADM) – Overview (5/9)
Phases B,C & D develop architectures to support the agreed Architecture Vision
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly describe the ADM and its phases
Architecture Development Method (ADM) – Overview (6/9)
Phases E & F plan the implementation and migration of the Target Architecture
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly describe the ADM and its phases
Architecture Development Method (ADM) – Overview (7/9)
Phase G governs the implementation & Phase H supports the architecture change
Phase H: Architecture Change Management
Requirements Management
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly describe the ADM and its phases
ADM – Artifact
The architectural work product describes aspects of the Enterprise Architecture
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Describe the difference between "draft" and 'approved" deliverables
Key concepts – Stakeholder
Stakeholder have interest in a system
▪ Represents an individual, team, organization, or
class thereof, having an interest in a system
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Define and explain the following key concepts: stakeholders
Source: Adapted from ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010: 2011 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288: 2015
Key concepts – Concern
Concern is an interest in a system to stakeholders
▪ Represents an interest in a system relevant to one
or more of its stakeholders and their goals
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Define and explain the following key concepts: concerns
Source: Adapted from ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010: 2011 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288: 2015
Key concepts – Relationship between stakeholder and concern
Stakeholders‘ concerns lead to requirements
▪ Identifying concerns helps ensure stakeholders’
interests are addressed and requirements are
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Define and explain the following key concepts: stakeholders, concerns
Source: Adapted from ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010: 2011 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288: 2015
Key concepts – Architecture Viewpoint
(Architecture) Viewpoint represents where you are looking from on a system
▪ Represents the vantage point or perspective that
determines what can be see of a system
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Define and explain the following key concepts: architecture viewpoints
Source: Adapted from ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010: 2011 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288: 2015
Key concepts – Architecture View
(Architecture) View represents what you see of a system
▪ Is a representation of a system from the
perspective of a related set of concerns
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Define and explain the following key concepts: architecture views
Source: Adapted from ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010: 2011 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288: 2015
Key concepts – Relationship between Viewpoint and View
An (Architecture) View is rooted in an (Architecture) Viewpoint
▪ Every architecture view has an associated
architecture viewpoint that describes it, at least
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Define and explain the following key concepts: architecture views, architecture viewpoints,
Source: Adapted from ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010: 2011 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288: 2015
Document outline
Enterprise Architecture Foundation with the TOGAF Standard, 10th Edition
1 Welcome
4 Preliminary Phase
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Describe the objectives of the Preliminary Phase
ADM – Preliminary Phase – Steps
The phase defines "where, what, why, who and how you do architecture"
Application Principles
▪ Form the basis for making architecture decisions
Technology Principles
▪ Are intended to be enduring and seldom amended
▪ Provide a foundation for making architecture & planning decisions, framing policies,
procedures & standards and supporting resolution of conflicting situations
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain what makes a good Architecture Principle
Architecture Principles – Principle hierarchy
Enterprise Principles set bounds for principles on lower levels
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain the recommended template for Architecture Principles
Architecture Principles – Example
Business Principle: Compliance
Understandable Robust
Intentions of the principles are clear, Enable good quality and consistent decisions
understandable & unambiguous so that about architectures, plans enforceable
(unintended) violations are minimized policies as well as standards to be created in
complex situations
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain what makes a good Architecture Principle
Architecture Principles – Purpose
The enduring guidelines address different purposes
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain the purpose of Architecture Principles
Architecture Principles – Usage within the TOGAF ADM
Principles are created in the Preliminary Phase and used in Phases A, B, C & D
Identify, define & establish (based on enterprise
principles and organizational context)
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Architecture Principles
ADM – Preliminary Phase – Approach
The phase defines "where, what, why, who and how we do architecture"
1 Welcome
4 Preliminary Phase
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the purpose of Phase A
ADM – Phase A: Architecture Vision – Objectives
The phase develops the Architecture Vision & Statement of Architecture Work
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Describe the objectives of Phase A
ADM – Phase A: Architecture Vision – Steps (1/2)
The phase creates the Vision, Statement of Architecture Work & secures approval
4 Evaluate capabilities
6 Define scope
4 Evaluate capabilities
6 Define scope
Use as input
Use as input
4 Evaluate capabilities
6 Define scope
▪ Information (e.g., needs, key messages for the vision, risks, success factors)
Use as input
Use as input
Use as input
Use as input
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Communications Plan
ADM – Phase A: Architecture Vision – Business Scenarios
Business Scenarios are a source for business requirements
4 Evaluate capabilities
6 Define scope
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain business scenarios
The Open Group TOGAF 9 templates and examples, Copyright (c) 2010 The Open Group
Business Scenarios – Key elements (1/2)
The technique uses a uniform description for business requirements
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain business scenarios
Business Scenarios – Key elements (2/2)
A good Business Scenario contains SMART outcomes
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain business scenarios
Business Scenarios – Development phases & steps
Each key element is iteratively refined through phases, steps & activities
▪ Three successive phases capture, examine and improve
the key elements of the Business Scenario
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Describe what a TOGAF business scenario is and its purpose
Business Scenarios – Differentiation
The technique differs from other business concepts
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain business scenarios
Business Scenarios – Benefits
The technique creates value at an early stage in the Architecture Project
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain business scenarios
ADM – Phase A – Architecture Requirements Specification
The phase documents the requirements that are in scope of the project
4 Evaluate capabilities
6 Define scope
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Architecture Requirements Specification
Architecture Requirements Spec. – Usage within the TOGAF ADM (2/2)
The deliverable is used in Phase G & H and populated in Requirements Mgmt.
Use as input
Use as input
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Architecture Requirements Specification
ADM – Phase A: Architecture Vision – Principles, Goals & Drivers
The phase explores the contextual surroundings of the Architecture Project
4 Evaluate capabilities
6 Define scope
▪ May have significant implications for the way that architecture is developed,
although being outside the consideration of the architecture discipline
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Business Principles, Business Goals and Business Drivers
Business Principles, Goals & Drivers – Structure
The content & structure of business context for architecture is likely to vary
4 Evaluate capabilities
6 Define scope
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Capability Assessment
Capability Assessment – Definition (2/2)
The deliverable is a prerequisite for a detailed architecture definition
▪ Business Capability Assessment, including baseline state assessment & future
state aspiration regarding performance and realization; impacts to the organization
▪ IT Capability Assessment, including baseline & target maturity level of change and
operational processes; baseline capacity & capability; impacts to the organization
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Capability Assessment
Capability Assessment – Structure
A template supports the capturing & documentation of the capabilities
4 Evaluate capabilities
6 Define scope
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain Business Transformation Readiness Assessment and where it can be used in the ADM
Business Transformation Readiness Assessment – Approach
The ADM technique assesses an organization’s readiness through five activities
4. Assess the risks for each readiness factor and identify mitigation actions
5. Work these actions into Phase E and F Implementation and Migration Plan
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain Business Transformation Readiness Assessment and where it can be used in the ADM
Business Transformation Readiness Assessment – Example
The TOGAF Standard provides templates & tools for the ADM technique
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain Business Transformation Readiness Assessment and where it can be used in the ADM
Business Tr. Readiness Assessment – Usage within the TOGAF ADM
The deliverable is created in Phase A and used in Phase E, F and G
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Architecture Vision
Architecture Vision – Usage within the TOGAF ADM (2/2)
The deliverable is refined in Phase E and used in Phase G
Manage requirements
4 Evaluate capabilities
6 Define scope
▪ Examines all relevant states of the architecture (Baseline, Transition and Target)
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Architecture Definition Document
Architecture Definition Document – Definition (2/2)
The deliverable is a qualitative view of the solution communicating the intent
▪ Scope, Goals, Objectives & Constraints,
Architecture Principles, Baseline & Target
Architecture, Gap analysis, Impact assessment
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Architecture Definition Document
ADM – Phase A: Architecture Vision – Statement of Architecture Work
The deliverable documents all findings & results and serves as a contract
▪ May form the basis for a contractual agreement between the supplier and
consumer of architecture services
Use & update, if necessary
Use & update, if necessary
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Statement of Architecture Work
ADM – Phase A: Architecture Vision – Approach (1/2)
The phase builds consensus about the Architecture Vision with the sponsors
1 Welcome
4 Preliminary Phase
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the purpose of Phases B, C and D
ADM – Phase B: Business Architecture – Purpose (2/2)
The phase is a prerequisite for architecture work in any other domain
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the purpose of Phases B, C and D
ADM – Phase B: Business Architecture – Objectives
The phase develops the Target Architecture & identifies Roadmap components
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Describe the objectives of Phase B
ADM – Phase B: Business Architecture – Steps (1/2)
The phase performs a gap analysis between the Baseline & Target Architecture
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain the purpose of gap analysis
Gap Analysis – Gap sources
Architecture gaps can be found in every Architecture Domain
People, process, tools, information, measurement, financial, facility
Currency, location, availability, creation, consumption, relations, need
Creation, elimination, impact
Creation, elimination, impact
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain the purpose of gap analysis
Gap Analysis – Example 1 (1/2)
The technique visually compares the Baseline with the Target Architecture
of Baseline,
results with
Project and
color coding
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain gap analysis
Gap Analysis – Usage within the TOGAF ADM (1/2)
The technique is widely used throughout all cyclic ADM phases
Use as input
1 Welcome
4 Preliminary Phase
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the purpose of Phases B, C and D
ADM – Phase C: Information Systems Architectures – Objectives
The phase develops the Target Architectures & identifies Roadmap components
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Describe the objectives of Phase C for Data Architecture and Application Architecture
ADM – Phase C: Information Systems Architectures – Steps
The phase identifies gaps between Baseline & Target Data & Application Arch.
6 …
Interface 1
App 1 Interface 2
App 2
Interface 3
App 3
Product Lifecycle
x x
Management System
Sales HR
Product Margin Data x
Customer Data x
Employee Data x
Payroll Data x
Insurance Data x
Revenue Data x
1. Data Management:
▪ Define which application components serve as enterprise master data
▪ Understand how data entities are utilized by business capabilities,
business functions, processes and business and application services
▪ Understand how and where enterprise data entities are created,
stored, transported and reported
2. Data Migration:
C. ▪ Identify data migration requirements
Systems ▪ Provide indicators for data transformation, weeding and cleansing
Architectures ▪ Ensure an enterprise-wide common data definition to support the
transformation & migration
3. Data Governance:
▪ Ensure that the enterprise has the necessary structures, management
systems and people in place to enable the transformation
C. ▪ Physical data entity: used to create data models that have been
Data Architecture should be able to handle:
▪ Data at rest - data in stores
▪ Data in motion - data in transactions or services/APIs
▪ Data in use - data at the border of the application (e.g. GUI)
▪ Open data - data that the organization provides for public usage
1 Welcome
4 Preliminary Phase
▪ …
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the purpose of Phases B, C and D
ADM – Phase D: Technology Architecture – Objectives
The phase develops the Target Architecture & identifies Roadmap components Exam
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Describe the objectives of Phase D
ADM – Phase D: Technology Architecture – Steps
The phase identifies gaps between Baseline & Target Technology Architecture
6 …
TA_LTC_02 Event trigger Mechanism that initiates an action or process in 10/15/2023 Business Process Automation
response to a specific occurrence or predefined
condition within a system or software.
TA_LTC_03 Application Connector Software component or interface that facilitates 10/15/2023 Business Process Automation
seamless communication and integration between
different applications or systems, enabling data
exchange and interoperability.
TA_LTC_04 Data Warehouse Centralized repository that stores large volumes of 10/16/2023 Business Intelligence
structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data
from various sources, designed for analysis,
reporting, and business intelligence purposes
TA_LTC_05 ETL Extract, Transform, Load, is a process in data 10/16/2023 Business Intelligence
integration where data is gathered from various
sources, transformed into a consistent format, and
loaded into a target data repository for analysis and
▪ Depicts what
technologies are
used at which
Emerging Technologies:
▪ Anticipate and be open to technology-driven change
▪ Look for new innovative ways of operating and
improve the business
▪ Technology Architecture needs to capture the
transformation opportunities available through
adoption of new technology
▪ The TOGAF ADM enables technology change to
become a driver and strategic resource rather than
a recipient of Change Requests
▪ Technology Architecture may both drive business
capabilities and respond to information system
Technology requirements at the same time
▪ Rapid adoption of changing technologies can cause
discontinuities across the enterprise.
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the purpose of Phase E
ADM – Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions – Purpose (2/2)
The phase is directly concerned with solutions & implementation
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the purpose of Phase E
ADM – Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions – Objectives
The phase concentrates on how to deliver the architecture
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Describe the objectives of Phase E
ADM – Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions – Steps (1/2)
The phase consolidates the gaps and creates an initial implementation plan
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain interoperability and how it is used
Interoperability – Application Interoperability
TOGAF recommends Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) for interoperability
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Details: TOGAF Standard ADM Techniques Briefly explain interoperability and how it is used
Interoperability – Usage within the TOGAF ADM (1/2)
The technique is applied in Phase A till Phase F
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain interoperability and how it is used
ADM – Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions – Risk Management
The technique identifies, classifies & mitigates risks of the transformation effort
▪ Risk Management: Identifying and assessing the likelihood and magnitude of potential
positive or negative events on strategic, tactical & operational level
▪ Initial Level of Risk: Risk categorization prior to determining & implementing mitigation
Image source: © The SABSA Institute Image source: © The SABSA Institute
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain risk management
Risk Management – Assessment
Top-down assessment starts with business value and its optimization
1. Risk identification
2. Risk classification
4. Risk mitigation
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain risk management
Initial Risk Assessment – Effect & Frequency
The method classifies risk with respect to effect & frequency by using scales
Effect Frequency
on (parts of) the organization during a transformation cycle
▪ Catastrophic: critical financial loss that ▪ Frequent: likely to occur very often
could result in bankruptcy and/or continuously
▪ Lists work packages and their business value realizing the Target Architecture
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Architecture Roadmap
Architecture Roadmap – Definition (2/2)
The deliverable lists all work packages realizing the Target Architecture
▪ Work package portfolio (i.e., description, functional requirements, dependencies,
value, relationship to opportunity/architecture definition document & requirements)
▪ Transition Architectures
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Architecture Roadmap
Architecture Roadmap – Structure
The deliverable focuses on the work packages realizing the Target Architecture
Use as input
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Architecture Roadmap
ADM – Phase E – Implementation and Migration Plan
The phase aligns Implementation and Migration Plan to Architecture Roadmap
▪ Project charters with work packages business value, risks, issues, assumptions,
dependencies, resources, benefits, costs
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Implementation Migration Plan
Implementation and Migration Plan – Structure
The deliverable focuses on the projects realizing the Target Architecture
Use as input
Use as input
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Implementation Migration Plan
ADM – Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions – Approach
Implementation & Migration Plan is initialized in Phase E & finalized in Phase F
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the purpose of Phase F
ADM – Phase F: Migration Planning – Objectives
The phase finalizes the Implementation and Migration Plan
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Describe the objectives of Phase F
ADM – Phase F: Migration Planning – Steps
The phase completes the architecture development cycle
Confirm management framework interactions
for the Implementation and Migration Plan
2 Assign a business value to each work package
▪ Governance process
Use as input
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Implementation Governance Model
ADM – Phase F: Migration Planning – Approach
The phase closely aligns with the work of project and portfolio managers
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the purpose of Phase G
ADM – Phase G: Implementation Governance – Objectives
The phase ensures conformance and performs Architecture Governance
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Describe the objectives of Phase G
ADM – Phase G: Implementation Governance – Steps
The phase runs parallel to the implementation projects
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Architecture Contract
Architecture Contract – Content
The contract content depends on the contract type
Architecture Design & Development Contract
▪ Introduction and background, Nature of the agreement, Scope of the
architecture, Architecture and strategic principles and requirements,
Conformance requirements, Architecture development and management process
and roles, Target Architecture measures, Defined phases of deliverables,
Prioritized joint workplan, Time window(s), Architecture delivery and business
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Architecture Contract
Details: TOGAF Standard Enterprise Architecture Capability and Governance
Development Contract – Usage within the TOGAF ADM
The contract is created mainly in Phase G and used throughout Phase H
Document &
Obtain signature from all developing organizations
and sponsoring organization
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Architecture Contract
Architecture Contract – Statement of Architecture Work
The contract type governs the collaboration between sponsor & architects
▪ Defines scope & approach being used for an architecture development cycle
▪ May form the basis for a contractual agreement between the supplier and
consumer of architecture services
▪ Is defined at the appropriate stage of the ADM, depending on the contracted work
▪ Architecture development & management process and workplan & time window
▪ Drawn up between the architecting function and the business stakeholders who
will subsequently be building and deploying the architected business solutions
▪ Created at the end of Phase F with the agreed Implementation and Migration Plan
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the role of Architecture Contracts
Architecture Contract – Usage within the TOGAF ADM
Contracts may be used during various ADM phases
▪ Ensures that implementation learnings are fed back into the architecture
▪ Architecture checklists (e.g., hardware & operating system, software services and
middleware, applications, information management, security, system management,
system engineering, methods and tools)
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Compliance Assessment
Architecture Compl. Assessment – Usage within the TOGAF ADM
The deliverable is used in Phase G and H
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Compliance Assessment
Architecture Compliance Review (Process) – Timing
The review is held at project milestones or checkpoints in the project’s lifecycle
▪ When business requirements and the ▪ Specific checkpoints within the project
Enterprise Architecture are reasonably (e.g., project initiation, initial design,
firm and the project architecture is taking major design changes, ad hoc)
▪ Stage when there is still time to correct
any major errors or shortcomings
▪ Define the enterprise’s ▪ Set constraints for the ▪ Set constraints for the
backlog agile teams agile teams
➢ The Enterprise Architect serves the stakeholders guarding the mission, vision, goals
and investment roadmap, hence guarding enterprise value
Explain how developing architecture for different purposes, or levels of detail,
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. can be applied to support Agile software development
ADM – Phase G: Implementation Governance – Approach (1/2)
The phase deploys the Target Architecture as a series of transitions
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the purpose of Phase H
ADM – Phase H: Architecture Change Management – Objectives
The phase maintains the Architecture Development Cycle
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Describe the objectives of Phase H
ADM – Phase H: Architecture Change Management – Steps
The phase waits for changes and manages them
H. 3 Manage risks
Provide analysis for architecture change
Develop change requirements to meet
performance targets
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Change Request
Change Request – Structure
A change request should be captured in a structured manner
Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Change Request
ADM – Phase H: Architecture Change Management – Approach (1/2)
The phase manages changes to the architecture in a cohesive & architected way
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Describe the purpose of Requirements Management
ADM – Requirements Management Phase – Objectives
The phase stores requirements and feeds them in and out of the ADM phases
3.Ensure that relevant architecture requirements are
available for use by each phase as the phase is
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Describe the objectives of the Requirements Management process
ADM – Requirements Management Phase – Steps (1/4)
Architecture requirements are available for use in all ADM Phases
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain the iterative approach of the ADM
ADM Iterations – Practice (1/2)
Each Architecture Project starts with Phase A and uses an individual ADM path
▪ Need for iterations in the development of an Architecture:
▪ High complexity (manage complexity)
▪ Inter-dependent nature (consider the entire architecture,
existing gaps and resulting work simultaneously)
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain the iterative approach of the ADM
ADM Iterations – Practice (2/2)
Iterations are driven by the information needs of the Architecture Project
▪ Architecture Projects do not need to enter all phases
(if information is not needed or already has been produced)
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain the iterative approach of the ADM
ADM Iterations – Iteration Cycles
The TOGAF Standard suggests iteration cycles to achieve specific purposes
1. Iteration through the entire ADM 3
Develops a comprehensive Architecture Landscape
1 2
2. Architecture Development Iteration
Creates architecture content and ensures the
architecture is considered as a whole
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain how iteration within the ADM enables concurrent operation of multiple ADM phases
ADM Iterations – Iteration through the entire ADM (1/2)
The iteration type develops a comprehensive Enterprise Architecture Landscape
▪ Projects go through the entire ADM cycle
(starting with Phase A and a Request for
Architecture Work) 1
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain how iteration within the ADM enables concurrent operation of multiple ADM phases
ADM Iterations – Iteration through the entire ADM (2/2)
The iteration type develops a comprehensive Enterprise Architecture Landscape
▪ Separate projects may operate their own ADM
cycles concurrently with relationships to each
other (parallel iteration) 1
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain how iteration within the ADM enables concurrent operation of multiple ADM phases
ADM Iterations – Architecture Development Iteration (1/2)
The iteration type is an iteration within an ADM cycle
Projects may…
▪ …operate multiple ADM phases concurrently (to
manage the inter-relationship between BDAT- 2
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain how iteration within the ADM enables concurrent operation of multiple ADM phases
ADM – Information flow between the ADM phases (1/2)
The ADM is not a linear waterfall process
The TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM)…
▪ …is a logical method for developing knowledge
▪ …places key activity steps together for understanding
relatonships of activities and information flows
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain the information flow between the ADM phases
ADM – Information flow between the ADM phases (2/2)
The ADM is not a linear waterfall process
The TOGAF Standard…
▪ …provides an ADM phase for each essential output that is necessary to develop an
▪ …suggests what input is necessary at each phase to develop the required output
▪ The work plan of an Enterprise Architecture team varies depending on the problem and
development task, that is defined in the Request for Architecture Work
-> Each request requires a distinct path of the TOGAF ADM and different outputs
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain the information flow between the ADM phases
Building Block Specification Process – ADM Phases
ABBs are defined in the phases A, B, C & D and shaped as SBBs in Phase E
Evolutionary and iterative
process based on required
functions, imposed constraints
and available products
1. Identify Architecture
Building Blocks (ABBs)
required to meet business
goals and objectives
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain what building blocks are and their use in the ADM
Architecture Alternatives & Trade-offs – Definition
Multiple Target Architectures could suit the vision, principles and requirements
Sometimes not a single architecture exists that will
meet all stakeholders’ concerns
▪ Identify trade-offs between the alternatives Image source: / Pavel Danilyuk
(competing forces)
1. The creation of digitalized products or services that are delivered fully digitally
(e.g., digital media or online banking)
2. Where physical products and services are obtained by the customer by digital
means (e.g., online car-sharing services)
*based on Digital Practitioner Body of Knowledge (DPBoK)
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain how the TOGAF Standard can be applied to support the Digital enterprise
Digital Enterprise – Support in agile environments
The TOGAF Standard can be applied to support the Digital Enterprise
Enterprise Architecture supports agile environments in delivering and enhancing digital
products and services quicker and easier by…
4. …simplifying complexity
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the TOGAF Content Framework and Enterprise Metamodel
(Architecture) Content Framework – Introduction (2/2)
The concept is a categorization framework for Architecture Content
▪ Puts each deliverable into the
context of the holistic architecture
view of the enterprise
Models for
Models for the technology
business and its assets in use
motivation implementing the
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the TOGAF Content Framework and Enterprise Metamodel
(Architecture) Content Framework – Benefits
Describes what the architecture should look like once it is done
▪ Comprehensive checklist of
architecture output
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the TOGAF Content Framework and Enterprise Metamodel
Enterprise Metamodel – Introduction
The model defines entities within the enterprise & the relationships between them
▪ Starter pack for architects with types of
things to investigate & cover in models
In both cases:
▪ Minimize the information in the Metamodel
according to the purpose of the EA Capability
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the Architecture Repository
(Enterprise) Architecture Repository – Elements (1/2)
The content facilitates understanding & co-operation of stakeholders
Architectural Organizationally
representation of tailored application of
assets deployed within an architecture
the enterprise at a framework including
particular point in time the Content
(current, target, Metamodel
transition, candidate)
often at multiple level of Standards with which
abstractions new architectures and
Parameters, implementations must
structures and comply (e.g., industry
processes that support standards, selected
governance of the products & services
Architecture from suppliers, shared
Repository services)
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the Architecture Repository
(Enterprise) Architecture Repository – Elements (2/2)
The repository is enriched by the different ADM outputs
Architectural Guidelines,
representation of the templates, patterns
Solution Building and other forms of
Blocks (SBBs) reference material to
supporting the accelerate the creation
Architecture Landscape of new architectures
which have been
planned or deployed
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the Architecture Repository
Enterprise Continuum – Introduction & Explanation (1/2)
The concept structures & categorizes assets held in Enterprise Repositories
▪ Sets a broader context
for re-using artifacts
▪ Comprises the
Architecture & Solution
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Details: TOGAF Standard Architecture Content Briefly describe the Enterprise Continuum
Enterprise Continuum – Introduction & Explanation (2/2)
The concept is a view of the repository of all internal & external architecture assets
▪ Provides view on models,
patterns, viewpoints,build-
ing blocks and artifacts
▪ External architecture
and solution artifacts:
Industry reference models
and architecture patterns
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Details: TOGAF Standard Architecture Content Briefly describe the Enterprise Continuum
Document outline
Enterprise Architecture Foundation with the TOGAF Standard, 10th Edition
▪ Accounts for the equality of concerns and transparency, protecting the rights and
interests of the business (and not the ones of narrow-minded interests)
▪ Can be used to drive a set of behaviors controlled via measurements and metrics
➢ A customized governance approach should define the Why, What, When and How
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the concept of Architecture Governance
Source: ISO/IEC 38500:2015 Information technology - Governance of IT for the organization
Corporate Governance – Definition
A system by which business corporations are directed and controlled
▪ Ensures that business is conducted properly through guidance & usage of resources
▪ Enacts a board to review and guide corporate strategy and to set and monitor
achievement of performance objectives
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the concept of Architecture Governance
Source: Basic principles of corporate governance, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 2001
(Enterprise) Architecture Governance – Definition
A system by which (Enterprise) Architectures are directed and controlled
▪ Is a practice and orientation by which
Enterprise Architectures and other
architectures are managed and controlled
at an enterprise-wide level
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the concept of Architecture Governance
Architecture Governance – Need
The development & maintenance of an Enterprise Architecture must be governed
▪ Why ▪ What ▪ How
▪ Without control, there is ▪ Development of the ▪ Architects & implementer
no need to develop a Target Architecture are directed & controlled
Target Architecture by the stakeholders
▪ All changes within the
▪ Direct & control change scope of the Target ▪ Architecture Project:
Architecture Statement of Architecture
Work, Target Architecture
▪ Implementation Project:
Architecture Contracts,
Architecture Require-
ments Specification
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain the need to govern the creation, development and maintenance of Enterprise Architecture
Architecture Governance – Governance Repository
The governance artifacts & processes are part of the Architecture Repository
▪ Reference Data ▪ Process Status ▪ Audit information
▪ Description of the ▪ State of the governance ▪ Completed governance
governance procedures processes process actions
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain the need to govern the creation, development and maintenance of Enterprise Architecture
(Enterprise) Architecture Governance – Benefits
Architecture Governance adopts its benefits from Corporate Governance Exam
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Explain why Architecture Governance is beneficial
Source: Adapted from Corporate Governance by Ramani Naidoo, 2002
Architecture Board – Role
The cross-organizational board is represented by key architecture stakeholders
▪ Comprises a group of executives responsible for the review and maintenance
of the architecture and for oversee the implementation of the strategy within
Phase H of the Architecture Development Method (ADM)
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the role of an Architecture Board and its responsibilities
Architecture Board – General responsibilities
The board is made responsible and accountable for achieving different goals
▪ Improves the maturity level of architecture discipline while ensuring that the
discipline of architecture-based development is adopted
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the role of an Architecture Board and its responsibilities
Architecture Board – Governance responsibilities
The board has many different governance responsibilities
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the role of an Architecture Board and its responsibilities
Architecture Board – Decision Rights
The decision rights about the Target Architecture lies with the stakeholders
▪ The Architecture Board owns the process &
recommendations regarding completeness
and confidence in the architecture work that
led to the Target Architecture
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the role of an Architecture Board and its responsibilities
(Enterprise) Architecture Compliance – Types
Architecture compliance of projects is essential to Architecture Governance
▪ Architecture function ▪ Enterprise & IT Governance function
▪ Prepares project architectures (i.e., ▪ Defines a formal Architecture
project-specific views) illustrating how Compliance Review process for
the Enterprise Architecture impacts reviewing the compliance of projects
on major projects to the Enterprise Architecture
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain the need for Architecture Compliance
Architecture Capability – Overview
The EA capability is a business capability supporting four different purposes
▪ Posses organization structures
with roles, responsibilities, skills
and processes for EA work
▪ Establishes management
capabilities (e.g., financial, risk
& opportunity, performance, sup-
plier, service, communications &
stakeholder, resource, quality,
configuration, environment)
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Briefly explain what an Architecture Capability is
Architecture Capability – Purposes
Main goal is to develop, use and sustain the architecture to govern change
▪ Change & synergies, governance ▪ Governance framework for change
▪ Multiple programs or portfolios ▪ Single project or significant part
▪ Provide Target Architecture & roadmaps ▪ Support solution deployment
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. List the four purposes that help to frame the planning horizon and breadth and depth of the Architecture Project
Architecture Capability – Architecture to support Portfolio
The focus lies on a single subject architecture with low depth for 2 till 5 years
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. List the four purposes that help to frame the planning horizon and breadth and depth of the Architecture Project
Architecture Capability – Architecture to support Projects
The focus lies on a narrow architecture with detailed depth for less than 2 years
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. List the four purposes that help to frame the planning horizon and breadth and depth of the Architecture Project
Architecture Capability – Architecture to support Solution Delivery
The focus lies on a narrow architecture with detailed depth for less than 2 years
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. List the four purposes that help to frame the planning horizon and breadth and depth of the Architecture Project
Architecture Capability – Development (1/4)
The TOGAF ADM can be used to iteratively develop an EA Capability
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Details: TOGAF Standard Enterprise Architecture Capability & Governance Briefly explain what an Architecture Capability is
Document outline
Enterprise Architecture Foundation with the TOGAF Standard, 10th Edition
18 Practice Test
19 Wrap-up
Study the content – Go through the ADM, its phases, techniques and deliverables.
If you know the method, you can get at least 24 correct answers.
Complete exam questions – Test your TOGAF knowhow and familiarize yourself
with the structure & characteristics of the exam by answering as many practice
questions as possible.
Check your exam infrastructure – Test your IT for a TOGAF® proctored exam.
Ensure you have a redundant internet connection. Make sure it is quiet in your
Force a constant pace – As a native English speaker, you only have 90s on
average to answer a question. Skip difficult questions and look for quick wins
Use the complete time frame – The devil is in the detail, especially with tricky
questions. Use any remaining time for a quality check. Start with the answers where
you have the most doubts.
Read questions carefully – Go through each question and all the answers. Pay
attention to the details. A single word can make all the difference.
Pay attention to key terms – Main TOGAF terms like concern, stakeholder or
governance point to relevant phases, techniques or content of the EA framework.
Identify the ADM phase – Many questions & answers define the phase(s) of the
Architecture Development Method. Use this context to find the right answer.
Stick to the TOGAF spirit – Select the answer that most closely matches the key
concepts of the TOGAF Standard, e.g., ADM phases, deliverables and techniques.
Sort out the distractor – In most cases, one answer has nothing to do with the
TOGAF Standard and is very different from other answers. Exclude this incorrect
Look for similar answers – For some questions, the best and second-best
answers are similar. Choose the one that comes closest to the TOGAF Standard.
Always choose an answer – Only one answer is correct and wrong answers do
not give minus points. Therefore, always put at tick in the box. Always.
Definition Architecture
1. The fundamental concepts or properties of a system in its environment embodied
in its elements, relationships and in the principles of its design and evolution.
(Source: ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011)
2. The structure of components, their inter-relationships and the principles and
guidelines governing their design and evolution over time.
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Define the following concepts: Application Architecture
Definitions – A (2/6)
Architecture Continuum, Architecture Development Method (ADM)
This Continuum begins with foundational definitions like reference models, core
strategies and basic building blocks. From there it spans to Industry Architectures and
all the way to an Organization-Specific Architecture.
Definition Architecture Development Method (ADM)
The core of the TOGAF framework. A multi-phase, iterative approach to develop and
use an Enterprise Architecture to shape and govern business transformation.
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Define the following concepts: Architecture Landscape, Architecture Model
Definitions – A (5/6)
Architecture Principle, Architecture View, Architecture Viewpoint
Definition Artifact
An architectural work product
that describes an aspect of the architecture.
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Define the following concepts: Artifact
Definitions – B (1/2)
Baseline, Building Block
Definition Baseline
A specification that has been formally reviewed and agreed upon, that thereafter
serves as the basis for further development or change and that can be changed only
through formal change control procedures or a type of procedure such as configuration
Building Block
A potentially re-usable component that can be combined with other building blocks to
deliver architectures and solutions.
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Define the following concepts: Business Architecture, Business Model
Definitions – C
Capability, Capability Architecture, Concern, Communications
Definition Capability
An ability that an organization, person or system possesses.
Definition Concern
An interest in a system relevant to one or more of its stakeholders.
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Define the following concepts: Capability, Capability Architecture
Definitions – D (1/2)
Data Architecture, Deliverable
Definition Deliverable
An architectural work product that is contractually specified and in turn formally
reviewed, agreed and signed off by the stakeholders.
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Define the following concepts: Data Architecture, Deliverable
Definitions – D (2/2)
Digital Architecture
Definition Enterprise
The highest level (typically) of description of an organization and typically covers all
missions and functions. An enterprise will often span multiple organizations.
Definition Gap
A statement of difference between two states. Used in the context of gap analysis,
where the difference between the Baseline and Target Architecture is identified.
Definition Governance
The discipline of monitoring & guiding the management of a business (or Information
Systems/Information Technology landscape) to deliver the business outcomes
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Define the following concepts: Gap
Definitions – I
Definition Interoperability
1. The ability to share information and services.
2. The ability of two or more systems or components to exchange and use information.
3. The ability of systems to provide and receive services from other systems and to
use the services so interchanged to enable them to operate effectively together.
Definition Logical
Implementation-independent. A logical architecture is an implementation-independent
definition of the architecture.
Definition Metamodel
A model that describes the entities used in building an Architecture Description,
their characteristics and the key relationships between those entities.
Definition Modeling
A technique through construction of models
which enables a subject to be represented in a form
that enables reasoning, insight and clarity
concerning the essence of the subject matter.
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Define the following concepts: Metamodel, Modeling
Definitions – P
Definition Physical
Real-world, tangible. A logical architecture is realized through a physical
Definition Requirement
A statement of need,
which is unambiguous, testable or measurable and necessary for acceptability.
Definition Roadmap
An abstracted plan for business or technology change, typically operating across multiple
disciplines over multiple years. Normally used in the phrases Technology Roadmap,
Architecture Roadmap, etc.
Definition Role
1. The usual or expected behavior of an actor, or the part somebody or something
plays in a particular process or event. An actor may have a number of roles.
2. The part an individual plays in an organization and the contribution they make
through the application of their skills, knowledge, experience and abilities.
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Define the following concepts: Requirement, Role,
Definitions – S (1/2)
Segment Architecture, Solution Architecture, Solution Building Block (SBB)
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Define the following concepts: Segment Architecture)
Definitions – S (2/2)
Solution Continuum, Stakeholder, Standards Library, Strategic Architecture
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Define the following concepts: Stakeholder, Strategic Architecture
Definitions – T
Technology Architecture, Transition Architecture
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Define the following concepts: Technology Architecture, Transition Architecture
Definitions – V
Value Stream
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Define the following concepts: Work Package
Document outline
Enterprise Architecture Foundation with the TOGAF Standard, 10th Edition
18 Practice Test
19 Wrap-up
18 Practice Test
19 Wrap-up