LLP Form 17 06.07.2023
LLP Form 17 06.07.2023
LLP Form 17 06.07.2023
Part A: Application
1. *Indicate Registrar's reference number for name approval
(Service Request Number (SRN) of Form 1)
Line II
* City *District
* State *PIN
* Email ID
5. (a) *Whether the firm is registered under the Partnership Act,1932. Yes No
9. *Whether all the partners of firm have given their consent for conversion of the firm Yes No
into the limited liability partnership. (attach the copy of the consent. )
10.*Whether all the partners of the limited liability partnership comprise all the partners of
Yes No
the Firm and no one else.
11.*Whether up to date Income-tax return is filed under the Income-tax Act, 1961. Yes No
If Yes, indicate the financial year end date upto which such return has been filed (DD/MM/YYYY)
12. *Whether any proceedings by or against the firm are pending in any Court or Tribunal
or any other Authority. Yes No
13. *Whether any earlier application for conversion of the said firm into limited liability Yes No
partnership was refused by the Registrar.
14. *Whether any conviction, ruling, order, judgment of any Court, Tribunal or other Yes No
authority in favour of or against the firm are subsisting.
Part B: Statement
1. I, partner of
State/UT of Territory) on
as a partner or designated partner give my consent for the conversion of the said firm M/s
2. I state that I shall be personally liable (jointly and severally with the limited liability partnership) for the
liabilities and obligations of the firm which were incurred prior to the conversion or which arose from any
contract entered into prior to the conversion.
(i) that all the requirements of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 and the rules made thereunder have
been complied with, in respect of conversion of firm into limited liability partnership and matters precedent and
incidental thereto;
(ii) that all the partners of the limited liability partnership comprise all the partners of the firm and no one else;
(iii) that the applicable clearances, approvals or permissions for conversion of the firm into a limited liability
partnership from any body/authority have been obtained;
(iv) that the consent of all the creditors for conversion of the firm into limited liability partnership has been
(v) that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information given in this form and its attachments is correct
and complete.
List of attachments
1. *Statement of consent of partners of the firm Attach
2. *Statement of Assets and Liabilities of the firm
duly certified as true and correct by the Attach
Chartered Accountant in practice.
3. *Copy of acknowledgement of latest income tax Attach
Remove attachment
*To be digitally signed by a
partner or designated Partner
It is hereby certified that I have verified the above particulars from the books and records of
eForm Service request number (SRN) eForm filing date
Digital signature of the authorising officer