BF02521068 1
BF02521068 1
BF02521068 1
Geodetic Institute
Gamlehave Alle 22
DK-2920 Charlottenlund, Denmark
Gravitational effects of the topography and bathymetry are the dominant
sources of local gravity field variations in many areas of the earth. By computationally
removing the effects of topography, bathymetry and possibly the associated isostatic
compensation, a more smooth residual field will usually be obtained, more suitable for
gravity field modelling and enhancing effects of other density anomalies in the earth's
crust and upper mantle.
R. F O R S B E R G
In the present context, the term "terrain effect" is used to express the
gravitational effects on gravity anomalies, deflections of the vertical, etc., from a mass
body representing topographic/isostatic masses in part or in whole. Examples of possible
terrain effects are "topographic effects," the direct influence of the visible topography
in mountainous areas, "isostatic effects," where the effect of a hypothesized isostatic
compensation is also taken into account, and finally, the "residual terrain model (RTM)
effects," where only local high-frequent topographic irregularities are taken into account
by referring all elevations to a smooth mean elevation surface, defined, e.g., through a
high-degree and order spherical harmonic expansion of topographic heights, cf. Fig. 1D.
For more details and application examples, see Forsberg (1984) or Forsberg and
Tscherning (1981 ).
A} T O # ~ q A , ~ I Y ,) r e m , u . co 'r,o.
D "3;r lem
mean e l e ~ t ~
1 ,, l,
,,,, ,., , ~ ~ ~ ~ l i ~' ~,-',', ~ . - - 0 . d l
taken into account, depending on the elevation of the computation point. Rather, the
terrain correction should be looked upon as an auxiliary quantity, taking into account
the "unlinear" part of the total effect of the topography, i.e.,
AgBC = 2 ~ r G p h - t c (1)
where the terrain effect AgBC is the conventional refined Bouguer correction and
27rGph the simple Bouguer correction (p : density, G : gravitational constant,
h : point elevation). The terrain correction tc is always positive, and typically one
order of magnitude smaller than the simple Bouguer term.
The computation of terrain effects traditionally involves time-consuming
numerical integrations, where the effects are summed up using rectangular prisms of
uniform density as basic "building blocks." However, since digital elevation data are
nearly always made available in regular grids, application of methods able to utilize
FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) would certainly be attractive in terms of speeding
In the present paper such methods will be outlined, especially applicable for
computing land gravity terrain corrections and ocean isostatic geoid effects, two types
of reductions where typically lots of data need to be processed. The FFT methods are
based on various approximations, allowing the basically unlinear terrain effect integrals
to be replaced by a sequence of convolutions involving the elevations and their powers.
The accuracy of these approximations will later in the paper be evaluated by comparing
results obtained by the FFT techniques with similar results obtained using a prism-type
space domain integration program, using actual data from a variety of areas.
Recently 3ideris (1985) has published results for gravity terrain corrections
computed by FFT. The terrain correction results of the present paper, based on a more
elaborate two-stage approach and more detailed height data, support his general
conclusion that FFT-terrain corrections may obtain accuracies at a fraction of a regal.
Results for topographic/isostatic reductions are based on an integral expansion technique,
essentially analogous to the methods of Dorman and Lewis (1974) and Parker (1972).
Generally good results are obtained for gravity anomalies and geoid undulations, while
deflections of the vertical are less accurate when using only the first terms of the integral
In order to be able to utilize the computational speed of FFT, the terrain effect
integrals must be approximated by two-dimensional convolutions, i.e., expressions of the
t (x , y) = -~-~21r2
f "~(u , v)ei(Ux +VY) dudv (5,
which demand very detailed elevation data to compute accurate inner zone effects. (In
actual implementations, a rectangular rather than circular "filter domain" should be used
in order to avoid overlaps and gaps between detailed and coarse grid elements along the
circle of radius dma x .)
By approximating (7) with a discrete convolution (6), a discretization error is
introduced. Basically the continuous terrain effect integral is replaced by a sum of effects
of vertical "mass lines" (in (7) degenerated to mass points) at the nodes of the grid.
However, since the result usually needs to be interpolated from the computation grid to
actual "station" locations, the relative influence of the discretization error is diminished,
and improved prism-type terrain representations would probably not give significantly
better results.
In the sequel, results of interpolation to actual station locations have been
tested by both simple bilinear interpolation and windowed bicubic spline interpolation,
using a 5 x 5 or 9 x 9 subgrid surrounding the point to be interpolated. As expected,
the 9 x 9 spline algorithm yields the best results.
! 1_._
r"T- %3 , r 0 = X / ( X p ' - x Q ) 2 +(yp _ y Q ) 2 (9)
This is the so-called "linear approximation" to the terrain correction ; see Moritz(1968a).
The approximation is closely related to the approximations involved in the familiar
Molodensky boundary value problem of geodesy. The approximation errors are typically
a fraction of a mgal, but may become large; see Forsberg (1984, sec. ?.4). The formula
(10) may be written as a combination of convolutions
any actual value of f at zero drops out. In (12) the constant fo may be obtained from
the DC-component of f , while the convolutions h 2 * f and h * f may be obtained in
one operation, using as data the complex quantity h + i h 2 , which after F F T -
convolution with f yields the required convolutions in the real and imaginary parts of
the complex result respectively.
Terrain corrections for outer zones (distances greater than dma x) may be
computed analogously from a more coarse mean elevation grid, now letting the filter f
only be nonzero between the inner zone and outer zone radii. However, terrain
corrections for remote zones are known to have a systematic dependency of the actual
elevation of the computation point. Since the elevations of the computation points are
in principle given by the detailed grid, it is necessary to interpolate the convolution
results h 2 * f and h * f to the detailed grid knots before computing the final outer
zone corrections by (12), using hp values from the detailed grid. The reason for this
approach is that the coarse grid does not resolve the topography sufficiently. Using (12)
directly for the outer zones without the convolution interpolation has been found to
yield unnecessary errors of several regals in the examples of this section.
In the following examples, results of FFT-based terrain correction effect
computations have been compared to results from a conventional integration program
(Forsberg and Tscherning, 1981). The used program builds up a model of the terrain
masses using rectangular prisms, using a spline-densification of the given elevation data in
the immediate neighborhood of the computation point to reproduce sloping surfaces.
Results of this program are used asa standard against which the FFT results are evaluated.
However, since the "prism" method by its very nature obviously also is an
approximation, comparisons between the methods are not necessarily equivalent to the
"real" terrain correction computation accuracy.
mA~ Lm
Fig. 3 - Map of J.P. Koch Fjeld area, Jameson Land, East Greenland. Contour
interval 50 m . Gravity stations shown with dots.
64 L km L55 km
Fig. 4 - Terrain corrections computed by FFT, J.P. Koch Field. Contour interval
I mgal.
Table 1. The Fourier transformations involved 150 x 150 and 128 x 120 points in the
inner and outer zones respectively. The "radius" of the used square inner zone was
3 k m . Interpolation to station locations was done by a 9 x 9 point spline procedure.
Table 1
mean standard
min max value deviation
Table 2
Inner zone terrain corrections (to 3 kin) computed by FFT,
as a function of height grid spacing and interpolation type
(J.P. Koch Fjeld, Greenland)
grid std.
(unit : mgal) spacing min max mean dev.
102 gravity stations from New Mexico were used for an additional test using
more coarse elevation data. The topography of the area, distribution of gravity stations
and computed terrain corrections are shown in Fig. 5. The used set of gravity stations is
the same as the stations used in Forsberg and Tscherning (1981), northern block. Terrain
corrections were computed to 50 km in a two-step procedure, using 0.5' x 0.5' heights
in an inner zone out to ]5 k m , and 2' x 2' mean heights for the outer zone (EFT grids
were 160 x ]60 and 80 x 80 points respectively). Results compared to the prism
method (Table 3) are surprisingly good, much better than the expected overall error
originating from lack of resolution of the elevation data.
-107 ~ -tO6 ~
34~ 1 34 ~
v eo.~
o0.4 g o ,2
O 0 . 2 {~ O 0 . 2 91
O0.L eo.2
eo.l eo.
eO.~o. ~ eo.2 #
eo.i eo.3
"&o., eo.5
o 0 =oo L ..eo 9 o 4
go )2.5
,o;~ 01 ,o
(DO .3 O0.3 L
0 o .4 9
eO .2
O| .2 9
DO.I e0.7
9 0., O0.2 110.4
33 ~ ~ J 33 ~
-107 ~ o~ ~ -106 ~
Fig. 5 - Topography (200 m contour interval) and gravity stations with computed
terrain corrections (regal). Northern part o f White Sands test area, New
Table 3
G R A V I T Y F I E L D T E R R A I N E F F E C T .....
z i
Fig. 6
Consider a point P at sea level" let the compensation depth be D and the
depth to the base of the isostatic compensation be d ( x , y ) , where
gi(P) = G A p ffz
~ - dzdll (14)
which are in the form of two convolutions involving d and d 2 . These convolutions
may again be performed most efficiently by Fourier transforming complex data
(d + id 2 ) and a complex kernel as well. From the computed spectra, the spectra of each
originally real component may be isolated through the familiar conjugate symmetries of
FFT; for details, see Kanasewich (1975), sec. 3.3. Thus a total of only three FFTsub-
routine calls are needed for isostatic corrections.
Since the FFT method gives results on a constant level, a small error is made if
this method is used for land gravity stations of varying elevations. This error is, however,
expected to be very small, as the compensation depth is typically at least an order of
magnitude larger than the variation in the station elevations. The insignificance of the
error is indicated by the following example.
2000 ~"~
Fig. 7 - Perspective view of central east Greenland region, from the Norvegian-
Greenland sea to the ice cap margin, 5' x 10' mean heights.
The isostatic gravity effect formula (16) may be viewed as the space domain
equivalent of Parker's frequency domain expansion formula (Parker, 1972), expanding
only to the second order. Letting ~o = (u 2 + v 2 ) t / ~ denote the radial wave number,
the full frequency domain expansion becomes
Table 4
1 d
l(z) ~ r ~ (Z-do), r o = X/(XQ-Xp)' + ( y Q - y p ) = + d2o (19)
r ro o
results in
d]-[ - - ,i,,,o
_-3- d l ]
This expression is again a sum of two convolutions, which as in the gravity case may be
implemented in practice by just one "set" of Fourier transforms, packing the depths
( d , d 2 ) and the two convolution kernels as complex arrays.
The effect of the isostatic compensation may be expressed analogously, and the
results added to give the complete bathymetric/isostatic effect. However, for a "pure"
oceanic area, the thickness of the isostatic compensation mass body ( d ' ) will be
proportional to the depth d through
d' = p d = a d (21)
ro re' 'Oro3 lro3
~ dll
where the primed quantities refer to the isostatic compensation layer. Hence, total
isostatic effect requires also only a single "set" of convolution Fourier transforms.
For practical evaluation of the integral kernels of (20) or (22) at sea level
(b=0), the value of the kernel at x = y = 0 needs modification, since it might be
singular (if d o = 0 ) . What in effect needs to be done is to replace the inherent mass
line representation of FFT with a spatial density distribution (e.g., a small cylinder)
immediately below the computation point. This is obtained when the kernel value at
• = y = 0 is expressed as the integral (mean value) over a small circle C, with area equal
to the grid element area A x A y . Use of the simple integrals
in large errors (several decimeters), especially when the grid spacing is large comparedto
the expansion level d o .
The accuracy of the FFT method for oceanic isostatic geoid effects has been
tested in a 6 ~ x ]2 ~ area of the North Atlantic around the Faeroe Islands. The area
bathymetry is quite varied, containing a continental shelf area, part of the Faeroe-lsland
ridge and some major banks, with a depth range from 0 to below 3 000 m (Fig. 8 ) .
The bathymetry data used were 5' x 10' SYNBAPS derived depths, and the comparison
to effects computed by the "prism"-integration was done in 49 points on a ] o x 2 ~
grid. The isostatic computation was carried out to 200 km distance, Fourier
transforming a larger area o f totally ]28 x ]28 depth points. The computed isostatic
geoid is shown in Fig. 9. The comparison results (Table 5) show more than sufficient
accuracy is obtained by the FFT method, compared to the accuracy of satellite
6C 50 ~
58 ~ 58 ~
--I"9 --2 ~
L, I 0 ~ -6 ~
Fig. 8 - Depth map (km) of the North Atlantic test area, contour interval 200 m
(an apparent error in the SYNBAPS bathymetric data base at 6 ~
plays no role in the present study}.
_14 ~ _ _^ _^ -2 ~
6 60 ~
58' 58 ~
_2 ~
-"~ ~ ~l~ 7" -6 ~
Fig. 9 - Isostatic geoid of the North Atlantic test area, computed by FFT, contour
interval 0.2 m . (Airy isostatic model, normal crustal thickness 32 k m ,
density contrast 0.4 g/cm 3 ).
Table 5
Table 6
hQ }
rl :hp
dz dIlQ , r = ~/(XQ - X p ) 2 + (yQ _yp)2 + ( z _ h p ) 2
r -3 ~ ro 3 --7ro-5 ( z - h p ) 2 , r o = X/ (XQ- Xp)2+ (yq'yp)2" (26)
~t(P) l= _, YQ-Yp
r/t (P)) rl XQ -Xp
I[7o1 ( h Q - h p ) - 7l, r7o( h q - h p ) a dIIq (27)
~t(P) I = _GP_-
f , h - 3h~ (g,h)+ 3hp (g*h 2 ) - g*h 3 (29)
~t (P) 7
This expression involves transforming two filters (f and g) as well as the elevation
data h and their second and third powers. Since deflections are both sensitive to local
and more distant topography, a hierarchical two-step procedure, analogous to the EFT-
computation of gravity terrain corrections, will usually be needed. The EFT-
computation of deflections of the vertical therefore becomes a rather complicated
process, involving many transforms. Considering that usually only quite a few deflection
data are available for gravity field modelling (e.g., geoid prediction by collocation), it
might often be easiest simply to compute needed deflection terrain effects by a
conventional "prism" integration program.
7. Conclusions
In the previous sections it has been outlined how the traditionally time-
consuming processes of computing terrain corrections, isostatic effects, etc. may be
formulated in terms of convolution integrals, which may be computed very fast by the
Fast Fourier Transform. Especially for such often massive problems as computing terrain
corrections for continental gravity data, or isostatic analysis of satellite altimetry geoid
data, the FFT methods might provide a reduction in computing time by several orders of
magnitude, compared to space domain integration methods.
In the numerous numerical examples of the paper, the FFT methods were
demonstrated to yield satisfactory accuracies in general. Typical gravity terrain
correction errors associated with the FFT approximations were at a fraction of a mgal,
isostatic geoid errors at a few cm level. The used expansions of terrain effect integrals
were all fairly simple, involving only the elevation/depth data and their squares. Only
for deflections of the vertical do higher powers of the elevations seem to be needed.
Other gravity field quantities (second-order gradients) and corresponding
integrals for magnetic terrain effects may be treated along similar lines. It would also be
possible to use most of the presented methods in a straightforward fashion, given the
realistic case of regional variations in the average topographic density. .
The effectiveness of the FFT terrain effect computations have already proven
their use for major gravity field projects undertaken at the Danish Geodetic Institute.
They are presently used as auxiliary tools for analysis of SFASAT/GEOS3 data in the
North Atlantic, as well as for geoid prediction in Scandinavia and Greenland (Tscherning,
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Received : 21.12.1984
Accepted : 25.06.1985