SolutionTut7 10
SolutionTut7 10
SolutionTut7 10
1. The velocity of an object, travelling along a straight line, was measured at various times as
Time 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Velocity 0.0 0.6 1.7 3.4 6.3 11.18 19.09 32.12 53.60 89.02 147.41 243.69 402.43
(cm/min) 0 5 2 8 9
Estimate the distance travelled in 12 minutes using (i) Simpson’s 1/3 rule, (ii) Simpson’s 3/8 rule,
and (iii) Romberg integration, applied to Trapezoidal rule estimates with h=1, 2, and 4.
t v Simp 1/3 Simp 3/8 Trap h=1 Trap h=2 Trap h=4
0 0 0.33 1.72 12.78
1 0.65 1.44 3.97 1.19
2 1.72 2.60 8.11
3 3.48 7.34 4.94
4 6.39 28.23 8.79 25.48 119.98
5 11.18 23.40 15.14
6 19.09 25.61 72.69
7 32.12 67.06 136.98 42.86
8 53.6 71.31 201.01 912.06
9 89.02 185.70 118.22
10 147.41 624.28 195.55 549.84
11 243.69 508.20 323.06
12 402.43
793.14 793.46 809.57 858.85 1044.82
The distance travelled in 12 minutes is: 793.14 cm using Simpson’s 1/3 rule, 793.46 cm using
3/8 rule, and 792.89 cm using Romberg integration with three trapezoidal estimates (809.57
using h=1, 858.85 using h=2, 1044.82 using h=4). Note that the Romberg, O(h4), with h=1 and
2, is same as Simpson’s 1/3. Also note that 1/3 rule is more accurate than 3/8 (assuming
Romberg to be the best estimate).
2. The flow rate through a circular pipe is given by . = /6 5 201 2 31, where v is the velocity at a
distance of r from the centre of pipe and r0 is the radius of the pipe. If the velocity is
4 :/;
approximated by 2 = 2 71 8 4 9 (in m/s), and the pipe radius is 12 cm, compute Q using
Gauss-Legendre quadrature with 2, 3, and 4 Gauss points. Perform an error analysis for the
results, using the true value of the flow rate as 0.07389025921170497 m3/s.
4 :/;
The table below shows the computation of Iz and I: @ = 201 A 2 71 8 6.:B9
3-point z w r f w.f
-0.77460 0.555556 0.013524 0.167072 0.092818
0 0.888889 0.060000 0.682900 0.607022
0.77460 0.555556 0.106476 0.979540 0.544189 I Error (%)
Iz 1.244028 0.074642 -1.01697
4-point z w r f w.f
-0.86114 0.347855 0.008332 0.103630 0.036048
-0.33998 0.652145 0.039601 0.469970 0.306489
0.33998 0.652145 0.080399 0.862339 0.56237
0.86114 0.347855 0.111668 0.958623 0.333462 I Error (%)
Iz 1.238368 0.074302 -0.55737
Tutorial 8
1. Solve the differential equation dy/dt = −100 y + 99 e−t with the initial condition y(0)=2
using, (a) Euler’s forward (explicit) method, and (b) Euler backward (implicit)
method, to obtain the value of y at t=0.1. Use time steps of 0.01, 0.02 and 0.025. Find
the analytical solution and compare the errors for these time steps.
Clearly, explicit method is unstable for step size of 0.025, and is oscillating in a finite
band for 0.02.
2. The amount of lowering of water level, s, in a well at a time t, due to pumping from
groundwater is governed by an equation of the form s=C W(u), where C is a constant
(proportional to the discharge), W is called the Well Function, and u is inversely
proportional to t. The well function is given by the equation dW(u)/du = −Exp(−u)/u.
If the value of W(1) is 0.21938393, find the value of W(0.5) using (a) Romberg
integration algorithm with accuracy O(h6) (b) Modified Euler with h= −0.5 (c) Heun’s
method with h= −0.25 and (d) Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method with h= −0.25.
Perform an error analysis using the true value of W(0.5) as 0.55977359.
: C DE
Romberg: Use trapezoidal with h=0.125, 0.25, 0.5 to estimate /6.H 8 F
h h
Modified Euler: y n +1 = y n + hf t n + , y n + f (t n , y n )
2 2
f (t n , yn ) + f (t n +1 , yn + hf (t n , yn ))
Heun’s method: yn +1 = y n + h
1 1
k1 = f (t n , yn ); k 2 = f t n + h, yn + hk1
2 2
4th order R-K method:
1 1
k3 = f t n + h, yn + hk 2 ; k 4 = f (t n + h, yn + hk3 )
2 2
yn +1 = y n + (k1 + 2k 2 + 2k3 + k 4 )
f(u)=dW/du=-Exp(-u)/u Romberg I=From 0.5 to 1 Modified Euler
k1 -0.36788 -0.62982
k2 -0.47641 -0.85642
k3 -0.47641 -0.85642
k4 -0.62982 -1.21306
Solution: f(x,y) = x2y − 2y. Exact solution is y=exp(x3/3-2x) and value at 0.5 is 0.383531573.
h= 0.125
xi yi f(xi,yi) y0 xi+1 f(xi+1,y0) yi+1
0 1 -2 0.75 0.125000 -1.488281 0.78198242
0.125000 0.7819824 -1.55175 0.58801 0.250000 -1.139277 0.61379344
0.250000 0.6137934 -1.18922 0.46514 0.375000 -0.864870 0.48541249
0.375000 0.4854125 -0.90256 0.37259 0.500000 -0.652036 0.388250 -0.004718
2. Solve the differential equation dy/dx = 10 sin(πx) with the initial condition y(0)=0 and step length
of 0.2 using (a) the 4th order R-K method, (b) the Milne’s method and (c) 4th order Adams method to
obtain the value of y at t=0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0. (For the multi-step methods use the values
obtained from the R-K method for start-up)
Solution: f(x,y) = 10 sin(πx). Exact solution is (10-10 cos πx)/π and the values are:
Adams' h= 0.2
Find y(0.8), y(1)
Milne's h= 0.2 f(x,y)
Find y(0.8), y(1) y(0.8)^0 5.6623 5.8779
f(x,y) y(0.8)^1 5.7663 5.8779
y(0.8)^0 5.6710 5.8779 y(0.8)^2 5.7663 5.8779
y(0.8)^1 5.7616 5.8779
y(0.8)^2 5.7616 5.8779
(a) Note that Ralston’s method has been used to solve the IVP
h= 0.25
Assume y2(0)=0 Assume y2(0)=1
x y1 y2 f1 f2 x y1 y2 f1 f2
0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 4
0.1875 0 0.5625 0.5625 3.1875 0.1875 0.1875 1.75 1.75 4.75
0.25 0.09375 0.78125 0.25 0.375 2.125
x y1 y2 f1 f2 x y1 y2 f1 f2
0.25 0.09375 0.78125 0.78125 3.46875 0.25 0.375 2.125 2.125 5.375
0.4375 0.24023 1.43164 1.43164 4.03711 0.4375 0.77344 3.13281 3.13281 6.80469
0.5 0.39746 1.74316 0.5 1.07422 3.70703
x y1 y2 f1 f2
0 0 0.44217 0.44217 3.44217
0.1875 0.08291 1.08757 1.08757 3.87838
0.25 0.21811 1.37541
x y1 y2 f1 f2
0.25 0.21811 1.37541 1.37541 4.31163
0.4375 0.476 2.18384 2.18384 5.26084
0.5 0.6967 2.61152
Note: 0.21811 may be directly obtained by linear interpolation between 0.09375 and 0.375
(b) There are three nodes: at 0, 0.25, and 0.5. Only one unknown, y(0.25).
IB 8 2I: J I6 IB 8 I6
8 8 2I: J 2 A K: = 3 => 18I6 8 34I: J 14IB = 3 8 2 A K:
0.25B 0.5
With the known values of x1=0.25, y0=0 and y2=0.6967, we get y1=0.21335 (compared to 0.21811)
Solution: T=0
∂T/∂x=0 T=100
i=0 i=1 i=2
The discretization is shown above. We need to find T1,2. (Six unknowns are T0,1, T0,2, T0,3, T1,1, T1,2, and
J = 0. The nodal equation, using central difference
The governing equation is
J = 0. Since
∆P N ∆Q N
approximation for the second derivative is
Using ghost nodes (i=−1), YV:,[ = Y:,[ . The system of equation is:
4 − 2 −1 T0,1 0
− 1 4 0 −1 T 100
− 1 0 4 − 2 −1 T0, 2 0
−1 −1 4 0 − 1 T1, 2 100
−1 0 4 − 2 T0,3 0
− 1 − 1 4 T1,3 100
\] \] \ B] \]
J2 8 _ B J `] = 0; 0 b K b 1; ](0, ^) = ]6 ; c d = 0; ](K, 0) = K B f VP
\^ \K \K \K (:,e)
Set-up the matrix equations for the solution of the above equation in terms of Courant Number (or
CFL number) and Grid Peclet Number for general ∆x and ∆t :
Courant or CFL No. i =
Grid Peclet No. lC =
Using forward difference for time derivative and central for the space (time is denoted by
superscript, n, and space by subscript, i), we get (for spatial variables, using a weight of μ for the
known time step, n, and a weight of 1−μ for the unknown time step, n+1)
i i i i i
s(1 8 o) t8 8 uv ]ZV:
J s1 J (1 8 o) t`∆^ J 2 uv ]ZmW: J s(1 8 o) t 8 uv ]ZW:
2 lC lC 2 lC
i i i i i
= so t J uv ]ZV:
J s1 8 o t`∆^ J 2 uv ]Zm J so t8 J uv ]ZW:
2 lC lC 2 lC
wZ,ZV: ]ZV:
J wZ,Z ]ZmW: J wZ,ZW:]ZW:
= xZ
The matrix form is (given c0=0 and derivative=zero at the nth node)
a1,1 a1, 2 c1n +1 b1
a a2, 2 a2 , 3 n +1
2,1 c2 b2
a3 , 2 a3 , 3 a3 , 4 c3n +1 b3
. . . . .
an −1,n − 2 an −1,n −1 an −1, n cnn−+11 bn −1
an, n −1 + an, n +1 an, n cnn +1 bn