CBG Administration Procedure

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• Glucometer • Wet Cotton Balls with Alcohol

• Lancet • Dry Cotton Balls
• Glucometer strips • Sharps Container
• Gloves • Micropore Tape
• Alcohol Swabs


1. Wash and dry hands before and after the procedures.

2. Wear gloves at all time.
3. Check patient’s ID band, explain and secure consent for the procedures to the
patient and provide privacy.
4. Do skin or site preparation using alcohol swab/cotton ball.
5. Prime the lancet to no more than 2.0 mm to minimize the risk of bone injury.
6. Remove the glucose testing strip without touching the sensor tip from the
container. Insert glucose testing strip into the glucometer; this often leads to
the glucometer turning itself on.
7. Firmly apply lancet to the site of sample collection. Release the trigger on the
lancet to pierce the skin.
8. Wipe away the first drop of blood with clean gauze or dry cotton.
9. Gentle downward pressure applied close to the puncture site may facilitate
blood flow and collection of the second drop of blood.
10. Collect the second drop of blood as it forms by touching the tip of the glucose
testing strip.

12. Place glucometer down and cover the site of skin puncture with a clean cotton
or gauze. Pressure may need to be applied to stop further bleeding from the
puncture site.
13. The machine normally provides a result at this stage unless there have been
errors in collection; for example, insufficient sample, low battery, wrong code,
or the machine times itself out. If an error displays on the glucometer,
troubleshoot as appropriate.
14. Wash hands and replace equipment in storage bag container.
15. Make a note of test results relative to diet, exercise, and/or medication use as


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