Literature Review
Juniawan Mandala Putra, Ni Putu Rai Yuliartini, Irwandi Irwandi, Khatib Ramli Ahmad
This study presents a Systematic Literature Review aimed at exploring the impact of social
media use on student academic achievement. Literature sources were retrieved from
indexing databases such as Scopus, DOAJ, and Google Scholar, covering the period from
2014 to 2024. The findings indicate that social media use can have varied effects on student
academic performance. While some studies conclude that high-intensity social media usage
can disrupt concentration and decrease academic achievement, others find that directed
social media use can enhance learning interest and student engagement. Therefore, this
research provides a comprehensive overview of the complexity of the relationship between
social media and student academic achievement, emphasizing the importance of
understanding the role of social media in students' lives to take appropriate measures to
support their academic success.
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The increasing use of social media platforms has drastically altered how people interact,
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are profoundly entrenched in online social networks, making it critical to understand how
these platforms influence their educational endeavors. Through a thorough evaluation of
existing research and consideration of many perspectives, this study investigates the effects
of social media on learners' academic achievement. While some academics suggest that
social media may be a beneficial tool for improving learning experiences, others argue that
its widespread use may impair academic attainment due to distractions, less study time,
and greater procrastination. This abstract seeks to provide a balanced assessment of these
contrasting viewpoints. Based on the findings of the study, the test of relationship between
learners’ academic achievement and the use of social media showed that there is a positive
relationship between the variables. The usage of social media often for academic purposes
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Examining the benefits and drawbacks of social media usage on academic performance: a
study among university students in Bangladesh
This research aims to explore how social media influences the academic performance of
university students in Bangladesh and examines the benefits and drawbacks of its usage.
We distributed a well-structured questionnaire among students enrolled in various
programs at different universities in Bangladesh to collect data. We analyzed the data using
factor analysis and regression models to uncover the impact of social media on academic
performance.Our research findings demonstrate that social media plays a crucial role in
facilitating communication, information sharing and content development among university
students in Bangladesh. Excessive reliance on social media can lead to dependence and
hinder innovation, as students tend to excessively rely on readily available resources. We
relied on self-reported data from a limited sample size, which may affect the generalizability
of our findings. This study highlights the need to promote responsible use of social media
among university students in Bangladesh to enhance their academic performance. We
recommend implementing effective policy measures to control and manage undesired
usage patterns, foster an intellectually equipped student body and contribute to the
development of a knowledgeable and successful Bangladesh. This research makes a
significant contribution by examining the influence of social media on academic
performance among university students in Bangladesh. It proposes practical policy
measures to address the drawbacks associated with excessive reliance on social media,
thereby contributing to decision-making and intervention strategies for promoting
responsible usage.
Chowdhury, E.K. (2024), "Examining the benefits and drawbacks of social media usage on
academic performance: a study among university students in Bangladesh", Journal of
Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.