Iso 25649-7-2017
Iso 25649-7-2017
Iso 25649-7-2017
STANDARD 25649-7
First edition
Reference number
ISO 25649-7:2017(E)
© ISO 2017
ISO 25649-7:2017(E)
Contents Page
Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. vi
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Materials........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
5 Construction and functional components of boats............................................................................................................ 3
5.1 Conditioning............................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.2 Hull integrity.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
5.2.1 Requirements...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.2.2 Test method........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.3 Manual lifting and carrying devices....................................................................................................................................... 4
5.3.1 Requirements...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.3.2 Test method........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.4 Rowlocks and oars................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
5.4.1 Requirements...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.4.2 Test methods........................................................................................................................................................................ 4
5.5 Hull drainage............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
5.6 Towing device........................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
5.7 Seating and attachment systems (where offered as standard or optional equipment)........... 5
6 Safety requirements and test methods.......................................................................................................................................... 5
6.1 Minimum area and maximum permissible number of persons.................................................................... 5
6.1.1 Requirement......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
6.1.2 Testing........................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
6.2 Static stability of the boat............................................................................................................................................................... 6
6.2.1 Requirement......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
6.2.2 Test method........................................................................................................................................................................... 6
6.3 Dimensional stability when getting on and off the boat...................................................................................... 7
6.3.1 Requirement......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
6.3.2 Testing........................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
6.4 Maximum load capacity................................................................................................................................................................... 8
6.4.1 Requirement......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
6.4.2 Testing........................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
6.5 Safety ropes and grab handles.................................................................................................................................................... 8
6.5.1 Requirement......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
6.5.2 Test method........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
6.6 Residual buoyancy specific for boats.................................................................................................................................... 9
6.6.1 Requirement......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.6.2 Test method........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.7 Manoeuvrability...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.7.1 Requirement......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.7.2 Test method........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
7 Performance requirements and test methods for boats.............................................................................................. 9
7.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
7.2 Strength and performance of the towing device for boats................................................................................. 9
7.2.1 Requirement......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
7.2.2 Test method........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
7.3 Rowing test (where applicable, see 5.4)......................................................................................................................... 10
7.4 Water tightness test for boats.................................................................................................................................................. 10
7.4.1 Requirement...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
7.4.2 Test method........................................................................................................................................................................ 10
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following
ISO 25649-7 was prepared by the European Committee Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee
CEN/TC 136, Sports, playground and other recreational facilities and equipment, in collaboration with ISO
Technical Committee TC 83, Sports and other recreational facilities and equipment, in accordance with
the agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement).
A list of all the parts in the ISO 25649-series can be found on the ISO website.
This document is closing the regulatory gab between aquatic toys smaller than 1,2 m on the one hand
and inflatable boats providing a buoyancy greater than 1 800 N on the other hand. It includes all kinds
of boat propulsion and covers canoes and kayaks as well. The mostly combined safety and performance
requirements deal with space per person, load capacity, floating stability, engine power and behaviour
after loss of air pressure (failure of an air chamber).
Practical test runs shall prove the manoeuvrability of the boat under various conditions and the
adequate motorization.
Comprehensive consumer information related to selection before purchase and during use complete
the requirement profile of the document.
This document covers boats of customary construction and design with an overall length from 1,2 m
(uninflated, flat) up to 1 800 N buoyancy. Such boats are mostly intended for recreational water
activities and for the use by children. However, smaller tender boats such as those used on yachts
also fall within this size range and small boats for specific applications (e.g. fishing boats) may also be
included. Therefore, irrespective of the main group of users, powered boats and sail boats have also
been taken into consideration.
Func- of user
tion; Type of in regard
risk Protection
Typical range of move- to the Pre-
Place of related Final aims stand-
No. prod- usage; ment/ equip- dictable
usage to water risk ard/ regula-
ucts target/ propul- ment, misuse
environ- tion
age sion elevation
group above
Adults Pools; Children, Paddling, Inside the Overload; Drifting This document
and sea, adults rowing, boat use by away; cap- closes the
chil- shore/ sail, en- non-swim- sizing; en- gap between
dren's close to gine mers; trapment; ISO 6185 and
boats shore; wave lack of su- EN 71)
rivers; riding pervision
rowing and active
lakes in case of
boats use by
child use ...
of near hand,
oval drifting;
E shape third
with or party DROWN-
in work
without (towing) ING
tran- ...
boats to
1 Scope
This document is applicable for Class E floating leisure articles for use on and in water according to
ISO 25649-1 regardless whether the buoyancy is achieved by inflation or inherent buoyant material.
This document is applicable with ISO 25649-1 and ISO 25649-2.
Class E devices are intended for use in bathing areas or in protected and safe shore zones.
NOTE 1 Typical products forming Class E (see Annex F):
— inflatable boats for rowing or paddling of near oval shape with or without transom;
— canoes and kayaks;
— inflatable boats made from plastic sheets or from reinforced materials;
— motor kit/sail kit as additional option.
NOTE 2 Typical places for application of Class E devices:
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 8665, Small craft — Marine propulsion reciprocating internal combustion engines — Power
measurements and declarations
ISO 25649-1:2017, Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water — Part 1: Classification, materials,
general requirements and test methods
ISO 25649-2, Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water — Part 2: Consumer information
a) it is intended for use without any propelling means (oars, paddles, motor, sail) and these are also not to be
fitted subsequently, and
b) its overall length is <120 cm and the boat is additionally marked with the following warning note “Caution,
to be used only in shallow water and under supervision”.
boat that serves as an auxiliary means in working around a bigger boat but mainly to commute from
the boat to shore or other places nearby
Note 1 to entry: In this respect it serves for transport of crew and load. Tenders are propelled by oars, frequently
they are equipped with an outboard engine, partly they can be fitted with sails. For stowage reasons tenders are
often small in size but robust in material and construction.
leisure boat
boat that serves as a recreational boat, slowly moving around on the water for relaxing, extended
bathing, etc
Note 1 to entry: It does not have the purpose of a working boat.
inherent buoyant material
non-crosslinked (closed-cell) foam or other materials enclosed in (a) sealed compartment(s) in the hull
which has a specific weight less than fresh water
Note 1 to entry: Boat made from inherent buoyant material is a buoyant structure (hull) achieving all or parts of
its intended shape and buoyancy from soft foam, hard foam or sealed chambers filled with air, gas or granules.
inboard area
internal surface area defined by a vertical plane tangential to the innermost side of the buoyancy tube
and perpendicular to the deck
inboard length
length of the cockpit, including the area below any spray cover, measured along the boat centreline
between the innermost points of the bow and stern
usable seating area
inboard area, including the area below any spray cover, available for the users to sit on
permissible rated load
maximum loading of the boat by persons, propelling means and other items
integrated transom
rear part of the boat's cockpit normally made by a flat wooden board inseparably integrated in the
boats hull on which the motor is clamped by clamp screws
motor mount transom
small board attached to the rear part of the boat via a tube frame and hull fittings by means of separate
fixings for the purpose of clamping the motor to it
boat which is propelled by means of double paddle(s) and user(s) sitting in line in a mid boat position
Note 1 to entry: The width/length–ratio of kayaks is above 1:3. Kayaks can be equipped with sail and motor.
boat which is propelled by means of a single paddle(s) and user(s) are kneeling or sitting at bow and
rear of the boat
Note 1 to entry: The width/length–ratio of canoes is above 1:3. Canoes can be equipped with sail and motor.
4 Materials
Boats conforming to this document shall meet the requirements set out in ISO 25649-1:2017, Clause 6.
All materials shall be selected by the manufacturer according to the requirements for shape, dimensions,
maximum load, etc. to which the boat is to be subjected and which are resulting from the intended
service conditions.
5.1 Conditioning
All tests shall be performed at a temperature of (20 ± 3) °C.
5.2.1 Requirements
The materials and the method of construction used in the construction of a boat shall be compatible with
that of the hull itself. Any load-bearing fittings attached to the boat shall not result in any impairment in
air tightness or water integrity, when loaded as described in 5.2.2.
Load-bearing fittings shall be loaded in any direction up to breaking point, but not exceeding 1 kN for
leisure boats (see 3.4) and 2 kN for tenders (see 3.3). If maximum load is reached, this load shall be
maintained for 1 min.
Any cordage used for test purposes shall have a diameter of 8 mm.
5.3.1 Requirements
The boat shall be equipped with a means for portage. There shall be no failure of the carrying device,
when tested in accordance with 5.3.2.
Where lifting or carrying devices also function as safety ropes or grab handles, they shall also comply
with the requirements of 6.6.1.
The carrying device shall be gradually loaded with a force of 500 N for 1 min in the appropriate
Any cordage used for test purposes shall have a diameter of 8 mm.
5.4.1 Requirements General
The provision of paddles, rowlocks and oars is not mandatory. The assembly system oar/rowlock shall
comply with the requirements given in to
Exclusions according to Annex A.
The bearing surfaces of the oars and rowlocks shall be free from any roughness likely to cause excessive
wear. All external surfaces of the rowlocks shall be smooth and free from sharp edges and corners.
Rowlocks shall be secured against unintended loosening. Means shall be provided for safe location of at
least two oars or paddles when stowed away.
There shall be no structural failure of the rowlocks and/or associated fittings when tested in accordance
When tested in accordance with 7.4, there shall be no structural failure or permanent deformation
of any component during the test and it shall be clearly demonstrated that the rowlock system is
sufficiently rigid for efficient rowing. A minimum unrestricted movement of the oars 60° ahead and 60°
astern shall be enabled.
The rowing system, including the rowlocks, shall be loaded with a force of 300 N for 1 min in the
horizontal direction that is most likely to cause failure.
Any cordage used for test purposes shall have a diameter of 8 mm.
6.1.1 Requirement
The calculated seating area for each adult shall be at least 0,45 m2 and for each child it shall be 0,23 m2.
The load rated for an adult shall be 75 kg, for a child 37,5 kg. Two children up to 10 years of age are
considered as an adult. The inboard area of boats (inboard length × inboard width) intended for use by
only one person shall be so designed, independent of the calculated seating area, that the appropriate
seat pattern shown in ISO 25649-1:2017, Annex A can be placed inboard without over crowding.
For boats where the inboard area is restricted by equipment parts of the motor or sail kit, the usable
inboard area for each person shall be verified by placing the seat patterns for adults and/or children
on the usable area without overlapping. The patterns shall be distributed so that the persons sitting
in their predetermined positions are not impeded and/or endangered by any equipment parts
protruding/swinging into or installed inboard the boat.
Exclusions are described in Annex A.
6.1.2 Testing
The dimensions for calculating the usable inboard area (m2) shall be determined vertically between
the inboard walls with the hull inflated to working pressure. Where the inboard area has an irregular
shape, the measurements of length and width shall be multiplied. Areas below the spray cover are
considered as usable areas.
The permissible number of persons (adults/children) for boats designed for several persons is obtained
by division of the total inboard area by 0,45 m2 for adults or 0,23 m2 for children. Boats shall not be
labelled for more than two children. The resulting value shall be rounded down to the nearest integer
or 0,5 m2. For boats designed for one person only, the seat patterns are used as measuring aid or test
6.2.1 Requirement
The boat equipped with the manufacturer's maximum rated motor (see B.2.4) shall not capsize when
tested in accordance with 7.4.2.
Exclusions according to Annex A.
The test shall be carried out with the motor fitted but without a fuel tank, battery or sail kit. The test
load shall be evenly distributed over the test loading area of the boat, as shown in Figure 1.
The total test load for a child, if applicable, shall be
mt = (0,67 × n × 75 kg) + (0,67 × 37,5 kg) (1)
n is the maximum permissible number of adults determined by the manufacturer (see 6.1), i.e.
75 kg for each permissible adult and 37,5 kg for a child, if applicable.
NOTE The dimensions for a 37,5 kg steel test weight are given in Figure 1.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 typical load plate, e.g. timber
2 fitting or rowlock
3 test loading area
4 test weight, steel, 37,5 kg
5 centre of gravity of test load
6 buoyancy tube
a For eyebolt.
b For load-plate fastening bolt.
6.3.1 Requirement
The inflated boat, ready-for-use, shall not buckle nor capsize when a person carrying luggage (combined
100 kg) is getting into or out of the boat at any accessible point of the floor of the inboard area, while the
load capacity (evenly distributed over the usable inboard floor area) is fully utilized.
The boat shall be checked for its stability in shape when the boat is embarked by the first test person.
The boat may deform up to a degree where function and safety is still maintained.
6.3.2 Testing
The boat shall be loaded with a mass of 75 kg (adult) or 37,5 kg (child) at any accessible point of the
inboard floor area. The loading area shall be a circle with a diameter of 200 mm.
6.4.1 Requirement
The maximum load capacity of the boat shall be calculated using the following equation:
m = 0, 5 × V × 1 000 − M (2)
m is the maximum load capacity in kg (total load weight on board including persons, equipment,
outboard motor and fuel);
M is the total mass in kg, of the boat as supplied by the manufacturer, inclusive of all equipment
permanently installed and/or supplied with the boat such as hull, fittings and similar items
but without outboard motor and fuel. Permanently installed engine(s) and drive systems shall
also be included.
6.4.2 Testing
Proof of maximum load capacity, m, by calculation with Formula (2). The volume, V, shall be determined
either by calculation or experimentally. For determination of the data (dimensions for calculation,
gauging of volume by litres) the boat shall be inflated to the working pressure.
For determination of the volume, the uncertainty of measurement shall not exceed 3 %. The arithmetic
mean of three measurements shall be taken.
For determination of the mass, an appropriate balance shall be used.
The determined volume and the mass of the boat shall be indicated in the test report.
6.5.1 Requirement
All boats shall be equipped with adequate means offering a firm hold to each of the permissible number
of persons when occupying the seating positions provided or when outside in the water, even if the
boat has capsized. All handholds shall be designed to ensure, by their nature and arrangement, that the
permissible number of persons can hold them, even for a long period, without risk of injury.
The handholds and their assemblies shall conform to the requirements for hull fittings described in 5.2.
Where safety ropes and grab handles also function as manual lifting or carrying devices, they shall also
conform to the requirements of 5.3.
All boats shall have a properly affixed safety rope.
There shall be no failure/fracture of the handhold assemblies when tested as specified in 5.2.2.
Each handle and lifeline assembly fitting shall be loaded with a force of 500 N for 1 min in the direction
most likely to cause failure. For practical assessment in the water, see 7.2.
6.6.1 Requirement
After failure of the largest buoyancy chamber, the residual buoyancy of the hull shall be at least 50 % of
the manufacturer's rated maximum load capacity (see 6.4).
6.7 Manoeuvrability
6.7.1 Requirement
An inflated boat loaded to the maximum load capacity shall be capable, upon sudden deflation of any
one of its buoyancy chambers, of being propelled purposefully by one of its intended means. Oars may
be used as paddles.
The boat shall be propelled, with its air chamber most likely to cause failure deflated, in a generally
straight line over at least 50 m in calm water.
7.1 General
The boat shall have passed at least the test in accordance with ISO 25649-1:2017, Clause 6. The boat
shall be assembled in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and inflated to the defined
working pressure.
Testing shall be carried out in the order of 7.2 to 7.4 in conditions with an average wave height of 300 mm.
The coxswain and other crew members, if any, shall perform the tests by taking the seating positions
offered as standard or optional equipment.
7.2.1 Requirement
When examining the boat closely at the end of the test period, there shall be no structural failures
on any part of the hull or boat components, such as the deck or thwarts, and including any boundary
interface such as floor/hull.
During the test, there shall be no tendency for the bow to submerge or to lift in a manner likely to
submerge the motor or overturn the boat.
The maximum permissible number of persons calculated in accordance with 6.1 shall be embarked.
The boat shall be towed for at least 15 min by its towing device (see 5.6) to be designated by the
manufacturer at a speed of not less than 4 knots with a towline of length equal to 3 times the boat
length (±15 %).
7.4.1 Requirement
The boat shall be closely examined at the end of the test. There shall be no evidence of water within
the boat.
This test does not apply to boat equipped with a self-draining system.
It shall be ensured that there is no water within the boat at the beginning of the test. The boat shall
be loaded to the maximum load capacity recommended by the manufacturer. The distribution of this
load shall represent the boat fitted with a motor of the maximum power rating as specified by the
manufacturer and passengers seated in their normal positions.
For testing, the boat shall be allowed to remain static in the water for 20 min.
8.1 Requirement
Where a pressure gauge is provided by the manufacturer to ensure the specified maximum working
pressure, it should at least conform to class 2,5 (according to EN 837-1).
8.2 Testing
Visual inspection.
9 Marking
Boats according to this document shall be marked in accordance with ISO 25649-2 as far as applicable.
All information shall be placed together in a position where they are well visible when the boat is in use.
Information shall be grouped in consistent contents.
Additionally, given pictorial representation of the useable boat with significant contour lines and main
dimensions shall be on the packaging.
Each boat according to this document shall be supplied with instructions for use, easy to understand,
sufficient to enable even an unskilled operator to correctly assembly and disassemble, operate,
handle, maintain and store the boat. The texts describing difficult and complicated handlings shall be
supplemented by explanatory drawings/pictures. The instructions for use shall be subdivided into
groups as given below and shall contain at least the following information, with explanations where
a) General information about the boat and it's use:
1) Descriptions of the boat, accessories and options of use (propelling by oars or paddles).
2) Explanations of the terms “permissible number of persons” and “maximum working pressure”.
3) Warning, not to perform any structural changes to the boat that could affect the safety.
4) The minimum safety and performance requirements specified in this document does not
release the user of an inflatable boat from his obligation to acquire the knowledge and skills
required for navigating in water and to observe the respective regulations, since safety on the
water is also a result of the interaction between coxswain, boat and water conditions.
b) Instruction for assembling and disassembling the boat, descriptions, including drawings/pictures,
of assembly and disassembly with information on:
1) Preparation of the boat and its accessories for assembling;
2) Mounting of floor and bracing parts;
3) Mounting of devices for rowing;
4) Inflation of the boat and maximum working pressures;
5) Handling of inflation valves;
6) Handling of pressure gauge or device for pressure assessment, see also ISO 25649-1:2017, 5.7;
7) Positioning and fixing of the seats;
8) Mounting and handling of protective devices, where available;
9) Attachment of belaying lines fixtures.
c) Instruction for care and storage of the boat:
1) Thorough cleaning and drying of all parts of the boat, particularly after it has been used in salt
water and after soiling by oil, indicating the permitted cleaning and preservative agents;
2) Inspection of the hull and all its parts for detection of any damages due to mechanical strain,
wear and ageing;
3) Repair of smaller damages by the means provided on board (repair kit);
4) Advice, when to bring the water boat or any essential equipment part into a professional repair
shop for appropriate repair or replacement (e.g. large tears/cracks);
5) Instruction for correct storage of the boat, its equipment and other accessories.
d) Instruction for operation afloat, including the necessary warning notes and required supervision
of children, advices and/or rules of behaviour with respect to:
1) Correct use of the boat’s equipment and accessories;
2) Provision of oars or paddles;
3) Load distribution, secure stowing of items, taking and keeping the seating positions inboard
(falling overboard);
4) Taking along of sharp and/or pointed items;
5) Stony shore, jetties, shallows (e.g. sandbanks, coral reefs, rock);
6) Provision of lifesaving means (e.g. life jackets, distress signals, spare parts);
7) Towing, being towed;
8) Failure of an air chamber;
9) Re-rightening of the boat;
10) Hazards arising from currents and winds;
11) Caution of offshore winds and currents (parental supervision of children).
11 Exclusions
According to Table 2.
Table 2 — Exclusions
Not applicable specifications depending on
No Propelling means Combinations
the propelling means
1 Propelled by manual means 5.2; B.2; B.1 (sailing test) To be applied analo-
2 Propelled by motor power Annex B (sailing test) gously for combina-
tions of propelling
3 Propelled by sail 5.2; B.2 means
Annex A
A.2.2 Canoes
For each permissible person, the minimum seating/kneeling area shown in ISO 25649-1:2017, Annex A,
shall be provided. The number of permissible persons n (adult or child) is equal to the number of
patterns, which can be placed on the floor of the boat without overlapping.
Annex B
B.1.2 Boards
B.1.2.1 Construction
Leeboards, centreboards and dagger boards shall be capable of being hoisted to the level of the boat
bottom and of being fixed in their working position without the use of tools or devices.
Dagger boards shall be secured against accidental loss.
The attachment of any of the boards shall show no failure or permanent deformation when loaded with
a lateral force of 80 N/m2 of sail area.
For leeboards, the lateral force shall be applied on the vertical centreline 2/3 of its length down from
the turning axis. See Figure B.1.
For centreboards and dagger boards, the lateral force shall be applied at the mid-point of their exposed
length underneath the boat bottom, lx. See Figure B.2.
Boards shall be tested when fitted to the boat and in both directions. The load shall be applied once in
each direction for 10 min.
1 leeboard
2 lateral force
a Turning axis.
1 centre/daggerboard
lx length underneath the boat bottom
B.1.4.1 Requirement
Boats propelled by sail shall be capable of sailing the test course as described in Table B.1 and Figure B.3
with no damage or malfunction. The test course from A to B proves the ability of the boat to sail against
a true wind under a true tack angle of at least 60°, i.e. buoy B shall be approached from its windward
side without tacking.
The test comprises two subtests [(a) and b)] with different load conditions (see Table B.1).
Dimensions in metres
1 buoy B
2 buoy A
a True wind direction.
B.2.1 General
In addition to the requirements detailed in this annex, inflatable boats propelled by motor shall conform
to all the requirements of the main text of this document.
Exclusions according to Annex A.
B.2.2.1 Requirement
The transom or motor mount and its attachment to the boat shall be designed to withstand, under
normal use, the output power and torque of the motor specified by the manufacturer and the weight of
such a motor.
Visual inspection during and after in-water performance tests as described in B.2.5.
Pmax is the maximum motor power rating, in kW, determined in accordance with ISO 8665;
l is the overall length of the boat in m, from the bow to the extremity of the rear float (excluding
handholds or other fittings);
B.2.5 In-water performance, if the boat is equipped with mechanical means of propulsion
B.2.5.1 Requirements
There shall be no structural failures in the form of fractures, cracks, tears, separations, etc. on any part
of the hull or boat components, such as the deck or thwarts, and including any boundary interface such
as floor/hull, deck/transom, buoyancy tube/hull, etc.
There shall also be no signs of abrasion that could result in subsequent structural damage or failure.
The boat shall not overturn and shall remain reasonably dry.
B. General
The boat shall be closely examined at the end of the test period.
The remote steering system shall be used, if it is supplied as standard equipment. If it is offered as
optional equipment, the test shall be carried out using both tiller and remote steering system
Only a coxswain shall embark. The total period of testing shall not be less than 45 min. With powered
boats, the motor controls shall be set to develop maximum forward thrust.
The boat shall be headed directly upwind and then successively downwind on courses of approximately
45° separation (see Figure B.4). This will give a minimum of at least five separate courses encountering
a head-on, bow quarter, beam, stern quarter and following sea condition. The boat shall be turned
sharply to port and starboard towards the end of each course (see Figure B.4).
The test described in B. shall be repeated, but with the boat uniformly loaded with its maximum
load capacity including the maximum permissible number of persons (see 6.1 and 6.4).
All handholds shall be clearly seen to have satisfied the requirements of 6.5.1 and all seating and
attachment systems to have satisfied the requirements of 5.7.
Annex C
1 buoyancy tubes
2 towing device
3 safety rope or lifeline
4 type plate
5 inflation valve
6 lifting/carrying device
7 oarlock
a Example of a longitudinal partition.
Annex D
1 type plate 9 oarlock
2 motor 10 safety rope or lifeline
3 transom 11 inboard area
4 inflation valve 12 towing device
5 buoyancy tube comprising several buoyancy chambers 13 spray cover
6 lifting/carrying device 14 grab handle
7 fuel tank 15 paddle or oar
8 partition bulkhead — Example of a longitudinal16 partition bulkhead — Example of a transverse
partition partition
Annex E
1 buoyancy tubes 6 lifting/carrying device
2 towing device 7 backrest
3 safety rope or lifeline 8 footrest
4 type plate a Example of a longitudinal partition.
5 Inflation valve
Annex F
[1] ISO 179-1, Plastics — Determination of Charpy impact properties — Part 1: Non-instrumented
impact test
[2] ISO 1431-1, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Resistance to ozone cracking — Part 1: Static
and dynamic strain testing
[3] ISO 1817, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of the effect of liquids
[4] ISO 3011, Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics — Determination of resistance to ozone cracking under
static conditions
[5] ISO 4646, Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics — Low-temperature impact test
[6] ISO 4892-2, Plastics — Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources — Part 2: Xenon-arc lamps
[7] ISO 6185-1, Inflatable boats — Part 1: Boats with a maximum motor power rating of 4,5 kW
[8] ISO 6185-2, Inflatable boats — Part 2: Boats with a maximum motor power rating of 4,5 kW to 15
kW inclusive
[9] ISO 6185-3, Inflatable boats — Part 3: Boats with a hull length less than 8 m with a motor rating of
15 kW and greater
[10] ISO 13857:2008, Safety of machinery — Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by
upper and lower limbs
[11] EN 71-1, Safety of toys — Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties
[12] EN 837-1, Pressure gauges — Part 1: Bourdon tube pressure gauges — Dimensions, metrology,
requirements and testing
[13] EN 837-3, Pressure gauges — Part 3: Diaphragm and capsule pressure gauges — Dimensions,
metrology, requirements and testing
[14] EN 13138-1, Buoyant aids for swimming instruction — Part 1: Safety requirements and test methods
for buoyant aids to be worn
[15] EN 13138-2, Buoyant aids for swimming instruction — Part 2: Safety requirements and test
methods for buoyant aids to be held
[16] EN 13138-3, Buoyant aids for swimming instruction — Part 3: Safety requirements and test
methods for swim seats to be worn
ICS 97.220.40
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