3268197-GRADE 8-Phrases & Clauses-Answer Key

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Class: VIII Department: ENGLISH

Answer Key Topic: Phrases & Clauses Note: Exercises to be

done in the notebook

EXERCISES I-Identify and mark the phrases and clauses in the following sentences.

1. I completed my project, but I was not satisfied with it.

2. Jacob knew about it; however, he kept asking everyone about it.
3. I was waiting at the park.
4. They all sang extremely well.
5. The girls in the black dresses are the ones who won the competition last year.
6. In the meantime, I will help you with your domestic chores.
7. Santana and Brittany are good dancers.
8. When we reach home, we will call you.
9. We were planning our summer vacation.
10. She finally agreed to come with us to the slumber party.

1. I completed my project, / but I was not satisfied with it.
Clause / Clause
2. Jacob knew about it; / however he kept asking everyone about it.
Clause / Clause
3. I was waiting / at the park.
Clause / Phrase
4. They all sang / extremely well.
Clause / Phrase
5. The girls in the black dresses are the ones / who won the competition last year.
Clause / Clause
6. In the meantime, / I will help you with your domestic chores.
1| I S W K / 2 0 2 2 - 2 3 / G R A D E 8 / E N G L I S H / A N S W E R KEY/Kanchan Lata Shrivastava
Phrase / Clause
7. Santana and Brittany are good dancers.
8. When we reach home, / we will call you.
Clause / Clause
9. We were planning our summer vacation.
10. She finally agreed to come with us / to the slumber party.

Exercise II- Identify whether the underlined groups of words are phrases or clauses.
1. She studied under the street light .
2. Put the cups on the desk .
3. He glanced out of the windows .
4. I know a woman who works in Delhi Police .
5. We cannot live without oxygen or fresh air .
6. She wears a bracelet which is made of silver .
7. They cannot go while it is snowing .
8. I have no clue what he did with those funds.
9. The woman whom I met on the metro was a farmer .
10. Planets revolve around the sun .
1. Phrase
2. Phrase
3. Phrase
4. Clause
5. Phrase
6. Clause
7. Clause
8. Clause
9. Clause
10. Phrase

2| I S W K / 2 0 2 2 - 2 3 / G R A D E 8 / E N G L I S H / A N S W E R KEY/Kanchan Lata Shrivastava

Exercise III- Identify the following phrases as adjective phrases, adverb phrases, prepositional
phrases or noun phrases.


1. Anu and Teena (noun phrase)

2. Have been searching (verb phrase)

3. Beside the trees (prepositional phrase)

4. Extremely well (adverb phrase)

5. The house on 6th street (noun phrase)

6. slamming into a wall (verb phrase)

7. before the initial exam (prepositional phrase)

8. the little kid(noun phrase)

9. throwing sheets on roads (verb phrase)

10. Destroyed by fire (adjective phrase)

Exercise IV- Determine the following word groups/ sentences as independent clauses and
dependent clauses.

1. After we finished the assignment

2. Mrs. Sharma makes wonderful dishes .

3. While we were driving

4. Since we went there yesterday

5. I took the main road, which was repaired yesterday .

6. The kid who was peeping from the window has left this letter.

7. She enjoys dancing in the rain.

8. The novel, which was on the desk, is brilliantly written.

9. Since the play was fascinating

10. If we came back on time

3| I S W K / 2 0 2 2 - 2 3 / G R A D E 8 / E N G L I S H / A N S W E R KEY/Kanchan Lata Shrivastava


1. This is a Dependent clause since it is not making complete sense and cannot exist
independently .

2. This is an Independent Clause since it can exist on its own and makes sense independently .

3. This is a Dependent clause since it is not making complete sense and cannot exist
independently .

4. This is a dependent clause since it is not making complete sense and cannot exist
independently .

5. I took the main road- This is an independent clause, whereas which was repaired yesterday-
is a dependent clause .

6. Who was peeping in the window is a dependent clause since it is not making complete sense
and cannot exist independently .

7. It is an independent Clause since it can exist on its own and makes sense independently .

8. Which was on the desk is a dependent clause since it is not making complete sense and
cannot exist independently .

9. This is a Dependent clause since it is not making complete sense and cannot exist
independently .

10. This is a Dependent clause since it is not making complete sense and cannot exist
independently .

I. Web Resources
• https://youtu.be/49EsnvxVQec
• https://youtu.be/sAo6LbCUAQo

4| I S W K / 2 0 2 2 - 2 3 / G R A D E 8 / E N G L I S H / A N S W E R KEY/Kanchan Lata Shrivastava

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