Migration of Birds and Their Yways in India: Records of The Zoological Survey of India April 2023

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Migration of birds and their flyways in India

Article in Records of the Zoological Survey of India · April 2023

DOI: 10.26515/rzsi/v123/i1S/2023/172454

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2 authors:

Anil Kumar Imran Alam

Zoological Survey of India Zoological Survey of India


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Rec. zool. Surv. India: Vol. 123(1S)/25-35, 2023 ISSN (Online) : 2581-8686
DOI: 10.26515/rzsi/v123/i1S/2023/172454 ISSN (Print) : 0375-1511

Migration of birds and their flyways in India

Anil Kumar1 and Imran Alam2
Zoological Survey of India, Northern Regional Centre, Dehradun- 248195,

Uttarakhand, India
Zoological Survey of India, New Alipore, Kolkata- 700053,
West Bengal, India
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Every year in most parts of the Northern Hemisphere, a large number of avian species move toward the south for wintering and after
spending the winter season at their respective destinations they return back using the same migratory routes. This phenomenon is
known as bird migration and routes followed by migratory birds are known as flyways of migration. Over 2000 species of birds are
known to participate in migration. Some species exhibit longitudinal movements and/or local migration, relatively covering a short
distance. Due to multiple factors, most migratory birds face a number of threats and their species diversity and populations are
declining worldwide. To ensure the conservation and sustainability of migratory birds a number of measures have been adopted by
United Nations at the global level and multi-lateral treaties/cooperation have been enforced. India is a party to the Convention on
Migratory Species and is playing a crucial role in the conservation of migratory birds in India. A total of 128 avian species are listed
in the appendices of the convention. A total of 7 species are covered in appendix-I and 103 species in appendix-II, while 18 species
are covered by both appendices. The Central Asian Flyway encompasses several important bird migration routes between Eurasia
and the Indian Ocean including India. Over 180 migratory birds including some globally threatened species are known to use this
flyway. Studies carried out in India, provide rich information on migratory birds and their habitats.

Keywords: Migratory birds, Flyways for migration, Endangered species, Ramsar sites, Conservation.

Introduction Due to various anthropogenic factors like habitat

destruction and degradation, pollution and climate
Every year, after the onset of the winter season in most change, illegal and unsustainable hunting, infrastructure
parts of the Northern Hemisphere, a large number of development, and disease, most migratory birds are
avian species move towards the south for wintering. After facing a number of threats, and their species diversity
spending the winter season at their respective destinations, and populations are declining in most parts of the world
they return back to their native ground in the spring (Biber and Salathé, 1991; Baker et al., 2004; Trouwborst,
season (Alerstam, 1990; Berthold, 2001; Newton, 2003; 2012). Their conservation depends on coordinated
Somveille et al., 2013). This regular two-way seasonal efforts on a multi-lateral, international scale. To ensure
movement is termed as bird migration and over 2000 the sustainability of migratory birds, a large number of
species of birds are known to participate in this worldwide conservation measures have been adopted at the inter-
phenomenon (BNHS, 2020). These birds are known as governmental level, and multi-lateral treaties/cooperation
migratory birds. It has been observed that migratory birds have been enforced, such as Convention on Migratory
use certain routes due to some natural barriers such as Species (https://www.cms.int/en/legalinstrument/
the Mediterranean Sea, Caribbean Sea, and high-altitude cms), Ramsar Convention (https://www.ramsar.org),
Himalayan peaks, and these movements are known as Convention for the Protection of Migratory Birds, State
migratory flyways (Stroud et al., 2006). Most migratory of the World’s Birds, and Neotropical Migratory Bird
birds are aquatic species, and their wintering destinations Conservation Act (https://www.fws.gov/law/migratory-
are comprised of terrestrial water bodies ranging from bird-treaty-act-1918). Flyways provide a framework that
small ponds to large-sized lakes and wetlands (Figure 1). can help forge international collaboration and focus

* Author for correspondence

Article Received on: 02.04.2023 Accepted on: 23.04.2023
Migration of birds and their flyways in India

attention on the strategic needs of migratory birds. Bird another. In birds, many species have evolved to move
migration and migratory species were highlighted by from one place to another (two-way seasonal journeys) to
Shri Narendra Modi, Honourable Prime Minister of gain the benefits of favourable conditions in terms of food
India, in ‘Mann Ki Baat’ in Feb. 2020, which motivated and shelter. Due to the scarcity of food and unfavourable
and encouraged a number of behavioural biologists and seasonal conditions such as low temperatures and snowfall
conservationists to take up the subject for further studies (onset of winter season) at home grounds, birds move
and exploration. It prompted us to review the subject, to other warmer places (known as wintering ground)
especially in the Indian context and consolidate the for better survival conditions, and after spending a few
information in the form of an article. Present review is months, once the conditions become favourable for life
based on the survey of literature and studies conducted (due to seasonal changes and the onset of spring season),
by authors and other scientists of the Zoological Survey of they return back to home grounds (Kirby et al., 2008). It is
India on migratory birds and their habitats in India. interesting to note that all species of birds do not migrate,
but most species are subject to seasonal movements
What is bird migration? of varying extents. This seasonal movement of birds is
known as ‘bird migration’ and it can be categorised into
The term ‘migration’ is derived from the Latin word several types mostly based on the season and distance of
‘migrara’ which means movement from one place to migration (https://www.allaboutbirds.org/).

Figure. 1. Large congregations of migratory birds at Patna Bird Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh. (Photo Credit: Anil Kumar)

The birds which live in the northern hemisphere are mostly and subarctic zones where they breed during summer,
migratory and cover long distances during migration, move towards the south during winter. Species such as
which is known as ‘latitudinal migration’. It refers to the Northern Pintail Anas acuta, Eurasian Teal Anas crecca,
movement from north to south, and vice versa (Kirby Eurasian Wigeon Mareca penelope, Bar-tailed Godwit
et al., 2008). The birds native to the northern temperate Limosa lapponica, Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus, Marsh

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Anil Kumar and Imran Alam

Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis, Common Greenshank (Rasmussen and Anderton, 2005). However, some species
Tringa nebularia, Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres, migrate over short latitudinal distances, such as Himalaya
Eurasian Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus, and Pallas’s Gull to peninsular India and vice versa (Figure 2).
Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus, are known to cover a long distance

Figure 2. Some examples of local/short-distance migrants in India. (A) Blue Whistling Thrush Myophonus caeruleus (above left)
and Himalayan Black Bulbul Hypsipetes leucocephalus (above right); (B) Grey-headed Canary-Flycatcher Culicicapa ceylonensis
(below left) and Grey Bush Chat Saxicola ferreus (below right). (Photo Credit: Anil Kumar)

Some notable examples are Indian Blue Robin Larvivora Thrush Zoothera dauma (Rasmussen and Anderton,
brunnea, Rusty-tailed Flycatcher Ficedula ruficauda, and 2005). Some species cover a very short distance, such as
Blue-throated Blue Flycatcher Cyornis rubeculoides. Some Himalayan Black Bulbul Hypsipetes leucocephalus, where
species moves from the Himalaya to the plains of India, some individuals move southwards less than 100 km,
such as Verditer Flycatcher Eumyias thalassinus, Blue- while larger populations remain in the breeding areas as
capped Rock Thrush Monticola cinclorhyncha and Scaly residents. The same trend can be seen in Blue Whistling

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Migration of birds and their flyways in India

Thrush Myophonus caeruleus. When some of the birds the Atlantic, covering a distance of 22,500 km (Duffy et al.
travel a short distance for safety and food without 2013; Fijn et al. 2013). The Bar-headed Goose Anser indicus
any specific direction, it is called vagrant or irregular is one of the world’s highest-flying birds (Hawkes et al.,
migration. Herons may be the example of vagrant or 2011), and winters in many wetlands of India (Figure 3).
irregular migration, including a few more examples Some species of birds are known to possess longitudinal
such as Black Stork Ciconia nigra, Glossy Ibis Plegadis migration, occurring when they migrate from east to
falcinellus, Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga, and European west and vice-versa (Figure 4). The Starlings Sturnus
Bee-eater Merops apiaster. vulgaris, a resident of East Europe and West Asia has been
reported to migrate towards the Atlantic coast. Another
A less frequent opposite movement also occurs in the
notable example is the Hooded Pitta Pitta sordida, which
southern hemisphere. For example, cuckoos breed in
is common and widespread in Eastern and Southeast
India and spend the summer at South-east Africa (Thorup
Asia, where it lives in various types of habitats. During the
et al., 2020). Some tropical birds are known to migrate
summer months, it migrates to the Himalayan foothills.
during the rainy season to the outer tropics to breed and
Some scientists consider the daily movements of birds as
return to the central tropics after breeding. Many marine
‘daily migration’. Based on the time of travel, migratory
avian species also make considerable migrations. The
birds can further be classified as diurnal migrants and
Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea breeds in the northern
nocturnal migrants.
temperate region and migrates to the Antarctic zone along

Figure 3. A flock of Bar-headed Goose Anser indicus at Pong Dam wetland, Himachal Pradesh. This species migrates over the
Himalaya to spend the winter in parts of South Asia from Assam to as far south as Tamil Nadu in India. (Photo Credit: Anil

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Anil Kumar and Imran Alam

Problems faced by birds during migration 2. Human disturbance: It is seen that often herders
and visitors roam in adjoining areas of wetlands. Their
Birds face a number of threats during migration (Kirby
livestock not only grazes over natural resources but
et al., 2008), ranging from natural disasters (such as
also creates a disturbance to birds. Such grazing causes
thunderstorms, sandstorms, diseases and predation) to
soil erosion in the lands surrounding the lakes, which
anthropogenic activities (such as wind farms, pollution,
enhances the siltation of lakes.
oil spills, radiation, electric lights, degradation of habitats,
and hunting). Due to these factors, many populations of 3. Agricultural encroachment: The surrounding
migratory bird species are on the decline. In most cases, areas of wetlands often encroach. They remove the
the decline is the consequence of multiple interlinked surrounding vegetation cover of wetlands. Often the
factors. In India, some of the major problems to migratory water from the lakes is used for irrigation in these
birds are as follows. fields.

1. Harvesting of fishes: The locals from the adjoining The exploitation of aquatic reeds/ vegetation:
areas of wetlands often harvest fish from the wetlands. The residents commonly harvest the aquatic reeds from
Fish harvesting creates a disturbance to birds and often wetland areas, leading to habitat degradation. On the other
birds feel terrified. hand, some plants namely Ipomoea carnea and Eichhornia

Figure 4. Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus (left) and Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva (right) are widespread longitu-
dinal winter migrants in India. (Photo Credit: Anil Kumar)

crassipes spread very fast, resulting in decreasing surface 5. Pollution: Wetlands are the most complex and
area being used by most migratory birds. Some of the fragile ecosystems and do not have a self-cleaning
plants such as Eichhornia crassipes, Lemna perpusilla, ability and thus readily accumulate pollution. Dispose
Marsilea quadrifolia, and Wolffia globosa are known as of water bottles, plastic wrappers, and bags can be
common surface-covering plants, and form a dense green seen frequently near the banks of the wetlands. It is
covering on the surface often observed that the people living nearby wetlands
4. Poaching of birds: Often some local poachers are dumping wastes near wetland areas thus making
harvest migratory birds from wetlands. However, forest the water and surroundings more polluted. Recently,
officials are very prompt to prevent such activities. it has been investigated that nocturnally migrating

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Migration of birds and their flyways in India

passerines are more strongly affected by light pollution the need for a joint venture and cooperation at the
(Burt et al. 2023). international level. Every year people around the world
actively participate and organize various outreach
International strategies for migratory activities such as bird festivals, awareness events,
exhibitions and bird-watching excursions (https://
bird conservation www.worldmigratorybirdday.org). World Migratory
For the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats, Bird Day was initiated in 2006 by the Secretariat
a number of strategies have been adopted and these are of the Agreement on the Conservation of African-
framed, networked and enforced at the international level Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds in collaboration with
by United Nations. the Secretariat of the Convention on the Migratory
Species. The idea to designate a day for migratory birds
1. Convention on Migratory Species: It is a treaty was initiated in the United States in 1993, when the US
of the United Nations that provides a global platform Fish and Wildlife Service, the Smithsonian Migratory
for the conservation and sustainable use of migratory Bird Center and the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
animals, their habitats, and migration routes. It is celebrated ‘International Migratory Bird Day’. Later
also known as ‘Convention on the Conservation on, this event was adopted in the African-Eurasian
of Migratory Species of Wild Animals’ or ‘Bonn region, and it was decided to expand the scope into
Convention’(https://www.cms.int/en/legalinstrument/ an honouring day that celebrates all migrating birds
cms). It was signed in 1979 in Bonn, West Germany, and at the international level. In 2018, the joint campaign
became effective in 1983. So far total 133 countries are adopts the single name of ‘World Migratory Bird Day’
the parties to this convention. It works with a number and major events to celebrate the day will be organized
of international organizations, NGOs and partners. It twice a year, on the second Saturday in May and in
is a legal foundation for internationally coordinated October.
conservation measures throughout a migratory
range. It is mainly focused on migratory birds as the 3. Convention on Wetlands: Management and
largest proportion of migratory animals is birds. The protection of wetland habitats is a prerequisite to
convention brings together the countries through the conservation of migratory birds. Wetlands are
which migratory animals pass. The appendices of among the most diverse and productive ecosystems,
the convention include mammals, birds, fish, reptiles known to provide a wide range of ecosystem services.
and one insect. Migratory species threatened with However, they continue to be degraded and converted
extinction are covered in Appendix I of the convention. extensively for other uses. The ‘Convention on
The parties of the convention adopt a legal framework Wetlands’ is one of the oldest intergovernmental
to protect these animals through the conservation environmental agreements. The treaty was
and restoration of their habitats, mitigating threats negotiated through the 1960s by countries and non -
to migration and controlling other factors. Migratory governmental organizations and was adopted in the
species that are likely to be significantly benefited from Iranian city of Ramsar in 1971 and came into force
international cooperation are listed in Appendix II of in 1975 (https://www.ramsar.org). The major mission
the Convention. On the basis of information collected of the convention is the ‘wise use’ of wetlands. It
from various sources, in India, a total of 128 species defines the wise use of wetlands as ‘the maintenance
are listed in the appendices of the convention. A total of their ecological character, achieved through the
of 7 species are covered in appendix-I and 103 species implementation of ecosystem approaches, within the
in appendix-II, while 18 species are covered by both context of sustainable development’. Wetlands are
appendices. indispensable for the wide range of benefits that they
provide such as freshwater supply, food and building
2. World Migratory Bird Day: It is an annual materials, biodiversity, flood control, groundwater
awareness-oriented campaign to publicise the need for recharge, and climate change mitigation. To achieve
the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats. the targets of the convention, it was decided that each
It is a global instrument to support the conservation party (to the convention) must designate at least one
of migratory birds, to address the threats faced by wetland site within their territory for inclusion in the
migratory birds, their ecological importance, and List of Wetlands of International Importance (known

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Anil Kumar and Imran Alam

as Ramsar Sites). These ‘Ramsar Sites’ attain a new ramsar.org/wetland/india). Till 2014 there were 26
national and international status. They are recognized Ramsar sites across India. Since 2014 till date 49 new
as being of significant value for humanity as a whole. Ramsar sites have been added across the country. The
There are currently over 2,400 Ramsar sites around largest number (14 wetlands) of these sites are located
the world. There are 75 Ramsar sites in India (https:// in Tamil Nadu.

Figure 5. The map of the world is showing the migratory birds flyways. (Image Source: East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partner-
ship (EAAFP); https://www.eaaflyway.net/the-flyway/)

Government of India initiatives the List of Wetlands of International Importance which

includes 5 sites designated during FY 2020-2021. India
India is a signatory to the conventions of IUCN pertaining has successfully implemented the National Action Plan
to environment and biodiversity conservation, and plays a for Conservation of Migratory Birds and their Habitats
major role for nature conservation. For the conservation of along the Central Asian Flyway (2018-2023). The overall
migratory birds and their wetland habitats, the remarkable goal of the plan is to reduce the population decline of
steps and measures adopted by the Government of India migratory birds and to secure their habitats (https://moef.
(MoEFCC, 2020) are highly appreciable. Ministry of gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/CAF_NAP_Final-
Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) with-CL.pdf). The short-term goal of the plan is to stop
has adopted a wide framework and implemented a large the decline in population by 2027. Apart from this, over
number of programmes. India is a Party to the Convention the years a large number of research projects have been
on Biological Diversity (CBD). The MoEFCC is the nodal executed by various organizations/ institutions in the
Ministry for the implementation of CBD in India. India country, providing rich information on the migratory
is recognized as a leader on biodiversity conservation in
birds in India.
developing and implementing relevant legal and policy
regimes. Two Protocols have been adopted so far under the
aegis of CBD, namely the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Flyways of bird migration
(2000) and the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Migratory birds use loosely fixed routes for their migration.
Sharing (2010). India became a party to the ‘Convention Globally, certain routes have been identified that connect
on Wetlands’, also known as the Ramsar Convention both the northern and southern hemispheres. Every year,
on 1st February 1982 and has since then designated 75 millions of waterbirds follow these routes to reach their
wetlands covering an area of 13,26,677 hectares under destinations and return journeys.

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Migration of birds and their flyways in India

“The geographical area covered by a migratory bird over the course of its annual cycle, encompassing breeding and non-
breeding grounds and the connecting migration route, is known as a flyway” -Kirby et al. (2008).

Figure 6. Pangong Tso is a high-altitude trans-Himalayan lake for the breeding of Bar-headed Goose Anser indicus. (Photo
Credit: Anil Kumar)

Usually, migratory birds follow a north-south axis to movements are often linked to patterns of rainfall. That’s
spend the duration of their non-breeding winter season. why some migratory species are often less latitudinal than
The energetic costs of migration act as a driving force to northern migrants. Most species utilize only the partial
adopt the shortest possible route. However, some other extent of flyway used such as wagtails and wheatears.
factors such as weather patterns, en route resources While a few species utilise the full extent of any flyway
and the geographical features of the destination are also such as Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus, Ruddy Turnstone
involved. Migrants mostly follow the mountain ranges, Arenaria interpres, and Sanderling Calidris alba. The
rivers, watercourses and coastlines for navigation. Large- International Wader Study Group identified eight
sized water bodies and high-altitude mountains are often multiple-species flyways such as Pacific Americas Flyway,
avoided. As a result, a number of species having similar Central Americas Flyway, Atlantic Americas Flyway,
biological/ ecological traits and requirements often share East Atlantic Flyway, Mediterranean/Black Sea Flyway,
similar routes. These routes are known as ‘flyways of bird East Asia/East Africa Flyway, Central Asian Flyway,
migration’ used by the world’s 2,274 migratory species. and East Asia/Australasia Flyway. However, East Asian-
However, contrary to this, some migratory routes are not Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) consider a
in accordance with a north-south axis. For example, in the total of nine bird flyways after adding West-Pacific Flyway
southern hemisphere, it has been investigated that avian (Figure 5).

32 Vol 123(1S) | Special Issue 2023 | www.recordsofzsi.com Zoological Survey of India

Anil Kumar and Imran Alam

The Central Asian Flyway covers large parts of Eurasia species are known to use the flyway. These include
located between the Arctic and the Indian Ocean. It the critically endangered White-bellied Heron Ardea
encompasses several important bird migration routes, insignis and Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita, the
initiated from the northernmost breeding grounds of endangered Greater Adjutant Stork Leptoptilos dubius,
migratory ducks and waders in Siberia to the southernmost the vulnerable Lesser Adjutant Stork Leptoptilos javanicus
wintering grounds of West Asia, India and the Maldives and Black-necked Crane Grus nigricollis, and the near-
(https://wildlifesos.org/conservation-awarness/central- threatened Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias minor and
asian-flyway-an-overview). Over 180 migratory bird Pygmy Cormorant Microcarbo pygmaeus, to name a few.
including some globally threatened and near-threatened

Figure 7. A panoramic view of Asan Conservation Reserve, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. (Photo Credit: Anil Kumar)

Hotspots for bird migration in India mangrove swamps, and shrubby depressions. Most of these
wetlands are very rich in primary production and thus
The presence of a large number of water bodies, inland attract a large number of birds. Some of these wetlands
and coastal wetlands, marsh areas and ponds are the major are designated as ‘Wetlands of International Importance’
attraction for migratory birds in India (Islam and Rahmani, due to an incomparable ecosystem with immense
2004; Kumar, 2015). India is home to a varied number of conservation values and ecosystem services. At present, in
wetlands ranging from high altitude trans-Himalaya lakes India we have a total of 1243 wetlands further comprised
such as Tso Moriri, Pangong Tso (Figure 6), Tso Kar and of 75 Ramsar wetlands, 115 significant wetlands and 1053
Chander Taal to costal wetland comprised of salt marshes, other wetlands (https://indianwetlands.in). India became
lagoons, bottomland hardwood swamps, fresh marshes, a party to the ‘Convention on Wetlands’, also known as the

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Migration of birds and their flyways in India

Ramsar Convention on 1st February 1982. Ramsar sites in at the border of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, D’Ering
India cover an area of 13266.77 km2. Wildlife Sanctuary in Arunachal Pradesh, Rann of Kutch
in Gujarat, Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary in Kerala, and
Presently, India holds the first position in South Asia and
Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary in Karnataka.
third in Asia in terms of Ramsar sites. Most of these sites
are located in north-west Himalaya and Gangetic plains
(https://indianwetlands.in). Some of the notable wetlands Conclusion
attract a large number of winter migratory birds are Studies showed that India is one of the most important
Pong Dam in Himachal Pradesh (Kumar, 2011; Kumar destinations for migratory birds in South Asia, owing to
and Paliwal, 2015), Asan Conservation Reserve (Figure the occurrence of wide array of wetlands ranging from
7) in Uttarakhand, Wular Lake in Jammu & Kashmir, coastal wetlands to inland lakes and dames. Strategic
Tso Kar Wetland Complex in Ladakh, Harike Lake in locations of some major wetlands such as Pong Dam,
Punjab, Bhindawas Wildlife Sanctuary and Sultanpur Asan Barrage, Harike Barrage and marshy depressions/
National Park in Haryana, Sur Sarovar Bird Sanctuary waterlogged areas in Gangetic plains are not only host a
in Uttar Pradesh, Keoladeo National Park and Sambhar large number of migratory birds but also act as a stop-
Lake in Rajasthan, Bhoj Wetland in Madhya Pradesh, over for passage migrants going further southwards. A
Kabartal Wetland in Bihar, Deepor Beel in Assam, number of treaties have been enforced by United Nations
Loktak Lake in Manipur, Bhitarkanika Mangroves and for the conservation of water birds and India is a major
Hirakud Reservoir in Odisha, East Kolkata Wetlands contributor, is working for the conservation of migratory
and Sunderbans Wetland in West Bengal, Kolleru Lake birds and their habitats in India mediated through the
in Andhra Pradesh, Point Calimere Bird Sanctuary country-wide implementation of a number of programmes
and Pichavaram Mangrove in Tamil Nadu, Ashtamudi under the umbrella of Ministry of Environment Forest
Wetland and Sasthamkotta Lake in Kerala, Nanda Lake and Climate Change.
in Goa, Thane Creek in Maharashtra, Nalsarovar Bird
Sanctuary, Khijadia Wildlife Sanctuary and Wadhvana
Wetland in Gujarat. Apart from this, a number of bird
sanctuaries have wetland habitats, known to host a sizable The authors are grateful to Dr. Dhriti Banerjee, Director,
number of migratory birds such as Patna Bird Sanctuary, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, for the kind support
Nawabganj Bird Sanctuary, Lakh Bahosi Sanctuary and and encouragement. We are grateful to Shri Tammay
Sandi Bird Sanctuary in Uttar Pradesh, Kanwar Lake Bird Kumar, Additional Secretary, MoEFCC, New Delhi, for
Sanctuary in Bihar, Khichan Bird Sanctuary, Pulicat Lake the kind encouragement.

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Vol 123(1S) | Special Issue 2023 | www.recordsofzsi.com Zoological Survey of India 35

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