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Competency-Based Assessment Candidate’s Guide PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS ONTARIO 1

February 2024
Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) is the licensing and regulating body NOTE: Canadian Environment competencies can be demonstrated
for professional engineering in the province. PEO operates under the by work examples obtained abroad. For example, a candidate
authority of the Professional Engineers Act to serve and protect the public working for Shell Nigeria may use the same American Petroleum
interest by setting and upholding high academic, experience and profes- Institute (API) engineering standards used in Norway, the United
sional practice standards for the engineering profession. Only individuals States or Windsor, Ontario.
licensed by PEO are permitted by law to undertake and assume responsi-
bility for engineering work in Ontario.
COMPETENCY-BASED ASSESSMENT GUIDE PURPOSE The seven competency categories represent the essential areas in which
This guide is intended to help PEO licence application candidates professional engineers of all disciplines must demonstrate competence
navigate the competency-based assessment (CBA) system. The content to ensure effective practice and public safety. Each competency category
details the CBA’s 34 engineering competencies and how they should contains a list of the competencies required in that area. Candidates must
be met and presented. You will find a list of indicators that act as meet the required average level of competence in each competency
a guideline for selecting examples of experience that demonstrate the category to meet the competency requirements.
candidate’s exposure to the competencies.
This document provides a comprehensive overview of the roles and The following is an overview of the roles and responsibilities of each
responsibilities of the candidates, validators and assessors within the participant in the CBA system.
CBA framework.
Finally, this guide explains the competency rating system and the rating Candidates are responsible for:
rubric, which measures the level of competence of the candidate per • Providing work experience details through the competency assessment
category and determines the candidate’s readiness for licensure. system, including a work experience summary and specific, detailed
examples to address each competency, which allows validators and
2.0 COMPETENCY-BASED ASSESSMENT (CBA) PEO’s assessors to have a clear understanding of a candidate’s
CBA is a methodology used to assess candidate readiness for licensure. knowledge and experience in all areas essential to safe and effective
It examines 34 engineering competencies across seven competency engineering practice;
categories, in which all professional engineers must be competent to • Providing contact information for validator(s) to verify, rate and provide
support effective practice and public safety. feedback on their assigned competencies; and
• Providing a self-assessed rating for each competency according to the
The CBA is conducted to determine whether candidates have progressed competency rating scale.
to a professional level of competency in their field through their
engineering work experience. The system is designed to ensure that VALIDATORS
professional licensure requirements uphold and protect the public A validator is an individual who assesses and rates the candidate’s work
interest while maintaining an equitable, transparent, consistent and experience. Ideally, the validator should have direct, first-hand knowl-
efficient licensure process. edge of the candidate’s work, should have provided suitable professional
supervision of the candidate throughout the work period being validated
The CBA system requires candidates to demonstrate the ability to apply and should have taken technical responsibility for the candidate’s work.
their engineering knowledge reliably and safely across different circum- The validator may have a title other than supervisor and may be a manager,
stances; to recognize their professional limitations; and to be prepared mentor, client or colleague and does not necessarily have to be from the
when necessary to either extend and develop their expertise or call same place of employment. The validator should be sufficiently familiar
for assistance from other sources. with the candidate’s work to confidently rate the assigned competencies.

2.1 COMPETENCIES For engineering work experience gained in Canada, the validator must
Competencies are defined as an identified skill set or knowledge be a professional engineer (P.Eng.) who was registered during the work
base the candidate must have attained to achieve professional licensure. period they are validating. For work experience gained outside of Canada,
PEO’s competency framework is comprised of 34 key competencies. it is expected that the validator be a senior engineering practitioner.
See Appendix A for a complete list of competencies.
It is preferred that any validator who is not a P.Eng. and is validating inter-
2.2 CANADIAN ENVIRONMENT COMPETENCIES national experience be a senior engineering practitioner who is licensed as
The Canadian environment competencies represent a subset of six an engineer in their jurisdiction. PEO may request information to support
competencies within the competency framework that best demonstrate their engineering qualifications, which may include proof of academic
knowledge and experience of regulations, codes and standards used in and engineering credentials and professional designation, during the
Canada, or the international standard equivalence, plus quality control, assessment process.
safety awareness, professional accountability and communication.

See Appendix D for a complete list of Canadian environment


2 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS ONTARIO Competency-Based Assessment Candidate’s Guide

Acceptability of the validator is at the discretion of PEO. Family mem- 3.2 PROVIDE COMPETENCY-RELATED WORK EXAMPLES
bers and relatives are normally not acceptable as validators and will be When addressing the competency fields, please use both the competency
assessed on a case by case basis. description and their indicators as guidelines to identify suitable and
relevant examples and activities from your engineering experience that
Validators are responsible for: will best demonstrate your achievement of each competency. Work
• Providing competence ratings for each competency they are assigned examples from pre-graduation experience can be used when addressing
to rate and review in the portal; competencies as long as a validator is assigned.
• Providing an overall feedback summary on the candidate’s readiness
for licensure; and Please be specific about your individual actions and contributions, and
• If required, identifying their professional designation and jurisdiction note that use of the word “I” is required in order to show what work
of licensure. you did specifically. Point form is permitted.

ASSESSORS You do not need to demonstrate all indicators listed, although they
Assessors are designated PEO staff who will assess and determine if the provide a helpful guide to what assessors are seeking. Indicators
candidate has demonstrated that they have applied these competencies are examples to guide you in determining the type of work that would
at an entry-to practice professional level and will provide a final recom- satisfy each competency. Each competency example includes the
mendation towards licensure. following information:
 ituation: A brief overview of a specific situation or problem. The same
Assessors are responsible for: situation can be used to cover multiple competencies.
• Reviewing the candidate’s submission as well as validators’ feedback; •A ction taken: The actions that you took in response to the situation,
• Providing ratings for each competency; and including engineering judgements made or solutions found. This sec-
• A final recommendation on a candidate’s readiness for licensure. tion is typically the longest portion of the example and should include
details about the specific actions you took that demonstrate completion
NOTE: The candidate’s readiness for licensure is determined solely of the competency.
by the assessors’ ratings. The candidate’s and validators’ ratings •O
 utcome: The impact that your actions, solutions or judgements
serve as auxiliary information only. generated.

3.0 APPLICATION PROCESS NOTE: Where project details are required to be kept confidential,
Candidates should first review PEO’s CBA Candidate’s Guide before creating you must note this within the reporting system. Share as much
an account in PEO’s application portal. Once in the application portal, the detail as you are permitted to provide sufficient evidence that you
candidate will follow the steps outlined below to fulfill the experience are able to practise competently as a professional engineer. This
requirement for the application. could be demonstrated by describing the nature of your work and
its complexities without disclosing confidential details about solu-
3.1 PROVIDE EXPERIENCE SUMMARY AND VALIDATORS tions, business processes, client names or locations.
All candidates must complete an experience summary through the CBA
reporting system. The experience summary section is a chronological,
short-form overview of a candidate’s experience, including a brief sum- 3.3 ASSIGN VALIDATORS
mary of their responsibilities in each position. Assign a validator to each competency example.


Candidates can use up to 12 months of pre-graduation experience Provide a self-assessment rating as per the competency rating scale that
towards the minimum 48-month requirement. This experience may you believe you demonstrated in the example. The descriptions of each
be acquired after the candidate has completed the first half of the level of competence in Appendix B will help you to determine which level
classroom component of the degree or equivalent educational on the competency rating scale you should cite for each competency.
qualifications but does not pre-date meeting the halfway mark.
Candidates can include this pre-grad­uation experience in the experi- 3.5 COMPLETION OF EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT
ence summary but must be careful to select the pre-graduation option. Once the candidate has provided the information above and all compe-
tencies have been validated, the experience requirement will be deemed
NOTE: The experience summary information helps determine if completed towards application.
you have the minimum quantitative requirement of 48 months of
engineering experience for licensure.
NOTE: Candidates will not be able to edit the information entered in
the text fields once e-mail(s) are sent to the respective validator(s).

Competency-Based Assessment Candidate’s Guide PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS ONTARIO 3

The competency rating scale is used to determine whether a candidate has achieved
the required level of competence to gain licensure. It measures the level of overall
competence, not the level of success a candidate achieved in a specific situation.

When rating the competencies for professional engineering licensure, it must be clear
that they are not only performing well in the circumstances they have encountered to
date, but they have also demonstrated the capacity to handle probable future situations.

All levels (0-5) described with respect to each of the seven competency categories and Canadian
Environment Competencies can be found in Appendix B.


Candidates and validators independently rate a candidate’s level of competence in
each key competency. Fulfillment of each key competency and competency category
is measured through the competency rating scale, which rates the candidate’s skill on
a scale from 0 to 5.

As illustrated in the schematic below, the candidate must demonstrate a competence

level at entry to practice, demonstrating they will no longer require supervision to
complete their engineering tasks.

May not be a linear scale

0 1 2 3 4 5

Academic Supervised Beginning Mastery Expertise Leadership

education Experience


Minimum Rating Requirements

1. A candidate must attain the minimum rating of 1 for each key competency.
2. Each of the Canadian environment competencies must also be achieved at a
minimum category greater than level 1 in order to satisfy the Canadian
environment competency requirement.
3. A candidate must attain the minimum defined average level of competence
in all competency categories.

This means if a candidate has achieved the required average for each competency
category, but has not achieved the minimum rating required per competency, the
candidate may not be recommended for licensure.

Refer to Appendix C for the minimum required average rating level per category and
Appendix D for minimum rating level for Canadian environment competencies.

4 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS ONTARIO Competency-Based Assessment Candidate’s Guide



1.1 Demonstrate your knowledge and awareness of the 1. Identify and comply with legal and regulatory requirements for
regulations, codes and standards used in Canada or the project activities
international standard equivalence. This includes local 2. Incorporate knowledge of codes and regulations in design materials
engineering procedures and practices as applicable. 3. Prepare reports assessing project compliance with regulations, codes
and standards used in Canada or the international standard equivalence
4. Recognize the need to design for code compliance while achieving
5. Identify provincial/territorial, regional, indigenous codes, standards
and/or practice guidelines that are applicable to your example. Briefly
discuss how the codes, standards and/or guidelines would be applied
in your example if it had taken place in Canada
6. Incorporate knowledge of provincial, regional, indigenous codes,
standards, regulations and/or practice guidelines in design materials
7. Recognize the importance of respecting the regional traditions and
indigenous regulations towards a project

1.2 Demonstrate knowledge of materials, or operations as 1. Demonstrate knowledge of materials, operations, project and
appropriate, project and design constraints, designed to design constraints, e.g. cost, design, materials, labour, time,
best fit the purpose or service intended and address budget, production
interdisciplinary impacts. 2.Demonstrate understanding of, and coordination with, other
engineering and professional disciplines

1.3 Analyze technical risks and offer solutions to mitigate 1. Demonstrate familiarity with system protection and/or damage/
the risks. hazard mitigation objectives, philosophies, practices, procedures
and functions
2. Identify risk areas including causes of risks and their impacts
3. Develop risk management/mitigation plans
4. Demonstrate an understanding of the difference between technical
risk and public safety issues

1.4 Apply engineering knowledge to design solutions. 1. Prepare technical specifications

2. Demonstrate use of theory and calculations to arrive at solutions
3. Demonstrate the development of a unique design solution which
could not be accomplished with a standard design solution

1.5 Be able to understand solution techniques and inde- 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the engineering principles used in
pendently verify the results. the application of computer design programs and show/describe
how the results were verified as correct
2. Participate in an independent review and verification of solution
techniques or analysis methods

Competency-Based Assessment Candidate’s Guide PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS ONTARIO 5

Demonstrate your knowledge and awareness of regulations, 1. Identify, incorporate, and/or participate in review of safety consid-
1.6 codes and standards used in Canada pertaining to safety, erations, safety procedures and safety equipment as they apply to
or the international standard equivalence. system operations and/or maintenance programs
2. Review and incorporate safety or system operating procedures
3. Demonstrate specific knowledge of safety regulations
4. Incorporate explicit human and public safety considerations in design
and all other professional activities
5. Understand and account for safety risks associated with processes
6. Identify relevant protection equipment and process modifications to
mitigate safety risks

Demonstrate understanding of systems as well as of 1. Demonstrate an understanding of each element in a process

1.7 components of systems. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the interactions and constraints
in the behaviour of the overall system
3. Manage processes within the overall system (monitor and, where
needed, modify processes to achieve optimum outcomes)

1.8 Exposure to all stages of the process/project life cycle from 1. Demonstrate awareness of project concerns and roles of other
concept and feasibility analysis through implementation. stakeholders in the project stages:
• Identification: generation of the initial project idea and preliminary
•P  reparation: detailed design of the project addressing technical
and operational aspects
•A  ppraisal: analysis of the project from technical, financial, economic,
social, institutional and environmental perspectives
•P  reparation of specifications and tender documents: preparation of
tender document, inviting and opening of tenders, pre-qualification,
evaluation of bids and award of work
• Implementation and monitoring: implementation of project
activities, with ongoing checks on progress and feedback
• E valuation: periodic review of project with feedback for next
project cycle

1.9 Demonstrate your understanding of the role of peer review 1. Conduct checks, including field checks, to verify the validity of design
and quality management that is essential to engineering 2. Follow Quality Management principles in practice, which may include
practice in Canada. Quality Management Guidelines, Guidelines on Authentication of
Documents, Use of the Seal, Reviewing Work Prepared by Others
and other related practice guidelines provided by their provincial/
territorial regulator
3. Prepare quality control plans, including frequency and test
parameters, for specific processes or products
4. Evaluate test results, determine adequacy and develop
recommended action
5. Demonstrate peer review
6. Demonstrate that completed project, systems or sub-systems
meet project objectives in terms of functionality and operational

1.10 Transfer design intentions to drawings and sketches; Under- 1. Review designs of others and communicate findings and issues,
stand transmittal of design information to design including suggested alternatives
documents. 2. Demonstrate communication of ideas and concepts to project
team members
3. Demonstrate understanding of the value of project completion
reports and lessons learned reports to application in future projects
by self or others
4. Produce sketches, notes, documentation and design documents to
prepare proposals; and preliminary, and final design drawings for
acceptance by the client and approval by regulatory authorities

6 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS ONTARIO Competency-Based Assessment Candidate’s Guide


2.1 Demonstrate effective verbal communication with team 1. Communicate in a simple and concise manner
members, clients, contractors and members of the public. 2. Communicate official project data with team members, clients
and contractors
3. Ability to express both technical and non-technical issues and ideas
clearly to both technical and non-technical personnel
4. Conduct presentations to technical and non-technical groups;
presentations to superiors and subordinates; internal (colleagues)
and external (clients) presentations
5. Present project parameters to the public
6. Demonstrate active participation in and contribution to meetings

2.2 Demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively in 1. Tailor communications to the intended audience
writing with team members, clients, contractors and 2. Ability to write and review technical documents
members of the public. 3. Ability to write clear memos and reports to both technical and
non-technical personnel
4. Utilize drawings and sketches to demonstrate key points and concepts
5. Demonstrate a written report on a technical subject
6. Demonstrate a written report on field observations
7. Take training in technical report writing
8. Work with common office programs (e.g., Excel, Word, Outlook,
internet browsers)

2.3 Demonstrate your ability to effectively review key documents. 1. The ability to review technical documents, to understand the
implications and to summarize key points


(5 competencies)

3.1 Awareness of project management principles. 1. Awareness of resource planning, budgeting, change management,
scope management, schedule and unforeseen issues in managing a
project from start to end
2. Understand the impacts, benefits and risks that various design solu-
tions have on a project
3. Understand the needs and expectations of internal and external clients

3.2 Demonstrate increasing levels of responsibility for project 1. Follow and contribute to development of project management plans
planning and implementation. 2. Be aware of future improvements and demands as well as other
ongoing projects
3. Demonstrate increasing responsibility for client contact and
4. Demonstrate how project planning activities and interaction
with others has increased over the training period
5. Participate in managing and adapting a schedule
6. Demonstrate awareness of issues related to other disciplines that
might affect the project, maintaining contact and communication
to discuss and resolve issues

3.3 Manage expectations in light of available resources. 1. Update schedule and budget on regular basis and communicate status
2. Provide market assessment and availability of materials for a project
3. Meet deadlines

Competency-Based Assessment Candidate’s Guide PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS ONTARIO 7

3.4 Understand the financial aspects of their work. 1. Demonstrate cognizance of project budget during design
and construction
2. Provide technical/financial reports and compare the options
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the place of finance in
business decisions
4. Understand principles of budgeting and financing
5. Understand the relevant business processes
6. Demonstrate an understanding of working with and
developing contracts

3.5 Ask for and demonstrate response to feedback. 1. Demonstrate implementation of lessons learned, and performance
reviewed, in meetings
2. Show willingness to accept comments and criticism
3. Identify situations where you received feedback and how you
responded to that feedback
4. Demonstrate appreciation of the scope of a project and an
appropriate response when a project varies beyond the scope


4.1 Work respectfully and with other disciplines/people. 1. Demonstrate respect for others’ responsibilities and expertise
2. Integrate engineering with other professional input
3. Participate actively in team discussions

Work to resolve differences. 1. Demonstrate leadership in achieving team goals and resolving conflict
4.2 2. Work to facilitate beneficial conflict resolution
3. Exposure to training in conflict resolution


(6 competencies)

5.1 Demonstrate your ability to apply principles of the Code of 1. Comply with the Code of Ethics in your jurisdiction of practice
Ethics, or the equivalent international standard equivalence, 2. Fulfill professional obligations to employers, clients, peers and
within the engineering environment. the profession while applying professional ethics in meeting
corporate directives
3. Understand the concept of self-governance, and the privileges
granted to professional engineers and their obligations
4. Work within the engineering legislation in the jurisdiction of practice
5. Demonstrate the use of practice guidelines in relation to self-
regulation and professional practice

5.2 Demonstrate an awareness of your own scope of practice 1. Ask for help and incorporate input
and limitations. 2. Demonstrate interaction with your supervisor
3. Ask questions when needed

5.3 Understand how conflict of interest affects your practice. 1. Understand how conflict of interest affects your practice

5.4 Demonstrate awareness of professional accountability. 1. Awareness of the potential professional liability involved in all
aspects of the design, construction and inspection process

5.5 Demonstrate an understanding of appropriate use of the 1. Please note that understanding and awareness is what is required
stamp and seal. for this key competency

5.6 Understand own strengths/weaknesses and know how they 1. Prepare a self-criticism list and the ways to mitigate or eliminate
apply to one's position. weaknesses

8 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS ONTARIO Competency-Based Assessment Candidate’s Guide

AND SUSTAINABILITY (5 competencies)

6.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the safeguards required 1. Prepare public safety regulations and advice during design and imple-
to protect the public and the methods of mitigating adverse mentation of a project
impacts. 2. Understand potential effects of climate change

6.2 Demonstrate your understanding of the relationship 1. Recognize the value and benefits of the engineering work to the public
between the engineering activity and the public. 2. Prepare a report regarding the impact of a project to public

6.3 Understand the role of regulatory bodies on the practice of 1. Recognize the importance of respecting the regional traditions and
engineering. native regulations towards a project
2. Understand the role and regulations of other professions whose prac-
tices overlap or interface with the practice of professional engineering

6.4 Be aware of any specific sustainability clauses that have been 1. Be aware of any specific sustainability clauses that have been added
added to practice guidelines that apply to their area. to practice guidelines that apply to their area

6.5 To the extent possible, recognizing the candidate's position 1. Include sustainability analysis in project descriptions
of influence, consider how sustainability principles could be 2. Provide a list of revisions made during design and implementation
applied and promoted in their specific work. period of the project


DEVELOPMENT (3 competencies)

7.1 Demonstrate completion of professional development 1. Participation in community, technical, industry and/or professional
activities. association committees and task forces
2. Engagement in a variety of self-directed and formal professional
development activities to learn and maintain currency in field of
practice and report progress to applicable parties

7.2 Demonstrate awareness of gaps in knowledge and areas 1. Gap analysis of knowledge and skills; highlight the gaps that exist
requiring future development. 2. Identification of areas of weakness where additional training is needed

7.3 Develop a professional development plan to address gaps 1. Plan to pursue training in areas of weakness and remedy gaps in
in knowledge and maintain currency in field of practice. knowledge
2. Planned activities may include a variety of self-directed and formal
professional development activities to learn and maintain currency
in field of practice

Competency-Based Assessment Candidate’s Guide PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS ONTARIO 9


LEVEL (1.1, 1.6, 1.9, 2.3,
5.1, 6.2)

1 2-6 7

0 Has no experience Has little or no exposure to the competency • Has completed no continuing
with the competency professional development
• Has not completed a gap analysis
to determine areas of weakness
• Has demonstrated no plan for
future professional development

1 Demonstrates some • Receives training in the • Receives training in on-the-job • Has completed little continuing
awareness of the com- various phases of office, assignments professional development activities
petency through work plant, field or laboratory • Is at an early/beginner level • Gap analysis and assessment of
experience engineering • Carries out activities of low areas of weakness incomplete
• Tasks assigned may complexity • Has developed an inadequate or
include preparation of • Has no supervisory role no professional development plan;
simple plans, designs, • Is at a basic level in this area; many gaps in knowledge are not
plots, calculations, costs competency needs substantial sufficiently addressed
or bills of material in development
accordance with estab-
lished codes, standards,
drawings, etc.
• May carry out routine
technical surveys or
inspections and prepare
• Has no supervisory role

Direct supervision Direct supervision required = Significant Responsibility and Risk = Minimal Complexity of
required = Significant Candidate’s own work = Minimal

10 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS ONTARIO Competency-Based Assessment Candidate’s Guide

Demonstrates awareness • Receives tasks of limited • Carries out activities • Has completed some
2 of the competency and has scope and complexity; of limited scope and continuing professional
minimal practical experi- minor phases of broader complexity development activities
ence with the competency projects • Usually relies on prede- • Gap analysis is marginal;
(either in Canada or • Uses standard engineering termined standards and insufficient assessment
another jurisdiction) methods and techniques techniques in solving of areas of weakness
in solving problems problems. • Has developed a marginal
• Assists senior engineers • Assists more senior engi- professional development
with technical tasks neers in carrying out tasks plan; not all key gaps in
requiring accuracy in • Normally regarded as a knowledge are addressed
calculations, completeness continuing portion of an
of data, and adherence engineer’s training and
to prescribed testing, development
analysis and or design • Marginal skills; requires
• May assign and check training to bring skills to
work of approximately a professional level
one to five non-
engineering staff
• Normally regarded as a
continuing portion of an
engineer’s training and

Direct supervision required Direct supervision required = Considerable Responsibility and Risk = Some Complexity
= Considerable of Candidate’s own work = Some

3 Has moderate experience • Receives tasks of moder- • Carries out activities of • Has completed sufficient
with the competency while ate scope and complexity; moderate scope and com- continuing professional
working under supervi- standalone phases of plexity development activities
sion (either in Canada or major projects • Provides significant • Gap analysis is adequate;
another jurisdiction) • Usually solves problems assistance to more senior areas of weakness are ade-
by using combinations engineers in carrying out quately assessed
of standard procedures, tasks • Has developed an
modifications of standard • Usually solves problems adequate professional
procedures, or methods by using combinations development plan; gaps in
developed in previous of standard procedures, knowledge are addressed
assignments. modifications of standard
• May assign and check procedures, or methods
work of approximately developed in previous
one to five non-engineer- assignments.
ing staff • Possesses adequate skills
• Is typically seen to be in this competency
ready to assume pro- • Is typically seen to be
fessional engineering ready to assume pro-
responsibilities fessional engineering

Direct supervision required Direct supervision required = Some Responsibility and Risk = Considerable Complexity
= Some of Candidate’s own work = Moderate

Competency-Based Assessment Candidate’s Guide PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS ONTARIO 11

LEVEL (1.1, 1.6, 1.9, 2.3,
5.1, 6.2)

1 2-6 7

4 Has advanced • Carries out respon- • Carries out responsible and • Has completed a good amount of
knowledge of the com- sible and varied varied activities continuing professional development
petency and can carry assignments requir- • Deals with assigned problems activities
out complex activities ing general familiarity by devising new approaches, • Gap analysis is strong; areas of weakness
with minimal super- with a broad field applying existing criteria in are correctly assessed
vision of engineering and new ways, and drawing con- • Has developed an strong professional
knowledge of recip- clusions from comparative development plan; gaps in knowledge
rocal effects of the situations are well addressed
work upon other • Participates in planning to
fields. achieve prescribed objectives
• Solves problems by • May provide guidance to
using a combination junior engineers, technolo-
of standard proce- gists and technicians
dures and devising • Possesses strong skills in this
new approaches competency; above-average
• Deals with assigned ability is apparent
problems by devising • Is typically seen to be working
new approaches, at a fully qualified professional
applying existing engineering level
criteria in new
ways, and drawing
conclusions from
comparative situa-
• Participates in plan-
ning to achieve
prescribed objectives
• May give technical
guidance to junior
engineers, technolo-
gists and technicians
• Is typically seen to
be working at a fully
qualified professional
engineering level

Direct supervision Direct supervision required = Minimal Responsibility and Risk = Significant Complexity of
required = Minimal Candidate’s own work = Considerable

12 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS ONTARIO Competency-Based Assessment Candidate’s Guide

Demonstrates ability to • Applies mature engi- • Carries out activities of • Provides and demon-
5 carry out activities of the neering knowledge in advanced scope and strates leadership in
competency with advanced planning and conducting complexity continuing professional
skills and complexity, with projects having scope for • Independently coordinates development activities
no supervision independent accomplish- difficult and responsible • Gap analysis is excellent;
ment, and coordination of assignments and activities. areas of weakness are very
difficult and responsible • Deals with problems or well assessed
assignments. issues in a mature, creative • Has developed a superior
• Deals with assigned prob- and experienced manner professional development
lems in a mature, creative by modifying established plan to address all gaps
and experienced manner guides, devising new in knowledge and main-
by modifying established approaches, applying tain currency in field
guides, devising new existing criteria in new of practice
approaches, applying ways, and/or drawing • Develops professional
existing criteria in new conclusions from compar- development plans with
ways, and drawing con- ative situations others and may instruct
clusions from comparative • Participates in short- courses as appropriate
situations and long-range planning
• Participates in short- and • Makes independent deci-
long-range planning sions for devising practical
• Makes independent deci- and economical solutions
sions for devising practical to problems
and economical solutions • Possesses superior skills in
• Assigns and outlines work; this competency; provides
advises on more difficult mentorship or supervision
problems and methods of

Direct supervision required Direct supervision required = Autonomous Responsibility and Risk = Total Complexity
= Autonomous of Candidate’s own work = Significant

Competency-Based Assessment Candidate’s Guide PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS ONTARIO 13



1–Technical Competence 3

2–Communication 3

3–Project and Financial Management 2

4–Team Effectiveness 3

5–Professional Accountability (Ethics & Professionalism) 3

6–Social, Economic, Environmental and Sustainability 2

7–Personal Continuing Professional Development 3

14 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS ONTARIO Competency-Based Assessment Candidate’s Guide




CATEGORY 1–TECHNICAL COMPETENCIES (minimum category level required = 3)

COMPETENCY 1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of regulations, codes and standards 3

used in Canada, or the international standard equivalence,
and safety. This includes local engineering procedures and
practices as applicable

COMPETENCY 1.6 Safety awareness: be aware of safety risks inherent in the 3

design; demonstrate safety awareness – on-site and possible
safety authorization/certificate as appropriate

COMPETENCY 1.9 Understand the concept of quality control during design 3

and construction including independent design check and
independent reviews of design, field checks and reviews

CATEGORY 2–COMMUNICATION COMPETENCIES (minimum category level required = 3)

COMPETENCY 2.3 Reading and Comprehension 3

CATEGORY 5–PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY (minimum category level required = 3)

COMPETENCY 5.1 Work with integrity, ethically and within professional standards 3


COMPETENCY 6.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between 2

the engineering activity and the public

Competency-Based Assessment Candidate’s Guide PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS ONTARIO 15

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