25 Great ChatGPT Prompts Final - 0124
25 Great ChatGPT Prompts Final - 0124
25 Great ChatGPT Prompts Final - 0124
Boy was he right. Fast forward to 2024, and Ann has written
nearly 150 articles for Practical Ecommerce, addressing
search engine optimization, content, social media, email,
and now, generative AI.
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1. Generate content ideas.
Add the phrase “Generate content ideas to…” to a ChatGPT prompt. Then state your need.
Examples include:
• Educate customers.
Say a client offered peer-to-peer loans. I would prompt ChatGPT for content ideas for people
looking for loans but not necessarily peer-to-peer, such as:
• “Come up with content ideas to attract consumers looking to borrow money. Exclude the
phrase ‘peer-to-peer loan,’ as many potential borrowers are unfamiliar with this loan type.”
3. Request a format.
Include in your prompt the desired format, such as:
• Listicle,
• FAQ,
• Long-form guide,
• Research paper,
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• Survey,
• Interview,
• Q&A.
You can also prompt ChatGPT for format ideas. Here’s an example:
• “For marketing, I write articles, publish interviews, and create videos. Which other content
formats should I consider?”
• “Think creatively,”
• “My company provides peer-to-peer loans. Generate a list of buyer personas we should target.”
7. General brainstorming.
Ask questions, ponder the answers, and generate follow-up queries. Say I own an ecommerce
site selling pet supplies. I could ask ChatGPT for linkable asset ideas. Here’s an initial prompt:
• “I own an online store selling pet supplies. Generate a list of digital assets I could create to
attract backlinks.”
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Adjust your prompts, such as:
• “Focus on a specific link acquisition audience, such as journalists, bloggers, or Reddit users.”
• “Generate ideas for a single asset type, such as ebooks, infographics, or whitepapers.”
• “I am the owner of an ecommerce site that sells pet supplies. List bloggers and podcasters
who interview entrepreneurs like me.”
• “Where else can I get featured? List all opportunities, not just bloggers or podcasters.”
• “Make it shorter.”
• “You are an ecommerce retail shop selling car parts. Create an email template thanking
your customers for their purchases. Target the email to probable buyer personas.”
• “Make it shorter.”
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11. Produce emails for link-building.
Try these prompts:
• “Write an email to convince an employee at an external site to link to my article [ARTICLE TEXT].“
• “Suggest several subject lines for this unsolicited email that would convince the recipient to
open and read it: [EMAIL TEXT].“
• “You are an ecommerce retail shop selling car parts. Generate ideas to re-engage
customers who haven’t purchased for six months. For every idea, craft an email and a
social media post.”
• “Generate 20 messages to thank customers for positive reviews on Google, Yelp, and
Facebook. Make them short but different.”
• “Generate 15 phrases to display empathy to customers who had a negative experience with
our business.”
• “This is my reply to negative feedback from a customer [TEXT]. Critique my response and
offer suggestions for improving it.”
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16. Create customer surveys.
Crafting an effective customer survey is difficult. The aim is to elicit respondents’ status and
opinions with a minimal number of questions. Here’s a prompt to solicit ChatGPT’s help:
• “You are an ecommerce retail shop selling car parts. You want to survey customers for their
experience with your site. Compose questions for actionable insights that generate a high
Other survey prompts could address specific situations, such as account cancellations or cart
• “You are a customer support person at an ecommerce retail shop selling car parts.
Generate three scenarios of why customers may be unhappy with your product or service.
For each scenario, create a telephone script addressing the unhappy customer.”
Other prompts could refer to a particular occurrence, such as recommending an inferior part or
charging the wrong price.
• “I manage a customer support team at an ecommerce shop selling car parts. I want to test their
customer service skills. Generate a 20-question quiz to test those skills. Include answers.“
Follow up by asking:
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• “Classify those keywords by search intent and frequency.”
• “This is another post on the same topic: [TEXT]. Which keywords are missing based on
your previous analysis?”
• “For both posts, extract and compare keywords from subheadings. Which subheadings are
better optimized?”
Get suggestions for what articles you should include or focus on. A helpful prompt is:
To understand why a post is not ranking well for a query, ask ChatGPT to compare semantically
a higher-ranking page to yours:
• “Compare the previous two articles and create a table listing common and missing
semantic concepts and entities.”
• “Analyze this article [TEXT] and generate Q&As, takeaways, and an editable comparison table.”
• “Create a shorter version of [TEXT] for Linkedin and Medium that entices followers on
those platforms to click through and read the original.”
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23. Generate click-worthy posts for social media.
Try this prompt:
• “Create 10 posts from [TEXT] for Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, and Twitter that entice
followers to click the link to read the article.”
It can even add hashtags when prompted. You need only to add the URL. Prompts can result in
ChatGPT losing the request and offering a summary or analysis instead. In these cases, follow
up with shortened, direct requests.
• “Organize these keywords by intent [KEYWORD LIST] and create a table as output.”
• “Assign search intent to each keyword: [KEYWORD LIST]. Add several intents if applicable.”
• “Group these keywords by topic and subtopics [KEYWORD LIST]. Create as many groups
as needed, but use each keyword only once.”
• “Create an SEO-driven content plan using these keywords [KEYWORD LIST]. Include
several closely related keywords within a single article topic, but use each keyword only
once. Use the table format for the response.”
• “List 20 semantically related terms for each search query [KEYWORD LIST].”
• “Entity optimization: Which related names, places, and entities should an article on
[KEYWORD] mention?”
• “Generate a product description based on these specs [SPECS] and this target keyword
• “What is missing in this content for this keyword [KEYWORD], text [TEXT], and target
• “Based on these target keywords [KEYWORDS], break this article into sections using HTML
subheadings. Use target keywords in the subheadings [ARTICLE TEXT]. Plus, create an on-
page table of contents using those subheadings as HTML anchors.“
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• “Optimize this title [TITLE] for organic search rankings, clickability, and focus keyword
[KEYWORD]. Suggest several options.“
• “Create an SEO content brief based on these queries: primary keyword [KEYWORD],
secondary keywords [SECONDARY KEYWORDS].“
• “Create a meta description for this article [ARTICLE TEXT] and focus keyword
• “Suggest trustworthy research studies, with citations, for an article on this keyword
• “Why does my competitor’s article rank higher than mine in Google search results? My
article: [ARTICLE TEXT]. Competitor’s article: [ARTICLE TEXT].“
• “How can my article be improved for SEO, grammar, and depth [ARTICLE TEXT]?“
• “Generate a video description for this topic [TOPIC] and for this focus keyword
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