Chapter-2-3-Crop Water requirement-AAU-2014
Chapter-2-3-Crop Water requirement-AAU-2014
Chapter-2-3-Crop Water requirement-AAU-2014
• Hence, WR = IR + ER + S + GW
• Where,
IR = Irrigation requirement
ER = Effective rainfall
S = carry over soil moisture in the crop root zone
GW = ground water contribution
Irrigation requirement of Crops
• Irrigation water requirement of crops is defined as
the part of water requirement of crops that should
be fulfilled by irrigation
• In other words, it is the water requirement of crops
excluding effective rain fall, carry over soil moisture
and ground water contributions.
Effective Rainfall (ER)
• Effective rainfall can be defined as the rainfall that
is stored in the root zone and can be utilized by
• All the rainfall that falls is not useful or effective.
• As the total amount of rainfall varies, so does the
amount of useful or effective rainfall.
• Some of the seasonal rainfall that falls will be lost
as unnecessary deep percolation; surface runoff
and some water may remain in the soil after the
crop is harvested.
• From the water requirement of crops point of view,
this water, which is lost, is ineffective.
Effective Rainfall (ER) cont…
• People in different disciplines define effective
rainfall in different ways.
• To a canal irrigation engineer, it is the rainfall
that reaches the storage reservoir,
• to a hydropower engineer, it is the rain fall
that is useful for running the turbines and
• for Ground water engineers or Geo –
hydrologists, it is that portion of the rainfall
that contributes to the ground water reservoir
Effective Rainfall (ER) cont…
• CropWat 4 Windows has four methods for
calculating the effective rainfall from entered
monthly total rainfall data.
- size of field
– climatic factors.
• A) Lysimeter experiment
• Where ,
Tm = mean monthly temperature in oC.
I = annual heat index , obtained from monthly
heat index I of the year
Thornthwaite method
• Solution:
• Step 1. Obtain the monthly heat index, i
• Step 2. Calculate the annual heat index , I
• Step 3 . Determine the constants a & b and
finally estimate PET for each month.
Thornthwaite method
• The monthly heat index is determined
• Calculation
• Tmean = 28.5oC
• W (Table 9) = 0.77
e) Net radiation (Rn).
• Net radiation (Rn) is the difference between
all incoming and out going radiation.
• It can be measured, but such data are rarely
• Rn can be calculated from solar radiation or
sunshine hours (or degree of cloud cover),
temperature and humidity data.
• The amount of radiation received at the top of
the atmosphere (Ra) is dependent on
• - latitude and
• - time of the year only (Table 10).
e) Net radiation (Rn).
• Part of Ra is absorbed and scattered when
passing through the atmosphere the
remainder, including some that is scattered
but reaches the earth’s surface is called the
solar radiation (Rs).
Table 12
• Rnl = {f(T), f(ed), f{n/N)}
Ef = Field canal efficiency
Wp = water delivered to the plot at the head of furrows
and strips
Wf = water delivered to the field channel
iv- Water Use Efficiency
• This shows the yield of the crop per unit
volume of water used.
• It may be expressed in Kg/ or q/
• A. Crop Water Use Efficiency: is the ratio
of the crop yield (Y) to the amount of water
consumptively used by the crop.
= 100 * ( 1- 0.30 ) = 80 %
• Scheduling of irrigation application is very important
for successive plant growth and maturity.
• Water is not applied randomly at any time and in any
• Irrigation scheduling is the schedule in which water is
applied to the field.
• If in an important aspect of an efficient operation of an
irrigation system.
• The scheduling of irrigation can be field irrigation
scheduling and field irrigation supply schedules.
• Field irrigation Scheduling is done at field level.
• The two scheduling parameters of field irrigation
scheduling are the depth of irrigation and interval of
1. Depth of irrigation (d)
• This is the depth of irrigation water that is to be
applied at one irrigation.
• It is the depth of water that can be retained in the
crop root zone b/n the field capacity and the given
depletion of the available moisture content.
• All the water retained in the soil b/n FC and PWP is
not readily available to crops.
• The readily available moisture is only some
percentage of the total available moisture.
• Thus, depth of irrigation is the readily available
portion of the soil moisture. In other words, it is the
depth of irrigation water required to replenish the
soil moisture to field capacity.
• Depth of irrigation (d) is given by
• d(net) = As * D (FC – PWP) * P , m
• Where As = Apparent specific gravity of soil
• D = Effective root zone depth in m
• FC = water content of soil at F.C
• PWP = Water content of soil at PWP
• P = depletion factor
• Because of application lasses such as deep percolation
and runoff losses, the total depth of water to be applied
will be greater than the net depth of water.
• Gross depth of application
ETcrop(peak) is the peak rate of crop evapotranspiration
in m/day.
For the same crop and soil science the ETcrop (peak)
goes on increasing from the initial stage to the
development and mid season stage the interval of
irrigation will go on decreasing and increasing during
rate season stage.
Field Irrigation Supply Schedules (Irrigation
Scheduling in a Command Area)
• This is the schedule of water supply to
individual fields or command area.
• This is a schedule of the total volume of
water to be applied to the soil during
• It depends on crop and soil characteristics.
• It is expressed as: -
Where q= Stream size (application rate ) lit/sec
• t = Application time in sec
• Ea = Application efficiency
• As = Apparent specific gravity
• D = Effective root zone depth ,m
• P = Depletion factor
• A = Area of the command (field) in ha
• From the above equation, if either of the
application time or the stream size fixed, one
of them can be determined.
• In the above equation q.t indicates the total
volume of water applied to the field during
irrigation at the head of the field.
• But the total volume of water diverted at the
headwork will obviously be greater than this
value, because there is loss of water during
conveyance and distribution canals.
Total volume of water diverted at the headwork
• The total volume of water to be diverted is
given by :
• Assignment I