Conduit Vol 15 No 1 (July)
Conduit Vol 15 No 1 (July)
Conduit Vol 15 No 1 (July)
Workshop—Fall Edition 10
Case Study 3
In Memoriam
A tube sample was removed for analysis after repeated
pinhole leaks were experienced in the economizer from
a coal burning, circulating fluidized bed boiler (Figure 8). Arthur H. Tuthill, prominent chemical engineer from
After sectioning the tube, wastage of the tube wall was Blacksburg, Virginia, died February 10, 2015, at the age
observed (Figure 9). Analysis of the external deposits of 95. He graduated from the University of
Virginia as a chemical engineer and earned his
identified primarily iron and oxygen (iron oxide), with master's degree in metallurgy from the Carnegie
some sulfur. A white layer of iron sulfate at the tube Institute of Technology. He worked in corrosion
engineering for Standard Oil, Valco Engineering, and
deposit interface is also typical of dew-point corrosion.
International Nickel, and as a corrosion consultant for
White deposits were observed in the leak area. Tuthill Associates. Art also worked with M&M
Engineering for many years. A prominent and special-
The first temperature at which sulfuric acid condenses ized corrosion engineer, he authored more than 100
depends on the partial pressures of SO3 and water technical papers and received numerous awards in his
vapor, and is usually around 250°F to 300°F. Coal firing field. His contributions to the fields of metallurgy and
corrosion will assist us for years to come; he will be
may have a slightly lower dew point range (250°F - 285° missed.
F) because much of the ash contains alkaline
By: David G. Daniels bacterial respiration are often acidic, and respiration
Sr. Principal Scientist also consumes oxygen causing the base of the biofilm to
be conducive to corrosion of the base metal. This fur-
ther encourages some types of bacteria as they use the
Closed loop cooling systems are integral to the HVAC
oxidized metal in their metabolism. This type of corro-
systems for offices, laboratories, production, and IT ser-
sion is so common that it has its own designation – mi-
vices. They are often in every occupied building, and
crobiologically influenced corrosion (MIC).
run above suspended ceilings over offices, laboratories,
and manufacturing areas, and through floors and con- It is very common for oxygen pitting and MIC to work
duits with other piping and electrical wiring. Leaks in together to corrode piping. Any area of piping that con-
these systems are more than just a nuisance or an in- tains crevices, such as the space between threaded fit-
creased maintenance cost; it can result in lost research, tings, is an excellent area for general oxygen pitting and
ruined or delayed products, inoperable computers, and microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). So
lost time for key personnel. threaded fittings are very common areas for leaks.
In a closed loop system, oxygen pitting is the most com- CLOSED LOOP CHEMICALTREATMENTS
mon type of corrosion. In order for oxygen pitting to Sodium Nitrite
occur, there must first be a deposit which covers a por- Sodium nitrite has been used for many years to prevent
tion of the metal surface, creating a differential between corrosion in a wide variety of closed loop systems. The
the oxygen content underneath the deposit and the ox- mechanism is somewhat interesting in that the nitrite
ygen content in the bulk water. The oxygen deficient molecule itself is an oxidizer and prevents corrosion by
area underneath the deposit becomes the anode, and causing a uniform layer of corrosion products on all car-
the area around the deposit that is exposed to the bulk bon steel surfaces. Since it is an active oxidizer, as long
as there is sufficient nitrite in the system, any area that
water becomes the cathode. This “big cathode, little
begins to create an anode will quickly be oxidized.
anode” configuration causes concentrated and accelerat-
ed pitting in a confined area producing pinhole leaks. However, if there is insufficient nitrite in the chilled wa-
There are two factors that can increase the rate of cor- ter loop, the nitrite corrosion inhibitor can actually ac-
rosion under the deposit. First is the concentration of celerate the rate of corrosion. The general guidelines
chlorides either in the bulk water or underneath the for nitrite-based treatments are for a minimum of 700
deposit. The chlorides accelerate the electron transfer ppm of nitrite.
from the base metal to the bulk water, greatly accelerat- Nitrite treatments traditionally also contain pH buffers
ing the corrosion rate. (caustic and sodium borate) to maintain an alkaline pH,
The second factor that can increase corrosion in a which is conducive to minimizing corrosion in carbon
closed loop system is microbiological. If bacteria are steel. If there is copper in the closed loop system, to-
allowed to propagate inside the closed loop system, lytriazole (TTA) is added to the treatment to maintain a
they can create a “living” deposit that consists primarily protective chemical layer on top of the exposed copper
of exo-polysaccharides and bacteria. The byproducts of metal surfaces.
(Continued on page 6)
Nitrite treatments have a concern in that the nitrite mol- Ironically, in closed loop systems that are very tight, dis-
ecule is the source of energy for certain types of bacte- solved oxygen levels can drop and thus minimize the ef-
ria. If the closed loop system becomes contaminated fectiveness of a molybdate treatment (which requires
with these bacteria, the nitrite level can decrease very dissolved oxygen to form a passive layer). Experts rec-
rapidly leading to corrosion. The nitrite will first be con- ommend a minimum of one ppm of dissolved oxygen in
verted to nitrate by nitrifying bacteria and then denitrify- molybdate-treated systems.
ing bacteria will convert nitrate to ammonia. Ammonia is
very corrosive to copper.
Silicates were the first chemical corrosion protection
Furthermore, the bacteria generate biofilms which pre-
system used in water systems. Silicates are also classified
vent the nitrite treatment from accessing the area under
as anodic inhibitors similar to molybdate. However, the
the deposit. Adding more nitrite only further accelerates
protection mechanism consists more of the formation of
the reproduction of the bacteria making the problem
a filming layer of silicates on top of the carbon steel than
worse. Systems using nitrite should be regularly tested
an interaction directly with the ferrous metal. The sili-
for the presence of bacteria. In some systems, non-
cate layer forms slowly (weeks). Silicates can provide
oxidizing biocides such as glutaraldehyde or isothiazoline
corrosion protection for copper and other metals, as
are added to the treatment to prevent bacterial growth.
well as carbon steel.
Some closed loop systems have also used an oxidizing
biocide, chlorine dioxide, to eliminate bacterial contami- Silicates do not act as a nutrient for biological growth,
nation. which is an advantage they have over nitrites. Silica dep-
osition can occur if the system is over-treated, or in the
Sodium Molybdate
presence of high concentrations of calcium and magnesi-
Molybdate is generally classified as an anodic oxidizing um. The typical treatment level is between 50 and 100
inhibitor. Molybdate works in conjunction with the dis- ppm when used as a stand-alone treatment. Silicates may
solved oxygen in the water to form a protective ferric- also be used in conjunction with other treatments.
molybdate complex on the steel. Molybdate is also
Polymer Treatments
thought to create a negative surface charge on the outer
portion of the protective layer making it more impervi- Polymers have been used for many years to prevent scale
ous to aggressive chloride and sulfate. and corrosion product accumulations in cooling towers
and low pressure boilers. They are also now used in
Molybdate treatments cannot be used where there is a
closed loop systems. The polymer acts as a dispersant
significant hardness in the water (>500 ppm as CaCO3)
for any corrosion products or scale that might form, so it
(the presence of calcium and magnesium measured as
“prevents corrosion” by keeping the surface clean and
7500 ppm a CaCO3). Molybdate treatment levels can be
ensuring that any dissolved oxygen in the water attacks
anywhere between 200 – 800 ppm as molybdate depend-
all surfaces evenly. This produces a general, but overall
ing on the other constituents of the water such as sulfate
low level of corrosion. Current understanding of the
and chloride. Closed loop systems that use demineral-
mechanism is that polymers are a passive treatment—in
ized water makeup would tend to be on the lower end of
other words; they do not react with or cause any active
this range.
chemical change to the surface of the metal to create a
The world supply of molybdate tends to be concentrated passive layer (unlike nitrite and molybdate). Instead, it
in areas of historical political unrest. Therefore, over the presumes that if it can keep the surface clean, a uniform
years molybdate prices have varied dramatically, which oxide layer will form and pitting corrosion will be con-
can in turn make molybdate treatment competitive with trolled.
nitrite, or far more expensive.
In addition to the polymer, these treatments typically
contain pH buffers (caustic and borate) and may include
TTA for copper corrosion protection.
A sporting facility located in a southern state had a natu- Figure 1. Typical corrosion of chilled water piping at the
ral grass field. The movable roof was open to the sun Case Study 1 facility.
problems in the chilled water loop. Corrosion products
broke off and accumulated in narrow portions of the
system, behind valves, and plugged off heat exchangers
that affected the HVAC system. In this particular sys-
tem, the air handling units (AHUs) (Figure 2) contained
enough deposits to prevent proper operation. Remedi-
ation options included mechanical cleaning, chemical
cleaning, and complete replacement of the AHUs.
Preventing Failures in Steam
Generating Equipment
The registration fee for this two day event is $750 (continental breakfast and lunch are included).
The registration deadline is August 14, 2015*. For details, and to register online, visit:
Or contact Lalena Kelly by phone or email for further information:
(512) 407-3775 or [email protected]
*Subject to a minimum number of attendees. Once registered, attendees should confirm workshop before making travel
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