Plphys v179 4 1198
Plphys v179 4 1198
Plphys v179 4 1198
1198 Plant PhysiologyÒ, April 2019, Vol. 179, pp. 1198–1211, Ó 2019 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved.
Judelson and Ah-Fong
rhizosphere. Meanwhile, plants detect and deliver de- Host signals can be sensed by the asexual sporangia
fenses against infection. Plant-oomycete interfaces can since they are fully hydrated and metabolically active
be dynamic, varying with infection stage and as im- prior to germination, unlike most fungal spores, which
mune responses are deployed. Here, we discuss in- are desiccated. While sporangia require only free water
sights into these topics yielded by advances in cell to germinate, this can be hastened by plant signals.
biology, genome analysis, transcriptomics, and protein Studies have shown that Pl. viticola releases zoospores
structure analysis. faster on leaves than in a host-free system (Kiefer et al.,
2002) and that Pythium spp. germination is accelerated
by volatiles, sugars, and amino acids from seeds (Nelson,
1987). Root exudates, or sprouted potato tubers in the
case of Ph. infestans, also stimulate the germination of
Oomycetes employ several types of spores for sexual spores (oospores), which typically stay dormant
dissemination and host infection (Box 1). These in- in soil until a host is present (El-Hamalawi and Erwin,
clude both asexual and sexual spores (McCarren 1986; Pittis and Shattock, 1994). Studies with Ap. euteiches
et al., 2005; Granke et al., 2009). Colonization by indicated that its oospores respond more to host than
the majority of oomycetes begins when an asexual nonhost exudates (Shang et al., 2000). It is intriguing to
sporangium releases zoospores, which encyst and consider that in the future, it may be possible to use plant
form a germ tube (Fig. 1). As discussed below, many signal mimics to cause oospores to undergo suicide
aspects of spore behavior are influenced by plant germination before a crop is planted.
signals. The microbiome also affects spores and can Zoospores exhibit several homing responses, including
attenuate or worsen disease, as described in Box 2 chemotaxis, electrotaxis, host-triggered encystment, and
(Lioussanne et al., 2008; Windstam and Nelson, 2008; germ tube tropism (Deacon and Donaldson, 1993). These
Raaijmakers et al., 2010; Schlatter et al., 2017; Jack contribute to host specificity, especially with root patho-
and Nelson, 2018). gens. For instance, Ap. euteiches zoospores are attracted
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Exchanges at the Plant-Oomycete Interface
specifically to prunetin (Sekizaki et al., 1993), while Ph. before a plant is reached (Mostowfizadeh-Ghalamfarsa
sojae responds to daizein and genistein, which are pro- et al., 2018). Many spore-specific calcium channels and
duced by their respective hosts (Hosseini et al., 2014). calcium-regulated protein phosphatases and kinases
These isoflavones also influence encystment and germ have been identified, although none have been tested for
tube orientation (Morris et al., 1998). Recent data point to a function (Ah-Fong et al., 2017b).
role for G-proteins in these responses. Silencing of the Ph. Chemotaxis also occurs in foliar pathogens, where amino
sojae gene encoding its G-protein a-subunit interfered with acids such as Gln attract zoospores, a process that also
zoospore motility and chemotaxis (Hua et al., 2008), and appears to involve G-proteins (Latijnhouwers et al., 2004).
knockdowns of a G-protein a-subunit-interacting His triad Amino acid signaling may explain why zoospores of Ph.
protein inhibited chemotaxis (Zhang et al., 2016). In addi- infestans and many relatives concentrate near stomata (Dale
tion, encystment was stimulated and cyst germination was and Irwin, 1991). Few Pl. viticola zoospores were drawn to
impaired by knocking down the expression of a protein stomata closed by exogenous abscisic acid, suggesting that
that consists of a G-protein-coupled receptor domain the attractants are soluble or volatile substomatal chemicals.
coupled to a phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinase do- Such behavior is critical to Pl. viticola, which enters leaves
main (Yang et al., 2013). Oomycetes express several novel only through stomata (Kiefer et al., 2002).
G-protein-coupled receptor-like proteins with C-terminal
accessory domains (van den Hoogen et al., 2018).
Pharmacological studies have shown that calcium
influences most aspects of zoospore behavior. This ex-
plains the biology behind the strategy of reducing root
diseases by adding gypsum (calcium sulfate) to soil, As water molds, most oomycetes prefer to grow in
which impairs zoosporogenesis or causes encystment moist environments such as the apoplast. Entry into
1200 Plant Physiol. Vol. 179, 2019
Judelson and Ah-Fong
the plant may occur when zoospores or germ tubes defense-suppressing effectors, and potential adhesion
pass through stomata or other natural openings, proteins (Kebdani et al., 2010).
transit through wounds, or grow between root ep- Mirroring the complexity of the plant cell wall, a typical
idermal cells. Examples include Pl. viticola, which oomycete expresses CWDEs belonging to as many as 28
enters through stomata, Ph. cinnamomi, which can glycosyl hydrolase groups (Blackman et al., 2015). A
move through peridermal gaps, and Ph. infestans, typical species of Phytophthora expresses about 200 genes
which often enters tubers through lenticels. Ph. encoding such proteins. Some of the (hemi)cellulases are
infestans, downy mildews, white rusts, and many predicted to bear glycophosphatidylinositol anchors and
Pythium spp. also penetrate tissue using appresso- probably serve to expand the oomycete wall, which
ria. These swellings form when cyst germ tubes contains mostly cellulose plus b-1,3- and b-1,6-glucans
contact hydrophobic surfaces such as the cuticle, (Mélida et al., 2013). Fewer types of CWDEs are expressed
especially if epidermal cell boundaries or their by biotrophs, as in the case of Albugo laibachii, which lacks
topographic mimics are sensed (Bircher and pectate lyase and pectin esterase (Kemen et al., 2011).
Hohl, 1997). Studies in Ph. infestans and relatives show that CWDEs are
Insight into the biology of oomycete appressoria has expressed in stages during sporulation, germination, and
lagged behind that of fungi. However, a study in Ph. in planta growth (Kebdani et al., 2010; Blackman et al.,
infestans using GFP-labeled F-actin identified an aster- 2015). A less ordered pattern of expression was reported
like structure where appressoria contact the leaf, which for Py. ultimum, which also expressed fewer CWDEs (Ah-
may focus cargo transport to the penetration peg (Kots Fong et al., 2017b). Other differences between Phytoph-
et al., 2017). Also, a basic leucine zipper domain tran- thora and Pythium spp. are highlighted in Box 3. The
scription factor and mitogen-activated protein ki- pattern of CWDE expression in Py. ultimum suggests that
nase were shown to regulate appressorium formation the enzymes of this necrotroph may be used primarily to
(Blanco and Judelson, 2005; Li et al., 2010). Genes burst host cells rather than to digest plant walls for car-
induced in the appressorium stage by Phytophthora bon. Indeed, cellulose is a poor carbon source for most
spp. include cell wall-degrading enzymes (CWDEs), oomycetes (Zerillo et al., 2013). Perhaps advanced
Plant Physiol. Vol. 179, 2019 1201
Exchanges at the Plant-Oomycete Interface
imaging techniques such as superresolution confocal mi- vesicles to discharge a glue-like thrombospondin repeat
croscopy with specific organic fluorophores could be protein toward the plant interface (Robold and
employed to obtain information about carbohydrate Hardham, 2005). A protein containing a Sushi do-
structure at penetration sites, the effects of CWDEs at main, which in animals mediates cell-cell adhesion,
different stages of infection, and polymer rearrangements reaches the plant surface from other zoospore vesicles
resulting from plant defenses. by kiss-and-run exocytosis (Zhang et al., 2013). Sticky
Most stages of infection require adherence of the substances also are released from germ tubes. The
pathogen to the host. Zoospores turn their ventral downy mildew Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis was
grooves toward the host prior to encystment, allowing shown to secrete proteins and fibrillar b-1,3-glucans
These two genera have distinct lifestyles For example, Py. ultimum expresses its secreted
despite being close neighbors in oomycete proteases and necrosis-inducing NLP proteins at
phylogenies. While most Pythium spp. are much higher levels than Ph. infestans (Fig. 2). In
aggressive cosmopolitan necrotrophs, contrast, inhibitors of host proteases are
Phytophthora spp. are hemibiotrophs and are expressed more by Ph. infestans. Catalase genes
often host-specific. Phytophthora spp. grow are expressed less by Py. ultimum, which suggests
primarily in the apoplast, which limits injuries to that eliminating peroxide delivered by the host to
host cells and minimizes the production of the pathogenic interface is not critical to its
damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), lifestyle.
which would otherwise induce host defenses. Patterns of metabolic gene expression in
Host damage during the formation of haustoria, Ph. infestans and Py. ultimum also reflect their
which are not made by Pythium, is also minimal divergent lifestyles. A consequence of the stealthy
since the openings in the plant wall are only a few apoplastic mode of growth of Phytophthora is
microns in diameter. Imm une responses are also restricted access to nutrients. Thus, Ph. infestans
reduced since PRRs are excluded from the EHM. expresses at higher levels many genes needed to
Only towards the end of the disease cycle do synthesize metabolites that are at low
Phytophthora spp. exhibit signs of necrotrophy. In concentrations in the apoplast. Examples include
contrast, Pythium spp. seem to go full-speed genes that encode enzymes for making amino
ahead with a strategy of lysing host cells and acids such as arginine, nucleotides, and cofactors
extracting nutrients. such as coenzyme A (Fig. 2; Ah-Fong et al., 2017b
Some differences between the taxa are and H. Judelson and A. Ah-Fong, unpublished
due to variation in gene content. For example, results). In contrast, mRNA levels of genes
Pythium spp. lack the RXLR and CRN proteins that encoding enzymes that use nutrients that are
Phytophthora use to suppress host defenses. normally sequestered in plant cells but released
Moreover, only Pythium spp. encode the pore- during necrotrophy are much higher in Py.
forming toxins known as perforins. Other ultimum than Ph. infestans. Examples include
differences are reflected in the expression lipase, RNase, amylase for digesting starch, and
patterns of genes shared by Ph. infestans and Py. enzymes for assimilating sulfate.
ultimum, as seen during potato tuber colonization
(Ah-Fong et al., 2017b).
that bind its germ tubes to the substratum (Carzaniga that NLPs destabilize the host plasmalemma (Lenarčič
et al., 2001). This may help resist detachment by wind or et al., 2017). Oomycetes are immune to NLPs, since the
rain or protect against desiccation. Other potential ad- latter are specific for dicotyledonous sphingolipids. An
hesion proteins include mucin-like proteins (Larousse NLP from Phytophthora parasitica was shown to elicit
et al., 2014), jacalin-like and cellulose-binding elicitor defenses in crucifers, which suggests that some NLPs
(CBEL) lectins (Gaulin et al., 2002), and the ACWP affect plant cells both as pore-forming toxins and in-
family of acidic wall proteins (Resjö et al., 2017). Ab- ducers of PTI (Böhm et al., 2014).
normal appressoria resulted from the knockdown of Receptors for three oomycete PAMPs are known. The
ACWP genes, suggesting that they contribute to adhe- infestin elicitin of Ph. infestans and related proteins are
sion or wall integrity. Knockdowns of CBEL showed recognized in potato by elicitin response protein (ELR),
that it helped hyphae bind to cellulosic substances but a plasmalemma-associated factor that associates with
was not essential for pathogenicity (Gaulin et al., 2002). SUPPRESSOR OF BIR1-1 (SOBIR1), which is a leucine-
gene silencing using small RNAs targeting oomycete and knockdowns in tomato and N. benthamiana to de-
genes (Govindarajulu et al., 2015; Jahan et al., 2015). fend against Ph. infestans (Song et al., 2009; Kaschani
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are delivered to plant- et al., 2010). Ph. infestans and relatives antagonize
oomycete interfaces through several pathways. ROS are these using effectors such as extracellular cystatin-like
derived from wall-bound peroxidases, respiratory protease inhibitor 1 (EPIC1). Studies of EPIC1 from Ph.
burst oxidase homologs in plasmalemma, and glycolate infestans and Phytophthora mirabilis (which infects Mir-
oxidase in peroxisomes, which move to infection sites abilis jalapa) and the host proteases were performed,
during cytoskeletal remodeling (Marino et al., 2012). guided by the crystal structure of a related protease-
ROS from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) roots have been inhibitor complex. Amino acid changes in EPIC1 were
implicated in blocking infection by Ph. parasitica zoo- implicated in helping the pathogens jump to new host
spores, which interestingly die through programmed species (Dong et al., 2014). Orthologs of EPIC1 genes
cell death (Galiana et al., 2005). Besides being antimi- occur in downy mildew, white rust, and Pythium spp.
the secretion of C14 protease (Bozkurt et al., 2011). (Fig. 1). These specialized hyphae breach host cell walls
RxLR24 of Phytophthora brassicae interferes with the de- and become enveloped by a host membrane called the
livery of antimicrobial proteins such as PR-1 by attaching extrahaustorial membrane (EHM). Between the haus-
to a GTPase involved in exocytosis (Tomczynska et al., torium and EHM is a carbohydrate-rich amorphous
2018). Trafficking also is blocked by Avr1 of Ph. infestans, layer called the extrahaustorial matrix (EHMx), which
which binds exocyst protein SEC5 (Du et al., 2015), REX3 likely is of plant and pathogen origin (Caillaud et al.,
of Ph. palmivora, which interferes with brefeldin-sensitive 2014). Little is known about how haustoria form
secretion (Evangelisti et al., 2017), and PexRD54 of Ph. and function in oomycetes, including how the host
infestans, which depletes the Joka2 cargo protein from the machinery is coopted during their genesis and what
autophagosomal membrane-forming ATG8 complex limits their expansion; most haustoria are less than
(Dagdas et al., 2016). The latter is interesting since the 25 mm long.
pathogen may be hijacking autophagosomes to destroy Recent studies with Ph. infestans and H. arabidopsidis
These are common with H. arabidopsidis but are seen less reduced metabolic capabilities and, thus, a greater re-
with Ph. infestans. Encasements might restrict the liance on the host. While species of Phytophthora and
pathogen’s uptake of nutrients, impair effector trans- Pythium each encode approximately 850 enzyme ac-
location, or concentrate plant-derived antimicrobials. tivities based on Enzyme Commission numbers, H.
The EHM appears to have small invaginations, which arabidopsidis and Al. candida encode only about 740 and
also may promote its stability (Mims et al., 2004). The 650, respectively (Judelson, 2017). These obligate bio-
formation of these convolutions appears to involve trophs lack genes for nitrate assimilation and have
PDLP1, since they increased when PDLP1 was over- impaired abilities to incorporate inorganic sulfur due to
expressed (Caillaud et al., 2014). a lack of sulfite oxidase or reductase.
Although the contribution of oomycete haustoria to The metabolic deficiencies in the (hemi)biotrophs
nutrient uptake is unclear, as discussed in the next may help suppress immune responses, besides pro-
section, the role of this structure in transporting pro- viding potential energy savings to the pathogen. The
genomics, but research into other oomycetes has lag- Boubakri H, Chong J, Poutaraud A, Schmitt C, Bertsch C, Mliki A,
Masson JE, Soustre-Gacougnolle I (2013) Riboflavin (vitamin B-2) in-
ged. It is unfortunate that Pythium spp. have remained
duces defence responses and resistance to Plasmopara viticola in grape-
little studied despite their large agricultural impact, for vine. Eur J Plant Pathol 136: 837–855
example. Most Pythium spp. are easily cultured, so it Bouwmeester K, de Sain M, Weide R, Gouget A, Klamer S, Canut H,
should be possible for a new generation of researchers Govers F (2011) The lectin receptor kinase LecRK-I.9 is a novel Phy-
to improve our understanding of the genus. Studying tophthora resistance component and a potential host target for a RXLR
effector. PLoS Pathog 7: e1001327
the breadth of oomycetes is important since crop pro- Bozkurt TO, Schornack S, Win J, Shindo T, Ilyas M, Oliva R, Cano LM,
tection solutions developed for one group may not Jones AME, Huitema E, van der Hoorn RAL, et al (2011) Phytophthora
translate to others. infestans effector AVRblb2 prevents secretion of a plant immune prote-
ase at the haustorial interface. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108: 20832–20837
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