2016 Risk Reintubation
2016 Risk Reintubation
2016 Risk Reintubation
Objective: To determine the prevalence of and risk factors associated with the
need for mechanical ventilation in children following cardiac surgery and the
need for subsequent reintubation after the initial extubation attempt.
Methods: Patients younger than 18 years who underwent cardiac operations for
congenital heart disease at one of the participating pediatric intensive care units
(ICUs) in the Virtual PICU Systems (VPS), LLC, database were included
(2009-2014). Multivariable logistic regression models were fitted to identify
factors likely associated with mechanical ventilation and reintubation. Prevalence of reintubation with increasing length of
Results: A total of 27,398 patients from 62 centers were included. Of these, 6810 ICU stay among the study patients.
patients (25%) were extubated in the operating room (OR), whereas 20,588
patients (75%) arrived intubated in the ICU. Of the patients who were extubated Central Message
in the OR, 395 patients (6%) required reintubation. In contrast, 2054 patients Although the prevalence of extubation in the
operating room is low, it is associated with
(10%) required reintubation among the patients arriving intubated postopera- low complication rate.
tively in the ICU. In adjusted models, patient characteristics, patients undergoing
high-complexity operations, and patients undergoing operations in lower-volume Perspective
centers were associated with higher likelihood for the need for postoperative Our data suggest that both odds of mechanical
mechanical ventilation and need for reintubation. Furthermore, the prevalence ventilation and odds of reintubation following
of mechanical ventilation and reintubation was lower among the centers with a pediatric cardiac surgery are a function of pa-
dedicated cardiac ICU in propensity-matched analysis among centers with and tient characteristics, surgical risk category, cen-
without a dedicated cardiac ICU. ter volume, and presence of a dedicated cardiac
ICU. We also demonstrated that approximately
Conclusions: This multicenter study suggests that proportion of patients one-quarter of patients are extubated in the
extubated in the OR after heart operation is low. These data further suggest operating room with low rate of reintubation
and low mortality.
that extubation in the OR can be done successfully with a low complication
rate. (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2015;-:1-8)
Patient Population
Abbreviations and Acronyms This analysis focused on 5 years (2009-2014) of de-identified data
available in the VPS database. Patients younger than 18 years who
CPB ¼ cardiopulmonary bypass underwent operations (with or without cardiopulmonary bypass) for
ECMO ¼ extracorporeal membrane congenital heart disease at one of the participating PICUs in the VPS
oxygenation database were included. Cases were classified on the basis of the first
ICU ¼ intensive care unit cardiovascular operation of each hospital admission (the index operation).
MV ¼ mechanical ventilation The resultant patient population included 40,903 patients from 64 centers.
Patients undergoing surgical closure of an isolated patent ductus arteriosus
OR ¼ operating room (n ¼ 360), and patients with no documented index operation (n ¼ 4224)
PIM ¼ Pediatric Index of Mortality were excluded from the study population. Patients whose operation was
PRISM ¼ Pediatric Risk of Mortality not classified into one of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons–European
STS-EACTS ¼ Society of Thoracic Surgeons– Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery (STS-EACTS) Mortality
European Association for Categories (category 1, lowest mortality risk; category 5, highest mortality
risk) (n ¼ 8921) were also excluded.10 The study exclusions applied in our
Cardiothoracic Surgery study were similar to other studies in pediatric cardiac surgical population
from STS database.11,12 The final study population therefore included
27,398 patients from 62 centers (Figure 1).
unravels the factors contributing to the risk of extubation For study purposes, the study population was divided into 2 groups:
failure could affect outcomes and reduce costs. patients extubated in the OR, and patients arriving intubated in the ICU.
Previous studies evaluating early extubation (and success Reintubation was defined as need for MV after initial extubation attempt
associated with early extubation) consisted primarily of either in the OR or in the ICU during the same hospital stay. Data on
demographics, patient diagnoses, conventional MV, severity of illness
single-center reports in selected patient populations.1-5
scores, and outcomes were collected. Specific demographic and severity
Some of these studies excluded young patients, patients of illness data included age, gender, developmental disorder, failure to
undergoing complex surgical repair, and patients requiring thrive, genetic disorder, low birth weight, Pediatric Index of Mortality 2
prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass a priori from their (PIM-2) score,13 and Pediatric Risk of Mortality III (PRISM III) score.14
study population.9 For this reason, there is limited informa- Data were also collected on the use of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB)
pump during the cardiac surgery, use of extracorporeal membrane
tion in a multi-institutional patient population involving
oxygenation (ECMO) after cardiac surgery, heart transplantation, ICU
children with varying surgical complexity and across centers length of stay, and ICU mortality. Patients were grouped into 2 surgical
with varied surgical volume. risk categories on the basis of the 5 STS-EACTS Mortality categories
To address these knowledge gaps, this study was (with categories 1, 2, and 3 classified as ‘‘low’’ risk and categories 4 and
designed to evaluate the prevalence of and risk factors 5 classified as ‘‘high’’ risk).10,11 Patients receiving orthotopic heart
transplantation with or without congenital heart surgery were classified
associated with the need for MV following cardiac surgery
in the heart transplantation category. Center characteristics were also
in a large, multi-institutional patient population using the collected, including presence of dedicated cardiovascular ICU, annual
Virtual PICU Systems, LLC (VPS) database, a pediatric discharges per center, and annual cardiac surgery cases per year.
critical care network of a diverse set of hospitals caring
for critically ill children. A secondary aim of this study Statistical Analysis
was to evaluate the prevalence of and risk factors for Descriptive statistics were expressed as median (first quartile, third
reintubation after the initial extubation attempt either in quartile) for continuous variables, and percentage (frequency) for
the OR or in the ICU. categorical variables. The distributions of continuous variables of 2 groups
(with and without MV) were compared by using the Kruskal-Wallis tests,
whereas the proportions of categorical variables were compared using a c2
MATERIALS AND METHODS test. Multivariable mixed effects logistic regression models were fitted to
Data Source identify factors likely associated with MV and reintubation (both binary
The VPS is an online pediatric critical care network formed by NACHRI outcomes) after adjustment for other risk factors. Model goodness-of-fit
(National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Institutions, now was assessed by using the ratio of the generalized c2 statistic to its degrees
part of Children’s Hospital Association), Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, of freedom and its discriminative ability was measured using the
and Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin to develop a Web-based database with C-statistic.
prospective data collection using standardized clinical data definitions, data We used bootstrap bagging to identify factors associated with each of
quality control, and data analysis. The VPS database is a prospective the 2 outcomes. We generated 199 bootstrap samples of the dataset with
observational cohort of consecutive pediatric ICU (PICU) admissions replacement from the original data and fit multivariable models on each
from a diverse set of hospitals caring for children in the United States. of these simulated datasets. The bootstrap estimates of the odds ratios
Data are collected and entered by trained individuals. VPS performs initial were obtained by aggregating (mean) the estimates obtained from these
and quarterly interrater reliability (IRR) testing. The IRR concordance in 199 bootstrap samples. The 95% bootstrap confidence intervals for the
the VPS database is consistently above 95%. Extensive quality validation odds ratios were obtained by obtaining the 2.5th and the 97.5th percentiles
is performed by VPS staff before release of the data for analysis. To of the bootstrap distribution.15
participate in the VPS database, the individual institutions require All predictor variables were checked for multicollinearity. PRISM III
institutional review board (IRB) approval. The University of Arkansas for was significantly correlated with PIM 2 score (r ¼ 0.42, P <.0001), and
Medical Sciences IRB for the protection of human subjects reviewed the was therefore not included in the model. Heart transplant, arrhythmia,
study protocol that involves querying de-identified patient data and deter- cardiac bypass (associated with high complexity cases, P < .0001),
mined that it does not fall under the jurisdiction of the IRB review process. developmental disorder, and failure to thrive (associated with genetic
FIGURE 1. Study population. STS-EACTS, Society of Thoracic Surgeons–European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery; PDA, patent ductus
arteriosus; ICU, intensive care unit.
syndrome, P<.0001) were thus not included in either of the multivariable ICU after their heart operation. The median duration of
models. The final model for MV included the following patient-specific MV among children arriving intubated in the ICU was
variables: age at surgery (months), gender (male/female), weight-for-age
z-score, PIM-2 score, low birth weight, genetic syndrome, high-
2 days (interquartile range [IQR] 1-5). Overall mortality
complexity cases, acute lung injury, pulmonary hypertension, and more for the study population was 743 patients (3%). Most study
than one surgery. In addition to these variables, the model for reintubation patients were located in a dedicated cardiac ICU (61%,
included duration of first MV (days), high-frequency oscillatory ventila- 16,767 patients). The annual center volume for the study
tion, ECMO, cardiac arrest, chylothorax, diaphragm, renal failure, population was 152 cardiac surgery cases per center (IQR
seizures, sepsis, and brain hemorrhage. Presence of a dedicated cardiac
ICU and average annual cardiac surgery cases per center were the 2
center-specific variables included in both the models. Restricted cubic Of the study patients, 2449 (9%) required reintubation
splines were used to model all continuous variables to allow for nonlinear after the initial extubation attempt either in the OR or in
association of the variable on the log odds of the outcome. A generalized the ICU during the same hospital stay. The median time
estimating equations type analysis was performed to take into account to reintubation was 1 day (IQR 0-3) after the initial
the clustering of patients into different centers.
We compared incidence of MV and reintubation among patients with
extubation attempt. Of the 6810 patients extubated in the
and without a dedicated cardiac ICU by using propensity score matching. OR, 395 (6%) required reintubation in the ICU. In contrast,
First the probability of a patient being seen in a center with a dedicated 2054 patients (10%) required reintubation among the
cardiac ICU was obtained by using a logistic regression model as a function remaining 20,588 patients requiring MV postoperatively
of patient- and center-level risk factors used in the multivariable models in the ICU. The incidence of reintubation was higher among
discussed. Then, each patient in the dedicated cardiac ICU group was
1:1 matched with a patient in the no cardiac ICU group based on the logit
patients undergoing high-complexity operations compared
of the propensity score. The caliper used in the matching was chosen such with patients undergoing low-complexity operations
that all variables used in the matching process were balanced between the 2 (18% vs 6%, P<.0001) (Figure 1). The median ICU length
groups (standardized difference of 0.10 or less).16 Incidence of MV and of stay in children requiring reintubation was 22 days (IQR
reintubation were compared between the 2 matched groups using the 11-47) compared with 4 days (IQR 3-8) among patients not
McNemar test for paired dichotomous outcomes. Statistical software
used for analysis included R 3.0.2 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing,
requiring reintubation during their hospital stay. The
Vienna, Austria) and SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute, Inc, Cary, NC). All tests were mortality was higher among patients requiring reintubation
2-sided assuming a significance level of 5%. compared with patients who were not reintubated during
their hospital stay (11% vs 2%). The proportion of patients
reintubated increased with increasing ICU length of stay
RESULTS (Figure 2).
A total of 27,398 patients from 62 centers were included. Patient characteristics, center data, and unadjusted
Of these, 6810 patients (25%) were extubated in the OR, outcomes among the patients extubated in the OR and
whereas 20,588 patients (75%) arrived intubated in the patients arriving intubated in the ICU are displayed in
FIGURE 2. Prevalence of reintubation with increasing length of ICU stay among the study patients. ICU, Intensive care unit; OR, operating room.
Table 1. Patients who arrived intubated in the ICU were cardiac ICU (Table 3). Independent risk factors associated
younger, smaller, more likely to have preoperative risk with the need for reintubation after initial extubation
factors, and had a higher PIM-2 score and a higher PRISM included younger age, lower weight-for-age z-score,
III score. Patients arriving intubated in the ICU underwent presence of genetic disorder, pulmonary hypertension,
more complex operations, and were associated with higher having received operations of higher complexity, need for
need for reoperation and increased use of ECMO after reoperation, acute lung injury, higher PIM-2 score, presence
cardiac surgery. Patients needing intubation after cardiac of postoperative complications (such as cardiac arrest,
surgery were associated with higher incidence of acute chylothorax, diaphragm paralysis, seizures, sepsis), use of
lung injury, pulmonary hypertension, cardiac arrest, high-frequency oscillatory ventilation, use of ECMO,
chylothorax, diaphragm paralysis, seizures, and sepsis. extubation in the OR, longer duration of MV before initial
The unadjusted mortality was higher among patients extubation, and presence of a dedicated cardiac ICU
arriving intubated in the ICU compared with patients (Table 4). The ratio of the generalized c2 statistic and its
extubated in the OR. degrees of freedom were 1.28 and 0.90 respectively for the
Table 2 demonstrates the prevalence of MV and 2 models predicting MV and reintubation. The C-statistic
reintubation among the patients extubated in the OR and pa- for the 2 generalized linear mixed effects regression models
tients arriving intubated in the ICU for 8 STS benchmark were 0.89 and 0.84, respectively, indicating very good
operations. The highest prevalence of extubation in the discriminative and predictive ability for the model.
OR was among the patients undergoing Fontan operation Furthermore, we evaluated the association of a dedicated
and ventricular septal defect (VSD) closure. The highest cardiac ICU with need for MV and need for reintubation.
prevalence of reintubation was noted among the patients Propensity models for the need for MV and need for
undergoing the Norwood operation and truncus arteriosus reintubation are depicted in Tables E1 and E2. In matched
repair. sample, the prevalence of MV and reintubation was lower
After adjusting for patient characteristics, surgical among the centers with a dedicated cardiac ICU (cardiac
complexity, and center volume, independent risk factors ICU vs other ICU, MV: 78% vs 88%, reintubation: 7%
associated with need for MV included younger age, lower vs 10%) (Table E3).
weight-for-age z-score, low birth weight, presence of
genetic disorder, pulmonary hypertension, having received DISCUSSION
operations of higher complexity, need for reoperation, acute Data from this large, multicenter study establish that
lung injury, higher PIM-2 score, and presence of a dedicated approximately one-quarter of patients undergoing heart
Arrhythmias 27,396 1335 (19.6%) 3268 (15.9%) <.001
Acute lung injury 27,396 859 (12.6%) 6813 (33.1%) <.001
Pulmonary hypertension 27,396 131 (1.9%) 1265 (6.1%) <.001
Cardiac arrest 27,396 55 (0.8%) 631 (3.1%) <.001
Chylothorax 27,396 42 (0.6%) 301 (1.5%) <.001
Diaphragm paralysis 27,396 95 (1.4%) 495 (2.4%) <.001
Use of hemodialysis catheter 27,398 10 (0.1%) 84 (0.4%) <.001
Renal failure 27,396 57 (0.8%) 748 (3.6%) <.001
Seizures 27,396 160 (2.4%) 586 (2.8%) .02
Sepsis 27,396 26 (0.4%) 256 (1.2%) <.001
Brain hemorrhage 27,396 13 (0.2%) 116 (0.6%) <.001
Unadjusted outcomes
ICU mortality 27,398 44 (0.6%) 699 (3.4%) <.001
ICU length of stay 27,398 3 (2, 5) 6 (3, 12) <.001
Center data <.001
Dedicated cardiac ICU 27,398 4706 (69.1%) 12,061 (58.6%) <.001
Annual cardiac surgery per center 27,397 309 (211, 571) 295 (185, 525) <.001
Continuous variables are summarized by the triplet of quartiles 50th (25th, 75th). Categorical variables are summarized as n (%). OR, Operating room; ICU, intensive care unit;
PIM, Pediatric Index of Mortality; PRISM, Pediatric Risk of Mortality; HFOV, high-frequency oscillatory ventilation; CPB, cardiopulmonary bypass; ECMO, extracorporeal
membrane oxygenation; STS-EACTS, Society of Thoracic Surgeons–European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery.
operations are extubated in the OR, whereas approximately Although the ideal approach for patients undergoing car-
three-quarters of patients arrive intubated postoperatively in diac surgery should be extubation in the OR, this approach
the ICU. In addition, approximately 9% of patients require may be associated with some grave consequences.1,2 Some
reintubation after their initial extubation attempt. These of these consequences include significant hemodynamic
data suggest that both odds of MV, and odds of reintubation instability, sudden cardiac arrest, massive catecholamine
after cardiac surgery are a function of patient characteris- surge, and pulmonary hypertensive crisis, unnecessary
tics, surgical risk category, and center volume. Furthermore, airway trauma, increased risk for nosocomial infections, and
we demonstrated that patients arriving intubated in the ICU prolonged duration of MV and ICU length of stay.6-8,17,18
after cardiac surgery are associated with increased ICU Our study, therefore, identified risk factors associated with
mortality and increased ICU length of stay. the need of MV outside the OR. In our multi-institutional
cohort, younger, smaller patients with increased preoperative than the other ICU models. Better outcomes in the cardiac
risk factors, patients associated with higher severity of illness ICU also may be related to other factors, such as training
scores, and patients undergoing high-complexity operations and availability of personnel and use of standardized
were associated with higher likelihood for MV outside the management protocols.19,20
OR. Most of these factors are consistent with other single- There are both advantages and disadvantages of
institution studies in which younger and smaller patients continuing MV outside the OR after pediatric cardiac
with complex repairs required MV after cardiac surgery.1,2
A primary determinant of extubation success is the need TABLE 4. Risk factors associated with need for reintubation after
for reintubation. Reintubation rates after pediatric cardiac pediatric heart surgery in multivariable models
present report represents the most inclusive evaluation, with The authors thank the Office of Grants and Scientific Publica-
data from 62 pediatric heart centers. We were also limited to tions for their editorial assistance.
consideration of variables collected in the VPS database.
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APPENDIX 1. SUPPLEMENTARY ONLINE Table E1. Propensity model for risk factors associated
CONTENT with need for mechanical ventilation based on loca-
Gupta P, Rettiganti M, Gossett JM, Yeh JC, Jeffries HE, tion of the patient ...............8.e2
Rice TB, Wetzel RC. Risk factors for mechanical Table E2. Propensity model for risk factors associated
ventilation and reintubation after pediatric heart surgery. with need for reintubation based on location of
the patient................8.e3
TABLE OF CONTENTS Table E3. Study outcomes based on location of patients
Figure E1. Center Volume and proportion of patients after cardiac surgery...............8.e3
receiving mechanical ventilation for the VPS study
center.................... 8.e2
FIGURE E1. Center volume and proportion of patients receiving mechanical ventilation for the Virtual PICU Systems, LLC, study centers.
TABLE E1. Propensity model for risk factors associated with need for mechanical ventilation based on location of the patient
Unmatched Matched
Cardiac ICU Other ICU Cardiac Other ICU
Variable (n ¼ 16,767) (n ¼ 10,631) Std Diff ICU (n ¼ 3634) (n ¼ 3634) Std Diff
Age at surgery (mo) 36.6 (54.8) 38.8 (56.6) 0.04 37.3 (56.7) 35.1 (53.7) 0.03
Male gender 9205 (54.9%) 5891 (55.4%) 0.01 2022 (55.6%) 2038 (56.1%) 0.008
Weight-for-age Z-score 0.9 (1.4) 0.9 (1.4) 0.001 0.9 (1.4) 1.0 (1.4) 0.01
Developmental disorder 471 (2.8%) 315 (3%) 0.01 109 (3%) 90 (2.5%) 0.03
Failure to thrive 1601 (9.5%) 839 (7.9%) 0.05 210 (5.8%) 232 (6.4%) 0.02
Genetic disorder 3039 (18.1%) 1906 (17.9%) 0.005 659 (18.1%) 656 (18.1%) 0.002
Low birth weight 1008 (6%) 428 (4%) 0.09 148 (4.1%) 145 (4%) 0.004
Acute Lung Injury 3951 (23.6%) 3721 (35%) 0.25 1407 (38.7%) 1467 (40.4%) 0.03
Pulmonary hypertension 686 (4.1%) 710 (6.7%) 0.11 189 (5.2%) 210 (5.8%) 0.02
PIM-2 score 3.8 (1.3) 3.8 (1.3) 0.05 3.7 (1.3) 3.6 (1.1) 0.02
High-complexity operations 4413 (26.3%) 2617 (24.6%) 0.03 941 (25.9%) 1027 (28.3%) 0.05
Heart transplantation 443 (2.6%) 57 (0.5%) 0.16 69 (1.9%) 54 (1.5%) 0.03
Need for reoperation 2242 (13.4%) 1553 (14.6%) 0.03 601 (16.5%) 693 (19.1%) 0.06
Annual cardiac surgery per center 442 (146) 179 (110) 2.02 277 (30) 273 (48) 0.09
ICU, Intensive care unit; PIM-2, Pediatric Index of Mortality; Std Diff, standardized difference.
TABLE E2. Propensity model for risk factors associated with need for reintubation based on location of the patient
Unmatched Matched
Cardiac ICU Other ICU Cardiac Other ICU
Variable (n ¼ 16,767) (n ¼ 10,631) Std Diff ICU (n ¼ 3638) (n ¼ 3638) Std Diff
Age at surgery (mo) 36.6 (54.8) 38.8 (56.6) 0.03 36.5 (55.4) 36.7 (54.8) 0.004
Male gender 9205 (54.9%) 5891 (55.4%) 0.01 2021 (55.1%) 2045 (55.8%) 0.01
Weight-for-age Z-score 0.9 (1.4) 0.96 (1.5) 0.001 0.99 (1.4) 1.00 (1.5) 0.006
Development disorder 471 (2.8%) 315 (3%) 0.009 101 (2.8%) 89 (2.4%) 0.02
Failure to thrive 1601 (9.5%) 839 (7.9%) 0.05 237 (6.5%) 232 (6.3%) 0.01
Genetic disorder 3039 (18.1%) 1906 (17.9%) 0.005 659 (18%) 662 (18.1%) 0.003
Low birth weight 1008 (6%) 428 (4%) 0.09 142 (3.9%) 134 (3.7%) 0.01
Pulmonary hypertension 686 (4.1%) 710 (6.7%) 0.11 177 (4.8%) 192 (5.2%) 0.02
PIM-2 score 3.8 (1.3) 3.88 (1.4) 0.06 3.74 (1.2) 3.66 (1.5) 0.06
Arrhythmia 3056 (18.2%) 1547 (14.6%) 0.09 633 (17.3%) 613 (16.7%) 0.009
Acute lung injury 3951 (23.6%) 3721 (35%) 0.25 1418 (38.7%) 1473 (40.2%) 0.03
Cardiac arrest 435 (2.6%) 251 (2.4%) 0.01 68 (1.9%) 75 (2%) 0.01
Chylothorax 229 (1.4%) 114 (1.1%) 0.02 16 (0.4%) 18 (0.5%) 0.004
Diaphragm paralysis 407 (2.4%) 183 (1.7%) 0.04 67 (1.8%) 59 (1.6%) 0.01
Renal failure 584 (3.5%) 221 (2.1%) 0.08 69 (1.9%) 80 (2.2%) 0.02
Seizures 499 (3%) 247 (2.3%) 0.04 76 (2.1%) 83 (2.3%) 0.01
Sepsis 177 (1.1%) 105 (1%) 0.007 21 (0.6%) 27 (0.7%) 0.01
Brain hemorrhage 91 (0.5%) 38 (0.4%) 0.02 10 (0.3%) 15 (0.4%) 0.02
High complexity operations 4413 (26.3%) 2617 (24.6%) 0.04 940 (25.6%) 1006 (27.4%) 0.03
Need for reoperation 2242 (13.4%) 1553 (14.6%) 0.03 568 (15.5%) 660 (18%) 0.07
Heart transplantation 443 (2.6%) 57 (0.5%) 0.17 60 (1.6%) 50 (1.4%) 0.02
Use of ECMO 588 (3.5%) 380 (3.6%) 0.003 150 (4.1%) 146 (4%) 0.002
Use of HFOV 79 (0.5%) 109 (1%) 0.06 20 (0.5%) 23 (0.6%) 0.007
Duration of MV before reintubation 3.73 (9.5) 3.67 (9.1) 0.007 3.89 (7.2) 3.92 (8.7) 0.003
Extubated in OR 4706 (28.1%) 2104 (19.8%) 0.19 667 (18.2%) 568 (15.5%) 0.07
Annual cardiac surgery per center 442 (146) 179 (110) 2.02 276 (30) 272 (50) 0.09
ICU, Intensive care unit; PIM-2, Pediatric Index of Mortality; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; HFOV, high-frequency oscillatory ventilation; MV, mechanical
ventilation; OR, operating room; Std Diff, standardized difference.
TABLE E3. Study outcomes based on location of patients after cardiac surgery
Unmatched Matched*
Cardiac ICU Other ICU Cardiac ICU Other ICU
Variable (n ¼ 16,767) (n ¼ 10,631) P value (n ¼ 3634) (n ¼ 3634) P value
Need for mechanical 12,061 (71.9%) 8527 (80.2%) <.0001 2846 (78.3%) 3199 (88.0%) <.0001
000 Risk factors for mechanical ventilation and reintubation after pediatric heart
Punkaj Gupta, MBBS, Mallikarjuna Rettiganti, PhD, Jeffrey M. Gossett, MS, Justin C. Yeh, MD,
Howard E. Jeffries, MD, MBA, Tom B. Rice, MD, and Randall C. Wetzel, MBBS, Little Rock, Ark,
San Diego and Los Angeles, Calif, Seattle, Wash, Milwaukee, Wis
Although the prevalence of extubation in the operating room is low, it is associated with low
complication rate.