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International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

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International Journal of Information Management

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People analytics—A scoping review of conceptual boundaries and value T

Aizhan Tursunbayevaa,b, , Stefano Di Lauroc, Claudia Pagliaria

eHealth Research Group, Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences and Informatics, The University of Edinburgh, Teviot Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9AG, UK
University of Molise, Via Francesco De Sanctis, 1, 86100, Campobasso, Italy
University of Naples Federico II, Corso Umberto I, 40, 80138, Naples, Italy


Keywords: This mixed-method ‘scoping review’ mapped the emergence of the term People Analytics (PA), the value pro-
People analytics positions offered by vendors of PA tools and services and the PA skillsets being sought by professionals. Analysis
HR analytics of academic research and online search traffic since 2002 revealed changes in the relative trajectory of PA and
Workforce analytics conceptually related terms over the past fifteen years, indicating both the re-branding of similar innovations and
Talent analytics
a differentiation of priorities and communities of practice. The market in commercial PA tools and services is
Human resource management
diverse, offering numerous functional and strategic benefits, although published evidence of these outcomes
Administrative data analytics remains sparse. Companies marketing PA systems and services emphasise benefits to employers more than to
Business analytics personnel. Across the sources examined, including specialised online courses, PA was largely aligned with HRM,
Business informatics however its development reflects the shifting focus of HR departments from supporting functional to strategic
organisational requirements. Consideration of ethical issues was largely absent.

1. Introduction departments or work groups, and as individuals, by making data about

employee attributes, behaviour and performance more accessible, in-
In an increasingly digitised society, interest in the use of so called terpretable and actionable (Pape, 2016). This includes the use of in-
big (and small) data has never been greater. Data analytic techniques, formation systems, visualisation tools and predictive analytics, under-
of varying sophistication, are being used to understand social phe- pinned by employee profiling and performance data.
nomena, evaluate policies, tailor consumer marketing, predict voting The association of PA with HRM is obvious, given the emphasis on
behaviour, enable precision medicine and a host of other real-world optimising recruitment, retention, assessment, promotion, remunera-
applications (Raguseo, 2018). Understanding and optimising the tion, turnover and other aspects of human capital management. The
workforce is a key part of this trend (Edwards & Edwards, 2016; Information Technology (IT) and cyber-security professions are also
Sullivan, 2013). In many ways, this echoes nineteenth century notions stakeholders, since data analytics are essential for red-flagging corpo-
of organisations as machines, to be fine-tuned to maximise outputs and rate threats, such as the misuse of organisational information, in-
minimise waste, with employees seen as components to be stratified, tellectual property theft or fraud (Guenole, Ferrar, & Feinzig, 2017).
incentivised, deployed and shed for maximum effectiveness. Although While these issues are important for all organisations, the potential
most organisational theorists and leaders now recognise organisations value of automated techniques is magnified in those which are large
as complex adaptive socio-technical systems (Schneider & Somers, and distributed, since traditional information needs and oversight me-
2006) interest in using data analytics and visualisation tools to render chanisms may exceed conventional HRM capabilities. Despite this po-
this complexity into a more comprehensible and actionable forms is tential, PA is still not well understood in the business or academic
growing (Gandomi & Haider, 2015). communities (Marler & Boudreau, 2017) beyond HR innovators, or in
Within this context, the term 'People Analytics' (PA) has been ap- high-risk sectors such as defence and financial services, where such
pearing with greater frequency in executive leadership and Human practices are often shrouded in commercial secrecy.
Resources Management (HRM) circles (Deloitte, 2017). PA promises to This scoping review aimed, through an analysis of online sources
help organisations understand their workforce as a whole, as and academic literature, to better understand the nature, usage and

The open access was funded by Research Councils UK via the University of Edinburgh.

Corresponding author at: University of Molise, Via Francesco De Sanctis, 1, 86100, Campobasso, Italy.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Tursunbayeva), [email protected] (S. Di Lauro), [email protected] (C. Pagliari).

Received 21 February 2018; Received in revised form 2 July 2018; Accepted 6 August 2018
Available online 30 August 2018
0268-4012/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

potential of PA, as well as issues arising in the field. The specific ob- similar search terms and shortlisted 14 relevant papers dating from
jectives were to examine 1) the emergence of the PA concept over time 2004. Secondly, a list of relevant articles informally maintained by the
and its relationship with other HR-related concepts 2) the contexts in Human Capital Analytics Group (HCA Group, 2017) of the Copenhagen
which PA is being used; 3) the value propositions advanced by provi- Business School, encompassing 28 articles dating from 2002 (as of 30/
ders of PA products and services; and 4) training courses currently 07/2017).
aimed at PA practitioners. The review was prompted by findings of a The disciplinary affiliation of journals publishing PA research was
recent systematic literature review on HR Information Systems (HRIS) assessed with reference to their classifiation in the Scimago Journal
in healthcare, which highlighted the importance of HR data for effec- Ranking Portal (2017), except for the Scopus articles for which this
tive management and organisational efficiency (Tursunbayeva, information was available in the database. Where articles specified
Bunduchi, Franco, & Pagliari, 2016). It complements a recent review of keywords these were cross-referenced with our seven search terms to
the academic research literature on HR Analytics (Marler & Boudreau, identify those most frequently used. Finally, we analysed the concepts
2017) by extending the analysis to a wider set of knowledge types. It appearing in article titles and abstracts with reference to a framework
also addresses calls from within the industry for “independent scientific by Isson and Harriott (2016) which organizes PA into 7 “pillars” ac-
research” on PA (e.g. Julia Howes, quoted in Levenson & Pillans, 2017). cording to its potential impact on: 1. Workforce planning; 2. Sourcing;
3. Acquisition/hiring; 4. Onboarding, culture fit, and engagement; 5.
2. Methods Performance assessment and development and employee lifetime value;
6. Churn and retention; and 7. Wellness, health, and safety.
We undertook a quasi-systematic scoping review, adopting an ap-
proach originally proposed by Arksey and O’Malley (2005). Unlike 2.3. Scoping commercial PA tools and services (Addresses objectives 2 and
systematic reviews aimed at synthesising evidence from evaluative 3)
studies (e.g. Tursunbayeva, Franco, & Pagliari, 2017), scoping reviews
are often used to examine emerging topics that are poorly understood, To identify venders of PA tools and services, we searched for each of
where research is at an early stage, or where pertinent knowledge is our 7 core PA keywords in Google and analysed the first page of results
being generated outside academia. Scoping reviews thus address broad for each one, based on previous studies showing that 91% of searchers
rather than narrow research questions and seek to profile the literature check only this page (Van Deursen & van Dijk, 2009). For our analysis
and understand it holistically, rather than to critically appraise the we included only the organic results (Ratliff & Rubinfeld, 2014), and
methodological quality of individual studies (Holeman, Cookson, & omitted paid advertisements. The search was conducted on 30/07/
Pagliari, 2016). 2017.
Since PA is an emergent topic it was appropriate to use this broad Vendors identified from this search were first classified according to
approach rather than concentrating on a narrow and likely un- the nature of their business, using a taxonomy, developed by Libert, Beck,
representative academic research literature and specific and narrow and Wind (2016), as Asset Builders; Service Providers; Technology
research questions. Creators; Network Orchestrators. We then reviewed the narrarative in
Data collection took place in four main phases, which are sum- vendors’ online promotional material, to identify the specified or im-
marised below, noting the research objectives addressed by each one. plied benefits offered to prospective purchasers (value proposition).
These were iteratively coded before settling on a refined list of benefit
2.1. Mapping the use of PA-related terms online (Addresses objectives 1 and categories.
2.4. Scoping online training courses (Addresses objective 4)
To inform our literature searches, we first created a draft set of ten
keywords [HR, Human Resource, People, Workforce, Employee, Human Again, using the 7 keywords refined through Phase 1, we searched
Capital, Manpower, Staff, Personnel, Talent], drawing on the results of the Wikipedia list of massive online open courses (MOOC) by “Notable
the recent systematic evidence review on HRIS in the context of providers” (Wikipedia, 2017) (Search conducted on 30/07/2017). After
healthcare (Tursunbayeva et al., 2016) and adding the word “Analytics” examining the openly accessible information describing each course,
to each of these. we extracted those most closely related to PA and attempted to assess
We analysed the prevalence of each of these keyword combinations their learning objectives, insofar as this was possible without enrolling.
in online searches, using Google Trends, following previous research These were cross-referenced with the “Profile of a Perfect Data Analyst”
that uses this free tool to obtain insights on users’ Internet search be- developed by the Nesta global innovation foundation (2014), which
haviour (e.g. Nuti et al., 2014). includes: Core skills (Analytical or Technical); Domain and Business
We used additional Google Trends analytics to chart the countries in Knowledge (Knowledge of the sector, Awareness of business goals and
which each search term has been the most popular, as well as to ex- processes); Soft skills (Storytelling and Team-working) and Compe-
amine the related terms used alongside PA in online searches in which tencies (Analytics Mindset, Creativity and Curiosity). Available course
PA keywords are included. Open coding (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) was content was also classified according to Isson and Harriot’s 7 PA pillars
applied to the latter to iteratively sort the results into thematic cate- framework, as described above. Finally, we emailed course developers
gories. and asked for the course creation date and attendance statistics.

2.2. Scoping relevant academic research (Addresses objectives 1 and 2) 3. Findings and analysis

Using a subset of 7 core keywords refined after Phase 1 ("HR ana- 3.1. People analytics in online search trends
lytics" OR "Human Capital analytics" OR "Human Resource analytics"
OR "People analytics" OR "Talent analytics" OR "Workforce analytics" None of the terms Manpower Analytics, Personnel Analytics or Staff
OR “Employee analytics”), we undertook preliminary searches of the Analytics were found in Google trends since records began in 2004.
academic literature using the Scopus database (30/07/2017). Although these terms appear in earlier articles included in a recent
To check the inclusivity of our search results, the titles of articles systematic review of HRIS (Tursunbayeva et al., 2016), their absence
judged to be relevant were cross-referenced with those appearing in post-2004 suggests that they are no longer in common usage and we
two benchmark literature sources: Firstly, a recent review of academic therefore decided to exclude them from further analysis. Indeed, these
research on HR Analytics by Marler and Boudreau (2017) which used were also not found amongst the search terms or results in Marler and

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

Fig. 1. Keyword utilization in Google Trends*.

*Google Trends data starts from 2004. Google Trends description: Numbers represent search interest relative to the highest point on the chart for the given region and
time. A value of 100 is the peak popularity for the term. A value of 50 means that the term is half as popular. Likewise a score of 0 means the term was less than 1% as
popular as the peak.

Boudreau’s (2017) related review. The relative popularity of online associated with the Organisations category were Workforce and Talent
searches for the remaining seven terms is shown in Fig. 1. Analytics. A further thematic category relates to the PA Profession –
As can be seen in Fig. 1, interest in these terms has grown over the including descriptions of PA consultants, job advertisements or levels of
last fourteen years, with searches for Human Resource, HR and Work- remuneration. Other, less dominant, themes included Learning and
force Analytics initially being the most popular. Google users began Development, (e.g. PA courses, training or academic programs), PA
searching for People Analytics in 2005 and this term overtook the latter Research (both academic and applied), and Conferences (Wharton
in 2007. In the last 10 years, the most popular terms have been People School Univ. Pennsylvania). Finally, there was a cluster of searches re-
Analytics and HR Analytics. Searches for Talent Analytics, Employee lated to PA in a particular Country, specifically India.
Analytics and Workforce Analytics have also taken place, although re-
latively rarely compared with the former two search terms. Searches for 3.2. People analytics in published academic research
Human Capital Analytics appeared and rose from 2004, although this
term and Human Resource Analytics have since become the least popular 3.2.1. Comparison of search results with ‘benchmark’ lists
of the seven reviewed. Searching the Scopus database using a structured query combining
Searches for PA concepts, recorded in Google Trends, were most our seven key terms yielded 58 relevant academic articles; almost all
popular in the USA, India, the UK, Australia and Canada, with users published in or after 2012. The table listing the included articles (after
from the USA searching for the most diverse range of terms. Preferences removing duplicates, and non-relevant returns: n = 5) is included in
for different search terms varied between countries. For example, the Appendix C together with the articles from the two ‘benchmark’ lists.
top search terms were, in the USA Human Capital Analytics, in India The two ‘benchmark’ lists did not have any article in common.
Talent Analytics and in Australia Workforce Analytics, while searches in Marler and Boudreau’s review of academic research contains con-
the UK were more evenly spread across terms. Where relevant searches siderably more post-2012 articles than HCA group’s list. Informal
were conducted in other countries, these were confined to HR communication with the HCA group confirmed that their list is not
Analytics, People Analytics, or a combination of these two terms. A systematically maintained but rather is a place to record articles of
breakdown can be seen in Appendix A. special interest. While our Scopus search identified more relevant ar-
‘Related words’ used alongside the seven People Analytics search ticles than that shortlisted by Marler and Boudreau (58 vs. 14), only
terms fell into several thematic clusters, based on our open coding three of the same articles are covered in both reviews (by Aral,
(Appendix B). A cluster relating to HR objectives and practices was the Brynjolfsson, & Wu, 2012; Bassi, 2011; Rasmussen & Ulrich, 2015).
most dominant - including aspects of workforce planning, recruitment, Fig. 2 shows the number of relevant articles appearing in our search and
talent management and performance/reward. Related words from this the two benchmark comparators, in the years 2002–2017.
cluster were mostly associated with the terms Human Resource, Human
Capital and Talent Analytics. The next largest theme concerned 3.2.2. Disciplinary focus
Analytics as a class of methodologies, including predictive analytics or As can be seen in Fig. 3, while the majority of publications in all
statistics. This was followed by a theme concerning the Internet, in- three sources come from the Business, Management and Accounting
cluding searches targeting particular social media platforms (e.g. disciplines, the results from our Scopus search, Marler and Boudreau’s
Twitter), websites (e.g. Wordpress), search engines (e.g. Google search) academic literature review and the HCA group’s list vary in several
or analytics engines (e.g. Google Analytics), which could potentially be ways. Most significantly, technical disciplines such as the computing
used as a source of data for informing various HRM requirements. The and mathematical sciences are strongly represented in Scopus and
Internet cluster seems to be unique to the People Analytics keyword, somewhat in Marler and Boudreau’s lists but absent in the HCA group’s
suggesting that the scope of the PA concept extends beyond internal HR list. The list derived from the HCA group, in contrast, shows a strong
processes and practices. The next category concerned Organisations, representation from Psychology. Interpreting these differences requires
including references to companies in general or specific organisations a recognition of the different scope and timeframes of the sources.
offering PA services or technology, such as Deloitte (authors of the Using our targeted search terms in Scopus yielded only studies pub-
Human Capital Trends report). The PA keywords most closely lished after 2008, whilst the HCA group’s list goes back to 2002. Manual

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

Fig. 2. Number of relevant articles appearing in search results and two benchmark sources, by publication date.

inspection of the pre- and post-2008 publications suggests that PA with our Scopus search terms was Human Capital, reflecting the focus
emerged from organisational psychology and psychometrics but has of the HCA group. Very few articles in Marler and Boudreau’s review of
since been marked by a trend towards the computing and data sciences. HR Analytics research used keywords. These keywords included: HR
Authors publishing most on this topic in the last five years come from Analytics and Human Resource Analytics; Information Systems in-
industry, not academia; indeed one fifth of recent articles found in cluding Human Resource Information Systems; and generic HR terms
Scopus are affiliated with IBM, revealing the company’s strategic shift such as Human Resource or Human Resource Management.
towards business consulting and analytics. Nevertheless the difference The keywords from all three lists were pooled to produce the word
between these sources partly reflects the addition of the word ‘analytics’ map shown in Fig. 4. The size of the words indicates their relative
to the search terms in our Scopus search and Marler and Boudreau’s frequency.
review, compared to the HCA group’s list. Fig. 5 shows the annual frequency with which our core PA search
terms, refined via phase 1, were specified as keywords by authors of
3.2.3. Search terms and authors’ keywords represented in published articles academic articles in the combined list. Only five out of the seven terms
The most popular keywords specified in articles derived from our are included, as Talent Analytics and Employee Analytics did not ap-
Scopus search results were: Workforce Analytics; HR Analytics; Human pear as keywords amongst these articles.
Resource Management; People Analytics; and Human Resource
Analytics. Not all articles in the HCA list specified keywords but where 3.2.4. PA objectives/practices represented in the articles
this was the case, these were divided between various HRM practices Most of the articles in the combined list were general overviews or
such as Diversity, Turnover, Engagement, Burnout, and Strategic HRM, discussions of PA as an area of practice or a sub-discipline of HR. This
and organisational impacts such as Organisational (or departmental) included defining what PA is, its adoption rates in diverse organisations,
Performance, productivity or strategy. An additional keyword ap- types of data that may be used for PA analyses, and potential success
pearing in the this list was ‘meta-analysis’, reflecting the inclusion of factors and barriers that could affect PA implementation within organi-
review papers involving this method. The only keyword overlapping sations. While such generic PA articles appeared in our Scopus results and

Fig. 3. Discipline of academic journals publishing articles related to People Analytics.

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

Fig. 4. Word map of keywords specified by authors.

in Marler and Boudreau’s list, the HCA group’s list only included studies (e.g. identifying key metrics to evaluate talent acquisition strategies or
focusing on the use of PA for specific HR objectives. Nevertheless, all of the recruitment channels); and acquisition/hiring (e.g. evaluating potential
PA objectives/practices from Isson and Harriott’s (2016) 7 pillars frame- biases using data mining and profiling tools during candidate screening).
work were present in the studies analysed, as described in Table 1. Many Studies that did not belong to any of the aforementioned categories
focused on performance assessment and development and employee lifetime were grouped into separate categories. These included studies that fo-
values (e.g. remuneration levels for different gender groups) and on- cused on: collaborations (e.g. studying work patterns from employees’
boarding, culture fit, and engagement (e.g. linking motivational antecedents, collaboration activities); diversity and inclusion (e.g. understanding how
strategic implementation and company performance). Another dominant demographic factors and workforce composition can affect individual,
category, primarily in the studies found in Scopus, is workforce planning, team or organisational performance); People Risks (e.g. quantifying
including studies concerned with new scheduling models or identifying human risks and reviewing existing risk measures); and inter-organisa-
and estimating employee expertise. Other studies focused on the use of PA tional relationships (e.g. investigating how PA can be used in investment
for: churn and retention (e.g. employee turnover and their impact); wellness, processes).
health, and safety (e.g. strategies for reducing employee burnout); sourcing

Fig. 5. Frequency of specified keywords in PA-related journal articles over time.

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

Table 1 (Cornerstone, 2018). Here, we also identified an additional PA-related

PA objectives described in studies yielded by the Scopus search, HCA group list, term “Labor Analytics”, used by Kronos, which did not emerge in the
recent reviewa. previous phases of analysis. Further details of vendors’ descriptions and
Study focus Scopus list HCA Marler and the definitions they follow are provided in Appendix D.
group list Boudreau list Stated value proposition: The following overlapping categories of pro-
mised benefit emerged from the qualitative analysis of vendors’ online
Workforce planning 9 – –
marketing narratives: (A) Better strategic decision making through access to
Sourcing 2 – –
Acquisition/hiring 1 – – reliable information and analytical tools; (B) Improved data handling pro-
Onboarding, culture fit, and 1 13 1 cesses using innovative approaches to data collection, combination, ana-
engagement lysis and interpretation; (C) Improved people management resulting from
Churn and retention 1 6 –
greater efficiencies and HR decision making; (D) New technological solu-
Wellness, health, and safety – 6 –
Performance assessment and 8 5 1
tions for collecting, storing or analysing HR data, including automating
development and employee these processes; (E) Direct impacts on HR or strategic business outcomes,
lifetime value such as optimising human resource assets to increase income relevant to
Diversity and inclusion 1 6 – payroll; and (F) Employee-oriented benefits such as improved work ex-
Collaboration 2 – –
perience or job satisfaction. Companies that appeared amongst the re-
People Risks 1 – –
Inter-organisational relationships 2 – – levant web pages, but only provide business-to-business marketing ser-
Generic, Technical or too little info 25 – 12 vices to PA vendors (e.g. TechTarget), were not included in this analysis.
to classify We mapped the vendors according to their types, terminologies and
stated value propositions, to produce the PA landscape map shown in
Some articles focused on more than one HR objective/practice.
Table 2.

3.4. People analytics courses

3.3. PA vendors represented in Google search results
After searching the Wikipedia list of MOOC by “Notable providers”
As described in the methods section, we analysed the results ap- (2017) we identified three with one or more of our keywords in their
pearing on the first Google page found when searching for each of our 7 title. Two explicitly include the term PA, both originating from uni-
core keywords, after removing paid advertisements. Most search results versities, one in Russia and one in the USA. The other, developed by a
were links to Vendor websites (e.g. IBM’s HR Analytics main page). The Canadian consulting firm, uses the term HR Analytics.
remaining results related; in order of frequency; to News (e.g. Forbes), All three are introductory-level courses, explaining how PA can be
Research (e.g. Harvard Business Review), PA-related Communities (e.g. used for diverse HRM practices (see Table 3). Each covers different types
Kaggle), Organisations/Platforms providing access to educational mate- of HR data and the various ways in which it can be analysed (Knowledge
rials on PA (e.g. HCA Group webpage, Coursera) or specific training of the Sector) to achieve diverse organisational objectives (Awareness of
programmes in which PA is a component (e.g. Human Resources MBA), Business Goals and Processes). Categorizing the curricula according to the
and Conferences (e.g. Wharton people analytics conference). 7 PA pillars framework (Isson & Harriott, 2016), revealed that the two
Terms used by vendors: Many vendors’ websites contained several PA- courses specifically focused on PA covered cases related to Performance
related terms, although these varied in emphasis and frequency. and development and lifetime value, Onboarding, culture fit, and engagement,
Examples include, “We'll show you how to build your Talent Analytics Workforce planning, and Acquisition/hiring. Collaboration emerged as a
solutions. Point solutions demonstrate ROI of people analytics to the busi- separate theme, and is described in the course syllabus as “principles
ness” (PWC, 2017), “People analytics, also known as talent analytics or behind using PA to improve collaboration between employees inside an
HR analytics, refers to the method of analytics that can help managers and organisation so they can work together more successfully” (People
executives make decisions about their employees or workforce” Analytics course, Massey, Haas, & Bidwell, 2017).

Table 2
Vendors classified according to PA-concepts and categories of value proposition.
Vendors Value Workforce Employee HR Analytics Human Resource People Human Capital Talent Labor
Proposition Analytics Analytics Analytics Analytics Analytics Analytics Analytics

Deloitte A; B; C + + + + +
Competitive Analytics A; B; C +
IBMa A; B; C; E; F + +
McKinsey & Company B; C; E +
Accenture A; B; C; D; E; F +
PWC A; B; E +

Technology creators
Kronos A; B; C; D; E + +
SAP SuccessFactorsa A, D, E + +
Talent Analytics B; D; E + +
Ultimate Software A; B; D; E +
Visier A; C; D + +
QuestionPRO D; E; F +
Talent LMS A; C +
Cornerstone A; B; C; D; E + +

Network orchestrators
TechTarget + +

Both service provider and technology creator.

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

4. Discussion 4.3. Objectives of PA

The results of our scoping review demonstrate the emergence of the The most popular objectives and practices, based on Isson and
term People Analytics and related concepts over the last 15 years, both Harriot’s 7 pillars model, were performance assessment and development
within academic research and in online searches. They also delineate and employee lifetime values; onboarding, culture fit, and engagement, and
the value propositions stated by PA vendors and summarise the core workforce planning. Our thematic analysis yielded four additional cate-
training objectives of PA MOOC. gories – employee collaborations; diversity and inclusion; people risks, and
inter-organisational relationships. The emergence of these categories il-
lustrates the rapid development and diversification of the field, as al-
4.1. Terminological trends ready discussed with reference to terminologies and disciplines. One
example is the shift in emphasis from HR practices focused on in-
Our analysis of the PA-associated terms used in academic sources dividuals, to their interactions, affiliations and performance as groups,
and in Google searches reveals an evolving and diversifying field ori- including the use of data on social and organisational networks. The
ginating in the traditional HRM profession (historically influenced by significance of this shift has recently been highlighted in a report by
industrial psychology), through a critical period of innovation in digital Bersin for Deloitte (2016), who predicts that relationship analytics will
infrastructure, technologies and analytical capabilities, reflecting soon come to replace traditional organisational design/re-design ap-
broader trends in the digital economy over the period studied. A range proaches. An increasing emphasis on measuring people risks (Marsh Risk
of relevant terms were already being used to search Google when re- Consulting, 2017) via analytics is also noteworthy, including not only
cords began in 2004, including Workforce Analytics, Human Resource conventional risks such as staff attrition, organisational reputation or
and HR Analytics, although the latter terms only started appearing as customer safety, but also new forms of cyber-risk for which these new
keywords in academic articles from 2012. Human Capital was the first methods are well-suited, such as hack vulnerability or data theft (e.g.
of our keywords to appear amongst the academic articles (in 2008). Royal & Windsor, 2016). Other recent trends include the use of linked
Academic articles specific to PA emerged only in the last two years and employee data and analytics as a substitute for conventional psycho-
this is now the most popular of the relevant terms according to Google metric testing in the acquisition and management of talent (indeed, the
Trends, closely followed by HR Analytics. In practice, many of these term PA was historically used to describe this sort of test-based employee
terms are being used interchangeably, both by academics and vendors, profiling). One market indicator of this emerging trend, is the recent
although some practitioners align HR analytics with conventional HR acquisition of psychometric assessment specialists Cut-e by AON, a global
and PA with a broader range of enterprise-level and strategic analytics professional services firm that uses data and analytics to help companies
(Van Vulpen, 2016). Google searches for one or more of our key terms manage workforce risks, health and retirement (Consultancy.uk, 2017).
took place in as many as 13 countries, with preferences for different
search terms differing between regions (Our analysis of ‘Related words’ 4.4. Business value offered by PA
in Google queries also revealed a cluster of searches related to PA in
India, which may be attributable to online activity surrounding the HR All of the companies identified through our online searches are ei-
Analytics India Summit 2017). Among academics, the most commonly ther service providers or technology creators. Providers of PA services
used terms were Workforce- HR-, People-, and Human Resource- Ana- typically offer strategic and operational consulting aimed at improving
lytics, while vendor websites show a preference for Workforce-, Em- the collection, management and use of data for understanding and
ployee- and Talent- Analytics. evaluating work behaviour or outcomes and optimising human re-
Changes in terminology over time reflect the evolution of the HR sources. PA technology vendors offer IT systems for achieving these
field, from conventional personnel management functions (e.g. pay- aims by making workforce intelligence and predictive analytics more
roll), towards the greater use of IT systems and data for strategic pur- accessible, thus supporting strategic decision making and improving
poses such as workforce planning (e.g. Haines & Lafleur, 2008). They business outcomes, reflecting the vision of ‘actionable analytics’ (Dykes,
also suggest a re-branding of similar concepts by successive practitioner 2016). Cross-referencing vendors’ stated solutions with the coded arti-
cohorts and vendors, as they seek to differentiate their knowledge, cles in our review revealed some overlap in vision and intentions, but
services or products in a competitive market. Elements of both the little evidence of the benefits promised. Thus, while business analysts
changing focus and rebranding of concepts can be seen in the recent are promoting new ways of creating measurable organisational impacts
appearance, both in academic papers and MOOC, of the concept of through PA, objective academic research is needed to evaluate these.
Collaboration or Relationship Analytics, reflecting the growing use of
social media or organisational network analysis (see Objectives of PA). 4.5. PA skills being sought

An indicator of how companies are actively seeking value from PA

4.2. Affiliation and disciplinary focus can be seen in the MOOC we analysed, including the market leader in PA
training (Wharton Business School). The fact that we were able to
Echoing a recent systematic review on HR Analytics (Marler & identify only three such courses, only one of which was explicitly la-
Boudreau, 2017), we observed that the authors of most published ar- belled as “People analytics”, suggests that the supply of training is far
ticles on PA came from consulting or technology companies. This trend from sufficient to meet the need for relevant skills amongst HR profes-
has also been reported in previous research on HRIS, in which con- sionals. Nevertheless, the increasing inclusion of PA within university
sultancy firms feature prominently (Ruel & Bondarouk, 2008). Most of curricula on business and management (e.g. the HR Analytics and
the academic articles and PA courses included in our review approach Research course from the University of Denver, USA), along with new
PA as a sub-field of HR, which was also reflected in the headline cur- programmes in data science (e.g. the MSc in Data Science, Technology
ricula of the three MOOC. Nevertheless, our analysis shows that re- and Innovation from the University of Edinburgh, UK), and the emer-
search in this area is highly interdisciplinary. While most articles come gence of other relevant online courses (e.g. People Analytics training
from the Business, Management and Accounting domains, social science with Gene Pease) will go some way towards addressing this deficit. In the
has remained prominent, and the importance of the computing and data meantime, the growth in professional conferences focused on PA (e.g. the
sciences is increasingly evident, echoing the growth of HRIS and digital Wharton People Analytics Conference or HR Analytics India Summit
innovations for monitoring, evaluating and predicting work. 2017) indicates the desire, primarily amongst international HR profes-
sionals, to fill this gap. The establishment of a new “HR Analytics

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

Academy” in 2016 in the Netherlands, also suggests that these ‘advanced’

remaining countries all

US = 26%; India = 18;
approaches will soon be finding their way into routine HR practices.
Info on learners not

2017: 49,535 (71%

male; 29% female)

Circa 150 students

4.6. Working definition

2015: 11,599
2016: 26,312

with < 4%

In their recent review, Marler and Boudreau (2017) summarise HR

analytics as: “An HR practice enabled by information technology that uses
descriptive, visual, and statistical analyses of data related to HR processes,
-Onboarding, culture fit,

human capital, organisational performance, and external economic benchmarks

-Workforce planning

-Workforce planning
to establish business impact and enable data-driven decision making”. While
-Acquisition/ hiring
-Performance and

-Performance and
development and

development and
our broader scoping analysis reveals similar objectives, we note that ven-
and engagement

lifetime value

lifetime value
dors such as Accenture, IBM and QuestionPRO have begun to extend this to
PA Pillars

improvements in employee experience and satisfaction. Indeed, employee

experience was identified as key priority for future HR in the latest Deloitte
(2017) report, which states: “The concept of ‘total employee experience’, fo-
cused on design thinking and the simplification of work, will become a major
17 short videos covering what HR Analytics is,
4 Weeks: Introduction to People Analytics &

mind in development and execution of HR focus in HR”. Thus, based on our study, we would offer the following de-
and success factors and barriers to keep in
Talent Management & Future Directions

finition of People Analytics “People Analytics is an area of HRM practice,

research and innovation concerned with the use of information technologies,
Workforce Planning & Recruitment,

descriptive and predictive data analytics and visualisation tools for generating
actionable insights about workforce dynamics, human capital, and individual
Motivation & Engagement,

and team performance that can be used strategically to optimise organisational

Culture and Assessments,

Performance Evaluation,

effectiveness, efficiency and outcomes, and improve employee experience".

Analytics projects

5. Conclusions, caveats and recommendations


7 Weeks:


Scoping reviews are exploratory research exercises and the inten-

tion here was to provide insights about this emerging area by mapping
the terms, concept and practices associated with PA, rather than to
provide an in-depth analysis of PA innovations, professions, markets or
Practicing HR

research. The results nevertheless indicate the direction of develop-


ments and the increasing readiness of PA to embrace new innovations

and market demands. Given the rapid pace of technological change, this


represents only a snapshot of the field to date.

One purpose of scoping reviews is to inform the design of future
The Wharton School, University of
Technologies, Moscow Institute of
Center of Innovative Educational

systematic reviews by testing and refining literature search strategies.

Physics and Technology, Russia

Differences in specification reflect the availability of information online for the three courses.

Here, this enabled us to identify a more comprehensive set of search

terms than we had previously been aware of and showed that focusing on
activities explicitly described as ‘analytics’ is no guarantee of revealing
Creelman Research,
Pennsylvania, USA

the diversity of the domain. It also demonstrated the importance of

Toronto, Canada

widening searches beyond academic databases to uncover relevant grey

literature, and of including emerging terms such as “Human Capital

Data”, “Human Resource data”, “Talent data”, “Workforce data”,

“Analytics in HR”, “HR metrics”, “HR predictive analytics”,
“Collaboration Analytics”, “People Intelligence”, “Labor Analytics” and
“Relationship Analytics”. The diversity of disciplines represented amongst
(Associate Professors of
Ilya Breyman (Adjunct

Cade Massey (Practice

David Creelman, CEO

Alexey Dolinskiy and

academic and online sources of PA insights also suggests that scholars and
Matthew Bidwell

practitioners interested in this topic should look beyond the HR or

Massive Online Open Courses focused on People Analyticsa.

Martine Haas,


management literature for relevant studies, including in specialist sectors



where PA is being applied, such as banking, security or healthcare, and

examine real-world applications in addition to academic research.
The first page of Google results arising from each key search term
provides only a snapshot of the vendor ecosystem. Deeper, iterative



web searches, and consultation exercises with PA experts would be

valuable for understanding the ‘analytic maturity’ of organizations in
diverse sectors, drawing on existing frameworks (e.g. Lismont,
The Fundamentals of HR Analytics

Vanthienen, Baesens, & Lemahieu, 2017; Grossman, 2018), as well as

Introduction to People Analytics

for elucidating the changing business demands for PA and identifying

specialization. (launched
People Analytics. Part of the

(launched March, 2016)

PA services not represented online.

Finding so few empirical studies leads us to join other reviewers in
Business Analytics

December, 2015)

calling for more academic research in this area, including evaluation

studies, case studies of PA implementation and simulation studies ex-
Course name

ploring the potential outcomes of new PA models before they are im-
plemented, as well as to examine the nascent introduction of machine
Table 3

learning and Artificial Intelligence in the context of workforce man-


agement (Meister, 2017).

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

Amongst the wide variety of sources examined, we noted a marked Protection Directive, PA practitioners may soon have to re-think some
absence of ethical considerations in relation to PA practices, some of of these approaches. Although lawyers, ethicists and management sci-
which are covert or reach beyond the boundaries of organisations entists are already addressing some of these issues (e.g. Bodie, Cherry,
themselves. Examples include the monitoring of personal social media McCormick, & Tang, 2017; Dagnino, 2017; Pasquale, 2015), our ob-
or email activity, which have implications for privacy, the use of al- servations suggest that this is a blind spot for the PA profession itself
gorithmic decision making for recruitment or promotion, which has and we recommend further research to understand how practitioners,
potential to introduce bias and discrimination, and the digital ab- vendors and employers are reconciling the drive for innovation with
straction of personality and ability profiles from real world data requirements for transparency and accountability. Ethics in PA will be
without the need for psychometric testing, which raises issues for the focus of a special Professional Development Workshop at the 2018
transparency and consent (Wiedemann, 2018). With advances in British Academy of Management Conference, which also draws on this
privacy regulations, such as recently enforced European General Data review (Pagliari, Tursunbayeva, & Antonelli, 2018).

Appendix A. Relative popularity of keywords in individual countries (Google Trends: searched on November 24, 2017)*

Country UK USA India Australia Canada Other countries

HR Analytics 20 20 68 21 20 Singapore (100)

Netherlands (59)
Brazil (2)
Germany (10)
Spain (8)
UAE (40)
Philippines (30)
People Analytics 51 44 27 43 50 Singapore (100)
Netherlands (40)
South Africa (27)
Brazil (19)
Germany (17)
Spain (11)
Poland (3)
Workforce Analytics 53 83 46 100 75 –
Talent Analytics 49 88 100 – – –
Human Capital Analytics – 100 – – – –
Employee Analytics – – – – – –
Human Resource Analytics – – – – – –

* Google Trends description: Values are calculated on a scale from 0 to 100, where 100 is the location with the most popularity as a fraction of
total searches in that location, a value of 50 indicates a location which is half as popular, and a value of 0 indicates a location where the term was less
than 1% as popular as the peak. Note: A higher value means a higher proportion of all queries, not a higher absolute query count, so a tiny country
where 80% of the queries are for "bananas" will get twice the score of a giant country where only 40% of the queries are for "bananas".

Appendix B. Related words used in searches for People Analytics terms (Google Trends: searched on June 16, 2017)*

Related topics Employee HR Human Capital Human resource People Talent Workforce
analytics Analytics Analytics analytics Analytics Analytics Analytics

HR Objectives/ Practices
Employee benefits 10
Employment 100 5 10 5
Human capital 100 5
Human resource 10 5 45 5 5
Human resource 10
management system
Human Resources 15 100 25 100 5 30 20
Workforce 5 5 10 10 10 95
Workforce management 5
Workforce planning 15
Turnover 5
Recruitment 5 5 5 20 5
Talent management 25
Management 10 5 15 15 5 5
Marketing 5 5
Measurement 5

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

Performance metric 5 5 5 5
Strategy 5 5 5 5
Index term 5
Churn rate 5
Analysis 5 5 5 5
Analytics 70 95 95 95 50 100 100
Big data 5 5 5 5 5 10 5
Data 5 5 5 5 5
Data analysis 10 10 5 10 5 10 5
Business analytics 5 5 5 15 5 5
Predictive analytics 5 5 5 5 10 5
Statistics 5
Twitter 10
Website 25
WordPress 5
Blog 5
LinkedIn 5 5 5 5 10
Google Analytics 45 15 5 15 100 45 5
Google Search 5
Web analytics 5
Advertising 5
AdWords 5
Deloitte 5 5 5
IBM 5 5 5
Company 10 5 5 5 5 10 5
Oracle Corporation 5
Organization 5 5
Software 5 5 5
SuccessFactors 10
Technology 5
Consultant 5 5
Career 5 5
Job 10 10 5 10 15 5
People 5
Salary 10 5 5 5
Learning and Development
Course 5 5
How-to 35
Master's Degree 5
Training 5 5
Research 5
Review 10
User 5
Microsoft PowerPoint 5
Portable Document Format 10
Wharton School 5
Univ. Pennsylvania
India 5 5

*Related topics in Google Trends defined as “users searching for your term also searched for these topics”. Includes results for the most popular
topics (or Top): Scoring is on a relative scale where a value of 100 is the most commonly searched topic, a value of 50 is a topic searched half as often,
and a value of 0 is a topic searched for less than 1% as often as the most popular topic.

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

Appendix C. Analysed articles from Scopus, HCA group, and Marler and Boudreau lists

N Reference Journal Discipline Keywords used PA objective

Scopus List
1. Angrave, D., Charlwood, A., Kirkpatrick, I., Lawrence, M., & - Business, - HR analytics - Generic
Stuart, M. (2016). HR and analytics: why HR is set to fail the Management - Human resource
big data challenge. Human Resource Management Journal, and Accounting information systems
26(1), 1–11. - Big data
2. Aral, S., Brynjolfsson, E., & Wu, L. (2012). Three-way - Business, - Human Resource - Performance assessment
complementarities: Performance pay, human resource Management Analytics and development and
analytics, and information technology. Management Science, and Accounting - Incentive systems employee lifetime values
58(5), 913–931. - Decision - Information
Sciences technology
- Performance pay
- Production function
- Principal-agent
- Complementarity
- Enterprise systems
- Productivity
3. Baesens, B., De Winne, S., & Sels, L. (2017). Is your company - Business, - N/A - Generic
ready for HR analytics? MIT Sloan Management Review, 58(2), Management
20–21. and Accounting
- Decision
4. Bassi, L., & McMurrer, D. (2016). Four Lessons Learned in - Social Sciences - N/A - Performance assessment
How to Use Human Resource Analytics to Improve the and development and
Effectiveness of Leadership Development. Journal of employee lifetime values
Leadership Studies, 10(2), 39–43.
5. Chiappinelli, C. (2009). HCM complexity rises in global - Business, - N/A - Generic
setups. Managing Automation, 24(11), 35–37. Management
and Accounting
- Decision
- Engineering
6. Davenport, T. H., Harris, J., & Shapiro, J. (2010). Competing - Business, - N/A - Generic
on talent analytics. Harvard Business Review, 88(10), 52–58, Management
150. and Accounting
- Economics,
and Finance
7. Dessain, N. (2016). Human resources marketing and - Business, - Recruiting - Sourcing
recruiting: Introduction and overview. In Handbook of Human Management - Recruitment
Resources Management (pp. 3–22). and Accounting - Recruitment
- Economics, marketing
Econometrics - Staffing
and Finance - Talent acquisition
- HR marketing
8. Dexter, F., Ledolter, J., & Hindman, B. J. (2016). Quantifying - Medicine - N/A - Diversity and inclusion
the Diversity and Similarity of Surgical Procedures among
Hospitals and Anesthesia Providers. Anesthesia and Analgesia,
122(1), 251–263.
9. Dong, S., Johar, M., & Kumar, R. (2013). Workforce analytics - Computer - N/A - Generic
for knowledge-intensive service delivery using a private Science
service marketplace. In WITS 2013 - 23rd Workshop on
Information Technology and Systems: Leveraging Big Data
Analytics for Societal Benefits.

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

10. Dubey, A., Abhinav, K., Taneja, S., Virdi, G., Dwarakanath, - Business, - Workforce analytics - Performance assessment
A., Kass, A., & Kuriakose, M. S. (2016). Dynamics of software Management - Software and development and
development crowdsourcing. In Proceedings - 11th IEEE and Accounting development employee lifetime values
International Conference on Global Software Engineering, ICGSE - Computer - Tracking
2016 (pp. 49–58). Science - Forecasting
- Crowdsourcing
11. Fang, D., Varshney, K. R., Wang, J., Ramamurthy, K. N., - Computer - Workforce analytics - Performance assessment
Mojsilovic, A., & Bauer, J. H. (2013). Quantifying and Science - Expertise taxonomy and development and
recommending expertise when new skills emerge. In - Recommendation employee lifetime values
Proceedings - IEEE 13th International Conference on Data systems
Mining Workshops, ICDMW 2013 (pp. 672–679). - Enterprise social
- Cold-start problem
12. Fecheyr-Lippens, B., Schaninger, B., & Tanner, K. (2015). - Business, - N/A - Generic
Power to the new people analytics. McKinsey Quarterly, (1). Management
and Accounting
- Economics,
and Finance
- Social Sciences
13. Ghosh, S., Zheng, Y., Lammers, T., Chen, Y. Y., Fitzmaurice, - Computer - Workforce analytics - Generic
C., Johnston, S., & Li, J. (2016). Deriving public sector Science - Public sector
workforce insights: A case study using Australian public sector - Engineering - Data mining
employment profiles (Vol. 10086 LNAI).
14. Hausknecht, J. (2013). Workforce Analytics. In Workforce - Business, - Workforce analytics - Generic
Asset Management Book of Knowledge (pp. 367–392). Management - Benchmarking
and Accounting - Data collection
- Workforce asset
- Workforce
management (WFM)
- Workforce
professional (WAM-
15. Horesh, R., Varshney, K. R., & Yi, J. (2016). Information - Computer - Workforce analytics - Workforce planning
retrieval, fusion, completion, and clustering for employee Science - Unsupervised
expertise estimation. In Proceedings - 2016 IEEE International learning
Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2016 (pp. 1385–1393). - Human talent
16. Kapoor, B., & Kabra, Y. (2014). Current and future trends in - Business, - Human capital - Generic
human resources analytics adoption. Journal of Cases on Management - HR metrics
Information Technology, 16(1), 50–59. and Accounting - Return on
- Computer investment
Science - Business intelligence
- Decision - Predictive and
Sciences prescriptive
- Analytics Maturity
- Descriptive
17. Khan, S. A., & Tang, J. (2016). The paradox of human - Business, - N/A - Generic
resource analytics: Being mindful of employees. Journal of Management
General Management, 42(2), 57–66. and Accounting
18. King, K. G. (2016). Data Analytics in Human Resources: A - Business, - Strategic HRM - Generic
Case Study and Critical Review. Human Resource Development Management - Retention
Review, 15(4), 487–495. and Accounting - HRD management
- HR practices

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

19. Lal, P. (2015). Transforming hr in the digital era: Workforce - Business, - Human resource - Generic
analytics can move people specialists to the center of Management management
decision-making. Human Resource Management International and Accounting - Information
Digest, 23(3), 1–4. management
- Organizational
- Decision-making
20. Lismont, J., Vanthienen, J., Baesens, B., & Lemahieu, W. - Computer - Analytics techniques - Generic
(2017). Defining analytics maturity indicators: A survey Science - Organizational
approach. International Journal of Information Management, - Social Sciences characteristics
37(3), 114–124. - Survey research
- Analytics maturity
21. Mankins, M., Brahm, C., & Caimi, G. (2014). Your scarcest - Business, - N/A - Collaboration
resource. Harvard Business Review, 92(5), 74–80, 133. Management
and Accounting
- Economics,
and Finance
22. Marler, J. H., & Boudreau, J. W. (2017). An evidence-based - Business, - Human resource - Generic
review of HR Analytics. International Journal of Human Management analytics
Resource Management, 28(1), 3–26. and Accounting - Talent management
- Strategic HRM
- HR metrics
- Workforce analytics
23. Martin-Rios, C., Pougnet, S., & Nogareda, A. M. (2017). - Business, - HR analytics - Generic
Teaching HRM in contemporary hospitality management: a Management - Hospitality
case study drawing on HR analytics and big data analysis. and Accounting education
Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, 17(1), 34–54. - Social Sciences - Human resource
- Teaching guide
- Case method
- Big data analysis
24. Mashhadi, A., Acer, U. G., Boran, A., Scholl, P. M., Forlivesi, - Computer - People analytics - Inter-organisational
C., Vanderhulst, G., & Kawsar, F. (2016). Exploring space Science - Space syntax relationships
syntax on entrepreneurial opportunities with Wi-Fi analytics. - Network sensing
In UbiComp 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International
Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (pp.
25. Momin, W. Y. M., & Mishra, K. (2014). Impression of - Multidisciplinary - HR analytics - Generic
financial measures in HR analytics. Journal of Interdisciplinary - Human resource
and Multidisciplinary Research, 2(1), 87–91. management
- Predictive analytics
- Financial measures
26. Natesan Ramamurthy, K., Varshney, K. R., & Singh, M. - Computer - Productivity profile - Churn and retention
(2013). Quantile regression for workforce analytics. In 2013 Science - Quantile regression
IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, - Workforce behavior
GlobalSIP 2013 - Proceedings (p. 1134). - Attrition profile
27. Nienaber, H., & Sewdass, N. (2016). A reflection and - Business, - Workforce analytics - Generic
integration of workforce conceptualisations and Management - Predictive analytics
measurements for competitive advantage. Journal of and Accounting - Strategy
Intelligence Studies in Business, 6(1), 5–20. - Decision - Workforce
Sciences - Organisational
- Workforce
- Workforce metrics
- Competitive

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

28. Ozgur Bayman, E., Dexter, F., & Ledolter, J. (2017). Mixed - Medicine - Human resource - Performance assessment
effects logistic regression modeling of daily evaluations of - Nursing analytics and development and
nurse anesthetists’ work habits adjusting for leniency of the - Mixed effects employee lifetime values
rating anesthesiologists. Perioperative Care and Operating logistic regression
Room Management, 6, 14–19. - Performance
- Anesthesiology
29. Palshikar, G. K., Pawar, S., & Ramrakhiyani, N. (2016). Role - Computer - HR Analytics - Workforce planning
models: Mining role transitions data in IT project Science - Project Management
management. In Proceedings - 3rd IEEE International - Decision - Role-based Teams
Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, DSAA Sciences - Sequence Mining
2016 (pp. 508–517). - Survival Analysis
- Workforce
- Graph Clustering
- Classification
30. Palshikar, G. K., Sahu, K., & Srivastava, R. (2015). After you, - Computer - N/A - Workforce planning
who? Data mining for predicting replacements (Vol. 9468). Science
- Engineering
31. Persson, A. (2016). Implicit Bias in Predictive Data Profiling - Decision - People analytics - Acquisition/Hiring
Within Recruitments. In A. Lehmann, D. Whitehouse, S. Sciences - Discrimination
Fischer-Hübner, L. Fritsch, & C. Raab (Eds.), Privacy and - Implicit bias
Identity Management. Facing up to Next Steps: 11th IFIP WG - Machine-learning
9.2, 9.5, 9.6/11.7, 11.4, 11.6/SIG 9.2.2 International Summer - Recruitment
School, Karlstad, Sweden, August 21-26, 2016, Revised - Social exclusion
Selected Papers (pp. 212–230). Cham: Springer International - Big Data
32. Bassi, L. (2012). Raging debates in HR analytics. Human - Business, - N/A - Generic
Resource Management International Digest, 20(2), 74–80. Management
and Accounting
33. Ramamurthy, K. N., Singh, M., Davis, M., Kevern, J. A., Klein, - Computer - Workforce analytics - Performance assessment
U., & Peran, M. (2016). Identifying Employees for Re-skilling Science - Skill adjacency and development and
Using an Analytics-Based Approach. In Proceedings - 15th - Engineering - Skills taxonomy employee lifetime values
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop, - Human resource
ICDMW 2015 (pp. 345–354). - Employee training
34. Rasmussen, T., & Ulrich, D. (2015). Learning from practice: - Business, - N/A - Generic
How HR analytics avoids being a management fad. Management
Organizational Dynamics, 44(3), 236–242. and Accounting
- Psychology
- Social Sciences
35. Royal, C., & O’Donnell, L. (2008). Emerging human capital - Business, - Human capital - Inter-organisational
analytics for investment processes. Journal of Intellectual Management - Financial markets relationships
Capital, 9(3), 367–379. and Accounting - Hong Kong
- Social Sciences - Intangible assets
- Financial
- Australia
36. Royal, C., & Windsor, G. S. S. (2016). Sustainable - Business, - N/A - People risks
institutional investment models and the human capital Management
analytics approach: A great gap to be filled. In Routledge and Accounting
Handbook of Social and Sustainable Finance (pp. 431–447). - Economics,
and Finance
37. Ryan, J., & Herleman, H. (2016). A big data platform for - Psychology - N/A - Generic
workforce analytics. In Big Data at Work: The Data Science
Revolution and Organizational Psychology (pp. 19–42).
38. Shami, N. S., Muller, M., Pal, A., Masli, M., & Geyer, W. - Computer - N/A - Onboarding, culture fit,
(2015). Inferring employee engagement from social media. Science and engagement
In Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems -
Proceedings (Vol. 2015-April, pp. 3999–4008).

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

39. Sharma, A., & Sharma, T. (2017). HR analytics and - Business, - HR analytics - Performance assessment
performance appraisal system: A conceptual framework for Management - Perceived accuracy and development and
employee performance improvement. Management Research and Accounting - Performance employee lifetime values
Review, 40(6), 684–697. appraisal
- Performance
- Employee
40. Singer, L., Storey, M.-A., Filho, F. F., Zagalsky, A., & German, - Computer - People analytics - Collaboration
D. M. (2017). People analytics in software development (Vol. Science - Developer analytics
10223 LNCS). - Engineering - Feedback
- Social network
- Computer-
collaborative work
- Collaboration
41. Sinha, V., Subramanian, K. S., Bhattacharya, S., & Chaudhuri, - Business, - N/A - Generic
K. (2012). The contemporary framework on social media Management
analytics as an emerging tool for behavior informatics, HR and Accounting
analytics and business process. Management (Croatia), 17(2),
42. Ulrich, D., & Dulebohn, J. H. (2015). Are we there yet? - Business, - Outside inside - Generic
What’s next for HR? Human Resource Management Review, Management approach
25(2), 188–204. and Accounting - Strategy
- Psychology - Transformation
- Future human
43. Varshney, K. R., Chenthamarakshan, V., Fancher, S. W., - Computer - N/A - Workforce planning
Wang, J., Fang, D., & Mojsilović, A. (2014). Predicting Science
employee expertise for talent management in the enterprise.
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 1729–1738).
44. Wang, J., Varshney, K. R., Mojsilovic, A., Fang, D., & Bauer, - Business, - N/A - Workforce planning
J. H. (2013). Expertise assessment with multi-cue semantic Management
information. In Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International and Accounting
Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, - Computer
SOLI 2013 (pp. 534–539). Science
45. Wawer, M., & Muryjas, P. (2017). The utilization of the HR - Computer - N/A - Performance assessment
analytics by the high and mid-level managers: Case from Science and development and
Eastern Poland. In Communication, Management and employee lifetime values
Information Technology - Proceedings of the International
Conference on Communication, Management and Information
Technology, ICCMIT 2016 (pp. 97–106).
46. Wei, D. (2017). k-quantiles: L1 distance clustering under a - Computer - Workforce analytics - Generic
sum constraint. Pattern Recognition Letters, 92, 49–55. Science - k-means++
- Proportional data
- Compositional data
- Centroid
47. Wei, D., & Varshney, K. R. (2015). Robust binary hypothesis - Computer - Workforce analytics - Generic
testing under contaminated likelihoods. In ICASSP, IEEE Science - Minimax
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal - Engineering - Signal detection
Processing - Proceedings (Vol. 2015-August, pp. 3407–3411). theory
- Label noise
- Linear programming
48. Wei, D., Varshney, K. R., & Wagman, M. (2015). Optigrow: - Computer - Workforce analytics - Workforce planning
People Analytics for Job Transfers. In Proceedings - 2015 IEEE Science - Enterprise
International Congress on Big Data, Big Data Congress 2015 (pp. transformation
535–542). - Expertise analytics
- Human capital
- Total variation

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

49. Weiss, C. (2016). Human resources strategy and change: - Business, - HR analytics - Workforce planning
Essentials of workforce planning and controlling. In Management - HR controlling
Handbook of Human Resources Management (pp. 1343–1373). and Accounting - HR KPIs
- Economics, - HR planning
Econometrics - HR strategy
and Finance - Job family
- Job model
- Resource planning
- Scenarios
- Simulation
- Strategic
- Strategic talent
- Strategic workforce
- Critical jobs
- Workforce analytics
50. Williams, J. C., Lambert, S., Pitt-Catsouphes, M., James, J., - Business, - Scheduling models - Workforce planning
Sweet, S., Cahill, K., … Disselkamp, L. (2013). New Management - Work-life balance
Scheduling Models for the Workforce. In Workforce Asset and Accounting - Workforce asset
Management Book of Knowledge (pp. 309–344). management
professional (WAM-
- Workplace
51. Wroe, N. (2012). Innovations in talent analytics. T and D, - Business, - N/A - Generic
66(8), 30–31. Management
and Accounting
52. Xu, H., Yu, Z., Yang, J., Xiong, H., & Zhu, H. (2016). Talent - Computer - People analytics - Sourcing
circle detection in job transition networks. In Proceedings of Science - Talent circle
the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge detection
Discovery and Data Mining (Vol. 13–17-August-2016, pp.
53. Zhao, M., Javed, F., Jacob, F., & McNair, M. (2015). SKILL: A - Computer - N/A - Workforce planning
system for skill identification and normalization. In Science
Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(Vol. 5, pp. 4012–4017).
Marler And Boudreau List
1. Angrave, D., Charlwood, A., Kirkpatrick, I., Lawrence, M., & - Business, - HR analytics - Generic
Stuart, M. (2016). HR and analytics: why HR is set to fail the Management - Human resource
big data challenge. Human Resource Management Journal, and Accounting information systems
26(1), 1–11. - Big data
2. Aral, S., Brynjolfsson, E., & Wu, L. (2012). Three-way - Business, - Human Resource - Performance assessment
complementarities: Performance Pay, human resource Management Analytics and development and
analytics, and information technology. Management Science, and Accounting - Incentive systems employee lifetime values
58, 913–931. - Decision - Information
Sciences technology
- Performance pay
- Production function
- Principal-agent
- Complementarity
- Enterprise systems
- Productivity

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

3. Bassi, L. (2011). Raging debates in HR Analytics. People & - Business, - N/A - Generic
Strategy, 34, 14–18. Management
and Accounting
4. Coco, C. T., Jamison, F., & Black, H. (2011). Connecting - N/A - N/A - Onboarding, culture fit,
people investments and business outcomes at Lowe’s: Using and engagement
value linkage analytics to link employee engagement to
business performance. People & Strategy, 34, 28–33.
5. DiBernardino, F. (2011). The missing link: Measuring and - N/A - N/A - Generic
managing financial performance of the human capital
investment. People & Strategy, 34, 44–49.
6. Douthitt, S., & Mondore, S. (2014). Creating a business- - N/A - N/A - Generic
focused HR Function with Analytics and Integrated Talent
Management, People & Strategy, 36(4), 16–21.
7. Falletta, S. (2014). In search of HR intelligence: Evidence- - N/A - N/A - Generic
based HR Analytics practices in high performing companies.
People & Strategy, 36, 28–37.
8. Giuffrida, M. (2014). Unleashing the power of talent - N/A - N/A - Generic
analytics in federal government. Public Manager, 43, 7–10
9. Harris, J. G., Craig, E., & Light, D. A. (2011). Talent and - Business, - Analytics - Generic
analytics: New approaches, higher ROI. Journal of Business Management - Talent management
Strategy, 32, 4–13. and Accounting - Human resources
- Decision making
- Human resource
10. Lawler III, E. E., Levenson, A., & Boudreau, J. W. (2004). HR - N/A - N/A - Generic
metrics and analytics: Use and Impact. Human Resource
Planning, 27, 27–35.
11. Levenson, A. (2011). Using targeted analytics to improve - N/A - N/A - Generic
talent decisions. People & Strategy, 34, 34–43.
12. Mondare, S., Douthitt, S., & Carson, M. (2011). Maximizing - N/A - N/A - Generic
the impact and effectiveness of HR Analytics to drive
business outcomes. People & Strategy, 34, 20–27.
13. Pape, T. (2016). Prioritising data items for business analytics: - Decision - Business analytics - Generic
Framework and application to human resources. European Sciences - Business intelligence
Journal of Operational Research, 252, 687–698. - Mathematics - Data requirements
- Human resources
- Multi-criteria
decision analysis
14. Rasmussen, T., & Ulrich, D. (2015). Learning from practice: - Business, - N/A - Generic
how HR analytics avoids being a management fad. Management
Organizational Dynamics, 44(3), 236–242. and Accounting
- Psychology
- Social Sciences
HCA Group List
1. Barrick, M. R., Thurgood, G. R., Smith, T. A., & Courtright, S. - Business, - N/A - Onboarding, culture fit,
H. (2015). Collective Organizational Engagement: Linking Management and engagement
Motivational Antecedents, Strategic Implementation, and and Accounting
Firm Performance. Academy of Management Journal, 58(1),
2. Bell, S. T., Villado, A. J., Lukasik, M. A., Belau, L., & Briggs, - Business, - Teams diversity - Diversity and inclusion
A. L. (2011). Getting Specific about Demographic Diversity Management - Demographic
Variable and Team Performance Relationships: A Meta- and Accounting diversity
Analysis. Journal of Management, 37(3), 709–743. - Economics, - Team diversity
Econometrics - Meta-analysis
and Finance

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

3. Bowen, D. E., & Ostroff, C. (2004). Understanding HRM–Firm - Business, - N/A - Onboarding, culture fit,
Performance Linkages: The Role of the “Strength” of the Management and engagement
HRM System. Academy of Management Review, 29(2), and Accounting
4. Call, M. L., Nyberg, A. J., Ployhart, R. E., & Weekley, J. - Business, - N/A - Churn and retention
(2015). The dynamic nature of collective turnover and unit Management
performance: The impact of time, quality, and replacements. and Accounting
Academy of Management Journal, 58(4), 1208–1232.
5. Christian M. S., Garza A. S., & Slaughter J. E. (2011). Work - Business, - N/A - Onboarding, culture fit,
engagement: a quantitative review and test of its relations Management and engagement
with task and contextual performance. Personnel psychology, and Accounting
64(1), 89–136. - Psychology
6. Cole, M. S., Walter, F., Bedeian, A. G., & O’Boyle, E. H. - Business, - Burnout - Onboarding, culture fit,
(2012). Job Burnout and Employee Engagement: A Meta- Management - Construct and engagement
Analytic Examination of Construct Proliferation. Journal of and Accounting redundancy - Wellness, health, and
Management, 38(5), 1550–1581. - Economics, - Construct safety
Econometrics proliferation
and Finance - Construct validity
- Engagement
7. Costa P. L., Passos A. M., & Bakker, A. B. (2014). Team work - Business, - Team work - Onboarding, culture fit,
engagement: A model of emergence. Journal of Occupational Management engagement and engagement
and Organizational Psychology, 87(2), 414–436. and Accounting - Team dynamics
- Psychology - Emergent states
- Collective constructs
8. Crawford, E. R., LePine, J. A., & Rich, B. L. (2010). Linking - Psychology - Employee - Onboarding, culture fit,
job demands and resources to employee engagement and engagement and engagement
burnout: A theoretical extension and meta-analytic test. - Burnout - Wellness, health, and
Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(5), 834–848. - Job demands and safety
- Challenge and
hindrance stress
- Meta-analysis
9. Den Hartog, D. N., Boon, C., Verburg, R. M., & Croon, M. A. - Business, - Strategic HRM - Wellness, health, and
(2013). HRM, Communication, Satisfaction, and Perceived Management - Perceived HRM safety
Performance: A Cross-Level Test. Journal of Management, and Accounting - Communication - Performance assessment
39(6), 1637–1665. - Economics, - Satisfaction and development and
Econometrics - Unit performance employee lifetime values
and Finance
10. Dobrow Riza, S., Ganzach, Y., & Liu, Y. (2016). Time and Job - Business, - Job satisfaction - Wellness, health, and
Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study of the Differential Roles of Management - Time safety
Age and Tenure. Journal of Management. and Accounting - Age
- Economics, - Tenure
Econometrics - Pay
and Finance - Longitudinal study
11. Fang, R., Landis, B., Zhang, Z., Anderson, M. H., Shaw, J. D., - Business, - Social networks - Performance assessment
& Kilduff, M. (2015). Integrating Personality and Social Management - Network position and development and
Networks: A Meta-Analysis of Personality, Network Position, and Accounting - Structural holes employee lifetime values
and Work Outcomes in Organizations. Organization Science, - Brokerage
26(4), 1243–1260. - Indegree centrality
- Personality
- Self-monitoring
- Big Five personality
- Meta-analysis
12. Harter, J. K., Schmidt, F. L., & Hayes, T. L. (2002). Business- - Psychology - N/A - Onboarding, culture fit,
unit-level relationship between employee satisfaction, and engagement
employee engagement, and business outcomes: A meta-
analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(2), 268–279.

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

13. Heavey, A. L., Holwerda, J. A., & Hausknecht, J. P. (2013). - Psychology - Collective turnover - Churn and retention
Causes and consequences of collective turnover: A meta- - Organizational
analytic review. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98(3), performance
412–453. - Retention
- Meta-analysis
14. Jiang, K., Lepak, D. P., Hu, J., & Baer, J. C. (2012). How Does - Business, - N/A - Churn and retention
Human Resource Management Influence Organizational Management
Outcomes? A Meta-analytic Investigation of Mediating and Accounting
Mechanisms. Academy of Management Journal, 55(6),
15. Kehoe, R. R., & Wright, P. M. (2013). The Impact of High- - Business, - Strategic HRM - Onboarding, culture fit,
Performance Human Resource Practices on Employees’ Management - Commitment and engagement
Attitudes and Behaviors. Journal of Management, 39(2), and Accounting - Churn and retention
366–391. - Economics,
and Finance
16. Kunze, F., Boehm, S., & Bruch, H. (2013). Organizational - Business, - Age discrimination - Diversity and inclusion
Performance Consequences of Age Diversity: Inspecting the Management - Age diversity
Role of Diversity-Friendly HR Policies and Top Managers’ and Accounting - Age stereotypes
Negative Age Stereotypes. Journal of Management Studies, - Diversity-friendly
50(3), 413–442. HR-practices
- Social identity
- Structural equation
17. Leslie, L. M., Manchester, C. F., & Dahm, P. C. (2017). Why - Business, - N/A - Performance assessment
and When Does the Gender Gap Reverse? Diversity Goals and Management and development and
the Pay Premium for High Potential Women. Academy of and Accounting employee lifetime values
Management Journal, 60(2), 402–432. - Diversity and Inclusion
18. Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (2002). Building a practically - Medicine - N/A - Performance assessment
useful theory of goal setting and task motivation: A 35-year - Psychology and development and
odyssey. American Psychologist, 57(9), 705–717. employee lifetime values
19. Murphy, K. R. (2008). Explaining the Weak Relationship - Psychology - N/A - Performance assessment
Between Job Performance and Ratings of Job Performance. and development and
Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 1(2). employee lifetime values
20. Nahrgang, J. D., Morgeson, F. P., & Hofmann, D. A. (2011). - Psychology - Workplace safety - Onboarding, culture fit,
Safety at work: A meta-analytic investigation of the link - Safety climate and engagement
between job demands, job resources, burnout, engagement, - Meta-analysis - Wellness, health, and
and safety outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(1), - Job demands safety
71–94. - Job resources
21. Nishii, L. H. (2013). The Benefits of Climate for Inclusion for - Business, - N/A - Diversity and inclusion
Gender-Diverse Groups. Academy of Management Journal, Management
56(6), 1754–1774. and Accounting
22. Nishii, L. H., & Mayer, D. M. (2009). Do inclusive leaders - Psychology - Leader–member - Churn and retention
help to reduce turnover in diverse groups? The moderating exchange - Diversity and inclusion
role of leader–member exchange in the diversity to turnover - Work groups
relationship. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(6), - Diversity
1412–1426. - Inclusion
- Turnover
23. Park, T.Y., & Shaw, J. D. (2013). Turnover rates and - Psychology - Meta-analysis - Churn and retention
organizational performance: a meta-analysis. The Journal of - Organizational
Applied Psychology, 98(2), 268—309. performance
- Turnover rates
24. Rich, B. L., Lepine, J. A., & Crawford, E. R. (2010). Job - Business, - N/A - Onboarding, culture fit,
Engagement: Antecedents and Effects on Job Performance. Management and engagement
Academy of Management Journal, 53(3), 617–635. and Accounting
25. Saks, A. M., & Gruman, J. A. (2014). What Do We Really - Arts and - Employee - Onboarding, culture fit,
Know About Employee Engagement? Human Resource Humanities engagement and engagement
Development Quarterly, 25(2), 155–182. - Business, - Burnout
Management - Job resources
and Accounting - Job demands
- Personal resources

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

26. Schaufeli, W.B., & Bakker, A. B. (2003). Utrecht Work - N/A - N/A - Onboarding, culture fit,
Engagement Scale. Utrecht: Occupational Health Psychology and engagement
Unit, Utrecht University.
27. Schaufeli, W. B., & Bakker, A. B. (2004). Job demands, job - Business, - N/A - Onboarding, culture fit,
resources, and their relationship with burnout and Management and engagement
engagement: a multi-sample study. Journal of Organizational and Accounting - Wellness, health, and
Behavior, 25(3), 293–315. - Psychology safety
- Social Sciences
28. Seong, J. Y., Kristof-Brown, A. L., Park, W.W., Hong, D.S., & - Business, - Group-level - Diversity and inclusion
Shin, Y. (2012). Person-Group Fit: Diversity Antecedents, Management - Person-group (PG)
Proximal Outcomes, and Performance at the Group Level. and Accounting fit
Journal of Management, 41(4), 1184–1213. - Economics, - Categorization-
Econometrics elaboration model
and Finance (CEM)
- Social cohesion
- Transactive memory
- Group performance

Appendix D. Vendors’ descriptions and the definitions they follow

Company Description Definition

Deloitte Smarter insights with workforce data analytics. Analytics Not specified
perspectives and solutions
Can you predict which high performers are at risk of leaving
months before they resign? Merge external data with your own
business metrics to project next year’s workforce demand? And
can you triage resumes to predict employee success and tenure
– before you hire? Here are just a few examples of how
companies can gain smarter insights and stronger outcomes
with workforce data analytics and cognitive computing.
TechTarget We are a trusted information hub for all the essential human Workforce analytics is a combination of software and
resources (HR) technology you rely on to do your job. We know methodology that applies statistical models to worker-related
that HR leaders have many difficult, strategic technology data, allowing enterprise leaders to optimize human resource
decisions to make when trying to find the best employees, keep management (HRM).
them happy, and get them paid.
Competitive Competitive Analytics [CA] helps organizations integrate all Gartner defines Employee Analytics, also known as Workforce
Analytics the necessary analytics and develop a strategy to truly get the Analytics, as, advanced set of data analysis tools and metrics
best from your team. We help you understand who your top for comprehensive workforce performance measurement and
performers are, where inefficiencies may occur, and how you improvement. It analyzes recruitment, staffing, training and
can recruit, empower, and motivate other employees. CA helps development, personnel, and compensation and benefits, as
you ensure that the data being used is timely, clean, and well as standard ratios that consist of time to fill, cost per
accurate. Because organizations often have employee related hire, accession rate, retention rate, add rate, replacement
data spread throughout departments, in myriad file formats, rate, time to start and offer acceptance rate.
and within multiple systems, Competitive Analytics blends data
sources to develop a complete workforce database, which can
then be easily used to develop your employee analytics.
Competitive Analytics displays our comprehensive labor
analyses in easy-to-interpret, interactive dashboards so
executives can make employee related decisions immediately.
McKinsey & Identify and enable talent-driven performance People Analytics-the application of advanced analytics and
Company Top employees outperform average employees by up to eight large data sets to talent management
times. To stay ahead, leading companies identify, attract,
develop, and retain these top employees. How do they do it? By
developing a people strategy that is based on data and

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

Accenture Imagine all the questions you’ve ever had about your workforce Human Capital Analytics help lead to better focus, employee
answered: which people are needed for specific projects? Do experience and ROI
you have the resources you need to successfully grow your
organization? How are individuals performing against KPIs?
Analytics reveals the answers, giving you solid, reliable insights
so you can plan, recruit and manage with confidence. We’ll
help you analyze HR trends, set workforce capacity and
capability goals, track progress, monitor performance and
automate services. By equipping you with integrated, strategic
insights we can help you speed up decisions, reduce risk and
empower your management team.
IBM HR analytics enable organizations to use their wealth of HR Analytics-a data-driven approach to building a smarter
employee data to make better decisions about their workforces workforce
and improve operational performance. From attracting top
talent, to accurately forecasting future staffing needs or
improving employee satisfaction, HR analytics tools empower
organizations to align HR metrics with strategic business goals.
PWC Our tactical and predictive analytics programs will help you Not specified
address specific workforce trouble spots so you can manage
issues before they appear. We'll show you how to build your
Talent Analytics solutions.
Point solutions demonstrate ROI of people analytics to the
We have a wide range of experience assisting clients with
targeted analytic, modeling, and forecasting requirements to
address the top workforce concerns today. We have pre-built
talent analytics services to cover the full HR/employee lifecycle
– from talent acquisition to performance, safety & learning
management, to retention and retirement – all designed to
assist your organization solve critical workforce and business
objectives. We offer analytics around total rewards that will
enable your organization to optimize across different benefits
and compensation options. Every talent analytics and
predictive service we offer has one goal in common: apply
advanced analytic techniques to solve a critical workforce
problem and thereby, demonstrate value of talent analytics to
the entire organization.
Kronos Transform your workforce data into actionable insights. Not specified
Organizations need to identify, predict, and manage
opportunities for cost savings and productivity gains — all
while improving the quality of their products and services. But
how can they achieve productivity gains and stay within
budget when they lack a reliable way to measure and analyze
workforce performance?
SAP Improve business decisions with trusted intelligence from SAP Not specified
SuccessFact- SuccessFactors Workforce Analytics. Benefit from the
ors technology and expertise of a global leader in people analytics
and business intelligence solutions to accelerate your
organization’s understanding of Big Data in HR and use
workforce data strategically to drive business impact. SAP
makes workforce analytics simple and accessible for HR
professionals, analysts, and business partners so they can
quickly and accurately answer key questions about your
workforce and influence talent and business decisions being
considered by your managers and executives.

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

Talent Analytics Why Talent Analytics? 8 Compelling Reasons to Engage with Not specified
1. Self Funding Projects – Our Projects Pay for Themselves; 2.
High Volume, High Turnover Roles; 3. Predictions are both Pre-
Hire and Post-Hire; 4. Business Results (not HR Results); 5. No
Distractions; 6. Globally Recognized Leaders; 7. Cloud
Deployment Platform, Advisor; 8. Machine Learning – Models
Continuously Recalculate, Learn and Update
Ultimate HR leaders use workforce analytics in various forms, such as Workforce analytics describes a set of tools that measure,
software predictive and prescriptive analytics. characterize and organize sophisticated employee data. These
Predictive Workforce Analytics helps managers comb through tools are used to present detailed employee performance to
mounds data to determine which employees have the greatest provide a better understanding and assist in overall
potential of success with the organization. The data also management.
predicts which employees are most likely to leave in the near
Prescriptive Workforce Analytics prescribes actions HR leaders
can take to help develop and retain key members of the
workforce, based on data uncovered from predictive analytics.
Both are an essential part of workforce analytics and when used
together, these tools can make all the difference!
Why Do Companies Invest in Workforce Analytics?
All great companies are made up of the right people in the right
positions. Workforce analytics allows HR leaders to determine
who the right people are, which tasks suit them best and how to
ensure they remain satisfied in their roles.
Ultimate Software has designed workforce analytics tools that
are easy to understand and utilize effectively.
Analytics aren’t just for statisticians anymore. A growing
number of organizations are using analytics to examine and act
upon data about their people in the workplace. Known as
workforce analytics, these sophisticated tech tools are changing
the HR game, and those companies willing and able to harness
the power of Big Data for analytics are seeing great gains and
meaningful advantages over their competition.
At Ultimate Software, our award-winning solution for HR,
payroll, and talent management, UltiPro®, offers a range of
predictive and prescriptive analytics designed to combine
managers’ expertise with proven algorithms. The winning
result? Knowledge without bias.
Visier Visier Workforce Intelligence is a cloud-based people strategy Not specified
platform that provides answers to hundreds of pre-built, best
practice questions, across a range of HR and business topics.
Unlike the reports offered by your HR management systems,
Visier delivers insights. Insights that reduce resignations.
Sharpen recruiting effectiveness. Optimize learning. And drive
business outcomes.
QuestionPRO Employee analytics tool providing 360 reviews, online surveys, Not specified
weekly pulse to increase employee retention, improve morale,
and create workforce efficiency.
TalentLMS Simple and comprehensible analytics about everything that Not specified
happens inside your elearning environment.

A. Tursunbayeva et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 224–247

Cornerstone What Are the Benefits of People Analytics? People analytics, also known as talent analytics or HR
People analytics helps organizations to make smarter, more analytics, refers to the method of analytics that can help
strategic and more informed talent decisions. With people managers and executives make decisions about their
analytic, organizations can find better applicants, make smarter employees or workforce. People analytics applies statistics,
hiring decisions, and increase employee performance and technology and expertise to large sets of talent data, which
retention. results in making better management and business decisions
Cornerstone’s suite of people analytics products apply for an organization. People analytics is a new domain for
sophisticated data science and machine learning to help most HR departments. Companies are looking to better drive
organizations more efficiently and effectively manage their the return on their investments in people. The old approaches
people. Cornerstone’s analytics suite give organizations options of gut feel is no longer sufficient.
for viewing, understanding and acting on talent data across the
entire employee lifecycle. This includes Cornerstone View, an
interactive data visualization application that gives business
leaders deeper intelligence about their people, Cornerstone
Planning, an intuitive workforce planning application that
helps organizations easily create, manage and execute accurate
hiring plans over multiple time horizons, as well as Cornerstone
Insights, its predictive and prescriptive analytics solution that
equips business leaders with the intelligence to better recruit,
train, manage and develop their people.

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problems in users’ online behavior. Interacting With Computers, 21(5–6), 393–402. Organizational Development Manager at Giunti Psychometrics, and HR Manager with
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intcom.2009.06.005. HSBC Bank Kazakhstan, amongst other managerial positions in Canada, Poland and the
Van Vulpen, E. (2016). The difference between people analytics and HR analytics. 2016, UK.
November 24) Retrieved from https://www.analyticsinhr.com/blog/difference-
between-people-analytics-and-hr-analytics/. Stefano Di Lauro (MSc) is a PhD Candidate in Management at the University of Naples
Wiedemann, K. (2018). Automated processing of personal data for the evaluation of person- Federico II (Italy), studying Organisational Identity and Social media. He has an extensive
ality traits: Legal and ethical issues. Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition international work experience in communication, marketing and social media marketing
Research Paper No. 18-04. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3102933. fields.
Wikipedia (2017). Massive open online course. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/
wiki/Massive_open_online_course. Claudia Pagliari (BSc, PhD, FRCPE) is Director of Global eHealth at the University of
Edinburgh, where she leads a programme of interdisciplinary research on digital and data
Aizhan Tursunbayeva (M. Eng, MIS, PhD, Doctor Europaeus, GRP) recently completed a innovations and their organisational, societal and policy implications. She is a member of
PhD focused on HRIS implementations within complex organisations. She now works as a the Administrative Data Research Centre for Scotland, the Farr Institute of Health
Senior Project Consultant at KPMG Advisory S.p.A., and tutors the Managing Change Informatics Research, the Institute for Science, Technology and Innovation, the NHS
course on the MSc in Global eHealth at the University of Edinburgh and Human Resources Digital Academy and the Global Interprofessional Workforce Council.


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