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CB$t $ample [uestion Paper Session

Mathematics (Standard) code 041
Class 10

6eneral lnstruilions
1. This question paper has 5 Sections A-E.
2. Section A has 18 MCQs and 02 Assertion-Reason based questions of 1 mark !aih.
3. Section B has 5 Very Short each.
Answer Type questions carrying 2 marks lt NO. Of SgCtiOnS : 5

4. Section C has 6 Short Answer Type questions carrying 3 marks each.

ff Time AllOted : 3 HfS.
5. Section D has 4 Long Answer Type questions carrying 5 marks each.
6. Section E has 3 Case Based integrated units of assessmenl (4 marks each). tt MaX. MafkS-: 80
7. All questions are compulsory. However, an intemal choice in 2 questions of 2 marks,
2 questions of 3 marks and 2 questions of 5 marks has been provided. An intemal
choice has been provided in the 2 marks questions of Section E.
8. Draw neat figures wherever required. Take r :2217 wherever required if not

SectiOn A Multiple Choice Questions (Each Que. carriesl M)

1. The graph of a quadratic polynomial p(x) (c) A chord is a line segment joining two points
passes through the points (-6, A), (0, -30), on the circle.
(4, --20) and (6,0). The zeroes of the (d) From a point inside a circle only two tangents
polynomial are can be drawn.
(a) -6, 0 (b) 4,6
4. If rthterm of an AP isTn- {, then the
(c) -30, -20 (d) -6,6 common difference of the AP is
The value of k for which the system of (a) 7 (b)7n
equations 3x - ky =7 and6x +10y =Jis (c) -4 (d) 4
rnconsrstent, ls
5. The radius of the base of a right circular cone
(a) -10 (b) -5 and the radius of a sphere are each 5 cm in
(c) s (d) 7 length. If the volume of the cone is equal to
the volume of the sphere, then the height of
\zVhich of the following statements is not
true? the cone is
(a) 5 cm
(a) A number of secants can be drawn at any
point on the circle. (b) 20 cm
(b) Only one tangent can be drawn at any point (c) 10 cm
. on a circle. (d) 4 cm
04 i Succeed Standard Mathematics Class 10

4sinO + cos0
6. If tane = 9, ,hun is equal to 11. The roots of the quadratic equation
4sin0 - cos0 x'+x-1=0are
' 9 tu)q
'.2 (")
i (d) 4 (a) irrational and distinct
(b) not real
7. In the given figure, a tangent has been (c) rational and distinct
drawn at a point P on the circle centred at O.
(d) real and equal

12. If 0 = 30o, then the value of 3 tanO is

(a) 1 &)+
(c) 3r= (d) not defined
r/ .J

13. The volume of a solid hemisphere is

cm3 . The total surface area of the solid
If ZTPQ= 110o, t1'en lPOQis equal to 7
(a) 110' (b)70' (c) 140" (d) 55. hemisphere (in sq cm) is
8. A quadratic polynomial (a) '/
having zeroes - -
iF . .549
(c) _
anct - /- rs 7
(u)x'-5{2x + 1 (b) 8x'z - 20
14. In a bag containing 24balls,4 are blue,
11 are green and the rest are white. One ball
(c) 1.5x2 - 6 (d) x' - z^fsx -t is drawn at random. The probability that
9. Consider the frequency distribution of 45 drawn ball is white in colour, is
observations. (u) f 3 ll (d)

6 "8
16) "24
Class 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
Frequency 5
15. The point on the X-axis nearest to the point
9 15 10 6
(-4, -5) is
The upper limit of median class is (a) (0, 0) (b) (-4,0)
(a) 20 (b) 10 (c) 30 (d) 40 (c) (-s, 0) (d) ("/a1o)
10. O is the point of intersection of two chords 16. Which of the following gives the middle
ABand CDof a circle. most observation of the data?
(a) Median (b) Mean
(c) Range (d) Mode
17. A point on the X-axis divides the line
segment joining the points A(2,-3)and
B(5,6) in the ratio 1:2. The point is
(a) (4, 0) *'(i'i)
(c) (3, 0) (d) (0, 3)
If ZBOC = 80o and OA= OD, then AODA and 18. A card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of
AOBC are playing cards. The probability of getting red
(a) equilaieral and similar face card is
(b) isosceles and similar (at
a &)l
(c) isosceles but not similar
(d) not similar
CBSE Sample Question Paper 2024-25 05

19. Assertion (A) HCF of any two consecutive

'&sser*ion-fteason Eased Questions even natural numbers is always 2.
ln following questions, a statement of Assertion
Reason (R) Even natural numbers are
(A) is followedby a statement of Reason (R). Choose
divisible by 2.
the correct ansTzer out of the folloraing choices.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct 20, Assertion (A) If the radius of sector of a
explanation of (A). circle is reduced to its half and angle is
doubled, then the perimeter of the sector
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the
remains the same.
correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true but (R) is false. Reason (R) The length of the arc subtending
ansle 0 at the centre of a circle of radius
(d) (A) is false but (R) is true. "nr1

Seetion B very Short Answer Type Questions (Each Que. carries 2 M)

21. (a) Find the HCF and LCM of 480 and720 digit 5? Find the probability of selecting
using the prime factorisation method. one such number out of all three digit
Or numbers.
(b) The HCF of 85 and 238 is expressible in 2 s1n2 60o - tan2 3oo
the form 85m-238. Find the value of m 23. Evaluate
2?' (a) Two dice are rolled together bearing 24. Find the point(s) on the X-axis which is at a
numbers 4, 6, 7, 9, 1.1, 12. Find the distance of J4l units from the point (8, -5).
probability that the product of numbers
25. Show that the points A(-5,6> B(3,0) and
obtained ib an odd number.
C(9,8) are the vertices of an isosceles
Or triangle.
(b) How many positive three digit integers
have the hundredths digit 8 and unit's

Sgdlq4! Short Answer Type Questions (Each Que.carries3M)

26. (a) In A,4BC D, E and F are mid-points of
BC, CAand AB, respectively. Prove that

27. The sum of two numbers is 18 and the sum

(b) In A,ABC, Pand Qare points on ABand
of their reciprocals i. ].40.fina the nurnbers.
AC, respectively such that PQis parallel 28. If o and B are zeroes of a polynomial
to BC. Prove that the median ADdrawn 6x2 - + l, then form a quadratic
from Aon BCbisects J7Q. polynomial whose zeroes are and o' p 2
06 isuceeed Standard Mathematics Class 10

29. If cos0 + sinO = 1 then prove that

cosO - sin0 = +1.

30. (a) The minute hand of a wall clock is 18 cm

long. Find the area of the face of the
clock described by the minute hand in
35 min.
(b) ABis a chord of a circle centred at Osuch
that IAOB=60".If OA=1.4cm, then find
the arda of the minor segment.
(take '1,6 =7.73) 31 . Prove that J3 is an irrational number.

SeCtiOn D Long AnswerType Questions (Each Que.carries5M)

32. (a) So1ve thefollowing system of linear the balloon from the eyes of the boy at an
equations graphically instant is 60". After 12 sec, the angle of
x +2y =3,2x -3y +8 =0 elevation reduces to 30". If the speed of the
wind is 3 rr.ls, then find the height of the
Or balloon from the ground. (Use rE =7.73)
@) Places Aand Bare 180 km apart on a
35. (a) Find the mean and median of the
. highway. One car starts from A and
following data.
another from B at the same time. If the
car travels in the same direction at
different speeds, they meet in t h. If they
travel towards each other with the same
speeds as before, they meet in an hour.
What are the speeds of the two cars?
33. Prove that the lengths of tangents drawn
from an external point to a circle are equal
Using above resulf find the length BC of
LABC. Given that a circle is inscribed in
AABC touching the sides AB BC and CAat Or
R, Pand Qrespectively and AB=70 crr., (b) The monthly expenditure on milk in 200
AQ=7 cm and CQ = 5 cm. families of a Housing Society is given

34. Aboy whose eye level is 1.35 m from the

ground, spots a balloon moving with the
wind in a horizontal line at some height Find the value of x and also find the
from the ground. The angle of elevation of mean expenditure.
CBSE Sample Question Paper 2024-25 07

Section E Case-StudV / Passa ge- based (each Que. carries 4 M)

36. Ms. Sheela visited a store near her house and shows a cabinet designed by a famous
found that the glass jars are arranged one interior designer.
above the other in a specific pattern.
Here, the largest triangle is represented by
On the top layer there are 3 jars. In the next LABC and smallest one with shelf is
layer there are 6 jars. In the 3rd layer from represented by LDEF. PQis parallel to EF.
the top there are 9 jars and so on till the 8th (i) Show that ADPQ- LDEF.
layer. (ii) If DP= 50 cm and PE =70 cm,then find
On the basis of the above situation answer PQ
the following questions. EF
(i) Write an AP whose terms represent the (iii) (a) If2AB= 5DEand LABC- LDEF, then
r of. A.ABC
number of jars in different layers starting show that is constant.
from top . Also, find the common . perimeter of ADEF
difference. Or
(ii) Is it possible to arrange 34 jars in a layer (b)It AMand DNare medians of A,ABC
if this pattern is continued? Justify your and ADEF respectively, then prove that
answer. AABM- ADEN.
(iii) (a) If there are n number of rows in a
38. Metallic silos are used by farmers for storing
layer, then find the expression for
' finding the total number of jars in terms grains. Farmer Girdhar has decided to build
a new metallic silo to store his harvested
of n Hence, find S,. grains. It is in the shape of a cylinder
'Or mounted by a cone.
(b) The shopkeeper added 3 jars in each Dimensions of the conical part of a silo is as
layer. How many jars are there in the Sth follows:
layer from the top? Radius of base = 1.5 m '

37. Height =2 m
Dimensions of the cylindrical part of a silo is
as follows:
Radius = 1.5 m
Height = 7m
On the basis of the above informatior;
answer the following questions.
(i) Calculate the slant height of the conical
part of one silo.
(ii) Find the curved surface area of the
conical part of one silo.
(iii) (a) Find the cost of metal sheet used to
make the curved cylindrical part of 1 silo
at the rate of t2000 per m'.

(b) Find the total capacity of one silo to
Triangle is a very popular shape used in
store grains
interior designing. The picture given above

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