Flash Fiction Rubric

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Flash Fiction Assignment Rubric: 100 pts.

3 2 1 0
Meaningful Title: 5 pts. • The story contains a creative • The story contains a title • The story contains a title. • The story has no title.
title reflecting the story's reflecting the story's
significance/theme significance/theme
Narrative Elements: • The setting, both where and • The setting has been • The setting is unclear; • There is no description
setting, point of view, when, has been skillfully established, although there only one aspect of of the setting.
theme: 25 pts. established. may be some confusion. setting has been • The point of view is not
• The story maintains a • The point of view is established.. consistent or meaningful
consistent point of view, and consistent. • The point of view is to the story's progress.
the point of view chosen • The theme is present in the occasionally consistent . • There is no determinable
enhances the story story. • The theme is hard to theme.
• The theme is clear and determine.
developed throughout the
Characterization: 20 pts. • Skillfully uses narrative • Consistently uses narrative • Inconsistently uses • There is no use of
techniques (dialogue, techniques (dialogue, narrative techniques meaningful narrative
descriptions, etc.) to develop descriptions, etc.) to develop (dialogue, descriptions, techniques such as
characters. characters. etc.) to develop meaningful word choice
• Includes at least one clear • Includes at least one characters. or dialogue.
example of indirect example of indirect • Includes an unclear • Does not include indirect
characterization characterization example of indirect characterization.
• Includes at least one clear • Includes at one clear characterization. • Does not include direct
example of direct example of direct • Includes an unclear characterization.
characterization. characterization. example of direct
Plot Structure and • The story skillfully engages • The story engages the reader • The story introduces at • There is no conflict.
Conflict: 25 pts. the reader by introducing at by introducing at least one least one conflict. • There is no tone and/or
least one conflict. conflict. • The story uses meaningful sequence of
• The story skillfully uses a • The story uses some techniques to sequence events.
variety of techniques to techniques to sequence the the events, but the • There is no determinable
sequence the events so that events so that they create a purpose may be unclear. progression of events.
they create a particular tone particular tone and outcome • The writing contains a
and outcome (e.g. a sense of (e.g. a sense of mystery, vague progression of
mystery, suspense, growth, suspense, growth, etc.) experiences and events.
etc.) • The writing contains a
• The writing skillfully consistent progression of
contains a smooth experiences and events.
progression of experiences
and events.
Language: 15 pts. • Demonstrates an skillful • Demonstrates a command of • Demonstrates a • Demonstrates no
command of standard standard English limited/inconsistent command of standard
English conventions, unless conventions, unless dialogue command of standard English conventions.
dialogue calls for otherwise. calls for otherwise. English conventions, • Does not employ
• Skillfully employs language • Employs language and tone unless dialogue calls for appropriate language for
and tone appropriate for appropriate for audience and otherwise. audience and purpose.
audience and purpose. purpose. • Inconsistently and/or • Grammatical errors
• No grammatical errors that • Few grammatical errors that employs language and interfere with
interfere with understanding. interfere with understanding. tone inappropriate for understanding.
audience and purpose.
• Grammatical errors may
interfere with
Story is read to the class • Shared aloud or • Did not read aloud or
or an audio recording by recording with share a recording
issubmitted by the student the class
to share with the class: 10

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