HSE OP-31-02 Risk or Impact Assessments 16-01-2024

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HSE risk or impact assesment

Date: 10/11/2024 Issue: 00 Rev.: 0


ISO 9001:2015, ISO14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018

Designation Signature
Prepared by
HSE Officer
Abdul Rahman v
Reviewed by
Mohammed Operations Manager
Mosaad Morsy
Approved by
Mohammed General Manager

This electronic copy is a true representation of the original


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HSE risk or impact assesment
Date: 10/11/2024 Issue: 00 Rev.: 0




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HSE risk or impact assesment
Date: 10/11/2024 Issue: 00 Rev.: 0

Document Change Record

Issue /
Approved Page
Sl. Date Initiated By Description of Amendment Revision
By No.
General Review of procedure and inclusion of
1. 10/11/2024 HSE officer 1&2
Aspects and definitions OM 0

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HSE risk or impact assesment
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This introduction establishes the requirement to identify and control health and safety risks and environmental
impacts. This procedure establishes the methodology for the identification, evaluation, and control of hazards
and aspects, and risks or impacts associated with all work activities, products, procedures, and services.

The procedure also provides for a system and instructions, and to assign responsibilities for managing risks and
opportunities throughout GULF EXPERTS.

Note: this procedure has adopted definitions for key terms developed specifically by GULF EXPERTS and
determined appropriate for its use within the unique requirements of its management systems.


Operations Managers: ensure risk or impact assessments are performed in accordance with this procedure and
that the HS&E Register of Health and Safety Hazards and Environmental Aspects form is properly maintained.

Responsibility and authority for this procedure is also spread across various functions and defined within this

Environmental Aspects: elements of an organisation’s activities or products or services that can interact with
the environment.
Severity: refers to the outcome of exposure to an identified hazard and aspect. This should be considered in
terms of a realistic assessment of the worst credible outcome (extent of the harm or loss) and not how likely
that worst credible outcome is to occur.
Acceptable Risk: risk that has been reduced to a level that can be tolerated by an organisation having regard to
its legal obligation and its own OHS policy from ISO 45001)
Likelihood: refers to the probability that potential harm or loss (through exposure to the hazard and aspect) can
Hazards: source, situation, or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill-health or a
combination of both definition from ISO 45001:2018 terms and definition
Environmental Impact: any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly, or partially
resulting from an organization’s environmental aspects
Process: a series of related tasks for performing work.
HSE Risk assessment: process of evaluating the risk(s) arising from hazards, taking into account the adequacy of
any existing controls, and deciding whether or not the risk is acceptable from ISO 45001:2018 terms and
Impact assessment: process of evaluating the impact(s) arising from aspects, taking into account the adequacy
of any existing controls, and deciding whether or not the impact is acceptable.
Risk: combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure(s) and the severity of
injury or ill-health that can be caused by an event or exposure (s) – definition from ISO 45001:2018
Step: a short sequence of movement contributing to a task.
Business Risk: A negative effect of uncertainty.
Opportunity: A positive effective of uncertainty.
Business Risk Assessment: a systematic investigation and analysis of potential risks, combined with the
assignment of severities of probabilities and consequences. These are used to rate risks to prioritize the

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HSE risk or impact assesment
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mitigation of high risks.

Business Risk Mitigation: a plan developed with the intent of addressing all known or possible risks and
preventing their occurrence.

Task: is work that involves a set of steps.

Task and step process flow; example


3.1 Identification

3.1.1 Hazards and aspects are identified from a review of all work activities, products, procedures, and services; as
well as reviewed periodically and when (for example):
• Significant changes or incidents occur,
• Relevant information from regulatory agencies, customers, stakeholders, or audits are received, and
• Additional hazards and aspects are identified.

3.2 Assessment

3.2.1 Hazards and aspects are assessed and prioritized for significance. At a minimum the following criteria is

• Consequence (severity)
• Frequency (likelihood)

3.3 Communication

3.3.1 HS&E risks or impacts, and associated control measures are communicated to employees and other relevant

GULF EXPERTS will carry out formal periodic risks or impacts assessment as and when required for the following
• Identify hazards and aspects and risks or impacts in the workplace and provide information to affected
personnel (i.e., employees, clients, contractors.)
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• Eliminate control or minimize risks or impacts in the workplace.

• Documenting the recommendations resulting from the assessment and the extent to which each have been
• Satisfy legal, business, and client requirements.
Risks or impacts assessments are also required for non-routine tasks, new tasks, or when process changes

3.4 Register of Health and Safety Hazards and Environmental Aspects

3.4.1 The HS&E Register of Health and Safety Hazards and Environmental Aspects form, is a tool used by
management to evaluate and prioritize risk or impacts of all processes.

3.4.2 Each site or operation is required to develop and maintain this register in accordance with the following:

• List all processes on the Registers Workbook and conduct a pre-assessment ranking (by completing columns
“priority ranking” and “processes”.)
• Conduct risk or impact assessment as outlined in the preceding sections of this element.
• Reprioritize based on risk or impact score.
• Complete the remaining fields on the register form.
• Update when changes occur to any of the fields listed on the register.

3.5 Pre-Assessment Ranking

3.5.1 List all processes and conduct a pre-assessment ranking to determine which are to be assessed for risks or
impacts. After the initial pre-assessment is complete, conduct a risk or impact assessment based on the risk or
impact score and reprioritize the register. Processes are ranked on the HS&E Register of Health and Safety
Hazards and Environmental Aspects form, according to the following criteria:
• Legal, business, and client requirements
• Frequency of incidents
• History of disabling injuries
• History of adverse environmental impacts
• Severity potential
• Employee experience and input

3.6 HS&E Risks or Impacts Assessment

3.6.1 Risks or impacts assessment teams conduct assessments for the process tasks documented on the register
form. The assessment team is comprised of employees with the following functions:

Task manager or supervisor assists in identifying the equipment used, procedures to complete the task, length
of task, and potential hazards and aspects associated with the task.

Task operator and worker: identify the task steps and associated hazards and aspects of the process.

Other personnel: (engineering, maintenance, management, etc.) may be required to assist with the assessment
to offer expertise on areas of the task and assist with the completion of the assessment.

HS&E representative: participates in the assessment process by assisting with identification of hazards and
aspects, providing recommendations for controls, and interpreting legal, business, and client requirements for
each task.

NOTE: It is recommended that assessment teams consist of at least three people.

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3.6.2 The risks or impacts assessments are documented using the HS&E Risks or Impacts Assessment form. When
conducting a risk or impact assessment, complete the entire form.

3.7 HS&E Risks or Impacts Assessment Steps

3.7.1 The basic steps in completing a risk or impacts assessment are:

1. Break the process into tasks, then break the tasks down into a sequence of steps and discuss how these steps
will be performed.

2. Identify existing or potential hazards and aspects and their types (be sure to refer to the hazard and aspect
types on the HS&E Risks or Impacts Assessment form.)

3. List the controls currently in place for each step.

4. Determine the risks or impacts score based on consequence and frequency.

NOTE: for beneficial environmental impacts scoring is not necessary.

5. Recommend additional controls to reduce or eliminate the risk or impact (refer to the Risks or Impacts
Assessment Criteria and Control sections.)

6. Determine the controlled risks or impacts score based on the recommended controls.

7. Eliminate or minimize the risks or impacts to the extent practicable.

8. Assign responsible party to implement recommended controls.

9. Establish target dates for implementation and track completion dates.

10. Update the HS&E Register of Health and Safety Hazards and Environmental Aspects form.

11. The following information may also be required for each task:

• Hazard and aspect types

• Legal, business, and client requirements
• Existing operational controls
• Required training.
• Monitoring and measurement
• Records

3.8 HS&E Risks or Impacts Assessment Criteria

3.8.1 The highest risk or impact scores are addressed first. The objective is to reduce risk or impact scores through
increased controls until no longer reasonably practicable, in terms of cost and benefit, to control risk or impact

3.8.2 The risks or impacts assessment matrix is used to evaluate relative risk or impacts; with scores ranging from 1-4
(Priority 4), 5-8 (Priority 3), 9-15 (Priority 2) and 16-25 (Priority 1) (Refer to risks or impacts assessment matrix).
Threshold is set for (12)

3.9 HS&E Risks or Impacts Control

3.9.1 Engineering solutions, where feasible, are the preferred method of elimination or control of workplace hazards
and aspects. The following hierarchy of controls should be used:
• Eliminate the hazards or aspects (i.e., substitute less hazardous substances, automation.)

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• Incorporate engineered safety devices (i.e., guards, lockout devices, secondary containment.)
• Incorporate warning devices, signs, etc.
• Employ procedures, training and administrative controls, and emergency response plans.
• Use personal protective equipment (PPE).

3.10 Monitoring and Review

3.10.1 Risks or impact assessments are reviewed periodically and when:

• A process change occurs,

• Equipment or materials changes,
• An incident occurs, or
• Legal, business, and client requirements dictate.

3.10.2 The HS&E Risks or Impacts Assessment form and the HS&E Register of Health and Safety Hazards and
Environmental Aspects form are monitored and updated as appropriate, at least annually.

3.11 Training on HSE Risk or Impact and Risk & Opportunity

3.11.1 Employees conducting or participating in risks assessments or impacts assessments must be trained on risks or
impacts assessment techniques.

3.11.2 GULF EXPERTS considers and manages risks and opportunities differently. Risks are managed with a focus on
decreasing their likelihood, and minimizing their impact should they occur.

3.11.2 Opportunities are managed to increase their likelihood, and to maximize their benefits should they occur.

3.11.3 Where risks and opportunities overlap, the best appropriate method for managing them shall be ascertained,
given the situation at hand. Elements of such “blended” uncertainties may require methods which both address
the negative risk and positive opportunity.

3.12 Management of Risk

3.12.1 Risks are identified as part of the “Context of the Organization Exercise” described in the IMS Manual.

3.12.2 Additional risks may be identified by any employee at any time. Each process is defined in detail, this document
includes the identification and mitigation plans for key risks associated with the defined process. GULF EXPERTS
top management reviews these risks and takes action to minimize them.

3.12.3 Risks identified as part of the Context of the Organization exercise are entered into the Register/Log. This
indicates a rough priority, as well as a selected risk treatment method.

3.12.4 The methods for risk assessments vary but should always include a means of identifying the risk under
examination, and a description of the result of the risk assessment.

3.12.5 Detailed methods may include failure mode effects analysis (FMEA), strength, weakness, opportunity, and
threat (SWOT) or other tools. No single method is used for all risk assessments; the tool selected should be the
best tool applicable to that particular risk analysis.

3.12.6 Where FMEA style risk treatment is deemed optimal, an entry shall be made in the Risk Register. When using the
Risk Register, the following steps are to be followed:
a) Each type of actual risk assessment is conducted by:

• Identifying the risk.

• Identifying the process for which the risk most likely dominates.

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• Assigning a probability rating to the identified risk; this probability is comprised of two elements: likelihood
and previous occurrences. Each element is given a score from 1 (lowest risk) to 3 (highest risk).
• Assigning a consequence / severity rating if the risk were to be encountered; this consequence is comprised
of 3 ratings: (3 = eventual loss of contract); (2 = negative impact on existing customers; (1 = inability to meet
contract terms). Again, each element is given a score from 1 (lowest risk) to 3 (highest risk). The final
probability rating is the higher of the two elements. For the probability score, 1 (not likely to occur), 2 (likely
to occur) and 3 (occur). This formula is same for the opportunity register.
• Calculating a final Risk Factor based on the equation:


• For risks with a final Risk Factor rating equal to or greater than the threshold (7) set in the Risk Register,
management will decide whether to reject the subject due to the risk or accept the risks after the
development of a risk mitigation plan. The mitigation plan must be documented, either in the Risk Register or
in another document which must be referenced on the form.
• Risks with a factor less than the risk threshold may be accepted without a mitigation plan, unless otherwise
directed by management.
• The final column allows for entry of an estimated risk factor after mitigation, which is an estimate on what
the risk should be reduced to if the risk treatment is successful. Risk is to be reviewed annually as part of the
MRM inputs or as applicable and suggested by management.

3.13 Management of Opportunities

3.13.1 As part of our organization’s processes, we shall seek out opportunities which could enhance its financial viability
and market position. For example:
• obtaining new contracts
• obtaining access to new markets
• identification of new industries which may be served by GULF EXPERTS
• development of new offerings that are within the scope of capabilities of GULF EXPERTS
• streamlining existing processes to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
3.13.2 Opportunities are also identified as part of the “Context of the Organization Exercise” described in the IMS Manual.
Discussing and analyzing opportunities shall be done by GULF EXPERTS top management. If made part of the
management review activities, these shall be recorded in the management review records.

3.13.3 If an opportunity requires a risk assessment, this shall be done as defined above. Analysis of any opportunity will
generally result in one of the following possible determinations:

• Pursue the opportunity.

• Explore the opportunity in greater detail before proceeding.
• Accept the opportunity, but under limited and controlled conditions.
• Decline the opportunity, typically based on a high expected risk.


• Integrated Management System Manual - IMS-MN-01

• Management Review –
• Opportunity and Risk Register –
• HS&E Register of Health and Safety Hazards and Environmental Aspects form (see also the Registers Workbook in
Excel format)

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• HS&E Risks or Impacts Assessment Form –

• job safety analysis (JSA) form –

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