Kassim - Three-Body Abrasion of Al-SiC Composites

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Wear 225–229 Ž1999.


Three-body abrasion of Al–SiC composites

Kassim S. Al-Rubaie a , Helio
´ Goldenstein b, Jose´ Daniel Biasoli de Mello a,),1

´ de Tribologia e Materiais, Departamento de Ciencias
Laboratorio ˆ ´
Fısicas, ˆ
UniÕersidade Federal de Uberlandia, ˆ
Campus Santa Monica, 38400-902,
MG, Brazil
Escola Politecnica ˜ Paulo, AÕ. Prof. Mello Morais 2463, 05508-900, Sao
da UniÕersidade de Sao ˜ Paulo, SP, Brazil


While many works have been focused on the two-body abrasive wear of aluminum matrix composites, there are relatively few results
on the three-body abrasion performance of these composites. In the present study, the three-body abrasion of aluminum matrix composites
reinforced with silicon carbide particles ŽSiC p . has been investigated. The metal matrix composites ŽMMCs. were fabricated by a powder
metallurgy route involving a final hot extrusion step, with Al 1100 matrix and a-SiC p reinforcement with mean sizes of 10, 27 and 43
mm, in the proportions of 5, 10 and 20 vol.%. Using a wet monolayer tester, three-body abrasive wear tests were conducted under a
constant load against silicon carbide and alumina abrasives with four different grits of 320, 400, 600 and 1000. The microstructural
characterizations were performed using light microscopy. The dominant wear mechanisms were identified using scanning electron
microscopy. The influence of type of the abrasive particles on wear rate and dominating wear mechanism is reported. Relationships
between size and volume fraction of the SiC p reinforcement and wear rate is discussed. It is shown that SiC p reinforcement increases the
abrasion resistance against all the abrasives used. This increase is generally higher against alumina than silicon carbide abrasives. q 1999
Published by Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Al–SiC composites; SiC p reinforcement; Three-body abrasion; Abrasive particles; Wear mechanisms

1. Introduction Wang and Hutchings w24x studied the two-body abrasion

of an alumina fibre–aluminum MMC against SiC abra-
Metal matrix composites ŽMMCs. are increasingly be- sives using a pin-on-disc apparatus. The composites were
ing used in the aerospace and automobile industries be- made by liquid metal squeeze infiltration. They found that
cause of their improved strength, stiffness and increased the abrasion resistance of the composites containing dis-
wear resistance over unreinforced alloys w1–5x. The com- continuous alumina fibres was higher by two to six times
monly used metallic matrixes include light metals such as that of the unreinforced matrix alloy. Wang and Hutchings
aluminum, magnesium, titanium, and their alloys. The w24x also found a transition in wear behavior which was
reinforcement can be in the form of fibres, whiskers and dependent on the abrasive particle size. They showed that,
particulates. Widely used reinforcements are silicon car- in abrasion against coarse abrasive particles, there is an
bide, aluminum oxide and graphite w4,5x. Reinforcement of optimal amount of reinforcement; higher volume fraction
aluminum alloys with Al 2 O 3 or SiC has generally been leading to a decrease in the abrasion resistance owing to
observed to improve wear and abrasion resistance w6–29x. increased fragmentation and pull-out of the reinforcement.
While many investigations have been focused on the Lee et al. w26x investigated the effect of porosity, vol-
sliding wear behavior of aluminum matrix composites ume fraction and size of silicon carbide particles ŽSiC p .
w6–21x, there are relatively few results on the abrasion reinforcement on the two-body abrasion resistance of pow-
performance of these composites w20–29x. der metallurgy aluminum alloy 6061 matrix composites.
They found that the abrasion resistance of the aluminum
) alloy decreased drastically with increasing porosity. How-
Corresponding author. University of Cambridge, Department of Ma-
terials Science and Metallurgy, Tribology Group, Cambridge, UK. Tel.:
ever, for its composites, the porosity effect was less signif-
q44-1223-334503; fax: q44-1223-334567; e-mail: [email protected] icant. They also found that the abrasion resistance of the
E-mail: [email protected] composites increased as the amount of SiC p increased.

0043-1648r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Published by Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 3 - 1 6 4 8 Ž 9 9 . 0 0 0 0 9 - 5
164 K.S. Al-Rubaie et al.r Wear 225–229 (1999) 163–173

Table 1 Table 2
Characteristics of the materials tested Bulk hardness of materials tested
Code Volume percent of SiC p Average size of SiC p Material Hardness ŽHV 10.
particles wvol.%x particles wmmx
Al 29.6"0.2
Al Al-5-10 36.2"0.8
Al-5-10 5 10 Al-10-10 39.4"0.5
Al-10-10 10 10 Al-20-10 43.5"0.4
Al-20-10 20 10 Al-5-27 33.3"0.4
Al-5-27 5 27 Al-10-27 36.8"0.4
Al-10-27 10 27 Al-20-27 45.0"0.3
Al-20-27 20 27 Al-5-43 34.0"0.3
Al-5-43 5 43 Al-10-43 37.2"0.3
Al-10-43 10 43 Al-20-43 44.8"0.9
Al-20-43 20 43

Also for the composites containing the same amount of MMCs, manufactured with squeeze casting technique, us-
SiC P reinforcement, the abrasion resistance increased by ing a test method developed by Struers, Denmark. They
increasing the size of SiC p . found that the aluminum reinforced with Al 2 O 3 fibres
Axen ´ et al. w29x studied the abrasion resistance of showed no influence of fibre content on the abrasion
alumina fibre reinforced aluminum using a pin-on-drum resistance.
abrasion machine. The composites were manufactured by a The nature and properties of the interface between the
hot liquid infiltration technique. They concluded that fibre reinforcing phase and the matrix, affected by the method
reinforcement significantly improved the abrasion resis- of fabricating the composite, can influence the tribological
tance in milder abrasive situations, i.e., small and soft properties of the composites. The aim of the present study
abrasives and low applied loads. However, in severe abra- is to investigate the three-body abrasion behavior of differ-
sive situations, the abrasion resistance of the composites ent aluminum matrix composites reinforced with SiC p with
was equal to or, in some cases, even lower than that the average sizes of 10, 27 and 43 mm, as well as in the
unreinforced materials. proportions of 5, 10 and 20 vol.%, fabricated by a powder
Using a dry sandrrubber wheel abrasion tester, Bhansali metallurgy technique involving a hot extrusion step.
and Mehrabian w22x reported that the three-body abrasion
resistance of alloys Al 2014 and Al 2024 reinforced with
Al 2 O 3 particles were superior to those containing SiC p . 2. Experimental procedures
This was attributed to high fracture toughness of alumina
relative to silicon carbide. They also found that the com- 2.1. Materials
posite Al 2024–20 wt.% SiC p offered no significant im-
provement in the abrasion resistance due to a weak bond In this investigation the composites were all based on
between SiC p and the matrix, resulting from the presence the same matrix which was air atomized aluminum powder
of brittle Al 4 C 3 at the interface. Alahelisten et al. w27x Al 1100 Ž99.1 Al, 0.30 Si, 0.28 Fe; in wt.%. with an
studied the three-body abrasion performance of different average grain size of around 120 mm. The composites,

Fig. 1. Three-body abrasion tester.

K.S. Al-Rubaie et al.r Wear 225–229 (1999) 163–173 165

containing 5, 10 and 20 vol.% of a-SiC p with three canned and cold pressed in an Al alloy can with an
different mean sizes of 10, 27 and 43 mm, were made by uniaxial press at 100 MPa. Then the cans were pre-heated
powder metallurgy technique ŽTable 1.. The reported pro- for 3.5 h at 4208C and finally hot extruded in a vertical 15
portions and sizes of the SiC p were measured before the MN press with an extrusion ratio of 48:1. The final
fabrication of the composites studied, using a particle product consisted of 18 mm diameter cylindrical bars.
analyzer ŽMalvern 2600. and mass balance w30x. The com- For microscopic examination, MMCs specimens were
posites were fabricated by dry blending Al and SiC pow- cut with a low velocity diamond cutting wheel and then
ders using a Y-type mixer for 4 h. The mixed powder was ground for half a minute to obtain flat surfaces, using a

Fig. 2. Optical micrographs of the Al–SiC composites. Ža. Al-5-43, Žb. Al-10-43, Žc. Al-20-43, Žd. Al-5-27, Že. Al-10-27, Žf. Al-20-27, Žg. Al-5-10, Žh.
Al-10-10, Ži. Al-20-10.
166 K.S. Al-Rubaie et al.r Wear 225–229 (1999) 163–173

Ž200 mm diameter, 25 rpm., in the same way as in lapping.

A slurry consisting of 10 wt.% abrasive particles and 90
wt.% neutral lapping oil was continuously added to the
rotating disc and uniformly distributed. All tests wear were
preformed under a nominal contact pressure of 0.195 MPa.
Silicon carbide and alumina abrasive particles with four
different sizes of 10 mm Ž1000 grit., 20 mm Ž600 grit., 38
mm Ž400 grit. and 46 mm Ž320 mm. were used.
Prior to testing and recording of actual mass losses
related to wear, all the specimens were given a full run-in
under the same test conditions Ži.e., only steady state wear
was considered.. Before and after the wear test, the speci-
mens were ultrasonically cleaned in acetone for not less
than 5 min and then dried under a blast of warm air. The
resulting mass losses were determined to an accuracy of
"0.1 mg. The actual wear measurements of all materials
tested were taken after a duration of 480 s. At least nine
readings were performed and the average was used.
The reference material used in this study is the alu-
minum matrix having a bulk hardness of 29.6 HV 10.
Wear rate ŽW . was defined as mass loss divided by
abraded area and testing time Žmg mmy2 hy1 .. Relative
wear resistance of the composite was defined as the wear

Fig. 3. Evolution of wear rate with abrasion time.Ža. specimen: Al-20-43,

SiC 1000 grit Ž10 mm., Žb. specimen: Al-5-27, Al 2 O 3 1000 grit Ž10 mm..

Struers Miniplan grinder with a high force of 100 N. In

addition, the specimens were polished for 5 min on a soft
cloth with a 15 mm diamond slurry, 5 min on a hard cloth
with the same slurry, 5 min with a 1 mm slurry on a hard
cloth and finally half a minute on a chemical resistant
cloth with a colloidal silica suspension. All these polishing
operations were carried out using a Struers Abramin de-
vice at 150 rpm and a force of 300 N. The diamond
slurries were all water based. No etching was used.
Vickers bulk hardness measurements of the composites
and of the unreinforced matrix were carried out using a
load of 10 kg. For each specimen tested, at least seven
hardness indentations were made and the average was

2.2. AbrasiÕe wear

Three-body abrasive wear tests were carried out using a

wet monolayer tester especially adapted for this purpose
ŽFig. 1..
Three cylindrical identical specimens 8 mm in diameter
were mounted in a rotating specimen holder Ž25 rpm. that Fig. 4. Wear resistance as a function of abrasive grit size, volume fraction
was pressed by dead weight against a rotating steel disc of SiC p s 5%. Ža. SiC, Žb. Al 2 O 3 .
K.S. Al-Rubaie et al.r Wear 225–229 (1999) 163–173 167

rate of the reference material Žunreinforced matrix. divided

by that of the MMCs under the same conditions.
The dominant wear mechanisms were identified using a
digital scanning electron microscope of the type LEO 940.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Characterization of the composites

Table 2 shows Vickers hardness of the composites and

of the unreinforced matrix. The hardness of the composite
increases with increasing the volume fraction of SiC p .
However, particle size has little effect on hardness.
Fig. 2 shows typical micrographs of transverse sections
relative to the extrusion direction. Most of the composites
presented a fairly homogeneous SiC p distributions, with
the exception of composites with SiC p of 10 mm which
presented pores and a tendency for SiC p clustering.
In general, for a given SiC p volume fraction, smaller
SiC p particle size caused more frequent SiC prSiC p con-
tact. The same trend was found for a fixed SiC p size, when
increasing the volume fraction. This is a direct result of the

Fig. 6. Wear resistance as a function of abrasive grit size, volume fraction

of SiC p s 20%. Ža. SiC, Žb. Al 2 O 3 .

increasing probability of occurring SiC prSiC p interfaces

when there is an increase in the number of SiC p , either by
an increase in the volume fraction or a decrease in the
average size.
The homogeneity level of the distribution of reinforce-
ment particles is actually a function of the aluminum
powder average size to SiC p average particle size ratio
ŽAl:SiC p .. The more Al:SiC p departs from unity the more
heterogeneous becomes the microstructure, with SiC p par-
ticles segregating between Al particles during the blending
operation. For a given Al:SiC p , it is thus possible to define
a critical Žmaximum. SiC p volume fraction that can be
added to the matrix in order to obtain a good reinforce-
ment dispersion.
Previous work w3x showed that no reaction product and
no interfacial decohesion between the matrix and the parti-
cles were observed, even after rupture in a tensile test.

3.2. Abrasion resistance

Prior to recording the actual mass losses related to

Fig. 5. Wear resistance as a function of abrasive grit size, volume fraction wear, it is essential to find the time necessary to achieve a
of SiC p s10%. Ža. SiC, Žb. Al 2 O 3 . permanent wear regime.
168 K.S. Al-Rubaie et al.r Wear 225–229 (1999) 163–173

Fig. 3 shows, as an example, the evolution of wear rate 3.2.1. Effect of abrasiÕe grit size
of the specimens Al-20-43 and Al-5-27 as a function of The effect of abrasive grit size on the abrasion resis-
abrasion time under different tribological conditions. It can tance of the SiC p-reinforced composites is shown in Figs.
be observed that the wear rate initially decreases with 4–6. Generally, the abrasion resistance decreases with
increasing the abrasion time until reaching the permanent abrasive grit size over the range studied. Significant im-
wear regime, in which the wear rate is nearly constant with provement in the wear resistance was found against abra-
the time. The time to reach this permanent wear regime sives with the smallest grit size 10 mm Ž1000 grit., while
was around 480 s. ŽFig. 3a. and 420 s. ŽFig. 3b.. These against abrasives with bigger grit sizes the effect is rela-
results confirm the necessity of achieving the permanent tively low, and with abrasives of 46 mm Ž320 grit. no
wear regime since without this procedure no comparative improvement was recorded. The reinforcement with SiC p
behavior can be found among the specimens studied. generally is more efficient in enhancing the wear resis-

Fig. 7. SEM micrographs of abraded surfaces of the specimen Al-5-10. Ža. SiC 320 Ž46 mm., Žb. SiC 1000 Ž10 mm., Žc. Al 2 O 3 320 Ž46 mm., Žd. Al 2 O 3
1000 Ž10 mm..
K.S. Al-Rubaie et al.r Wear 225–229 (1999) 163–173 169

with metal and thus only support the applied load without
contributing to material removal. Mulhearn and Samuels
w32x studied samples of silicon carbide abrasives. They
found that the grains in the fine grit size appeared to
contain a large number of cracks which would make them
break easily and thus reduce their ability to remove mate-
rial. Larsen-Basse w33x also concluded that the conditioning
and deterioration of fine grit abrasives is more intense than
coarse grits for a given sliding distance. In agreement,
Johnson w34x found the pick up of abrasive particles by the
wearing surface is much greater for fine than for coarse
grits because the latter deteriorate less rapidly. Thus, it is
to be expected that the wear rate should be less for a
surface worn by a fine grit and when the effects of grit
Fig. 8. Wear resistance as a function of size of SiC p particles, volume deterioration and pick up are eliminated w33x, wear rate
fraction of SiC p s 20%. becomes independent of grit size.
´ and
For materials containing reinforcing particles, Axen
tance against Al 2 O 3 abrasives than SiC. This behavior can Zum Gahr w35x reported that the wear rate of steel sub-
be attributed to the hardness and geometry of the abrasive strates laser-clad with TiC particles was influenced by the
used, where the hardness of Al 2 O 3 is lower than that of size of the reinforcing particles, matrix hardness and the
SiC abrasive and SiC p reinforcing particles of the compos- abrasive grit size. The ratio of the average width of the
ites investigated, thereby increasing the wear resistance individual wear grooves to the mean free path between the
significantly. reinforcing particles was considered to be a determining
Numerous explanations have been suggested for the factor in wear behavior. Wang and Rack w25x proposed the
effect of abrasive grit size on the wear rate. Larsen-Basse term relative penetration depth Ž h r . which was defined as
w31x suggested that the efficiency of material removal the ratio of the abrasive particle penetration depth Ž h. to
depends on the elastic contact load, which varies with the the size of the reinforcing phase Ž d ., expressed as rein-
abrasive grit size. For a constant load, if the average forcement mean free path. At constant reinforcement vol-
abrasive grit size is increased, the density of abrasive ume fraction, this ratio was a critical variable, controlling
grains under the abraded surface is diminished, so that the the wear resistance of a composite reinforced with SiC p .
individual stress in each grain is increased. He concluded Below a relative penetration depth of unity, wear resis-
that the smaller-sized particles are only in elastic contact tance was found to increase dramatically with decreasing

Fig. 9. SEM micrographs of abraded surfaces of the composites worn by abrasive particles of 320 grit Ž46 mm.. Ža. Al-20-10, SiC and Žb. Al-5-43, Al 2 O 3 .
170 K.S. Al-Rubaie et al.r Wear 225–229 (1999) 163–173

relative penetration depth. Above unity, the wear resis- ‘dimensions of the contact area’ proposed by Hutchings
tance was generally independent of the penetration depth. w21x can be used to explain wear results related to the size
Hutchings w21x introduced a concept of ‘dimensions of of abrading particles. At a constant volume fraction of
contact area’ to explain wear results related to the size of SiC p reinforcement with defined average size, wear resis-
abrasive particles. The dimensions of the abrasive particle tance of the composite decreased with increasing the size
relative to the size of the reinforcement determined whether of abrading particles due to an increase in the relative
the wearing composite acted as a heterogeneous or homo- penetration depth and contact area.
geneous solid to the particle contact. SEM micrographs of the abraded surfaces of the com-
In the present work, the concept of the ‘relative penetra- posites, worn by 46 mm Ž320 grit. and 10 mm Ž1000 grit.
tion depth’ proposed by Wang and Rack w25x and the abrasive particles, are shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 10. SEM micrographs of abraded surfaces of the composites Ž20 vol.% of SiC p . worn by abrasive particles of 1000 grit Ž10 mm.. Ža. Al-20-10; SiC,
Žb. Al-20-43, SiC, Žc. Al-20-10; Al 2 O 3 , Žd. Al-20-43; Al 2 O 3 .
K.S. Al-Rubaie et al.r Wear 225–229 (1999) 163–173 171

high as for the aluminum matrix. SEM micrographs ŽFig.

9. showed that the abrasion by SiC or Al 2 O 3 with 320 grit
Ž46 mm. caused similar operating wear mechanisms on the
abrading surfaces of the composites with different volume
fractions and sizes of SiC p . This leads to approximately
the same weight losses.
It can also be shown in Fig. 8 that the wear resistance
against abrasive particles of SiC or Al 2 O 3 with 1000 grit
Ž10 mm. increases with increasing size of reinforcing
particles. This increase in wear resistance can be generally
attributed to a better protection to the matrix from large
reinforcements against abrading particles. The SEM micro-
graphs of the worn surfaces of the composites, containing
20 vol.% of SiC p , when abraded by 10 mm Ž1000 grit.
Fig. 11. Wear resistance as a function of volume fraction of SiC p . abrasives are presented in Fig. 10. Against SiC abrasive
Average size of SiC p reinforcements 43 mm. particles, the plastic deformation on the worn surfaces was
reduced by an increase in the size of SiC p from 10 mm to
43 mm as shown in Fig. 10a and b. Against Al 2 O 3
abrasive particles ŽFig. 10c and d., the plastic deformation
Because of the three-body configuration, the abrasive on the worn surfaces was strongly reduced by increasing
particles have the freedom to roll and slide between the the size of reinforcing particles. This reduction in plastic
tested specimen and the rotating steel disc. The abrasive deformation was higher than that against SiC. It can also
particles also have the chance to roll more than to slide, be seen that the SiC p proud of the matrix has rounded
therefore the predominant wear mechanism is plastic de- edges and corners. Since Al 2 O 3 abrasive particles are
formation due to multi-indentations. Localized small softer than the SiC p reinforcing particles, then the former
grooves and fine scratches can also be observed, due to cannot wear the latter effectively, so that the reinforcing
sliding motion of the abrading particles. particles remain in relief. This leads to an increase in the
The SEM micrographs of the worn surfaces ŽFig. 7. abrasion resistance owing to the protection supplied to the
show that plastic deformation is more important when matrix from these reinforcing particles.
using bigger abrasive particles. An increase in the size of The results also indicate that the improvement in wear
abrasive particles causes a large amount of plastic defor- performance imparted by SiC p reinforcement particles is
mation on the worn surfaces abraded by both SiC ŽFig. 7a higher when abrasion was performed by Al 2 O 3 than by
and b. and Al 2 O 3 ŽFig. 7c and d.. In addition, an increase SiC. This can be attributed to geometry and hardness of
in the effective load due to bigger abrasive particles in-
duces a large contact area. Therefore, it is reasonable to
suppose that in the case illustrated in Fig. 7b and d the
reinforcement particles act as obstacles towards the abra-
sive particles leading to a greater abrasion resistance.
The general morphological features of the abraded sur-
faces worn by 46 mm Ž320 grit. abrasives of SiC and
Al 2 O 3 are approximately similar ŽFig. 7a and c.. There-
fore, no significant differences in their wear rates were
measured Žsee Fig. 4..

3.2.2. Effect of the size of SiC p reinforcement particles

From Figs. 4–6, it can be seen that the size of the SiC P
reinforcement has a considerable effect on the abrasion
resistance of the composites which increases with increas-
ing the reinforcement size when the size of the abrading
particles was reduced from 46 mm to 10 mm.
For example, Fig. 8 shows the wear resistance of the
composites containing 20% volume fraction of SiC p as a
function of the reinforcement size. For abrasive particles
with 320 grit Ž46 mm., the wear resistance of the compos-
ite is nearly unchanged when the size of SiC p reinforce- Fig. 12. SEM micrograph of the abraded surface of the specimen Al-5-43
ment goes from 10 to 43 mm. Also, it is approximately as worn by Al 2 O 3 1000 grit Ž10 mm..
172 K.S. Al-Rubaie et al.r Wear 225–229 (1999) 163–173

the abrasive used, where the hardness of Al 2 O 3 is lower 6. The improvement imparted by the SiC p reinforcement
than that of SiC. generally was higher against alumina than against sili-
con carbide for all grits tested.
3.2.3. Effect of Õolume fraction of SiC p
Figs. 4–6 show that the wear resistance against both
silicon carbide and alumina abrasives generally increases
with increasing the volume fraction of SiC p , when the size
The authors would like to thank the CNPq and
of the abrading particles was reduced from 46 mm to 10
FAPEMIG, Brazil for the financial support.
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