ZS Pediatric Cardiology
ZS Pediatric Cardiology
ZS Pediatric Cardiology
Etiology Defect in intraventricular septum
Path. Left to right shunt (during systole)>lung plethora>
Biventricular enlargement > Eisenmenger
C/P Small : Asymptomatic + pansystolic murmur
Large : Feeding difficult - extensive sweating -
Dyspnea - Recurrent Chest infection
Symptoms Congestive Lung symptoms (Due to Plethora)
Ex (May) Pericardial bulge
Systolic thrill (Lt parasternal)
Accentuated S2 (if PHTN)
Pansystolic Harsh murmur at Lt parasternal to All
over pericardium
Complications HF-IEC-Recurrent chest infections-PHTN-
Eisenmenger -Failure to thrive
ttt Surgical : if membranous - Large defect - unclosed
defect until 10 yrs
IEC prophylaxis
Tetralogy of Fallot :
Etiology PS +Big VSD +Overriding Aorta + RVH
Path. • PS > Decrease pulmonary perfusion (lung
• Aorta overriding > Cyanosis
• Non Functioned Shunt (due to equal pressure)
• Duct dependent
Symptoms Cyanosis
Lung Oligemia
C/P Cyanosis (usually late/severe cases/Absent (Pink
Cyanotic spells
Squatting position
Ex Harsh ejection systolic Murmur over Lt
parasternal area
Uncommon thrill over Lt parasternal single S2
Complications Cyanotic spells - TB - Polycythemia (Thrombosis) -
Brain Abscess - Growth retardation - Rarely HF
and IEC
Dx CXR (Coeur en sabot / Oligemia)-ECG-ECHO
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Dx CXR (Coeur en sabot / Oligemia)-ECG-ECHO
ttt Propranolol (Prevent spells)
Spells ttt : Squatting + O2 + NaHCO3 + Inderal +
Iron therapy
Surgical : Pulmonary systemic anastomosis /
Brock operation (infundibular) / Open heart
Etiology Defect in interatrial septum (ostium secundum /
Primum / Sinus Venosus)
Ostium secundum is more common and less
Path. Lt to Rt shunt > Lung plethora > RVH
C/P Usually Asymptomatic
May Dyspnea/R chest infection/Exercise
intolerance/Growth retardation
Ex Wide fixed Splitting of S2
Shunt produce No murmur (but can be in
functional PS)
if murmur it is ejection systolic
Complications RVF / IEC / Eisenmenger / Lautenbacher
syndrome (ASD + Rheumatic MS)
ttt Surgical : if large defect
Etiology Persistence of ductus arteriosus just distal to left
Aorta to pulmonary Shunt (systole and diastole)
Lung Plethora > Lt side enlargement
C/P Asymptomatic if small
Recurrent chest infection
Hyperdynamic circulation
Ex Water hummer pulse
Systolic thrill (Lt infraclavicular)
Accentuated S2 (PHTN)
Machinery continuous murmur at Lt
infraclavicular area (appear after first week)
propagate to pulmonary area
Complications Selective Cyanosis- HF-IEC-Recurrent chest
infections-PHTN-Eisenmenger -Failure to thrive
Dx CXR (LV enlargement/Plethora)-ECG-ECHO
ttt Medical : Indomethacin / ibuprofen /
Paracetamol (initiate closure in preterm baby in
1st week)
Surgical : Closure surgery (before 1 yr.)
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Surgical : Closure surgery (before 1 yr.)
Def Aorta arise from RV and Pulmonary from LV +
2 Parallel circulations
Essential Communication (VSD/ASD/PDA)
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Essential Communication (VSD/ASD/PDA)
CP Deep central cyanosis
Dyspnea / Recurrent chest infection
HF manifestations
Signs Central cyanosis/Clubbing/HF
Lt parasternal pulsation (RVH)
Accentuated S2
No murmur (May murmur of VSD)
Complications Polycythemia (Thrombosis) - Brain Abscess -
Recurrent chest infections- HF and IEC
Dx CBC (Inc. Hb)-CXR (Egg on side heart/Na / Plethora)-
ttt Prostaglandin to maintain PDA
Rashkin procedure (Urgent Shunt)(Balloon atrial
Total correction (within 2-3 week of life)(Atrial switch)
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