Modulhandbuch Studiengang SP Po15

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Technische Hochschule Aschaffenburg

Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science

Module Handbook

For the Bachelor’s degree programme

Software Design International
Wintersemester 2024/25

Issued for the degree programme "Software Design International" of the

Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences by decision of the Dean on 30.09.2024
and by resolution of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Engineering and
Computer Science on 16.10.2024.

This Module Handbook applies in conjunction with the Study and Examination
Regulations dated 01.08.2023 (SPO11).

Prof. Dr. Vaupel, Dekan (Dean)

Status: 30.09.2024

For further information on the modules, the subjects and the respective examinations and
certificates of achievement, please refer to the Study and Examination Regulations
(Studien- und Prüfungsordnung, SPO) and the study plan of your degree program as
amended from time to time.
Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Module: SDI_01, Mathematics I ......................................................................................................... 4
Module: SDI_02, Mathematics II ........................................................................................................ 5
Module: SDI_03, Foundations of Programming Technologies...................................................... 7
Module: SDI_04, Object-oriented Concepts ..................................................................................... 8
Module: SDI_05, Data Structures and Algorithms ........................................................................... 9
Module: SDI_06, Project Management ............................................................................................ 10
Module: SDI_07, Foundations of IT-Hardware............................................................................... 11
Module: SDI_08, Multimedia Technology ....................................................................................... 12
Module: SDI_09, Theoretical Computer Science ........................................................................... 13
Module: SDI_10, Foundations of Software Engineering ............................................................... 14
Module: SDI_11, Databases .............................................................................................................. 15
Module: SDI_12, Requirements Engineering and Usability .......................................................... 16
Module: SDI_13, Collaboration, Quality and Test .......................................................................... 17
Module: SDI_14, Operating Systems and Networks ..................................................................... 18
Module: SDI_15, Foundations of Data Science .............................................................................. 20
Module: SDI_16, Agile Development Methodologies .................................................................... 21
Module: SDI_17, Human Computer Interaction ............................................................................. 22
Module: SDI_18, IT Security .............................................................................................................. 23
Module: SDI_19, Software Architecture and Design Patterns ..................................................... 24
Module: SDI_20, Parallel and Distributed Systems ....................................................................... 25
Module: SDI_21, German as foreign Language A2 ........................................................................ 26
Module: SDI_22, German as Foreign Language B1 ....................................................................... 27
Module: SDI_23, Business Administration ..................................................................................... 28
Module: SDI_25, Mobile Applications and Development ............................................................. 29
Module: SDI_26, Web Technologies ................................................................................................ 30
Module: SDI_27, Software Development Project ........................................................................... 31
Module: SDI_28, Subject-specific compulsory Elective Module................................................. 32
Module: SDI_29, Practical Training Semester................................................................................ 33
Module: SDI_30, Practical Course .................................................................................................... 34
Module: SDI_31, Practical Seminar ................................................................................................. 35
Module: SDI_32, Seminar for Bachelor Thesis............................................................................... 36
Module: SDI_33, Bachelor Thesis .................................................................................................... 37
Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................................... 38

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

The Module Handbook presented here was developed based on the Anderson Kathwol Taxonomy
(Anderson, L.W.; Krathwohl, D.: A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing. A Revision of
Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Addison Wesley. 2001) and the recommendations of
the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (Recommendations for Bachelor's and Master's Programs in
Computer Science at Universities, July 1, 2016).

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_01, Mathematics I

Module Title Mathematics I
Module Code SDI_01
Course(s) LV1: SDI_01a Mathematics I (seminar course)
LV2: SDI_01b Practice for Mathematics I (practice)
Lecturer(s) Prof. Dr. Klaus Radke, Prof. Dr. Barbara Sprick
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr. Klaus Radke, Prof. Dr. Galia Weidl
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 1, Winter semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 15h
preparation, 50h follow-up, 25h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar teaching, LV2: 2 SWS practice)
ECTS credits 5
Participation none
Applicability of the The module teaches the basic mathematical concepts and procedures required in applied
module computer science. The content of the module is aligned with the Software Design International
degree program. The module is used exclusively for the Software Design International degree
Module objectives / Discrete structures, logic and algebra:
Learning Outcomes The students ...
• describe and discuss basic algebraic structures and their importance in computer
science and present examples from mathematics and computer science.
• recognize applications of Boolean algebra in computer science, represent switching
functions using Boolean algebra methods.
• explain the syntax and semantics of propositional logic and first-level predicate logic.
• describe results of elementary number theory in their application in computer science,
especially from the field of cryptography.
• describe and explain graph theoretical concepts and possible applications as well as the
most important algorithms of graph theory using an example.
• use sets, relations, functions and their operations in different contexts.
• deal confidently with linear mappings of vector spaces in different contexts and calculate
with the matrix representation. They solve and interpret systems of linear equations.
• use modular arithmetic to solve discrete equations.
• model and solve practical problems (planarity, colourings, shortest paths, maximum flow,
matching) using graph theoretic methods.
• transfer simple use cases into models of propositional and predicate logic and examine
them by means of logic.
• are independently able to work out abstract concepts and acquire basic techniques or
• Analyse formal issues in simple contexts and apply proof techniques to test them.
• use discrete mathematics methods in simple applications and evaluate their results.

Contents LV1:
Discrete structures, logic and algebra:
• Propositional logic
• Predicate logic
• Boolean algebra
• Sets, relations, functions
• Vector spaces, matrices, systems of equations
• Graph Theory
• Number theory

• Practice for the contents in LV1

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)”

method Possible bonus points: processing of exercises with presentation
Types of media Blackboard, projector, transparencies
Reading list • Lehman, Leighton, Meyer: Mathematics for Computer Science
• Levin: Discrete Mathematics – An Open Introduction
• Rosen: Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Mc Graw Hillx

(All books in their latest edition)

Risk assessment for Participation is possible
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024
Module: SDI_02, Mathematics II
Module Title Mathematics II
Module Code SDI_02
Course(s) LV1: SDI_02a Mathematics II (seminar course)
LV2: SDI_02b Practice for Mathematics II (practice)
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr. Klaus Radke, Prof. Dr. Galia Weidl
Teaching language(s) German
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 2, Summer semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 15h
preparation, 50h follow-up, 25h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar teaching, LV2: 2 SWS practice)
ECTS credits 5
Participation SDI_01 Mathematics I
Applicability of the The module teaches the basic mathematical concepts and procedures required in applied
module computer science. The content of the module is aligned with the Software Design International
degree program. The module is used exclusively for the Software Design International degree
Module objectives / Analysis and numerics:
Learning Outcomes The students ...
• describe and discuss basic principles of calculus (convergence, continuity,
differentiability and integrability) using examples.
• Confidently use methods of differential and integral calculus of functions of a variable.
• select and carry out suitable approximation methods for solving nonlinear equations and
use series representations of functions for their approximation.
• analyse the implementation of simple numerical algorithms on the computer in terms of
their applicability and accuracy.
• use libraries of numerical solution methods.
• identify and solve problems of calculus in simple application problems.

Probability theory and statistics

The students ...
• describe and explain the concept of probability and its mathematical implementation
using an example.
• describe the importance of the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem for
stochastics and statistics.
• describe and explain concepts of estimator construction and hypothesis testing using an
• select and calculate appropriate ratios and procedures to characterize empirical data.
• master the handling of basic discrete and continuous distributions and implement them
in simple contexts.
• Apply parameter estimates and hypothesis tests to analyse univariate data in simple
contexts and interpret their results.
• design and analyse stochastic models for simple contexts to describe them and
understand the importance of probabilistic methods and how to apply them.
Contents LV1:
Analysis and numerics:
• Convergence, continuity, differentiability, integrability
• Differential and integral calculus
• Solution of nonlinear equations
• Differential equations
• Numerical algorithms

Probability theory and statistics:

• Probability
• Conditional probability
• Probability distributions
• stochastic models
• Parameter estimates
• Hypothesis testing

• Practice for the contents in LV1
Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“
method Possible bonus points: processing of exercises with presentation
Types of media Blackboard, projector, transparencies
Reading list • Lehman, Leighton, Meyer: Mathematics for Computer Science
• Levin: Discrete Mathematics – An Open Introduction
• Rosen: Discrete Mathematics an its Applications, Mc Graw Hill
(All books in their latest edition)

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024
Risk assessment for Participation is possible
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_03, Foundations of Programming Technologies

Module Title Foundations of Programming Technologies
Module Code SDI_03
Course(s) LV1: SDI_03a Foundations of Programming Technologies (seminar course)
LV2: SDI_03b Practice for Foundations of Programming Technologies (practice / project)
Lecturer(s) Prof. Dr. Alison McNamara
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr. Alison McNamara
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 1, Winter semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 180 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 120h (of which: 40h
preparation, 40h follow-up, 40h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar teaching, LV2: 2 SWS exercise/practices)
ECTS credits 6
Participation -
Applicability of the The module teaches the basic concepts and procedures of programming that are required in
module applied computer science. The content of the module is aligned with the Software Design
International degree program. The module is used exclusively for the Software Design
International degree program.
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • explain the significance of computer science in the context of digitalization and digital
• explain basic concepts of programming languages such as syntax, semantics, data
types, memory structures, method calls and parameter passing using a programming
language as an example.
• write syntactically and semantically correct programs according to a given algorithm in
the learned programming language.
• explain essential development steps for the Java language to executable programs.
• Perform the development steps in an environment (IDE) for the programming language.
• implement tasks in their own programs in the programming language.
• implement a given simple search or sorting algorithm in the programming language.
• explain basic object-oriented concepts, such as classes, inheritance, and polymorphism.
• implement tasks in their own programs in the given programming language.
Contents LV1:
• Basics of computer science (history, importance of computer science in the digital age,
areas of computer science).
• Encoding of information (ASCII, Unicode), number systems (dual, octal, decimal,
• Introduction to programming using Java as an example
• Syntax and semantics of the Java programming language, control structures, simple data
types and reference data types.
• Basic principles of object orientation (generalization, inheritance, encapsulation,
• Simple data structures and algorithms

• Introduction to the Eclipse development environment for programming
• Creation of programs in above mentioned development environment in above mentioned
programming language
• Intensive practical application of all concepts presented within the framework of many
hands-on exercises
Study / Examination See document “Study and examination regulations (SPO)”
method Possible bonus points: completion of computer lab exercises and a presentation

Types of media Blackboard, projector, demonstration, sample programs, worksheets

Reading list • Bates, K. (2021). Head First Java, 3rd Edition. O’Reilly Media, Inc, USA.
• Deitel, P.J. and Deitel, H.M. (2018). Java: how to program: early objects. New York, Ny

(All books in their latest edition)

Risk assessment for Participation is possible
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_04, Object-oriented Concepts

Module Title Object-oriented Concepts
Module Code SDI_04
Course(s) LV1: SDI_04a Object-oriented Concepts (seminar course)
LV2: SDI_04b Practice for Object-oriented Concepts (practice / project)
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr. Alison McNamara
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 2, Summer semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 30h
preparation, 30h follow-up, 30h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar-based teaching, LV2: 2 SWS practice/internship)
ECTS credits 5
Participation SDI_03, Foundations of Programming Technologies
Applicability of the The module teaches in-depth programming methods that are required in applied computer
module science. The content of the module is aligned with the Software Design International degree
program. The module is used exclusively for the Software Design International degree program.
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • outline programming paradigms such as imperative, object-oriented, and declarative
programming and explain them using language constructs.
• evaluate the suitability of different programming paradigms and programming languages
for various application tasks.
• explain advanced object-oriented concepts such as interfaces, abstract classes, dynamic
binding using the Java programming language.
• write syntactically and semantically correct OO programs in the Java language according
to a given algorithm and test it.
• independently implement generic types and collections in their own Java programs.
• map UML diagrams to matching elements in Java.
• write simple unit tests and develop test-driven.
• perform code reviews, apply "clean code" principles and engage in pair programming.

Contents LV1:
• Programming languages and concepts
• Introduction to advanced concepts of object-oriented programming using Java as an
example (abstract classes, interfaces, collections, exception handling, etc.)
• Deployment
• Software testing, test-driven development, unit tests
• Clean Code Principles

• Software technical solution of a task from the requirement to the implementation (incl.
• Practical application of all concepts in the context of assignments
• Team practice for the contents of LV 1

Study / Examination See document “Study and examination regulations (SPO)”

method Possible bonus points: completion of computer lab exercises and a presentation
Types of media Blackboard, projector, demonstration, sample programs, worksheets
Reading list • Bates, K. (2021). Head First Java, 3rd Edition. O’Reilly Media, Inc, USA.
• Deitel, P.J. and Deitel, H.M. (2018). Java: how to program: early objects. New York, Ny

(All books in their latest edition)

Risk assessment for Participation is possible
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

Status:30.09.2024, WiSe 2024/25 Page 8 of 38

Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_05, Data Structures and Algorithms

Module Title Data Structures and Algorithms
Module Code SDI_05
Course(s) LV1: SDI_05a Data Structures and Algorithms (seminar course)
LV2: SDI_05b Practice for Data Structures and Algorithms (practice / project)

Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr. Barbara Sprick
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 3, Winter semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 30h
preparation, 30h follow-up, 30h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar teaching, LV2: 2 SWS exercise/practices)
ECTS credits 5
Participation SDI_03, Foundations of Programming Technologies, recommended: SDI_04 Object-oriented
prerequisites Concepts
Applicability of the The module teaches in-depth algorithms and data structures required in applied computer
module science. The contents and application examples are essentially aligned with the Software
Design International degree program. The module is used exclusively for the Software Design
International degree program.
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • can explain the most important basic data structures and algorithms in computer
• can determine the runtime behavior and memory requirements of algorithms and
compare the efficiency of algorithms
• can explain basic data types (lists, stacks, queues, trees) and implement them in Java.
• can explain the influence of a chosen data structure on the realization of an algorithm
• know selected algorithm design principles and can explain and apply them in smaller
• know strategies for selecting algorithms and can identify suitable algorithms for selected
standard problems in computer science and use them to solve the problem

Contents LV1:
• Big O-notation, complexity of algorithms
• Basic data structures (array, stack, queue, lists, ...)
• algorithms for searching and sorting
• Data structures Hashes, Trees and Dictionaries
• Graphs and graph algorithms

• Team exercises and PBL on the contents of LV 1.
• Implementation of the presented algorithms

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points: none
Types of media Blackboard, projector, demonstration, sample programs, worksheets
Reading list • Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson et al.: Introduction to Algorithms, The MIT Press
• Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne: Algorithms, 4th edition, Pearson Studium
• Martin Dietzfelbinger, Kurt Mehlhorn, Peter Sanders: Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen:
Die Grundwerkzeuge,

(All books in their latest edition)

Risk assessment for Participation is possible
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

Status:30.09.2024, WiSe 2024/25 Page 9 of 38

Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_06, Project Management

Module Title Project Management
Module Code SDI_06
Course(s) LV1: SDI_06a Project Management (seminar course)
LV2: SDI_06b Project for Project Management (practice / project)
Lecturer(s) Prof. Dr. Timea Illes-Seifert
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr. Timea Illes-Seifert
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 1, Winter semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 30h
preparation, 30h follow-up, 30h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar teaching, LV2: 2 SWS exercise)
ECTS credits 5
Participation None
Applicability of the The module teaches the basic concepts and procedures of project management that are
module required in applied computer science. The content of the module is aligned with the Software
Design International degree program. The module is used exclusively for the Software Design
International degree program.
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • Know the essential characteristics of a project and understand the difference between a
project and a routine activity.
• describe the product vision in a product vision board and apply the SMART template for
goal formulation.
• discuss the difference between classic and agile project planning and control.
• identify subtasks and summarize them in a work breakdown structure.
• identify stakeholders, recognize their influence on project success and develop measures
to manage them.
• identify risks and propose measures to reduce or avoid them.
• apply different creativity techniques to develop ideas or solve problems and present their
(intermediate) results.
• plan and control a sample project in a team and apply the methods learned.
• Apply different methods for retrospective.

Contents • Introduction project management: terms, standards, characteristics of projects, project

• Agile vs. classical project management, process models, SCRUM
• Project initialization and definition: mission statement, kick-off and initial brainstorming,
product vision, project environment, stakeholder analysis, project goals, risk
management, requirements analysis
• Project planning: project management phases, phase plan, milestone planning, work
breakdown structure, effort estimation
• Project control: stages of project controlling, project status and progress, milestone and
cost trend analysis
• Project closure: documentation, lessons learned
• Conflict management, teamwork, feedback, creativity techniques
• Agile project management using the example of SCRUM

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points for LV1: none
Possible bonus points for LV2: none
Types of media Blackboard, beamer, demonstration, laboratory experiments
Reading list • Jürg Kuster, Eugen et al.: Project Management Handbook, Springer
• Olson, David Louis: Information systems project management, Business Expert Press

(All books in their latest edition)

Risk assessment for Participation is possible
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_07, Foundations of IT-Hardware

Module Title Foundations of IT Hardware
Module Code SDI_07
Course(s) LV1: SDI_07a: Foundations of IT-Hardware (seminar course)
LV2: SDI_07b: Practice for Foundations of IT-Hardware (practice)
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Biedermann
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 1, Winter semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 30h
preparation, 30h follow-up, 30h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar teaching, LV2: 2 SWS practice)
ECTS credits 5
Participation none
Applicability of the The module teaches the basic concepts and methods of IT hardware required in applied
module computer science. The content of the module is aligned with the Software Design International
degree program. The module is used exclusively for the Software Design International degree
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • explain and designate basic components of a computer.
• classify performance characteristics of computers and processors.
• understand and characterize IT hardware in terms of its internal structure (throughput,
latency, parallelizability, ...).
• represent components of a hardware circuit.
• perform translation steps of a program written in high-level language into machine code.
• set up their own machine program.
• reproduce the execution of machine code on a processor.
• Outline the communication between hardware and software components.
• use Boolean algebra to describe and optimize hardware circuits.

Contents • Components, functioning and structure of computer systems

• Microprocessor and memory structure
• Basic building blocks of digital technology
• Design of hardware components by means of hardware description languages
• Memory organization and hierarchy in the computer
• Connection of software creation and execution of the software on the hardware
• Interaction of computer components in heterogeneous architectures (embedded systems
with actuators/sensors, client-server architectures, ...)
• Optimization strategies for hardware: caching, pipelining, parallelization

• Acquisition of the above-mentioned knowledge in seminar classes

LV 2:
• Practical application of concepts developed in LV1 using worksheets and calculator

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points for LV1: none
Possible bonus points for LV2:
Types of media Blackboard, beamer, worksheets, working on the computer
Reading list • Patterson, Hennessy: Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software
Interface, Elsevier Science
• Harris, Harris: Digital Design and Computer Architecture, Morgan Kaufmann

(All books in their latest edition)

Risk assessment for Participation is possible
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

Status:30.09.2024, WiSe 2024/25 Page 11 of 38

Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_08, Multimedia Technology

Module Title Multimedia Technology
Module Code SDI_08
Course(s) LV1: SDI_08a: Multimedia Technology
LV2: SDI_08b: Practice for Multimedia Technology
Lecturer(s) Prof. Dr. Alison McNamara
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr. Alison McNamara
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 1, Winter semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 30h
preparation, 30h follow-up, 30h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar teaching, LV2: 2 SWS practice)
ECTS credits 5
Participation none
Applicability of the The module teaches the basic concepts and procedures of multimedia technology as they are
module required in applied computer science. The content of the module is aligned with the Software
Design International degree program. The module is used exclusively for the Software Design
International degree program.
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • define the term multimedia and name different types of digital media and their specifics.
• describe the process of digitization and its impact on the recording and optimization of
digital media.
• refer and evaluate different image, sound and video formats and the codecs and
compression methods used in their creation.
• explain available tools and workflows for conceptualizing, designing, and creating
multimedia content and applications.
• Apply basic principles of user centred design to the process of implementing web
applications and mobile apps: from conception to ingestion, preparation, publication, and
• use agile strategies as well as creative tools to design multimedia software applications
for different target platforms (design thinking and rapid prototyping using scribbles,
wireframes, click dummies).
• convincingly present their own concepts and implementations and self-critically discuss
the strengths and weaknesses of design solutions.
• systematically analyse and discuss their own and other people's design solutions with
regard to the user's requirements for multimedia applications and the human-machine
• master the challenges of developing design solutions in project teams through self-
reflection and active communication within initial application projects.

Contents LV1:
• Definition of multimedia and overview of types of digital media
• Overview of the process of digitization: The path from analogue to digital image and
sound signals
• Overview of digital image, sound, and video formats and the role and function of
compression and codecs.
• Importance of input and output devices for multimedia applications (controllers, touch
input, gestures, display technologies)
• User-centred use of multimedia content in web applications and mobile apps: Process of
design/recording, preparation, publication and evaluation.
• Agile strategies, tools and steps in user-centred design of software applications for
different target platforms: Design thinking, scribbles, wireframes, rapid prototyping.
• User-centred and agile planning, conception, design, implementation and evaluation of
multimedia applications for different target platforms
• Critical analysis and evaluation of the implementations developed during the exercises.

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points for LV1: none
Possible bonus points for LV2: Processing of exercises with presentation
Types of media Blackboard, beamer, worksheets, digital teaching content
Reading list • Peter Bühler et al.: Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung, Springer Vieweg Verlag, Bände
„Digitales Bild“, „AV-Medien“, „Digital Publishing“, „Präsentation“

(All books in their latest edition)

Risk assessment for Participation is possible
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

Status:30.09.2024, WiSe 2024/25 Page 12 of 38

Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_09, Theoretical Computer Science

Module Title Theoretical Computer Science
Module Code SDI_09
Course(s) LV1: SDI_09a: Theoretical Computer Science
LV2: SDI_09b: Practice for Theoretical Computer Science
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr. Marie Oetzel
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 2, Summer semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150h (thereof Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (thereof: 30 preparation,
30h follow-up, 30h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar teaching, LV2: 2 SWS practice)
ECTS credits 5
Participation none
Applicability of the The module teaches the theoretical foundations of computer science that are required in
module applied computer science. The content of the module is aligned with the Software Design
International degree program. The module is used exclusively for the Software Design
International degree program.
Module objectives / The students...
Learning Outcomes • describe and apply formal languages.
• describe the basics of automata theory and analyse given automata.
• describe Turing machines and apply them to given problem statements.
• describe and apply regular languages.
• apply the basic principles of regular expressions to given problem statements.
• describe and apply grammars.
• name runtime and complexity classes.
• recognise runtime differences of different algorithms.
• make statements about the computability and decidability of problems.
Contents • Formal languages
• Automata theory and Turing machines
• Regular languages
• Grammars
• Computability and decidability
• Complexity theory and complexity/runtime classes

LV1: Elaboration of the above-mentioned contents in seminar-based instruction.

LV2: Practical practice of the contents taught in LV1 by means of exercises.
Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“
method Possible bonus points for LV1: none
Possible bonus points for LV2: none
Types of media Blackboard, projector, worksheets
Reading list • Lutz Priese, Katrin Erk: Theoretische Informatik, Eine umfassende Einführung, Springer
• Dirk W. Hoffmann, Theoretische Informatik, Hanser

(All books in their latest edition)

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_10, Foundations of Software Engineering

Module Title Foundations of Software Engineering
Module Code SDI_10
Course(s) LV1: SDI_10a: Foundations of Software Engineering (seminar course)
LV2: SDI_10b: Project for Foundations of Software Engineering (practice / project)
Lecturer(s) Prof. Dr. Konrad Doll
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr. Timea Illes-Seifert
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 2, Summer semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 30h
preparation, 35h follow-up, 25h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar-based teaching, LV2: 2 SWS project/exercise)
ECTS credits 5
Participation SDI_03 Foundations of Programming Technologies, SDI_06 Project Management
Applicability of the The module teaches the basic concepts and procedures of software engineering that are
module required in applied computer science. The content of the module is aligned with the Software
Design International degree program. The module is used exclusively for the Software Design
International degree program.
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • characterize traditional process models (waterfall, V-model, V-model XT) and agile
(Scrum, XP) process models.
• plan solve a development problem using a process model and perform software
development tasks in teams.
• explain and apply methods, languages and tools for the individual disciplines:
requirements specification, architecture and design, implementation and testing.
• draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the methods applied.
• apply UML models.
• apply object-oriented analysis and design to concrete examples.
• show why quality assurance is a permanent task in software development and explain
different methods of analytical and constructive quality assurance.
• moderate reviews and provide constructive feedback on the "test object".
• differentiate between preventive, perfective and corrective maintenance and explain why
test automation is essential for efficient maintenance.
• Conduct team retrospectives.

Contents LV1:
• Basics of software engineering, basic terms, modelling
• Process models, evaluation and improvement of the software process, agile software
• Software engineering disciplines: requirements engineering, architecture and design,
implementation, testing
• Software management: quality management, software project management,
configuration management, the human being in software development, metrics
• Reuse, software maintenance, reengineering

• Team practice for the contents of LV 1

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points for LV1: none
Possible bonus points for LV2: none
Types of media blackboard, beamer, demonstration
Reading list • Martin Fowler: Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, Pearson Addison-
Wesley Signature Series
• Ian Sommerville: Engineering Software Products: An Introduction to Modern Software
Engineering, Pearson
• Ian Sommerville: Software Engineering, Pearson
• Andreas Spillner, Tilo Linz: Software Testing Foundations: A Study Guide for the Certified
Tester Exam- Foundation Level- ISTQB® Compliant, dpunkt.verlag GmbH
• Unhelkar, Bhuvan: Software engineering with UML, CRC Press
• Martin Fowler: Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, Pearson Addison-
Wesley Signature Series

(All books in their latest edition)

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_11, Databases

Module Title Databases
Module Code SDI_11
Course(s) LV1: SDI_11a: Databases (seminar course)
LV2: SDI_11b Practice for Databases (practice)
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr. Barbara Sprick
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 2, Summer semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 30h
preparation, 35h follow-up, 25h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar teaching, LV2: 2 SWS practice)
ECTS credits 5
Participation none
Applicability of the The module teaches the basic concepts and procedures of databases that are required in
module applied computer science. The contents and application examples are essentially aligned with
the Software Design International degree program. The module is used exclusively for the
Software Design International degree program.
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • can explain basic concepts and theoretical foundations of relational database systems
and relational query languages using technical terms
• can distinguish different database models from each other
• can explain the basic structure of database management systems using technical terms
• discuss privacy mechanisms and societal implications of big data collection.
• explain different types of knowledge and distinguish knowledge processing from
• Can design conceptual database blueprints and translate them into normalized relational
database schemas
• can perform complex SQL queries and SQL change operations
• can create small database applications
• estimate the value of a designed database schema for a
• Users one.

Contents LV1:
• Basic concepts of relational databases
• Relational query languages, especially SQL
• Database Modeling
• Database Management Systems
• Normalized relational database schemas
• Multi-user operation of databases, transaction management, scheduling
• Assignment of rights in SQL, access control models

• Practice for the contents of LV 1

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points for LV1: none
Possible bonus points for LV2: none
Types of media Blackboard, projector, demonstration
Reading list • Datenbanksysteme: Alfons Kemper, André Eickler, De Gruyter Studium,
• Übungsbuch Datenbanksysteme: Alfons Kemper, Martin Wimmer, Oldenbourg Verlag
• Grundlagen Datenbanksysteme: Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant Navathe, Pearson Studium
• Edwin Schicker: Datenbanken und SQL, Springer
• Frank Geisler: Datenbanken Grundlagen und Design, mitp.professional
• Rene Steiner: Grundkurs Relationale Datenbanken, Springer, Vieweg
• Ralf Adams: SQL Der Grundkurs für Ausbildung und Praxis, Hanser

(All books in their latest edition)

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_12, Requirements Engineering and Usability

Module Title Requirements Engineering and Usability
Module Code SDI_12
Course(s) LV1: SDI_12a: Requirements Engineering and Usability (seminar course)
LV2: SDI_12b: Practice for Requirements Engineering and Usability (practice)
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr. Barbara Sprick
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 3, Winter semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 30h
preparation, 35h follow-up, 25h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar teaching, LV2: 2 SWS exercise)
ECTS credits 5
Participation SDI_10 Fundamentals of Software Engineering
Applicability of the The module teaches basic terms, concepts and procedures of requirements engineering and
module usability engineering that are required and used in software development. The contents and
application examples are essentially aligned with the Software Design International degree
program. The module is used exclusively for the Software Design International degree program.
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • define and explain core terms and terminology from the field of requirements engineering,
requirements management and usability engineering.
• name, explain, and distinguish techniques and methods for eliciting, reviewing, tuning,
detailing, managing, and documenting requirements for software systems.
• independently select and apply suitable requirements engineering techniques, methods
and tools for given project situations.
• apply the human-centered design process in the lifecycle of software projects in a
planned manner to optimize usability, user experience, and accessibility.
• Interpret, survey, and evaluate usage context and requirements, effectiveness, efficiency,
and satisfaction for software products.

Contents LV1: Requirements Engineering and Usability

• Basics of requirements engineering and enterprise modeling
• Techniques of requirements elicitation and requirements documentation
• Review and coordination of requirements in software projects, methods and tools for
managing requirements (requirements management)
• Definition and meaning of usability, user experience (UX) and accessibility
• The human-centered design process according to DIN EN ISO 9241-210
• Target group analysis, usage requirements and usage context
• Usability testing: methods and use in the development process and product life cycle
• Usability control loop and quality assurance

LV 2: Practice for Requirements Engineering and Usability

• Team practice for the contents of LV 1
• Exercise of the contents from LV1 on the basis of an own project
• Use of design thinking and software tools

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points for LV1: none
Possible bonus points for LV2: none
Types of media Blackboard, beamer, demonstration, digital teaching content, working on the computer
Reading list • Klaus Pohl: Requirements Engineering. Grundlagen, Prinzipien, Techniken, dpunkt.verlag
• Klaus Pohl, Chris Rupp: Basiswissen Requirements Engineering. Aus- und Weiterbildung
nach IREB-Standard zum Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering
Foundation Level, dpunkt.verlag
• Michael Richter: Usability Engineering: Benutzbare Produkte gezielt entwickeln, Springer
• Florian Sarodnick, Henning Brau: Methoden der Usability Evaluation: Wissenschaftliche
Grundlagen und praktische Anwendung, Hans Huber Verlag

(All books in their latest edition)

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_13, Collaboration, Quality and Test

Module Title Collaboration, Quality and Test
Module Code SDI_13
Course(s) LV1: SDI_13a Collaboration, Quality and Test (seminar course)
LV2: SDI_13b Practice for Collaboration, Quality and Test (practice / project)
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr. Timea Illes-Seifert
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 3, Winter semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 30h
preparation, 35h follow-up, 25h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar teaching, LV2: 2 SWS practical course/exercise)
ECTS credits 5
Participation SDI_03 Foundations of Programming Technologies, SDI_04 Object-oriented Concepts, SDI_05
prerequisites Data Structures and Algorithms, SDI_06 Project Management, SDI_10 Foundations of Software
Applicability of the The module teaches the basic concepts and procedures from the areas of collaboration, quality
module management and testing that are required in applied computer science. The content of the
module is aligned with the Software Design International degree program. The module is used
exclusively for the Software Design International degree program. The content of the module is
aligned with the Software Design International degree program. The module is used exclusively
for the Software Design International degree program.
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • explain core testing and quality assurance terms and summarize quality management
• explain the characteristics of different quality management systems.
• explain the relationships between software development and testing activities and
describe typical objectives of testing.
• explain and apply different black-box, white-box and experience-based testing
• explain the difference between static and dynamic methods.
• explain the purpose of confirmation and regression testing.
• Summarize review process activities and apply a review process to a work product.
• summarize the purpose and content of the test plan and identify factors that influence
the testing effort.
• independently select and apply suitable quality assurance techniques, methods and tools
for given project situations.
• recall, compare and apply methods and tools of collaborative software development.

Contents LV1 : Collaboration, Quality and Test

• Basics of quality management (costs/benefits, roles, norms and standards, learning
• Quality models and measurement of software quality
• Basics of testing (terms, testing process, psychology of testing).
• Testing in the software development cycle (test levels, test types, maintenance testing)
• Static test (basics, review process)
• Test procedure (black-box, white-box, experience-based)
• Test of non-functional properties
• Test management (test organization, test planning, test control) risk management, defect
management, tool support)
• Agile testing

LV 2: Practice for Collaboration, Quality and Test

• Practice for teaching content from LV1
• Optional and voluntary certification to Certified Tester Foundation Level
Study / Examination Written See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“
method Possible bonus points for LV1:
Possible bonus points for LV2:
Types of media blackboard, beamer, demonstration, practical work
Reading list • Andreas Spillner, Tilo Linz: Software Testing Foundations: A Study Guide for the Certified
Tester Exam- Foundation Level- ISTQB® Compliant, dpunkt.verlag GmbH
• Glenford Myers: The Art of Software Testing, John Wiley & Sons, New York NY

(All books in their latest edition)

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_14, Operating Systems and Networks

Module Title Operating Systems and Networks I
Module Code SDI_14
Course(s) LV1: SDI_14a Operating Systems and Networks (seminar course)
LV2: SDI_14b Practice for Operating Systems and Networks (practice / project)
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Abke
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 3, Winter semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 30h
preparation, 35h follow-up, 25h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar teaching, LV2: 2 SWS exercise/practices)
ECTS credits 5
Participation SDI_03 Foundations of Programming Technologies, SDI_04 Object-oriented Concepts
Applicability of the The content of the module is aligned with the Software Design International degree program.
module The module is used exclusively for the Software Design International degree program.
Module objectives / The students will ...
Learning Outcomes • describe basic concepts and theoretical foundations of operating systems using
technical terms.
• describe operating system specific programs (e.g., in a shell) and explain their function.
• operate and use operating system specific programs.
• explain basic programming interfaces (API) to an operating system, they list their syntax
and address their functions using the Java programming language.
• explain the tasks and functions of the layers of the ISO/OSI model and assign the most
important service representatives to the respective layer.
• describe how the Internet Protocol works at its core and in the end systems. They will
assign the network components to the layers.
• reproduce the concepts of the protocols (e.g., TCP, IP, UDP) and describe how they work,
e.g., using message sequence diagrams.
• describe and use system-specific network utilities and their use and apply them to given
• explain the requirements for important protocols, e.g., for synchronization and mutual
exclusion, for consistency and replication of data, for fault tolerance and for security.
• evaluate network protocols in terms of requirements.
• assign criteria and measures for performance characteristics (e.g., bandwidth, latency) to
protocols and determine them with system-specific programs.
• decide which network technologies to use at different layers for a given application

Contents LV1:
Operating systems:
• Basic concepts computer architecture and operating systems
• Processes and threads
• Resource management (CPU(s), memory, file system, external HW)
• User interfaces, including an introduction to the use of command lines (shells)
Computer networks:
• Computer network structure
• Network components
• Performance criteria (such as bandwidth, latency, fault tolerance)
• Ethernet, Wireless LAN according to IEEE 802.11
• important network protocols (e.g. IP, TCP, UDP, http, https, DNS, DHCP)
• Communication security: firewalls, virtual private networks

• Practice for the contents of LV1
Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“
method Possible bonus points: none
Types of media Blackboard, beamer, demonstration, working on the computer
Reading list • Christian Baun: Operating Systems / Betriebssyteme , Bilingual Edition, Springer Vieweg,
• K.C.Wang: Systems Programming in Unix/Linux, Springer Nature, 2018
• Andrew S. Tanenbaum: Structured Computer Organization, 6th edition, Pearson

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024
• Andrew S. Tanenbaum: Modern Operating Systems, Pearson Education Limited, 5th
• Christian Baun: Computernetze kompakt, Springer Vieweg,
• Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Devid J. Wetherall: Computer Networks, 4th edition, Pearson

(All books in their latest edition)

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_15, Foundations of Data Science

Module Title Foundations of Data Science
Module Code SDI_15
Course(s) LV1: SDI_15a Foundations of Data Science (seminar course)
LV2: SDI_15b Practice for Foundations of Data Science (practice / project)
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr. Klaus Radke
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 3, Winter semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 30h
preparation, 35h follow-up, 25h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar teaching, LV2: 2 SWS exercise/practices)
ECTS credits 5
Participation SDI_03 Foundations of Programming Technologies, SDI_04 Object-oriented Concepts
Applicability of the The module is aligned with the competencies in the Software Design International degree
module program. It can therefore only be used in the Software Design International degree program.
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • can describe the data science process and assign the learned methods to the respective
• distinguish learning procedures with respect to supervised or unsupervised learning.
• know machine learning methods for classification, regression and clustering problems.
• perform the training of a learning model.
• rank performance and expressiveness of a machine-trained model.
• name evaluation metrics for trained models.
• divide machine learning data into training, testing, and validation sets.
• understand memory and compute time challenges to Data Science and Big Data

Contents • Basic concepts of data science: data, models, features, labels

• Data preparation: introduction to python, data wrangling, feature engineering.
• Description and visualization of data
• Supervised learning: linear regression, k-nearest neighbours classification, decision
trees, random forests, neural networks
• Unsupervised learning: k-means clustering
• Evaluation metrics: error rate, confusion matrix, precision, recall
• Methods of reproducibility of data experiments.

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points: none
Types of media blackboard, beamer, demonstration
Reading list • Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani: An Introduction to
Statistical Learning, Springer
• Aurelien Geron: Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn & Tensorflow, O'Reilly
• John D. Kelleher, Brian Mac Namee und Aoife D’Arcy: Fundamentals of Machine Learning
for Predictive Data Analytics, MIT Press
• Wes McKinney: Python for Data Analysis, O’Reilly

(All books in their latest edition)

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_16, Agile Development Methodologies

Module Title Agile Development Methodologies
Module Code SDI_16
Course(s) LV1: SDI_16a Agile Development Methodologies (seminar course)
LV2: SDI_16b Project for Agile Development Methodologies (practice / project)
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr. Timea Illes-Seifert
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 4, Summer semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 30h
preparation, 35h follow-up, 25h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar-based teaching, LV2: 2 SWS practice/internship)
ECTS credits 6
Participation SDI_10 Foundations of Software Engineering, SDI_06 Project Management
Applicability of the The content of the module is aligned with the Software Design International degree program.
module The module is used exclusively for the Software Design International degree program.
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • describe agile and non-agile software development processes.
• describe the steps for agile release planning of a SW project.
• apply planning steps of an agile SW development process
• recall roles and responsibilities in an agile process and apply them
• recall and

Contents • Overview software development processes with their advantages and disadvantages
• Characteristics of agility
• SW project planning using agile development methods such as Scrum and Kanban as
well as scaling options
• Roles and responsibilities in agile projects
• Communication and interaction in agile project teams
• Agile release and sprint planning, Agile estimation and prioritization, acceptance criteria,
user stories, tasks.
• Tools for agile project planning and control

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points: none
Types of media blackboard, beamer, demonstration
Reading list • Mike Cohn: Succeeding with Agile: Software Development Using Scrum, Addison Wesley
Signature Series
• Esther Derby, Diana Larsen: Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great, Pragmatic
• Ken Schwaber an Jeff Sutherland: Scrum Guide

(All books in their latest edition)

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_17, Human Computer Interaction

Module Title Human Computer Interaction
Module Code SDI_17
Course(s) LV1: SDI_17a Human Computer Interaction (seminar course)
LV2: SDI_17b Practice for Human Computer Interaction (practice / project)
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Biedermann
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 4, Summer semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 30h
preparation, 35h follow-up, 25h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar teaching, LV2: 2 SWS exercise/practices)
ECTS credits 5
Participation SDI_10, Foundations of Software Engineering
Applicability of the The content of the module is aligned with the Software Design International degree program.
module The module is used exclusively for the Software Design International degree program.
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • name the basic patterns of human interaction with machines.
• identify affordances and signifiers of interfaces.
• describe the behaviour of interfaces via state models.
• explain patterns and dark patterns in the interface design.
• classify interfaces with respect to the use of patterns.
• develop improvements of existing interfaces through patterns.
• are the first to understand the importance of responsive design.
• create exemplary interfaces according to established design principles.
• know the importance of good interface design for the safety and ergonomics of

Contents • History and beginnings of human-machine interaction

• Basic patterns of human interaction with machines
• Sources of error and risk factors of the human-machine interface
• Behavioural modelling of user interfaces via state machines
• Pattern and anti-pattern in interface design
• User interaction, user experience, hedonic qualities of human-machine interaction.
• Design and design basics, skeuomorphism, flat design, organic design
• Ergonomic design of human-machine interfaces, accessibility
• Accessibility of human-machine interfaces in dependence of cultural imprint, previous
experiences, age

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points: none
Types of media blackboard, beamer, demonstration
Reading list • Lee, John D., Wickens, Christopher D., Liu, Yili, Boyle, Linda Ng: Designing for people an
introduction to human factors engineering, CreateSpace
• Don Norman: The Design of Everyday Things, Basic Books

(All books in their latest edition)

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_18, IT Security

Module Title IT Security
Module Code SDI_18
Course(s) LV1: SDI_18a IT Security (seminar course)
LV2: SDI_18b Practice for IT Security (practice / project)
Lecturer(s) Prof. Dr. Marie Oetzel
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr. Marie Oetzel
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 4, Summer semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 30h
preparation, 30h follow-up, 30h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar-based teaching, LV2: 2 SWS practice/internship)
ECTS credits 5
Participation SDI_14 Operating Systems and Networks
Applicability of the The content of the module is aligned with the Software Design International degree program.
module The module is used exclusively for the Software Design International degree program.
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • understand the importance of IT security.
• explain integrity, confidentiality, availability.
• name cryptographic methods for encrypting information.
• know measures for the protection of IT systems.
• know the components of a Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC).
• perform threat analyses (threat modelling).
• apply relevant security measures and tools within a CI/CD pipeline.

Contents • Secure SDLC

• Threat analysis (threat modelling)
• Cryptographic techniques: Symmetric and asymmetric encryption, public key
• Attack vectors and techniques on IT systems.
• Measures for the protection of IT systems.

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points for LV1: none
Possible bonus points for LV2: student project
Types of media Blackboard, beamer, demonstration, exercises
Reading list • Howard and Lippner: The Security Development Lifecycle, Microsoft Press.
• Long et al.: The CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java, Addison-Wesley.
• Shostack: Threat Modeling: Designing for Security, Wiley.
• Anderson: Security Engineering, Wiley.

(All books in their latest edition)

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_19, Software Architecture and Design Patterns

Module Title Software Architecture and Design Patterns
Module Code SDI_19
Course(s) LV1: SDI_19a: Software Architecture and Design Patterns (seminar course)
LV2: SDI19b Practice for Software Architecture and Design Patterns (practice)
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Abke
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 4, Summer semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 30h
preparation, 35h follow-up, 25h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar teaching, LV2: 2 SWS practice)
ECTS credits 5
Participation SDI_03 Foundations of Programming Technologies, SDI_04 Object-oriented Concepts, SDI_05
prerequisites Data Structures and Algorithms, SDI_10 Foundations of Software Engineering
Applicability of the The content of the module is aligned with the Software Design International degree program.
module The module is used exclusively for the Software Design International degree program.
Module objectives / The students will ...
Learning Outcomes • describe at least one modeling and design language (e.g., UML) and its content
categories (such as diagram types).
• link elements to describe design patterns to represent algorithms.
• explain the process for creating and analyzing design patterns using a modeling and
design language.
• link elements to describe design patterns to represent algorithms.
• implement design patterns in their own programs in a programming language.
• list requirement criteria and rules for a software architecture (e.g., freedom from
redundancy, uniqueness, cohesion).
• distinguish between basic software architectures based on the requirements criteria.
• classify software architectures in terms ofmeeting requirements.
• form a software architecture using design patterns in a programming language.

Contents LV1:
• Software modeling
• Modeling of software by means of e.g. UML
• Design Pattern
• Software design
• Software Architecture

• Practice for the contents of LV 1

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points for LV1: none
Possible bonus points for LV2: none
Types of media Blackboard, beamer, demonstration, sample programs
Reading list • M. Seidl, M. Scholz, Chr. Huemer, G. Kappel: UML @ Classroom: An Introduction to
Object-Oriented Modeling, Springer, 2015
• Pascal Rocques: UML in Practice: The Art of Modeling Software Systems Demonstrated
through Worked Examples and Solutions, 1st edition, Wiley, 2004
• Hassan Gomaa: Software Modeling and Design: UML, Use Cases, Patterns, and Software
Architectures, Cambridge University Press, 2011
• Frank Buschmann, Kevlin Henney, Douglas C. Schmidt: Pattern-Oriented Software
Architecture, Volume 4, A Pattern Language for Distributed Computing, Wiley

(All books in their latest edition)

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breastfeeding students

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_20, Parallel and Distributed Systems

Module Title Parallel and Distributed Systems
Module Code SDI_20
Course(s) LV1: SDI_20a Parallel and Distributed Systems (seminar course)
LV2: SDI_20b Practice for Parallel and Distributed Systems (practice)
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Biedermann
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 4, Summer semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 30h
preparation, 35h follow-up, 25h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar teaching, LV2: 2 SWS practice)
ECTS credits 5
Participation SDI_14 Operating Systems and Networks, SDI_03 Foundations of Programming Technologies,
prerequisites SDI_04 Object-oriented Concepts, SDI_05 Data Structures and Algorithms
Applicability of the The content of the module is aligned with the Software Design International degree program.
module The module is used exclusively for the Software Design International degree program.
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • describe requirements for Parallel and Distributed Systems (such as response time, data
integrity, security, availability).
• explain concepts to meet requirements for parallel and distributed systems and develop
them to meet the requirements for a concrete system.
• enumerate different programming interfaces in a language and evaluate them with
respect to the set system requirements.
• assign interfaces and elements of given operating and communication systems to the
required concepts.
• implement the assigned system components in a programming language.
• explain parallel program processing.
• divide concepts of parallel processing into categories.
• describe concepts for process communication and synchronization.
• configure operating and communication system components and services for distributed
• create components and interfaces for parallel processing.
• interpret the influence of system parameters in distributed systems in their own program

Contents LV1:
• Semaphores and mutexes
• Sockets
• Remote Procedure Calls
• Inter-Process Communication
• Threads
• Processes
• Process Management
• Hardware parallelism
• Multiprocessor systems

• Practice for the contents of LV 1

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points: none
Types of media Blackboard, beamer, demonstration, sample programs
Reading list • Comer, Douglas E.: Computer Networks and Internets: Global Edition, Pearson Education,
• George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg, Gordon Blair: Distributed Systems:
Concepts and Design, Addison Wesley

(All books in their latest edition)

Risk assessment for Participation is possible
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_21, German as foreign Language A2

Module Title German as a foreign language A2
Module Code SDI_21
Course(s) LV1: SDI_21a, German as a foreign language A2.1
LV2: SDI_21b, German as a foreign language A2.2
LV3: SDI_21c, Introduction to the German labour market
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) N.N.
Teaching language(s) German
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 1 (winter semester) and Semester 2 (summer
programmes, semester semester)
Workload Total effort: 270 h (of which: Contact hours: 120h, Independent study: 150h (of which: 50h
preparation, 50h follow-up, 50h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 9 SWS (LV1: 4 SWS seminar teaching, LV2: 4 SWS seminar teaching, LV3: 1 SWS workshop and
ECTS credits 9 ECTS (4 ECTS + 4 ECTS + 1 ECTS)
Participation DAF A1
Applicability of the The module is open to non-native speakers in the Software Design International degree
module program.
Module objectives / Competence of using the German language in an everyday-life and professional context;
Learning Outcomes training of German skills in the four areas of listening, reading, speaking and writing according
to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) level of A0/A1-A2:
- The student is able to identify and name relevant terms and vocabulary in level-adequate
German (depending on the course of study).
- The student is capable of level-adequate a) listening b) reading c) speaking d) writing
- The student is enabled to prepare level-adequate language assignments in teams with
other exchange students.
- The student is able to engage in classroom discussions as well as simulations of typical
everyday-life and business situations in level adequate German.
- The student is capable of effectively interacting with other students in level-adequate
German more confidently.
- The student is prepared for German-taught lectures and for academic
studies/international business dealings in his future academic/professional life.

Contents Selected areas of everyday-life language and business/economic terminologies suitable for the
level of the students (CEFR A0/A1-A2)
The course SD_21c will introduce the students to the German labour market, including a job
application training and an excursion to a German company.

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points: none
Types of media Blackboard, beamer, demonstration, sample programs
Reading list • Schritte International, Hueber; the current edition will be communicated in the first
Risk assessment for Participation is possible
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_22, German as Foreign Language B1

Module Title German as a foreign language B1
Module Code SDI_22
Course(s) LV: SDI_22
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) N.N.
Teaching language(s) German
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 3, winter semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 120 h (of which: Contact hours: 52h, Independent study: 68h (of which: 22h
preparation, 24h follow-up, 22h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 4 SWS seminar teaching)
ECTS credits 4 ECTS
Participation DAF A1
Applicability of the The module is open to non-native speakers in the Software Design International degree
module program.
Module objectives / Competence of using the German language in an everyday-life and professional context;
Learning Outcomes training of German skills in the four areas of listening, reading, speaking and writing according
to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) level of B1.1:
- The students have enough language to get by, with sufficient vocabulary to express
him/herself with some hesitation and circum-locutions on topics such as family, hobbies
and interests, work, travel, and current events.
- The student uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of frequently used "routines" and
patterns associated with more predictable situations.
- The student can keep going comprehensibly, even though pausing for grammatical and
lexical planning and repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches of free
- The student can initiate, maintain and close simple face-to-face conversation on topics
that are familiar or of personal interest. Can repeat back part of what someone has said
to confirm mutual understanding.
- The student can link a series of shorter, discrete simple elements into a connected, linear
sequence of points.
- The student is prepared for German-taught lectures and for academic
studies/international business dealings in his future academic/professional life.

Contents Selected areas of everyday-life language and business/economic terminologies suitable for the
level of the students (CEFR B1.1)

Study and Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“
method Possible bonus points: none
Types of media Blackboard, beamer, demonstration, sample programs
Reading list • Schritte International, Hueber; the current edition will be communicated in the first
Risk assessment for Participation is possible
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_23, Business Administration

Module Title Business Administration
Module Code SDI_23
Course(s) Business Administration
Lecturer(s) Prof. Dr. Gregor Weiche
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr. Gregor Weiche
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 3, Winter semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 30h
preparation, 30h follow-up, 30h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (seminar class/exercise/practices)
ECTS credits 5
Participation None
Applicability of the This module can be used in other engineering courses.
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • have basic knowledge of the field of general business administration, in particular the
central economic processes in a company.
• apply the basic knowledge from the field of business administration.
• independently solve tasks and practical applications (e.g., case study) from a business

Contents • Business goals (overview)

• Business decisions (overview)
• Operational functions, the value chain (overview)
• Selected thematic specializations related to the study program

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points: none
Types of media Blackboard, beamer, transparencies
Reading list • Griffin, Ebert: Business Essentials, Pearson
• Schulten: Integrated Business Processes, Espresso Tutorials

(All books in their latest edition)

Risk assessment for Participation is possible
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_25, Mobile Applications and Development

Module Title Mobile Applications and Development
Module Code SDI_25
Course(s) LV1: SDI_25a: Mobile Applications and Development
LV2: SDI_25b: Practice for Mobile Applications and Development
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr. Alison McNamara
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 6, Summer semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60 h, Independent study: 90 h (of which: 30 h
preparation, 30 h follow-up, 30 h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar teaching, LV2: 2 SWS exercise)
ECTS credits 5
Participation SDI_03 Foundations of Programming Technologies, SDI_04 Object-oriented Concepts, SDI_05
prerequisites Data Structures and Algorithms, SDI_08 Multimedia Technology, SDI_17 Human Computer
Applicability of the The module teaches basic knowledge and skills for the implementation of mobile applications.
module The content of the module is aligned with the Software Design International degree program.
The module is used exclusively for the Software Design International degree program.
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • name and explain the similarities and differences of the central mobile target platforms
iOS and Android and the associated app ecosystems
• analyse and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of native tools and cross-
platform frameworks.
• name and distinguish the specific requirements and possibilities of mobile platforms and
devices as a software platform and explain the associated life cycle of mobile
• apply the design and technical specifications of the Android target platform in their own
projects and work in teams to develop their own app prototypes and conceptualize
example design solutions.
• test, evaluate and optimize the jointly developed applications using the tools and
procedures learned
• present their own applications developed in the team and analyse the applications of
other teams and developers in a structured and critical manner
Contents LV1:
• Features of iOS and Android as core mobile target platforms: Tools, Publishing
Workflows, UI Guidelines
• Specific requirements of mobile devices and platforms (performance, memory
equipment, energy consumption, Internet connection ...)
• Overview of cross-platform tools (React Native, Flutter, Xamarin ...) hybrid app
frameworks and their advantages and disadvantages.
• Data exchange of mobile applications with web databases via Restful APIs,
local/persistent storage of data on mobile devices (SQLite)
• Android SDK, Android Studio and the UI guidelines and design paradigms for Android
(Material Design).
• Security and rights management of apps, signing of apps, certificates and distribution
through app stores

• Basics and examples of designing and developing Android apps in Java using Android
• Implementation of activity layout design and planning of activity lifecycles
• Handling of intents, broadcasts, services and notifications
• Targeted use of simulators and end devices in the mobile development process
• Mobile application testing and debugging
• Critical analysis and evaluation of the app implementations developed and presented
during the exercises.

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points for LV1: none
Possible bonus points for LV2: Processing of exercise projects with presentation
Types of media Blackboard, beamer, worksheets, digital teaching content
Reading list • Android Developer's Guide:
• Material Design Guidelines:

(All books in their latest edition)

Risk assessment for Participation is possible
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_26, Web Technologies

Module Title Web Technologies
Module Code SDI_26
Course(s) LV1: SDI_26a: Web Technologies
LV2: SDI_26b: Practice for Web Technologies
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr. Alison McNamara
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 6, Summer semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 150 h (of which: Contact hours: 60 h, Independent study: 90h (of which: 30h
preparation, 30h follow-up, 30h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (LV1: 2 SWS seminar teaching, LV2: 2 SWS practice)
ECTS credits 5
Participation SDI_11 Databases, SDI_18 IT Security
Applicability of the The module teaches basic knowledge of Web Technologies and competencies for the
module implementation of user-centred Internet applications. The content of the module is aligned with
the Software Design International degree program. The module is used exclusively for the
Software Design International degree program.
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • name and explain the technical basics and framework conditions for browser-based
applications (web standards, protocols/data exchange, client-server principle)
• differentiate CSS and JavaScript frameworks and backend languages from each other
and select and justify the adequate toolset for web applications
• draw text in HTML, style the HTML markup using CSS, and create (simple and advanced)
interactions using JavaScript.
• make targeted use of web technologies within the framework of their own projects and
program prototypes in teams and conceptualize exemplary design solutions, taking into
account the best practices of web development
• test, evaluate and present their own design solutions in a team and constructively
discuss and criticize the solutions of other developers

Contents LV1:
• Overview of the Internet protocol family including HTTP/HTTPS, IPv4 and IPv6
• Client-server principle as a central element of Internet communication
• Introduction web standards and frontend stack: HTML, CSS and JavaScript
• CSS and JavaScript frameworks (Bootstrap, Angular.js, React) and WebApps (PWAs)
• Relational and non-relational web databases (MySQL/MongoDB ...)
• Restful APIs and JSON as central interface technologies on the web
• Backend languages (choice from PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby ...); Node.js (JavaScript in the
• Web-based content management systems: Drupal/Typo3/WordPress

• User-centred and agile planning, conception, design, implementation and evaluation of
own Internet applications by means of a selected framework
• Targeted application and deepening of the competencies acquired in the lecture and in
other modules in the context of web projects.

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points for LV1: none
Possible bonus points for LV2: Processing of project tasks with presentation
Types of media Blackboard, beamer, worksheets, digital teaching content
Reading list • Online courses on HTML, CSS and JavaScript

(All books in their latest edition)

Risk assessment for Participation is possible
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_27, Software Development Project

Module Title Software Development Project
Module Code SDI_27
Course(s) LV1: SDI_27a Software Development Project
LV2: SDI_27b Seminar on Software Development Project
Lecturer(s) different
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr. Timea Illes-Seifert
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 6, Summer semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 300 h (of which: Contact hours: 30h, Project: 200h, 40h seminar preparation
(research, presentation), 30h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 2 SWS (LV1: Software Development Project, LV2: Seminar on Software Development Project)
ECTS credits 10
Participation SDI_03 Foundations of Programming Technologies, SDI_04 Object-oriented Concepts, SDI_05
prerequisites Data Structures and Algorithms, SDI_06 Project Management, SDI_10 Foundations of Software
Engineering, SDI_16 Agile Development Methodologies.
Applicability of the The module deepens knowledge in special disciplines of software engineering in the form of a
module seminar. Furthermore, the module pursues the objective of applying acquired knowledge and
skills in a software development project and carrying it out in a team.
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • apply knowledge of software development, software quality and project management in
the context of a concrete problem.
• decide on a process model and determine which roles are necessary.
• Plan and control all tasks needed to be performed as part of the software development
• perform requirements analysis and derive the software architecture and the detailed
• implement and test the application.
• evaluate different solution alternatives in the area of requirements analysis, design,
implementation and testing as in a team.
• conduct team retrospectives on a regular basis.
• research and present a selected, in-depth topic from the field of software engineering.

Contents LV1:
• Students carry out a software development project in a team. They learn which technical
and non-technical challenges have to be mastered.
• The implementation of the task requires the independent familiarization with
development tools (IDEs, build tools, version management, etc.) and, depending on the
specific topic, the analysis of various libraries or frameworks.

• Research and presentation of a selected topic from the field of software engineering.

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points for LV1:
Possible bonus points for LV2:
Types of media blackboard, beamer, demonstration, practical work
Reading list
Risk assessment for Participation is possible
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_28, Subject-specific compulsory Elective Module

Module Title Subject-specific compulsory Elective Module
Module Code SDI_28
Course(s) Subject-specific compulsory Elective Module (seminar course / practice / project)
Lecturer(s) Different
Module coordinator(s) Representative for study planning
Teaching language(s) Depending on the selected compulsory elective module
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 7, Winter semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 120 h (of which: Contact hours: 48h, Independent study: 72h (of which: 24h
preparation, 28h follow-up, 20h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 4 SWS (seminar class/exercise/practices)
ECTS credits 4
Participation Depending on the selected compulsory elective module
Applicability of the As a rule, elective courses can be used in several degree programs. Detailed descriptions can be
module found in the module handbook of the elective subjects.
Module objectives / Students acquire subject-specific knowledge of the selected subject areas or further subject-
Learning Outcomes specific language skills depending on the language chosen. They apply the knowledge in simple
applications from the subject-specific areas or are able to apply further language skills. The
students are able to work on technical tasks from the module-specific areas, taking into
account interdisciplinary aspects.

Contents The contents are given in the description of the compulsory elective modules.

Study / Examination Depending on the compulsory elective module chosen

method Possible bonus points: Depending on the compulsory elective module chosen.
Types of media Blackboard, transparencies, beamer (others depending on the chosen compulsory elective
employed module)
Reading list Depending on the selected compulsory elective module
Risk assessment for Participation is possible after consultation with the lecturer
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_29, Practical Training Semester

Module Title Practical Training Semester
Module Code SDI_29
Course(s) Practical Training Semester
Lecturer(s) -
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konrad Doll
Teaching language(s) German / English (depending on the chosen company or institution)
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 5, Winter semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 720 h
SWS / teaching form 0 SWS, Practical Training Semester
ECTS credits 24
Participation 70 ECTS
Applicability of the The content of the module is aligned with the Software Design International degree program.
module The module is used exclusively for the Software Design International degree program.
Module objectives / The students will...
Learning Outcomes • know the operational work environment as well as typical activities of a software
designer/computer scientist.
• acquire knowledge of technical, organizational and business contexts in companies.
• are able to perform adequately in companies, to
fit into (project) teams and to cooperate professionally with other employees.
• are able to understand the requirements of the company and align their own activities to
these requirements.
• work effectively and responsibly in companies as part of a team and with partners at
different levels.
• apply methods and knowledge from their previous studies to practical problems.

Contents • Practical Training Semester in the company.

• Content depends on the company and the specific task.

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points:
Types of media Practical work
Reading list Depending on the company and the specific task at hand
Risk assessment for Participation in the company internship is possible after consultation with the lecturer
pregnant or (individual risk assessment at the respective workplace).
breastfeeding students

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_30, Practical Course

Module Title Practical Course
Module Code SDI_30
Course(s) Practical Course
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Abke
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 5, Winter semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total time required: 90 h (of which: Contact hours: 30h, Independent study: 60h (of which: 20h
preparation, 40h follow-up))
SWS / teaching form 2 SWS (seminar teaching)
ECTS credits 3
Participation none
Applicability of the The content of the module is aligned with the Software Design International degree program.
module The module is used exclusively for the Software Design International degree program.
Module objectives / The students ...
Learning Outcomes • provide technical terms of the working environment for future software designers.
• recognize and name stake-holders in professional practice areas.
• name basic framework conditions, regulations and laws in the work environment.
• reflect processes in the work environment.
• Assign recommendations for action and measures to work processes.
• Identify challenges in the professional practice environment.
• design measures for a holistic working environment.

Contents • Workplace
• Workplace design and environment
• Work processes
• Health protection and prevention
• Quality requirements and standards
• Process descriptions

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method None
Types of media Blackboard, Projector, Demonstration, Practical work, Presentation
Reading list • Marvin R. Weisbord: Productive Workplaces: Dignity, Meaning, and Community in the 21st
• Pfeiffer; 3. edition (9 Feb. 2012)
• G. Anderson: Mastering Collaboration: Make Working Together Less Painful and More
Productive, O‘Reilly Media, 2019

(All books in their latest edition)

Risk assessment for Participation is possible
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_31, Practical Seminar

Module Title Practical Seminar
Module Code SDI_31
Course(s) Practical Seminar
Lecturer(s) N.N.
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konrad Doll
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 5, Winter semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 90 h (of which: Contact hours: 30h, Independent study: 60h (of which: 24h
preparation, 24h follow-up, 12h exam preparation))
SWS / teaching form 2 SWS (seminar teaching)
ECTS credits 3
Participation Practical Training Semester
Applicability of the The content of the module is aligned with the Software Design International degree program.
module The module is used exclusively for the Software Design International degree program.
Module objectives / The students will ...
Learning Outcomes • reflect, evaluate and analyse strengths and weaknesses of their activities in business
practice and derive improvements for their own behaviour.

Contents • Tasks in the Practical Training Semester

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points: none
Types of media blackboard, beamer, demonstration, practical work
Reading list -
Risk assessment for Participation is possible
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_32, Seminar for Bachelor Thesis

Module Title Seminar for Bachelor Thesis
Module Code SDI_32
Course(s) Seminar
Lecturer(s) different
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konrad Doll
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 7, Winter semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 60 h
SWS / teaching form 2 SWS, meetings with the supervisor, presentation of results
ECTS credits 2
Participation SDI_33 Bachelor thesis
Applicability of the The content of the module is aligned with the Software Design International degree program.
module The module is used exclusively for the Software Design International degree program.
Module objectives / The students will ...
Learning Outcomes • present, explain and defend their findings to a group in an understandable and activating
• develop a detailed action plan and evaluate it regularly.
• critically reflect on their own work.
• research background information related to the topic.
• engage in professional discourse, argue for their own position and discuss software
design / computer science topics with experts in a results-oriented manner.

Contents • In-depth development of your own topic including an evaluation concept using the
design thinking method
• Presentation of results in the form of a paper/presentation followed by discussion

Study / Examination See document „Study and examination regulations (SPO)“

method Possible bonus points:
Types of media blackboard, beamer, demonstration
Reading list
Risk assessment for Participation is possible
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

Module: SDI_33, Bachelor Thesis

Module Title Bachelor Thesis
Module Code SDI_33
Course(s) -
Lecturer(s) different
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konrad Doll
Teaching language(s) English
Associated degree Software Design International, Semester 7, Winter semester
programmes, semester
Workload Total effort: 360 h
SWS / teaching form 0 SWS
ECTS credits 12
Participation Activation by study office
Applicability of the The module bundles the scientific, methodological and practical skills acquired in the Software
module Design International course.
Module objectives / In the context of the Bachelor thesis, students should independently apply the technical,
Learning Outcomes methodological, social and personal skills they have acquired during their studies to a practice-
relevant problem from the Software Design program on a scientific basis.

The students will ...

• work independently on a problem from the field of software design (computer science)
within a given period of time frame using scientific methods under guidance and applying
relevant theoretical and methodological knowledge.
• demonstrate self, time and project management skills required to solve problems.
• document the basic principles, methods used and results according to scientific
• deepen their problem-solving skills. They successfully transfer theoretical and
methodological knowledge of software design to practical applications.
• critically analyse the processes and challenges in information technology.
• illuminate problems and approaches to solutions from an interdisciplinary perspective.
• think in a networked way and strive for practical and sustainable solutions.

Contents The student writes a written paper, usually presenting the results of a theoretical or
experimental investigation or a practical development task. The processing steps are
determined individually depending on the respective topic.
Possible steps may include:
• Familiarization with the topic and the current state of research/technology
• Developing/selecting methods and techniques for solving problems and developing a
solution concept
• Application/implementation of the method and realization of the own concept
• Evaluation, validation and assessment of the results

Study / Examination Bachelor Thesis

method Possible bonus points:
Types of media -
Reading list
Risk assessment for Participation is possible
pregnant or
breastfeeding students

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Curriculum / Module Handbook: Software Design International Date: 30.09.2024

BA Bachelor thesis
LN Performance Record
S Seminar
SU Seminar teaching
Min. Minutes
Prakt. practical
Ü Practice
Pr Project / Praktikum
mE / oE Successful / without
SWS Teaching hours per week

TN Participation certificate
Pr. LN Practical Performance
schrP Examination in writing
MdlP, Oral examination
SPO Study and examination
AWPF General science
compulsory elective
FWPF Subject-specific
compulsory elective

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