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ASTM D 2983-19e1

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: D2983 − 19´1

Standard Test Method for

Low-Temperature Viscosity of Automatic Transmission
Fluids, Hydraulic Fluids, and Lubricants using a Rotational
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D2983; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

ε1 NOTE—Formatting in Section Annex A3 was corrected editorially in October 2019.

1. Scope* 1.4.1 The viscosity data used for the precision studies for
1.1 This test method covers the use of rotational viscom- Procedures A, B, and C covered a range from 300 mPa·s to
eters with an appropriate torque range and specific spindle for 170 000 mPa·s at test temperatures of –12 °C, –26 °C, and
the determination of the low-shear-rate viscosity of automatic –40 °C. Appendix X5 includes precision data for –55 °C test
transmission fluids, gear oils, hydraulic fluids, and some temperature and includes samples with viscosities greater
lubricants. This test method covers the viscosity range of 500 000 mPa·s.
300 mPa·s to 900 000 mPa·s 1.4.2 The viscosity data used for Procedure D precision
study was from 6400 mPa·s to 256 000 mPa·s at test tempera-
1.2 This test method was previously titled “Low- tures of –26 °C and –40 °C.
Temperature Viscosity of Lubricants Measured by Brookfield
Viscometer.” In the lubricant industry, D2983 test results have 1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as
often been referred to as “Brookfield2 Viscosity” which implies standard. No other units of measurement are included in this
a viscosity determined by this method. standard.
1.3 This test method contains four procedures: Procedure A 1.5.1 The test method uses the SI unit, milliPascal-second
is used when only an air bath is used to cool samples in (mPa·s), as the unit of viscosity. (1 cP = 1 mPa·s).
preparation for viscosity measurement. Procedure B is used 1.6 WARNING—Mercury has been designated by many
when a mechanically refrigerated programmable liquid bath is regulatory agencies as a hazardous substance that can cause
used to cool samples in preparation for viscosity measurement. serious medical issues. Mercury, or its vapor, has been dem-
Procedure C is used when a mechanically refrigerated constant onstrated to be hazardous to health and corrosive to materials.
temperature liquid bath is used to cool samples by means of a Use Caution when handling mercury and mercury-containing
simulated air cell (SimAir)3 Cell in preparation for viscosity products. See the applicable product Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
measurement. Procedure D automates the determination of low for additional information. The potential exists that selling
temperature, low-shear-rate viscosity by utilizing a thermo- mercury or mercury-containing products, or both, is prohibited
electrically heated and cooled temperature-controlled sample by local or national law. Users must determine legality of sales
chamber along with a programmable rotational viscometer. in their location.
1.4 There are multiple precision studies for this test method. 1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
Subcommittee D02.07 on Flow Properties. mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
Current edition approved June 15, 2019. Published July 2019. Originally
approved in 1971. Last previous edition approved in 2017 as D2983 – 17. DOI: 1.8 This international standard was developed in accor-
10.1520/D2983-19E01. dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
Brookfield viscometer and accessories are a trademark of AMETEK ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
Brookfield, Inc, 11 Commerce Blvd., Middleboro, MA 02346, http://
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
SimAir is a trademark of Tannas Co., 4800 James Savage Rd., Midland, MI mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
48642, http://www.savantgroup.com. Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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D2983 − 19´1
2. Referenced Documents Discussion—PET is an acronym for portable elec-
2.1 ASTM Standards: 4 tronic thermometers, a subset of digital contact thermometers
D341 Practice for Viscosity-Temperature Charts for Liquid (DCT).
Petroleum Products 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
D2162 Practice for Basic Calibration of Master Viscometers 3.2.1 blank sample, n—a Newtonian standard reference
and Viscosity Oil Standards fluid used to monitor the temperature experienced by the
D4175 Terminology Relating to Petroleum Products, Liquid sample in the cold-air cabinet by inserting a thermometric
Fuels, and Lubricants device while placed in the center of the turntable; this fluid
D5133 Test Method for Low Temperature, Low Shear Rate, shall have a viscosity as low as possible and be changed on a
Viscosity/Temperature Dependence of Lubricating Oils regular basis.
Using a Temperature-Scanning Technique 3.2.2 final test temperature, n—for the programmable liquid
D5293 Test Method for Apparent Viscosity of Engine Oils bath is the test temperature at which the liquid bath will be held
and Base Stocks Between –10 °C and –35 °C Using for the rest of the 16 h after the cooling profile is completed.
Cold-Cranking Simulator
D6708 Practice for Statistical Assessment and Improvement 3.2.3 intermediate setpoints, n—for the programmable liq-
of Expected Agreement Between Two Test Methods that uid bath are the series of setpoints the bath is taken through
Purport to Measure the Same Property of a Material while the cooling profile is executing. This cooling profile
D7962 Practice for Determination of Minimum Immersion calculated from A2.2 is automatically executed by the soft-
Depth and Assessment of Temperature Sensor Measure- ware.
ment Drift 3.2.4 Procedure A—This test protocol utilizes an air bath for
D8210 Test Method for Automatic Determination of Low- the cooling portion of the test and then requires moving the test
Temperature Viscosity of Automatic Transmission Fluids, cells to either a constant liquid bath or balsa blocks during the
Hydraulic Fluids, and Lubricants Using a Rotational viscosity analysis.
3.2.5 Procedure B—This test protocol utilizes a program-
E1 Specification for ASTM Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers
mable liquid bath to cool the samples at a pre-determined rate
E644 Test Methods for Testing Industrial Resistance Ther-
and then the viscosity analysis is performed in the same bath.
E2877 Guide for Digital Contact Thermometers 3.2.6 Procedure C—This test protocol utilizes a constant
2.2 ISO Standard:5 liquid bath and Sim-Air cells, which allow the samples to cool
ISO 17025 General requirements for the competence of at the same rate as the air bath, and be tested within the same
testing and calibration laboratories constant liquid bath.
3.2.7 reference viscosity, n—the viscosity of Newtonian
3. Terminology reference fluid whose values were determined by the use of a
3.1 Definitions: master viscometer at one or more temperatures; reference
3.1.1 apparent viscosity, n—the determined viscosity ob- viscosities of typical standard reference fluids used in Proce-
tained by use of this test method. D4175 dures A, B, and C are listed in Appendix X2. Discussion—Apparent viscosity may vary with the 3.2.8 starting temperature, n—for the programmable liquid
spindle speed (shear rate) of a rotational viscometer if the fluid bath is the temperature of the liquid bath at which the samples
is non-Newtonian. See Appendix X1 for a brief explanation. are loaded into the turn table. This is calculated from A2.2 at
3.1.2 digital contact thermometer (DCT), n—an electronic zero time. The software provided with the programmable
device consisting of a digital display and associated tempera- liquid bath automatically calculates this value.
ture sensing probe. 3.2.9 Procedure D—This test protocol uses a programmable Discussion—This device consists of a temperature rotational viscometer paired with a thermoelectrically con-
sensor connected to a measuring instrument; this instrument trolled sample chamber. The viscometer program automatically
measures the temperature-dependent quantity of the sensor, records the sample temperature during the thermal condition-
computes the temperature from the measured quantity, and ing through the end of test. At the end of thermal conditioning,
provides a digital output. This digital output goes to a digital the viscosity is automatically measured at each test method
display and/or recording device that may be internal or external spindle speed with a summary reported at the end of test.
to the device. These devices are referred to as a “digital viscometer tray, n—the support platform on which
thermometer.” the viscometer is mounted; used in Procedure D. viscometer retaining ring, n—the collar that holds
the viscometer in position on the viscometer tray; used in
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM Procedure D.
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on test chamber retaining ring, n—cone shaped collar
the ASTM website.
Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., that secures the sample tube in the test chamber; used in
4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http://www.ansi.org. Procedure D.

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D2983 − 19´1
4. Summary of Test Method using a particular model viscometer.6 The viscosity range
covered in the original ATF performance correlation studies
4.1 For Procedures A, B, and C—An oleaginous fluid
was from less than 1000 mPa·s to more than 60 000 mPa·s. The
sample is preheated, allowed to stabilize at room temperature,
success of the ATF correlation and the development of this test
and then poured to a predetermined depth into a glass cell, and method has over time been applied to other fluids and
an insulated or uninsulated spindle is inserted through a special lubricants such as gear oils, hydraulic fluids, and so forth.
stopper and suspended by a clip. An alternative sample
preparation is to fill a glass cell or stator to the predetermined 5.3 Procedures A, B, C, and D of this test method describe
depth with the oleaginous fluid, an insulated or uninsulated how to measure apparent viscosity directly without the errors
spindle is inserted through a special stopper and suspended by associated with earlier techniques using extrapolation of ex-
a clip; then this entire sample assembly is preheated and perimental viscometric data obtained at higher temperatures.
allowed to come to room temperature. A reference fluid with a NOTE 1—Low temperature viscosity values obtained by either interpo-
known viscosity value is also prepared. The contained sample lation or extrapolation of oils may be subject to errors caused by gelation
is cooled to a predetermined temperature for 16 h and analyzed and other forms of non-Newtonian response to spindle speed and torque.
by a rotational viscometer and, depending on the viscometer
6. Apparatus
model used, the viscosity of the test fluid is read directly from
the viscometer or the resultant torque reading is used to 6.1 Rotational Viscometer7:
calculate the viscosity of the oil at the temperature chosen. The 6.1.1 Procedures A, B, and C—A rotational viscometer with
reference fluid is used to verify the test temperature for a maximum torque between 0.0670 mN·m and 0.0680 mN·m
accuracy purposes. and capable of sensing a change in torque of less than
0.00067 mN·m. It shall acquire torque data at a rate of at least
4.2 For Procedure D—A 20 mL sample of the test fluid is 60 times per revolution and have a selection of spindle speeds
heated to 50 °C and held there for 30 min before cooling to consisting of at least 0.6 r ⁄min, 1.5 r ⁄min, 3.0 r ⁄min, 6.0 r ⁄min,
room temperature. This is followed by cooling in a prescribed 12.0 r ⁄min, 30.0 r ⁄min, and 60.0 r ⁄min. Additional spindle
manner that mimics a sample cooling in an air bath to the test speeds of 0.3 r ⁄min and 120 r ⁄min are desirable. The viscom-
temperature which follows Newton’s Cooling Law. This ther- eter is to be calibrated at least yearly.
mal conditioning is consistent with that described in Annex A2 6.1.2 Procedure D—A programmable digital rotational vis-
with the constants noted in Annex A5. The sample is cooled to cometer with selectable spindle speeds and a maximum torque
test temperature in 1.7 h, then held there for 14 h before the between 0.0670 mN·m and 0.1800 mN·m and capable of sens-
viscosity is measured with a specific insulated spindle at ing a change in torque of less than 0.3 % of maximum torque.
specific series of shear rates (rotational speeds). When the The viscometer shall have an accuracy that is no more than
viscosity measurements are complete the sample chamber is 61 % of maximum torque. The selection of spindle speeds is
returned to room temperature. This procedure is the same as at least 0.6 r ⁄min, 1.5 r ⁄min, 3.0 r ⁄min, 6.0 r ⁄min, 12.0 r ⁄min,
option A of Test Method D8210. 30.0 r ⁄min, 60.0 r ⁄min, and 120 r ⁄min. It shall have an inte-
4.2.1 From the beginning of a test until viscosity measure- grated resistive temperature device (RTD) sensor with a
ments are complete, the digital viscometer records elapsed time calibrated range from –45 °C to +90 °C with a resolution of
and sample temperature, then during viscosity measurement it 0.1 °C or less. It shall be capable of automatically initiating the
records spindle speed, torque, and viscosity at 10 s intervals for viscosity measurement after a specified elapsed test time, at
180 s at each speed. At the end of test, a summary the viscosity multiple spindle speeds with each for a specific duration. It
data is displayed by the viscometer. For each spindle speed, the shall record elapsed time, temperature, spindle speed, torque,
summary contains an average viscosity for the first 160 s and and viscosity throughout a test consistent with data collection
an average of 160 s to 180 s, which is the test result. The test parameters in Annex A6. A summary of the measured viscosity,
data can be printed or saved to a CSV-formatted ASCII file, torque, and spindle speed will be displayed at test completion
which provides a record to both the thermal conditioning and with an option to print or save.
viscosity measurements. 6.2 Viscometer Spindle—(Procedure A, B, C, and D)
Spindles conforming to the following dimensions (Fig. 1): A
5. Significance and Use ~115 mm, B ~3.15 mm, C = 3.15 mm 6 0.03 mm, D =
5.1 The low-temperature, low-shear-rate viscosity of auto- 31.1 mm 6 0.1 mm and made from stainless steel or a
matic transmission fluids, gear oils, torque and tractor fluids, composite material that has a lower thermal conductivity. The
and industrial and automotive hydraulic oils (see Appendix narrow middle segment shall be ~9.5 mm in length and
X4) are of considerable importance to the proper operation of
many mechanical devices. Measurement of the viscometric 6
Selby, T. W., “Automatic Transmission Fluid Viscosity at Low-Temperatures
properties of these oils and fluids at low temperatures is often and Its Effect on Transmission Performance,” Transactions, Society of Automotive
used to specify their acceptance for service. This test method is Engineers, Vol. 68, 1960, pp. 457–465.
The sole source of supply known to the committee at this time is Brookfield
used in a number of specifications. AMETEK, 11 Commerce Blvd., Middleboro, MA 02346, http://
5.2 Initially this test method was developed to determine www.brookfieldengineering.com. If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please
provide this information to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will
whether an automatic transmission fluid (ATF) would meet receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1
OEM low temperature performance criterion originally defined which you may attend.

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D2983 − 19´1

FIG. 1 D2983 Spindles

~1.8 mm in diameter. In the center of the middle segment will

be a narrow band that is centered in this segment and 35.6 mm
6 0.5 mm from the bottom of the spindle. The insulated
spindle shown in Fig. 1 shall have a gap of ~4 mm in the upper
segment, which is covered by a material with poor thermal
conduction and pinned to both the upper and lower portions of FIG. 2 Diagram of Two Forms of Stators
the upper segment. The gap is to be placed at approximately the
mid-point of upper segment. A Brookfield (trademarked) #4B2
conforms to these requirements. The Tannas No. 4 composite NOTE 3—Over time, the fill line may become difficult to see. For liquid
baths, this is especially important, as it ensures that the stator is filled to
spindles8 must be used in Procedure C. Uninsulated steel a point where the spindle can be properly positioned and have the sample
spindles (No. 4) shall only be used with the Air Bath Method level below the fluid level of the bath.
(Procedure A). An insulated spindle must be used in Procedure
6.3.2 SimAir Stator8—(Procedure C) (See Fig. 2.) The
D. While uninsulated steel spindles (No. 4) shown, they are not
stator portion of a special air sealed cell made for this ASTM
recommended and shall only be used with the Air Bath Method
method. The inside diameter of this stator is 15 mm minimum
(Procedure A).
with a fill mark 49 mm below the top of the stator. This results
6.2.1 When using an insulated steel spindle, such as Brook-
in a sample volume of approximately 15 mL. The outside
field No. 4B2 spindle, ensure that both steel ends are firmly
diameter of this stator is 25.3 mm maximum.
connected to the insulating section. When a slight twist is given
to the two metal sections on either side of the insulating NOTE 4—This patented cell (which also includes a composite rotor,
cylinder, they should not move relative to each other. keyed connecting device for quick spindle engagement, and cell stopper)
simulates the air-bath cooling rate when inserted into a constant tempera-
6.2.2 Periodically (depending on use, but at least every ture liquid bath (see 6.8.2). The keyed connector is not essential to the test
3 months) inspect spindles for run-out (wobble) when attached but makes spindle attachment faster with fewer disturbances of the
to the viscometer. The total run-out of the spindle shall not sample.
exceed 1 mm (0 mm 6 0.5 mm). 6.4 Cell Stopper—(Procedure A, B, and C) An insulating
NOTE 2—It is good laboratory practice to store spindles in a protective cap that fits on and into the test cell with a centered hole large
manner. Do not leave composite spindles for extended periods in cleaning enough for the spindle to turn with sufficient clearance to avoid
solvent. contact with the walls of the centered hole and of a height
6.3 Test Stator—(Procedures A, B, and C) A glass tube of above the cell that allows a spindle clip to hold the spindle at
sufficient diameter to have essentially no influence on the the proper height in the test fluid during cooling. Suitable
rotation of the spindle compared to the viscous drag of the test dimensions for the stopper are:
fluid even at viscosities above 100 000 mPa·s. Overall height ~27 mm to ~44 mm
6.3.1 Test Tube Stator—(See Fig. 2.) A commercially stan- OD Top ~25 mm
OD Bottom ~21.7 mm
dard test tube of approximately 25 mm ID and 115 mm in ID Bottom ~12.7 mm
length, with a fill line indicating approximately 30 mL. ID Top ~9.4 mm
Height from bottom to change to larger OD ~16 mm
Tolerances ~±10 %
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time 6.5 Spindle Clip—(Procedures A, B, and C) A clip or spacer
is Tannas Co., 4800 James Savage Rd., Midland, MI, http://www.savantgroup.com.
that lies on top of the cell stopper or is affixed to the spindle
If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM
International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a and supports the spindle at proper immersion depth during
meeting of the responsible technical committee,1 which you may attend. cool-down.

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D2983 − 19´1
6.6 Insulated Cell Carrier—(Procedure A) (Fig. 3.) An top of the turntable. The turntable shall rotate at a speed of
insulated container, such as a balsa wood block or similar 3 r ⁄min to 5 r ⁄min. This item is often supplied with the cold air
device, used only with cold-air cabinets to keep the test cell cabinet.
cold during transfer of the test cell from the cold air cabinet to In the case of the liquid baths, the turntable does not
the viscometer and subsequent analysis. Opposing plastic rotate since all samples experience a uniformly stable tempera-
windows in the carrier side walls permit adjustment of the ture ensured by the bath medium stirrer.
spindle immersion indicator for testing (see 9.4). NOTE 5—To minimize disturbance and loss of cold air, it is recom-
6.6.1 When a refrigerated liquid bath is used for final mended that the cabinet has an inner cover with hand-holes for sample
sample soak during the last half hour at analysis temperature, insertion in the balsa carrier and removal of the carrier to the point of
the insulated cell carrier is also used for sample transfer to the analysis.
liquid bath and immediately returned to the cold cabinet. 6.8 Liquid Baths—(Procedures B and C) Mechanically
6.7 Cold-Air Cabinets—(Procedure A) Mechanically refrig- refrigerated liquid baths are used in two significantly different
erated cabinets with an air-circulation device and a turntable protocols to gain the same analytical results (see Procedures B
and rack for samples. The cold cabinet shall be capable of and C, respectively, for details).
cooling the sample to any chosen test temperature from +5 °C 6.8.1 Programmable Liquid Baths for Cold-Air Cabinet
to –40 °C and holding that temperature within 60.3 °C. Air Cooling Simulation—Baths capable of closely following the
circulation and the sample turntable shall be able to be sample cooling in the cold-air bath as outlined in Annex A2.
switched off prior to fully opening the bath top. Glass Caps—Individual glass covers for each test
6.7.1 Turntable—This motor-driven device is used only in cell used to cover individual cells when the sample condition-
the cold-air cabinets. A cell rack holding the test cells is set on ing is in process. Turntable Cover—This is an insulated overall cover
for the turntable to prevent undue temperature upsets of the
6.8.2 Constant Temperature Liquid Baths—Baths used to
either condition the sample at the chosen final temperature after
cooling in an air cabinet for 15.5 h to that temperature, or as
described in Procedure C, used to receive SimAir test cells3 at
any time for analysis 16 h after the individual test sample is
immersed in the bath. The liquid bath is set at the final
temperature and shall be capable of holding the sample at
60.1 °C.
NOTE 6—The SimAir cell3 simulates the cooling curve of the air
cabinet, Procedure C.
6.9 Temperature Measuring Device—(Procedures A, B, C,
and D) Either a liquid-in-glass thermometer as described in
6.9.1 or a digital contact thermometer (DCT) meeting the
requirements described in 6.9.2.
6.9.1 Liquid-in-Glass Thermometer—(Procedures A, B, and
C) Use an appropriate thermometer from Table 1.

TABLE 1 Calibrating Thermometers (see Specification E1)

IP 94C –45 °C to –35 °C ASTM 122C
IP 95C –35 °C to –25 °C ASTM 123C
IP 96C –25 °C to –15 °C ASTM 124C
IP 97C –15 °C to –5 °C ASTM 125C
FIG. 3 An Example of an Insulated Cell Carrier

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D2983 − 19´1
6.9.2 Digital Contact Thermometer Requirements: (Proce- 6.10 Thermal Conditioning Unit (TCU) and Viscometer
dures A, B, C, and D) Support9—(Procedure D) The TCU provides an upper mecha-
Parameter Requirements nism to hold and position the viscometer described in 6.2 over
Procedures A, B, and C Procedure D the sample chamber with its spindle centered on the sample
Nominal Temperature –60 °C to 60 °C –45 °C to 60 °C
chamber. The lower element of the unit contains a thermo-
electric temperature controlled chamber that holds the sample
Display Resolution 0.1 °C minimum 0.1 °C minimum tube. Temperature control is by means of a PID programmable
Accuracy B
0.1 °C minimum 0.1 °C minimum
controller capable of at least 0.1 °C control over a range from
–45 °C to +90 °C. The time and temperature requirements for
Sensor type PRT PRT each test temperature are in Annex A5.
Sensor sheath,C 3.2 mm O.D. 1.7 mm O.D. 6.11 Sample Tube—(Procedure D) A standard laboratory
test tube of approximately 25 mm OD and 150 mm in length,
Sensor length,D 20 mm preferably without a lip, preferably disposable.
6.12 Thermometer Holder—(Procedure D) A sample tube
Probe immersion depth Less than 40 mm stopper with low thermal conductivity to hold the DCT probe
by D7962E
at the correct distance from the top of the sample tube. The
Measurement driftF Less than 0.1 °C stopper consists of two segments. The lower segment is 32 mm
6 2 mm in length and 21 mm 6 2 mm OD. The upper segment
Response timeG Less than or equal to 4 s
is 30 mm 6 2 mm OD and greater than 6 mm in length. The
Calibration error Less than 0.5 °C over the range of use stopper shall include a means of holding the DCT probe at the
correct distance from the top of the sample tube. A hole ~3 mm
Calibration data, Four data points evenly distributed over the range of
minimum use. The calibration data is to be included in calibration
diameter will pass through both segments. An example is
report. shown in Fig. 4.
Calibration Report From a calibration laboratory with demonstrated com- 6.13 Probe Sheath—(Procedure D) A tube with low thermal
petency in temperature calibration which is traceable to conductivity, such as styrene, ~3 mm OD with a 1.8 mm ID
a national calibration laboratory or metrology standards that covers the DCT probe below the top of the thermometer
holder to 62 mm from tip of DCT probe.
A device’s minimum and maximum temperature may be different than the values
shown provided the calibration requirements are met. 7. Certified Viscosity Reference Standards (Procedure D)
Accuracy is the combined accuracy of the DCT unit that is the display and sensor
without correction factors. The minimum accuracy criteria match Guide E2877,
7.1 Sample Temperature Calibration Fluid—A Newtonian
Class D. fluid that is free of petroleum waxes and has a viscosity
Sensor sheath is the tube that holds the sensing element. The value is the certified by a laboratory that has been shown to meet the
outside diameter of the sheath segment containing the sensing element.
The physical length of the temperature sensing element. Contact the DCT
supplier to determine whether this parameter is met, as it will not be accessible to 9
The sole source of supply known to the committee at this time is Cannon
the user. Instrument Company, 2139 High Tech Road, State College, PA 16803, www.can-
Minimum probe immersion depth needed for an accurate measurement as noninstrument.com. If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this
determined by Practice D7962 and is to be equal to or less than the value in the
information to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive
table. This is a probe characteristic and does not define its positioning in the test
careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, 1which
As determined by Practice D7962 or an equivalent procedure
you may attend.
Response Time —Applies to the Digital Contact Thermometer’s (DCT) com-
bined display and sensor system. It is to be a specification verified and provided in
the manufacturer’s or supplier’s documentation. It is defined as the time for a
63.2 % step change in temperature where the step change begins with the DCT
probe at an initial temperature of 20 °C ± 5 °C air before transferring to water at
77 °C ± 5 °C with it flowing at 0.9 m ⁄s ± 0.09 m ⁄s past the sensor, as in Test
Methods E644 or an equivalent method. The DCT display refresh rate is to be at
least once every 3 s or less.

NOTE 7—A DCT may not function correctly at low temperatures.

Consult manual or manufacturer to determine its temperature limitations. The DCT calibration drift shall be checked at least
annually by either measuring the ice point or against a
reference thermometer in a constant temperature bath at the
prescribed immersion depth to ensure compliance with 6.9.2.
See Practice D7962.
NOTE 8—When a DCT’s calibration drifts in one direction over several
calibration checks, it may be an indication of deterioration of the DCT. FIG. 4 Sample Tube Stopper

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D2983 − 19´1
requirements of ISO 17025 by independent assessment for TABLE 3 Chart for Spindle Speed Selection of Generic Factors
viscosity measurement. Viscosity measurements shall be trace- NOTE 1—If determined apparent viscosity is below range indicated for
able to master viscometer procedures described in Practice the selected spindle speed, use next higher spindle speed value.
D2162. Multiply torque by below
number to calculate viscosity Viscosity Range, mPa·s
7.2 Calibration Fluids—See Table 2. Speed, r/min
at speed selection used
0.6 10 000 400 000 to 1 000 000
NOTE 9—It is preferable for the calibration fluids data to include 1.5 4000 200 000 to 400 000
viscosity values at tenth of a degree increments for 0.5 °C above and 3.0 2000 100 000 to 200 000
below the test temperature at which it is used. This minimizes the need to 6.0 1000 50 000 to 100 000
calculate the temperature from the measured viscosity. 12.0 500 20 000 to 50 000
30.0 200 9800 to 20 000
8. Procedures A, B, and C: Use of Reference Fluids 60.0 100 1500 to 9800
120.0 50 250 to 1500
8.1 This test method uses metal or composite viscometer A
120.0 r/min speed may not be available on some viscometer models.
spindles described in 6.2 (see Fig. 1). For viscometer heads on
which a scale shall be read, these spindles have a table of
associated generic conversion factors to permit relatively rapid
calculation of the viscosity of an unknown sample. Newer
ing and Closing of the Air Cabinet Lid
digital viscometers will directly show viscosity and percent
(Only One Reference Oil Required for Procedures B and C):
full-scale torque using these factors. The generic conversion
factors for all spindles are shown in Column 2 of Table 3. NOTE 13—Opening and closing of the lid of a cold-air cabinet may
influence the control of sample temperature and require more time
8.2 Calibration of Spindles—(See Annex A3 and Annex between sample analyses to permit the cabinet temperature to be reestab-
A4.) For potentially increased accuracy, spindles may be lished so that this is not a problem.
calibrated. 8.3.1 Fill two stators with the proper amount (see 9.2.1) of
8.2.1 Use of standard reference fluids and technique for the same reference fluid and, when loading the sample rack
calibration is detailed in Annex A3 and Annex A4. This (see 9.2.1), place these at the beginning and end of the sample
protocol was developed to provide, if desired, an option for set.
more precise determination of the apparent viscosity measure- 8.3.2 If, when the sample set is run, the viscosities shown by
ments. these two samples are different by more than the repeatability
NOTE 10—Although the generic factors of Table 3 provide acceptable of the method, the discrepancy should be noted and more time
results, somewhat greater precision may be generated by this test method allowed between each sample analyzed in subsequent sets.
by calibrating spindles. Spindle calibration can also indicate problems 8.3.3 Optional Procedure—Insert a DCT probe (see 6.9.2)
with the viscometer that require repair to restore accuracy (see Annex A3).
NOTE 11—When spindles are calibrated, it is desirable to mark each
in the reference sample. This procedure was used by some (not
spindle with some unique identification. Spindle calibration is not valid all) labs running Procedure B during the 2012 round robin
when used with a different viscometer than that used for the calibration of study.
the spindle.
Procedure A
8.2.2 Concentricity of the relatively thin spindle for this test
method strongly affects the resulting apparent viscosity deter- 9. Procedure A—Cold Air Cabinet
mination. Consequently, it is recommended to calibrate
spindles periodically with reference oil, particularly if run-out 9.1 Setting the Cold-Air Cabinet Operating Temperature:
is observed. There are three different temperatures to consider: the tempera-
ture as determined by a blank sample; the cold air cabinet
NOTE 12—Choice of calibration reference oil and the temperature(s) at controller temperature; and the temperature as determined from
which it is used is determined by the range of viscosity and temperature
required for viscosity determination. Calibration viscosities below the viscosity result for a reference fluid. Each of these will be
100 000 mPa·s are preferred and easier to use. discussed below.
8.3 Specific Use of Reference Oils to Ensure Temperature 9.1.1 Temperature as Determined by Blank Sample and
Control in Cold-Air Cabinets, Procedure A, because of Open- Associated Cold Air Cabinet Controller Temperature—With
the turntable in proper operating position but turned off, fill a
stator to the required depth with the blank sample (3.2.1) and
TABLE 2 Calibration Fluids
insert an appropriate temperature measuring device, see 6.9.
Test Temperature, °C Viscosity, Recommended Reference Place the blank sample in the center of the sample
mPa·s FluidA
–40.0 CL160 rack (turntable) to monitor temperature.
–35.0 CL200 Fill a stator to the required depth with the same
–30.0 CL250
reference fluid as the blank sample. Place the stator in the first
–26.0 9 000 to 14 000 CL280
–20.0 CL380 sample position.
–12.0 CL600 Close the cold-air cabinet, turn on the cooling cycle
–10.0 CL680
using the temperature controller and allow at least 1 h for the
While the recommended reference fluids are the same as those used in Test cabinet to come to the test temperature as indicated by the
Method D5293, other certified viscosity reference standards that meet the criteria
in 7.1 and 7.2 are acceptable. blank sample. If it is difficult to read a thermometer, then a
precision digital thermometric device can be used.

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D2983 − 19´1 After the cold-air cabinet temperature indicator has 9.2.5 Remove the test cells from the pre-heating source and
been adjusted to reach and hold the desired temperature of the allow them to cool to room temperature and then remove the
blank sample, record the indicated temperature shown by the covers. (Use care in handling the hot stators.)
cabinet’s temperature controller. This temperature may not 9.2.6 Place the cell stopper on the stator with the spindle
completely agree with the blank sample temperature. supported by the spindle clip. If a cold-air cabinet temperature adjustment is nec- 9.2.7 The spindle immersion mark (see Fig. 1) should be
essary to bring the blank sample to the desired temperature, it slightly below the liquid surface (to allow for contraction of the
is necessary to allow at least an hour or more for temperature oil sample upon cooling to the temperature of analysis).
equilibration to be re-established depending on the configura- NOTE 17—This reduces the amount of sample disturbance before
tion and capacity of the particular cold-air cabinet. viscosity measurement.
9.1.2 Temperature as Determined from Viscosity Result for a 9.2.8 Two samples of each fluid are required.
Reference Fluid:
NOTE 18—There is some susceptibility to sample heating in the process When setting up the temperature settings or after of adjusting the spindle speed for best sensitivity during analysis. For
major maintenance, determine the viscosity of the reference greater accuracy when using cold-air baths and insulated cell carriers, it
fluid as per the procedure in Annex A4. Use this to determine has become a practice to run two samples of the same fluid; the first to
an estimate of the apparent temperature at which the reference determine best spindle speed, and the second to apply that speed to obtain
sample was run. If this temperature is different from the the viscometric information. Subsequently the second value is chosen.
required run temperature, adjust the cabinet temperature con- 9.2.9 Place the test cells into the turntable sample rack with
troller setting to bring the reference fluid viscosity to within a reference fluid sample at the beginning and end of the set of
4 % of its reference value. If this temperature is different from samples. Also place the blank sample (see 3.2.1) in the center
the required run temperature by more than 0.3 °C, then check position of the rack then place the temperature sensor in it.
that all components of the system are operating correctly; 9.2.10 Place as many insulated cell carriers (see Fig. 3)
especially the analog or digital viscometer. If the air bath is within the cold-air cabinet in positions so that they will not
operating correctly, all temperatures should be within 0.3 °C of unduly restrict airflow around the test samples within the air
each other. chamber. Take care to ensure that no insulated cell carrier is
placed so it restricts the exit holes for air in the plenum (back
NOTE 14—If more than one cold-air cabinet temperature is used for the
evaluation of the low-temperature properties of oils in this test method, it wall of air chamber). Close the cabinet lid and turn both the
will be necessary to determine these cabinet temperature settings as well. turntable and air blower on.
9.2.11 Cool the samples and insulated cell carriers for 16 h.
9.2 Preparation of Sample and Immersion in Cold-Air
Cabinet: 9.3 Using a Liquid Bath for Final Soak and Analysis after
9.2.1 Shake the sample container thoroughly and fill the Conditioning Samples in an Air-Bath:
glass stator to the fill mark (see Fig. 2). If the stator does not 9.3.1 When using a constant temperature liquid bath for the
have a fill mark, fill with appropriate amount of test oil to final soak, it is not necessary to use initial and final reference
permit proper use of the immersion indicator at analysis oils as in 9.2.4. Only an initial viscosity value is necessary for
temperature (approximately 30 mL). analysis and is not to be used to adjust temperature; but to serve
as a guide to know if everything is running accurately in the
9.2.2 Preheat the test samples in the stator to 50 °C 6 3 °C
combined system (that is, temperature, viscometer, spindles,
for 30 min 6 5 min. Protectively cover each sample (such as
etc.). If the viscosity of the reference oil is not within the
with aluminum foil or a latex finger cot, etc.) during preheat-
precision limits, the test shall be repeated with any necessary
mechanical corrections made.
NOTE 15—This preheating step has been proven important in this and 9.3.2 Set liquid bath temperature to that desired for final
other critical low-temperature ASTM test methods. The procedure is half-hour soak 2 h before using bath. Make certain that the bath
designed to remove any memory effects that may develop from previous temperature is stable using an appropriate temperature measur-
low-temperature exposures or structure formations.
ing device, see 6.9.
NOTE 16—Reference fluids do not require pre-conditioning; however,
they should be handled in the same manner as the test fluids in all other 9.3.3 For ensuring proper calibration of the final soak liquid
ways. Annex A4 details the calculation of the apparent run temperature bath, it is recommended it be checked that the reference oil
from reference fluid viscosity and r/min data. transferred from a properly calibrated air chamber give accept-
9.2.3 It is essential that appropriate reference fluids of the able viscosity values. If the viscosity values are not acceptable,
approximate viscosity values be run at the beginning and end then the bath temperature should be adjusted and the procedure
of each test series (and results recorded). This will indicate repeated until acceptable viscosity values are obtained.
whether there was a change in sample temperature resulting 9.3.4 Proceed to Section 12 for the setup of the viscometer
from frequent opening of these cabinets. and selection of spindle speed.
9.2.4 If the determined viscosities of these two samples are 9.4 Analytical Protocol for Cold-Air Cabinets:
different by more than the repeatability of the method, the 9.4.1 On completion of the 16 h cold exposure of the
discrepancy should be noted and more time allowed between samples, check the level of the viscometer to ensure that the
each sample analyzed in subsequent sets. All samples should drive shaft is vertical (see 12.1) and re-zero (see 12.1.2 to
be re-run. 12.1.3).

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D2983 − 19´1
9.4.2 Individually transfer and analyze the test samples as starting temperature, the samples are loaded and the thermal
follows: conditioning program is started (see 10.2.9). The software Note the cabinet controller temperature. If it is not at controls the cooling profile as dictated by Annex A2.
the desired temperature as per 9.3.2, adjust the cold-air cabinet. 10.1.2 Procedure for Calibrating the Programmable Liquid
Wait at least 1 h while the cabinet comes to the desired Bath:
temperature before initiating analysis. The calibration of the programmable liquid bath is Analyze each sample in turn by first turning off the recommended when the instrument is put into service for the
turntable rotation and the air blower. Some cabinets may be first time or after major maintenance. Three samples of the
designed with a low setting on the blower that can also be used same reference oil of known viscosity are loaded into the
at this time. Different systems may require a different time turntable at the starting temperature as discussed in 10.2 to
allowance for shutting off the blower motor and opening the 10.2.9 below. After 1 h the viscosity of the first reference
cabinet door. Allow the operator to determine the appropriate sample is analyzed. If the viscosity values are not in the
time to open the cabinet door. acceptable range, then the bath set point is suitably adjusted Open the cold-air cabinet and put one temperature- and the next reference sample is analyzed after 1 h. This
conditioned test cell into a temperature-conditioned insulated procedure is repeated until the proper bath temperature offset is
cell carrier and remove the now-insulated cell from the cold-air obtained. Offset values at various test temperatures may be
cabinet for analysis. Do not remove more than one sample at a obtained by this procedure and the value installed in the
time. Note the temperature of the blank sample; it may not calibration grid of the software. For future runs, the software
change by more than 0.3 °C when the cabinet is opened. automatically finds and applies the pertinent calibrations for Immediately close the cold-air cabinet lid and restart the relevant test temperatures.
the turntable and air blower. 10.2 Preparation of Sample and Immersion in a Liquid Transfer the insulated cell carrier and the sample to Programmable Bath:
the viscometer. 10.2.1 Shake the sample container thoroughly and fill the Place the test cell below the viscometer and align the glass stator to the fill mark (see Fig. 2). If the stator does not
spindle nut with the viscometer coupling nut. Attach the have a fill mark, fill with appropriate amount of test oil to
spindle using a quick attachment device for minimal distur- permit proper use of the immersion indicator (see Fig. 1) at
bance of the sample or by screwing the spindle onto the drive analysis temperature. One reference oil sample must be tested
shaft thread. Note that this connection is made with a left- for every run to ensure that test conditions are in control
handed thread. according to the test precision. Remove the spindle clip. Adjust the spindle height by the vertical adjustment NOTE 20—Reference fluids do not require pre-conditioning; however,
knob on the viscometer rack until the spindle immersion they should be handled in the same manner as the test fluids in all other
ways. Annex A4 details the calculation of the apparent run temperature
indicator (see Fig. 1) is even with the oil level. To facilitate the from reference fluid viscosity and spindle speed data.
adjustment of the spindle immersion indicator, place a rela-
tively cool light source, such as a flashlight or diode light, 10.2.2 Preheat the test samples in the stator to 50 °C 6 3 °C
behind one window of the test cell carrier and observe the for 30 min 6 5 min. Protectively cover each sample (such as
spindle position through the other. with aluminum foil or a latex finger cot, etc.) during preheat-
NOTE 19—Take care to ensure proper depth of spindle immersion with
all samples. Maintenance of proper immersion depth is essential to good NOTE 21—This preheating step has been proven to be important in this
reproducibility and repeatability. Data have shown that an immersion and other critical low-temperature ASTM test methods. The procedure is
variation of as little as 1.2 mm from the immersion mark can produce designed to remove any memory effects that may develop from previous
viscosity errors. low-temperature exposures or structure formations. Center the spindle in the hole at the top of the cell 10.2.3 Remove the test cells from the pre-heating source
stopper so that no part of the spindle touches the stopper hole and allow them to cool to room temperature and then remove
during the measurement process. the covers. (Use care in handling the hot stators.) Proceed to Section 12 for the setup of the viscom- 10.2.4 Place the cell stopper on the stator with the spindle
eter and selection of spindle speed. supported by the spindle clip.
10.2.5 The spindle immersion mark (see Fig. 1) should be
Procedure B slightly below the liquid surface (to allow for contraction of the
oil sample upon cooling to the temperature of analysis).
10. Procedure B: Programmable Liquid Bath
NOTE 22—This reduces the amount of sample disturbance before
10.1 Setting the Programmable Liquid Bath Operating Tem- viscosity measurement.
perature: NOTE 23—Handle and store the spindles and instrument with care at all
10.1.1 For the programmable liquid bath, the samples are to times. For greatest precision and accuracy, check the calibration of each
be loaded into the turntable at a starting temperature as dictated spindle periodically with reference oil. Do not use any damaged or
by Annex A2. The software provided with the programmable noticeably bent spindles (see 6.2.2).
liquid bath automatically calculates this starting temperature 10.2.6 On the software screen, select the desired test tem-
and displays it as the starting setpoint when the test tempera- perature. The starting temperature is calculated and installed as
ture is entered into the software. When the bath has attained the the setpoint which the bath rapidly attains.

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D2983 − 19´1
10.2.7 Temperature of the bath shall be monitored by a must be tested for every run to ensure that test conditions are
temperature measuring device suitably placed near the test in control according to the test precision.
cells (see 6.9). 11.2.2 Set the bath controller to the desired test temperature.
10.2.8 When the bath has stabilized at the starting The apparent run temperature itself should be within 60.3 °C
temperature, place preheated and assembled sample-containing of the set test temperature.
test cells in the bath. The remaining positions of the turntable
should all be occupied by test cells even if empty. This will NOTE 26—Reference fluids do not require pre-conditioning; however,
they should be handled in the same manner as the test fluids in all other
ensure that the bath medium will be at the proper level with ways. Annex A4 details the calculation of the apparent run temperature
respect to the samples in the test cell. This ensures proper from reference fluid viscosity and spindle speed data.
temperature conditioning of samples. Cover the test cells with
the glass caps and then with the turntable cover. Start the 11.2.3 Preheat the test samples in the stator to 50 °C 6 3 °C
cooling profile on the software. One reference oil sample must for 30 min 6 5 min. Protectively cover each sample (such as
be tested for every run to ensure that test conditions are in with aluminum foil or a latex finger cot, etc.) during preheat-
control according to the test precision. If the viscosity of the ing.
reference oil is not within the precision limits, the test shall be NOTE 27—This preheating step has been proven to be important in this
repeated with any necessary corrections made. and other critical low-temperature ASTM test methods. The procedure is
10.2.9 The established technique is: After 15 h of cooling, designed to remove any memory effects that may develop from previous
check the bath temperature with a temperature measuring low-temperature exposures or structure formations.
device suitably placed (6.9) near the test cells. If the tempera- 11.2.4 Remove the test cells from the pre-heating source
ture is not within 60.1 °C but still within 60.3 °C, adjust the and allow them to cool to room temperature and then remove
temperature to the correct temperature and wait 1 h before the covers. (Use care in handling the hot stators).
testing. If the temperature is still not within 60.3 °C, the 11.2.5 Place the cell stopper on the stator with the spindle
temperature shall be corrected and the entire test repeated. supported by the spindle clip.
10.2.10 Analyze each test sample 16 h after its immersion 11.2.6 The spindle immersion indicator (see Fig. 1) should
according to Section 12. be slightly below the liquid surface (to allow for contraction of
NOTE 24—When using a constant temperature liquid bath to hold the the oil sample upon cooling to the temperature of analysis).
test sample at temperature, there are no time restraints as in 12.4 on
obtaining the torque reading with the exception that the whole series of NOTE 28—This reduces the amount of sample disturbance before
tests needs to be completed in 2 h so that the maximum sample exposure viscosity measurement.
time of 18 h is not exceeded. NOTE 29—Handle and store the spindles and instrument with care at all
NOTE 25—The following technique was evaluated by the ILS: After times. Do not use any damaged or noticeably bent spindles (see 6.2.2).
15 h of conditioning, check the temperature of the reference sample using
a certified thermometric device with a sensor closely resembling a 4B2 11.2.7 Place the test cells into the turntable sample rack in
spindle in geometry, or equivalent. If the temperature is not within 6 the bath with a reference fluid sample at the beginning of the
0.1 °C but still within 6 0.3 °C, adjust the temperature to the correct set of samples.
temperature and wait 1 h before testing. If the temperature is still not 11.2.8 After 15 h of conditioning, check the bath tempera-
within 6 0.1 °C, the temperature shall be corrected and the entire test
repeated. The bath temperature will also be noted. This thermometric ture with an appropriate temperature measuring device (6.9)
spindle shaped device can be purchased from Lawler Manufacturing, Inc. placed near the test cells. If the temperature is not within 60.1
°C but still within 60.3 °C, adjust the temperature to the
Procedure C correct temperature and wait 1 h before testing. If the tempera-
ture is still not within 60.3 °C, the temperature shall be
11. Procedure C: SimAir Stators in a Constant Liquid corrected and the entire test repeated.
Bath 11.2.9 Analyze each test sample 16 h after its immersion
11.1 Procedure for Calibrating the Liquid Bath: according to Section 12 but not to exceed 18 h. Note that the
11.1.1 The calibration of the liquid bath is recommended first sample to test is the reference sample to make sure it is
when the instrument is put into service for the first time, after within the test precision. If the viscosity of the reference oil is
a preventative maintenance or after major maintenance. Set the not within the precision limits, the test shall be repeated with
bath for –40 °C. After the unit has stabilized for 1 h at any necessary corrections made.
temperature, carefully measure the temperature using an ap- 11.2.10 Calculate viscosity of the test sample as in Section
propriate temperature measuring device (see 6.9). Adjust the 13.
temperature of the bath according to the device. Do this for
each temperature where measurements are required and log the NOTE 30—When using a constant temperature liquid bath to hold the
test sample at temperature, there are no time restraints as in 12.4 on
offset for each. This will save time during testing and analysis. obtaining the torque reading with the exception that the whole series of
11.2 Preparation of Sample and Immersion in SimAir: tests needs to be completed in 2 h so that the maximum sample exposure
time of 18 h is not exceeded.
11.2.1 Shake the sample container thoroughly and fill the
glass stator to the fill mark (see Fig. 2). If the stator does not 11.3 Upon completion of testing using any of the four
have a fill mark, fill with appropriate amount of test oil to protocols, empty the cells and clean all parts with a suitable
permit proper use of the immersion indicator at analysis hydrocarbon solvent making sure all parts are clean and free of
temperature (approximately 15 mL). One reference oil sample oil.

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D2983 − 19´1
12. Preparation of the Viscometer torque. If the value is below 20 %, increase the speeds until the
(Procedures A, B, and C) torque reading is as noted above.
12.1 Vertically align the viscometer by centering the bubble 12.3 After the spindle speed has been optimized, record the
in the bubble level located on the viscometer. stabilized torque reading observed between 60 s and 180 s. For
analog instruments, utilize the factor given in Table 3 for the
NOTE 31—It is important that the viscometer be vertical during rotational speed used and calculate the viscosity using Eq 1.
measurement, and it is good practice to periodically re-check this level
during a set of analyzing test samples
For a digital viscometer with a display that shows the viscosity,
simply read the stabilized viscosity and torque between 60 s
12.1.1 After turning on the power, allow approximately and 180 s.
30 min for the viscometer electronics to warm up, then zero the
Viscosity = ~ Table 2 factor for spindle speed used! ·% Torque (1)
viscometer with no spindle attached.
12.1.2 For analog viscometers, when making a viscosity 12.4 When using cold-air cabinets, for the greatest
reading, use the percent full scale torque reading and multiply precision, testing should be started within 60 s after the sample
this reading by either applying the general approximate factor is removed from the cold-air cabinet.
shown for each speed in Table 3 or, if the spindle is calibrated 12.5 Each viscosity measurement shall be completed in
using Annex A3, for greatest accuracy and precision, use the 180 s or less once the motor is started and an optimum speed
individual spindle calibration factor so obtained. is established. Use the highest viscosity for the recording
12.1.3 For digital viscometers, ensure that the correct during the time period for measurement.
spindle speed is selected following the viscometer manufac- NOTE 32—The opening and closing of the lid on the cold-air cabinet
turer’s instructions. Failure to follow the manufacturer’s may influence the control of sample temperature and require more time
instructions will likely lead to incorrect measurements. between sample analyses to permit the cabinet temperature to be reestab-
12.1.4 The percent torque is used to adjust the spindle speed lished so that this is not a problem.
to an appropriate level for making a viscosity reading with a 12.5.1 For the cold air cabinet, determine the viscosities of
test or reference fluid. the two reference fluids that bracket the samples. If the result
from either fluid is different from the reference viscosity by
12.2 Selection of Spindle Speed and Taking Readings from more than the repeatability of the method, then the entire
the Viscometer: sample set is considered to be suspect. All other units shall
12.2.1 Again, make certain that the immersion indicator on measure the viscosity of the reference compared to the preci-
the spindle is level with the meniscus of the oil. sion of that procedure. If the viscosity of the reference oil is not
12.2.2 When the approximate viscosity is known, refer to within the precision limits, the test shall be repeated with any
Table 3 for the expected spindle speed setting that will generate necessary corrections made.
the highest torque reading on the viscometer. This is to be
NOTE 33—Digital viscometers may have the ability to operate at
between 20 % and 80 % (see Section 8) for analog instruments 120 r ⁄min. Analog viscometer units are typically limited to 60 r/min.
and 20 % to 90 % for digital instruments. This table will NOTE 34—For measurement of lower viscosity fluids such as hydraulic
indicate the proper speed setting if the viscosity is known. fluids, it is even more important to calibrate spindles using the protocol of
12.2.3 For cold-air cabinets, transfer time and adjustment of Appendix X3 as well as to use two samples of the test fluid when using
a refrigerated air bath.
the spindle speed may permit slight sample warming. For this
reason, if the expected viscosity range of the sample is 12.6 Record viscosity reading (mPa·s) or percent torque
unknown, a first sample shall be used to determine the highest reading, spindle speed (r/min), test temperature (°C) and the
r/min that gives an acceptable viscometer reading. This is Procedure used: A, B, or C.
accomplished by increasing speed in steps from 0.6 r ⁄min to 12.7 Upon completion of testing using any of the four
120 r/min. The second sample is then run at the previously protocols, empty the cells and clean all parts with a suitable
determined speed and only this result is reported. hydrocarbon solvent making sure all parts are clean and free of
12.2.4 Since fluids may be non-Newtonian at low oil.
temperatures, the spindle speed selected for measuring the
viscosity of a test fluid can strongly influence the measured 13. Calculation
viscosity (see Appendix X1). Unless the approximate viscosity 13.1 Calculate the viscosity at the test temperature of the
is known, it is important to begin at the lowest speed and work test oil or reference oil as shown in 12.3.
up, if possible, to a speed within the range noted in 12.2.2. In
these cases, start with a spindle speed set to 0.6 r/min. If the 13.2 If required by the user, the shear stress and rate at the
measurements start at a higher speed and are followed by surface of the spindle may be estimated by the procedure in
measurements at a lower speed, the result will be invalid. Appendix X3.
12.2.5 Turn on the viscometer motor and note the torque Procedure D
level. The torque reading should be between approximately
20 % to 80 % full scale on the viscometer (50 % is optimal). 14. Procedure D: Sample Chamber Temperature
Analog viscometers only read in percent full scale torque while Calibration
some digital viscometers simultaneously present units of vis- NOTE 35—Procedure D utilizes a TCU and the programmable digital
cosity in milliPascal-second (mPa·s) and percent full scale viscometer listed in apparatus section (6.1.2) and certified viscosity

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D2983 − 19´1
reference standards noted in Section 7. 14.8.8 If the calculated temperature differs by less than
14.1 The following is to determine the difference between 0.1 °C from the calibration fluid’s label value then continue to
sample temperature and the temperature measured by the TCU 14.9.
sample chamber and viscometer at a test temperature. These 14.8.9 Calculate a new calibration offset taking into account
offsets can be determined either with the use of a DCT (14.7) TCU calibration offset noted in 14.2.
or by using the viscometer to measure the viscosity (14.8). 14.8.10 Enter the new calibration offset into the TCU
temperature control following the instructions in the TCU
NOTE 36—The sample temperature calibration establishes the tempera- manual.
ture difference between the sample and the sensors in the chamber wall
and is referred to as a calibration offset. This offset will be different for 14.8.11 Calculate a new viscometer probe offset taking into
each test temperature and for each sensor, thus requiring the offsets to be account viscometer probe offset noted in 14.3.
determined for each test temperature. 14.8.12 Enter the new viscometer probe offset following the
14.2 Record the current TCU’s calibration temperature viscometer’s instruction manual.
offset. (See device’s instruction manual for access details.) 14.8.13 Load the viscometer program in Table A6.2 and
start the program.
14.3 Record the current viscometer probe offset. (See de- 14.8.14 When the viscometer measurement program is
vice’s instruction manual for access details.) complete repeat the steps beginning with 14.8.7.
14.4 Place 20 mL 6 0.4 mL of a calibration fluid in a clean 14.9 Record the TCU calibration offset and DVT probe
25 mm by 150 mm sample tube. offset for future use.
14.5 Place the sample tube into the TCU chamber. 14.10 Calibration is complete for this test temperature.
14.6 To use a DCT to determine offsets, follow the instruc-
tions in 14.7. To determine by measuring sample viscosity, 15. Test Procedure
follow the instructions in 14.8. 15.1 Place 20 mL 60.4 mL of sample in a clean 25 mm by
14.7 DCT Determination of TCU and Viscometer Tempera- 150 mm sample tube.
ture Offsets with a DCT Meeting 6.5 Criteria: 15.2 Place the sample tube into chamber of the TCU and
14.7.1 Insert DCT probe and sheath through the thermom- tighten the retaining ring.
eter holder into sample tube so that the tip is 138 mm 6 2 mm 15.3 Without the spindle attached, lower the viscometer
from the rim of the sample tube. tray to its measurement position so that the viscometer retain-
14.7.2 Manually set TCU temperature control to the test ing ring rests on test chamber retaining ring, then initiate the
temperature for which the offsets are being determined. viscometer’s zero compensation function. When complete
14.7.3 Wait 2 h, then record DCT temperature. raise the viscometer tray.
14.7.4 If DCT temperature differs from TCU by less than
0.1 °C then advance to 14.7.7. 15.4 Attach the spindle to the viscometer then lower vis-
14.7.5 Adjust the TCU calibration offset as necessary to cometer tray until the viscometer retaining ring is resting on the
correct the difference. test chamber retaining ring.
14.7.6 Wait 1 h, then record the DCT temperature and 15.5 Verify that the TCU is configured for the intended test
repeat 14.7.4. temperature. If not, configure the TCU to follow the parameters
14.7.7 Adjust the viscometer probe offset as necessary to shown in A5.1 for the appropriate test temperature. Check and
show the sample temperature. adjust the TCU calibration offset if necessary.
14.7.8 Continue to 14.9. 15.6 Configure the viscometer to collect sample data ac-
14.8 Viscometric Determination of Temperature Offsets: cording to the parameters shown in Table A6.3. Check and
14.8.1 Without the spindle attached, lower the viscometer adjust the viscometer probe offset if necessary.
tray to its measurement position and initiate the viscometer’s 15.7 Start the TCU thermal conditioning program and the
zero compensation function, and when complete, raise the viscometer.
viscometer tray. NOTE 38—The test will be complete in 17 h and 12 min. The TCU will
14.8.2 Attach the spindle to the viscometer, then lower return to room temperature approximately 30 min after the thermal
viscometer tray to the measurement position. conditioning and measurements are complete.
14.8.3 Manually set the TCU temperature control to the test 15.8 Record the viscosity, torque, spindle speed and tem-
temperature for which the offsets are being determined. perature for the average recorded during 160 s to 180 s spindle
14.8.4 Load the viscometer with the program in Table A6.1. speed measurement where the torque is less than 80 % and
14.8.5 Start the program. greater 20 %. If there are two spindle speeds meeting the
14.8.6 When the program is complete, note the viscosity criteria, record the values at the highest spindle speed.
obtained at the highest torque. 15.8.1 Optionally, save the data to a file. Include in the file
14.8.7 Determine the sample temperature using the name: sample ID, instrument ID, date, and other identifiers as
temperature-viscosity data for the standard. appropriate.
NOTE 37—The sample temperature can be calculated using the refer-
ence fluid temperature viscosity data and Practice D341. There are
software programs available for this calculation.

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D2983 − 19´1
16. Report operators applying the same test method in different laborato-
16.1 Procedures A, B, and C: ries using different apparatus on identical test material would,
16.1.1 A routine report includes the fluid identification, the in the long run, in the normal and correct operation of the test
determined viscosity, the test temperature (°C), the Procedure method, exceed the following values only in one case in 20:
used (A, B, or C), and the spindle speed. Spindle speed data are R 5 0.1814·X (3)
needed to ensure that different laboratories use the same shear
rates. Data where the reference fluid values are beyond the
precision of the method shall not be reported. X = average of the two results.
16.1.2 In cases where this test method is used for reference 17.1.3 Summary of Procedures A, B, and C Interlaboratory
testing between laboratories, a full report including the identity Study—The interlaboratory study (ILS 0797) consisted of 16
of the Newtonian reference fluid used in bracketing the test participating laboratories, 11 samples with viscosities ranging
fluid, its reference viscosity at the temperature of measurement, from 300 mPa·s to 170 000 mPa·s at test temperatures from
its apparent viscosity through measurement by the laboratory, –12 °C to –40 °C. The ILS also included viscosities greater
the calibration factor for the spindle (see Annex A3) and the than 500 000 mPa·s and temperatures down to –55 °C and are
spindle speed at which the test was run shall accompany the included in Appendix X5. More specific precision for viscosi-
test fluid data of Section 10. ties within the range of 500 mPa·s to 1700 mPa·s, such as
NOTE 39—Reference fluid data are needed to ensure that different
hydraulic fluids, are shown in a separate interlaboratory study
laboratories run at the same temperature, shear rate, and viscometric depicted in Appendix X4.
conditions. 17.1.4 Both analog and digital Brookfield viscometers with
16.2 Procedure D: an upper limit of 0.0673 mN·m were used for analysis with
16.2.1 The report shall note that the results were obtained both calibrated and uncalibrated spindles.
using Procedure D and include the following: viscosity, spindle 17.1.5 Bias—Since there is no accepted reference material
speed, torque, and test temperature. suitable for determining the bias for this test method, no
statement on bias is being made.
17. Precision and Bias 17.2 Procedure D Precision11—The precision of this test
17.1 Procedures A, B, and C Precision —The precision of method was determined by statistical examination of the
these procedures using the air bath, programmable liquid, or interlaboratory test results at –40 °C and –26 °C, over a
SimAir is determined by statistical examination of the inter- viscosity range of 6400 mPa·s to 256 000 mPa·s, where the
laboratory test results at test temperatures –12 °C, –26 °C, and viscosity is the average measured value between an elapsed
–40 °C with measurements obtained from 60 s to 180 s and a measurement time of 160 s and 180 s.
viscosity range from 300 mPa·s to 170 000 mPa·s, and, based 17.2.1 Repeatability limit (r)—The difference between two
on the following assumptions and conditions: results obtained by the same operator in a given laboratory
(1) No separate precision statement is necessary for each applying the same test method with the same apparatus under
procedure. constant operating conditions on identical test material within
(2) No separate precision statement is necessary for each short intervals of time would in the long run, in the normal and
ILS test temperature. correct operation of the test method, exceed the following
(3) Exclusion of 1 % of measurements identified as odd. values only in one case in 20.
(4) Exclusion of samples near/beyond the ILS instrument r 5 0.084·X (4)
measurement threshold. (or 8.4 %)
(5) Inclusion of range of results from 60 s to 180 s. where:
17.1.1 Repeatability Limit (r)—The difference between two
results obtained by the same operator in a given laboratory X = average of two results.
applying the same test method with the same apparatus under 17.2.2 Reproducibility limit (R)—The difference between
constant operating conditions on identical test material within two single and independent results obtained by different
short intervals of time would, in the long run, in the normal and operators applying the same test method in different laborato-
correct operation of the test method, exceed the following ries using different apparatus on identical test material would,
values only in one case in 20: in the long run, in the normal and correct operation of the test
r 5 0.1348·X (2) method, exceed the following values only in one case in 20.
R 5 0.097·X (5)
where: (or 9.7 %)
X = average of the two results.
17.1.2 Reproducibility Limit (R)—The difference between
X = average of two results.
two single and independent results obtained by different

10 11
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D2983 − 19´1
17.2.3 Summary of Procedure D Interlaboratory Study— results of Procedure D and Procedures A, B, and C for a
The interlaboratory precision study consisted of 7 participating viscosity range of 6400 mPa·s to 156 000 mPa·s. The results
laboratories, 13 samples with viscosities ranging from can be considered to be statistically indistinguishable, for the
6400 mPa·s to 256 000 mPa·s at test temperatures –40 °C and sample types and property ranges used the ILS studies. No
–26 °C. Digital viscometers from Brookfield Engineering with sample-specific bias, as defined in Practice D6708, was ob-
a maximum torque between 0.0670 mN·m and 0.1800 mN·m served for the materials studied which are: automotive gear
torque were used for this analysis. oils, automatic transmission fluids, and fluids with similar
17.3 Bias—Since there is no accepted reference material composition.
suitable for determining the bias for this test method against a
primary standard, no statement on bias is being made. 18. Keywords
17.3.1 Relative Bias—No bias-correction considered in 18.1 lubricants; Newtonian oils or liquids; Non-Newtonian
Practice D6708 can further improve the agreement between the oils or fluid


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 In some cases, a viscosity at a single temperature may A1.3.1 Extrapolation beyond the range of measured viscos-
not adequately define the low temperature, low-shear-rate ity data should be avoided because automotive fluids may form
behavior of an automotive lubricant fluid. In those cases, gelated structures unexpectedly at low temperature.
viscosity values are often taken at other temperatures and
viscosity-temperature plots made. NOTE A1.1—The temperature at which gelation will occur is predict-
able by the use of Test Method D5133 another low-temperature, low-shear
A1.2 Viscosity-temperature plots are made by plotting the viscosity method that uses a rotational viscometer with a spindle of larger
viscosity measured for at least three temperatures on ASTM diameter that more closely fits a glass stator.
viscosity-temperature paper (see Practice D341) as a smooth A1.3.2 When the plotted viscosities are compared between
curve. laboratories, the data used shall be at the same spindle speeds
A1.2.1 Viscosities are generated at the highest spindle speed that have sufficient sensitivity and at the same temperature.
capable of giving a reading on the analog or digital model
NOTE A1.2—Because of non-Newtonian behavior, viscosity is depen-
viscometer used (see Section 10).
dent on spindle speed. If viscosity measurements are taken at different
A1.2.2 Comparison of data from analog and digital viscom- spindle speeds at different laboratories, considerably different viscosities
eters should not be made at different spindle speeds. may result with obvious confusion.

A1.3 When viscosity versus temperature plots are used to

generate interpolated viscosity values, the interpolated viscos-
ity shall be within the temperature range of measured viscosi-
ties of the fluid.


A2.1 This annex is intended to serve as a guide to refriger- dS

5 k~S 2 B! (A2.1)
ated cabinet manufacturers. dt

A2.2 Sample cooling rates in these cabinets are considered where:

important because the development of gel structures of some S = sample temperature at the time of observation,
automotive fluids is time dependent and thus dependent on the t = elapsed time from start of cooling,
rate of cooling. This gel structure influences apparent low- B = cabinet temperature, and
temperature, low-shear viscosity. k = cooling constant in units of time−1.
Eq A2.1 solves to:
A2.3 The temperature of a sample immersed in a precooled
cabinet should follow the equation: ~ S 2 B ! 5 Cekt (A2.2)

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D2983 − 19´1
C = integration constant, and
e = base Napierian logarithms 2.7182.
Eq A2.2 may be written in a logarithmic form for conve-
nience of plotting as:
ln ~ S 2 B ! 5 ln C1kt (A2.3)

A2.4 When temperature is in degrees Fahrenheit, a sample

temperature in an average air cabinet can be calculated using
the following constants: k is typically –0.08 with a range
between –0.12 and –0.040 and ln C is typically between 4.45
and 4.80. Cabinets that cool samples at rates defined by these
limits and meet other method requirements are suitable for use.
A2.5 The temperature tolerance for the cooling rate on
programmable liquid baths is 61 °C for temperatures down to
–30 °C; for temperatures below –30 °C, the temperature toler-
ance is 60.5 °C.
A2.6 See Table A2.1 for bath cooling rate data at –12 °C,
–26 °C, –40 °C, and –55 °C.
TABLE A2.1 Bath Cooling Rate Data
Test Temp: –12 °C Test Temp: –26 °C Test Temp: –40 °C Test Temp: –55 °C
Time (min) Bath Temp. (°C) Time (min) Bath Temp. (°C) Time (min) Bath Temp. (°C) Time (min) Bath Temp. (°C)
0 11.5 0 6.8 0 2.2 0 –2.7
5 3.7 5 –4.0 5 –11.7 5 –20.0
10 –1.5 10 –11.2 10 –21.0 10 –31.5
15 –4.9 15 –16.1 15 –27.3 15 –39.3
20 –7.3 20 –19.4 20 –31.5 20 –44.4
25 –8.8 25 –21.6 25 –34.5 25 –47.9
30 –9.9 30 –23.0 30 –36.2 30 –50.3
35 –10.6 35 –24.0 35 –37.4 35 –51.8
40 –11.0 40 –24.7 40 –38.3 40 –52.9
45 –11.4 45 –25.1 45 –38.8 45 –53.6
50 –11.6 50 –25.4 50 –39.2 50 –54.0
55 –11.7 55 –25.6 55 –39.5 55 –54.4
60 –11.8 60 –25.7 60 –39.7 60 –54.6
65 –11.9 65 –25.8 65 –39.8 65 –54.7
80 –12.0 70 –25.9 75 –39.9 70 –54.8
85 –26.0 85 –40.0 75 –54.9
90 –55.0


A3.1 This annex provides the steps for calibrating new or Errors range from 0.0 % to –9.4 % for the general factor and from 0.1 %
used spindles for determination of D2983 viscosity at low to –2.7 % after calibration.
temperatures. A3.3 Choice and Use of Reference Fluid for Calibration
A3.2 Test data have shown that the general factors in Table A3.3.1 Choose a Newtonian reference oil having a known
3 are acceptable when the spindle is in good condition. viscosity-temperature range covering that desired for testing
However, spindles may sustain some permanent distortion in unknown fluid samples.
use. If the run-out becomes excessive (see 6.2.2), the spindle A3.3.1.1 The chosen Newtonian reference oil will be effec-
must be discarded or straightened before use. tive at all temperatures and viscosities over the low tempera-
NOTE A3.1—Examples of agreement between the general factors of
ture range given on the label because of the Newtonian nature
Table 3 and the calibration-derived factors. of the fluid.
Spindles A, B, C in Table A3.1 have acceptable run-out (that is, no
more than 1 mm 6 0.5 mm run out). Agreement between the general A3.4 Preferably, if available, calibrate the spindle in a well
factors in Column 6 and the calibration-derived factor divided by r/min in temperature controlled refrigerated liquid bath at a low tem-
Column 10 is good as shown by percent error of each when compared to perature shown on the label of the calibration fluid.
the known viscosity shown in Column 2 at the temperature in Column 3. NOTE A3.2—Cold-air cabinets may be used but generate less precise

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D2983 − 19´1
calibrations because of warming that occurs during the time it takes to A3.6.1.1 A plot of torque versus speed should result in the
collect the calibration data. linear relationship shown in Fig. A3.1 and further corroborated
A3.5 Calibration Technique by a value above a Coefficient of Determination, R2, of 0.999
NOTE A3.3—It is productive to calibrate a number of spindles at the showing high linear interdependence of the two values.
same time using the same type of calibration fluid.
NOTE A3.6—The high value of R2 indicates the ability of the Brookfield
A3.5.1 Permanently mark the spindles to be calibrated for viscometer to give precise results over a broad range of speed and torque.
subsequent identification over their useful life.
A3.6.1.2 The graphical analysis of Fig. A3.1 also shows an
A3.5.2 Fill the test cells to the appropriate level with the intercept of 0.0993 % torque. This desirably low value indi-
calibration fluid. No pre-conditioning of the fluid is necessary cates only a desirably small level of mechanical friction in the
because of the Newtonian character of the fluid (see Note 21). viscometer head.
A3.5.3 Bring the refrigerated liquid bath or the cold-air
NOTE A3.7—If the calibration has been properly done, a large value for
cabinet to the desired temperature.
the intercept (an intercept value of 2 or higher) suggests a problem with
A3.5.4 Allow the calibration test cells to soak at calibration the viscometer and a likely need for inspection and perhaps cleaning or
temperature for 2 h in the refrigerated liquid bath. However, it repair.
is necessary to have the samples soak overnight in the cold-air A3.6.2 Dividing the known viscosity of the calibration
cabinet. reference oil by the slope of the best line through the data (by
A3.5.5 Using the techniques described in this test method, linear regression analysis) provides the calibration factor:
attach the spindle to the viscometer and set the immersion Calibration Factor = Viscosity of the Calibration Oil ÷ Slope
indicator at the surface of the calibration fluid. of Regression Line
A3.5.6 With refrigerated liquid baths, measure the percent
NOTE A3.8—Example: A calibration oil with a known viscosity of
full-scale torque at five speeds capable of giving torque 20 800 mPa·s is tested. The data are plotted on axes of percent full-scale
responses from 5 % to 90 % of full scale. torque versus rotational speed, and the slope of the regression line is
determined to be 3.2127. The calibration factor is then calculated to be 20
NOTE A3.4—It is necessary to use percent full-scale torque indicated
800 ÷ 3.2127 = 6474.
rather than the indicated viscosity since correction of any error in the latter
is the purpose of the calibration technique. A3.6.3 The calibration factor determined in this way is
A3.5.6.1 When using a cold-air cabinet, measure the per- applicable at all temperatures and viscosities covered in this
cent full-scale torque at three speeds giving torque responses test method (between –18 °C and –55 °C, and viscosities
from 10 % to 90 % of full scale. All three values should be between 300 mPa·s and 1 180 000 mPa·s ).
taken within a minute of starting the analysis at the particular
A3.6.4 To calculate the viscosity of an unknown test fluid
speed chosen. With the potential for slight warming of the
using the spindle’s calibration factor, apply the following
sample, start at the highest speed giving an on-scale torque
reading and reduce the speed to one giving a mid-scale reading
and another in the range of 5 % to 20 %. Viscosity = Calibration Factor · % Full-Scale Torque
÷Spindle speed, r/min
NOTE A3.5—It is preferable for calibration of the spindle to return the
reference oil cell to the air cabinet after each speed and allowing the NOTE A3.9—Example: Viscosity = 6474 · 36.4 ÷ 12.0 = 19 600 mPa·s
sample to re-cool and then to re-analyze at the next desired speed.
A3.6.5 Another use of a calibrated spindle is in measuring a
A3.6 Calculation and Use of Calibration Factor fluid of known viscosity to determine if the temperature of the
A3.6.1 Using a spread-sheet computer program such as cold-air cabinet or refrigerated liquid bath is correct.
Excel (or equivalent) or a statistical least squares analysis of
NOTE A3.10—It is recommended that spindles be calibrated periodi-
the data, obtain the equation of the best straight line through cally and the values recorded to determine any significant changes in
the collected percent torque and spindle speed data as shown in either the individual spindles, in the bath control, or in the viscometer with
Fig. A3.1. the passage of time.

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D2983 − 19´1
TABLE A3.1 Spindle Calibration to Improve Accuracy and Recover Spindle Use
Spindle Known Analysis Spindle % Full-Scale General Using % Error Calibration Calibration Using % Error
Number Viscosity, Temp., °C Speed Torque Factor Generic Factor Factor, Calibration
mPa·s at r/min Factor, r/min Factor,
Used mPa·s mPa·s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A 20 794 –40 12 38.2 500 19 200 –7.7 6472 539 20 603 –0.9
B 12 40.9 20 600 –0.9 6018 502 20 525 –1.3
C 12 41.5 20 800 0.0 6019 502 20 805 0.1
A 40 439 –20 6 38.3 1000 38 200 –5.5 6472 1079 41 098 1.6
B 6 39.6 40 000 –1.1 6018 1003 40 085 –0.9
C 6 40.7 40 800 0.9 6019 1003 41 020 1.4
A 12 916 –10 12 23.3 500 11 700 –9.4 6472 539 12 567 –2.7
B 12 25.7 13 000 0.7 6018 502 13 040 1.0
C 12 26.4 13 300 3.0 6019 502 13 231 2.4

FIG. A3.1 Calibration of Spindle with Newtonian Oil of 20 800 mPa·s Viscosity at Calibration Temperature



A4.1 This annex provides a way to estimate the apparent A4.2 Known Calculation Constants
temperature at which the reference sample was run. Although
A4.2.1 The viscosity-temperature function of the standard
the most probable cause of significant deviation between the
set test temperature and calculated apparent run temperature is reference fluid is listed on the label.
error in the temperature control and monitoring system, errors A4.2.2 Spindle calibration factors are in Section 9.
in spindle immersion depth and viscometer malfunction can
also cause noticeable deviations. If viscometer function and A4.2.3 The percent Full-Scale Torque dial reading and
spindle immersion depth are satisfactory, then the calculated Spindle Speed in r/min for the standard reference fluid are
deviation between set and apparent run temperature is a observed.
measure of the size of the temperature control and monitoring A4.2.4 The set test temperature is a defined test condition.

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A4.3 Calculations Reference fluid viscosity at −34.4 °C, 28 580
A4.3.1 Determine the D2983 viscosity of the test fluid: Spindle factor at 12 r/min, 500
Viscosity = observed dial reading × Calibration factor D2983 viscosity = 49.5 × 500 = 24 750
A4.3.2 Using two reference fluid viscosities at two tempera- from the appendix charts of Practice D341,
tures near the set test temperature, calculate Z for each
reference fluid viscosity with Eq. A1.2 in the appendix of Eq. A1.2 Z (–34.4 °C) = 28 580.7
Practice D341. Eq. A1.2 Z (−28.9 °C) = 11 360.7
Eq. A1.1 A = 10.48607
A4.3.3 Determine constants A and B from Eq. A1.1 in the Eq. A1.1 B = 4.13682
appendix of Practice D341, using calculated values of Z and Eq. A1.2 Z observed = 24 750.7
the temperature to which each value of Z corresponds.
T = (antilog (10.48607 – log log 24 750.7) ⁄4.13682)
A4.3.4 Use the following form of Eq. A1.1 in the appendix – 273.15
of Practice D341 to calculate T, the apparent run temperature in T = –33.58 °C
°C. Tdeviation = 0.86 °C
T 5 10 S A 2 log ~ log
D 2 273.15 (A4.1) A4.5 Interpretation—The 0.86 °C temperature deviation
from set point is more than twice the allowed 0.3 °C bath
A4.3.5 Calculate Tdeviation = T − set test temperature.
temperature variation. Probable temperature control or mea-
A4.4 Example surement error is indicated. However, possible severe spindle
immersion depth error or viscometer malfunction should also
A4.4.1 Set temperature, −34.4 °C
Observed dial reading at 12 r/min, 49.5 be checked. Data from samples run in this test series should not
Reference fluid viscosity at −28.9 °C, 11 360 be reported.


A5.1 There are two parts to the thermal conditioning of the Exp = spreadsheet exponential function,
sample. The first part is preheating the sample to 50 °C then T = test temperature, °C,
cooling to room temperature. The second part is rapidly C = 102, and
cooling the sample to test temperature following Newton’s k = –0.08.
Law of Cooling then holding at test temperature for a period of
A5.1.1 The segment temperatures in Table A5.1 are based
time. The equation for the relationship between elapsed time
and temperature is as follows: on Annex A2 of Test Method D2983 with C = 102 and k =
–0.08. The elapsed time and segment temperatures to accom-
ST 5 ~ C · e k ~ E T 2 P T ! · 5 ⁄ 9 ! 1T (A5.1) plish the full preheat are shown in Table A5.1. The values in
or for a spreadsheet: the Table A5.1 are consistent with the equation except for the
ST 5 ~ C · Exp ~ k · ~ ET 2 PT!! · 5 ⁄ 9 ! 1T (A5.2) temperatures at 44 min and 49 min elapsed time, which may
where: differ from values obtained with Eq A5.1. This difference is
due to the manual procedure thermal conditioning steps, which
ST = segment temperature after preheat and return to
25 °C, °C bring the sample to room temperature before initiating the cool
ET = elapsed time since the beginning of the test, minutes down to test temperature. The Table A5.1 thermal conditioning
PT = preheat time includes the time to bring the sample to programs are typically supplied with the TCU.
preheat temperature, soak at temperature and return to
room temperature, (Table A5.1 segments 2, 3, and 4),

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D2983 − 19´1
TABLE A5.1 Segment Temperatures for Thermal Conditioning—Procedure D
NOTE 1—Time from beginning to end = 17:12 (hh:mm)
Elapsed Test Temperature, °C
Program Segment Time,
Time, –40.0 –35.0 –30.0 –26.0 –23.3 –20.0 –18.0 –12.0 –10.0
Segment minutes
minutes Temperature at end of segment, °C
0 1 1 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0
6 2 7 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0
37 3 30 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0
44 4 7 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0
49 5 5 –3.1 1.9 6.9 10.9 13.6 16.9 18.9 24.9 25.0
54 6 5 –14.5 –9.5 –4.5 –0.5 2.2 5.5 7.5 13.5 15.5
59 7 5 –22.9 –17.9 –12.9 –8.9 –6.2 –2.9 –0.9 5.1 7.1
64 8 5 –28.6 –23.6 –18.6 –14.6 –11.9 –8.6 –6.6 –0.6 1.4
69 9 5 –32.3 –27.3 –22.3 –18.3 –15.6 –12.3 –10.3 –4.3 –2.3
74 10 5 –34.9 –29.9 –24.9 –20.9 –18.2 –14.9 –12.9 –6.9 –4.9
79 11 5 –36.6 –31.6 –26.6 –22.6 –19.9 –16.6 –14.6 –8.6 –6.6
84 12 5 –37.7 –32.7 –27.7 –23.7 –21.0 –17.7 –15.7 –9.7 –7.7
89 13 5 –38.5 –33.5 –28.5 –24.5 –21.8 –18.5 –16.5 –10.5 –8.5
94 14 5 –39.0 –34.0 –29.0 –25.0 –22.3 –19.0 –17.0 –11.0 –9.0
99 15 5 –39.3 –34.3 –29.3 –25.3 –22.6 –19.3 –17.3 –11.3 –9.3
104 16 5 –39.5 –34.5 –29.5 –25.5 –22.8 –19.5 –17.5 –11.5 –9.5
109 17 5 –39.7 –34.7 –29.7 –25.7 –23.0 –19.7 –17.7 –11.7 –9.7
114 18 5 –39.8 –34.8 –29.8 –25.8 –23.1 –19.8 –17.8 –11.8 –9.8
119 19 5 –39.9 –34.9 –29.9 –25.9 –23.2 –19.9 –17.9 –11.9 –9.9
124 20 5 –39.9 –34.9 –29.9 –25.9 –23.2 –19.9 –17.9 –11.9 –9.9
129 21 5 –39.9 –34.9 –29.9 –25.9 –23.2 –19.9 –17.9 –11.9 –9.9
134 22 5 –40.0 –35.0 –30.0 –26.0 –23.3 –20.0 –18.0 –12.0 –10.0
139 23 5 –40.0 –35.0 –30.0 –26.0 –23.3 –20.0 –18.0 –12.0 –10.0
1004 24 865 –40.0 –35.0 –30.0 –26.0 –23.3 –20.0 –18.0 –12.0 –10.0
End of Test 25 30 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0


A6.1 Temperature Calibration:

A6.1.1 See Table A6.1 and Table A6.2.

TABLE A6.1 Automatic Viscometer Program for Temperature

Calibration—Procedure D
Spindle Data Measurement Time, Purpose
Speed, Collection hh:mm:ss
r/min Interval, s
5 15 00:01:00 Function check
0 300 01:52:00 Cool Down & Soak
0.6 10 00:03:00 Viscosity Measurement
1.5 10 00:03:00 Viscosity Measurement
3 10 00:03:00 Viscosity Measurement
6 10 00:03:00 Viscosity Measurement
12 10 00:03:00 Viscosity Measurement
30 10 00:03:00 Viscosity Measurement
60 10 00:03:00 Viscosity Measurement
120 10 00:03:00 Viscosity Measurement

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D2983 − 19´1
TABLE A6.2 Viscosity Program for Manual Temperature
Calibration—Procedure D
NOTE 1—Sample MUST be at temperature for at least 2 h prior making
a measurement.
Spindle Data Collec- Measurement Time, Purpose
Speed, tion Interval, hh:mm:ss
r/min s
0.6 10 00:03:00 Viscosity Measurement
1.5 10 00:03:00 Viscosity Measurement
3 10 00:03:00 Viscosity Measurement
6 10 00:03:00 Viscosity Measurement
12 10 00:03:00 Viscosity Measurement
30 10 00:03:00 Viscosity Measurement
60 10 00:03:00 Viscosity Measurement
120 10 00:03:00 Viscosity Measurement

TABLE A6.3 Viscometer Measurement Program associated with

Annex Table A5.1—Procedure D
Spindle Data Measurement Purpose
Speed, Collection Time, hh:mm:ss
r/min Interval, s
5 15 00:01:00 Function check
0 60 01:30:00 Preheat
0 60 01:30:00 Cool Down
0 600 14:00:00 Soak
0.6 10 00:02:40 Initial Measurement
0.6 10 00:00:20 Final Measurement
1.5 10 00:02:40 Initial Measurement
1.5 10 00:00:20 Final Measurement
3 10 00:02:40 Initial Measurement
3 10 00:00:20 Final Measurement
6 10 00:02:40 Initial Measurement
6 10 00:00:20 Final Measurement
12 10 00:02:40 Initial Measurement
12 10 00:00:20 Final Measurement
30 10 00:02:40 Initial Measurement
30 10 00:00:20 Final Measurement
60 10 00:02:40 Initial Measurement
60 10 00:00:20 Final Measurement
120 10 00:02:40 Initial Measurement
120 10 00:00:20 Final Measurement


(Nonmandatory Information)



X1.1 This appendix illustrates why D2983 viscosity is often extrapolated to 0 r/min. This 0 r/min extrapolated dial reading
a function of viscometer spindle speed. At low temperature, is the apparent yield stress. Because of the apparent yield
many mineral oil-based lubricants develop shear-rate-sensitive stress, the viscosity of the non-Newtonian fluid is a function of
wax or wax-polymer gels. Ideally, this gel appears to have a spindle speed as follows:
finite rigidity or strength which is reflected in these measure- Spindle, Dial Apparent Viscosity
Case Slope
ments as the apparent stress (dial reading) needed before the r/min Reading (mPa·s)
spindle begins to rotate. A 12 36 3 18 000
B 30 60 2 12 000
X1.2 The Newtonian fluid in Fig. X1.1 has no yield stress
X1.4 For a non-Newtonian fluid, the strong dependence of
and the dial reading is directly proportional to the spindle
r/min. Its D2983 viscosity is proportional to the slope (dial viscosity on spindle speed is a result of the definition of the
reading/spindle speed). This slope does not vary with spindle Brookfield slope. This slope is always calculated from a line
speed. drawn from the origin (the 0 dial reading/0 spindle speed point)
to the observed dial reading/set ppm point. When an apparent
X1.3 The illustrative dial reading-spindle speed function of yield stress exists, this slope is much greater at low spindle
the non-Newtonian oil Fig. X1.1 has a finite dial reading when speed than at high spindle speed.

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FIG. X1.1 Diagram of Viscometer Dial Reading Versus Spindle Speed

X1.5 Because of the large effect of apparent yield stress on X1.7 In practice, the dial reading/spindle speed functions
viscosity, it is imperative that fluid lubricants of the same may not be completely linear. Shear degradation of gel
viscosity classification be compared at the same spindle speed. structure or alignment of flow units, or both, may make the dial
reading/spindle speed function slightly concave toward the
X1.6 Ideally, apparent yield stress can be subtracted from
spindle speed axis. Because long measurement times are often
dial readings to give a constant dial reading/spindle speed
needed for a complete dial reading/spindle speed
slope. This slope can be used with an appropriate calibration
determination, sample heating may also cause some curvature.
constant to give a “flow” viscosity, which may be useful for
correlation with some low-temperature performance data.


X2.1 The viscosity-temperature function of each standard Maximum Viscosity

Typical Viscosity,
reference fluid is listed on its bottle by the supplier. The Reference Fluid Temperature, °C Change Due to
0.3°C, mPa·s
following table lists typical viscosity values: N115B −6.7 5 970 254
Maximum Viscosity −12.2 13 360 591
Typical Viscosity, −17.8 32 310 1 589
Reference Fluid Temperature, °C Change Due to
mPa·s −23.3 81 460 4 823
0.3°C, mPa·s
N27B −28.9 5 300 245 −28.9 253 700 16 972
−34.4 12 750 701
−40.0 36 940 2 324


X3.1 Shear Stress (or Yield Stress): γ̇ 5 0.2156 3 spindle speed (X3.2)

τ 5 1.253 3 M (X3.1) where:

where: γ̇ = shear rate, s−1,
spindle speed = rotational speed, r/min, and
τ = shear stress, Pa, 0.2156 = constant dependent on spindle radius and
M = dial reading, and,
test cell internal diameter.
1.253 = constant determined from spindle dimensions and
the viscometer’s spring constant. NOTE X3.1—Equations are derived from AMTEK Brookfield literature.
AMTEK Brookfield should be consulted for more detailed derivations.2
X3.2 Shear Rate (at the wall of LV-4 spindle in a 22.25 mm
inside diameter test cell):

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X4.1 This appendix provides information regarding the X4.3 Precision

precision of this test method for determining the apparent NOTE X4.1—The poor precision of this hydraulic method is directly
viscosity of hydraulic oils. Six hydraulic oils, covering a related to the size of the spindle used (No. 4 spindle used in the Test
Method D2983 hydraulic round robin). The reason is that the viscosity of
temperature range of –10 °C, –15 °C and –20 °C and a viscos- these fluids is much lower than what the original test method was designed
ity range of approximately 500 mPa·s to 1900 mPa·s were to handle. These lower viscosities cause the torque readings from the
analyzed by ten laboratories. The results of the 1993 interlabo- viscometer to be in a less accurate zone. Further work is being performed
ratory cooperative test program are available from ASTM with a No. 3 cylindrical rotor to develop increased torque suitable for a
more accurate zone for the viscometer.
X4.3.1 The precision of this test method as determined by
X4.2 Test Method D2983–87 was used in this study with the ADJD6300 (formerly known as ASTM D2PP program)13 is set
following changes to 10.3: forth below. It was determined with samples varying from
500 mPa·s to 1700 mPa·s, and is valid within this range of
X4.2.1 Samples were conditioned at 80 °C 6 3 °C for viscosities. Precision will be subject to increasing uncertainties
60 min 6 5 min and allowed to cool at room temperature for a as measured viscosities depart from this range.
minimum of 60 min prior to transferring to the cooling bath.
X4.3.2 Repeatability—The difference between successive
X4.2.2 The appropriate reference fluids were run at the test results, obtained by the same operator with the same
beginning and end of each set of samples to ensure the sample apparatus under constant operating conditions on identical test
temperature change due to the opening and closing of the cold material would, in the long run, and in the normal an correct
cabinet was not greater than 0.4 °C. operation of the test method, exceed the following value only
in one case in 20.
X4.2.3 An attempt was made to complete the testing within
Repeatability = 44 mPa·s
30 s after the sample was removed from the cold cabinet; the
testing was completed within no longer than 60 s. X4.3.3 Reproducibility—The difference between two single
and independent results, obtained by different operators work-
X4.2.4 The test series was completed within 1 h so that a ing in different laboratories on identical test material would, in
maximum soak time did not exceed 17 h for any sample. the long run, and in normal and correct operation of the test
method, exceed the following value only in one case in 20.
Reproducibility = 141 mPa·s
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1486. Contact ASTM Customer ADJD6300 has been withdrawn and is no longer available from ASTM
Service at [email protected]. International.


X5.1 This appendix provides information regarding the single precision statement applicable to all three methods is
precision of this test method for determining the apparent provided below.
viscosity of oils at –55 °C. Four oils were analyzed at –55 °C
covering a viscosity range of approximately 84 000 mPa·s to X5.5 Example of Precision
1 180 000 mPa·s were analyzed by ten laboratories. The results X5.5.1 Repeatability—The difference between two succes-
of the 2012 interlaboratory cooperative test program are sive results, obtained by the same operator with the same
available from ASTM Headquarters as Research Report apparatus under constant operating conditions on identical test
RR:D02-1821.10 material, each with a viscosity in the range from 84 000 mPa·s
to 1 180 000 mPa·s, obtained at a temperature of –55 °C and
X5.2 Test Method D2983 was used in this study. measurements taken between 60 s and 180 s that would, in the
long run and in the normal an correct operation of the test
X5.3 Viscosity was recorded at 60 s and 180 s after the
method, exceed the following value only in one case in 20:
sample was removed from the cold cabinet; there was no
significant difference in the test repeatability between these two r 5 0.2328·X (X5.1)
time intervals. As a result, one precision statement for this where:
temperature will be given and shall cover time ranging from 60 X = the average of two values.
s to 180 s after removing the sample from the bath.
X5.5.2 Reproducibility—The difference between two single
X5.4 Three testing procedures were evaluated by this study and independent results, obtained by different operators work-
(cold air bath, programmable liquid bath, Sim-Air bath); a ing in different laboratories on identical test material each with

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a viscosity in the range from 84 000 mPa·s to 1 180 000 mPa·s R 5 0.4322· X (X5.2)
obtained at a temperature of –55 °C and measurements taken
between 60 s and 180 s that would, in the long run and in the
normal an correct operation of the test method, exceed the X = the average of two values.
following value only in one case in 20:


Subcommittee D02.07 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D2983 – 17) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved June 15, 2019.)

(1) Revised Scope, Terminology, Summary of Test Method, (2) Added new Sections 7, 14, 15, Annex A5, and Annex A6 to
Significance and Use, Apparatus, Procedure, Report, and include new Procedure D.
Precision and Bias sections to include new Procedure D.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
(www.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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