Children - Law - English - Law No 3 2016

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Federal Law No.

3 of 2016
Issued on 08/03/2016
Corresponding to 28 Jumada Al-Awwal 1437 H.
We, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates,
After perusal of the Constitution,
Federal Law No. (1) of 1972 on the Competencies of the Ministries and Powers of the Ministers,
and its amendments;
Federal Law No. (11) of 1972 on Compulsory Education;
Federal Law No. (17) of 1972 on Nationality and Passports, and its amendments;
Federal Law No. (9) of 1976 on Delinquent and Vagrant Juveniles;
Federal Law No. (8) of 1980 regulating Labour Relations, and its amendments;
Federal Law No. (5) of 1983 on Nurseries;
Federal Law No. (5) of 1985 promulgating the Civil Transactions Law, and its amendments;
Federal Law No. (3) of 1987 promulgating the Penal Code, and its amendments;
Federal Law No. (35) of 1992 promulgating the Criminal Procedure Law, and its amendments;
Federal Law No. (43) of 1992 regulating Penal Institutions;
Federal Law No. (14) of 1995 regarding fighting narcotics and psychotropic substances, and its
Federal Law No. (21) of 1995 on traffic, and its amendments;
Federal Law No. (3) of 1996 on the jurisdiction of Sharia'a Courts to hear some criminal cases;
Federal Law No. (2) of 2001 on Social Security;
Federal Law No. (28) of 2001 on the establishment of Emirates Authority for Standardisation and
Metrology, and its amendments;
Federal Law No. (7) of 2002 on copyrights and neighbouring rights, and its amendments;
Federal Decree-Law No. (1) of 2003 on the establishment of the Supreme Council for Motherhood
and Childhood;
Federal Decree-Law No. (3) of 2003 on the Regulation of Telecommunication Sector, and its
Federal Law No. (28) of 2005 on Personal Status;
Federal Law No. (29) of 2006 on the Rights of People with Special Needs, and its amendments;
Federal Law No. (51) of 2006 on combating human trafficking crimes, and its amendments;
Federal Decree-Law No. (11) of 2008 on Human Resources in the Federal Government, and its
Federal Law No. (15) of 2009 on Tobacco Control;
Federal Law No. (18) of 2009 on the Registration of Births and Deaths;
Federal Law No. (1) of 2012 on the Custody of Children of Unknown Parentage;
Federal Decree-Law No. (5) of 2012 on Combating Cyber-crimes;
Federal Decree-Law No. (5) of 2013 on Weapons, Ammunition, Explosives and Military
And based on the proposal of the Minister of Social Affairs, the approval of the Council of
Ministers and the Federal National Council and the ratification of the Federal Supreme Council,
Issued the following Law:
Chapter 1
General Provisions

Article 1 - Definitions
In the implementation of the provisions of this Law, the following words and expressions shall have
the meanings assigned against each unless the context requires otherwise:
State: The United Arab Emirates.
Ministry: Ministry of Social Affairs.
Minister: Minister of Social Affairs.
Competent Authorities: Federal authorities concerned with the children's affairs.
Concerned Entities: Local authorities concerned with the children's affairs.
Child: Every human being born alive and who is under eighteen years old.
Custodian of the Child: The person legally liable for the child or entrusted with his care.
Foster Family: Alternative family entrusted with the custody and care of the child.
Child Protection Specialist: The person licensed and appointed by the competent authority or the
concerned entities - as the case may be - to preserve the rights of the child and protect him/her within
the limits of his competencies as stated in this Law.
Child Abuse: Every action or omission that would lead to the harm of the child and prevent the
latter's upbringing and growth in a sound, safe and healthy manner.
Child Neglect: Failure of the parents or the custodian to take necessary actions to preserve the
child's life, as well as his/her physical, mental and moral integrity from risks and to protect his/her
various rights.
Violence against Children: Deliberate use of force against any child by any individual or group that
would lead to actual harm to the health, growth or survival of the child.
Best Interests of the Child: Placing the interests of the child above everything else and having
priority and preference in all circumstances, regardless of the interests of other parties.
Child Pornography: Production, display, publication, possession or circulation of a picture, film or
drawing through any means of communication, social media platforms or other means where the child
is shown in a disgraceful manner in a sexual act or sexual show, whether such act is real, virtual or

Article 2
The competent authorities and the concerned entities shall:
1- Maintain the child's right to life, survival and development and provide all necessary
opportunities to facilitate the same and grant him/her a free, secure and developed life.
2- Protect the child from all forms of neglect, exploitation and abuse and from any physical and
psychological violence that exceeds the limits of the Sharia and the Law, such as the rights of the
parents and their equivalents to discipline their children.
3- Raise the child in a way to adhere to his/her Islamic faith and to have pride in his/her national
identity and respect for the culture of human brotherhood.
4- Protect the best interests of the child.
5- Raise awareness among children on their rights, obligations and duties in a society in which
justice, equality, tolerance and moderation prevail.
6- Raise the child on the sense of morality, particularly the respect of his/her parents and family and
social surroundings.
7- Spread the culture of child rights as widely as possible using appropriate means.
8- Involve the child in the aspects of community life according to his/her age, maturity and
developed abilities in order to be raised on the love of work, initiatives, legitimate earning and self-

Article 3
This Law shall guarantee that the child has all the rights decided thereunder and under the other
legislations in force at the State and shall protect the child without discrimination because of origin,
sex, home country, religion, social status or disability.

Article 4
1- The natural family is the first and best environment for the upbringing of the child. The State
shall guarantee its existence, preservation, protection and care in order to achieve the child's rights and
best interests. Such family may be replaced, when necessary, by the alternative family.
2- The protection of the child and his/her best interests shall have priority in all the decisions and
actions taken in his/her regard. The competent authorities and the concerned entities shall work on
achieving the same by taking necessary measures, namely:
a- Ensuring to meet the moral, psychological and physical needs of the child under the special
circumstances of his/her age, health and family surroundings, and particularly his/her right of custody.
b- Giving the child priority of protection, care, rescue and guidance in cases of emergencies,
disasters, armed conflict and any crime committed against him/her.
c- Not harming the child psychologically in all the stages of collecting evidence, investigation and
trial, whether the child is a party to the case or a witness.

Article 5
The child shall have the right for privacy according to public morals, taking in consideration the
rights and liabilities of the custodian according to the Law.

Article 6
The concerned entities liable for the implementation of the policies and programs developed by the
competent authorities shall work in all the areas related to the child.
Chapter 2
Fundamental Rights

Article 7
1- The child shall have the right to life and security.
2- The State shall guarantee the child's growth, development and care according to the Law.

Article 8
The child shall have the right, since birth, to have a name that does not involve humiliation or
denigration of his/her dignity or that is contrary to religious beliefs and customs.

Article 9
The child shall be registered in the birth register immediately after his/her birth according to the
legal system prescribed in this regard.

Article 10
The child shall have the right to nationality according to the provisions of the laws in force at the
Article 11
1- The child shall have the right to parentage by his legal parents according to the laws in force at
the State.
2- Each of the child's parents or whoever having legal authority thereon shall procure the issuance
of the documents proving his birth, nationality and all other documents according to the laws in force
at the State.

Article 12
1- The child shall have the right to express his/her opinion freely according to his/her age and
maturity, commensurate with the public order and morals and with the laws in force at the State.
2- (S)he shall have the opportunity to express his/her opinion concerning the measures taken in
his/her regard within the limits of the laws in force.

Article 13
It shall be prohibited to expose the child to any arbitrary interference or illegal conduct in his/her
life, family, home or correspondences. It shall be also prohibited to harm his/her honour or reputation.
The State shall guarantee the protection of the child from all child pornography forms according to the
legislations in force.

Article 14
The competent authorities and the concerned entities shall:
1- Prohibit the employment of children before the age of fifteen.
2- Prohibit the economic exploitation and employment in any works that may expose the child to
risk, whether due to the work nature or circumstances.
The Implementing Regulation of the Law and the Labour Law shall regulate the conditions and
principles of child labour.
Chapter 3
Family Rights

Article 15
1- The child's parents or their equivalents and the custodian of the child shall provide the
requirements of family safety to the child within a coherent and cooperative family.
2- The child's custodian shall assume the responsibilities and obligations entrusted to him/her in
raising, caring, guiding and developing the child in the best way.

Article 16
Taking in consideration the applicable Law, the child shall have the right to meet his/her natural
parents and family and receive their care and to maintain personal relationships and direct contact with
both of them.

Article 17
The child shall be entitled to custody, breast-feeding, alimony and protection of his/her person,
his/her honour, religion and property according to the laws in force at the State.
Chapter 4
Health Rights

Article 18
The child shall have the right to receive health services according to the laws and regulations of
health care applicable in the State.
Article 19
The State shall work on developing its capacities in the field of preventive, curative and mental
healthcare as well as health guidance related to the health, nutrition and protection of the child.

Article 20
The competent authorities and concerned entities shall provide healthcare to mothers before and
after childbirth according to the legislations in force.
They shall also take the possible measures for the following:
1- Protect the child from environmental pollution hazards and damages and work on combating
2- Play a constructive and active role in raising awareness in the field of prevention and health
guidance, particularly with respect to the areas of child health and nutrition, the benefits of
breastfeeding, prevention of diseases and accidents and the harm caused by smoking, and set the
policies and programs necessary for the advancement of the health media in this regard.
3- The competent authorities and concerned entities shall take necessary actions to prevent and
protect the child from the use of drugs, intoxicants and stimulants, as well as all types of psychotropic
substances or contribution in the production, trading or promotion thereof.
4- Support the school health system in order to play its role in the field of prevention, treatment and
health guidance.
5- Prevent infectious, dangerous and chronic diseases and provide necessary vaccinations and
6- Develop programs related to the training of the workers in the maternal and child health care and
prepare them to achieve the objectives of this Law.
7- Handle psychological care including the mental, emotional, social and language development of
the child.
8- Take the necessary measures for the early detection of children diagnosed with disabilities and
chronic diseases.

Article 21
It shall be prohibited to:
1- Sell or attempt to sell tobacco or tobacco products to children. The seller shall have the right to
ask the purchaser to provide evidence of reaching the age of eighteen.
2- Smoke in public and private transportation means and indoor places in the presence of a child.
3- Sell or attempt to sell alcoholic beverages to children and any other materials posing risk to the
health of the child, determined by a decision issued by the Council of Ministers.
4- Import or trade in materials that are contrary to the specifications approved in the State for the
nutrition, food supplies or health or hormonal supplements or children's toys.
Chapter 5
Social Rights

Article 22
The State shall provide a standard of living that is adequate for the child's physical, mental,
psychological and social development according to the Laws in force.

Article 23
The children who do not have a competent breadwinner or source of income, shall have the right to
be assisted by the State according to the Laws in force.
Article 24
Without prejudice to the Laws on Personal Status and on the Children of Unknown Parentage, the
child who is deprived of his natural family in a permanent or temporary manner shall have the right to
alternative care through:
1- The foster family.
2- Public or private social welfare institutions in case the foster family is not available.
Chapter 6
Cultural Rights

Article 25
The child shall have the right to have knowledge, innovation and creativity means. For that purpose,
s(he) may participate in the recreational, cultural, artistic and scientific programs that are adequate to
his/her age, the public order and morals. The competent authorities and concerned entities shall set the
programs necessary for the same.

Article 26
It shall be prohibited to publish, display, circulate, possess or produce any visual, audio or printed
works or games for children that address the child's sexual instincts or adorn the behaviours that are
contrary to the public order and morals or that would encourage abnormal behaviour.

Article 27
The Implementing Regulation of this Law shall determine the places where the children are
prohibited to enter as well as the rules of entrance to other places.

Article 28
The Managers of the cinemas, the television broadcasting channels and other similar places set
forth in the previous Article shall display in an apparent and visible place, a statement prohibiting the
children to enter or watch, according to the Implementing Regulation of this Law and other regulations
in force.

Article 29
The telecommunications companies and internet service providers shall notify the competent
authorities or the concerned entities of any child pornography materials being circulated through the
social media sites and on the Internet and shall provide necessary information and data on the persons,
entities or sites that circulate such material or intend to mislead the children.

Article 30
The State shall form councils, associations, clubs and centres for children, specialised in the
children's cultural, artistic, scientific and physical development as well as other aspects of
Chapter 7
Educational Rights

Article 31
Every child shall have the right to education and the State shall work on achieving equal
opportunities for every child according to the Laws in force.

Article 32
The State shall take the following measures in the field of education:
1- Prevent the children's escape from school.
2- Promote the participation of children and their parents in the decisions related to children.
3- Ban all forms of violence in educational institutions and maintain the dignity of the children upon
taking decisions or setting programs.
4- Develop the educational system including kindergartens in order to achieve its purposes of
development of every child in the mental, physical, emotional, social and moral aspects.
5- Set special and structured programs for reporting and complaints in order to ensure investigation
of the acts and violations to the educational rights set forth in this Law as determined by the
Implementing Regulation.
Chapter 8
Right to Protection

Article 33
The following in particular shall be considered as threatening to the child or to his/her physical,
psychological, moral or mental integrity, which requires his/her right to protection:
1- Loss of both parents and living without a breadwinner or tutor.
2- Child's exposure to neglect, rejection and homelessness.
3- Obvious and continuous default in education and care.
4- Habitual child abuse.
5- Child's exposure to exploitation or sexual abuse.
6- Child's exposure to exploitation by illegal organisations and in organised crime, such as planting
the ideas of intolerance and hatred or inciting the child to carry out acts of violence and intimidation.
7- Child's exposure to begging or to economic exploitation.
8- Inability of the parents or custodian to provide care or to raise the child.
9- Child's exposure to kidnapping, sale or trafficking for any purpose or to exploitation of any form.
10- Psychological or mental disability that affects the child's ability to perception.

Article 34
It shall be prohibited to endanger the mental, psychological, physical or moral integrity of the child,
whether through abandonment of the child by his/her custodian, leaving him/her at a care institution
without due reason, rejecting the child by his/her custodian, or refraining from treating his/her illness
and handling his/her affairs.

Article 35
It shall be prohibited for the custodian to expose the child to rejection, homelessness or neglect,
leaving him/her without supervision or follow-up, refraining from his/her guidance, not handling
his/her affairs, not enrolling him/her at an educational institution or leaving him/her without education
during the compulsory education stage without due reason.

Article 36
Taking into consideration Clause 2 of Article 2 hereof, it shall be prohibited to expose the child to
torture, violate his/her physical integrity or commit any act involving cruelty that would affect the
child's emotional, psychological, mental or moral balance.

Article 37
The following acts shall be prohibited:
1- To use or exploit a child in the filming, recording or production of pornographic materials.
2- To produce, publish, distribute or facilitate access of children to pornographic materials in any
3- To possess child pornography materials regardless of the intent to distribute the same.
4- To download, upload or send child pornography materials through the Internet or any other
communications or IT means.
5- The custodian’s contribution to the child's participation in the production or filming of child
pornography or any other sexual acts, or his permission or assistance offered to the child in such acts.
6- To exploit the child sexually by exposing or preparing him/her for prostitution or debauchery,
whether with or without pay, directly or indirectly.

Article 38
The following shall be prohibited:
1- To exploit the child for begging.
2- Child labour under illegal conditions.
3- Entrust the child with an act that would hinder his/her education or harm his/her health or
physical, psychological, moral or mental integrity.
Chapter 9
Protection Mechanisms

Article 39
1- The competent authorities and the concerned entities shall coordinate with the Ministry in order
to establish child protection units aiming at developing and implementing mechanisms and child
protection measures as set forth in this Law.
2- The Implementing Regulation of this Law shall determine the following:
a- Competencies and work mechanisms of the child protection units.
b- The conditions to be met by the child protection specialist.

Article 40
The child protection specialist shall take oath before exercising his duties, and shall be specialised
in the following:
1- Preventive intervention in all the cases where the child's health or physical, psychological, moral
or mental integrity is threatened or endangered.
2- Therapeutic intervention in all the cases of abuse, exploitation, neglect and all the cases set forth
in Article 33 hereof.

Article 41
The child protection specialist shall have the following powers upon performing his duties:
1- Collecting evidence about the facts covered by the reporting and attending investigation and trial
sessions if necessary.
2- Entering alone or accompanied by whomever he deems convenient to any place where the child
is present, with the permission of the place's owner and the necessity to show a card proving his title.
3- Taking appropriate preventive measures concerning the child as determined by the Implementing
Regulation of this Law.
4- Having recourse to social research in order to estimate the reality of the child's situation.

Article 42
1- Every person shall notify the child protection specialist or child protection units in case of
anything that threatens the child's physical, psychological, moral or mental integrity or health.
2- The notification shall be mandatory for the educators, physicians, social specialists or others
entrusted with the protection, care or education of the child.
Article 43
Every person who reaches the age of majority shall assist any child who asks him/her to notify the
competent authorities or concerned entities about his/her suffering, the suffering of any of his/her
siblings or any other child in one of the cases set forth in Article 33 hereof.

Article 44
The identity of the reporter shall only be disclosed with his consent and it shall be forbidden to
disclose the identity of all the parties of the incident and the witnesses in the cases of child assault or
abuse, upon using the information in the analyses or media reports or upon publishing all that may
reveal his identity.

Article 45
The concerned and competent entities shall provide protection to the witnesses at all stages of the
criminal proceedings.
Chapter 10
Protection Measures

Article 46
Taking into consideration the provisions of Articles (47) and (51) of this Law, the child protection
specialist shall, in agreement with the custodian of the child, take the necessary measures if he finds
anything that threats the child's physical, psychological, moral or mental integrity or health, as
determined by the Implementing Regulation of this Law.

Article 47
Taking into consideration the provisions of Article (51) of this Law, the child protection specialist
shall offer the following suggestions to the child's parents or custodian if he finds anything threatening
the child's physical, psychological, moral or mental integrity or health:
1- Keeping the child at his/her family, provided that:
a- The child's parents or custodian commit in writing to take necessary measures to remove the risk
threatening the child and keep him/her under periodic supervision by the child protection specialist.
b- The social intervention methods are regulated by the concerned entities and the competent
authorities - as the case may be - by providing necessary services and social aid to the child and his/her
c- Necessary precautions are taken to prevent any contact between the child and all that threatens
his/her physical, psychological, moral or mental integrity or health.
2- Placing the child temporarily at an alternative family or a convenient body, social, educational or
health institution, whether public or private, according to the rules determined by the Implementing
Regulation of this Law.

Article 48
In case the child protection specialist reaches the appropriate measures in an agreement form, such
agreement shall be written, read and signed by the various parties including the child who reached
thirteen years old.
The specialist shall periodically follow the results of the agreed measures taken and shall decide to
amend them when necessary in a way guaranteeing, as much as possible, that the child is kept in
his/her family surroundings.

Article 49
The child protection specialist shall notify the parents or custodian of the child who reached thirteen
years old, of their right to reject the measure suggested to them.
Article 50
1- The child protection specialist shall refer the matter to the entity to which he reports in order to
take the convenient action in the following cases:
a- Failure to reach an agreement within fifteen days from the date of knowledge of the case.
b- Rejection of the agreement by the child's parents or custodian or by the child who reached
thirteen years old.
2- The entity to which the child protection specialist reports shall take necessary action to refer the
matter to the Public Prosecution.

Article 51
1- Taking into account the provisions of Articles (33), (34), (35), (36), (37) and (38), every action
or omission posing a threat to the child's life, physical, psychological, mental or moral integrity or
health in a way that cannot be avoided over time, shall be considered as significant harm or imminent
2- Taking into account the sanctity of the residential places, the child protection specialist shall, in
case of significant harm or imminent danger on the child, and before obtaining a judicial authorisation,
take the child out from the place (s)he is present in and move him/her to a safe place under his
personal liability and he may refer to public authorities in this regard.
3- The child protection specialist shall obtain a judicial order to continue taking the measures set
forth in Clause 2 of this Article, within 24 hours from the time of taking the child out and the
competent judge shall pronounce his decision within 24 hours from the time of submittal of the

Article 52
The child protection specialists specified by a decision from the Minister of Justice, under
agreement with the Minister or the concerned entities, shall have the capacity of judicial officers as per
the evidencing of the violations of this Law and the decisions and regulations issued in implementation

Article 53
The Public Prosecution and judicial authorities shall have recourse to the child protection specialist
for the investigations and trials involving the child.

Article 54
1- Whoever is convicted of a crime of sexual assault or child pornography shall be prohibited to
work in a job or position that makes him/her in direct contact with children, even if (s)he was
2- The judge shall rule that whoever is convicted of a crime of sexual assault against a child shall be
prohibited to reside in the area of residence of the assaulted child within a five square kilometres
radius surrounding the child’s place of residence.
3- In all cases, the convicted person sentenced to imprisonment in a crime of sexual assault against
a child shall not be released until after being subject, after the period of imprisonment, to
psychological tests in order to ensure that (s)he is not socially endangering. In case (s)he was proved
to be socially endangering, the Court shall rule to transfer him/her to a therapeutic institution after
expiry of the period of imprisonment. The Implementing Regulation of this Law shall regulate the
placement of the convicted person in a therapeutic institution and the procedures of study of the
release requests.
Article 55
A record shall be established at the Ministry in coordination with the competent authorities stating
all the cases of child abuse. All that is stated in that record shall be confidential and shall not be
perused unless by a permit from the Public Prosecution or the competent Court, as the case may be.

Article 56
The competent authorities and the concerned entities shall coordinate with the Ministry to:
1- Determine the standards and engineering specifications related to the construction laws and the
safety and security conditions that protect the child from any type of harm. The Implementing
Regulation of this Law shall determine the rules necessary for the application of these standards,
specifications and the exceptions thereof.
2- Set the necessary controls and procedures to protect the child safety in the public and
entertainment places as well as the public transport means. The Implementing Regulation shall
determine these required rules and procedures.
3- The provisions of Clauses (1) and (2) of this Article shall apply to the public and private sectors,
except for all that is specifically determined in the Implementing Regulation.

Article 57
The competent authorities and the concerned entities shall take the following measures:
1- Ensure the safety of the products to prevent any threaten to the child's rights as stated in this Law
and lay down marketing advertisement controls that are consistent with the child's rights to health,
survival and development.
2- Monitor the business activities in a way preventing children to be exposed to any environmental
hazards or damages.

Article 58
The competent authorities and concerned entities shall ensure the protection of the child from
traffic accidents according to the provisions of the Traffic Law and its amending laws, particularly the
1- Prohibiting the seating of children under ten years old in the front seats of the vehicles of all
2- Developing controls concerning the use of bicycles by children.

Article 59
Taking into account the provisions of the Personal Status Law, the competent Court shall, before
ruling custody, request a detailed report on the social, psychological, health and criminal status of the
person requesting custody or to be granted custody, or an acknowledgment stating that (s)he did not
commit a crime outside the State. The Implementing Regulation shall determine the procedures of
preparation of such report and acknowledgment.
Chapter 11

Article 60
Whoever violates the provisions of Clause 2 of Article (11), Articles (28), (34), (35) or Clause 2 of
Article (42) of this Law shall be punished by imprisonment or a fine not less than AED 5,000 (five

Article 61
Shall be punished by a fine not less than AED (5,000) five thousand and not exceeding AED
(50,000) fifty thousand, whoever:
1- Violates the provisions of Article (43) hereof.
2- Prevents the child protection specialist from carrying out his duties or hinders his work.
3- Gives false information or deliberately hides the truth concerning the status of the child.

Article 62
Whoever violates the provisions of Clause 2 of Article (21) hereof shall be punished by a fine not
less than AED (5,000) five thousand.

Article 63
Whoever violates the provisions of Clauses 1 and 3 of Article (21) hereof shall be punished by
imprisonment for a period not less than three months and/or a fine not less than AED (15,000) fifteen

Article 64
Whoever violates the provisions of Clause 4 of Article (21) or Article (29) hereof shall be punished
by imprisonment for a period not less than six months and/or a fine not less than AED (100,000) one
hundred thousand and not exceeding AED (1,000,000) one million.

Article 65
Whoever violates the provisions of Clauses 1, 2, 5 and 6 of Article (37) hereof shall be punished by
imprisonment for a period not less than ten years.

Article 66
Whoever violates the provisions of Article (26) or Clauses 3 and 4 of Article (37) hereof shall be
punished by imprisonment for a period not less than one year and a fine not less than AED (100,000)
one hundred thousand Dirhams and not exceeding AED (400,000) four hundred thousand.

Article 67
Whoever violates any provision of Article (27) hereof shall be punished by imprisonment for a
period not less than a month and not exceeding six months and a fine not less than AED five thousand

Article 68
Whoever violates the provisions of Article (14) or (38) hereof shall be punished by imprisonment
and/or a fine not less than AED (20,000) twenty thousand.
If the work endangers the life of the child who has not reached fifteen years of age or endangers
his/her physical, mental or moral integrity, this shall be considered as aggravating circumstances.

Article 69
Whoever violates the provisions of Article (36) hereof shall be punished by imprisonment and/or a
fine not less than AED (50,000) fifty thousand.

Article 70
In the application of the provisions of this Law, the claim of the perpetrator being not aware of the
age of the victim may not be pleaded.

Article 71
The penalties set forth in this Law shall not prejudice any other more severe penalty stipulated in
another Law.
Chapter 12
Final Provisions

Article 72
The provisions of this Law shall not prejudice any rights and protection aspects guaranteeing the
child's enjoyment of all rights and public freedoms as well as the protection and care aspects set forth
in other legislations in force.

Article 73
The Council of Ministers shall – upon the Minister's suggestion – issue the Implementing
Regulation of this Law within six months from the date of publication thereof in the Official Gazette.

Article 74
Any provision violating or contradicting the provisions of this Law shall be abrogated.

Article 75
This Law shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall enter into force three months after the
date of publication thereof.
Issued by Us at the Presidential Palace in
Abu Dhabi
On: 8 March 2016
Corresponding to: 28 Jumada Al-Awwal
1437 H
Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan
President of the United Arab Emirates
This Federal Law was published in the Official Gazette No. 593, p. 53.

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