Grade 2 Math P2T1Numberto1000

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Primary 2 (Term one)

Number to 1000

Work out the following sum.

1) What is the number shown by the base ten cubes? Write the answer in the box
(In numbers)



2) Look at the words below and write in numerals.

a) Two Hundred and forty-seven

Primary 2 (Term one)
Number to 1000

b) Six hundred and twelve

c) Five hundred and sixty-three

3) Look at the numbers below and write in words.

a) 348


b) 413


c) 248

Primary 2 (Term one)
Number to 1000

4) Complete the following:

a) 512

____ hundreds ____ ten ____ones

b) 357

____ hundreds ____ tens ____ones

c) 825

____ hundreds ____ tens ____ones

5) Complete the following

a) 500 + 10 + 2 = ____________________

b) 800 + 70 + 5 = ____________________

c) 200 + 40 + 9 = ____________________
Primary 2 (Term one)
Number to 1000

6) Fill in the blanks.

a) 253 = 200 + ____ + 3

b) 574 = ____ + 70 + 4

c) 748 = 700 + 40 + ____

7) Fill in the blanks.

In 457,

a) what is the digit in the hundreds place? _______

b) what is the digit in the one place? _______

c) what is the digit in the tens place? _______

Primary 2 (Term one)
Number to 1000


a) Arrange the number beginning with the smallest.

852 231 785 854 125


b) Arrange the number beginning with the largest.

325 475 755 544 577


9) Fill in the blanks with the correct answers for the number patterns.

a) 555, 565, _____, 585, 595

b) 700, _____, 600, 550, 500

10) Write ‘greater than’ and ‘smaller than’ in the blanks provided.

a) 452 is ______________ 458

b) 152 is ______________ 123

Primary 2 (Term one)
Number to 1000

11) Fill in the blanks.

a) What number that come before 500?


b) What number that come after 699?


12) Fill in the blanks.

a) 1 more than 45 is _________

b) 1 less than 428 is _________

c) 5 more than 225 is _________

d) 200 less than 300 is ________

13) Which are the odd numbers in the set?

512 785 111 608 782


14) Which are the even numbers in the set?

532 411 859 500 238

Primary 2 (Term one)
Number to 1000

Answer Sheet

1) a) 135 b) 313

2) a) 247 b) 612 c) 563

3) a) Three hundred and forty-eight

b) Four hundred and thirteen
c) Two hundred and forty-eight

4) a) 5 hundreds 1 ten 2 ones

b) 3 hundreds 5 tens 7 ones
c) 8 hundreds 2 tens 5 ones

5) a) 512 b) 875 c) 249

6) a) 50 b) 500 c) 8

7) a) 4 b) 7 c) 5
Primary 2 (Term one)
Number to 1000

8) a) 125 , 231, 785, 852, 854

b) 755, 577, 544, 475, 325

9) a) 575 b) 650

10) a) smaller than b) greater than

11) a) 499 b) 700

12) a) 4 b) 427 c) 230 d) 100

13) 785 , 111

14) 532, 500,238

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