Ra 386 Quiz 11
Ra 386 Quiz 11
Ra 386 Quiz 11
7. Res nullius they have not been appropriated yet, like the fish
in the ocean, wild animals, wild birds, and pebbles
lying on the seashore
11. Article 414 All things which are or may be the object of ap-
propriation are considered either immovable (real
property) or movable (personal property)
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Property, Ownership and Its Modifications (RA 386, as amended)
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13. Immovable property Is a land, or any estate in land. It generally includes
(real property) whatever is built or growing upon the land.
14. Movable property (per- Is all property other than real property.
sonal property)
16. Immovable (real prop- 1. Land, buildings, roads, and constructions of all
erty) kinds adhered to the soil;
2. Trees, plants, and growing fruits, while they are
attached to the land or form an integral part of an
3. Everything attached to an immovable in a fixed
manner, in such a way that it cannot be separated
therefrom without breaking the material or deterio-
ration of the object;
4. Statues, reliefs, paintings or other objects for use
or ornamentation, placed in buildings or on lands by
the owner of the immovable in such a manner that
it reveals the intention to attach them permanently
to the tenements;
5. Machinery, receptacles, instruments or imple-
ments intended by the owner of the tenement for
an industry or works which may be carried on in
a building or on a piece of land, and which tend
directly to meet the needs of the said industry or
6. Animal houses, pigeon-houses, beehives, fish
ponds or breeding places of similar nature, in case
their owner has placed them or preserves them with
the intention to have them permanently attached to
the land, and forming a permanent part of it; the
animals in these places are included;
7. Fertilizer actually used on a piece of land;
8. Mines, quarries, and slag dumps, while the mat-
ter thereof forms part of the bed, and waters either
running or stagnant;
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9. Docks and structures which, though floating, are
intended by their nature and object to remain at a
fixed place on a river, lake, or coast;
10. Contracts for public works, and servitudes and
other real rights over immovable property. (334a)
20. Public Dominion intended for public use such as, roads, streets,
canals, rivers, ports, bridges, constructed by State
22. Property of Public Do- • Those intended for public use, such as roads,
minion canals, rivers, torrents, ports and bridges construct-
ed by the State, banks, shores, roadsteads, and
others of similar character;
• Those which belong to the State, without being for
public use, and are intended for some public ser-
vice or for the development of the national wealth.
25. Article 421 All other property of the State, which is not of the
character stated in the preceding article, is patrimo-
nial property.
28. Article 424 Property for public use, in the provinces, cities, and
municipalities, consist of the provincial roads, city
streets, municipal streets, the squares, fountains,
public waters, promenades, and public works for
public service paid for by said provinces, cities, or
29. Public Use and Patri- The property of provinces, cities, and municipalities
monial Property is divided into property for...
34. those imposed by the is the independent and general right of a person
state or private per- to control a thing particularly in his possession,
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sons, without preju- enjoyment, disposition and recovery, subject to no
dice to the provisions restrictions except...
of the law
39. full ownership The owner has all the rights to ownership such as
the right to possess, use and enjoy the property, to
the fruits, accessories, to consume the thing by its
use, dispose or alienate or vindicate and recover.
40. Article 428 of RA 386 The owner has the right to enjoy and dispose of
a thing, without other limitations than those estab-
lished by law. The owner has also a right of action
against the holder and possessor of the thing in
order to recover it.
42. naked property The owner is denied for his rights to use and to the
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46. naked ownership full ownership minus usufruct
57. Jus vindicandi the right to recover the property against the holder
or possessor
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58. 1. Right to Possess Rights of the Owner who has Full Ownership
(jus possedendi)
2. Right to Use and En-
joy (jus utendi)
3. Right to Receive the
Fruits & Accessories
(jus fruendi)
4. Right to Abuse and
Consume (jus abuten-
5. Right to Dispose or
Alienate (jus disponen-
6. Right to Recov-
er Possession and/or
Ownership (jus vindi-
7. Right to Construct
any work or make plan-
tation or excavation
8. Right to have own-
ership of the Hidden
treasures found in the
9. Right to Exclude oth-
ers; and 10.Right to
Fence the property.
59. Article 429 The owner or lawful possessor of a thing has the
right to exclude any person from the enjoyment and
disposal thereof. For this purpose, he may use such
force as may be reasonably necessary to repel or
prevent an actual or threatened unlawful physical
invasion or usurpation of his property.
60. Article 430 Every owner may enclose or fence his land or ten-
ements by means of walls, ditches, live or dead
hedges, or by any other means without detriment
to servitudes constituted thereon.
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61. Article 431 The owner of a thing cannot make use thereof in
such manner as to injure the rights of a third person.
62. Article 432 The owner of a thing has no right to prohibit the
interference of another with the same, if the interfer-
ence is necessary to avert an imminent danger and
the threatened damage, compared to the damage
arising to the owner from the interference, is much
greater. The owner may demand from the person
benefited indemnity for the damage to him.
67. Article 437 The owner of a parcel of land is the owner of its
surface and of everything under it, and he can con-
struct thereon any works or make any plantations
and excavations which he may deem proper, with-
out detriment to servitudes and subject to special
laws and ordinances. He cannot complain of the
reasonable requirements of aerial navigation.
68. Article 438 Hidden treasure belongs to the owner of the land,
building, or other property on which it is found.
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69. one-half thereof shall When the discovery of a treasure is made on the
be allowed to the finder property of another, or of the State or any of its
subdivisions, and by chance, who will benefit the
70. he shall not be enti- If the finder is a trespasser can he benefit from the
tled to any share of the treasure?
75. Article 440 The ownership of property gives the right by ac-
cession to everything which is produced thereby,
or which is incorporated or attached thereto, either
naturally or artificially.
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78. natural fruits or spontaneous products of the soil, and the young
and other products of animals
80. civil fruits or rents of buildings, the price of leases of lands and
other property and the amount of perpetual or life
annuities, or other similar income
81. Article 443 He who receives the fruits has the obligation to
pay the expenses made by a third person in their
production, gathering, and preservation.
82. Article 444 Only such as are manifest or born are considered
as natural or industrial fruits. With respect to ani-
mals, it is sufficient that they are in the womb of the
mother, although unborn.
83. the owner of the land Whatever is built, planted or sown on the land of
another and the improvements or repairs made
thereon, belong to whom?
84. the owner According to Arti. 446, RA 386, all works, sowing,
and planting are presumed made by _____ and at
his expense, unless the contrary is proved.
86. Good Faith In legal contexts, acting in good faith is often seen
as a positive quality, and it can protect individuals
from certain legal consequences.
88. Bad faith In legal contexts, acting in bad faith can lead to
legal penalties, as it is seen as unethical and unfair
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89. Good Faith If one party negotiates a contract with the honest
belief that the terms are fair and beneficial to both
95. owner of the land who makes thereon, personally or through another,
plantings, constructions or works with the materials
of another, shall pay their value
96. owner of the materials Who shall have the right to remove them only in
case he can do so without injury to the work con-
structed, or without the plantings, constructions or
works being destroyed?
97. the landowner acted in the owner of the materials may remove them in any
bad faith event, with a right to be indemnified for damages
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98. the owner of the land he shall also be obliged to the reparation of dam-
acted in bad faith ages if...
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amount to the person
who did the work.
100. the court who will decide for them if the people involved can't
agree on how much the rent should be?
101. • He who builds, plants Right to accession with respect to immovable prop-
or sows in bad faith erty (bad faith)
on the land of anoth-
er, loses what is built,
planted or sown with-
out right to indemnity.
(Art. 449, RA 386)
• The owner of the land
on which anything has
been built, planted or
sown in bad faith may
demand the demolition
of the work, or that the
planting or sowing be
removed, in order to
replace things in their
former condition at the
expense of the per-
son who built, planted
or sowed; or he may
compel the builder or
planter to pay the price
of the land, and the
sower the proper rent.
(Art 450, RA 386)
• The landowner is en-
titled to damages from
the builder, planter or
sower (Art. 451, RA
• The builder, planter or
sower in bad faith is
entitled to reimburse-
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ment for the necessary
expenses of preserva-
tion of the land. (Art.
452, RA 386)
102. both had acted in good If there was bad faith, not only on the part of the
person who built, planted or sowed on the land of
another, but also on the part of the owner of such
land, the rights of one and the other shall be the
same as though...
106. to the owners of the According to article 457, RA 386, to whom does
land the accretion which they gradually receive from the
effects of the current of the waters?
107. owners of estates ad- They do not acquire the land left dry by the natural
joining ponds or la- decrease of the waters, or lose that inundated by
goons them in extraordinary floods.
108. six months Trees uprooted and carried away by the current of
the waters belong to the owner of the land upon
which they may be cast, if the owners do not claim
them how many months?
109. they shall pay the What shall the owners of the land do if they claim
expenses incurred in the trees uprooted and carried away by the current
gathering them or of the waters?
putting them in a safe
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110. the owners whose River beds which are abandoned through the nat-
lands are occupied by ural change in the course of the waters ipso facto
the new course in pro- belong to...
portion to the area lost
111. the owners of the lands They have the right to acquire the same by paying
adjoining the old bed the value thereof, which value shall not exceed the
value of the area occupied by the new bed.
112. C, to compensate him A and B each own land on opposite sides of a river.
for his loss. The river changed its course, passing though the
land of C. Who owns the abandoned river bed?
113. C and D, in proportion But suppose that two owners, C and D, lost portions
to the area lost. of their lands, who owns the river bed?
115. the owner of the land What happens whenever the current of a river di-
retains his ownership vides itself into branches, leaving a piece of land or
(He also retains it if a part thereof isolated?
portion of land is sep-
arated from the estate
by the current.)
117. the owners of the mar- Islands which through successive accumulation of
gins or banks nearest alluvial deposits are formed in non-navigable and
to each of them non-floatable rivers, belong to...
118. it shall be divided lon- What will happen to the owners of both margins if
gitudinally in halves the island is in the middle of the river?
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the owner of the near- What will happen if a single island thus formed be
er margin shall be the more distant from one margin than from the other?
sole owner
121. proportional to their The share of the co-owners, in the benefits as well
respective interests as in the charges, shall be...
(Any stipulation in a
contract to the con-
trary shall be void.)
123. each co-owner They may use the thing owned in common, provid-
ed he does so in accordance with the purpose for
which it is intended.
125. after a period of ten If one of the co-owners is desirous to have his share
(10) years segregated, even without the desire of the other
co-owners, he can initiate only for what period of
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138. donation is an act of liberality whereby a person disposes
gratuitously of a thing or right in favor of another,
who accepts it
140. Involuntary grant Acquisition against the will of the former owner as
in foreclosure.
145. Police Power is the power of the government of any of its instru-
mentalities or agencies to regulate private real es-
tate ownership to protect the health, safety, morals
and well being and general welfare of its citizens
147. Power of Taxation government exacts taxes on property for the gen-
eral support of the state and for the maintenance of
public service
150. Servient Estate is the one that has an access to an existing right of
153. continuous easements are those the use of which is or may be incessant,
without the intervention of any act of man
154. discontinuous ease- are those which are used at intervals and depend
ments upon the acts of man
155. apparent easements are those which are made known and are continu-
ally kept in view by external signs that reveal the
use and enjoyment of the same
156. nonapparent ease- are those which show no external indication of their
ments existence
158. positive easement is one which imposes upon the owner of the
servient estate the obligation of allowing something
to be done or of doing it himself
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prohibits the owner of the servient estate from do-
ing something which he could lawfully do if the
easement did not exist
162. Legal Easements Private properties along creeks, rivers or other bod-
ies of water:
• Urban areas - 3 meters
• Agricultural - 20 meters
• Forested areas - 40 meters
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