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October 2021 transformer-technology.com ISSN 2642-2689

For the Love of

Critical Materials & Components
Why Is OLTC Monitoring So Important?
New Advancements in Fluid-based Insulation and More Sustainable Bushing Technology for the Green Revolution
Interview with Randy Williams, Development Manager with North American Substation Services

Take the Guess Work Out of

Transformer Bushing Monitoring

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Standalone Bushing Monitor Comprehensive Transformer Management System

Realtime monitoring systems for

DGA, Bushings, PD and more
• C1 capacitance and Power Factor (Tan delta)
• PD (partial discharge) and PRPD diagnostics
• Marine grade IP66 rated bushing sensor
• Safety system integrated within sensor
• Extensive library of adaptors (sensors) to retrofit on
Perception Fleet any transformer bushings
Transformer Fleet Management System
• Data Diagnostics via Perception software

GE, the GE monogram, Intellix, Kelman and Perception are trademarks of the General Electric Company.
© Copyright 2021, General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved.

The New
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Index Contents

Table of
Table of Contents_04

Editors & Impressum_10

Editor’s Letter_14

Why Is OLTC Monitoring

So Important?_16

Interview with Randy Williams,

Development Manager with North

American Substation Services

TOTUS – Transformer Monitor that Monitoring
So Important?
can separate PD in the Bushings
Transformers equipped with OLTCs are crucial components
from PD in the Main Tank_32 in the power system due to their purpose of maintaining
the voltage output desired. To maintain these voltages, they
New advancements in fluid-based are required to perform frequent operations. This article
documents some of these failure modes and steps that
insulation and more sustainable can be taken to detect the symptoms of failure before an
undesired outcome occurs.
bushing technology for the green


Women of Note - Karina


How to make a great quality

polymer-bushing consistently_46

Interview with Randy Williams,
Development Manager with North
American Substation Services (NASS)
Transformer Technology October 2021 5

Issue 15

TOTUS – Transformer Monitor that
can separate PD in the Bushings
from PD in the Main Tank

Women of Note:
Karina Yonemoto

How to make a great
quality polymer-bushing

New advancements in fluid-
based insulation and more
sustainable bushing technology
for the green revolution
This paper introduces the qualification of an
extended OIP bushing with bellows in the expansion
chamber, outlines the advantages of ester-
impregnated bushings and provides an overview
of the bushing monitoring state-of-the-art.

Index Contents

Table of
Investigation and Teardown of

OIP Bushings_50

The Importance of Continuously

Monitoring Partial Discharges

Online in HV Bushings_58

Interview with Francis Fisher &

Tom Prevost, Weidmann Electrical


MSENSE® BM & ETOS® – Bushing

monitoring: Early detection of

high-voltage bushing failures_78

Onshore Wind Turbines: Is Bigger

Still Better?_82

Power Transformers – Evolving,

Remaining the Same_90

Coming in December_100
Transformer Technology October 2021 7

Issue 15

and Teardown
of OIP Bushings
As an integral part of the
electric delivery system around
the world and the interface
between the transformer and

overhead bus, bushings failures
have a significant negative
impact. Because of this, there is
Interview with Francis Fisher & Tom Prevost,
a special focus on determining
the root cause of the failure.
A bushing teardown investiga- Weidmann Electrical Technology
tion is employed in cases where
there is a need to determine
the failure mechanism. This
paper is a brief synopsis of how
companies perform a bushing 78
Bushing monitoring:
Early detection of high
voltage bushing failures

58 82 90
The Importance Onshore Wind Power Transformers
of Continuously Turbines: Is Bigger – Evolving, Remain-
Monitoring Still Better? ing the Same
Partial This article is a researcher’s approach An abbreviated version of this paper
Discharges to onshore wind turbines, an area of
growing importance as we move away
was written and published about
18 years ago providing insight in the
Online in HV from total dependence on carbon- transformer industry of the day.
Bushings based energy generation. We are
including it in this edition, and while
The unabbreviated paper published
here provides recommendations for
Bushings are crucial it is not within the theme guidelines, design, monitoring and maintenance,
components for large power it is timely and important. Enjoy! which remain valid in today’s industry.
transformers, being the
termination points and physical
electrical connections to the
high and low voltage grid.
Regular testing is of utmost
im-portance since bushings
account for 5% to 50% of
transformer faults, but how
are we to know which tests
should be carried out in order
to optimize time and budget?



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Transformer Technology October 2021 9

Issue 15

Online Moisture monitoring

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Impressum Editors

Editor in Chief Editor in Chief

Alan M. Ross, CRL, CMRP Alan M. Ross CRL, CMRP
Transformer maintenance
Associate Editor in Chief and reliability
Corné Dames 26 years industry
Independent transformer consultant experience

Contributing Editors
Diego Robalino, PhD, PMP
IEEE Senior Member Associate Editor in Chief
Jon Trout, PE and Chair of the Technical
Electric utility Advisory Board
Alan Sbravati, ME, MBA Corné Dames
Transformer insulating materials Independent transformer
Marco Tozzi, PhD consultant
Diagnostics and asset monitoring Transformer oils
Curtus Duff 20+ years industry
Power transformer design experience

Chair of the Technical Advisory Board

Corné Dames
Independent transformer consultant
Contributing Editor
Technical Advisory Board Member Diego Robalino PhD, PMP
Edward Casserly, PhD IEEE Senior Member
Senior Scientist, Transformer oils Transformer condition
Maria Lamorey assessment and
Industrial OEM manufacturing diagnostics
20+ years industry
Graphic design experience
BE Koncept Communication Boutique

Photo Cover

Sales & Marketing Technical Advisory

Kevan Sears Board Member
[email protected] Edward Casserly, PhD
Senior Scientist,
Sales & Marketing Americas Transformer oils
Maria Salamanca 35 years industry
[email protected] experience

Sales & Marketing Mexico

Fernando Campos
[email protected]

Sales & Marketing Brazil Technical Advisory

Marcelo Braga Board Member
[email protected] Maria Lamorey
Industrial OEM
Marketing Global manufacturing
Marin Dugandzic 35 years industry
[email protected] experience
Transformer Technology October 2021 11

Issue 15

ISSN 2642-2689 (Print)

ISSN 2642-2697 (Online)
Contributing Editor
DIGITAL Membership Jon Trout PE
Free Electric utility
14 years of experience
Transformer Technology magazine is a quarterly
magazine published by APC MEDIA LLC, 11210
West Rd, Roswell, GA 30075, USA. Published
content does not represent official position of APC
MEDIA LLC. Responsibility for the content rests
upon the authors of the articles and advertisers,
Contributing Editor
maintains the right to keep the textual and
Alan Sbravati ME, MBA
graphical documents submitted for publication.
Transformer insulating
Copyright and reprint permission
18 years of experience
Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source.
Libraries are permitted to photocopy isolated
pages for private use of their patrons.
For other copying, reprint or republication
permission requests should be addressed to
[email protected]

Publisher: Contributing Editor

1317 Winding River Trail Diagnostics and asset
Woodstock GA 30075, USA monitoring
15+ years of experience

Contributing Editor
Curtus Duff
Power transformer design
4 years of experience




To subscribe visit transformer-technology.com

See Through
Transformer Technology October 2021 13

Issue 15

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Dear Readers,

Is it possible to “ love a bushing ”? community. It is not easy for my guests to do

these video interviews because I often go off
When we decided to create the theme For the topic and have been known to get as interested
Love of Bushings, we also wanted to leave room in the person as much as I am interested in the
for other external components like gages, mo- topic. You will enjoy watching as much as you
nitors, radiators and possibly even LTCs. When enjoy reading, so make sure to stay in the loop
Brian Sparling contributed his article on OLTC with our community activities and visit the
monitoring, I felt vindicated that there was more Transformer Technology website to take in some
to love beyond bushings. But with contributions great video interviews.
from Marco Tozzi who, as usual, provides a bril-
liant addition to our Body of Knowledge (BoK),
I realized we are blessed to have so many excel-
lent authors and interviewees – professionals
who share their knowledge in truly unselfish
ways, that it is almost impossible to pick just one
theme, even though we love bushings.
Being responsible for
all editorial content of
The contribution from Lance Lewand shows APC Media is a humbling
once again that Doble has tremendous expertise experience because I realize
that they share freely with our community, adding
how futile it would be
to our ever-growing BoK. The contribution from
Francis Fisher and Tom Prevost of Weidmann in without our contributors and
their interview, which is also featured in video our sponsors. They are the
format, is a fun, informative and important lifeblood of APC Media, and
glimpse into the future. The article from Tim
you, our loyal community
McLean, while not “loving bushings”, provides
a preview of our Green Energy focus coming members, are why we do it
in 2022, with his article on Wind Farms. Paul and what continues to drive
Pilliterri has a unique perspective of power us. It’s what we are
transformers, also previewing things to come in
passionate about, serving
2022. This is just a sample of our “Bushings and
Beyond” issue. Might that have made a better our communities with
theme? Well, there’s always 2022. excellence.
There is another interview, the one with Randy Coming in December: Oils & Fluids
Williams of NASS, that was also created in video
format, which captures the essence of who Randy Every year, the issue that seems to draw as much
is as he shares his new role and his continuing interest as any other theme is the Oils & Fluids issue.
passion for everything bushings and, now, beyond. Again, this year, we believe we have assembled some
All our interviews are unique, in that I believe tremendous contributions from industry leaders
we capture not only technical knowledge, but and practitioners, who cover the gambit of fluids,
also the personality of the professional. We con- share practical testing and data management knowl-
nect, and by connecting, we add value to our edge, and compare the next generation of fluids.
Transformer Technology October 2021 15

Issue 15

At APC Media we have set a standard for not

only great content, but for the way that content
is presented, with maximum color, sharp and
high-quality photos, charts and graphs that en-

Alan M Ross
hance the content, making every article and
every interview a pleasure to read. I must thank
our team for their tireless efforts and hard work
to maintain that standard, as we bring all this
great content to life.

Planning for 2022

Over the next few weeks, we will finalize our

Editorial Calendar for both Transformer Technology
and Women in Power Systems, two communities
that are growing and that provide a voice for
unique and disparate communities. In 2022, we
will also create another community, one I am
certain will provide a voice for an even broader
segment of power systems, which will be our
third major contribution to our industry. With
that said, we always look for new voices,
whether it be for technical articles, webinars or
interviews. We will share all the details in our
final 2021 issue on Oils & Fluids, so look for it
as we expand our communities to give you, our
subscribers, a voice.

Being responsible for all editorial content of APC

Media is a humbling experience because I realize
how futile it would be without our contributors
and our sponsors. They are the lifeblood of APC
Media, and you, our loyal community members,
are why we do it and what continues to drive us.
It’s what we are passionate about, serving our
communities with excellence.

Please take a minute to drop me a line and let

me know how we can get better, share a thought
or idea, or just let us know how we are doing.
On behalf of our entire staff, I want to thank
you for trusting us to bring accurate, timely and
significant information to you every week.
Curator of the Community
Transformer Technology
Alan M Ross
Editor in Chief

President of EPRA

Why Is
OLTC Monitoring
So Important? Brian D. Sparling, a Senior Member of IEEE,
is a Senior Technical Advisor with Dynamic
Ratings Inc. Brian has over twenty years of
experience in the field of power and distribu-
by Brian Sparling tion transformers. For the last 30 years, he
has been involved in all aspects of online
monitoring and diagnostics and condition
assessment of power transformers. Brian
Transformers equipped with on-load has authored and co-authored more than 37
tap changers (OLTCs) are crucial technical papers, including eight columns in
components in the power system due Transformers Magazine, and contributed to
to their purpose of maintaining the many guides and standards with the Cana-
voltage output desired. To maintain dian Electricity Association, IEEE Transform-
these voltages, they are required ers Committee, and the CIGRÉ A2 Transform-
to perform frequent operations. er Committee.
Photo: Dynamic Ratings

However, when maintained properly

and operated within design limits,
these components should provide
many years of reliable service.
Transformer Technology October 2021 17

Issue 15

Modern technology, such as vacuum

Figure 1. Transformer maintenance strategy [1]
interrupters in the diverter switch, has
greatly improved OLTC performance.
However, there are still many OLTCs
in service today based on older
technology which is much more
susceptible to significant wear and
tear on critical elements. This wear is Transformers
frequently the cause of misoperation
or even unexpected failures when not equipped with on-
properly maintained.
load tap changers
This article will document some of
these failure modes and steps that (OLTCs) are crucial
can be taken to detect the symptoms
of failure before an undesired components in the
outcome occurs.
power system due
The suggested overall maintenance
strategy is illustrated in Figure 1 [1]. to their purpose
There are several methods used to of maintaining the
determine whether the equipment
is operating normally. They include voltage output
time-based maintenance (TBCM),
condition-based maintenance (CBM), desired. Figure 2. External type OLTC

online condition maintenance, and Failure Modes and Diagnostic laboratory testing (oil, for example).
traditional time-based maintenance Methods of Detection The chart in Figure 4 [1] provides
(TBM or number of operations). These guidance on the most effective
various methods can be employed The failure modes of both designs technique at detecting these
individually, but in most cases, they can be the same or segregated, common failure modes.
are combined for a more thorough depending on the type of testing
analysis of operating condition. or monitoring performed. Some Some examples of online monitoring
methods are more effective than techniques include a commonly
The type of OLTC should influence others. While some failure modes used monitoring method know as
the plan for inspections and online/ can be detected with sensors and temperature differential, which is
out-of-service testing. There are two systems, as noted below, others most commonly used for externally
distinct types of OLTCs: bolt-on or can only be determined with installed OLTCs. While less common,
welded-on OLTCs – designed to fit a combination of sensors and in tank diverter switches can also be
onto the sidewall of a transformer monitored in a similar fashion.
(Figure 2); and in-tank type OLTCs –
designed to install inside the tank The technique employs the
and suspend from the cover measurement of the oil temperature
(Figure 3). within the OLTC compartment and
the oil temperature in the main tank.
Both designs can include arcing in oil As there is little to no heat source
type diverter switches using resistors, inside a normally operating OLTC
series reactors or vacuum interrupters. compartment, the oil temperature
These various components are of the main tank, due to the heat
designed to carry the circulating generated by the core and coil
currents during a tap change. assembly, should always be higher
when compared to that of the OLTC
compartment. The theory follows
that the OLTC oil temperature
is ALWAYS lower than the oil
temperature of the main tank.

There are However, when contacts in the OLTC

compartment begin to have an issue,
still many OLTCs in they will overheat and contribute to
Figure 3. In-tank type [2] the oil temperature that will exceed
service today based
on older technology
which is much
more susceptible
to significant wear
and tear on critical
elements. This
wear is frequently
the cause of
misoperation or
even unexpected
failures when
Photo: Dynamic Ratings

not properly
Figure 4. Diagnostic methods for
OLTC problems (taken from [1])
Transformer Technology October 2021 19

Issue 15

Figure 5. Details of OLTC oil (blue trace) and main tank oil (red trace)
temperatures, together with a rolling average differential (yellow trace)

that of the transformer. Therefore, the that each make and

rolling average difference between type of OLTC will have a
the two is normally below "zero". different gassing signature.
Once it reaches an alarm point Therefore, one rule cannot
(suggested at +10°C differential), the be applied broadly. Figure 7. Duval Triangle [1,3]
unit requires immediate attention.
Figure 5 details an event where the
differential (yellow trend) exceeds the Monitoring in-tank diverter switches
zero crossing, and alarms about three using temperature differential would
days after that event. require RTDs to be installed in the
IEEE C57.139- diverter switch cover or fiber optic
As with any alarm, there needs to temperature sensors installed in
be some other correlating evidence 2015 – IEEE Guide the diverter switch oil tanks. When
to provide further confidence in the monitoring single phase diverter
alarm. One such method, in this case, for Dissolved switches, the three diverter switches
is IR Thermography. When scanning should be compared to each other
the equipment, it will become evident Gas Analysis in as well as to the main tank. If any of
to the inspectors that the condition the diverter switches varies by more
alarmed above is occurring. Figure 6 Transformer Load than the programmed threshold, an
provides such example. alarm is set to alert the user that
Tap Changers, additional investigation should be
A further method used to provide performed to identify the problem.
evidence to confirm a fault is provides guidance
DGA testing and Duval Triangles Mechanical Defects and
developed for certain types of OLTCs on DGA for OLTCs Observable Symptoms for
(Figure 7). Problems
and should be
This method uses the concept of The OLTC is the major mechanical
comparing “hot metal” gases with required reading for moving device on a transformer.
“arcing gases”. The area denoted As with any mechanical device,
as “N” equates to “consistent those involved in movement equates to wear of
values” independent of the number components over time and frequency
of operations. It is crucial to note this work. of operation.

There is a mechanical operations

counter on every OLTC. It records
an event (adding) every time the
OLTC operates. It does not record
which position it moved from and
whether it moved up or down. The
tap position indicator on every OLTC
is a mechanical device that provides
the current tap position and the
‘range of movement’ the mechanism
has operated, which is recorded
using resettable drag hands on the
Figure 6. Confirmation of a serious issue inside the OLTC compartment using IR Thermography indicator.

Figure 9. WEB view of OLTC range of motion

(red arrows) and current position (blue arrow)

The motor current method is a

common way to understand if there
are lubrication problems with the
mechanism, as shown in Figure 11.

A more refined method is to monitor

the total motor energy for any
deviation in the joules required to
either load the springs of the OLTC
or to operate the actual direct drive
type of mechanism. Measuring both
the voltage at the motor terminals
and the current drawn for each motor
operation records the trace and
Figure 8. Retrofit of remote OLTC tap position Figure 10. Coking due to excessive heating of
sensor onto existing OLTC motor shaft a stationary contact

By the relatively simple addition

of a remote tap position sensor, a
monitor will track and trend the total
operations, number of operations at
each position, and the I2T to provide
an idea of contact wear. If the
monitoring system is also providing
control, the tap position sensor may
Figure 11. OLTC drive lubrication problem
also be used to provide positive detected by motor current measurement
feedback to the control system
that the tap changer successfully LTC Motor Energy Energy Alarm Thresholds
changed taps when the raise or Average Current RMS 5.6 A High (Neutral Tap) 2500 Joules

lower command was issued. Average Power 663 W Low (Neutral Tap) 500 Joules
Average Voltage 117.8 V High (Other Taps) 2000 Joules

It will also monitor and alarm on Energy 1020 Joules Low (Other Taps) 200 Joules

the frequency of reversing switch Peak Current 10.9 A High Alarm Off

operations; the time since it last Peak Power 918 W Low Alarm Off
Duration 1.5 seconds
moved through that position to "wipe
the contacts". When this reversing
Figure 12. Details of total motor energy
contact remains in a static state consumed during a tap change
for extended periods, it can lead to
overheating due to a high resistance
film forming on the contact surface.
This overheating, if not addressed, will
result in an excess buildup of carbon
Photo: Dynamic Ratings

on the reversing contact and eventual

"coking", as illustrated in Figure 10,
causing the tap changer to become
inoperable. Figure 13. Typical OLTC acoustic signature [5]
Transformer Technology October 2021 21

Issue 15

computes the joules. Any variation in current profile (particularly the inrush
the amount of energy drawn (higher current), delays between motor
or lower) is an early indication of start and switching, and switching
problems. Figure 12 provides a view time. Detailed analysis of switching
of the data. vibrations also makes it possible to
identify the amplitude and duration References
Vibro-Acoustic Diagnostic of events caused by separating- and [1] Cigre Technical Brochure TB 445,
Principle closing-switch contacts [4]. Guide for Transformer Maintenance
February 2011
Every operation of any on-load tap Many legacy OLTCs remain in service, [2] Photograph courtesy of
changer produces a characteristic and most require frequent inspections/ Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen,
acoustic wave pattern that transmits testing, often involving outages which Germany
through the oil and structural can be difficult to arrange. [3] ABB Technical Bulletin
elements (beams, plates). It has 1ZSC000498-AAA en, “Dissolved
been shown on numerous occasions, Online monitoring of the unique gas analysis in on-load tap-
in the lab and in the field, that any failure modes, which vary as a changer oil”
degradation in the internal condition function of the design of OLTC, has [4] Marc Foata et al., “Field experience
of the OLTC will produce detectable proven to reduce unexpected failures with the implementation of a new
changes in the acoustic signature. and allowed the transformer owners on-line vibro-acoustic diagnostic
Inversely, a stable OLTC will show to move from a time and/or number for on-load tap changers,” Doble
consistent signatures [4]. of operations-based maintenance Paper 2005
to a condition-based maintenance [5] P. Picher et al., “A New technology
Figure 13 shows typical program. This identifies the possible for monitoring transformer tap-
measurements of motor load defect and allows for planning of changers and bushings and their
current and OLTC vibrations. These the outage with the proper crew, integration into a modern IT
measurements make it possible to equipment, and spare parts to bring infrastructure,” Paper A2-101, Cigre
check various parameters such as the OLTC back into correct functional Conference 2012, Paris, France
operating times, current amplitude, operation.

Increase the Reliability of Your Transformers

According to a recent CIGRE Transformer Reliability Survey,
OLTC has one of the highest failure rates of any transformer component!
If an OLTC fails, a transformer cannot regulate voltage.

Dynamic Ratings provides monitoring, control, and communication

solutions to give you visibility into your transformers.

Learn more about our

OLTC Monitoring Solutions:

Learn More www.dynamicratings.com


Randy Williams
North American Substation Services (NASS)
Development Manager with

Alternative materials
improve the lead time of
Interview with Randy Williams

bushing manufacturing.
I think that’s the
direction bushings are
Transformer Technology October 2021 23

Issue 15
Photo: NASS

Randy Williams is Business Development Manager at North American

Substation Services (NASS), the largest independent provider of substation
services in the USA. His career includes 38 years with ABB where he
gained extensive experience with bushings. In this interview, Randy talks
to Transformer Technology’s Editor in Chief Alan Ross about the history of
bushings, current trends and innovations in bushing manufacturing and
predictions for the future of this critical transformer component.

Alan Ross: I am delighted to talk to a marketing problems with the way bushings were made
guru, Randy Williams, who spent 38 years with and they are not made the same way that they
ABB, the last 25 of which he was part of the used to be. If you were to describe the genesis of
ABB plant in Alamo, Tennessee. bushings from the very beginning, what would
you say about the role they played and the
Randy, you are a bushings expert, and I would common elements of manufacturing back when
like to hear your take on their history, where you started working for ABB?
they are now and where you think they are
going. Randy Williams: I was very fortunate to be
at the Alamo plant when it was a start-up in
Bushings are both one of the most important 1981. It was primarily put there to build a new
Photo: NASS

parts of a transformer and one of its weakest bushing technology. Westinghouse made their
links as they age. You have seen all of the own bushings and sold them, but they had three
Transformer Technology October 2021 25

Issue 15

different bushing manufacturing facilities. GE

was the leader with probably 60-70% of the
market. That is the reason why there have been
so many Type U bushings out there over the
years. Most of those were mainly oil impregnated
bushings, condenser bushings.

A standard bulk-type or stud-type bushing is

normally just 15 kV, 25 kV. It is when you get
to 25 kV and above that you want to grade
the voltage as it is funneled in and out of
your transformer or through that wall. The
condenser itself hasn't changed much in design,

but the materials have changed from a plain

paper or a metal foil used as the gradient to
grade the bushing capacitance to a printed ink
design. The printed ink design was not similar to
GE because it was a herringbone. Westinghouse
bought the license from the European company
Micafil to do the ink printing type, which
actually saved in manufacturing. If you take, for
example, a 138 kV bushing which can have 30
sheets of aluminum foil to grade the bushing,
and the sheets could wrinkle up or they could
have gaps, that was very manufacturing-
unfriendly. The printing type, on the other

hand, was done automatically with only one or

two sheets, even in a 500 kV bushing of metal
foil to get the contact from the ground into the
test tap.

That has changed and everybody wants

to get away from oil due to the risks to the
environment. Porcelain has almost gone
away because of manufacturing. Since there
is no porcelain manufacturing in the U.S., all
the porcelain has come in from overseas and
a lot of it is not standard on nonstandard
replacement bushings. Also, a porcelain delivery
could be up to 26 weeks, so suddenly, time
comes into play. Also, everybody wants to avoid
leaks – gaskets deteriorate just like they do on
a transformer, but nobody thinks about it on
a bushing because of age and a permanent set
over time.

Everybody wants to get

away from oil because of
leaks – gaskets deteriorate
just like they do on a
transformer, but nobody
thinks about it on a bushing
because of age and a
Photo: NASS

permanent set over time.

Transformer Technology October 2021 27

Issue 15

To get away from oil, manufacturers have The key concern is the longevity of the insulating
gone to resin-impregnated paper or resin- material in the field. As porcelain goes away and
impregnated synthetics. With resin-impregnated polymers and other types of insulating materials
paper, the lower end of the bushing was exposed are introduced, nobody really knows how long
and, since this was a machine lower end, you they will last, while we know porcelain will last
couldn't store the bushing out in the yard 100 years. That is why utilities have not moved
anymore. So, a spare bushing had to be stored in that direction yet; they may be waiting to see
in oil, otherwise it would take on moisture. what happens. But many of the new materials
And we know how most utilities store their used in the upper end on the air side are self-
bushings, if they can find them: somewhere, cleaning because of the use of silicone, which
here, there, everywhere (laughs). So, they tried reduces maintenance. A porcelain plant is the
to solve the moisture ingress into the condenser dirtiest place in the world. If your bushings are in
by going to the synthetics because that material a highly contaminated environment, alternative
will not take on the moisture and deteriorate materials are much better than porcelain.
the bushing.
Manufacturing has changed. Being able to do
The key concern is the long- resin, paper-impregnated or synthetic condenser
bushings and then apply some type of silicone
evity of the bushing insulating insulator at the upper end allows you to make
material in the field. a bushing in two days and not wait 26 weeks
for a porcelain. I think that is the direction
that bushings are going – alternative materials
Condenser design hasn’t changed that much.
improve the lead time of manufacturing.
It never caused the problem, there was just oil
on the top. Such bushings last 60 years, as long
as you maintain them correctly and test them.
I know there are 60-year-old condenser
AR Are there any differences in the
silicone materials being used in HV
bushing insulators?
bushings in service that have oil in them.

RW That is a great question, Alan. There

are three types being used: RTV
(Room Temperature Vulcanized), which is a
low grade material used in smaller insulators;
and for HV insulators there are two premium
materials – LSR (Liquid Silicone Rubber) and HTV
(High Temperature Vulcanized), with the main
difference between the two being that LSR is
molded during the manufacturing process and
HTV is an extruded method allowing for better
flexibility for fit and better performance due to
the tear drop shape at the end of the shed.

AR You previously said something really

interesting as well – the basic use of
the bushing hasn't changed. When you think
about transformers, they haven't changed very
much. One of the things that is changing is that
we have become an inverter-based system
instead of the traditional step-down system. Do
you think this new “step-everywhere” system is
going to change how bushings operate?

RW I believe there have been a few

papers focused on that in the
industry, especially in renewables, about
different utilities that had events because of
those concerns.

AR Yes, we see that it is going to create

change. FERC Order No. 2222 just
came out, which basically said to utilities that if
somebody creates power, they need to figure out

how to get it in the grid, irrespective of finances. What I did was sit down and ask questions – and
It is going to create a lot of changes in all of it was a lot of work. I would sit down with the
the components, especially when it comes to utility people and they gave me the list of their
transformers used for gas and wind farms. transformers. I would then put together a list so
that we consolidate all of the bushings for critical
I would like to ask you one last thing concerning transformers they had on their system. Sometimes
bushings. When you look at a transformer and it could be five hundred transformers. I would get
see three porcelain bushings – two of them clean all the data and put it in an Excel file. Then I would
and cream-colored and one as brown as it could grade those bushings myself and determine – by
possibly be, and not brown from dirt – the brown design or by style – which are the high players,
color can be an indicator of overheating. And which ones may need to be tested more often, and
when that happens, you have to replace that which are good to go and can be tested normally.
bushing. One of the things you just mentioned I would compile that list and then show which
was lead time. When you would get a call from bushings are long lead time – 26 weeks. For the
a utility, giving you the specs and saying they common ones, the lead time is two days from a
needed that one bushing for the Westinghouse manufacturing company. I would try to get the
transformer made in 1976 – how would you utility to buy spares for the critical transformers,
address that? so they don’t have to wait 26 weeks for a new one.

RW The number one problem is

that when somebody wants a
replacement, especially these days, they
I did that with most of the large utilities in
the United States and they used that Excel
spreadsheet to look at their minimum and
usually don't have the people who can modify maximum spare parting for critical bushings and
something on the transformer or even braze which ones were off the shelf.
on connectors for the draw lead; they lack
expertise in the field. So, what they need is a
one-for-one fit. I didn't try to sell and get that AR Randy, your reputation in the industry
is that of diligence. You created the

business when I was with ABB, even though system that people talk about. That is a brilliant
I believe we had 70% market share, especially way to do it, and I hope people are still doing that
on the replacement side for GE or today. Part of a great reliability program is a great
Westinghouse. spares program. The best way to keep yourself
from having shutdowns is to do an analysis of

Some bushings have a critical components, not just assets, and then
determine what your spares program should be.
lead time of 26 weeks,
so I would always Randy, thank you so much for sharing your
knowledge with our Transformer Technology
recommend utilities to community.

get spares for critical

Photo: NASS

transformers. RW Thank you, Alan.

Always a pleasure.
Transformer Technology October 2021 29

Issue 15

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Transformer Technology
Transformer Technology October 2021 31

Issue 15

Tech Talks

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Transformer Monitor
that can separate PD
in the Bushings from
PD in the Main Tank.

Online PD monitoring can:

Detect anomalies at EARLY
diagnosis, driving quick and accurate decision making. stage of degradation, in
Analyzing the PD Pattern and correlating it with other
parameters makes it possible to understand the nature
of the defect and determine the best technical actions. Detect failures not
easily detectable

Correlated PD with
Leakage current to
Why monitor PD? determine failure mode
and indicate appropriate
In over 70% of cases monitored by Camlin PD
was a factor, often in early stages.
Camlin bushing monitor including PD can identify:
Capacitance short circuits
Defects in the C2
Internal contamination
Surface tracking
Internal cavities in RIP insulation

Camlin Energy Ltd || Email: [email protected]

Transformer Technology October 2021 33

Issue 15

1. Simultaneous Data collection

Online Leakage Current
Data Online Load
Online Partial Discharges
Online Arcing
Online Temperature

2. Data Correlation and Information

A high energy Partial Discharge has
occurred at the exact same instant
of leakage current step increase
in phase A

3. Application of Knowledge
In case of a short circuit between
internal layers the current detected
at the bushing can increase and
partial discharges or arcing events
could occur during the breakdown

OFFLINE DGA results for Phase A and C bushings

4. Prescriptive Action Phase A Phase C

H2 17 28
Due to the small change in the
CH4 40 39
leakage current the capacitance
C2H2 76 0
test could be challenging: it is C2H4 44 1
suggested to take an oil sample C2H6 32 62
and test DGA. CO 71 53
CO2 564 789
N2 150.862 156.665
O2 10.280 4.337


arcing activity detected by online

monitor -> Replace bushing

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New advancements in fluid-

based insulation and more
sustainable bushing technology
for the green revolution
by Stefano Iacono
Esseddik Ferdjallah
Arturo Del Rio
and Nathan Lange

Stefano Iacono is an electrical engineer who Esseddik Ferdjallah is an electrical engineer

graduated from Politecnico di Milano in Italy who graduated from Ecole Polytechnique
in 2011. He started his career as R&D engi- d’Alger in Algeria in 2012. He obtained
neer working on the design of HV bushings his PhD from Polytech’Nantes in 2015 on
and he has been with Trench Italy, a Siemens the monitoring of insulation system for
Energy subsidiary, since 2016 as a product hydrogenators. He has been with Trench
manager for the bushing product line. France, a Siemens Energy subsidiary, since
2016 as an R&D engineer working on the
development of new insulation technologies,
topics related to monitoring, as a technical
advisor for the service department, and as
a technical manager in high-voltage labora-

Arturo del Rio holds a bachelor’s degree in

electrical engineering from the Universidad
Industrial de Santander, Colombia, and a MASc
degree in the field of power devices and sys-
tems from the University of Toronto, Canada.
He has been an IEEE member since 1988
and is a registered Professional Engineer in Nathan Lange holds a bachelor’s degree
Ontario, Canada, since 1993. He is presently with honors in electrical engineering from
an IEEE PES Transformer Committee mem- Western Sydney University, Australia, and
ber, actively participating in the development has been an IEEE member since 2007. He
of IEEE industry standards. He joined Trench started his professional career with Siemens
Canada in 1991 where he held various design Australia in 2010 focused on transmission
and engineering positions in the areas of in- products before transferring to the USA in
strument transformers, power electronics, 2015 to support HV bushings. Now under
Photo: Siemens Energy

HV transformer bushings and air-core reac- Siemens Energy, Nathan is responsible for
tors. In 2018 he joined Siemens Energy Inc. in business development of the transform-
Raleigh, NC where his function is product man- er bushings portfolio throughout the IEEE
agement manager for transformer bushings. market.
Transformer Technology October 2021 35

Issue 15


The recent energy transition targets

are highly motivated by environmental
reasons. Such targets create new
technical challenges due to operation
modes of power installations, as well
as cyclical conditions of renewable
energy and the overloading necessary
to ensure continuous supply of energy
if required.

In fact, the cycling nature of renewable

energies due to sun cycles, ocean
tides or wind variations produces a
cyclical thermal stress on the bushing
insulation. As a result, connected
to some operating conditions, in
conventional OIP bushings this may
lead to gas bubble generation, causing
partial discharges and electrical
failure if present in a critical area.

Apart from environmental advantages,

development of ester based insulating
technologies in high voltage
equipment is additionally motivated
by enhanced safety and overload
capabilities. This article explains in
more detail the advantages leading
to the development of the capacitive
ester-impregnated transformer
bushing, an innovative solution that
not only helps achieve substation
decarbonization but also increases
the performance of high-voltage

Capacitive ester-impregnated
transformer bushing is an innovative
solution that not only helps achieve
substation decarbonization but also
increases the performance of high-
voltage equipment.
Unique OIP bushing design
with bellows

One specific issue connected to the

conventional design of OIP bushings
with gas cushion in the top housing,
for compensating the oil expansion
due to thermal changes, is the gas
bubbling effect.

In order to withstand the different
environmental and operating
conditions the product will be
subjected to, the bellows are made
of stainless steel, which guarantees
the maximum reliability during the
bushing life.
Figure 2. Stainless steel
Experimental observation has bellows assembly
demonstrated the onset of internal
partial discharges due to the
formation of gas bubbles within the OIP design with bellows:
bushing oil. When oil and gas, such Qualification tests
as air or nitrogen, is confined in a
fixed volume space like a bushing, The new portfolio is fully type tested
pressure equilibrium is reached over according to IEEE C57.19.00-2004
time at any given temperature. If the and C57.19.01-2017.
temperature changes, the volume of
the oil changes and the gas space In addition, to provide the proof of
changes accordingly. design safety margins and long-term
reliability in service, the full series is
When this occurs, three variables tested with stringent requirements:
come into play: the tests are performed at the highest
electric values between IEEE and
➤ First, the gas pressure changes IEC International Standards. Table 1
with volume change. indicates some examples of the
➤ Second, the gas pressure changes selected ratings for the design and
with the gas temperature. tests.
➤ Third, the ability of the oil to absorb
gas varies with temperature. An intense test plan was necessary
to validate the product with unique
As a result, with constant fluctuations feature of physical separation
in temperature there is a continuous between oil and gas. Beside the
change in the amount of gas complete type tests required by IEEE
Figure 1. Detail of bellows assembled
dissolved in the oil. If the temperature inside the bushing head standard, performed on each product
rapidly decreases after being high for type, our R&D experts planned intense
some time, the gas cannot escape bushing portfolio with physical qualification tests, including:
quickly enough to avoid the formation separation between oil and gas inside
of bubbles in the oil. Isolated the bushing, was released into the Mechanical withstand test for
examples of this can occur during IEEE market in 2018. bellows (>10.000 full cycles)
transformer factory testing [1] or
when the equipment operates under In order to withstand the different The scope of this test is to validate
severe cyclic loading combined with environmental and operating that the bellows can withstand a high
rapid cooling [2]. More recently this conditions the product will be number of cycles during their whole
phenomenon has been identified with subjected to, the bellows are made lifetime. Each bellow design is tested
applications such as solar and wind of stainless steel, which guarantees to check its ability to withstand one
energy generation. This phenomenon the maximum reliability during the full cycle per day for 30 years, which is
can occur in any liquid insulated bushing life. much more than the real mechanical
bushing; its occurrence is linked to stress that the bellow will see on site.
many variables related not only to the The stainless-steel bellows contract
bushing design, but also to operation and expand within the expansion The test is performed by immersing
Photo: Siemens Energy

and environmental conditions. chamber, eliminating the generation the test object into oil which is put
of gas bubbles within the oil, without under pressure/vacuum, so that the
To provide an ultimate solution to this causing overpressure or low pressure bellow is contracted and expanded on
industry-wide issue, the complete inside the bushing. its full stroke for each cycle.
Transformer Technology October 2021 37

Issue 15

The new portfolio is fully type tested
according to IEEE C57.19.00-2004
and C57.19.01-2017.
An intense test plan was necessary
to validate the product that has a
unique feature of physical separation
between oil and gas.
Figure 3. Mechanical test on the bellow

Standard Nominal voltage [kV] L-G1 voltage [kV] BIL2 [kV] PFW3 [kV]

IEC 145 84 650 305

IEEE 138 102 650 310

IEC 245 141 1050 505

IEEE 230 146 900 425

IEC 362 209 1175 560

IEEE 345 220 1175 520

IEC 550 318 1675 750

IEEE 500 318 1675 750

Table 1. Design and test level values chosen as the higher between IEC and IEEE
1. L-G voltage: line-to-ground voltage; 2. BIL: BIL level; 3. PFW: dry withstand test voltage

Transportation tests as per is equivalent to a road shipping with of the complete product range from
ASTM D4169-16, including loading and unloading. The test is 25 kV to 230 kV.
impact hazard and shake performed in two phases:
table test Salt spray test
➤ A complete bushing stored in
Complete bushings are tested to its crate is installed on a shake The target of this test is to validate
validate that the bellow assembly table, with another crate on top that the selected stainless-steel
is properly designed to withstand of it and the vibration profile grade used to manufacture the
transport operations, even in case of corresponding to high level load bellows is not susceptible to
severe shipping conditions, without is applied. Moreover, the test plan corrosion even in the most critical
being damaged. also included the simulation of the ambient conditions. The salt spray
forklift truck and crane handling, by test was performed in very severe
The tests have been performed as per letting the crate drop to the ground conditions: spray exposure of 250
ASTM D4169-16 (Standard Practice from a given height at different hours on an open bellow without its
for Performance Testing of Shipping angles. top cover protection.
Containers and Systems) with ➤ The bushing is then tested for
distribution cycle DC5 (Motor freight, leakage (2.5 bar / 36.25 psi for After the test, the bellows are cleaned
TL, not unitized). 9 hours) with water and dried at 23°C to
identify any rust mark on the inner
This cycle simulated during the test The tested designs are representative surfaces of the bellow.

Test duration: 250 h

CETIM Mulhouse
Location: (France)
Test device: Salt spray enclousure BRAIVE 400 liter
(ref CC028 - verified on 18/10/2018)
Salt spray concentration: 5% NaCL
Salt reference batch: N°17100140
Salt quality: Cu, Ni, Pb <0.005%
Conductivity: <20 µs/cm
Aggression: 72 g/m3

Parameters during the test:

Aggression Required value Minimum value Maximum value

Salt solution collected in 24 ml - 48 ml 24 26

24 hours

Concentration (kg/m3) 1029 - 1036 1036 1036

Air pressure (bar) 0.7 - 1.7 6.5 6.56

Chamber temperature (°C) 6.5 - 7.2 1 1

pH 35°C /+-2° 35 35

Salt spray test Figure 4. 69 kV bushing subjected to tempe-

rature cycle test under operating voltage

Temperature cycle tests under gas in the expansion chamber is a Advantages of ester insulation
operating voltage perfect solution to eliminate the gas in HV bushings
bubble issue, which can occur in any
To have a test representative of the oil insulated bushing under specific Esters are currently very popular
complete portfolio, the thermal cycles operating conditions. In particular, the among high voltage power
have been performed on two different proposed design prevents accelerated transformers manufacturers because
voltage classes: ageing phenomena when the bushing of their outstanding advantages in
is subjected to cycling load operation, terms of thermal performance and
➤ 69 kV prototype: 2 months test removes the possible occurrence of extended overload possibilities,
➤ 230 kV prototype: 3 months test problems during transformer factory beside the obvious advantages of
testing and allows higher flexibility in environmental compatibility and
Variable load and temperature cycles product handling. eco-friendliness, providing a
are applied in order to simulate the
real conditions present in a solar
plant: oil temperature is raised to
90°C (transformer oil temperature in
service) during the day and external
The extended OIP design with physical
infrared panels simulate solar separation between oil and gas in
radiation. Oil heating and radiators
are switched off during the night (oil
the expansion chamber is a perfect
cooled down to 40°C). solution to eliminate the gas bubble
At regular intervals during the test
issue. The proposed design prevents
execution, the bushing parameters accelerated ageing when the bushing
are analyzed (C1, tanδ, dissolved
gas) and the PD measurement is
is subjected to cycling load operation,
performed to validate that there is removes possible occurrence of
no evolution in the internal insulation
of the bushing, especially no
problems during transformer factory
testing and allows higher flexibility in
Photo: Siemens Energy

development of gas bubbles.

The extended OIP design with

product handling.
physical separation between oil and
Transformer Technology October 2021 39

Issue 15

Combining monitoring options with
high thermal performance of synthetic
ester allows ester-impregnated
bushings to meet the technical
requirements of high-voltage
transformers, enabling customers to
mitigate the risks when operating in
overload conditions for longer periods
than those allowed by international
Figure 5. First capacitive
transformer bushing
The first high-voltage bushing
insulated with biodegradable ester
step further towards substation
fluid has been introduced into the
market in 2020.
Combining the monitoring options
with the high thermal performance ––––––––––––––––––––––––––
of synthetic ester allows ester-
impregnated bushings to meet the
technical requirements of high-
voltage transformers. It’s therefore
possible for customers to mitigate oil (IEC 60076-14 and C57.154-B3). condenser. If ambient temperature
the risks when operating in overload For liquid-filled bushings this is a exceeds 40°C for long time or the
conditions for longer periods than huge improvement because they transformer in case of long overload
those allowed by international are vital components in the power develops a top oil rise exceeding
standards. system network. The increased 65°C, the normal life expectancy of
thermal performance of bushings can bushing will be shortened due to
Motivated by feedback from site positively impact the transformer’s accelerated aging of the insulating
investigations and from discussions condition by allowing many options complex. To overcome this situation,
with customers who are continuously for overload operation. It also offers the solution is either to use bushings
looking for ways to improve service a greater design margin that can that have nameplate ratings greater
conditions and minimize costs, the be exploited to improve the thermal than the transformer current ratings
first high-voltage bushing insulated performances of transformers. or by using bushings with special
with biodegradable ester fluid has high temperature insulation. Ester
been introduced into the market in The capability of bushings to bushings are developed to offer this
2020 (see Figure 5). withstand thermal loading varies possibility.
depending on bushing design, insula-
Thermal performance tion material used, the ambient The calculation of the overload
conditions in which bushings operate capability of ester bushing portfolio
One of the key advantages of and the energy demand. According [8] is shown in Table 2. We note a
using synthetic ester for bushing to IEEE C57.19.00, the hottest-spot maximum tolerance of 49% additional
application is its enhanced thermal temperature of Oil Impregnated capability for the 100 kV type, which
performance compared with mineral Paper (OIP) bushing, operated at means that for normal life expectancy
oil. The international standards rated current, is limited to a 75°C (normal aging conditions), the bushing
organizations IEEE and IEC agreed rise over ambient with 30°C ambient can be operated with 49% additional
that the thermal class of the complex temperature – or a 105°C total load while respecting a maximum
kraft paper/synthetic ester is 120° temperature. This limitation is due hottest spot temperature for solid
(Class E) instead of 105° (Class A) to the use of temperature index insulation in accordance with IEEE
for the complex kraft paper/mineral 105 insulating mix for the bushing C57.154 given informative data.

Bushing types

Rated voltage [kV] 72.5 100 123 145 170 245

Rated current [A] 800 800 800 800 800 800

Overload capability [p.u.] 1.27 1.49 1.27 1.41 1.3 1.3

Table 2. Overload tolerances for ester bushings

–––––––––––––––––––––––––– content is high (see Figure 6) [5]. Its

use in ester bushings prevents several
One of the key advantages of using known failure modes, including:
synthetic ester for bushing application ➤ Bubble formation during overloads:
is its enhanced thermal performance according to IEC 60076-14, the
compared with mineral oil. temperature for bubble creation is
directly related to the moisture con-
–––––––––––––––––––––––––– tent of cellulose. For example, at one
percent paper humidity, bubbles will
form at 170°C, while at three percent,
Increased fire safety ➤ No fire risk in the event of a major bubbles will appear at 125°C.
failure ➤ Condensation: during cycling
The ester based dielectric insulation ➤ Low-density non-toxic smoke service conditions (solar energy),
offers an excellent fire safety, thanks ➤ Lower costs for installation water migration between paper and
to his high flashpoint and high and maintenance of fire safety liquid is contained by ester with no
firepoint compared to traditional equipment effect on electrical performance.
insulation liquids, therefore is the ➤ Lower associated insurance costs ➤ Hydrolysis: water is one of the
perfect solution in terms of fire degradation products of paper.
risk mitigation. The firepoint and Moisture tolerance Unlike mineral oil, the water
flashpoint of synthetic esters tolerance of synthetic ester allows
compared with mineral oils are shown Another aspect that provides ester for more water to be trapped, which
in Table 3 [3]. The synthetic ester bushings with excellent technical may slow down cellulose aging.
used in the new bushing portfolio is performance is the high moisture ➤ Oxidation: development of ester
classified according to IEC 61039 as tolerance of synthetic ester. This bushings included a completely
a Class K3 fluid, which provides the means that it maintains its electrical sealed design, so there is no risk of
following advantages: characteristics even when water cellulose oxidation.

Natural ester type 1 Natural ester type 2 Synthetic ester Mineral oil

Fire safety class K2 K2 K3 O1

Readily/fully biodegradable ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘

Breakdown voltage kV (regular >75 >75 >75 >70


Moisture saturation (ppm) at 20°C 1.1 1.1 2.7 55

Kinematic viscosity at 40°C 32 37 29 8.7

Relative permittivity 3.1 3.1 3.2 2.2

Pour point °C -18 -31 -56 <-50

Flash point °C >315 >315 275 150

Fire point °C >350 >350 316 170

Photo: Siemens Energy

High temperature Good Good Excellent Poor

Table 3. Basic properties of different insulation fluids

Transformer Technology October 2021 41

Issue 15

Figure 7. Material compatibility test

Figure 6. Breakdown voltage

dependence on moisture content with
common insulating fluids

Online monitoring from different sources (e.g., bushing, Conclusion

transformer windings, on load
Despite being designed according to tap changer) have opened up OIP bushings with bellows and ester
state-of-the-art guidelines, bushings a completely new scenario insulated bushings are a solution
are subjected to stresses during their unknown some years ago, where to many technical challenges of
operating lives, which reduce their monitoring and data were confined traditional Oil Impregnated Paper
lifetime and in general contribute up to to individual products. Having (OIP) technology connected to
35% to the power transformer failure the possibility to cross-correlate energy transition, both in terms of
rate [10]. As the transformer runaway data (and automatically!) can help environmental compatibility and to
is a deleterious and unwanted increase the level of reliability of satisfy the requirements introduced
situation, utilities need to know when the diagnosis and improve the by new operation modes of power
a bushing is starting to deviate from diagnostic effectiveness. installations.
the standard behavior.
The bushing design with bellows
The traditional approach used so far, represents an extension of
consisting of regular and periodic conventional OIP technology to meet
offline tests, has proved not to be References the challenges of cyclical loading
highly effective, as it provides poor [1] Bubble evolutions in bushings, ABB conditions of renewable energy.
correlation with the present bushing publication 1ZBC000001C2704,
conditions and especially as it often 2011 New ester-insulated bushings
requires unnecessary tests on healthy [2] Parts and Service News for the provide innumerable benefits, not
equipment. Power Transformer and Circuit only answering to the growing
Braker Maintenance Community, demand for reliable and sustainable
Digitalization is creating a new March 1998, Special No. 1 energy generation and transmission,
approach, allowing for a more detailed [3] Midel selection guide, www.midel. but also providing higher technical
and refined monitoring strategy, which com, accessed on August 14, 2020 performances when compared to OIP
involves: [4] F. Bachinger and P. Hamberger, technology.
“Measurement of thermal behavior
➤ Online measurements: carried out of an ester-filled power transformer The online monitoring system,
at full stress (making it less difficult at ultra-low temperature,” CIGRE which can be a standalone device
to interpret the measurement 2018, A2-111 or integrated within the power
results) [5] “Experiences in service with new transformer to provide a more
➤ Continuous measurements: not insulating liquids,” CIGRE 2010, WG comprehensive set of information,
performed at regular intervals A2.35 complements the advantages of
but starting from the first day of [6] J. Dai and Z. Wang, “A Comparison the above mentioned solutions to
transformer energization onwards. of the Impregnation of Cellulose allow the bushing to operate close to
This will allow a full product Insulation by Ester and Mineral Oil,” the maximum design performance,
transparency and identification of IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics without compromising its lifetime
early failure modes development and Electrical Insulation, vol. 15, n. expectancy.
➤ Automatic data processing and 2, 2008, pp. 374-381
elaboration, through statistical and [7] M. Lashbrook, A. Gyore, R.
artificial intelligence models. When Martin, R. Cselko and B. Nemeth,
switching from offline to online “Creepage Discharge Investigations
measurements, the measurements with Biodegradable Ester-based
that can be done on the Liquids and the Implications for
transformers get more limited, and Transmission Transformer Design,”
the level of data elaboration needs CIGRE 2018, D1-207
to be more sophisticated. FDS or [8] E. Ferdjallah, O. Richer, K. Kaineder
PDS methods (both offline) are and F. Negri, “Improved thermal
indeed able to provide the direct resistance and overload capability
measurement of the insulation of the new Ester Bushings,” 2021
condition while only the bushing Electrical Insulation Conference
leakage currents can be measured (EIC), June 7th – 28th, 2021
online. Getting the insulation status [9] E. Ferdjallah, “Ester-impregnated
from the leakage currents is a non- bushings: One step closer to
standard and complicated task, as sustainable energy,” Transformer
this requires high statistical and Technology, Issue 8, October 2020
machine learning capabilities. [10] S. Tenbohlen, “Diagnostik
Photo: Siemens Energy

➤ Global and complete measure- elektrischer Betriebsmittel 2014,”

ments: to ease the diagnosis on 6. ETG-Fachtagung, Nov 25, 2014,
the entire transformer. Berlin, Germany
Digitalization and data handling
Transformer Technology October 2021 43

Issue 15

Next generation of IEEE

transformer bushings
featuring Sensbushing™,
a dedicated on-line monitoring
Our transformer bushing portfolio is designed to satisfy customer requirements
in terms of reliability and better performance.
We are committed to continuous innovation. The new bio-degradable synthetic ester insulation
is our environmentally friendlier solution contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions of our
STARON & STAROIP*: 25 kV to 500 kV
(*Innovative design: internal oil volume compensation by means of built-in bellows)
Green evolution
120 Thermal Class Ester insulation: coming soon to the IEEE market
Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG.

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Transformer Technology WOMEN 45

Issue 15 OF NOTE

Karina Yonemoto

Karina Yon
is a great b
eliever in th
of attitude e power
based on cre leadership
and empath vity, sensitivity,
y. Karina is
financial co a
ntroller at th
Manageme e Order
nt for Indus
Application trial
s Div
Gas) of Siem ision (Oil &
Mexico, Cen s Energy for
tral Americ
the Caribbe a and
an. She lea
#EnergíaSin ds
Límites (Un
Energy), the limited
program fo
r developin
cutting-edg g
e leadership

Karina stud
ied Econom
Nacional (IP ics at the In
N) and grad stituto Polit
from the Inst uated in Fin ecnico
ituto Tecno ance and Acc
She started lo gico Aútono o u nting
her journey mo de Méxi
experience with Sieme co (ITAM).
as a trainee ns in 2011,
particularly and later fo gaining
planning an cusing on fi
such as Hea d reporting n ances,
lthcare Diag . Working in
information nostics, she d iv isions
to top mana provided crit
making and gement for ical
was nomina business dec
“Top Challen ted to partic ision-
ge” internal ipate in Siem
a project to program for ens’ 5th
improve the the develop
she was pa company per m ent of
rt of the Po formance. In
group with w e r Generation 2018
major gove Service con
projects to rnment and tr o lling
supply elec private com
February 20 tr icity to Mexi p any
20, Karina h co’s homes.
financial co as taken ove S in ce
ntroller at O r the positio
Application rder Manag n of
s Division (O ement for In
the #Energía il & Gas). Sh dustrial
SinLímites e is currentl
fosters inclu p ro g ra m at Sieme y le ading
sion and div ns Energy w
a multidisci e rsity. The pro hich
plinary envi gram promo
and a versa ro n m ent, driving tes
Source: Karina Yonemoto tile mindset growth, purp
believes tha for all collab o se ,
t the future orators. Kari
female tale of the busin na
nt as the m ess world c
is envisioned ain corners alls for
as an acceler tone. #Energ
ator of equa íaSinLímites
women, dev l opportunit
Photo: Karina Yonemoto, rawpixel.com

eloping disru ies for

ptive leader


GREAT QUALITY A failed transformer bushing

POLYMER-BUSHING can thus cause a lot of trouble
in the field. Not only is there a
CONSISTENTLY significant cost to replacing the
bushing, but also the resulting
transformer failure can incur
additional costs, much higher
than the cost of the failed
bushing, and lead to downtime

resulting in more costs to
ransformer bushings are components of critical
the operator. Additionally,
importance in the operation of a transformer. Their
there is the question of the
failure is one of the major causes of transformer
reputation of the transformer
failures, which sometimes can lead to fatal consequences,
supplier, as well as a possibility
such as explosions, fires and oil spills.
to be subjected to penalties
for power interruptions and
failure to deliver electricity to
Transformer Technology October 2021 47

Issue 15

Polymer Most Common Failures

In bushing manufacturing, choosing the The most common failures in the material include:
correct polymer, which is typically an
• Cracking
epoxy system (resin/hardener combi-
• Leaking bushings
nation) is critical. The epoxy must be
• Direct short to transformer tank (catastrophic failure)
carefully selected so that the combination
• Loss of dielectric properties over time (aging)
of cured properties will accommodate
• Reduction in tracking resistance over time
the changing conditions encountered in
service. This applies to both mechani-
cal strength and electrical insulation Part Design
properties. In general, careful consider-
Part design is regulated by standards such as those set by NEMA and IEEE. In
ation must be given to the following
addition to meeting these standards, part design is also closely related to and
specific properties:
dependent on the properties of the polymer that is used to manufacture bush-
• Dielectric strength ings. Fulfilling requirements such as creep distances, mounting, shed design
• Heat deflection temperature and configuring cable connections is influenced, to some degree, by optimized
• Heat aging polymer properties.
• Moisture absorption
• Tensile strength
• % Elongation
• Material type (for indoor or Things to look for
• outdoor service) in this area include
These properties can be verified by the following:
standard test procedures.
Optimizing thermal cycling ability
– A good polymer must be able to
withstand extreme temperature
changes. If overloading/overheating
occurs due to a poor contact, the
bushing material may degrade.
Part design Therefore, it is important to know
is regulated the glass transition temperature of
the polymer. According to IEEE
by standards C57.19, the glass transition tem-
perature must be higher than the
such as allowed hot-spot temperature.
those set Cantilever strength requirements –
by NEMA To ensure higher cantilever strength
of the material, it is important that
and IEEE all welded joints are free of pores. A
porous weld will cause hot-spots
and lower the cantilever strength.

Maximizing creep and strike dis-

tances – Maximizing the creepage
and strike distances of the insulator
is essential in avoiding flash overs.
To achieve this, all sharp edges
should be rounded with radius. It is
also important to have a good poly-
mer in order to avoid dirt which, over
time, may lead to flash over.

Maximizing heat dissipation – In

order to maximize heat dissipation,
Photo: CrossLink Technology Inc.

it is important to ensure that the ad-

hesion between the polymer and the
conductor is not compromised, as
this adhesion will prevent any leak-
ages during operation.

In bushing manufacturing different production methods are used. While some
of these methods work quite well, others do not. The difficulty is that the cus-
tomers buying the bushings have no way of confirming the quality of the
product unless they do full testing on every bushing, which is not feasible.
In order to overcome this issue, it is essential to ensure whichever method is
employed to manufacture the parts, it must be accurate and repeatable. For
example, being off ratio in the resin/hardener mix is not readily detectable by the
end user, but chances are that the bushing will fail in operation.
So, there is no room for error in the manufacturing process. Some of the most
common causes of failure that occur as a result of improper processing are:

Insufficient conductor preparation – To avoid this, electrical grade copper must

be used with proper brazing between the joints to ensure good contact. Other-
wise, poor contact will be the source of hot spots.
Insufficient air removal from the mix – As a result of this, air voids may be
trapped causing partial discharge (PD) and flash over.
Improperly dispersed fillers within the epoxy mix – This weakens the integrity
of the epoxy.
Incorrect processing temperatures (epoxy, mould and conductor) – Applying
incorrect temperatures may lead to void formation and cause the epoxy to be
brittle, have poor adhesion and shorter service life.
Off ratio epoxy mix – Off ratio epoxy mix will compromise the integrity of the
material, so that the epoxy will not have its full physical or electrical properties
to meet the requirements for its application.
Less than completely cured epoxy – This compromises the integrity of the
Inadvertent thermal cycling of components which are not fully cured – This
may cause premature failure in the field and compromises the full potential of
the epoxy.
8 7 6 5 4 3

5.000 24.63

.625 1.250


Most Common Failures 1.200 15.63 7.75

The most common failures that develop Excessive partial discharge – If the material is not de-aired properly, this may
as a result of improper processing result in excessive partial discharge.
Cracking during mounting or under maximum cable load – Cracking can be
Bushing leaks developing over time in caused by using improper epoxy. To avoid this problem, the epoxy should be
operation – Most commonly, bushing customized to different temperatures.
leaks are caused by ageing or by im-
Tearing when conductor temperature rises due to high current – In order to
proper gaskets, as well as the weak
avoid this issue, it is important to know the coefficient of thermal expansion of
adhesion between the epoxy and the
the conductor and the epoxy, as well as the glass transition temperature.
Transformer Technology October 2021 49

Issue 15

Selecting Your Supplier

Considering the gravity of the consequences of a bushing failure, it is important
to carefully select the supplier that is consistent and dependable.
An ISO quality system is a great place to start because consistency is an abso-
lute must. This is important because the end user cannot detect all things in a
bushing that can cause problems down the road, usually without warning.
It also helps to work with suppliers who are not only experienced in manufactu­
ring the bushings, but are also engaged in developing, formulating and
manufacturing the epoxy resins that are used to make the bushings. Epoxy bushings also have:

Some of the issues discussed above can be eliminated through “type testing” • A low partial discharge
different parts because those properties will remain consistent as long as the • Superior Compression strength
supplier’s process is repeatable. On the other hand, issues related to the man- • Flexural strength of cycloaliphatic
ufacturing process are particularly important because they are truly dependent that is up to 15 times greater than
on consistency, while at the same time are difficult to detect by the user and will porcelain
likely lead to field failures over time.
• Resistance to high-power arcs (great
At Crosslink Technology, we are vertically integrated, developing, formulating dry arcing distance)
and manufacturing our own epoxy resins, but also designing and manufacturing
Through a dedicated research and de-
the bushings. Our Epoxy Transformer Bushings are manufactured to the highest
velopment approach, Crosslink
quality standards and are available for both indoor and outdoor, and low to
Technology Inc. is constantly working
medium voltage use. Crosslink has 40 years of experience with no field failures.
to create innovative epoxy and poly-
Our epoxy bushings are non-tracking and weathering resistant, so they offer urethane formulations, and reliable
outstanding performance in all types of environments, even highly contaminat- high-quality cast components. Call or
ed areas. Far lighter (60% lighter) and sturdier (10 times the tensile strength) email us today to discuss your needs
than porcelain, epoxy bushings will not crack due to thermal shock. for reliable transformer bushings.

Crosslink is Through a dedicated research and development approach, Crosslink Technology

Inc. is constantly working to create innovative epoxy and polyurethane formu-
more than a lations, and reliable high-quality cast components. Call or email us today to
discuss your needs for reliable transformer bushings.
supply chain Speak with us about:
vendor. We
2 1
• Stocking Part Stocking Program
• Direct to End User Shipping/Labelling plan.
are a reliable • Raw Material Volatility procurement plan.
partner. • Inventory management plan.
.625-11-2b THREAD

.750 The Crosslink Cast Components Division manufactures Epoxy cast

transformer bushings and standoff insulators. The Crosslink Liquids Division
manufactures both Epoxy and Polyurethane custom formulations.

2.45 Our mandate is simple: be innovative, provide the highest quality components,
and offer exceptional service to our customers.

From our North American plant, we have supported our global customers for
40 years with low and medium voltage resin bushings and insulators. With
SCALE 1 : 3 our in-house design capability, we assist our customers with their concepts.
We formulate our own world class resins to meet most electromechanical
5.000 challenges you may face. With our high-volume capacity and stocking
programs, we are able to service most lead time demands.
Photo: CrossLink Technology Inc.

Crosslink Technology Inc. We look forward

to partnering with
[email protected] your team.
BIL: 150KV

by Lance Lewand
and Leah Simmons


Utilities and other types of system

operators are always trying to find
methods to mitigate forced outages.
Of the number of forced outages that
do occur on an electrical system, oil-
in-paper bushings (OIP) failures can
result in severe havoc. Oil-in-paper
bushings are the interface between
the external bus and the windings
of a transformer and thus are an
integral part of the electric delivery
system. The results of a bushing
failure are numerous; first and
foremost, possible harm to substa-
tion personnel from spraying hot oil
and flying porcelain and other debris.
Additional issues include fire, internal
damage to the transformer such as
collateral damage to the windings,
leads and other components, which
can result in damage so severe
that the transformer may not be
salvageable. External collateral
damage includes damage to the other
bushings on the same transformer
and nearby transformers and can
result in harm to other substation
components mostly from flying

Other concerns include outages

to affected customers, length of
outages, the cost to remove the failed
bushing(s) and others if severely
damaged, cleanup of the substation
yard from sharp porcelain, replacing
overhead lines if necessary, cost of
new bushings along with installing
them, testing of the transformer
and internal inspections with the
possibility of complete oil removal if
Photo: Shutterstock, Doble Engineering

deemed necessary. If the transformer

is a generating unit, then substantial
loss revenue can be realized. There
are many other concerns and issues
that a system operator must face
because of a bushing failure that are
too numerous to mention.
Transformer Technology October 2021 51

Issue 15

The results of bushing teardown analysis may result

in a bushing replacement plan for similar types,
restrict their use and may involve additional
maintenance practices, more frequent testing or
controls, and possibly online monitoring so that the
risk of future bushing failures is reduced.

Lance Lewand is the Technical Director for

the Doble Insulating Materials Laboratories.
Since joining Doble in 1992, Mr. Lewand has
published over 75 technical papers pertaining
to testing and sampling of electrical insulating
materials and laboratory diagnostics. He re-
ceived his Bachelor of Science degree from St.
Mary's College of Maryland. Lance is actively
involved in professional organizations includ-
ing the American Chemical Society, CIGRE, a
representative of the U.S. National Committee
for TC10 of the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) and ISO TC28, ASTM D-27
since 1989. He is the current chair of ASTM
committee D-27 on insulating fluids, the sub-
committee chair 06 on Chemical Tests and a
recipient of the ASTM Award of Merit.

The Aftermath The results of such study may while looking for evidence is a very
result in a bushing replacement delicate and painstaking operation.
In reviewing a bushing failure, the plan for similar types, restrict their Some bushings may be too badly
system operator may decide to use and may involve additional damaged to go through a teardown,
look more in depth at the bushing maintenance practices, more but even those that are damaged so
in question and perform what is frequent testing or controls, so that extensively may yield some small
called a bushing teardown. This there are no future failures, or the piece of evidence that will make the
can be performed by the system risk is severely reduced. process worthwhile.
operator if they are able to do so, the
manufacturer of the bushing or a What Is a Bushing Additionally, the teardown of a
contractor. Some teardowns may be Teardown? sister bushing that is still intact
performed by a contractor with the provides useful information so that
operator personnel on site or, in some A bushing teardown is a stepwise a comparison to the failed unit can
cases, also with the manufacturer and controlled approach to be made along with the examination
on site. Whatever the case, it should dismantling a bushing piece by of the bushing design and the final
remain unbiased so that the evidence piece, gathering measurements manufactured product. Not all
found is to be the primary driver of and evidence so that some final bushing teardowns, however, will yield
the endeavor. conclusion(s) can be made as conclusive results.
to the root cause of the failure.
Bushing teardowns and forensics It can be a very tedious and Data
aid to determine root cause failures lengthy process. This is especially
and are important to understand true when combing through the In analyzing any bushing failure and
possible weaknesses in the bushing wreckage of a bushing in which the that of an intact unit, the prefailure
construction or its inservice use and if paper has been engulfed in a fire. data is invaluable. Information such
similar bushings are at risk. Removing the carbonized paper as loading, storms before the failure,

As an integral part of the electric delivery system

Photo: Shutterstock, Doble Engineering

around the world and the interface between the

transformer and overhead bus, bushings failures
have a significant negative impact. Because of this,
there is a special focus on determining the root
cause of the failure.
Transformer Technology October 2021 53

Issue 15

A bushing teardown investigation is employed in

cases where there is a need to determine the failure

operating temperatures, through shipping must be performed in

faults, mechanical disturbances, such a way as to not alter the as-
work on the transformer or bushings found condition of the bushing(s).
prior to the failure, electrical test
results especially power factor and Collection of the bushing shrapnel
capacitances, oil analysis test results and sending it along with the
performed on the bushing, and if a bushing to be inspected will benefit
service advisory has been issued the investigation. If the bushing is
by the manufacturer is some of the a drawlead type, and the draw lead
information that can play a vital role was damaged in the failure, include
in the investigation. Even cantilever it with the bushing as there may be
forces of the overhead lines to the top evidence as to what occurred.
connection point of the transformer
bushing may have to be calculated Testing Prior to
and explored. Manufacturer bushing Disassembly
schematics along with any other
literature about the bushing must The first step in this process
also be included. Pictures of the is a visual inspection and
failed bushing before removal from measurements. The visual
the transformer may also provide inspection will provide overall
important information. condition and any anomalies
that might be present. Record
Lacking this data or the access to all the nameplate information as
it can seriously hamper a bushing it will prove useful in the overall
failure investigation and may not review of the bushing and the
make the process worthwhile. data associated with it. Depending
on the size of the bushing,
If the failed bushing has been information may include the serial
subjected to water from rain, number, style, class, drawing
firefighting activity or deluge systems, number, catalog number, BIL
it is imperative that the company rating, C1 and C2 power factors
performing the teardown is informed. and capacitances, and amperage
Receiving the Bushing
Deposits on the bushing sheds Figure 1. Hot oil and fire soot deposits
Most companies performing bushing (see Figure 1), the oil level in the
teardowns, especially in the United sight glass, the color of the oil, O-ring compromises have occurred
States and Canada, will require the any deposits in the sight glass, as seen by the elastomeric material
bushing oil to have less than 2 ppm and arc marks on the flange, the exuding from the gasket/O-ring groove
(mg/kg) polychlorinated biphenyls lower assembly below the flange, or material crumbling (refer to Figure
(PCBs). Some companies may accept upper porcelain or the head of the 2) away from areas that they were
a certificate that came with the bushing is additional information supposed to seal. In all, some bushings
bushing when it was manufactured, to gather. can have as many as 20 gaskets and
stating that it is less than 2 ppm, O-rings, each of which must be fully
but most will require the results of It may also be possible at this studied and most of which will be
a recent oil sample. Packaging and point to determine if any gasket or found during disassembly.

A bushing teardown is a stepwise and controlled

approach to dismantling a bushing piece by piece,
gathering measurements and evidence so that some
final conclusion(s) can be made to determine the
root cause of the failure.

In analyzing any bushing failure and that of an intact

unit, the prefailure data is invaluable. Information
such as loading, storms before the failure,
operating temperatures, through faults, mechanical
disturbances, work on the transformer or bushings
prior to the failure, electrical test results especially
power factor and capacitances, oil analysis test
results, and if a service advisory has been issued by
the manufacturer is some of the information that can
play a vital role in the investigation.

Measurements of the overall length, Dissolved gas-in-oil analysis

and lengths of various components, (DGA) will provide information
diameters, and location of various on arcing, partial discharge,
bushing components provide a overheating of the oil, overheating
means to compare the bushing being of the paper and possibly other
tested to the original shop drawings. issues. Oil quality tests will provide
information on the condition of
If able and safe, electrical testing the oil and can determine if air and
provides critical information that is water ingress has occurred. This is
especially valuable in reviewing the important as water ingress is one
bushing failure. Comparison to the of the primary drivers of bushing
Figure 2. Compromised bushing gasket at flange-
nameplate data, acceptance test failures. The photo in Figure 3 upper porcelain interface
results and in-service test results will shows a broken and deteriorated
indicate a slow deterioration of the O-ring from the oil fill plug which
bushing over time or an abrupt failure allowed water and air ingress into
or possibly something else. These the bushing.
failure routes can dictate the way in
which the bushing is torn down. Other oil tests can provide
information on the degradation of
Disassembly (Teardown) the paper insulation, particulates
in the oil and the makeup of those
Before the bushing is disassembled, particles. This all relates to the
oil samples need to be taken and operation of the bushing and
the bushing drained. Oil sampling therefore is an important part of Figure 3. Broken and deteriorated oil fill plug
is vital and critical to the process. the process. O-ring
Transformer Technology October 2021 55

Issue 15

Once the oil is drained, the toughest In the head will be a variety of
part of the teardown procedure O-rings and gaskets which will need
begins, especially on larger to be inspected and categorized.
bushings rated 230 kV and higher The sight glass may also yield some
as the bushings are large and evidence along with inspection of
heavy. Using a facility that does not the spring basket assembly. Figure
have the ability to lift, maneuver 5 provides a photograph of heavy
and turn the bushing can result in x-wax formation on the corona ring
broken porcelain, destruction of of a bushing.
evidence and injury to personnel.
The compression pressure on the Once the head is removed, removal
Figure 4. Sludge found in bushing head
bushing must be released without of the porcelain can ensue but
breaking the porcelain as porcelain there maybe one or more sepa-
shards are sharp, can cut the paper rate pieces of porcelain above the
insulation and personnel and will flange, so they need to be removed
contaminate the bushing teardown one by one without damaging
scene. Bushing manufacturers used the paper insulation of the core.
a variety of different mechanisms to Inspection of the internal surface
apply the requisite sealing pressure of each piece of porcelain removed
to the bushing and to then secure it can also yield evidence. Figure 6
so the method to release the pressure shows arcing found on the inside
will be different from manufacturer to porcelain of one failed bushing.
manufacturer. Breaking the porcelain
to release the pressure is a technique Depending on the circumstance, Figure 5. X-Wax on the corona shield of a bushing
that should not be used. the flange could be removed next, and other debris
or instead the bushing bottom
Once the pressure is released, connection removed than any
dismantling can begin but it must porcelain, or composite/epoxy without damaging the core before the
be performed in a managed way, so material that may be present. The flange can be removed. Depending on
no evidence is missed. The head of order all depends on the damage the bushing manufacturer there are
Photo: Shutterstock, Doble Engineering

the bushing can provide a variety down to the bushing and the ability a variety of methods that were used
of evidence that will be useful, so it to access the area. Again, all these to attach the tap to the core. In larger
needs to be inspected inside and out must be inspected, and samples bushings, there may multiple taps all of
and possible samples retrieved for taken for analysis if necessary. which need to be disconnected prior to
analysis such as the sludge found on flange removal. Once all the pieces are
the internal surface of the aluminum The tap assembly is attached to the removed, the inspection of the core can
head housing shown in Figure 4. core thus it will have to be removed commence as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 6. Arc tracking on internal porcelain

Figure 11. Pitting and melting of copper Figure 12. Copper sulfide formation on copper
conductor conductor

During the course of unwinding the investigation. All that data from
core and depending on how detailed in-service operation of the bushing,
the inspection is to be conducted, electrical and oil test results, all the
measurements may be taken to measurements and all the findings
include such things as the distance and information from each part of
Figure 7. Partial core of a bushing showing
from the top and bottom of the the bushing have to collated, sifted
tap foils paper wraps to the respective ends, through, analyzed and then put
diameters, number of paper layers, together in a coherent report, the final
location of capacitive layers and step of the investigative process,
whether or not they are aluminum foil, that may take weeks to months to
conductive ink or herring bone ink. produce after the final disassembly of
The width, length and location of the the bushing.
conductive layers may be measured to
be used for a finite element analysis. Conclusions

Often paper samples are taken at dif- As an integral part of the electric
Figure 8. Arcing though core
ferent depths and positions within the delivery system around the world
core so that they can be analyzed for and the interface between the
degree of polymerization (DP) and transformer and overhead bus,
water content along with a variety of bushings failures have a significant
other physical, chemical and electrical negative impact. Because of
analyses. Along the way, area of dis- this, there is a special focus on
charge may be found as shown in determining the root cause of
Figure 8 or partial discharge treeing in the failure. A bushing teardown
Figure 9. investigation is employed in cases
where there is a need to determine
Once the unwrapping of the core is the failure mechanism. A brief
Figure 9. Partial discharge treeing from edge
of ink layer completed, the actual center conductor synopsis of how companies perform
can be inspected. Most often a bushing teardown was explained in
copper is used in lower kV bushings this paper.
whereas aluminum is used in larger
voltage bushings to reduce weight. The results of such an analysis may
Occasionally, a combination of the two result in a bushing replacement plan
may be present. Some examples of for similar types, restrict their use and
damage done to the center conductor may involve additional maintenance
are found in Figures 10 through 12. practices, more frequent testing
or controls, and possibly online
Often there is much data collected monitoring so that the risk of future
Figure 10. Arc hole through copper conductor as part of any bushing teardown bushing failures is reduced.
Photo: Doble Engineering

The author wishes to thank Leah Simmons of Doble Engineering for all her contributions to this summary paper. Leah Simmons is
the Senior High Voltage Test Engineer where she provides diagnostic and forensic testing and data analysis including writing reports
and technical documents. Leah and the author head most of the bushing dismantling and forensic analysis that occurs at Doble.
Transformer Technology October 2021 57

Issue 15

Since 1933, our experienced team of engineers and chemists has
helped customers determine the health of transformers and other
oil-filled assets. Whether it’s routine oil testing or development of
cost-effective testing programs, customers rely on our expertise for
independent interpretation of results and high quality data. Doble
also offers in-depth reporting and consulting services to help clients
analyze test results and make informed decisions about asset health
and maintenance.

At five ISO 17025-accredited laboratories located throughout North America, Doble offers over 200 tests
and testing packages on both solid and liquid insulation, including:
• Dissolved gas-in-oil analysis (DGA) • Load tap changer analysis program
• Furanic compounds-in-oil • Breaker analysis program
• A multitude of oil quality test packages • Material compatibility programs
• Water content • New insulating liquid and solid insulation
• Corrosive sulfur development programs
• Degree of polymerization of paper • Forensic analysis of oils and apparatus
• Wear metals in oil (Doble Test Method)
• Methanol, ethanol and furanic compound analysis
• Dissolved metals in oil
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The Importance of
Monitoring Partial
Discharges Online
in HV Bushings
by Marco Tozzi

Dr. M
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Photo: Camlin
Transformer Technology October 2021 59

Issue 15



Introduction contamination, contamination in interpretation of Partial Discharges

either the internal or external surface require experience and skills.
Bushings are crucial components of the porcelain, presence of local However, if the monitoring system is
for large power transformers, being amount of moisture, electrical surface properly designed, acquiring data in
the termination points and physical tracking phenomena, internal PD and a meaningful format and removing
electrical connections to the high and arcing. In order to identify those failure most of the noise and disturbances,
low voltage grid. There are different modes and save a bushing before it is then possible to use algorithms
designs and technologies, however, the degradation is at an advanced and simple graphical tools to make
failures in those components can stage it would be required to choose the information more accessible to
cause unplanned outages, huge the most appropriate offline tests, or the end-user. Also, PD monitoring
direct and indirect financial losses a combination of multiple tests, thus suppliers can make their experience
and, in some cases, catastrophic investing quite a significant amount of available to the end-user, sharing and
consequences involving fire and time. But how are we to know which transferring knowledge and helping in
explosions. Regular testing is of tests should be carried out in order to building trust in this technique [6].
utmost importance since bushings optimize time and budget?
account for 5% to 50% of transformer The second item is driven by a
faults, depending on design and A solution is represented by general misconception, where the
application [1]. monitoring the bushings online, typical thinking is that “accurate PD
measurements are very difficult to
perform on site and with the bushing
THERE ARE MANY DIFFERENT POSSIBLE installed on the transformer” or that
FAILURE MODES THAT CANNOT BE EASILY “due to high level of noise online
DETECTED BY OFFLINE MEASUREMENTS. PD detector cannot reach the same
sensitivity (in pico-Coulombs) required
during the factory offline tests”.
There is a variety of offline measure- under real operating conditions. Hence the typical questions such
ments that can be carried out in the Historically, this is done by collecting as “How many pico-Coulombs can
field to check the insulation condition the 50/60 Hz leakage current at the you detect? What is your monitoring
at a particular point in time [1-5], test (or voltage) tap (Figure 1) and system sensitivity? At how many pC
such as: Dielectric Frequency then comparing the currents in each shall I switch the transformer off?”.
Response (DFR) [2], Power Factor (PF) bushing to check for anomalies in This is an example of confusion, and
Tip-up, Power Factor at different one bushing current in terms of at times obfuscation, when it comes
temperatures, Dissolved Gas Analysis either amplitude or angle [7]. Modern to PD and its application to power
(DGA), oil quality, DC insulation test, devices can do something more, by transformers. End users care about
and Partial Discharges (PD). However, extending the frequency range of the transformer and its condition. The
all of them required the transformer to the sensor and acquisition system science and art of PD measurement
be de-energized, as well as significant within the MHz range in order to can be a distraction if not applied
time and skills are needed to carry detect another important parameter: correctly. Does a transformer owner
out a meaningful diagnosis. Due to Partial Discharges (PD). However, this really care about the nuances of pico-
time constraints and difficulties in technology is not widespread and Coulombs specification on a 20-year-
interpretation, the most common is rarely requested as a mandatory old transformer? Likely not! Rather
tests that are typically performed are requirement from end-users. Why? than focusing on pico-Coulomb
the Capacitance and Power Factor
(a.k.a. Tan Delta or Dissipation Factor)
test, done at just one temperature at MONITORING BUSHINGS ONLINE, UNDER
the moment of testing, voltage and REAL OPERATING CONDITIONS, OFFERS
These tests can assess and highlight BEFORE THE DEGRADATION IS AT AN
an advanced stage of degradation ADVANCED STAGE.
like short circuits across internal
control layers or a bulk degradation
of the oil/paper insulation due to
severe contamination. However, Because there are mainly two barriers: measurements, focus on the failure
there are also faults and level of modes your PD monitors detects.
degradations that cannot be easily ✪ Difficulties in Partial Discharge That way the focus is on the real
detected in this way [5-7]. Indeed, interpretation issues and the failure modes your
there are many different possible ✪ Concerns with PD detection monitor can reliably detect. That must
failure modes [1,8] such as: insulation capabilities always be the priority.
ageing, moisture contamination,
Photo: Camlin

crack in porcelain, oil leakages, The first item is quite reasonable since In fact, by analyzing the shape and
broken or loose connections, particle it is true that the understanding and characteristics of the PD [9-10]
Transformer Technology October 2021 61

Issue 15

and its changes over time, equipotential connections, generation unique situations regarding PD mea-
together with the other monitored of large voids and cracks in the surements.
parameters like load, temperature, insulation, short circuits between
and leakage current, it is possible multiple layers and many others. The same identical defect could
to better describe the degradation In fact, it should be considered that generate discharges of different
phenomenon, identify the possible the bushings that are 10, 20 or intensity depending on the age of the
failure mode, and enable a more 30 years old will have an aged oil, with surrounding insulation, the operating
effective maintenance planning the possible presence of humidity, temperature, the oil breakdown
program. particles of various kinds, sludge and voltage, the presence of particles in
residues. Also, the cellulose will have oil, the cellulose mechanical strength
Principles and requirements different mechanical and chemical and many other factors linked with the
for effective online Partial characteristics, potentially weakened normal bushing ageing in the field.
Discharge monitoring in by the presence of water or excessive
bushings thermal heating. Therefore, the key is not to focus
on the pico-Coulomb detection,
PD measurements are generally The condition and chemical/mecha- but rather on the failure mode,
carried out in the factory during nical characteristics of bushings that correlating PD phenomena together
the acceptance tests (FAT), in an have been in service for decades is with variations in temperature, load,
environment that is arranged to very different from the condition capacitance and power factor under
be free from electrical noise, thus at the time of the FAT, resulting in real operating conditions.
achieving a detection sensitivity able
to detect very small discharges in the
range of a few pico-Coulombs (<5 pC).
Due to the normally high amount of
noise in the field and the difficulty
of interpreting the PD results, this
diagnostic parameter is rarely
considered in permanent monitoring
systems. The general view of it is that
online sensitivity is too poor to detect
less than 5 pC.



The purpose of online monitoring

is neither to replace, nor exactly
replicate the factory acceptance tests
or offline measurements. Instead, its
purpose is to detect anomalies in real
operating conditions that could not be
identified otherwise and, therefore, to
identify the most suitable test for the
final confirmation and action.

To achieve this purpose, it is therefore

not necessary to use systems
capable of detecting a few pC and
in total absence of noise. Rather
the key is in detecting, in a reliable
way, discharges caused by defects
originated during the operating life of
the transformer, i.e., after decades of Figure 1. Bushing adaptor installed at the
thermal, electrical, and mechanical test tap for PD and Leakage Current online
stress, like disconnection of monitoring.

Are all the PD detectors and monitors conception of an intelligent algorithm

suitable for online PD detection in capable to discriminate if the
real operating conditions? No, they recorded PD activity is inside the
are not. Adapting a standard portable bushing or not. One of the most
unit or offline kit for online purposes known elements, as an example,
might not work. The online monitoring relates to the ability of analyzing the
system should be properly designed PD pulse polarity with respect to the
considering transformer and bushing applied voltage. Indeed, the PD pulses
application, thus following a number coming from the main tank have
of solid principles and requirements: opposite polarity from those coming
from the bushing condenser core
Principle #1: Capabilities of when detected by an impedance
acquiring PD continuously, thus not installed between the test tap pin and
scheduling several measurements ground. This is quite complex but
per day can be summarized by the difference Figure 2. Differences between an
between having the measuring acquisition with (bottom) and without
Acquisition gaps are not allowed. This impedance in either "direct" or (top) an automatic denosing and
is very important to detect arcing cross coupling rejection logic.
“indirect” circuit within the Equipment
event happening during a short circuit Under Test (EUT).
between layers or due to floating
shields/connections that accumulate Principle #4: Capabilities of
charge and sudden discharges. synchronizing the PD pulses with the
By making only a set number of true voltage applied at the bushing
acquisitions per day there is very
high probability of missing such The position of the PD pulses with
events [6, 11]. respect to the zero crossing of the
applied voltage is very important to
Principle #2: Capabilities of understand the source of PD and
automatically removing noise and its degradation stage [12-13]. Few
disturbances, and also removing degrees of differences can make
the cross coupling from the other a huge difference in the diagnosis.
phases For that reason, the synchronization
voltage must be accurate and be
This is important because these recorded from the test tap together
interferences can overlap to the with the high frequency pulses, i.e.
actual PD and affect the evaluation not from external power supply
of amplitude and repetition rate, i.e. sources in the substation to which Figure 3. PRPD pattern of a PD
acquired in the bushing (left) against
PD intensity and its trending over a manual phase shift has then to be a PD on the top of the winding (right).
time. Figure 2 shows an example applied. They have opposite polarity under the
of a PD acquisition in three phases. same sinewave.
Each phase has a PRPD pattern, but Principle #5: Capabilities of using an
the defect is actually generated from extended full scale to detect arcing
Phase B only. Without the automatic events
denoising logic, the system would
record and keep pulses in each phase PD instruments used for factory
(Figure 2, top), instead of focusing on acceptance tests or periodic
where the actual PD source is measurements might have too small
(Figure 2, bottom) and this would of a full scale, mainly focused on
affect the statistical amplitude detecting small PD activities with a
Figure 4. The same PRPD pattern
and repetition rate evaluation. few pC. For reliable online monitoring could show a very early (left) or quite
Furthermore, it would make the application, it must be different, advanced (right) stage of degradation
pattern analysis difficult, relaying on focusing also on the large events that depending on its position with
experts to help in understanding if can be many orders of magnitude respect to the zero crossing of the
applied voltage, which must be very
that PD is an actual PD or a cross- larger, in the range of hundreds of accurate and acquired from the
coupling event. nano-Coulombs. This has been bushing tap together with the PD.
shown previously as crucial whenever
Principle #3: Capabilities of there is a floating object [11] or an
separating the PD in the bushings arcing event between layers [6].
from those in the main tank In terms of Volts, with a typical
bandwidth of 20-30 MHz, the full
Photo: Camlin

There are several elements to be scale must at least be equal to 20

considered that can allow the Volts peak-to peak.
Transformer Technology October 2021 63

Issue 15

Success Story #1: 130 kV OIP It was therefore decided to inspect

bushing contamination during the bushing and a significant amount
manufacturing of aluminum particles and carbon
deposits were found, confirming the Table 1. Oil analysis results
A batch of 130 kV OIP bushings assumptions made and the online
manufactured in 2016 was installed analysis of the monitoring system.
in a fleet of new transformers in North
America. After about a year, an alarm The bushing was replaced but at the
was notified by the monitoring system same time a DGA measurement was
for increased power factor in two planned for all the bushings from
bushings. the batch (which had no monitoring
system), which found two additional
Figure 5 shows the increasing trend bushings were in a similar condition.
of the relative Power Factor, estimated According to the asset manager:
from the variation of the angles of
the currents (red trend line). The ✪ The monitoring system was
estimated Power Factor started to mainly installed to monitor the
rise in March and reached a relative main transformer tank and no
value (incremental change to be problems were expected on
added algebraically to the nominal bushings, especially considering Figure 5. Increase of Power Factor
(red trend line) in X3 bushing
value) of 0.7%, thus justifying a they were new.
correlated with PD occurrence
further investigation. It is interesting ✪ By implementing a standard increase in the same bushing (black
to note the black trend line, showing program of electrical testing every track)
the number of Partial Discharges six years, it would not have been
per second detected in the same possible to detect the problem
bushing (X3). After some sporadic in time and prevent a possible
events during the months of October unexpected failure.
and November, the PD activity was ✪ Thanks to the monitoring system,
quiet, occurring intermittently until three new bushings were saved.
April, when it started again with A failure might have possibly been
more frequency, together with an catastrophic.
increase of the Power Factor, until
the transformer was de-energized. Success Story #2: 110 kV RIP
Looking at the Phase-Resolved Partial bushing short circuit between
Dis-charge (PRPD) pattern, provided internal control layers
every hour by the monitoring system,
we can recognize how the PD activity Although the resin insulated bushings
has grown over time and how the are considered to be less prone to
PD polarity is "direct", which means PD activities by design, due to a
positive under the positive sinewave, specific manufacturing process that Figure 6. Metallic particles on the
surface of the C1 core and in paper
i.e. inside the bushing. The shape avoids the presence of vacuoles in the samples during microscopic analysis
of the pattern also recalls studies solid insulation, it is certainly possible
published on PD in oil in presence of that these bushings, after a certain
metal particles [14]. amount of time in service or even
prematurely, due to problems during
Analyzing and correlating both the transport and installation, show defects
PD and the Power Factor, it was that can generate Partial Discharges.
speculated there was a possible Unlike OIP bushings, the solid insulation
contamination of metallic material. system does not tolerate PD activities
It was suggested to carry out a and in presence of PD it can quickly
DGA measurement, to confirm deteriorate, creating a conductive
presence of PD, plus an oil quality channel between the control layers.The
measurement. case depicted here describes a 110 kV
RIP wall-mounted bushing (Figure 7),
Figure 7. RIP bushings, wall-mounted
Table 1 shows the results of the oil monitored by the same type of system
analysis, with exceptionally high levels used in the previous cases.
of hydrogen and with abnormal
BDV and Tan Delta, confirming not After about two years the system
only the presence of PD, but also gave an alarm for a sudden relative
Photo: Camlin

a significant reduction in dielectric capacitance increase of about

strength, both probably due to the 14% in bushing K. The bushing was
metal contaminants. taken out of service and tested offline,
Transformer Technology October 2021 65

Issue 15

DGA - Hydrogen 9780 ppm

DGA - Methane 278 ppm

Oil Interfacial tension (IFT) 23.6 mN/m

Oil Dielectric Breakdown (BDV) 26 kV

Oil Tan Delta at 100°C 1.1%


confirming the increase detected by Conclusions

the monitoring system (Figure 8).
By adding the online Partial
From the retrospective analysis of Discharges analysis to the relative
the data recorded by the monitoring variations of leakage current in
system, it was possible to find some transformer bushings it is possible
discharge activities in the same to find out correlation patterns that Figure 8. Results of offline
Capacitance measurements over
bushing about one month before the enable failure mode identification
the years; Bushing K shows a
capacity increase (Figure 9). and better planning of offline tests Capacitance increase ranging
and maintenance. between 14% and 15%
The PD at that time was small, at
inception stage, and with not enough In the cases reported in this article,
intensity to warrant an alarm. However, it was possible to see how the
they were already showing a typical PD analysis has helped to detect
PRPD pattern for cavities in resin [15]. several different failure modes –
internal arcing between control
The discharges remained active for layers in OIP bushings; presence
no more than two days and then of metal particle-type contaminants
disappeared completely until the in OIP bushings; and internal PD
increase in capacitance, during which and control layer short-circuits
they were active again but, this time, in RIP bushings.
increasing in both amplitude and Figure 9. PRPD pattern recorded 20
repetition rate, as shown in Figure 10. It must be pointed out that the days before the Capacitance increase



Figure 10. PRPD pattern right after

the Capacitance increase (same full
From this experience it was decided PD system must be designed in a
scale as Figure 9)
to consider new alarm thresholds for proper way to be effective and easy
PD activities in RIP bushings, as this to interpret, i.e. following five
case clearly indicated PD could be an important requirements:
important precursor of possible short
circuits between the bushing control ✪ Continuously monitor PD
layers, thus allowing preventive and ✪ Remove noise and cross-coupling
planned actions well in advance. automatically
✪ Discriminate whether the PD is in
It should also be considered that in the main tank or in the bushing
the absence of oil, and, therefore, ✪ Detect arcing events with an
of possible feedback given by DGA extended amplitude range
laboratory test, the Partial Discharge ✪ Get the synch reference signal
analysis acquired even greater from each bushing
importance in the context of RIP ✪ Provide at least one PRPD
bushings, as a valid confirmation pattern per hour and trend with
Table 2. Influence and effectiveness
method whenever there is a other parameters such as load,
of online PD monitoring during the
correlation with the variations of the temperature, and leakage current diagnostic process in a number of
leakage current. real cases
Particular attention should be paid
Failure mode analysis enhanced to RIP bushings. Although they have
by online PD analysis much better PD characteristics
if compared with RBP and OIP
Table 2 shows a very simple bushings, they can still be affected
summary of the influence and by defects after installation (due
effectiveness of online PD monitoring to bad storage or external events
Photo: Camlin

during the diagnostic process in a such us through-faults or over

number of real cases. voltages) that can precipitate PDs.
Transformer Technology October 2021 67

Issue 15

Bushing technology Primary Diagnosis and Offline test and

Hypothesis PD characteristics
and voltage marker suggested action evidence

Short circuit
Single arcing PD event
Capacitance between layers, DGA test showing
OIP 345 kV occurring at the same Internal Arcing,
step increase but absolute value >70 ppm C2H2 in the
(South Korea) time of capacitance make DGA test
<2% alarm too small to bushing. Replaced [6]
justify action
Short circuit
Single arcing PD event
Capacitance between layers, DGA test showing
OIP 345 kV occurring at the same Internal Arcing,
step increase but absolute value >20 ppm C2H2 in the
(North America) time of capacitance make DGA test
<3% alarm too small to bushing. Replaced [6]
justify action
Repetitive PD with DGA test showing
Relative Metallic
increasing occurrence >9000 ppm H2, low BDV.
OIP 130 kV Power Factor Moisture contamination,
with Power Factor Bushing Replaced and
(North America) increase contamination make DGA and
increase. Typical shape inspected. Metallic
0.5% alarm oil test
for particles in oil particles found
Repetitive PD with DGA test showing
Relative Metallic
RIP 110 kV increasing occurrence >9000 ppm H2, low BDV.
Power Factor Moisture contamination,
wall-mount with Power Factor Bushing Replaced and
increase contamination make DGA and
(Eastern Europe) increase. Typical shape inspected. Metallic
0.5% alarm oil test
for particles in oil particles found

Different from paper-oil technology, can be an equally valid alternative to

the epoxy resin cannot withstand confirm or prevent failures in the RIP
PDs, which can quickly evolve into a bushings, especially if correlated with
short circuit between internal layers. capacitance changes.
While the DGA test of the bushing’s
oil represents a valid technique to Many thanks to industry experts, friends
confirm the occurrence of an arcing and end-users for their contribution on
between layers, it does not apply to this subject, with special thanks to Colin
RIP bushings due to the absence of Clark from Altalink (Canada) and Claudio
oil. But case #2 shows that PD online Angelo Serafino from Terna (Italy).

References Breakdown in Polymers,”

[1] CIGRE TB 755, Transformer Institution of Engineering and
Bushing Reliability, Feb 2019 Technology, 2008
[2] Dr. P. Werelius, Dr. D. [10] A. Cavallini, G.C. Montanari
Robalino, J. Cheng and M. and F. Ciani, “Analysis of partial
Ohlen, "Dielectric Frequency discharge phenomena in
Response Measurements paper-oil insulation systems
and Dissipation Factor as a basis for risk assessment
Temperature Dependence," evaluation,” IEEE International
2012 Conference on Dielectric
[3] M. Ohlen, P. Werelius, Liquids, 2005
“Dielectric Frequency [11] M. Tozzi, C. McIlroy, C. A.
Response and temperature Serafino and M. Rebolini,
dependence of power factor,” “Condition Based Maintenance
2010 IEEE International on 400 MVA Autotransformers:
Symposium on Electrical A Case Study,” CIGRE VII
Insulation Workspot, A2 PS1, Rio de
[4] Dr. D. Robalino, “Accurate Janeiro, 23-26 Nov, 2014
Temperature Correction of [12] A. Cavallini, F. Ciani, M.
Dissipation Factor Data for Oil- Conti, P. F. H. Morshuis and
Impregnated Paper Insulation G. C. Montanari, “Modeling
Bushings: Field Experience,” memory phenomena for
2011 partial discharge processes
[5] C. Clark and M. Lau, in insulation cavities,” 2003
“Evaluation of Effectiveness CEIDP, pp. 723-727
of Dissolved Gas Analysis on [13] A. Cavallini, F. Ciani and G. C.
Bushings,” 2004 Montanari, “The Effect of Space
[6] M. Tozzi, “Risk Management Charge on Phenomenology of
Requires Actionable Insight: Partial Discharges in Insulation
Adding Value with Truly Cavities,” 2005 CEIDP,
Integrated Transformer pp. 410-413
Monitoring,” Transformer [14] K. Azmi, A. Zuhairi, D. Ishak,
Technology, Issue 3, N. A. Muhamad and M.
pp. 88-96, 2019 Kamarol “Partial discharge
[7] M. Tozzi, “Bushing failure characteristics of spherical
prevention through the use of metal particle in mineral oil
online monitoring: Detection and PFAE under AC voltage,”
under operating conditions, IEEE Region 10 Conference
offline investigation and (TENCON), 5 - 8 Nov 2017,
failure mode explanation,” pp. 2588 - 2593
Transformer Technology, [15] J. M. Rodríguez-Serna, R.
Issue 7, pp. 42-49, 2020 Albarracín-Sánchez, M.
[8] V. V. Sokolov and B. V. Vanin, Dong and M. Ren, “Computer
“Evaluation and identification Simulation of Partial
of typical defects and failure Discharges in Voids inside
modes in 110-750 kV Epoxy Resins Using Three-
Photo: Camlin

bushings,” 64th Int’l. Conf. Capacitance and Analytical

Doble clients, 1997 Models,” Polymers 2020,
[9] L.A. Dissado and J.C. Fothergill, 12(1), 77
“Electrical Degradation and
Transformer Technology October 2021 69

Issue 15

Vice President of Global Marketing

Interview with Francis Fisher at Weidmann Electrical Technology

Francis Fisher &

Photo: Weidmann Electrical Technology

Issue 15
Transformer Technology

& Tom Prevost

October 2021

Vice President of Innovation

and Tom Prevost and R&D for the Americas

Weidmann’s Saint Johnsbury Center in Vermont

Weidmann Electrical Technology is a leading integrated solutions provider

in the energy sector. The company has been at the heart of the global
transformer industry for over 140 years. In this interview, we talked to
Francis Fisher, Vice President of Global Marketing, and Tom Prevost, Vice
President of Innovation and R&D for the Americas.

Photo: Weidmann Electrical Technology

Weidmann headquarters in Rapperswil, Switzerand

Transformer Technology October 2021 73

Issue 15

Alan Ross: Weidmann has a unique perspective Weidmann invented

in the transformer industry, being an energy
solutions leader for almost a century and a half. Transformerboard over 80 years ago
I would like to hear your take on the trend that and through the efforts of people
we are seeing due to a global change taking
place as transformers are aging. There are new like Tom and many before him
installations going up, and we have moved we continued with an innovative
from a step-down system to an inverter-based
system which I call the step-everywhere system. internal culture.
The other interesting thing is the innovation
that Weidmann is working on in the field of A lot of the transformer industry is becoming
transformer cooling. more globalized today. We see it every day, with
requests from our customers to provide global
Francis, tell us about Weidmann and why contracts and supply agreements. I think we are
we know you as the ubiquitous leader in the well positioned. We have a good footprint, and,
electrical insulation market. ultimately, we do our best to produce a reliable,
quality product, so our customers seem to stick
Francis Fisher: Thank you for the introduction, around.
Alan. I think the longevity of Weidmann in
the industry speaks for itself. We invented
Weidmann has 25 locations across
Transformerboard over 80 years ago and
through the efforts of people like Tom and the globe, a mix of production sites,
many before him, we continued with an
diagnostic laboratories and sales
innovative internal culture. Weidmann began
life as a carton producer and eventually offices. We have two key production
recognized that far more could be achieved
plants in the U.S., Mexico, as well as
with this material than basic boxes. From
there we developed a technological process sites in Europe and Asia.
to produce Transformerboard. We took the
material and went further with it through
innovation, creating cylinders, components,
eventually Barrierboards and all the
AR Tom, what is your perspective as
Weidmann’s head of innovation?

technologies within the insulation world that Tom Prevost: When Francis was talking
most transformer manufacturers are very about the history, it really shows our focus on
familiar with today. We also produce thermally innovation. What I think brought Weidmann
upgraded papers, developed a relationship to the forefront of the supply of electrical
with Dupont™ and began producing Nomex® insulation material was the invention of the
Transformerboard for use in electrical pre-compressed Transformerboard around
insulation applications. And still today we 1950. At the time, it really solved an industry
further innovate with our materials, branching problem of load going up. The fault current was
out into other non-electrical fields with our going up considerably and transformers were
Weidmann CSM business and Fiber often failing due to short circuit faults. The pre-
Technology areas. compressed Transformerboard has much higher
density and better compression characteristics,
Apart from being around for a long time, we which solved the industry problem by making
are also known for working closely with our transformers much stronger and able to
customers around the world. Tom and I were withstand the forces from the faults.
talking about the expansion of our global
footprint recently, and we recalled the saying That became the norm. Once Weidmann
“The sun never sets on the British Empire” and patented Transformerboard, other people
wondered if the sun ever sets on Weidmann adopted that technology, and it is the standard
today (laughs). There’s a big gap between for cellulose boards today. That was truly the
Shanghai and the West Coast of the U.S., but we innovation that brought Weidmann to the
are pretty close. We have 25 locations across forefront and the reason they came from
the globe, a mix of production sites, diagnostic Switzerland to the Americas. The technology
laboratories and sales offices. Apart from major was developed and then it was known
production plants here in the U.S. – such as the worldwide.
one in Vermont where Tom is located – and our
paper center of excellence in Ohio, we have a
production site in Mexico, as well as key sites in
Europe and Asia, so we are well covered in the
AR What are some of the innovative
projects that Weidmann is working on
now that you think are going to be the standard
global market. come tomorrow?

TP One of the real hot topics in the

industry right now is the electrification
of the energy sector – everything from vehicles
What brought Weidmann to the
forefront of the supply of electrical
to smart buildings – that is largely driven by the insulation material was the
goal to be green. Renewable resources allow for
much better control of greenhouse emissions, invention of the pre-compressed
but that is going to change the whole grid.
And because transformers are integral to the
Transformerboard. Once it was
movement of electricity across the grid, it is the patented, it became the norm
transformers that are going to see significant
change in the way that they are loaded, and
and it is the standard for cellulose
also how much they are loaded. boards today.

A big effort in the industry right now, which we Renewable resources are going to
at Weidmann are also focusing on, is how you
can take that load and not affect the life of the change the whole grid. And because
transformer, be it the same size transformer transformers are integral to the
or a bigger one. What we are doing is trying
to increase the temperature capability of the movement of electricity across
insulating materials. the grid, they are going to see
significant change in load.
AR Tom, I remember hearing your
presentation at the Weidmann
conference about the unique approach to the consumers. I always want to know about the
insulation material to be able to handle high heat real application in the non-engineer world.
Photo: Weidmann Electrical Technology

generated as the result of increased loads. Sitting A topic Tom and I recently discussed was the
in the audience I thought, That’s brilliant, I need shift from people working in central offices and
them to talk about it. Could you address that? more towards remote home offices or smaller
regional offices. I asked Tom what the impact

FF I think this is a really interesting topic,

not just for transformer operators
or transformer producers, but also for power
is going to be. If EV charging is attached to
residential areas, there is going to be an increase
in load, but predominantly overnight. That is
Transformer Technology October 2021 75

Issue 15

are able to use higher temperature insulating

materials and get the dual rating.

The challenge there is how much more you want

to pay for this dual-rating transformer. We are
currently working with innovation to give the
transformer buyer or the manufacturer more
options. For example, Weidmann makes paper
called INSULutions® DPE (Diamond Pattern
Enhanced), which gives a 10-degree higher
thermal rating than normal paper. With the
10-degree higher rating, the transformer could
be overloaded by 12% and have no loss of life.

You can then change out the typical mineral

oil, and replace it with some of the higher-
temperature fluids, such as natural and synthetic
ester, to get another 10 degrees. That is a bit
more expensive, but it provides another option.
Dupont™ makes a material called Nomex®, which
is now, actually rated at 200 degrees. This allows
not necessarily overloading the transformers a 95-degree temperature rise, 30 degrees higher
or grid – but it will certainly impact the load than normal, and then you can add up to 50%
profile. But what happens when I turn up at a more load. A lot of different options are coming
small regional office with ten colleagues and we out, which we are going to need as the grid evolves.
have come from different parts of the state or It’s difficult to know what your load profile is going
the region all in EVs? Alan, you mentioned the to be, and you would sure want to avoid switching
Weidmann conference, which we usually have transformers as that load profile changes.
at a hotel. What if all the participants plug their
cars in and we run the hotel to death because
of the high-power consumption? That is not an
One of the technologies that we
everyday occurrence, but how do we prepare are looking at in the industry is a
for such days when they do come along? What
do you think, Tom?
dual-rated distribution transformer
with higher thermal ratings at the
TP I think we have a solution (laughs). And
it is not just Weidmann. I think there are
two opposing situations going on in the industry
time of overload due to its high-
temperature insulation. It would
right now. One is that we want to be as efficient
as possible, and that is being driven by the
have lower efficiency, but greater
Department of Energy and efficiency standards. longevity.
But at the same time, we are looking to increase
the load on our system more and more.

When we talk about thermal issues, that is

because heat is an inefficient byproduct of
running current in a transformer; it is a waste.
So, one of the things that we are looking at
in the industry, and there was a presentation
about it at IEEE transformer committee two
meetings ago, is a dual-rated distribution
transformer. The idea is that the transformer
would be sized for the typical load that you
would see, so the efficiency ratings on it would
be at that base loading. There would be the
ability, by using high temperature insulation,
to have a higher thermal rating for those times
that the transformer is overloaded. It would
have lower efficiency, but greater longevity.
If this was done with a normal transformer,
it would last five years and it would have to
be replaced, which is again waste. Here, you

AR Exactly, the world is changing, and

the whole grid is changing. People
are trying to go greener. I would like you to go
Energy consumers in the future
are going to be more energy-
a little bit further ahead. What is Weidmann’s aware, more involved and more
vision for the new engineers just coming out of
college? What kind of a situation in the industry demanding for energy providers.
do you think they are going to be facing in a
decade or two?
FF What we are also seeing today is the
change in consumers of energy. Far more

TP Everything will be electric. I have

always imagined that my grandkids
would drive EVs, that they wouldn’t even have
information is accessible. In the past, people
used to have a lot less insight into how much
energy is generated and consumed. You would
the choice to drive a gas-powered car unless receive your bill at the end of the month and
it’s an antique. The integration of renewables you paid it. Our energy consumers in the future
will be figured out. Our power supply will be at are going to be more environmentally aware,
least 50%, probably 70% powered by renewable and also more demanding for energy providers.
energy. And a lot of that is going to be rooftop There is a requirement for reliability, but also for
solar energy, local power plants, etc. The day power quality. The distribution companies who
of power going in one direction from the operate transformers have to become a lot more
power plants into homes will be gone. There transparent as electricity is becoming much more
will be power going in all directions, and the front and center in our daily life. People are more
load profiles that we have been used to will be aware that energy is a critical part of their lives
Photo: Weidmann Electrical Technology

entirely different. Most of that power is going today. More and more automation is incorporated
to be generated by DC, and I think that we are into households, and that is only going to increase
going to have DC grids. The standards for low- the consumers’ interest in energy consumption,
voltage DC grids are being discussed right now. reliability and quality.
Why bother to convert it back to DC and then
to AC when we can keep it in DC and have a
DC grid? AR Thank you, gentlemen, this was very
Transformer Technology October 2021 77

Issue 15

InsuLogix® HMA


The missing link between Hydrogen & Multi-Gas transformer monitors

World’s first online transformer DGA monitor using highly accurate laser technology

The lowest total cost of ownership of any Acetylene capable online DGA

Prioritize critical gases identify transformer faults

Hydrogen + Acetylene = Maintain or React




ETOS – Bushing


Photo: Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH

Early detection
of high-voltage
bushing failures
Transformer Technology October 2021 79

Issue 15

The requirements for the availability and reliability of power transformers are
constantly increasing – as is the grid load, which can cause critical problems.
17% of transformer failures can be traced back to defective bushings, which are
also the main cause of 50% of transformer fires [Cigré A2.37]. A typical manu-
facturer-specific service life of capacitance-controlled high-voltage bushings is
25–30 years, which is typically less than the service life of transformers. Online
condition monitoring and assessment of bushings is therefore recommended.
Bushing monitoring from Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen (MR) makes it possible
to detect errors in bushings early and derive actions before the transformer is
greatly damaged.

For electrical field grading, high-voltage bushings above a certain voltage level are To optimally prevent this kind of dam-
almost exclusively equipped with capacitive grading layers which are exposed to age, the MSENSE® BM online monitoring
high electrical, thermal and mechanical loads during operation. Bushings can age system and the bushing monitoring
prematurely due to transient overvoltages, increased temperatures, temperature function of ETOS® continuously measure
fluctuations or the ingress of moisture. This can cause partial breakdowns, which condition-related variables directly
can quickly lead to failure of the insulation in the bushing or even serious trans- on oil-impregnated (OIP) or resin-im-
former malfunction. pregnated (RIP) paper bushings, or
resin-­impregnated synthetic bush-
ings (RIS/RIF) in the voltage levels
Bushing monitoring from Um = 66 kV…420 kV (more available on
request). Conti­nuous online condition
Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen monitoring enables early detection of
changes in the insulation condition.
(MR) makes it possible to
detect errors in bushings early
and derive actions before
the transformer is greatly


processing errors FAILURE FAILURE
17% 50%
Ingress of
of all failures of all fires


Several methods for online condition monitoring of bushings have been developed
in recent years. Along with oil analyses and partial-discharge measurements,
the main capacitance (C1) and the dissipation factor (tan δ­) are the two definitive
parameters for determining the insulation condition of high-voltage bushings.
For online monitoring, two facts in particular must be noted. Firstly, a suitable
reference system that functions under field conditions is needed. Secondly, the
dielectric parameters of the bushings are heavily dependent on operating con-
ditions such as temperature. These two factors make it difficult and complex to
monitor an individual bushing online using specific temperature reference curves.

MSENSE® BM and the bushing monitor- this process is that because the algorithm continuously incorporates all three
ing function of ETOS® use an innovative, bushings per field in the mutual monitoring, the temperature dependence on load-
field-tested and patented 2/3 reference ing or weather is eliminated due to the globally patented 2/3 reference method.
method which monitors the condition Furthermore, the signals of the respective voltage transformers are used as the
of the inner capacitance linings for reference for detecting the symmetry of the three-phase system. The measure-
bushing field grading in terms of a ment is checked for validity, and grid asymmetries are effectively equalized and
change in capacitance (C1) and dissi- eliminated. The 2/3 reference method ensures that the influence of temperature
pation factor (tan δ­). The key aspect of and voltage fluctuations on a bushing monitoring system is effectively limited.

MSENSE® BM and the bushing monitoring function of ETOS®

use an innovative, field-tested and patented 2/3 reference
method which monitors the condition of the inner capacitance
linings for bushing field grading in terms of a change in
capacitance (C1) and dissipation factor (tan δ­).

Changes to the capacitance and the

dissipation factor of the bushings are
compared with limit values. Only the
measurement of system-side voltage
transformers is required to determine
the symmetry of the line voltage. Thus,
a reliable and clear evaluation of the
condition of the high-voltage bushings
can be ensured – regardless of grid
asymmetries or voltage fluctuations. If
the bushing values of one phase (C1 or
tan δ­) deviate from the specifications,
the user is alerted via a two-stage li­
mit-value process. This means that
faults in the insulation system can be
effectively detected and the user can
intervene in good time, before a fatal
failure occurs.
Photo: Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH
Transformer Technology October 2021 81

Issue 15

At Slovenian energy provider ELES,

MSENSE® BM and the bushing moni-
toring function of ETOS® essentially MSENSE® BM has been in operation
consist of three or six bushing coupling successfully for about a year on a 600 MVA
units (one for each bushing), three or
six bushing adapters (one for each phase shifter transformer (PST). As part of
bushing) and the evaluation unit. The
bushing adapter accesses the mea- yearly maintenance, the previous monitoring
sured voltage at the test tap of the system was replaced by the new MSENSE®
bushings. The bushing coupling unit
with suitable capacity is responsible for BM bushing monitoring system from MR
adapting the measured voltage and
sends the values to MSENSE® BM or on both PSTs.

All elements have an IP66 degree of protection. Communication takes place in

all common control system standards (e.g. IEC 61850). The modern graphical
display and intuitive user interface support the user and make the system easy
to use.

At Slovenian energy provider ELES, MSENSE® BM has been in operation suc­

cessfully for about a year on a 600 MVA phase shifter transformer (PST). As part
of yearly maintenance, the previous monitoring system was replaced by the new
MSENSE® BM bushing monitoring system from MR on both PSTs.
MSENSE® BM was quickly and easily attached to each of the twelve OIP (oil-im-
pregnated paper) bushings of all phase shifter transformers, and the parame-
ters already stored in the system were individually adjusted as needed. Since
then, electricity has flowed between Slovenia and Italy more reliably than ever.

Aleksander Polajner, Head of the High-Voltage Device Department of ELES,

explains the decision. "Overhauling phase shifter transformers is challenging
and must be carefully planned. These devices control the flow of powerful
electrical loads between two countries, and therefore guarantee the safe,
reliable, interruption-free transfer or exchange of electricity. The service
technicians’ main area of focus during maintenance is the bushings. Bushings
are some of the most important parts of the transformer. Fault-free operation
of these transformers depends greatly on the various weather conditions, which
means that continuous condition monitoring is essential. Because the existing
system had to be replaced, we began looking for a new solution, and we chose
the MSENSE® BM from MR. Our experience in recent years has demonstrated
that MR offers excellent support as well as innovative, reliable and safe
solutions. By deciding to implement the MSENSE® BM monitoring system going
forward, we are already benefiting today from service from a single source."

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH Janusz Szczechowski
Falkensteinstraße 8 Product Manager
93059 Regensburg, Germany [email protected]

Onshore Wind Turbines:

Is Bigger Still Better?
by Paul Korzeniowski

Editor’s Note
One of the things I love about being the Editor and Curator for our Transformer Technology
Community is that I get to meet (albeit Zoom meetings in the era of Covid) and greet some
great folks with a tremendous breadth of knowledge about “all things transformers”. And often,
I come across a new gem that does not fit the normal themed mode.

This article by Paul Korzeniowski is just such an example! It is a researcher’s approach to on-
shore wind turbines, an area of growing importance as we move away from total dependence
on carbon-based energy generation. I am including it in this edition, and while it is not within
the theme guidelines, it is timely and important. Enjoy!
Transformer Technology October 2021 83

Issue 15

Many factors are driving increased Onshore wind energy

energy demands across the
globe. Urbanization is impacting equipment sales
impoverished areas in Africa, Asia, generate billions in
and South America. Concerns about
the environment are growing and revenue globally.
countries are trying to lower carbon Long-term contracts
emissions. As a result, interest in
renewable energy is increasing. In ensure that revenue will
fact, there is a growing chorus that continue to flow in the
Paul Korzeniowski, BCC Research, is a mar- considers climate change the most
ket research analyst and energy industry significant problem the world faces coming years. These
consultant with more than two decades of today. Onshore wind is a much more factors are driving
experience. He is a contributing editor to a environmentally friendly energy
variety of business and industry publications, source than alternatives such as coal, market growth, which
including Energy-Biz, Forbes, Investor’s Busi- oil and natural gas. Consequently, is expected to average
ness Daily and USA Today. His work has cen- wind is expected to become a more
tered on determining major market trends in significant energy contributor in 4.6% through 2025.
the development of new energy markets and coming years. These solutions have
on the emergence of new technologies such been used for decades and are
as wind turbines. He has authored reports on becoming popular energy sources in
markets for emerging technologies, like the many countries. Onshore wind energy
Internet of Things, data analytics, artificial equipment sales generate billions in
intelligence and machine learning. revenue globally. Long-term contracts
ensure that revenue will continue
to flow in the coming years. These
factors are driving market growth,
which is expected to average
4.6% through 2025.

Large new wind turbine devices have The technology first sprouted in 3.0M122 wind turbines for BayWa r.e.
been making their way to market. Europe in areas like Denmark, where and its wind farm Les Landes, located
They offer vendors the opportunity wind power had historical roots. Such in the French department of Haute
to deliver more wind power at lower areas have matured after investments Vienne. The turbines have a tip height
rates. However, the technology by early market developers, Germany of 200 meters.
needed for these devices, and their and the U.K. The U.S. has been
transportation and installation near the front as well with a great
hurdles, means there is limited deal of work taking place in large
The European market
acceptance. The adoption of such energy-producing and energy- has been showing
devices is taking place but should be dependent states, like California and
a slow, steady growth rather than a Texas. Recently, Asia, due mainly to
signs of maturity. With
dramatic surge. investments in China, has become the continent showing
the market bellwether. China has
However, not all of the signs are a number of wind projects that are
low economic growth,
positive. Through the years, vendors coming online and others that are governments have
struggled to build cost-effective working their way into the pipeline.
business models, and the challenges North America, which has been slow
begun to cut back on
are increasing. Delivering these to adopt the technology, also shows their subsidies. As
systems is a significant, complex promise. The European market has
undertaking. Onshore wind solutions slowed down and its outlook is
a result, fewer new
are complicated pieces of machinery cautious during the next few years projects are being
that become more complicated every (Figure 1, Table 1).
day. These systems are difficult to
undertaken, and growth
build, transport, deploy, and maintain. Nordic Countries Spur is mainly coming from
With computer technology evolving at European Growth
a breakneck pace, the onshore wind
expansion to existing
system marketplace is ever changing. Vendors have had success with new farms.
European projects. In November
To date, governments have been 2019, Siemens Gamesa won the Despite headlines, the European
underwriting market development bid to supply the Stavro project, a market has been showing signs of
with various tax breaks and other large onshore wind order in Sweden. maturity. With the continent showing
incentives, but the offsets have Stavro is located in the northern low economic growth, governments
been subject to the whims of part of Sweden, northwest of Umeå, have begun to cut back on their
different political parties. Changes and divided into two sub-sites: subsidies. As a result, fewer new
in regulations in Germany have Blodrotberget, with 40 turbines, and projects are being undertaken,
proven dire for three of industry’s Blackfjället, with 22 turbines, for a and growth is mainly coming from
market leaders: Enercon, Nordex and total installed capacity of 254 MW. expansion to existing farms. Germany
Senvion. They have seen revenue The 62 turbines built, each with a has been a staunch supporter
plummet, sparking various transition 4.1 MW rating, will help power a but dramatically cut back its wind
plans, including selling off their core Google data center with clean energy investment. This change forced
assets. as well as the area’s paper and board vendors to take dramatic actions, like
business. The commissioning of the selling off product lines and reducing
As a result, the onshore wind market wind farm is scheduled for the end of headcount, to remain viable.
is at a key transition point. The 2021 and the project will be covered
market is consolidating. The top by a 30-year service agreement also China Drives Asian Growth
four suppliers account for 69% of delivered by SGRE. To connect to the
the market total. Moving forward, country’s grid connection, Siemens The Asian market grew at high rates
the emphasis is on building bigger Gas and Power will create two in the 2010s. China, which had
turbines. While they do offer greater 150/33 kV sub-sites. been on an unprecedented path of
performance, they are complex and economic growth, began to emerge
expensive to build. Vendors take In December 2019, Vestas was as the world’s second-leading
on that work with no guarantee of awarded a 101 MW order from Puhuri economic engine and the fastest-
success. Any significant missteps Oy, a developer and investor in wind growing one among established
will result in additional consolidation, energy overseeing the Parhalahti and nations. China has the world’s
leaving the top suppliers in even Hankila developments in Northern largest population; it is the third
more dominant positions. Ostrobothnia, Finland. Both projects largest country geographically, with
will use EnVentus V162-5.6 MW abundant natural resources and a
Market Projections turbines with a 166 m hub height rapidly expanding economy. The
and a 25-year full scope service country’s GNP started to increase by
Photo: Shutterstock

The onshore market is showing agreement. double-digit numbers near the turn of
growth, but its development has the millennium. By 2019, the country
come in different global phases. In March 2018, Senvion installed generated $13 trillion in GNP and
Transformer Technology October 2021 85

Issue 15

Region 2019 2020 2025

North America 7.2 7.6 9.3 4.1

Asia 6.9 7.5 10.4 6.8

Europe 7.7 8.0 9.9 4.4

Total 21.8 23.1 29.6 4.6

Table 1. Global market for onshore wind systems, by region, through 2025 ($ Millions)
[Source: BCC Research]



$ Millions




2019 2020 2025
North America Asia Europe

Figure 1. Global market for onshore wind systems, by region, 2019-2025 ($ Millions)
[Source: BCC Research]

became the world’s second-largest tax incentives and other incentives Wind systems generate more power
economy. As successful as the U.S. to encourage the growth of wind in a few ways. One option is to build
was economically in the 20th century, products. When the time period for bigger rotors and blades. As a result,
China is on a more impressive path those items was closing, utilities the turbine capacity increases because
in the 21st century. As a result, and vendors rushed to deliver those it engulfs a bigger area. Placing the
the country has become a major systems. The ongoing back-and-forth blade higher up in the atmosphere also
market force. The changes moved in the trade wars also had a chilling improves performance. There, winds
the country to a prominent market effect on the market. But some blow stronger and more consistently,
position in many markets, including new projects were commissioned, so the system creates more power
onshore wind. nonetheless. during the day.

China has an interesting business The U.S. market has Large turbines are making headway
model. The country opened itself in the market. A number of vendors
up and joined the world as a trading
been slowed by the have showcased their big blade
partner at the turn of the millennium, actions of the federal systems. Goldwind Americas
but it did so in such a way that would deployed its GW 3MW(S) Smart Wind
enable it to maintain control over its
government, which Turbine test unit at the UL Advanced
own markets. Foreign companies are had been offering tax Wind Turbine Test Facility located at
not allowed to come into China by West Texas A&M University at the end
themselves; they had to partner with
incentives and other of 2018. The 3-megawattt turbine has
a Chinese firm, which is to always incentives to encourage an assembled hub height of
maintain the majority position in 130 meters and a blade tip height of
any joint venture. As a result, China
the growth of wind 199.2 meters.
maintains tight control over internal products.
developments. In addition, the In May 2019, Senvion launched its
contract awarding process is done MidAmerican Energy Company chose latest turbine model, the Senvion
by local government officials, which Siemens Gamesa equipment for the 4.2 MW turbine, with two rotor
has resulted in Chinese suppliers Southern Hills Expansion wind power diameters: the Senvion 4.2M140
being in extremely strong positions to project in Iowa, in August 2019. The and 4.2M148.
emerge as the winners in competitive plans include 21 SG 4.5-145 wind
bidding situations. With respect to turbines, operating at 4.8 MW. This
wind energy, the end result is that contract includes a service and
Suppliers are transi-
the Chinese are cultivating their own maintenance agreement for three and tioning their systems
wind turbine suppliers and shutting a half years.
out much of the rest of the world.
from smaller designs
Domestic suppliers such as Envision, In December 2019, Vestas received generating less power
Goldwind, MingYang and SEwind an order for 149 MW of turbines,
command the bulk of the domestic consisting of 12 V110-2.0 MW
to larger systems and
market. A few outsiders have had turbines and 57 V120-2.2 MW more power.
some success. turbines for a wind project in the
U.S. The order includes a multi-year Siemens Gamesa installed 42 4.X
Asia’s Economic Growth service agreement. Turbine delivery systems with 145-meter rotor units
Broadens will begin in the second quarter of creating 4.8 MW of energy in China.
2020 with commissioning scheduled The company will provide operation
Other countries in Asia have also for the fourth quarter of 2020. and maintenance services for five
been gaining economic mass and years at a 200 MW project developed
market appeal. Japan has long In August 2018, Potentia Renewables by utility Xinjiang TBEA Group.
had a strong economic foundation. Inc., a Toronto-based company, opted
Recently, India and South Korea for Goldwind turbines for its windfarm Suppliers are transitioning their sys-
gained momentum and are among project. tems from smaller designs generating
the world’s top ten GNP revenue less power to larger systems and
generators. Taiwan has aggressive Size Matters more power. The bulk of their income
plans in the wind turbine market. The comes from recurring revenue stre-
result of these developments is that Through the years, suppliers have ams with existing long term (multiple
a number of new projects are coming tried to improve returns by moving decade) contracts. The newer, larger
online in this region. toward larger turbines and bigger systems will come online in the next
rotors. In the 1980s, turbines few years and account for larger
Interest Increases in the U.S. produced less than 0.1 megawatts. slices of the overall market. The
Today’s systems supply multiple market now falls into three categories
Photo: Shutterstock

The U.S. market has been slowed megawatts. The movement is designated by turbine size: 90 meters
by the actions of the federal driven by the desire for lower energy and lower; 91 to 124 meters; and 125
government, which had been offering generation costs. and up (Table 2).
Transformer Technology October 2021 87

Issue 15

Size 2019 2020 2025

90 meters and less 9.1 8.8 8.3 (1.2)

91 to 124 meters 8.8 9.7 12.1 4.5

125 meters and up 3.9 4.6 9.2 14.9

Total 21.8 23.1 29.6 4.6

Table 2. Global Market for Onshore Wind Systems, by Size, Through 2025 ($ Billions)
[Source: BCC Research]

Market Challenges after its braking system failed and it Given the complexity of the systems,
spun out of control. Vendors only fully the investments needed to develop
Progress has been slow and steady understand all of the potential impact such products have been significant,
rather than dramatic for a variety after studying devices that have been costing hundreds of millions of
of reasons. The increases in energy in the field for a while. Consequently, dollars to design and deliver.
generation can be offset by higher designs constantly morph. When making such investments,
expenses stemming from working conglomerates look for double digit
with the more sophisticated In addition, the increased size makes it returns. A transition point is occurring
equipment. The larger sizes stress difficult to transport the different parts as many of the early wind turbines
system design and materials. As to project sites. Special equipment is are ending their lifespans and seeing
more force is exerted against the needed to carry, secure and configure contraction. Vendors are rolling out
system, its elements bend, flex and the devices, and the fact that farms larger systems, and they will account
in some cases even break. In 2008, are often located in remote regions for a larger share of the market
one system crashed into the tower exacerbates such issues. moving forward.

Photo: Shutterstock

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Transformer Technology October 2021 89

Issue 15

Power Transformers
Evolving, Remaining the Same
by Paul Pillitteri

The basic concept of power transformer

design has not changed in the
last 130 years. Design details and
manufacturing concepts are changing
based on two factors:

+ The environment factor, which has

influenced the use of new insulating
materials and Distributed Energy
Resources (DERs), and
+ Economics, which will constantly
be a factor in our competitive
deregulated marketplace.

An abbreviated version of this paper

was written and published about
18 years ago providing insight in the
transformer industry of the day [1].
The unabbreviated paper that follows
also provides recommendations for
design, monitoring and maintenance,
which remain valid in today’s industry.

Paul Pillitteri has been in the medium and

large power transformer industry for 50 plus
years. He has worked for three leading trans-
former manufactures prior to becoming a
transformer consultant for the last 20 years.
His experience covers most areas of power
transformers including design, manufacturing,
testing, repair/refurbishment, field service,
and facility operations manager.
Photo: Shutterstock
Transformer Technology October 2021 91

Issue 15

A transformer that is properly

specified, manufactured, tested and
installed should require minimal
maintenance throughout its lifetime.
The aim of any maintenance program
should be to prevent unplanned
outages and to extend the life of the
transformer. The most important
factor in extending the life of power
The single most transformers is maintaining the
integrity of the oil/insulation system.
important factor in the The different types of transformer
preservation systems are the main
life of the transformer accessory item responsible for
is the condition of the maintaining this integrity, but quite
often the least considered and most
insulation system. neglected. This paper will briefly
discuss the following items as applied
to small, medium and large power

+ The life cycle of a transformer

and its dependence on the oil/
insulation system and economic
+ The application and maintenance
of the four basic types of
transformer preservation systems
used on small, medium and large
power transformers
+ A pro-active diagnostic
maintenance plan
+ A re-active diagnostic maintenance
plan using an event-action item

Basic transformer design technology

is over one hundred years old.
During these 100 years, transformer
technology has advanced and
continues to advance but the basic
concepts of design, application and
protection are essentially the same.
R&D concentration for the last fifty
years was limited to new materials
and manufacturing processes and
in the last quarter century, condition
monitoring and diagnostics have
taken precedence. The transformer
technology evolution is dependent
upon and restricted by one basic
fact – economics or Asset

A CIGRE article published in April

2003 [2] provides a model of the
three Es of the past, present and
future (Figure 1). This general
model is a good example of the
factors that determine technological
advancements or stagnation within
the power transformer industry.

Economics will never be at the bottom or abbreviated operational life. life cycles requires considerable
of the totem pole model, as long as Quality manufacturers of medium human and economic resources.
competitive or deregulated markets and large power transformers When the necessary resources are
prevail. Unless major technological have large capital equipment and utilized by both the end users and
advances are made in transformer human resources costs tied up manufacturers, the results can be no
design and/or manufacturing, in the processes necessary to unplanned outages and large power
economics will remain at the top of provide an oil/insulation system of transformers with an average life
the totem pole for the foreseeable the highest possible integrity. The span of 30 to 60 years or beyond.
future. So, what is the best plan to processes of shipment, receiving,
obtain a quality transformer at a storage, installation, operation and When the necessary resources are
competitive price that will require maintenance should be equally applied at the specification cycle
minimal maintenance throughout its important in maintaining the integrity through the operations cycle,
life cycle? This depends on the cycles of the oil/insulation structure. While maintenance becomes the least
in the life of a transformer. these events cannot be totally important and most economic cycle.

Figure 1.
The three Es
Engineering Economics Environment
of the past,
the present
and the
future [2]

Economics Environment Economics

Environment Engineering Engineering

Past Present Future

The Life Cycles of a ignored, the driving factors that Presently, economics remains the
Transformer minimize the importance of stages dominant factor in purchasing
4 to 9 are lack of knowledge, lack new transformers or maintaining
The life cycle of a transformer can of standards and ultimately, the transformers in use. Available
be viewed as nine major events that economics. resources should be focused on
determine the ultimate quality and areas that will do the most to prevent
operational longevity of a power Consideration of all aspects unplanned outages and transformer
transformer [3]. The events in the within each of the transformer failures.
order of sequence are shown in
Figure 2.

Most end users consider the speci-

fication and manufacturing as the
Quite often the specification,
most critical stages in obtaining manufacturing and testing of the
a quality transformer. In many
instances the specification, manu- transformer are thought to be the only
facturing and testing of the trans-
former are thought to be the only
critical cycles in obtaining a quality
critical cycles in obtaining a quality product. Experience has shown that
product. This misconception is quite
often held by both the transformer this misconception often results in new
end users and manufacturers. transformers failing upon energization,
Experience has shown that this unplanned outages or abbreviated
misconception all too often results
in new transformer failures upon operational life.
energization, unplanned outages
Transformer Technology October 2021 93

Issue 15

The single most important factor tank/cover assembly and the gas Benefits:
in the life of the transformer is the plus the oil volume remains constant
condition of the insulation system. over a temperature range. Initial + A practical and efficient application
This statement is emphasized in shipment from the manufacturer for small power transformers
many different forms by all power and/or prior to energizing in the field, that do not experience extreme
transformer manufacturers. With this the transformer gas space is normally temperature fluctuations. It is
in mind, resources may be focused in purged with an inert gas such as dry recommended that sealed-tank
the following two areas for both new nitrogen and sealed with a positive systems be limited to transformers
transformers and transformers in use: dry gas pressure. The sealed-tank with maximum voltage levels of
system is normally designed with 35,000 volts.
+ Application and maintenance of the sufficient gas space to accommodate + Economical for the manufacturer
transformer preservation system the expansion and contraction of and end user, both from the
+ An economic diagnostic he oil due to thermal cycling with application (size) and maintenance
maintenance plan varying loads. standpoint

Figure 2.
life cycle
1. Specification 6. Storage 7. Installation events


+ DBPC oil inhibitor should be

2. Manufacturing 5. Receiving 8. Operation
specified and maintained at 0.15%
to 0.30% by total weight of oil.
DO NOT exceed 0.34% DBPC by
weight of oil.
+ Sealed-tank systems may
3. Testing 4. Shipment 9. Maintenance frequently operate in an energized
or deenergized state while
having a negative pressure
(partial vacuum) above the oil
level. When the transformer is
energized or de-energized and has
Application and Maintenance Various accessory items may be a negative pressure head above
of Transformer Preservation provided on the external tank wall the oil level, DO NOT obtain an
Systems gas space as a regulating device oil sample from the transformer.
to protect the tank structure from It is recommended to place
Medium and large power transformers excessive positive or negative the following warning labels at
have four basic types of transformer pressure and to regulate the positive/ all oil valves on all sealed-tank
oil/insulation preservation systems. negative pressure within a designated transformers:
There are many variations of the range. The most common device
four systems described in this paper, is a pressure-vacuum bleeder, with W a r n i n g – Never open the trans-
based on differences in manufacturer sampling valve, normally preset at the former oil sampling valve if there
designs or end user field factory based on the manufacturer’s is a vacuum on the transformer
modifications. The intent of this paper standard design or the customer’s tank. Check the pressure-vacuum
is to supply the basics for application, specification. Transformer users gauge on the oil preservation
clarify possible misconceptions and should be fully aware that the sealed- system to be certain there is a
provide quality pointers to avoid tank system cannot assure that the positive pressure reading. If you
operational problems. To the best of tank will not systematically breathe open the sampling valve when
my knowledge, there are no domestic (take in atmosphere) or system- there is a vacuum on the tank,
or international standards for the atically expel gases contained in the air bubbles may be drawn into
application or design of transformer transformer gas space. This can and the transformer. Air bubbles may
preservation systems. The four basis will occur due to changes in ambient cause an insulation failure
systems are as follows. temperatures in combination with and result in equipment damage,
load or absence of load. A common severe personal injury or death.
1. Sealed-Tank System misconception is that the sealed-
tank system will prohibit oxygen and + With the transformer de-energized,
The sealed-tank system is one in moisture from being absorbed into all welds and gasketed joints above
which the oil/insulation system is the oil/insulation system. In many the transformer oil level should be
sealed from the atmosphere by the circumstances, it will not. periodically checked for gas leaks.

2. Inert Gas-Pressure System + Do not use teflon sealing tape of nitrogen (inert gas) from the oil.
on gas pressurized fittings. This should be accomplished with
The inert gas-pressure system Excess teflon can be torn away as gradual temperature increases
is one in which the interior of the and will clog the small orifices in during startup as possible and
main transformer tank is sealed the system. This will disable the as gradual temperature declines
from the atmosphere, over the system. during shutdown as possible.
temperature range specified, by + Never use SF6 gas in a transformer Transformers with pumps (forced
means of a positive pressure of inert gas blanketed system. SF6 gas is oil) must also consider the potential
gas maintained from a separate three to four times more soluble in of static charge buildup if oil
inert gas source and reducing transformer oil than either nitrogen circulation becomes excessive
valve system. The inert gas most or air. SF6 gas has an extremely at lower temperatures during the
commonly used is dry nitrogen. Gas high probability of producing gas startup or shutdown procedure.
blanketed transformers which are bubble evolution in transformer oil. Because of the potential for gas
properly maintained will eliminate In addition, SF6 in the presence of bubble evolution in gas pressure

the possibility of atmosphere being arcing and corona discharges will systems, I would not recommend
drawn into the transformer tank. produce corrosive by-products. inert gas-pressure systems on
Because of this and the overall + Argon gas is sometimes used in transformers with a voltage higher
physical size of an inert gas-pressure gas blanketed systems. I would than 138,000 volts.
system, many utilities prefer this NOT recommend argon in place + Inert gas-pressure systems
system for small and medium power of dry nitrogen. Nitrogen is that malfunction can cause the
transformers. more common and abundantly transformer gas space to have
produced. In addition, most negative pressure. I recommend
Recommendations: dissolved gas analysis (DGA) will that gas pressure systems have
indicate argon as being oxygen warning labels at all oil valves as
+ It is important for systems that unless the testing laboratory is follows:
apply constant gas pressure to told to check for argon.
the transformer to have scheduled + Transformers with a constant gas Warning – Never open the trans-
periodic maintenance. All seals pressure on the oil surface (inert former oil sampling valve if there is
in the transformer gas space and gas-pressure system) are more a vacuum on the transformer tank.
in the preservation system must susceptible to gas bubble evolution Check the pressure-vacuum gauge
be maintained for the system to and failures during startup and on the oil preservation system to be
function properly. In addition to the shutdown. A startup and shutdown certain there is a positive pressure
many seals in the transformer gas procedure using manual or modified reading. If you open the sampling
space, there are numerous seals automatic cooling controls should valve when there is a vacuum on
within the common gas-pressure be in place for all inert gas-pressure the tank, air bubbles may be drawn
systems such as pressure transformers. The object of the into the transformer. Air bubbles
Photo: Shutterstock

regulator fittings, valve fittings, procedure should be to circulate may cause an insulation failure and
piping connections, and gas bottle the oil past the interface with the result in equipment damage, severe
connections. gas blanket to speed the release personal injury or death.
Transformer Technology October 2021 95

Issue 15

3. Conservator System for determining proper oil levels to be sure that this system is the best
based on oil temperature. fit for their environmental, maintenance
The conservator system is one in + DBPC oil inhibitor should be and asset management plans.
which a separate oil expansion tank specified and maintained at 0.15%
allows the main transformer tank to to 0.30% by total weight of oil. DO Recommendations:
remain full of oil despite expansion or NOT exceed 0.34% DBPC by weight
contraction of the oil with temperature of oil. + Many conservator-diaphragm
changes. The expansion tank also + A dehydrating breather should expansion tanks are not braced
reduces the rate of oxidation of the oil, be used rather than an open-air for full vacuum although the main
primarily because less oil surface is breather. transformer tank may be good
exposed to the air and because of the + A variation of the conservator for full vacuum. Always follow
reduced temperature of the oil that expansion tank is known as the the manufactures instructions for
is exposed to air. In most cases the gas-oil seal expansion tank. The filling the main transformer tank
expansion tank is mounted on the LV gas-oil seal expansion tank is and the conservator-diaphragm
side of the transformer tank, above an enlarged expansion tank with tank. In addition, DO NOT pull
the level of the transformer cover. a constant positive inert gas vacuum on a conservator-
pressure above the oil level in the diaphragm tank specified good for
Common accessories that may expansion tank. I recommend a full vacuum unless the conservator
be provided with the conservator conservator-diaphragm system diaphragm and all accessories
expansion tank assembly are as rather than the gas-oil seal with diaphragms, such as gas
follows: expansion tank for all transformers detectors, are totally isolated from
with voltages above 138,000 volts. the negative pressure (vacuum).
+ The pipe between the expansion + Some older transformers and
tank and transformer tank may 4. Conservator-Diaphragm System possible new transformers are
utilize a trap (with drain plug) which designed such that the minimum oil
retards the oil circulation between As defined by ANSI/IEEE C57.12.80 [4], level in the conservator-diaphragm
tanks and permits the draining of the conservator-diaphragm system is tank is physically located below
condensation that may collect in one “in which the oil in the main tank the top of the main transformer
the pipe. is completely sealed from the outside tank. When this occurs, a negative
+ A relief device mounted on the atmosphere, and is connected to an pressure can develop in the top of
transformer cover with an elevation elastic diaphragm tank contained the main transformer cover and
such that the relief device is above inside a tank mounted at the top of all associated fittings/parts that
the maximum oil level in the the transformer. As the oil expands would normally contain oil. When
expansion tank. and contracts within a specified this occurs, it is very common
+ Oil level indicator, oil sampling temperature range the system for gas accumulator relays to
valve, and a handhole. remains completely sealed with an alarm due to the accumulation of
+ Gas accumulator device mounted approximately constant pressure.” atmosphere breathed in through
in the piping between the expansion Contact between the oil and the fittings, gaskets or weld leaks on
tank and transformer. atmosphere is prohibited by the the top of the transformer cover.
+ Open air breather or a dehydrating elastic diaphragm tank (air cell) in the The minimum oil level in the
breather. A dehydrating breather is expansion reservoir. conservator-bladder tank should
recommended. always be located above the
More so than any of the previous highest oil filled accessory located
Recommendations: preservation systems listed in this on the transformer cover. This
paper, in theory and practice this does not include self-contained oil
+ Many expansion tanks are not system can assure that gases and accessories such as HV or
braced for full vacuum although moisture from the atmosphere will LV bushings.
the main transformer tank may be not come in direct contact with the + Conservator-diaphragm tanks may
good for full vacuum. Always follow transformer oil/insulation system. be supplied with free breathers
the manufactures instructions for All skeptics should note the word or a filter/dehydrating breather.
filling the main transformer tank “direct” in the last statement as being It is recommended to use a filter/
and the conservator tank. a form of disclaimer. dehydrating breather to protect the
+ Large power transformers diaphragm material from air borne
are often initially installed or Conservator-diaphragm systems all pollutants and moisture.
maintained by a hot oil circulation operate on the same principles but + Conservator-diaphragm systems
process. A common field mistake vary in name and mechanical aspects should have a gas-detector relay
is to fill the transformer or its from one supplier to another. While mounted on the transformer cover.
expansion tank to the “normal” the conservator-diaphragm system It is also recommended that a
or 25°C level even if the hot oil is is possibly the best system to extend gas/oil-flow detector be provided
at 80 to 90°C. This will present the operational life of large power in the piping connection between
future problems. Manufacturer’s transformers, individual end-users the transformer main tank and the
instructions should be adhered to should start at the specification stage conservator tank.

+ DBPC oil inhibitor may be used

to retard oxygen absorbed during
maintenance outages requiring
In practice, present day transformer
opening of tank seals. DBPC oil maintenance procedures are a combination
inhibitors should not be used to
forgo the maintenance required to of pro-active diagnostics and re-active
maintain the transformer seals and
the integrity of the conservator-
diaphragm system.
+ The conservator diaphragm may
be made from synthetic rubber
or other elastic materials. The I believe that there are only two basic two elements. First, determine the
diaphragm (air cell) is often types or categories of transformer criterion (genetic signatures) to be
damaged during transportation, maintenance: Pro-active and used to monitor the operational
field installation or during Re-active. In practice, present day integrity. Second, determine a
maintenance operations. It is transformer maintenance procedures schedule for periodic re-testing
not uncommon to weld on the are a combination of pro-active or monitoring of the chosen
surface of the conservator tank diagnostics combined with re-active criterion. The schedule for re-testing,
during the initial field installation or maintenance. This combination can monitoring and/or possible
during a maintenance outage. All be reliable and economical only if maintenance should be based on
diaphragm material should have the necessary diagnostic skills are the end user’s asset management
sufficient clearance or be insulated available and the re-active procedures plan and the available diagnostic
from the tank weld area so as not are applied properly and timely [6]. criterion.
to be damaged by the welding.
+ Final oil filling of transformers The following diagnostic maintenance Transformers with identical name-
with conservator-diaphragm plans are an attempt to provide a plate ratings but from different
systems often requires a heated oil general pro-active and re-active manufacturers can have large varia-
circulation process. Manufacturers plan. The intent of both plans is to tions in their “genetic signature(s)”.
instructions for filling the have or obtain a “genetic signature” These differences occur due to
conservator tank based on oil of the transformer. The “genetic design, materials, factory processes
temperature should be adhered to. signature” being the initial diagnostic and procedures. Initial diagnostic
test values from which to determine testing to obtain the “genetic
An Economic Diagnostic the future operational integrity of the signature” should begin at the initial
Maintenance Plan transformer. Once again, these plans field installation. These test results
or any diagnostic maintenance plan can then be compared to factory test
The old cliché “beauty is in the eye cannot succeed without the proper results. An aged “genetic signature”
of the beholder” can very practically diagnostic skills and proper/timely can be obtained at any point during
be applied to “Economics is in maintenance procedures. the operational life of the transformer
the eye of the beholder”. In pre- if there were no previous diagnostic
deregulation days, many utilities A Pro-Active Diagnostic tests available. This will make the
had top executives and managers Maintenance Plan evaluation process more difficult.
with engineering backgrounds. Complete “genetic signature” testing
Today, top managers have financial For any diagnostic maintenance plan requires both de-energized and
backgrounds. In plain English, in a to be pro-active it should contain energized tests as follows.
deregulated market, operations are
expected to run at maximum capacity
and minimum maintenance [5].

Prior to deregulation, the most com- In pre-deregulation days, many

mon term applied to transformer
maintenance programs was utilities had top executives and managers
Preventative or Scheduled Mainten-
ance. With the advent of deregulation
with engineering backgrounds. Today, top
within the power industry, many managers have financial backgrounds.
different names have been applied to
transformer maintenance. Examples In other words, in a deregulated
are Reliability Centered Maintenance
(RCM), Condition Based Maintenance
market, operations are expected to run
(CBM), Predictive Maintenance, at maximum capacity and minimum
Condition Monitoring Maintenance
(CMM), Computerized Maintenance maintenance.
Management System (CMMS).
Transformer Technology October 2021 97

Issue 15

De-energized oil-filled transformer

testing (genetic signatures)

+ Ratio tests (TTR) on all windings

and all tap positions
+ Insulation power factor
+ Single phase exciting current
+ Insulation resistance test from
each winding to ground and to the
other windings
+ Measure the core resistance to
+ Power factor and capacitance tests
on all condenser bushings
+ Sample oil for both an oil screen
test and dissolved gas analysis
Photo: Shutterstock

Energized transformer testing and/or maintenance are NOT step-up transformer rated
includes: scheduled based on a preset pre- OA/FOA/FOA by old standards
ventative maintenance plan. Planned or ONAN/ODAF/ODAF by new
+ After the transformer is energized outages or unplanned outages are standards. End users should
and carrying load for a minimum based on events in combination with determine events and action items
of 24 hours, do a complete infrared on-line diagnostic tests, data collection based on the following:
scan. A complete infrared scan and on-line monitoring if applicable.
should include all wall surfaces 1. type of their transformer
including the cover, all external The event-action item matrix that 2. system requirements
bushings, external bushing follows is for a typical generator 3. asset management plans
connections, all individual coolers,
transition compartments, load tap
changer compartment, control
cabinet, power supply connections
Transformer Action Requirements
and all other accessory devices.
A log of infrascan results should
include percent of load and Event
ambient temperature at the time
of the infrared scan. This infrared Visual Internal Infrared
thermography scan should be Date % Load
inspection inspection scan
preformed at minimum once per
+ After the transformer is energized
and carrying load for a minimum Visual inspection DR DR DR NA DR
of 24 hours, take an oil sample
for dissolved gas analysis
(DGA). Recommend that DGA be Overload DR DR DIN DIN DR
performed at a minimum of twice
per year. More frequent DGA tests
may be required dependent upon Overvoltage DR DR DIN DIN DIN
the type of gases being generated
and/or their rates of acceleration.
+ A visual inspection should be made Through-fault DR DR DR DIN DIN
at least twice a year. Inspection
should include checks on all the
following: Environmental DR DR DR DIN DIN

1. Oil and/or gas leaks at all

transformer seals, auxiliary Transformer trip DR DR DR DIN NA
tanks, LTC compartments,
individual coolers and weld
seams Transformer alarm DR DR DIN DIN DIN
2. Transformer preservation
3. Oil level in the main Loss of control power DR DR DR DIN DR
tank, auxiliary tanks, LTC
compartment, and bushings
4. All control cabinets
Pump problem DR DR DR DIN DIN

A Re-Active Diagnostic
Maintenance Plan Bushing problem DR DR DR DIN DIN

A re-active diagnostic plan should

begin with establishing the same
Bus duct problem DR DR DR NA DR
“genetic signatures” that are used in
the pro-active plan. The basis for all
future actions taken will partially rely
Before maintenance DR DR DR DIN DIN
on the data (“genetic signatures”)
obtained from both the de-energized
transformer testing and the energized
transformer testing. The difference After maintenance DR DR DR NA DR
is that future outages for testing
Transformer Technology October 2021 99

Issue 15

Conclusion are very important for any re-active maintenance for critical equipment
maintenance plan. Monitoring rather than a re-active maintenance
A realistic maintenance plan begins at equipment applied at the design stage plan. The partially deregulated power
the specification stage. A successful will be more reliable due to pre-designed industry and the end user markets for
plan will combine operational objectives locations, application and testing on electrical power do not lend themselves
with human resources, equipment the transformer prior to shipment. to preventative maintenance or pre-
environment, and asset management scheduled outages. The majority of
objectives. Considerations for the The majority of engineers responsible power transformers presently and
addition of optional on-line monitoring for design, operations or maintenance in the future will combine pro-active
equipment at the specification stage functions prefer scheduled preventative diagnostics with re-active maintenance.

Table 1.
A re-active

Cooling DR = Data Required

status Particle Degree of On-Line DIN = Determine if Necessary
and all DGA Oil screen and metal polymeri- PD and NA = Not Applicable
temperature analysis zation vibration DGA = Dissolved gas analysis
Note: Events and Transformer Action
Requirements should be determined
by the type of transformer, system
DR DR DR DIN NA DR requirements, system anomalies and
the asset management plan.



DR DR DIN DIN DIN DR [1] P.J. Pillitteri, "Back to
Transformer Basics –
Economic Diagnostic
DR DR DIN DIN DIN DR Maintenance," Proceedings of
the IEEE SoutheastCon 2006,
Memphis, TN, USA, 2006, pp.
2003, Joint Advisory Group
DR DR DIN DIN DIN DR SC15/D1-TF03, “Emerging
Technologies and material
[3] Paul Pillitteri, “Life Cycle of
a Transformer,” VA Tech Elin
USA, J.W. Harley Monitoring
Conference 1997
[4] ANSI/IEEE C57.12.80,
Terminology for Power and
Distribution Transformers
[5] PowerMarketers, The Power
Report, “Blackout Reignites
Deregulation Debate”, Akron
Beacon Journal, Ohio, August
24, 2003
[6] Terry Krieg, “Transformer
monitoring: Key to cost-
effective asset management,”
Electrical World, March/April

Oils & Fluids

One of the biggest and most read, downloaded and

archived issues we do every year is our Oils & Fluids
edition, which is coming in December.

While we already have a great lineup of articles, inter-

views, and information planned, there is still room for
new authors and articles. If you have something you
believe would advance the Body of Knowledge for our
TT Community, then please send your Title and Brief
Description to my email.

The full theme is Transformer Lifeblood: Oils & Fluids,

so be creative and be imaginative. You never know,
you might become one of our frequent contributors.
Thank you.
Alan Ross
Community Moderator and Editor in Chief
Photo: Shutterstock
Transformer Technology October 2021 101

Issue 15


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