Belle Side Music
Belle Side Music
Belle Side Music
Show Description:
This live musical extravaganza uses elaborate props, extravagant costumes, colorful production
numbers and dramatic special effects to tell the mesmerizing, fairy tale love story of Belle and
the Beast.
Character Description:
Belle- A classic and well-loved Disney character, is a pretty, intelligent, self-educated dreamer.
Bored by the commonplace manner in which she lives, she longs for the idealized, exciting lives
she reads about in books.
Of all the Disney heroines, she is possibly the most empathetic, well-rounded and liberated.
(Belle is reading a book, consumed in her own thoughts, when she sees the audience) Oh my!
What a nice surprise. I am so pleased to see all of you today. And, of all places, right here in my
You see, this is one of my favorite spots to get away from everything and just fly away on my
imagination. Do you what one of my favorite ways to do that is? (she indicates the book she is
holding, and solicits audience reaction) That’s right! I love to read. Doesn’t everybody?
When you are reading a story you can pretend to be so many things- (dramatically acting each
image out) A damsel in distress, or a knight in shining armor, or, instead of just plain old Belle, I
could be “Belle, Queen of the Pirates”! (giggling) Or maybe not.
Say, I have an idea! Why don’t we all share a story! I mean, if that’s all right with you… (solicit
audience reaction) Wonderful! And I know just the story we can share- My story!
This material, and all concepts, ideas and information contained herein, are confidential and are the property of the Walt Disney Company. This material,
including the concepts, ideas and information contained herein, shall not be published, broadcast, reproduced, disseminate, disclosed or used in any form or by
any means, in whole or in part, without prior express written permission of the Walt Disney Company. All rights reserved. ©Disney.
Revised 3/3/2008
Belle Medley
Belle - Beauty and the Beast
h »¡™º C œ >œ
œœ # œœœ
&C Œ œœ # œœœ
Œ Œ œ Œ Œ œ œ Œ Œ
f œ œ ß
?C œ Œ Œ œ Œ Œ Œ Ó Ó Œ
œ œ œ œ
& Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙
F There goes the bak - er with his tray like al - ways,
C2 G C G C G
& Œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ ˙˙ ˙˙ ˙˙ ˙˙
? œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ
˙ œ œ
& Œ œ œ œ Œ Ó Œ œ œ bœ œ œ œ Œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ ˙. ˙
E b2 C/B b B b
the same old bread and rolls to sell. Ev 'ry morning just the same since the
# œœ œœ
œ œ œ œ b œœœ œ œœ œ
Am2 G/B C D/C D D/C C F
& Œ œ œ œœ œœ œ œœ œ œ # œœ œœ Œ Œ œ œœ b œœ œ œ
œ œ
? œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ Œ Ó Œ Œ Œ b œœ œœ Œ
œ œ bœ œ
This material, and all concepts, ideas and information contained herein, are confidential and are the property of the Walt Disney Company.
This material, including the concepts, ideas and information contained herein, shall not be published, broadcast, reproduced, disseminate, disclosed
or used in any form or by any means, in whole or in part, without prior express written permission of the Walt Disney Company. All rights reserved.
© Disney
"Belle Medley"--Disney Auditions--2
& bœ œ œ bœ b˙ Œœ œ œ bœ œ œ bœ Œ Ó ∑ ∑
D b2 Eb B b/A b A b A b M7
morn ing that we came to this poor pro vin cial town.
F m9 G m7 G7 C (to one staff)
& b b œœœ œ œœ b œ b œ œ œ œ œ œ b œ œ œ b œ œ œ ˙˙ .. œœ
bœ bœ bœ bœ œ œ œ ˙ ˙
? Œ Œ Œ b b œœ œœ Œ œœ Œ œœ Œ b b œœ Œ œœ Œ w Œ Œ
bœ bœ ˙
F F M7 F6 F E m7
&w w ˙ œ œ œ w w
Oh, is - n't this a - maz - - ing!
& ˙ œ œ ˙ ˙ w ˙
w w ˙
27 It's my fav - 'rite part be - - - cause you'll
B b/C C B b/C C F F M7 F6
& w w w w w w ˙ œ œ
33 see. Here's where she
& ˙ œ ˙.
G9 E m7 G/A A9 C/D
w w ˙ œ œ œ ˙ ˙
meets Prince Charm - ing but she won't dis - cov - er
E b M7
D9 F7
˙. Œ
(to split staves)
& ˙ ˙ œ ˙ ˙ w w w ˙.
46 rit.
that it's him 'til chap - ter three.
"Belle Medley"--Disney Auditions--3
bb (slower)
& Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ Œ
˙ ˙ œ œ œ
Bb Bb 6 F 7/B b Bb6 F 7/B b
bb ˙˙˙˙
I want ad - ven - ture in the great wide some - where! I want it
b b Ó Œ œ œ
& œ . œj œ œ w bœ œ œ œ ˙. œ œ
Bb C/B b B b Db Eb A b2
more than I can tell! And for once it might be grand to have
b œœ œ
b n œœ ˙˙ œ œœ œœ œœ Œ œ Œ ˙˙˙ ...
F/A (in four)
&b Ó ˙˙ œ œ ˙ œ
? bb ˙
colla voce
Œ œœ Œ Œ
b b œœ
˙ ˙ w w .
b ˙˙ .
58 ˙ ˙ w w
, U
& bb bœ œ œ bœ Œ œ bœ
b˙ œ œ œ œ bœ œ ˙
Cb Db G b2 E b m9 G b M7
some - one un - der - stand. I want so much more than they've got planned.
b b œœ Œ b œœ Œ œ Œ b œœ
b b ˙˙˙ bœ ˙˙˙
F m7
& b Ó bœ Œ œ Œ
b U
& b b œ Œ b b œœ Œ Ó Œ Œ Œ ˙
bœ œœ œœ œ
63 ˙