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A drug is a chemical substance that alters / changes the normal function of the body
A chemical substance that creates physical, mental, emotional or behavioral change in the user.
Any substance taken in from an external source to affect or modify chemical reactions in the body.

Why Use Drugs?

Relief pain
Give excessive energy
To get pleasure / euphoria (ecstasy)
To improve performancess
To cure diseases

The use of drugs can be categorized into two

Non –medicinal purpose

Medicinal purpose

Non – Medicinal Drugs


Medicinal Drugs
Antibiotics – drugs that cure bacterial diseases. These are obtained from other organisms e.g. penicillin

Anti-acids – these are drugs taken to neutralize excess stomach acid.

Painkillers – these are drugs taken to alleviate pain or suppress the parts of the brain that sense pain; e.g. aspirin,

Sedatives – these are drugs used to calm down a person, or suppress their emotions (tranquilizers)

Drug Dependence
Frequent use of a drug causes the body to develop resistance to the effect of the drug. This leads to the use of increased
dosages of the drug to get the same effect. Eventually this leads to drug dependence – inability of the body systems to
function normally without the drug

Emotional Dependence
The user is emotionally attached to the drug & develops a craving for the drug whenever it is taken. Withdrawal
symptoms are not physical but normally emotional. E.g. loss of temper, headaches and nausea.
Drugs that cause emotional dependence include nicotine

Physical Dependence
The user develops physical withdrawal symptoms when the drug is withdrawn. This from of dependence is called
Addiction and the withdrawal symptoms include; violent shaking, hallucinations, nausea, headaches.
Drugs that leads to this condition include; cocaine, heroine etc

Drug Abuse
Mostly this is done with drugs that affect the nervous system, mainly the brain.

These are drugs that speed up the reactions of the nervous system & make the user more alert, e.g. nicotine, caffeine,
cocaine, amphetamines.

Depressants / Sedative
They slow down the reactions of the nervous system & the brain and cause one to become sleepy. They suppress the brain
& cause relief from emotional tension & anxiety e.g. alcohol, valium etc.

These are drugs that make one to hear, feel or see things that do not really exist e.g. cannabis (marijuana), LSD, inhalants
like glue.

Alcohol is one of the most abused drugs. It a depressant, i.e. it slows down brain activity & lowers blood pressure. It slows
down brain activity & lowers blood pressure. It slows down transmission of nerve impulses thereby;
Increasing reaction time.
Affects coordination of all senses e.g. sight (double vision), feeling (false sensation of warmth due to dilation of
arteries below skin).
Inability to perform activities requiring skill, e.g. writing

Alcohol destroys the liver on a long term basis & result in a disease called Liver Cirrhosis. Then the liver will no longer
detoxify, deaminate & balance blood glucose. This leads to death. It also affects the kidneys.

Social Implications
Impoverish families because a lot of money is used to buy alcohol.
Loss of social dignity

Allergic Reactions
An allergic reaction is an unusual reaction to any substance. A substance that causes an allergic reaction is called an
allergen. Example allergens are drugs, food, dust particles, pollen grains.

Symptoms of Allergic Reactions

Running nose
Breathing difficulties
Oedema (unexplained swellings)

Drug Tolerance
Frequent use of a drug causes the body to develop resistance to the effect of the drug. This leads to the use of increased
dosages of the drug to get the same effect & eventually culminate in drug dependence. Drug dependence builds up to drug

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