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opened stomU1


6 closed siomato

Anatomy of Flowering Plants

Plant Tissues: Types of plant tissues.
) Meristematic tissues: Classification of meristematictissue. Permanent Tissues: structure
and function of
phloem), tissue
simple tissues (parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma) and complex tissues (rylem and
system. Internal structure of root, stem and leaf
location; structure,
Characteristics of mneristematic tissue; classification of meristems based on origin and
function and location of permanent tissues;simple and complex tissues; epidermal, ground and vascular
tissue systems.
leaves are required.
Cellular diagrams of TS. of roots and stem and VS. of monocot and dicot
JSecondary growth in dicot stem and dicot root.
roots (with the help of outline diagrams)
Basic idea of how secondary growth takes place in dicot stems andcambium, formation of secondary tissues,
and cork
and formation of anrnual rings. Activity of the cambiumwood
diferences between heart wood and sap wood, early and late wood. Definition of bark.

Plant Tissues
perform a common function. The study of tissues is
Iissue is defined as groups of similar or dissimilar cells which
called histology.
Plant tissues may be primarily classified into two main types:
i) Meristematic
(i) Permanent
Plant Tissue

Meristematic Tissue
Permanent Tissue
On the basis of constituent cells (A and B)
Parenchyma (Living cells) Promeristem
Collenchyma (Living cells) Origin Primary meristem
(A) Simple Tissue
Sclerenchyma (Non-living cells)
(Made of similar Secondary meristem
types of cells) Tracheids
Vessels (Trachea) Apical
Xylem Xylem parenchyma
Xylem fibres
Position Lateral

(B) Complex Tissue Intercalary

Sieve tubes
(Made of different
types of cells) Companion cells
Phloem parenchynma
Phloem fibres (Bast fibres)
126 ISC Biology-X1

Meristematic Tissues
Meristematic tissue is a group of actively dividing cells.
Features of Meristematic Tissues
() The cells are small in size and spherical in shape.
() The cells are tightly packed against each other without leaving intercellular spaces.
(iii) The cell walls are very thin and are composed of cellulose.
(iv) Each cell has a dense granular cytoplasm, a conspicuous nucleus but no or very small vacuoles.
Funetion:Meristematic tissues give rise to permanent tissues.
Classification of Meristematic Tissues
(A) According to their origin, the meristematic
tissues are classified as follows:
Apical meristem
1. Promeristem: It is also called as primordial
meristem as it originates from the embryo. It consists
of thin-walled isodiametric cells Three primary meristems:
with dense
cytoplasm and large nuclei. Promeristem Protoderm
differeniates into primary meristem. It is found at Ground meristem

the apices of embryonic shoots and roots. Procambium

2. Primary meristem: These meristematic

tissues are present from the very beginning. These
are derived directly from the promeristem in the
embryo. For example The apical meristems
occurring at the tips of the stem and root, fascicular
cambium found in the vascular bundles of the dicots
and the intercalary meristems of certain monocot

3. Secondary meristem: These meristematic

tissues are derived from permanent tissues. They Vascular bundle
develop later in the life of a plant. For example: Fig. 6.1 Types of meristems and their positions
Interfascicular cambium and the cork cambium.
(B) According to their position in the plant body, meristematic tissues are classified as follows:
1. Apical meristem: These are found at the tips of the stems and roots. These are
responsible for growth
2. Lateral meristem: This kind of meristem lies along the sides of stem
and roots. The common exampies
lateral meristems are the fascicular cambium and phellogen or cork cambium. The cells of lateral
divide in the tangential plane and thus cause an increase in diameter (i.e., meristem alwa*
secondary growth).
3. intercalary meristem: It is found in plants at the base of the leaf and at the bases of the upper
internodes of the stems of monocotyledonous plants like doob grass, bambo0 etc. The intercalary meristem brl
about increase in the length of internodes and the pedicel.


meristems Primary
Lateral Secondary

Protoderm Epidermis
Primary phloem Secondary phloem
Procambium Vascular cambium <
meristem Secondary xylem
A Primary xylem

Ground Ground tissue Cork cambium Cork
Cortex Periderm

Permanent Tissues
sometimes such cells may later divide and may
The cells of permanent tissues have stopped to divide, though
jecome meristematic again.
Table 6.1 Differences between meristematic and permanent tissues
Permanent Tissue
Meristematic Tissue

(0It is made up of actively dividing cells.

(1) It is made up of cells which have stopped dividing
temporarily or permanently.
Cells are thin walled, small and almost equal sized. (ii) Cells may be thin or thick walled having different shapes
(1) and sizes.
(iüi)Well defined intercellular spaces may be found.
(ü) Intercellular spaces are absent.
(v) Vacuoles are very small and numerous or absent. (iv) The cells usually contain a large vacuole.
(v) Metabolic rate is relatively less.
() Metabolically more active.
tissues are classified as:
Depending on the type of constituent cells, the permanent
(A) Simple tissue (B) Comnplex tissue
(A) Simple Tissues
function. Based on the type of cells, the simple tissues are
It Is a group of similar cells performing a common
dlassified into three categories: (i) parenchyma collenchyma and (iii) sclerenchyma.
1. Parenchyma
() It consists of thin walled, living and isodiametric cells.
like or
The cells mav be spherical. cubical, elongated, pillar
irregular in shape.
(üi) The cells contain moderate amount of protoplasm.
(iv) Special types of parenchyma : are
(a) The parenchymatous cells which develop chloroplasts
Known as chlorenchyma. It performs Intercellular space
by numerous air
rarenchymatous cells which are separated
It is found in floating Thinprimary cell wall
Opaces are known as aerenchyma. banana. Fig 6.2 Parenchyma
ydrophytes, and in the petiole of Canna and
128 ISCBiology-XI

(c) Sometimes the parenchymatous cells become long and tapering at the ends. These are caled as
(d) Those parenchymatous cells which are secretory in nature are called as idioblasts. They produce and
store alkaloids, tannins, oils and crystals of different types.
Functions :
() They help in the storage of reserve food material.
(ii) They help in the slow conduction of water and food.
(iüi) In succulent plants, the parenchymatous cells provide turgidity.
(iv) Chlorenchyma, helps in the manufacture of food material.
(v) The arenchyma helps in the aeration of the tissues and provides buoyancy.
2. Collenchyma
(i) The cells are thickened at the angles where several cells come in contact.
(ii) The thickening is due to the deposition of cellulose along the corners of
the cell wall. Sometimes pectic substances may also be deposited along
with cellulose.
(iii) The cells are always living.
(iv) Collenchyma is absent in roots and monocot stems.
(v) Collenchyma is found in the form of a complete cylinder just below the
epidermis of young dicot stems, petioles and in the corners of angular
(i) It provides tensile strength.
(ii) These Irregularly thickened primary cell wall
cells occasionally contain chloroplasts and carry Out
photosynthesis. Fig. 6.3 Collenchyma

Table 6.2 :Differences between parenchyma and collenchyma

Parenchyma Collenchyma
(i) Made up of thin walled cells. (i) The cell walls become thick at the angles.
(ii) Intercellular spaces are well developed. (ii) Intercellular spaces are filled with cellulose or pectic
(iii) It does not provide mechanical strength. (ii) Provides tensile strength.
(iv) It is widely distributed in the plant body. (iv) It is mostly restricted to hypodermis of the herbaceous

3. Sclerenchyma
(i) The cells are dead.
(iü) The cell walls are thick and lignified.
(ii) The cells are elongated, narrow and pointed at both ends.
(iv) The sclerenchymatous cells may be of two types:
(a) Sclerenchymatous fibres: The cells are
usually spindle-shaped and tapering at the
ends. These fibres are of great economic
importance, e.g., Madras hemp (Hibiscus
cannabinus) and jute. Rope and linen are
made from these fibres (from hemp and flax
respectively). Fibre in TS Sclereid
Fig.6.4 Sclerenchyma
4natomy Flowering
off Plants 129

-XI (b) Stone or sclerotic cells: They are derived from the parenchyma celis which are always irregular in shape.
The stone cells occur singly or in groups.
d as
Chase are most abundant n the cortex and phloem of stems and roots and in the
coverings of seeds alie
and re The fruits of walnuts, coconuts and many other nuts consist almost entirely of
stone cellS. The 81
some of the Succulent fruits like pears is nothing but a
group of stone cells.
Table 6.3 : Differences between collenchyma and
Made up of living cells having cytoplasm. (i) Made up of dead cells without cytoplasm
The cell wall is not uniformly thickened. (i) The cellwall is uniformly thickened.
Pits are simple, straight and unbranched. (iii) Pits are simple, oblique, and sometimes branched.
(i) Cell wall is thickened due to deposition of cellulose or (iv) Cellwall is thickeneddue to deposition of cellulose, lignin
pectose. or suberin.
(r) Provides tensile strength. (v) Provides mechanical strength.
(i) Metabolically active. (vi) No metabolism.

(B) Complex Tissues

It is agroup of different kinds of cells. The main types of complex tissues are (i) xylem and (i)phloem.
1. Xylem
This complex tissue includes four types of cells,namely (a) tracheids and Perforation plate
B) trachea or xylem vessels, (c) wood parenchyma, wood fibres.
) Tracheids
(a) Atracheid is a single elongated cell more or less pointed at the ends.
(b) The cell walls are thick due to the deposition of lignin. It provides
mechanical strength.
(c) At some places the thickenings are absent, giving rise to simple or Trachea
bordered pits. The pits allow the water to pass readily from cell to
a) The tracheids form the main vascular tissue of the vascular bundles
of the gymnosperms and ferns. Libriform fibre
) Xylem Vessels Fig. 6.5 Various types of cells in xylem tissue
0 The xylem vessels, unlike tracheids are always multicellular. They are generally larger in diameter than the
racheids. They are derived from large number of prosenchymatous cells joined end to end.
n due course of time the cell walls become variously thickened due to deposition of lignin.
he cells become connected by the total or partial disappearance of the cross walls, thus giving rise to long
tubular xylem vessels.
(d) These are characteristic of angiosperms. Vessels are not found in (except PteridiumPteridophytes
Selaginella), Gymnosperms (except Gnetales) and in some families of angiosperms-viz. Winteraceae,
Tetracentraceae and Trochodendraceae.
130 ISC Biology-X1

Table 6.4 : Differences between tracheids and trachea (vessels)

Trachea (vessels)
much longer.
() These are made up of one cell hence are of short (i) These are multicelluar and are
(i) Their lunmen is very narrow due to more thick walls. (ii) Their lumen wider due to relatively thin walls.
(iii) The septa between two tracheids remain intact. (iüi)The septa between successive cells get partly or
(iv) The ends are tapering or oblique. (iv) The ends are transverse.

(ii) Xylem Parenchyma

(a) Parenchymatous cells associated with xylem are known as xylem parenchyma.
(b) They are moderately thickened due to the lignin but they are not dead cells.
(c) The xylem parenchyma serves chiefly for storage of reserve food.
(d) Occasionally these cells develop protrusions called tyloses which enter the xylem vessels and block them.
(iv) Xylem Fibres
(a) These are greatly thickened sclerenchymatous fibres.
(b) They are long, slender, dead cells with pointed ends.
(c) They have very few pits.
(d) They provide mechanical strength.
2. Phloem
The phloem consists of four types of cells (a) Sieve tubes (b) Companion cells (c) Phloem parenchyma and
(d) Phloem fibres.
(i)Sieve Tubes
(a) The sieve tubes are derived from a number of non-lignified, prosenchymatous
cells. They are arranged end to end. These help inconduction of food.
(b) The transverse walls have small holes or sieve pits. End wall
(c) Their cytoplasm is vacuolated and without nucleus at maturity.
(d) Through these pits the cytoplasm of adjacent cells remains connected with the
help of cytoplasmic threads, thus allowing direct transfer of food material
from cells without diffusing through cytoplasmic membranes. Sieve tube
(e) The sieve pits are grouped into small areas, the sieve-plates.
() The sieve-tubes do not function throughout the year. In winter Companion
they cease to function permanently or temporarily by the cell
formation of colourless and insoluble carbohydrates known as
callose. This substance is deposited over the sieve-plate in the form of a
pad-like structure known as callus. In most cases the formation of the callus Fig. 6.6 Phloem elements
permanently stops the activity of the cells; but in the cases where the activity
is resumed, the callus is dissolved.
(i) Companion Cells
(a) These are thin walled parenchymatouscells closely associated with and lying adjacent to the sieve-tubes. It is
altogerher absent in Pteridophyta and gymnosperms. In place of companion cells,these plants have equivalent
structures called as albumen cells.
(b) Unlike the sieve-tube, the companion cells not only have densecytoplasm but also a conspicuous nucleus.
(c) Since there is cytoplasmic connection between the companion cells and the sieve cells, it is presumed that the
nucleus of the companion cell controls the activities of the sieve tube. They also assist the sieve tubes in the
conduction of foo.
Flowering Plants 131

a PhloemParenchyma
(a) These are normal parenchymatous cells associated with the phloem.
(b) These cells help in the storage of reserve food and in metabolic functions.
Phloem parenchymais absent in the monocots.
PholemFibres or
Bast Fibres
(a) These are sclerenchymatous fibres which are associated with the phloem.
(b) They are
lignified, elongatedtapering cells.
provide mechanical strength and support.
() They
(d) These ibres are economically important because they are
used in making clothes, ropes
and cords.

The Tissue Systems

a unit, and are
Definition: A tissue system consists of one or more kinds of tissues, which work together as
odtocarTy out a common function. Sachs (1875) classified tissue systems into three types:
(A) Epidermal tissue system.
(B)Vascular tissue system
(C)Ground or fundamental tissue system.

(A) Epidermal Tissue System

1. Epidermis
(a) The epidermis forms the outermost layer over the stem, root, leaf, etc.
Indian rubber plant, banyan etc.,
(b) It usually consists of a single layer of cells. However, in the leaves of Nerium,
the epidermis may be multilayered.
a layer of cuticle. It prevents water
(c) Epidermis over the aerial parts of a plant is covered with rhizodermis).
(epiblema or
loss. Cuticle is absent in the root epidermis
interrupted in some parts due to
(a) The epidermis forms a continuous layer, but it may be
lenticels (on the bark of older stems).
presence of hydathodes and stomata (on leaves), and
1Stomata and Guard
(a) Structure: There are small openings in the leaf Epidermal cells
epidermis. These openings are known as stomata. Subsidiary cells
In asurface view, each stoma is surrounded by
tWo kidney-shaped cells; known as guard cells. Guard cells
The guard cells are living. Unlike other epidermal
cells they contain chloroplasts. The walls of the Stomatal pore
3uard cells are peculiarly thickened; the wall
which is farthest from the openingis the thinnest. Fig. 6.7 Stomatal apparatus
The stomatal pore, guard cells and the
epidermal cells (subsidiary cells)
(b) together constitute
Distribution: stomatal
Stomata mayapparatus.
ccur on any of the exposed parts of the plant, e.g., stem, leaves, ovary and
roots and in the submerged plants. They are
anthers flower.
of stomata do not occur in the epiblema of the
The poSition depend largely on the form ofthe
abundant on theleaves but in these organs their number and
transpiration. In dorsiventral or bifacial leaves of he
a and also on the conditions with regard to
132 1SC Biology-X1
abundant on the lower (dorsal, abaxial) surface
dlcotyledonous plants the sto)atd ale nuch moe than
of monocotyledonous plants the stomata are on the
upper (ventral, adaxial) suface, n isolbilateral leaves
less evenly distributed on all sides. In loating leaves, as in
those of water-lily, stomata are present more or
upper epidermis. Plants growing in dry situations
have stomata that are sunken in pits in the only
(ii) Hairs or Trichomes
length, thus
In some plants the outer cell walls of the epidermal cell grow out to a considerable giving rise to hairs
or richomes. These may be s3imple, branched or star-shaped. The cotton fibres of commerce represent the
epidermal cells of cotton seeds. unicellular
The Functions of the Epidermal Tissue System
(a) It protects the internal tissue against mechanical injury, against the attack of parasitic f..
and bacteria and also against cold or heat.
(b) It diminishes the loss of water from internal tissues by the presence of thick cuticle, wax,
hairs, and presence of multiple epidermis. (bloom), epidermal
(c) The glandular hairs of plants, as in stinging nettles, protect them against the attack of herbivorous animals
(d) The stomata help in the gaseous exchange between the internal tissues and the outside atmosphere
(e) It is upon the diffusion through the stomata that the vital functions of respiration, transpiration and
photosynthesis largely depend.
() The unicellular root-hairs, which are also epidermal in origin, help in the absorption of soil water.

(B) Vascular Tissue System

It is a complex tissue-system consisting of xylem and phloem. The xylem and phloem are usually grouped
constitute a vascular bundles. A strip of cambium may be present between xylem and phloem.
Xylem Cortex

Radial vascular bundle
Conjoint collateral vascular bundle

Collateral Bicollateral
Closed Open Outer phloem
Outer cambium
Inner cambium

Inner pholem Amphivasal

Types of conjoint vascular bundles

Fig. 6.8 Various types of vascular

Onthe iarrangement
basis of

Radial Vascular Bundle

of the xylem
and phloem, the

(a) Thisis characteristics of rOOts.

individual vascular bundles can be classified as frllows
(b) Inthistype
arrangement xylem
undifferentiated and phloem lie on
ic) Since in
roots theparenchyma or
conjunction tissue. separate and alternate radii. They are often separated by
Concentric Bundles protoxylem always points toward the periphery, such xylen bundles are always exarch.
vascular bundles, the xylem and
Inthis type of
sher. like two
cylinders. Aconcentric phloem
concentric lie
vascular bundle that is, one completely surrounds the
is always closed (cambium is
tere are two always
kinds of concentric vascular bundes
Hadrocentric or Amphicribral : Xylem lies in the centre and is
surrounded by phloem, e.g-, in some
Leptocentric or Amphivasal : Phloem lies
like Yucca and Dracaena. in the centre and is
surrounded by xylem. e.g., monocot stems
i) Conjoint Vascular Bundles
When the xyelm and the phloem lie on
the same radius, they are said to be
(a) Conjoint collateral
vascular conjoint. It is of two types :
centre andphloem is placed towards Xylem and phloem lie on the same radius, xylem is placed towards
and dicot stems of most of endodermis. This type of vascular bundle is characteristic of monocot
() In the
angiosperms and gymnosperms.
gymnosperms and dicots the vascular bundles are of open type
fascicular cambium is present between xylem and phloem.
because a strip of
(ii) In the monocots the
vascular bundles are of closed type because
between xylem and phloem. cambium is absent
(b) Conjoint biocollateral vascular
bundles: The bicollateral bundle has the same general
those of a collateral bundle but the phloem is present on both the sides (inside and features as
Bicollateral vascular bundles are found in the members of the family outside) of xylem.
tomato and potato also have bicollateral vascular bundles in Cucurbitaceae (Gourd family). The
scattered strands. which the internal phloem occurs in smal

Ground or Fundamental Tissue System

his tissue systemforms the major portion of the plant body. It is composed largely of
issue of the plant body present between epidermis and the vascular bundles parenchymatous cells. All the
The belong to the ground tissue-system.
(i) Components of ground tissue system are cortex, pericycle, pith and pith rays.
Cortex : The cortex extends from /mmediately beneath the epidermis to the pericycle.
dif(a)erentiated into hypodermis, and endodermis.
general cortex
It can be

thhonocot Hypodermi s: The hypodermis may be collenchymatous in dicotyledonous stems but

e functionyledonous stems. The collenchyma cells function inthe support and strengthening of hesclerenchymatous
is taken over
young stems before in
adequately by the vascular tissues.
is present cortex:The cells of the general cortex are parenchymatous. Sometime there are
of stone cells or fibres. The cells of the outer layer of the general cortex sclerenchymatous
oroplasts andconsihence
sting frequlently contain
carry on photosynthesis. They may also function in the storage of reserve food material.
ISC Biology-XI

boundary of the cortex. It is always composed of single

(e) Endodermis: The endodermis always forms theinnerendodermis is not very conspicuous in dicotyledonous
laver of barrel-shaped cells, without intercellular spaces, The
may contain the starch grain, the endodermis is also
Stems and may be wavy in outline. Since its cells are living and
called starch-sheath.
suberised band or strip on their inner sides, which is
In roots, the radial walls of the cells of endodermis have a
the tips of the protoxylem remain thin-walled. Such
Rnown as the casparian strip. Certain cells of endodermis near
passages for the water going from the cortex
thin-walled cells of the endodermis are called passage cells. They provide
into stele.
Functions of Cortex :
(a) It serves for the slow movement and storage of food.
(b) Due to their turgidity, the cortical cells give rigidity to the young parts.
food material.
(c) They may contain leucoplasts and help in the storage of
(d) They carry out different metabolic functions.
thickness. In root it is
(i) Pericycle: It lies immediately below the endodermis and may be single or many cells in
Cucurbita it is made of
always one cell in thickness and is composed of parenchymatous cells. In many plants like
sclerenchymatous cells but in Sunflower it is heterogeneous in nature (sclerenchyma occurs in patches).
All the tissues enclosed by the pericycle are collectively called as stele. The stele includes the pericycle, pith, pith
rays and the vascular bundles.
Functions of Pericycle :
(a) It gives rise to lateral roots.
(b) It gives rise to adventitious roots that arise from the stems.
(c) in the dicots roots, it gives rise to a part of the wavy cambium ring (secondary meristem) which is responsible
for intrastellar secondary growth.
(d) Sclerenchymatous pericycle provides mechanical strength.
(e) Parenchymatous pericycle acts as a storage tissue.
(ii) Pith and pith rays: The intrastellar ground tissue is known as conjunctive tissue. It may be
differentiated into pith, pith-rays.
(a) The pith or medulla occupies the central region of the stem or root and it usually consists of large
parenchymatous cells with some intercellular spaces. In monocotyledonous stems due to scattered arrangement or
vascular bundles the pith is not distinguishable but in monocotyledonous roots pith is usually present.
(b) The vascular bundles of the dicot stems are separated from each other by radial rows of parenchymatous cels
which arise from the central pith and extend up tothe pericycle. These radialrows of parenchymatous cells are known
as pith or medullary rays.
Functions of pith and pith rays :
(i) Sclerenchymatous pith provides mechanical support.
fi) Parenchymatous pith helps in the conduction and storage of water and food materials.
(i) The pith rays serve mainly for the conduction of food and water radially and for the storage of food.
The Internal Structure of Roots
Dicot Root
The detailed structure of the dicot root can be understood from the study of a T. S. of the root of a young seen
like that of gram, pea, bean, etc. If you see the eross section under a hand lens, the root can be easily diferentiated n
the following three distinct regions Epiblema or piliferous layer, cortex and stele.
Anatomy'ofFloweing Pants

) Epiblema or
known as piliferous Piliferous
laver or layer: It is the

feature of epiblema. The cellsoutermost

these cells is the wall is layer
made of sngle layer of uncutin1sed cells It s
absorption of waterpresence
area for
of of
unicellular rootcellulose and pectic substances. The unique
i) Exodermis;
Beneath the minerals. Root hair. hairs
increase the surface
walls of this laver are withered piliferous
slightly thickened layer, in the older parts of the root, lies
root has lost its and
absorptive function. It is alayersuberized.
the exodernis. The cell
makes its appearance only when the
Root hair
protective cells.

Root hair

Pericycle Pericycle
Pith Xylem
Metaxylem Píth
T.S. of dicot root
(cellular details)
T.S. of dicot root
Fig. 6.9 Transverse section of
dicot root
(ii) Cortex: The part of the
parenchyma cells, which are roundedoutside
the endodermis is
shape and have numerous
composed of many layers of thin-waled
(iv) Endodermis: The
innermost layer of the cortex is known as intercellular spaces, occupied by air.
barrel-shaped. endodermis. The cells of the endodermnis are
Along the inner side of the radial, upper and
lower walls of the endodermal cell runs a
Suberized) strip known as Casparian strip, named after its discoverer R. Caspary (1865).thickened (lignified or
Certain cells found in the endodermis near the
ends of the protoxylem remain
hairs. Such cells are known as passagethin-walled
root is absorbing water through its root as that part of the
Pericycle: The stele is bounded on the outside by asingle layered
i) Vascular bundles: pericycle.
(a) Xylem and phloem are arranged on separate and alternate radi (radial arrangement).
(b) There are 2-7 xylem strands and equal number of phloem strands in a typical dicot root.
Or dicot root can be diarch, triarch, tetrarch, or pentarch, heaxareh or heptarch. Thus, the stele
(c) The
xylem of the root is always exarch or centripetal with proto-xylen1 pointing towards the periphery
(d) The metaxylem
at the center.
viny The pith is metaxylem vessels are larger and polygonal in
either absent or poorly developed.
136 ISC Biology-XI

Monocot Root
The following structures may be seen in a cross-section of the root of iris, canna, maize etc.
(i) Epiblema: The epiblema is single layered; many Root hair
epidermal cells bear root hairs in the root-hair zone.
(ii) Cortex: The cortex usually consists of thin-walled Epidermis
parenchymatous cells. Cortex
(iii) Exodermis: It lies immediately below the remains of
the piliferous layer and is usually single cell in
thickness. The cell of this layer are somewhat thickened
and have suberized walls and as such form a protective Endodermis
layer covering a surface when the delicate piliferous Pericycle
layer has been lost. Pith

In Orchids the aerial roots are often hygroscopic. In Metaxylem

such roots on the outer side of the exodermis there is
specialized cortical layer known as velamen. It may be
3-5 cells in thickness and consists of dead cells. These
cells form a spongy mass of tissue. The velamen helps in Fig. 6.10 T.S. of monocot root
absorbing water vapour from atmosphere.
(iv) Endodermis: The inner layer of the cortex is known as the endodermis. It is a single layer of living
barrel-shaped cells whose radial and especially the inner walls are very greatly thickened. The thickening is
due to the deposition of a suberin. The unthickened cells of endodermis are called passage cells.
() Pericycle: Pericycle is the outermost part of the stele. It is single cellin thickness and is composed of
parenchymatous cells.
(vi) Pith: The centre of the stele is occupied by pith, which is well developed and consists of parenchymatous or
sclerenchymatous cells.
(vii) Vascular bundles:
(a) The vascular bundles show radial arrangement.
(b) The number of vascular bundles is seven or more
(c) The xylem is exarch or centripetal with protoxylem pointing towards the periphery and metaxylem at the

Table 6.5: Differences between root and stem

Root Stem
(i) Root epidermis or rhizodermis or epiblema bears (i) Stem epidermis bears multicellular hairs which are
unicellular hairs which areabsorptive in nature. protective in nature.
(i) In root epidermis cuticle or stomata are not found. (i) Cuticle or stomata are found on stem.
(iii) Cortex is broad and homogenous (i.e. made up of (iii) Cortex is narrow and differentiated into hypodermis.
uniform types of cells. general cortex and endodermis.
(iv)Endodermis is conspicuous and is characterized by (iv) Endodernmis may or may not be distinct. Its cells generally
presence of Casparian strip and passage cells. contain starch, it is also called as starch-sheath.
(v) Pericycle is single layered, composed of parenchy (v) Pericycle is multilayered and parenchymatous or scleren
matous cells.
(vi) Pericycle gives rise to secondary roots. (vi) Axillary buds give rise to branches of stem.
Vascular bundles are radial
(i.e., xylem
arranged on separate, alternate and phloem Stem
radii). (vii) Vascular
)CambIum appears onlv
during present sidebundles are conjoint (ie., xylem and phioem
by side on the same
dicotroots. secondary growth in (vii) radjus.
Cambi um is(open
dicot stem usually present between xylem and phioem in
absent (closed V.B.). However, in monocot
sterms it is
Xvlem is exarch, i.e., protoxylem is
periphery. placed towards (ix)
Xylem is endarch, i.e., protoxylem is placed towards the
)Pithis either absent poorly developed.
or center.
(x) Pith is well
Table 6.6: developed.
Monocot root
between monocot root and dicot root
aThe cortex is relatively less thick. Dicot root
() Due to the presence of a smallstele the cortex is
thicker. relatively
The radial and inner walls of each
thickened to form endodermal cell are (ii)
more higghly
distinct U:shaped Thickening
is usually due to the presence of Casparian

m) The passage cells can be distinctly seen.

(ii) The passage cells are less distinct.
G)The pericycle gives rise only to lateral roots. (iv The pericycle gives rise
not only to lateral roots but also to
secondary meristems- that is cambium and phellogen.
The pith is well developed and is either parenchy
matous or sclerenchymatous. (v)The pith is either absent or ill-developed.
() The number of protoxylem bundles may be 5-20 or (vi)
even more.
The number of protoxylem bundles is upto 5.

(i) The metaxylem vessels are relatively larger in size and (vi) The
circular in outline. metaxylem vessels are polygonal in outline and
relatively smaller in size.
(hii) There is no secondary growth. (viii) Secondary growth is possible due to the formation of
secondary meristenm

The Internal Structure of Stem

liot Stem (Sunflower)
The internal structure of atypical dicot stem can be best studied in atransverse section. The detailed structure can
0Dserved with the help of a microscope.
1, Epidermis: It is made ofa single layer of cells. Numerous multicellular hairs develop from the epiderma!
Cells. The outer walls are cutinized.
2. Cortex: The cortex can be differentiated into three distinct regions:
ta) Hypodermis: Below the epidermis there is four to five cells thick layer of collenchymatouscells.perform
cells have considerable rigidity, thus, provide mechanical strength. As the cells are living, they
normal vital functions.
starch-sheath is known as general
General cortex: The region between the hypoderMis and he
cells with intercellular spaces. Some of them
cortex. It is made of large thin-walled parenchymatous general
In the cortex of sunflower some resin ducts
develop and perform photosynthesis. glandular or secretory cells.
may be found, which are surrounded by a ring of
138 ISCBiology-XI

Epidermal Parenchyrna
-Hypodermis Pericycle

Endodermis Phloem

Pericycle Carnbium



A. T.S. of sunflower stem
(Diagrammatic representation)

B. Cellular diagram of TS of sunflower stem

Fig. 6.11 T.S. of dicot stem

(c) Endodermis: The inner most layer of the cortex is known as the endodermis. It is made of single layer
of barrel-shaped cells which sometimes store starch. Therefore, it is often termed the starch-sheath.
(d) Pericycle: In the sunflower the pericycle is several layered thick and heterogeneous in structure.
(e) Vascular bundles: The vascular bundles are arranged in a ring. They are conjoint, collateral and
open. The xylem is endarch.
() Pith or medulla: It occupies the center of the stem and is composed of thin-walled parenchyma cells
with conspicuous intercellular spaces.
(g) Primary medullary or pith-rays: The rows of parenchymatous cells, which separate thevascular
bundles are called pith-rays. The cells of pith-rays are usually elongated in aradial direction. They serve
for the conduction of water and food in the radial direction.
Monocot Stem (Maize)
(i) Epidermis: The epidermis is made of single layers of highly cutinized cells. The trichomes are wanting. In
young herbaceous monocot stems, the epidermis may be here and there pierced by stomata.
(iü) Hypodermis: The hypodermis is made of sclerenchymatous cells.
(iii) Vascular bundles:
(a) The vascular bundles are conjoint, collateral and closed.
(b) The xylem is endarch.
(c) Thevascular bundles are scattered in the ground tissue. Hence the ground tissue cannot be differentiated
into general cortex, endodermis, pericycle, pith and pith-rays.
(d) Each vascular bundle is more or less oval in outline and is surrounded by a sheath of thick-walled
sclerenchymatous cells.
(e) The vascular bundles are not of the same size; they are smaller and more numerous
near the peripie
but larger and less numerous towards the centre.
Flowering Plants 139

Epidermis Hyprasorn1s
tissue Phioern

A. T.S. of maize stem

(Diagrammatic representation) B. Cellular diagram of a part of monocot stem
Fig. 6.12 TS. of monocot stem

letter Y or VThe apex of

() The xylem consists usually of four distinct vessels arranged in the form of the
the Vis occupied by protoxylem vesels together with a small amount of xylem parenchyma.
inner-most vesselsof the protoxylem may break down forming an iregular water-containing lysigenous
(o) Sometime the centre of the stele is occupied by parenchymatous cells, which dry up and disappear at a!
early stage resulting in hollow stem as in most grasses like wheat, barley, paddy etc. including most
Table 6.7 : Differences between dicot and monocot stems
Dicot stem Monocot stem

trichomes. (i)Epidermis is always without trichomes.

n The epidermis may bear
Vascular bundles are scattered.
m Vascular bundles are arranged in the form of a ring. (i)

f)The ground-tissue can be differentiated into extra (i)No such differentiation is possible.
stelar and stelar regions.
)The hypodermis is collenchymatous. (iv) The hypodermis is sclerenchymatous.
() General cortex is well developed and is made of (V Cortex is not distinct.
thín-walled parenchymatous cells.
(vi)Vascular bundles are smaller near the periphery and larger
(v)The vascular bundles of each ring are of the same size
at the centre but they are nearly oval in shape.
and are wedge-shaped.
)The vascular bundles are conjoint and open. They may (vii) The vascular bundles are normnally conjoint, collateral and
closed, rarely concentric but never bicollateral.
be either collateral or bicollateral but never concentric.
few and arranged in the form ofV or Y.
yAyiem vessels are numerous and usually arranged in (viii) Xylem vessels are
radial rows.
Phloem consists of sieve tubes. companion cells and (ix)Phloem consists of sieve tubes, companion cells bur no
phloem parenchyma.
phloem parenchyma.
Vascular bundles are not surrounded by sclerenchy- (x) Sclerenchymatous sheath is usually present around the
vascular bundles.
matous sheath.
(xi)Endodermis is usually indistinct exCept in Ruscus and
Endodermis is single layered and contains starch. AsparaguS.
äily Pith and pith-rays (xii) Both are absent.
(xii) No secondary growth except in Yucca and Dracaenu.
Secondary growth takes place.
140 ISC Biology-XI


Dicot leaf (Dorsiventral Leaf)
Avertical section of a dorsiventral leaf through the lamina shows the presence of three types of tissues: epidermjs
mesophylland veins. Bundle sheath
(i) Epidermis : Upper
(a) It is made of single layers of cells. Phloem

(b) The cells are covered with a layer of cuticle.

(c) The cuticle is thicker on the upper (adaxial o Palisade
ventral) surface than on the lower (abaxial oY mesophyl
dorsal) surface.
(d) The abaxial epidermis generally bears more Air cavity
stomata than the adaxial epidermis.
(ii) Mesophyll : mesophyliI
The tissue between the upper and the lower epidermis is D Sub-stomatal
called the mesophyll. It is differentiated into two distinct
Stoma Lower
regions: epidermis
(a) Palisade parenchyma: It is made of vertically Fig. 6.13 Internal structure of dicot leaf
arranged elongated cells, which are placed parallel
toeach other. They have little or no intercellular spaces. They have abundant chloroplasts in them.
(b) Spongy parenchyma: It is situated below the palisade cells and extends to the lower epidermis. It is made
of oval or round cells with large intercellular spaces among them. They have very few chloroplasts.
(iii) Veins :
(a) The veins represent vascular bundles.
(b) Each vein has xylem and phloem, which lie together on the same radius.
(c) Xylem of the vein lies towards the upper surface and the phloem towards the lower surface.
(d) The veins are surrounded by a layer of thick walled cells forming a bundle sheath.
Monocot Leaf (Isobilateral Leaf)
The anatomy of isobilateral leaf is almost similar to Upper
that of a dorsiventral leaf. However, there are some epidermis
major differences:
(i) The thickness of cuticle is almost similar on
upper and lower epidermis. Mesophyll

(ii) The number of stomata is almost similar on Sub-stomalal

both the surfaces of the epidermis. cavity
(ii) Mesophyll is not differentiated into palisade Lower
and spongy parenchyma. epidermis

(iv) Some of the epidermalcells are modified into Phloem


hairs.These hairs occur on the upper surface

in longitudinal rows. Fig. 6.14 Anatomy of monocot leat
(v) In grasses, some of the epidermal cells on the adaxial surface are modified into special types of la
hygroscopic cells called bulliform cells (or motor cells). These are found along the veins. When there is
Flowering Plants
water loss,
plenty of they remain turgid, thus, the leaf surface is exposed. When they are flaccid due to
shrink, thus causing the leaf to curl inwards. It helps to minimise water loss.
are of almost similar size.
The veins
(vi) Table 6.8 : Differences between monocot and dicot leaves
Monocot leaf Dicot leaf

epidermis are not differentiated. clearly differentiated.

Upperand lower Upper and lower epidermis are
(iü)Thickness of cuticle is same on both the surfaces. () Upper epidermis has thicker cuticle.
Both the surfaces
bear almost similar number of (ii) More stomata on the lower epidermis.
Mesophyll consists of only spongy parenchyma with
(v) relatively (iv) Mesophyll is differentiated into palisade and
smaller intercellular space. parenchyma.
Bulliform cells present. (v) Bulliform cells absent.

tBundle sheath is made up of parenchymatous cells. (vi) Bundle sheath is parenchymatous. The patches above and
The patches above and below the vascular bundles are below the vascular bundles may be parenchymatous or
sclerenchymatous. collenchymatous.
(i)Xylem vessels are numerous and usually arranged in (viü) Xvlem vessels are few andarranged in the form of Vor Y.
radial rows.

Secondary Growth
The apical meristem is responsible for growth in length. Acertain amount of increase in diameter, known as
Binary thickening is brought about by the enlargement of the cells in the region below the meristem. In large trees, the
atual thickness of the main trunk and the side branches enormously exceed the maximal thickening which can be
atained merely by the enlargement of the individual cells. This can be achieved by the activity of lateral meristem, the
cambium. The increase in the diameter of the tree is called secondary growth.

Secondary Growth in Dicot Stem

A) Secondary Growth in Stellar Region
During the process of secondary growth in the stellar region, following important eventstake place:
) Formation of
Cambium Ring
Q First sign of the beginning of secondary growth is the formation of the cambium ring.
) Astrip of cambium which is present inside the vascular bundle (between xylem and phloem) is called
intra-fascicular cambium. This is a type of primary meristem. It becomes active under the infuence of
Some plant hormones.
y At the same time some of the cells of the pith ray lying between the vascular bundles at the level of cambium
also become meristematic and form a strip of inter-fascicular cambium.
and inter-fascicular cambium become continuous with each other and form a
Circular ring of cambium. complete
(v) Two types of cells are found in the cambium ring: the fusiform initials and the
ray initials.
142 1SC Biology-XI

Primary phloem

Primary xylem
Pith cambium




Cambium ring
Fig. 6.15 Secondary growth in dicot stem

(i) Formation of Secondary Vascular Tissues

) The fusiform initials are long and spindle-shaped cells. These divide periclinally and give rise to the vascular
bundles (xylem and phloem).
(i) Due to periclinaldivisions, new cells are added either towards periphery or towards the pith.
(ii) The cells formed towards the periphery differentiate into secondary phloem and the cells formed towards
the pith differentiate into secondary xylem.
(iv) More cells are added towards the pith; asa result, the amount of secondary xylem is much more than that of
secondary phloem. This is due to unequal distribution of hormones.
() Due to the pressure exerted by the growing cambium ring and the secondary phloem; the primary phloem is
pushed towards the endodermis and is eventually crushed and is present in isolated patches.
(ii) Formation of Medllary Rays
() The ray initials are smaller and spherical.
(ii) They give rise to some parenchymatous cells in a thin and narrow band. These cells are arranged radially from
the pith to the phloem. These are calld secondary medullary rays or vascular rays.
(B) Secondary Growth in Extra-Stellar Region
Due to continuous secondary growth in the stellar region, the cells of epidermis and cortex rupture. It exposes the
underlying tissues. Before this rupture actually takes place, a secondary protective tissue, the cork is formed by the
activity of the cork-cambium or phellogen. Secondary growth takes place in extra-stellar region due to the activity of
cork cambium in the following manner.
(i) Some of the cells of the hypodermis or of the outer layer of cortex become meristematic and give rise tocork
cambium (phellogen).
) The cells
of the
cambium thin-walled
daughter cells which are
to the and
) Those daughter cells
impregnated with a which are added on exterior rectangular.
and They
tothe divide in tangential plane
() Cork forms a new
waxy the sometimes
known as outer side of the interior.
material providing
() The cells, which arewaater-proof suberin. This suberiphelzledogentissuedevelop
cut off on covering of the stem.
thick walls,
is known as cork become heavily
cortex or phelloderm. the inner side of or phellem.
contains the
storage. phellogen, form a parenchymatous tissue, the
living cells which
() The phellogen, the
phellem of cork layer and the sometimes function in photosynthesis andsecondary
in food
phelloderm together form the periderm.
(0) It prevents
excessive transpiration Uses of Cork
() Suberized cells which would ensue from
efficiency possess
is greatly considerable strength and the cork the rupture of the
increased by the close fitting of epidermis.
iM The frequent Consequently
the cork cells. forms a mechanical envelope whose
(i The waste presence air in the cork cells retards
as such corkmaterials, which are frequently present inexcessive
heating by day or excessive cooling by
() Cork is usedprevents the access of the walls or cavities of the cork night.
by the plant in the various parasites to the living tissues within. cells, are antiseptic and
healing of the wounds.
The term 'bark is Bark
ohis definition if the popularly used for all the tissues which are easily
peeling off or cleavage takes place at the stripped of the surface of a tree trunk.
phellogen, phelloderm, cambium ring; According
tsues which lie outside thephloem, etc. In the strict botanical sense the term barktheis bark will include cork,
paelogen ceases its activity; aphellogen.
Thus, cork is always a part of the
bark. After
usually used for all the dead
these deeper layers of cork phellogen is formed. This produces anew cork layer sometime when the primary
Giher hand, if the successive layers of is thrown in scales, it iscalled scaly bark as in outside. lf the bark produced
ring-bark. cork-cambium appear in the form of complete rings,Eucalyptus, guava, etc. On the
the bark is called
Ine cork ofcommerce, which is light concentric
and compressible, waterproof
Quercus suber).The pores of the cork and the material, is obtained from the bark of cork-oak
tock of various lenticels are the openings through which
thickness are removed every eight or ten years. The removal of this corkair does
may enter the plant. Slabs of
beneficial to it. The cork is used for floor covering, lining for shoes and not injure the tree but is
arificial limbs, life preservers and fish-net floats. hats, stoppers, packing for fruits; making

Annual Rings
tach ingsecondary xylem or wood form year after year, appears in the form of rings in
represents the total of wood during all transverse section of the trunk.
Annual ring. It is development seasons the year. Each ring is
of two distinct parts, an inner layer of spring wood (or early wood) and ancommonly called an
made wood (or late wood).
OmpactThe layer of summer outer, usually more

owing dif erence between the spring wood and summer wood is connected to climatic variations. ln the
aivity andconditions are more favourable, large number of new leaves make their appearance and spring the
Tanspiration are both very active. Thus, there is greater need of water as a raw material
Pulhotlinogsynhesis and
the water
moreover due to greater transpiration therethe is considerable suction pressure in the leavesduringfor
up. Thus, the xylem vessels formed in
column spring are large in number, greater in
diameter and
144 ISC Biology-XI

less thickened. The wood fîibres are scanty. In the

summer especially towards the end of the growing First year growth
season, the xylem vessels are not very large; they are
Rainy season
thick walled, more compactly arranged and wood
ibres are much more abundant. Towards the end of Dry season
the season the cambium ceases to divide and goes into Scar from forest fire
a resting condition over winter. On the return of
favourable conditions in the spring the cycle is
repeated. It is due to these alternate regions of wide
and narrow xylem vessels that a year's growth forming Spring/Early
summer growth
an annual rìng can be clearly marked. Autumn/Late summer/Fall
In Mumbai and other coastal parts of India the growth
seasons are not sO well marked; during rains, where
there is abundance of moisture available for plants,
the activity of cambium is at its highest and therefore Fig.6.16 Annual rings
considerable wood is formed, which is softer than that
of hard
formed during the dry winter and summer months. Thus, in areas of plenty of rainfall, an annual ring consists
wood and soft wood. Since each annual ring corresponds to one year's growth, by counting the total number of
rings the age of the tree can be approximately determined (Dendrochronology).
Table 6.9 : Differences between early wood and late wood
Summer/Autumn wood (late wood)
Spring wood (early wood)
It is formed during winter season
() It is formed during spring season.
It is produced due to optimum activity of cambium It is produced due to slower activity of cambium
The xylem vessels have wider lumen The xylem vessels have narrow lumen
Xylem fibers are less in number
Plenty of xylem fibers are present
Darker in colour
(v) Lighter in colour
(vi) It has a lower density It has a higher density

Heartwood and Sapwood

When secondary growth has taken place for a number of
and harder
years, the centrally situated wood becomes darker the more Cambium
duramen while
and is known as heartwood or
peripheral wood, comprising a few years growth, which remains
or alburnum. The
pale and soft, is known as the sapwood storage.
sapwood functions most actively in conduction and food it is in Sapwood
are living and
In the sapwood the wood-parenchyma cells
material is stored. The
these cells that lot of reserve food
they die
parenchyma cells of the heartwood are dead, but before tannins Heartwood
colouring matter,
they usually produceoils, resins, gums, the walls of the
and antiseptic materials. These
neighbouring cells. Some of the wood parenchyma cells produce Pith
project into the lumen
bladder like outgrowths or tyloses, which
Thus, the cavities of the xylem
of the xylem or wood vessels. deposits of gummy materials
Fig. 6.17 Cross-section of the trunk of a tree

vessels becomeclogged through thethe heart wood is due to the

colour of
and tyloses. The dark
presence of
resins or gums while it becomes resistant to the attacks of the bacteria and fungi due to the
tAniNs, oilsetc
heart wood
presenceof oil in certain kinds of wood like teak, makes it resistant to soaking by water as well. TheIn a tree, the
Thedurable as timber than sapwood and in general is commercially more valuable than sapwood.
helping the tree to
more which no longer functions as a conducting tissue, acts purely as a mechanical tissue
heartwood caused by the wind etc.
Table 6.10 : Differences between heart wood and sap wood
Heart wood Sap wood

)Centrally situated ()Peripheral

(ii) Dark coloured (i)Light colour
(ii)Tyloses present (ii)Tyloses absent
iMechanical strength (iv)Conduction of water

Resistant to insects (V) Not very resistant


Secondary Growth in Dicot Root initiated by the appearance

cambium ring: Secondary growth in atypical dicot root is alwaysxylem there is a thin strip of
1. Formation of inner side of the each phloem and on the outer side the
also become
ofasecondary meristem. On the conjunctive tissues. Alongwith these cells, the cells of pericyclestrips on either
narenchymatous cells, which forms of the earlier formed cambium curving course
cambium there, joining withformed.
meristematic. They divide and form a strip This cambium forms
Thus, acontinuous wavy ring of vascular cambium
side of the xylem. to the xylem. To begin with, only
internal to the phloem but external tissues: The cambium cells divide in the tangential plane. active and begin to cut
2. Formation of secondary side of the phloem) become
cells of the cambium which lie at the angles (i.e., on the inner
cells are added on the inner
side which gradually
those and outer sides. More of the strands are pushed
inner phloem
off new cells both on the
secondary xylem. Because of this unequal activity the primary
diferentiate to form completely circular ring.
outwards and the cambium forms a
Primary phloem
Cambial ring

(A) Epidermis/periderm
Primary phloem
Cortex Annual ring
Vascular cambium
Secondary phloem Secondary xylem
Primary xylem Secondary
Secondary xylem phloem rays


(C) 6.18 Secondary
growth in dicot root
146 ISC Biology-X
Now allthe cells of the cambium ring become active and start adding new cells both on its inner and outer side:
Those cells which are added on the outer side form the secondary phloem, while those on the inner side, form
secondary xylem.
Since cambium is much more active on the inner side than on the outer side much more secondary xylem is addet
than the secondary phloem. In older roots it is the secondary xylem, which forms the main bulk.
The annual rings,which are so characteristics of dicot stems, are not usually seen in the secondary xylem of dicnr

3. Formation of Medullary Rays: The vascular cambium does not form either secondary xylem or phloem
opposite tothe protoxylem groups. At these points it forms only radial rows of parenchyma cells, and this results in the
presence of wide primary medullary rays at these points characteristics of roots.
Extra-stellar secondary growth: As roots grow older cork-cambium or phellogen develops, usually in the
pericycle. It cuts off cells inward and outwards, as in the case of dicot stems. Those cells that are added on the outer
side become suberized and form cork. Thus, between the original pericycle and endodermis, a complete ring of
impervious cork is laid doWn. The cork cuts of the entire cortex and exodermis from its sources of nutrition, and these
therefore die and peel off. Thus, in a large root the outer bark layer is the cork; the cortex is absent, and the phloem lies
immediately beneath the cork.

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