Adobe Scan Aug 11, 2024
Adobe Scan Aug 11, 2024
Adobe Scan Aug 11, 2024
6 closed siomato
Plant Tissues
perform a common function. The study of tissues is
Iissue is defined as groups of similar or dissimilar cells which
called histology.
Plant tissues may be primarily classified into two main types:
i) Meristematic
(i) Permanent
Plant Tissue
Meristematic Tissue
Permanent Tissue
On the basis of constituent cells (A and B)
Parenchyma (Living cells) Promeristem
Collenchyma (Living cells) Origin Primary meristem
(A) Simple Tissue
Sclerenchyma (Non-living cells)
(Made of similar Secondary meristem
types of cells) Tracheids
Vessels (Trachea) Apical
Xylem Xylem parenchyma
Xylem fibres
Position Lateral
Meristematic Tissues
Meristematic tissue is a group of actively dividing cells.
Features of Meristematic Tissues
() The cells are small in size and spherical in shape.
() The cells are tightly packed against each other without leaving intercellular spaces.
(iii) The cell walls are very thin and are composed of cellulose.
(iv) Each cell has a dense granular cytoplasm, a conspicuous nucleus but no or very small vacuoles.
Funetion:Meristematic tissues give rise to permanent tissues.
Classification of Meristematic Tissues
(A) According to their origin, the meristematic
tissues are classified as follows:
Apical meristem
1. Promeristem: It is also called as primordial
meristem as it originates from the embryo. It consists
of thin-walled isodiametric cells Three primary meristems:
with dense
cytoplasm and large nuclei. Promeristem Protoderm
differeniates into primary meristem. It is found at Ground meristem
Protoderm Epidermis
Primary phloem Secondary phloem
Procambium Vascular cambium <
meristem Secondary xylem
A Primary xylem
Ground Ground tissue Cork cambium Cork
Cortex Periderm
Permanent Tissues
sometimes such cells may later divide and may
The cells of permanent tissues have stopped to divide, though
jecome meristematic again.
Table 6.1 Differences between meristematic and permanent tissues
Permanent Tissue
Meristematic Tissue
(c) Sometimes the parenchymatous cells become long and tapering at the ends. These are caled as
(d) Those parenchymatous cells which are secretory in nature are called as idioblasts. They produce and
store alkaloids, tannins, oils and crystals of different types.
Functions :
() They help in the storage of reserve food material.
(ii) They help in the slow conduction of water and food.
(iüi) In succulent plants, the parenchymatous cells provide turgidity.
(iv) Chlorenchyma, helps in the manufacture of food material.
(v) The arenchyma helps in the aeration of the tissues and provides buoyancy.
2. Collenchyma
(i) The cells are thickened at the angles where several cells come in contact.
(ii) The thickening is due to the deposition of cellulose along the corners of
the cell wall. Sometimes pectic substances may also be deposited along
with cellulose.
(iii) The cells are always living.
(iv) Collenchyma is absent in roots and monocot stems.
(v) Collenchyma is found in the form of a complete cylinder just below the
epidermis of young dicot stems, petioles and in the corners of angular
(i) It provides tensile strength.
(ii) These Irregularly thickened primary cell wall
cells occasionally contain chloroplasts and carry Out
photosynthesis. Fig. 6.3 Collenchyma
3. Sclerenchyma
(i) The cells are dead.
(iü) The cell walls are thick and lignified.
(ii) The cells are elongated, narrow and pointed at both ends.
(iv) The sclerenchymatous cells may be of two types:
(a) Sclerenchymatous fibres: The cells are
usually spindle-shaped and tapering at the
ends. These fibres are of great economic
importance, e.g., Madras hemp (Hibiscus
cannabinus) and jute. Rope and linen are
made from these fibres (from hemp and flax
respectively). Fibre in TS Sclereid
Fig.6.4 Sclerenchyma
4natomy Flowering
off Plants 129
-XI (b) Stone or sclerotic cells: They are derived from the parenchyma celis which are always irregular in shape.
The stone cells occur singly or in groups.
d as
Chase are most abundant n the cortex and phloem of stems and roots and in the
coverings of seeds alie
and re The fruits of walnuts, coconuts and many other nuts consist almost entirely of
stone cellS. The 81
some of the Succulent fruits like pears is nothing but a
group of stone cells.
Table 6.3 : Differences between collenchyma and
Made up of living cells having cytoplasm. (i) Made up of dead cells without cytoplasm
The cell wall is not uniformly thickened. (i) The cellwall is uniformly thickened.
Pits are simple, straight and unbranched. (iii) Pits are simple, oblique, and sometimes branched.
(i) Cell wall is thickened due to deposition of cellulose or (iv) Cellwall is thickeneddue to deposition of cellulose, lignin
pectose. or suberin.
(r) Provides tensile strength. (v) Provides mechanical strength.
(i) Metabolically active. (vi) No metabolism.
a PhloemParenchyma
(a) These are normal parenchymatous cells associated with the phloem.
(b) These cells help in the storage of reserve food and in metabolic functions.
Phloem parenchymais absent in the monocots.
PholemFibres or
Bast Fibres
(a) These are sclerenchymatous fibres which are associated with the phloem.
(b) They are
lignified, elongatedtapering cells.
provide mechanical strength and support.
() They
(d) These ibres are economically important because they are
used in making clothes, ropes
and cords.
Radial vascular bundle
Conjoint collateral vascular bundle
Collateral Bicollateral
Closed Open Outer phloem
Outer cambium
Inner cambium
) Epiblema or
known as piliferous Piliferous
laver or layer: It is the
Root hair
Pericycle Pericycle
Pith Xylem
Metaxylem Píth
T.S. of dicot root
(cellular details)
T.S. of dicot root
Fig. 6.9 Transverse section of
dicot root
(ii) Cortex: The part of the
parenchyma cells, which are roundedoutside
the endodermis is
shape and have numerous
composed of many layers of thin-waled
(iv) Endodermis: The
innermost layer of the cortex is known as intercellular spaces, occupied by air.
barrel-shaped. endodermis. The cells of the endodermnis are
Along the inner side of the radial, upper and
lower walls of the endodermal cell runs a
Suberized) strip known as Casparian strip, named after its discoverer R. Caspary (1865).thickened (lignified or
Certain cells found in the endodermis near the
ends of the protoxylem remain
hairs. Such cells are known as passagethin-walled
root is absorbing water through its root as that part of the
Pericycle: The stele is bounded on the outside by asingle layered
i) Vascular bundles: pericycle.
(a) Xylem and phloem are arranged on separate and alternate radi (radial arrangement).
(b) There are 2-7 xylem strands and equal number of phloem strands in a typical dicot root.
Or dicot root can be diarch, triarch, tetrarch, or pentarch, heaxareh or heptarch. Thus, the stele
(c) The
xylem of the root is always exarch or centripetal with proto-xylen1 pointing towards the periphery
(d) The metaxylem
at the center.
viny The pith is metaxylem vessels are larger and polygonal in
either absent or poorly developed.
136 ISC Biology-XI
Monocot Root
The following structures may be seen in a cross-section of the root of iris, canna, maize etc.
(i) Epiblema: The epiblema is single layered; many Root hair
epidermal cells bear root hairs in the root-hair zone.
(ii) Cortex: The cortex usually consists of thin-walled Epidermis
parenchymatous cells. Cortex
(iii) Exodermis: It lies immediately below the remains of
the piliferous layer and is usually single cell in
thickness. The cell of this layer are somewhat thickened
and have suberized walls and as such form a protective Endodermis
layer covering a surface when the delicate piliferous Pericycle
layer has been lost. Pith
(i) The metaxylem vessels are relatively larger in size and (vi) The
circular in outline. metaxylem vessels are polygonal in outline and
relatively smaller in size.
(hii) There is no secondary growth. (viii) Secondary growth is possible due to the formation of
secondary meristenm
Epidermal Parenchyrna
-Hypodermis Pericycle
Endodermis Phloem
Pericycle Carnbium
A. T.S. of sunflower stem
(Diagrammatic representation)
(c) Endodermis: The inner most layer of the cortex is known as the endodermis. It is made of single layer
of barrel-shaped cells which sometimes store starch. Therefore, it is often termed the starch-sheath.
(d) Pericycle: In the sunflower the pericycle is several layered thick and heterogeneous in structure.
(e) Vascular bundles: The vascular bundles are arranged in a ring. They are conjoint, collateral and
open. The xylem is endarch.
() Pith or medulla: It occupies the center of the stem and is composed of thin-walled parenchyma cells
with conspicuous intercellular spaces.
(g) Primary medullary or pith-rays: The rows of parenchymatous cells, which separate thevascular
bundles are called pith-rays. The cells of pith-rays are usually elongated in aradial direction. They serve
for the conduction of water and food in the radial direction.
Monocot Stem (Maize)
(i) Epidermis: The epidermis is made of single layers of highly cutinized cells. The trichomes are wanting. In
young herbaceous monocot stems, the epidermis may be here and there pierced by stomata.
(iü) Hypodermis: The hypodermis is made of sclerenchymatous cells.
(iii) Vascular bundles:
(a) The vascular bundles are conjoint, collateral and closed.
(b) The xylem is endarch.
(c) Thevascular bundles are scattered in the ground tissue. Hence the ground tissue cannot be differentiated
into general cortex, endodermis, pericycle, pith and pith-rays.
(d) Each vascular bundle is more or less oval in outline and is surrounded by a sheath of thick-walled
sclerenchymatous cells.
(e) The vascular bundles are not of the same size; they are smaller and more numerous
near the peripie
but larger and less numerous towards the centre.
Flowering Plants 139
Epidermis Hyprasorn1s
tissue Phioern
f)The ground-tissue can be differentiated into extra (i)No such differentiation is possible.
stelar and stelar regions.
)The hypodermis is collenchymatous. (iv) The hypodermis is sclerenchymatous.
() General cortex is well developed and is made of (V Cortex is not distinct.
thín-walled parenchymatous cells.
(vi)Vascular bundles are smaller near the periphery and larger
(v)The vascular bundles of each ring are of the same size
at the centre but they are nearly oval in shape.
and are wedge-shaped.
)The vascular bundles are conjoint and open. They may (vii) The vascular bundles are normnally conjoint, collateral and
closed, rarely concentric but never bicollateral.
be either collateral or bicollateral but never concentric.
few and arranged in the form ofV or Y.
yAyiem vessels are numerous and usually arranged in (viii) Xylem vessels are
radial rows.
Phloem consists of sieve tubes. companion cells and (ix)Phloem consists of sieve tubes, companion cells bur no
phloem parenchyma.
phloem parenchyma.
Vascular bundles are not surrounded by sclerenchy- (x) Sclerenchymatous sheath is usually present around the
vascular bundles.
matous sheath.
(xi)Endodermis is usually indistinct exCept in Ruscus and
Endodermis is single layered and contains starch. AsparaguS.
äily Pith and pith-rays (xii) Both are absent.
(xii) No secondary growth except in Yucca and Dracaenu.
Secondary growth takes place.
140 ISC Biology-XI
tBundle sheath is made up of parenchymatous cells. (vi) Bundle sheath is parenchymatous. The patches above and
The patches above and below the vascular bundles are below the vascular bundles may be parenchymatous or
sclerenchymatous. collenchymatous.
(i)Xylem vessels are numerous and usually arranged in (viü) Xvlem vessels are few andarranged in the form of Vor Y.
radial rows.
Secondary Growth
The apical meristem is responsible for growth in length. Acertain amount of increase in diameter, known as
Binary thickening is brought about by the enlargement of the cells in the region below the meristem. In large trees, the
atual thickness of the main trunk and the side branches enormously exceed the maximal thickening which can be
atained merely by the enlargement of the individual cells. This can be achieved by the activity of lateral meristem, the
cambium. The increase in the diameter of the tree is called secondary growth.
Primary phloem
Primary xylem
Pith cambium
Cambium ring
Fig. 6.15 Secondary growth in dicot stem
Annual Rings
tach ingsecondary xylem or wood form year after year, appears in the form of rings in
represents the total of wood during all transverse section of the trunk.
Annual ring. It is development seasons the year. Each ring is
of two distinct parts, an inner layer of spring wood (or early wood) and ancommonly called an
made wood (or late wood).
OmpactThe layer of summer outer, usually more
owing dif erence between the spring wood and summer wood is connected to climatic variations. ln the
aivity andconditions are more favourable, large number of new leaves make their appearance and spring the
Tanspiration are both very active. Thus, there is greater need of water as a raw material
Pulhotlinogsynhesis and
the water
moreover due to greater transpiration therethe is considerable suction pressure in the leavesduringfor
up. Thus, the xylem vessels formed in
column spring are large in number, greater in
diameter and
144 ISC Biology-XI
(A) Epidermis/periderm
Primary phloem
Cortex Annual ring
Vascular cambium
Secondary phloem Secondary xylem
Primary xylem Secondary
Secondary xylem phloem rays
(C) 6.18 Secondary
growth in dicot root
146 ISC Biology-X
Now allthe cells of the cambium ring become active and start adding new cells both on its inner and outer side:
Those cells which are added on the outer side form the secondary phloem, while those on the inner side, form
secondary xylem.
Since cambium is much more active on the inner side than on the outer side much more secondary xylem is addet
than the secondary phloem. In older roots it is the secondary xylem, which forms the main bulk.
The annual rings,which are so characteristics of dicot stems, are not usually seen in the secondary xylem of dicnr
3. Formation of Medullary Rays: The vascular cambium does not form either secondary xylem or phloem
opposite tothe protoxylem groups. At these points it forms only radial rows of parenchyma cells, and this results in the
presence of wide primary medullary rays at these points characteristics of roots.
Extra-stellar secondary growth: As roots grow older cork-cambium or phellogen develops, usually in the
pericycle. It cuts off cells inward and outwards, as in the case of dicot stems. Those cells that are added on the outer
side become suberized and form cork. Thus, between the original pericycle and endodermis, a complete ring of
impervious cork is laid doWn. The cork cuts of the entire cortex and exodermis from its sources of nutrition, and these
therefore die and peel off. Thus, in a large root the outer bark layer is the cork; the cortex is absent, and the phloem lies
immediately beneath the cork.