Comparison of Rorschach Indices Among No Ae5ced84
Comparison of Rorschach Indices Among No Ae5ced84
Comparison of Rorschach Indices Among No Ae5ced84
Chand, B. K. S., & Pangajam, A. (2022). Comparison of Rorschach indices among normal,
Schizophrenic and substance induced psychotic males. International Journal of Health
Sciences, 6(S3), 2547²2554.
Bibin Chand K. S.
(Rtd) Indian Air Force Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist & Assistant Professor,
Department of Clinical Psychology, SRM Medical College Hospital & Research
Centre, Chennai
Pangajam A.
Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology, SRM Medical College
Hospital & Research Centre, Chennai
The symptoms and criteria for behavioural disorders vary significantly, still it
often amalgamates with each other and makes it a difficult task for mental health
professionals for diagnosing and management (Holt, 1958; Singer & Brabender,
1993). Personality dynamics, physiological factors and environmental factors
often make this task more intricate. The common neuro pathways, role of neuro
transmitters and the psychotogenic properties of specific substances viz cannabis,
amphetamines, cocaine, opioids, hallucinogens play a vital role in differentiating
between schizophrenia like psychotic disorder and substance induced psychosis
disorder (Shariff & Tandon, 2019). Substance-induced psychosis is confirmed
when the diagnosis criteria meet psychotic symptoms which occurs during or
within two weeks of substance use and persists for more than 48 hours and not
exceeds a duration of six months (ICD-10). Whereas schizophrenia is diagnosed
with the criteria meeting first rank symptoms, its intensity, duration along with
the exclusion criteria of organicity and psychotic substance usage. Intensity of
symptoms pertaining to thought, coping, affect and behaviour, varies with
individual to individual. At this complex juncture, projective techniques play a
notable role in abetting mental health professionals to confirm diagnose and
formulate therapeutic interventions effectively as these techniques relies on the
unconscious process of responding to a stimulus by an individual (Bellak &
Abrams, 1997). Among the various projective techniques, Rorschach Ink Blot Test
(RIT) developed by Herman Rorschach is perhaps the most widely used and
controversial projective technique among Psychiatrists and Clinical Psychologists
(Exner, 2003). Among the various RIT interpretation methods viz: Klopfer,
Rapaport, Beck, Piotrowski and Hertz, the most comprehensive system is the
Exner comprehensive method. In Exner comprehension interpretation system
various indices are used to elicit significant findings pertaining the
psychopathology of individuals. Indices often gives a cumulative value which will
overpower the discrete scores in any tests. The core indices focused in RIT for
To study the difference in Rorschach Indices viz: Perceptual Thinking Index (PTI),
Depression Index (DEPI), Coping Deficit Index (CDI), Suicide Potential
Constellation (S-CON), Hyper Vigilant Index (HVI), Obsessive Style Index (OBS),
Egocentricity Index, Isolation Index and Intellectualization Index among normal,
schizophrenic and substance induced psychotic males.
Variables studied
Independent Variables studied were normal male population and males with
schizophrenia and substance-induced Psychosis as per ICD-10 criteria.
Dependent Variables were Rorschach Indices (Exner, 2003) viz;
chromatic with various shades. The cards were presented to the subject one
at a time and in prescribed sequence, responses and enquiry part were
noted in verbatim for further analysis.
x The Rorschach - A Comprehensive System: (Exner, 2003): was utilized for
interpretation and scoring. Reliability of Exner Scoring System is reported
between 0.85 to 0.94 (Mattlar, 2004) along with a high validity (Weiner,
Statistical analysis
Descriptive statistics, Chi-Square test have been used for analysing data and
hypothesis testing. Hypothesis testing conducted in two-tailed at a significant
OHYHO Â The statistical package for social sciences (SPSS), version 17.0 was
used for the analysis of the data.
Table 1
Rorschach Indices among normal, schizophrenic and substance induced
psychotic male groups
Normal males Substance induced Schizophrenic males Chi-
Indices Sig
N=30 psychotic males (N=30) N=30 square
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Present 0 0 0 0 13 43.33
PTI 30.39 .000*
Absent 30 100 30 100 17 56.67
Present 05 16.67 08 26.67 10 33.33
DEPI 2.21
Absent 25 83.33 22 73.33 20 66.67 .33
Present 07 23.33 15 50 18 60
CDI 4.60 .04**
Absent 23 76.67 15 50 12 40
Present 0 0 0 0 0 0
S-CON -- --
Absent 30 100 30 100 30 100
Present 2 6.67 2 6.67 4 13.33
HVI 1.09 .578
Absent 28 93.33 28 93.33 26 86.67
Present 0 0 0 0 0 0
OBS -- --
Absent 30 100 30 100 30 100
Egocentricity Low 06 20 18 60 21 70
Index Normal 12 40 08 26.67 07 23.33 19.28 .000*
High 12 40 04 13.33 02 6.67
Isolation Normal 27 90 17 56.67 20 66.67
Index Less
02 6.67 06 20 01 3.33
Active 9.14 .035**
01 3.33 07 23.33 09 30
cut off
The findings of present study were consistent with previous research conclusions
pertaining to Rorschach Ink Blot Test (RIT). The disparity in brain physiology and
neuro transmitters can predominantly justify the significant difference in
cognitive, functional as well as coping strategy domains among primary psychotic
and substance induced psychotic patients (Stahl, 2013). Even though behavioural
indications including hallucinatory behaviour shares certain similarities between
both groups, the nature of critical and enduring transformations found in brain
anatomy differs from each group (Kalivas & Volkow, 2005). Perceptual thinking,
encompassing cognitive triads of information processing, cognitive mediation and
ideation often gets pathologically distraught among patients with thought
disorders (Casey & Kelly 2007). As in the case of primary psychotic patients like
schizophrenic, a serious deficit in perceptual thought process is not warned in
substance induced psychotic patients (Hall, 1980). The dysfunctional intensity of
neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin on Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
which accounts for cognitive dysfunctions differs from schizophrenic and
substance induced psychotic patients (Stahl, 2013). Egocentric Enormous studies
concluded lower self-esteem and self-worth in psychotic as well as substance
abusers (Mary, 2010) which in turns promote dysfunctional interpersonal
relationships. This can be addressed by the poor reality checking by an individual
(Exner, 2003). These loosened reality checking can be a precursor for delusional
like symptoms and poor modulation of emotions among these individuals. The
lower self-esteem as well as self-worth can contribute an individual to react
inappropriately and in a disorganised manner in complex situations (Exner, 2003
& Mary, 2010). The negative self-worth aroused due to the consideration of self as
less favourable than others and the unrealistic interpersonal perceptions, often
nurture coping deficits among these groups (Donald & Muriel, 1974). Several
researches concluded that substance abusers have poor coping skills and is
significantly correlated with low self- concept (Verma & Misra 2002). Impulsivity
and reward seeking have a significant biological basis in the medial prefrontal
cortex (mPFC) and lateral prefrontal cortex (lPFC). The former plays the key role in
reward processing, attention and drug reinstatement; while the later in decision-
making and behavioural inhibition (Jennifer et., 2011). Whereas the key
dopamine pathways responsible for positive and negative symptoms in
schizophrenia are mesolimbic and mesocortical respectively. It can be concluded
that the difference in brain circuit anatomy and role of neurotransmitters as well
as unique personalities of individual can be accounted for these dissimilarities
among groups.
The study was envisioned to elicit the variance in the Rorschach indices among
normal, schizophrenic and substance induced psychotic males and the results
revealed significant disparity in perceptual thought, coping strategies, self-esteem
and interpersonal perception among the groups. The verdicts of present study can