Trao Doi Chat Qua Mang - Becker
Trao Doi Chat Qua Mang - Becker
Trao Doi Chat Qua Mang - Becker
Transport Across
Membranes: Overcoming
Formation of a
Blood Clot. A clot of
fibrin strands (gray) is
entangling a number
of erythrocytes (red),
a model cell type for
studying membrane
transport processes
Carrier protein
Nucleotides OH- ADP
Proteins ATP
Organic O2 O2
Fatty acids
Triose phosphates
Amino protein
Protein acids
protein Amino
K+ acids Amino
Figure 8-1 Transport Processes Within a Composite Eukaryotic Cell. The molecules and ions shown
in this composite plant/animal cell are some of the many kinds of solutes that are transported across the
membranes of eukaryotic cells. The enlargements depict a small portion of a mitochondrion (upper right) and a
chloroplast (lower left), illustrating the pumping of protons across membranes during electron transport and the
use of the resulting electrochemical potential to drive ATP synthesis in these organelles.
In all organisms, active transport of ions across the plas- concentrations of Na+ and Cl- are more than 10-fold higher
ma membrane results in asymmetric distributions of ions outside the cell than inside, whereas the concentration of K+
inside and outside of cells, creating an electrochemical gradi- is approximately 40-fold higher inside the cell.
ent for many ions. For example, in human skeletal muscle, the
The Erythrocyte Plasma Membrane Provides
Examples of Transport Mechanisms
(a) Simple diffusion. (b) Facilitated diffusion using In our discussion of membrane transport processes, we will
Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and carrier proteins.
water diffuse directly across GLUT1 transports glucose into the
use the transport proteins of the erythrocyte as examples.
the plasma membrane in erythrocyte, where the glucose These are some of the most extensively studied and best un-
response to their relative concentration is lower. An anion derstood of all cellular transport proteins. Vital to the erythro-
concentrations inside and exchange protein transports cyte’s role in providing oxygen to body tissues is the movement
outside the cell. No transport chloride (Cl-) and bicarbonate
protein is required. (HCO3-) in opposite directions.
across its plasma membrane of O2, CO2, and bicarbonate ion
(HCO3-), as well as glucose, which serves as the cell’s main en-
(a) Glucose ergy source. Also important is the membrane potential main-
transporter tained across the plasma membrane by the active transport of
CO2 (GLUT1) (b) potassium ions inward and sodium ions outward. In addition,
Glucose special pores, or channels, allow water and ions to enter and
HCO3- Anion exchange leave the cell rapidly in response to cellular needs. These trans-
Cl- protein
port activities are summarized in Figure 8-2 and will be used
H 2O Glucose Sodium/potassium as examples in the following discussion.
HCO3- pump
O2 O2 Cl-
What is the difference between the concentration gradient
3 Na+
2 K+ and the electrochemical potential? For which of the three
3 Na+
types of transport mechanisms is the magnitude of the con-
(c) ATP
H2O 2 K+ centration gradient relevant? For which is the electrochemi-
Aquaporin cal gradient important?
v = rate of diffusion
When incorporated into proteins as amino acid residues,
the amino acids no longer have the two charged ends as do
free amino acids, and the degree of polarity is determined
solely by the side chain. Amino acids with nonpolar side
chains (see Figure 3-2), such as tryptophan, leucine, and va-
Simple diffusion
line, have high partition coefficients and are likely to be found (linear)
in transmembrane regions of a membrane protein, in contrast
to those with polar side chains and low partition coefficients
¢3S4 = solute concentration gradient
(serine and threonine).
Figure 8-6 Comparison of the Kinetics of Simple Diffusion
Solute Charge. The relative impermeability of polar sub- and Facilitated Diffusion. For simple diffusion across a mem-
stances in general and of ions in particular is due to their brane, the relationship between v, the rate of diffusion, and ∆[S],
strong association with water molecules, forming a shell of the solute concentration gradient, is linear over a broad concentra-
hydration. For such solutes to move into the membrane, the tion range (red line). For facilitated diffusion, the relationship is linear
water molecules must be stripped off, and an input of energy when the concentration gradient is small but exhibits saturation
kinetics and is therefore hyperbolic (green line), eventually reaching
is required to eliminate the bonding between the ions and the
a maximum value at very high ∆[S].
water molecules. Therefore, the association of ions with wa-
ter molecules to form shells of hydration dramatically restricts
ion transport across membranes. shape, and polarity of S; and the equilibrium distribution of
The impermeability of membranes to ions is important to S in the membrane and aqueous phases. As either the perme-
cell activity because for it to function, every cell must maintain ability or the concentration gradient increases, the rate of in-
an electrochemical potential across its plasma membrane. In ward transport increases.
most cases this potential is a gradient of either sodium ions As Equation 8-1 indicates, simple diffusion is characterized
(animal cells) or protons (most other cells). On the other hand, by a linear relationship between the inward flux of the solute
membranes must also allow ions to cross the barrier in a con- across the membrane and the concentration gradient of the
trolled manner. As we will see later in the chapter, the proteins solute, with no evidence of saturation at high concentrations.
that facilitate ion transport serve as hydrophilic channels This relationship is seen as the straight red line in Figure 8-6.
that provide a low-energy pathway for movement of the ions Simple diffusion differs in this respect from facilitated diffusion,
across the membrane. which is subject to saturation and generally follows hyperbolic
Michaelis–Menten kinetics, as we will see shortly.
The Rate of Simple Diffusion Is Directly We can summarize simple diffusion by noting that it is rel-
Proportional to the Concentration Gradient evant only to molecules such as ethanol and O2 that are small
So far, we have focused on qualitative aspects of simple diffu- enough and/or nonpolar enough to cross membranes without
sion. We can be more quantitative by considering the thermo- the aid of transport proteins. Simple diffusion proceeds exer-
dynamic and kinetic properties of the process (see Table 8-1, gonically in the direction dictated by the concentration gra-
page 212). Thermodynamically, simple diffusion is always an dient, with a linear, nonsaturating relationship between the
exergonic process, requiring no input of energy. Individual diffusion rate and the concentration gradient.
molecules simply diffuse randomly in both directions, but net
flux will always be in the direction of minimum free energy—
How is osmosis different from the simple diffusion of molecular
which in the case of uncharged molecules means down the
oxygen (O2) across a membrane? How are they similar?
concentration gradient.
Kinetically, a key feature of simple diffusion is that the net
rate of transport for a specific substance is directly proportional
to the concentration difference for that substance on opposite 8.3 Facilitated Diffusion:
sides of the membrane.. For the diffusion of solute S from the Protein-Mediated Movement
outside to the inside of a cell, the expression for the rate, or
velocity, of inward diffusion through the membrane, vinward, is Down the Gradient
Most substances in cells are too large or too polar to cross mem-
vinward = P∆ 3S 4 (8-1)
branes at reasonable rates by simple diffusion, even if the pro-
where vinward is the rate of inward diffusion (in moles/ cess is exergonic. Such solutes can move into and out of cells
second-cm2 of membrane surface), and ∆[S] is the con- and organelles at appreciable rates only with the assistance of
centration gradient of the solute across the membrane transport proteins that mediate the movement of solute mol-
(∆ 3S 4 = 3S 4 outside − 3S 4 inside). P is the permeability coef- ecules across the membrane. If such a process is exergonic, it
ficient, an experimentally determined parameter that depends is called facilitated diffusion because the solute still diffuses
on the thickness and viscosity of the membrane; the size, in the direction dictated by the concentration gradient (for
Glucose Glucose OF CELL
T1 T1
Glucose transporter
Figure 8-8 The Alternating Conformation Model for Facilitated Diffusion of Glucose by the
Glucose Transporter GLUT1 in the Erythrocyte Membrane. The inward transport of glucose by GLUT1
is shown here in four steps, arranged at the periphery of a cell.
the relative concentrations of the ions on opposite sides of outward movement of each negatively charged bicarbonate
the membrane. In cells with a high bicarbonate concentra- ion is accompanied by the uptake of one negatively charged
tion, bicarbonate leaves the cell and chloride enters. In cells chloride ion.
with a low bicarbonate concentration, the reciprocal process In the lungs, this entire process is reversed: chloride ions
occurs—bicarbonate enters the cell and chloride leaves. are transported out of erythrocytes accompanied by the up-
The anion exchange protein plays a central role in the take of bicarbonate ions, which are then converted back to
process by which waste CO2 produced in metabolically active CO2 by carbonic anhydrase. The net result is the movement
tissues is delivered to the lungs to be expelled. In these tissues, of CO2 (in the form of bicarbonate ions) from tissues to the
CO2 diffuses into erythrocytes, where the cytosolic enzyme car- lungs, where the CO2 is exhaled from the body. In addition, the
bonic anhydrase converts it to bicarbonate ions (see Figure 8-3). import of bicarbonate into erythrocytes in the lungs increases
As the concentration of bicarbonate in the erythrocyte rises, it the cellular pH, which enhances oxygen binding to hemoglo-
moves out of the cell. To prevent a net charge imbalance, the bin in the lungs. When the erythrocytes reach the tissues and
Ion channels
Figure 8A-1 Microinjection of an Oocyte to Produce a Membrane Protein. In this example, an ion
channel is produced and inserted into the oocyte membrane, whose electrical properties can then be measured.
inserted into the membrane in the proper orientation as dictated some interference with the production or function of the desired
by the protein’s structure. If the protein inserted is an ion chan- protein. In addition, Xenopus oocytes may lack specific signaling
nel, the voltage difference across the oocyte membrane can be molecules that interact with the membrane protein in its native
measured to study the properties of the ion channel (● 3 ). cell type that are necessary for its proper function. Despite a
Although injecting mRNA into oocytes is common, in other few inevitable shortcomings, Xenopus oocytes have proven to
cases, rather than allowing the oocyte to synthesize the cor- be an extremely valuable “living test tube” for the expression
responding protein, it is easier to synthesize a membrane and functional study of integral membrane proteins.
protein directly in the laboratory. The protein is then mixed with
liposomes, and the protein-carrying liposomes are then injected QUESTION: A researcher is studying a fern that is
into the oocyte. shown to have a membrane protein that transports the
Although they are convenient, there are several limitations arsenate ion (HAsO42− ), a common pollutant in ground
of Xenopus oocytes for expression of heterologous proteins.
water, across membranes and may be useful to clean polluted
They are best kept and used at 20°C, which may not be the
optimum temperature for mammalian proteins, which typically sites. However, after having injected the correct mRNA for the
function optimally at 37°C. In addition, endogenous proteins and protein, the researcher failed to detect arsenate transport in
channels normally expressed by Xenopus oocytes may cause the oocytes. What are the possible reasons for this?
bicarbonate is exported, the cellular pH drops and oxygen and aquaporins. Because these transport proteins are integral
binding decreases, allowing more rapid release to the tissues. membrane proteins, they are often difficult to purify and ana-
lyze. Key Technique, page 220, shows how the function of
an integral membrane protein can be studied in vivo by ex-
Channel Proteins Facilitate Diffusion by
pressing the protein in frog egg cells, using aquaporin as an
Forming Hydrophilic Transmembrane Channels example.
Whereas some transport proteins facilitate diffusion by func-
tioning as carrier proteins that alternate between different Ion Channels: Transmembrane Proteins That Allow
conformational states, others do so by forming hydrophilic Rapid Passage of Specific Ions. Despite their apparently
transmembrane channels that allow specific solutes to move simple design—a tiny pore lined with hydrophilic atoms—
across the membrane directly. We will consider three kinds ion channels are remarkably selective. Most allow passage
of transmembrane protein channels: ion channels, porins, of only one kind of ion, so separate channels are needed for
A young mother sits in the waiting room of her doctor’s office with ions across the membrane. Ultimately, this leads to less water
her young daughter. Her daughter often has difficulty breathing and flow as well, so CF patients have unusually thick mucus in their
hasn’t been gaining weight like most other children her age. Moreo- lungs. Bacteria are able to colonize and grow within the mucus
ver, when the mother kisses the girl’s forehead, she is left with a layer, leading to chronic bacterial infections (Figure 8B-1b).
salty taste on her lips. As she will soon discover, the young girl has In addition, gas exchange in the lungs is impaired by the thick
cystic fibrosis (CF). One hundred years ago the girl’s outlook would mucus, so patients are unable to achieve normal levels of physi-
have been bleak; she would have suffered from chronic weakness, cal activity. In the pancreas, a different secretory problem results:
difficulty breathing, and malnourishment and likely would have died digestive enzymes that should reach the small intestine fail to do
by the age of 10. Today, with modern therapies and treatments, so. This accounts for the inability of CF patients to gain weight.
patients with CF have an average life span of about 40 years. Treatments for CF are varied. Patients take oral pancreatic
CF is an incurable disease that affects roughly one out of every enzymes to help digest and absorb more of the necessary build-
9000 individuals in the United States. It primarily affects the secre- ing blocks for biological macromolecules that allow normal weight
tory cells in epithelial tissues of the lungs, pancreas, and skin gain. Visits to a respiratory therapist involve lowering the head
(although the disease manifests itself in many different tissues of and physical pounding on the back to loosen mucus so it may be
the body). The disease is named for its typical pancreatic cysts and expelled (Figure 8B-2a). More recently, a mechanical vest has
fibrosis, or hardening, of lung tissue in affected individuals. been developed that is worn for a half hour twice a day and pro-
Common to all of the affected tissues is a transmembrane pro- vides high-frequency chest wall oscillation to loosen the mucus
tein integral to the transport of chloride ions across the membrane: (Figure 8B-2b). Unfortunately, over many years, lung tissue
the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), typically becomes damaged and scarred, further reducing efficient
a cAMP-regulated ion channel. In normal individuals, the channel gas exchange. If this occurs, lung transplant is often a last resort.
pumps chloride ions into the lumen of lung airways and other tissues These treatments address the most severe symptoms of CF.
(Figure 8B-1a). Sodium ions then flow passively across the mem- But is a cure for the disease possible? Current efforts toward
brane into the lumen, and water follows via osmosis. This results in curing CF involve directed gene therapies. From a layperson’s per-
relatively thin mucus that keeps the tissue moist and can be expelled spective, getting a functional copy of the CFTR gene into affected
from the lungs and bronchial passages through the beating of cilia, tissues might seem the “easiest” route to a cure. For example,
microtubule-based structures that generate gentle fluid currents. there are many influenza viruses that preferentially infect lung
Patients with CF, however, have mutations in the CFTR gene cells; in fact, many people receive yearly vaccinations against
that render the ion channel encoded by this gene nonfunctional. these viruses via inhalers. What if one of these viruses could be
To date, more than 1000 different mutations have been identified, engineered to carry a functional CFTR gene? In theory, after infec-
all with a similar effect: CF patients are unable to move chloride tion, the viral genes would integrate into the host cell. Through
H2O Airway
Na+ membrane
Cells lining
airways Mucus
(a) Normal cells lining airways; hydrated mucus
Airway domain
H2O molecules
Na+ Nucleotide-
Cells lining binding domain INSIDE
airways Mucus C OF CELL
(b) Cells with cystic fibrosis infected with bacteria (c) Proposed CFTR structure
Figure 8B-1 Cystic Fibrosis and Chloride Ion Secretion. (a) Normal lungs have hydrated mucus lining
the airways. (b) Cystic fibrosis is caused by a defect in the secretion of chloride ions in cells lining the lungs,
leading to insufficient hydration, thick mucus, and the promotion of bacterial growth. (c) Proposed structure and
orientation of CFTR in the lung cell membrane.
from the oxidation of sugars (mitochondria) or from the sun It was not until 1992 that Peter Agre and colleagues at
(chloroplasts) to create a transmembrane proton gradient. Johns Hopkins University finally isolated the long-sought-after
The exergonic flow of protons down their concentration water channel protein, which they named aquaporin (AQP).
gradient through the ATP synthase allows the endergonic They found that this particular erythrocyte protein, when in-
conversion of ADP and inorganic phosphate into the high- troduced into membranes of relatively water-impermeable
energy ATP molecule. frog egg cells, would cause the cells to explode when placed in
pure water due to the rapid influx of water. Control eggs with-
Porins: Transmembrane Proteins That Allow Rapid out the protein placed in the pure water were unchanged. In
Passage of Various Solutes. Compared with ion chan- 2003, Agre shared a Nobel Prize in chemistry with Roderick
nels, the pores found in the outer membranes of mitochon- MacKinnon, who determined the first three-dimensional
dria, chloroplasts, and many bacteria are somewhat larger structure of an ion channel.
and much less specific. These pores are formed by multipass Aquaporins facilitate the rapid movement of water mol-
transmembrane proteins called porins. However, the ecules into or out of cells in specific tissues that require this
transmembrane segments of porin molecules cross the mem- capability. For example, your kidneys reabsorb water as part of
brane not as a helices but as a closed cylindrical b sheet called urine formation, and specialized cells in this organ have a high
a b barrel (Figure 8-9). The b barrel has a water-filled pore density of AQPs in their plasma membrane, allowing the kid-
at its center. Polar side chains (not shown) line the inside of ney to filter more than 100 L of blood plasma every day. Aqua-
the pore, whereas the outside of the barrel consists mainly of porins are also abundant in erythrocytes, which must be able
nonpolar side chains that interact with the hydrophobic inte- to expand or shrink rapidly in response to sudden changes in
rior of the membrane. The pore allows passage of various hy- osmotic pressure as they move through the kidney or other
drophilic solutes. The upper size limit for the solute molecules arterial passages. Erythrocytes have approximately 200,000
is determined by the pore size of the particular porin—only aquaporin molecules per cell.
solutes smaller than about 600 Da can pass through the Esch- In plants, AQPs are a prominent feature of root cell
erichia coli porin shown in the figure. Mutations in certain bac- plasma membranes and the vacuolar membrane, reflecting
terial porins can lead to antibiotic resistance in these bacteria the rapid movement of water that is required to develop tur-
by effectively blocking entry of the antibiotics that would nor- gor pressure, as discussed previously. Bacteria have recently
mally be used to fight an infection. been shown to contain AQPs. One type of bacterial AQP has
a slightly larger channel and can transport glycerol as well as
Aquaporins: Transmembrane Channels That Allow water and is thus termed an aquaglyceroporin.
Rapid Passage of Water. Whereas water can diffuse slowly Aquaporins are tetrameric integral membrane proteins
across cell membranes in the absence of a protein transporter, that have four identical monomers, with each monomer
movement of water across membranes in some tissues is much containing six helical transmembrane segments. The four
more rapid than can be accounted for by diffusion alone. In monomers associate side by side in the membrane to form
fact, the existence of water channels in cell membranes was four identical water channels lined with amino acid residues
postulated as early as the mid- to late 1800s. Despite a century having hydrophilic side chains (Figure 8-10a). The space in
of experiments suggesting their existence, water channels the center of the tetramer is blocked by a lipid molecule. The
remained elusive, and their very existence was sometimes in diameter of each of the four water channels narrows to about
doubt. 0.3 nm (3 Å) (Figure 8-10b), which is just large enough for
0.3 nm
Figure 8-10 The Aquaporin Channel Protein.
(a) End view of the tetrameric human aquaporin
Model: channel, showing the six a helices in each of the
Aquaporin-1 four identical monomers. Two of the four water
channels in the tetramer are labeled. (b) Space-
filling model of the side view of a single aquaporin
channel, showing the entry and exit sites for water Cytoplasmic
molecules (red). (a) Aquaporin tetramer (end view) (b) Aquaporin monomer (side view)
water molecules to pass through one at a time in single file. the concentration inside. Third, it enables the cell to maintain
Even with this constraint, water molecules flow through an constant, nonequilibrium intracellular concentrations of spe-
aquaporin channel at the rate of several billion per second. cific inorganic ions, notably K+, Na+, Ca2+, and H+.
The specific amino acid residues lining the water channel allow This ability to create an internal cellular environment
only H2O molecules through and discriminate against the sim- whose solute concentrations are far removed from equilib-
ilar-sized OH- and H3O + ions. In addition, the narrowest re- rium is a crucial feature of active transport. In contrast to
both of them multisubunit complexes. The integral membrane F-type ATPases illustrate an important principle: Not
component, called Fo, is a transmembrane pore for protons. only can ATP be used as an energy source to generate and main-
The peripheral membrane component, called F1, includes tain ion gradients, but such gradients can be used as an energy
the ATP-binding site. F-type ATPases can use the energy of source to synthesize ATP. This principle, which was discovered
ATP hydrolysis to pump protons against their electrochemical in studies of F-type pumps, is the basis of ATP-synthesizing
potential. mechanisms in all eukaryotic organisms and in most bacte-
These transport proteins can also facilitate the reverse ria as well.
process to synthesize ATP (as we will see when we study aer-
obic respiration and photosynthesis in Chapters 10 and 11, ABC-Type ATPases. The fourth major class of ATP-
respectively). In the reverse direction, the exergonic flow of driven pumps is the ABC-type ATPases, also called ABC
protons down their gradient is used to drive ATP synthesis. transporters. The ABC designation is for “ATP-binding cas-
When they function in this latter mode, these F-type ATPases sette,” where the term cassette describes the catalytic domain of
are more appropriately called ATP synthases. As ATP the protein that binds ATP as an integral part of the transport
synthases, these proteins function to use either the energy process. The more than 150 known ABC-type ATPases com-
from sugar oxidation (respiration) or the energy of solar ra- prise a very large family of transport proteins that are found in
diation (photosynthesis) to produce a transmembrane proton all organisms. They are related to each other in sequence and
gradient that drives ATP synthesis. probably also in molecular mechanism. Most of the ABC-type
Initial state:
pump open to inside
(E1 conformation) OUTSIDE
6 Two K+ expelled to OF CELL
the inside as ATP binds b 1 Three Na+ from
and the pump returns inside the cell bind to E1
to initial state g a a
3 Na+
2 K+
K+ Na+
K+ Na+
P Na+
Figure 8-14 Model Mechanism for the Na + /K + Pump. The transport process is shown here in six steps
arranged at the periphery of a cell. The outward transport of sodium ions is coupled to the inward transport of
potassium ions, both against their respective electrochemical potentials. The driving force is provided by ATP
hydrolysis, which is required for phosphorylation of the a subunit of the pump at step ● 2.
5 Loss of Na+ O
is followed by INSIDE
glucose release to 2 Binding of Na+
OF CELL allows glucose
binding and a subsequent
conformational change
Na+ Na+
Figure 8-15 Model Mechanism for the Na + /Glucose Symporter. The transport process is shown here
in six steps arranged at the periphery of a cell. The inward transport of glucose against its concentration gradi-
ent is driven by the simultaneous inward transport of sodium ions down their electrochemical gradient. The
sodium ion gradient is in turn maintained by the continuous outward transport of sodium ions (dashed arrow) by
the Na+/K+ pump of Figure 8-14.
Purple membrane
Photon of light
(b) Halobacterium cell
with patches of purple
3S 4 inside
8.6 The Energetics of Transport ∆Ginward = RT ln
3S 4 outside
8.1 Cells and Transport Processes ■■ Membranes are permeable to lipids, which can pass through the
nonpolar interior of the lipid bilayer. Membrane permeability
■■ The selective transport of molecules and ions across membrane of most compounds is directly proportional to their partition
barriers ensures that necessary substances are moved into and coefficient—their relative solubility in oil versus water.
out of cells and cell compartments at the appropriate time and at
■■ The direction of diffusion of a solute across a membrane is
useful rates.
determined by its concentration gradient and always moves
■■ Nonpolar molecules and small, polar molecules cross the mem- toward equilibrium. The solute will diffuse down the gradi-
brane by simple diffusion. Transport of all other solutes, includ- ent from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower
ing ions and many molecules of biological relevance, is mediated concentration.
by specific transport proteins that provide passage through an
■■ If the membrane is impermeable to the solute, water will move
otherwise impermeable membrane.
by osmosis from the area of lower solute concentration (higher
■■ Each such transport protein has at least one, and frequently sev- 3H2O4 ) to the area of higher solute concentration (lower 3H2O4 ).
eral, hydrophobic membrane-spanning sequences that embed the
protein within the membrane and often act as the channel itself.
Typically, a separate regulatory domain controls channel open- 8.3 Facilitated Diffusion: Protein-Mediated
ing and closing. Movement Down the Gradient
8.2 Simple Diffusion: Unassisted Movement ■■ Transport can either be downhill or uphill in relation to an
uncharged solute’s concentration gradient. For an ion, we must
Down the Gradient consider its electrochemical potential—the combined effect of the
■■ Simple diffusion through biological membranes is limited to small ion’s concentration gradient and the charge gradient across the
or nonpolar molecules such as O2, CO2, and lipids. Water mol- membrane.
ecules, although polar, are small enough to diffuse across mem- ■■ Downhill transport of large, polar molecules and ions, called
branes in a manner that is not entirely understood. facilitated diffusion, must be mediated by carrier proteins and
channel proteins because these molecules and ions cannot diffuse protons (plant, fungal, and many bacterial cells). For example,
through the membrane directly. the inward transport of nutrients across the plasma membrane
■■ Carrier proteins function by alternating between two conforma- is often driven by the symport of sodium ions that were pumped
tional states. Examples include the glucose transporter and the outward by the Na+/K+ pump. As they flow back into the cell,
anion exchange protein found in the plasma membrane of the they drive inward transport of sugars, amino acids, and other
erythrocyte. organic molecules.
8-1 True or False? Indicate whether each of the following state- (h) Transport channel proteins have a high level of specificity for a
ments about membrane transport is true (T) or false (F). If false, solute.
reword the statement to make it true.
(a) Facilitated diffusion of glucose occurs rapidly because the con- 8-2 Telling Them Apart. From the following list of properties,
centration gradient is maintained by packaging intracellular indicate which one(s) can be used to distinguish between each of the
glucose into vesicles. following pairs of transport mechanisms.
(b) The exergonic movement of an ion coupled with the movement Transport Mechanisms
of a solute down a concentration gradient is an example of pri- (a) Simple diffusion; facilitated diffusion
mary active transport.
(b) Facilitated diffusion; active transport
(c) The Keq value for the diffusion of polar molecules out of the cell (c) Simple diffusion; active transport
is less than one because membranes are essentially impermeable
(d) Direct active transport; indirect active transport
to such molecules.
(e) Symport; antiport
(d) Aquaporins facilitate the rapid movement of water molecules
(f) Uniport; coupled transport
into or out of cells.
(g) P-type ATPase; V-type ATPase
(e) Oxygen can move freely across the plasma membrane by simple
diffusion. Properties
(f) In simple diffusion, the net rate of transport for a specific sub- 1. Directions in which two transported solutes move
stance is indirectly proportional to the concentration difference 2. Direction the solute moves relative to its concentration gradient
for that substance across the membrane. or its electrochemical potential
(g) ABC transporters are of medical interest because they are known 3. Kinetics of solute transport
to be involved in drug resistance.
4. Requirement for metabolic energy (c) Assume that the sodium ion concentration is 12 mM inside a cell
5. Requirement for simultaneous transport of two solutes and 145 mM outside the cell and that the membrane potential
is -90 mV. Can a cell use ATP hydrolysis to drive the outward
6. Intrinsic directionality
transport of sodium ions on a 2:1 basis (two sodium ions trans-
7. Competitive inhibition ported per ATP hydrolyzed) if the ATP/ADP ratio is 5:1, the inor-
8. Sensitivity to the inhibitor vanadate ganic phosphate concentration is 50 mM, and the temperature is
37°C? What about on a 3:1 basis? Explain your answers.
8-3 Mechanisms of Transport. For each of the following state- (d) Assume that a bacterial cell maintains a proton gradient across
ments, answer with a D if the statement is true of simple diffusion, its plasma membrane such that the pH inside the cell is 8.0
with an F if it is true of facilitated diffusion, and with an A if it is when the outside pH is 7.0. Can the cell use the proton gradient
true of active transport. Any, all, or none (N) of the choices may be to drive ATP synthesis on a 1:1 basis (one ATP synthesized per
appropriate for a given statement. proton transported) if the membrane potential is - 180 mV, the
(a) Requires the presence of an integral membrane protein temperature is 25°C, and the ATP, ADP, and inorganic phosphate
concentrations are as in part c? What about on a 1:2 basis?
(b) Solutes move down their free energy gradient in the direction of
Explain your answers.
thermodynamic equilibrium
(c) Is not subject to saturation 8-7 QUANTITATIVE Sodium Ion Transport. A marine protozoan
(d) Requires the hydrolysis of ATP is known to pump sodium ions outward by a simple ATP-driven Na+
(e) Is a way of establishing a difference in the concentration gradi- pump that operates independently of potassium ions. The intra-
ent of solutes across a membrane cellular concentrations of ATP, ADP, and Pi are 20, 2, and 1 mM,
respectively, and the membrane potential is -75 mV.
(f) Applies only to small, nonpolar solutes
(a) Assuming that the pump transports three sodium ions outward
(g) Applies only to ions per molecule of ATP hydrolyzed, what is the lowest internal
(h) Transport can occur in either direction across the membrane, sodium ion concentration that can be maintained at 25°C when
SR 2+
Ca (b) Facilitated diffusion of glucose into a muscle cell
0.1 (c) Active transport of dietary phenylalanine across the intestinal
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (min)