Akanfe - Research

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I certify that this research work was carried out by OFERE HILARY IMERE

under my supervision in partial fulfillment of Higher National Diploma in the

Accountancy , Ibadan City Polytechnic, Ibadan, Oyo State.

___________________ __________________



_____________________ __________________



This project is dedicated to my father late Mr Ofere Christopher Owan J.P. may his

soul rest in perfect peace (Amen)


To God be the glory for great things he has done in my life. I wish to express

my deep gratitude to Almighty God the king of kings, Lord of Lords for your

presence in my life and keeping me safe throughout my course of study to him

alone be the glory forever (Amen).

My appreciation goes to my able supervisor in person of Mrs Abidemi for

her endurance through the completion of this work may Almighty God bless you


My profound gratitude goes to my parents Mr. and Mrs Ofere Christopher

Owan JP for moral, spiritual and financial contribution towards my academics

success. May almighty God give you long life and prosperity to reap the fruits of

your labour (Amen)

My gratitude goes to all lecturers in Ibadan City Polytechnic especially the

HOD Mr Omonitan, Mr Aserere, Mr Wakili, Mr Oguntoyinbo, Mr Isreal, Mr

Mustapha, Mrs Kutu, Mrs Odewale and Dcn Akintunde T.A may God bless you all.


I specially acknowledge one special person that has always been there for

me through thick and thin in person of Mrs Ofere Angela Retour for her
encouragement, financial support she made throughout my academics

programme may almighty God in his infinite mercy continue to bless you (Amen).

I appreciate the effort of the following people Ofere Godwin and Abolarin

Deborah Opeyemi for their understanding during my course of studies.

Finally I am grateful to all my friends who contributed ideas and

perspectives that enriched the project.

Thank you everyone for shaping this project and enhancing my learning










Background of the study

Statement of the problem

Purpose of the study

Significance of the study

Scope of the study


Banking Business

Factors determine efficiency in banking operations

Major operations of banking industry


Research Design

Area of Study

Population of the study

Sample and Sampling Techniques

Instrument used for Data Collection

Validity of the Instrument

Method of Data Collection

Method of Data Analysis


Research Question 1


Discussion of Findings

Summary of Findings

Implication of Findings


Limitation of the Study

Suggestion for further study



Appendix I:

Appendix II:

Table 1: Distribution of Respondent by position

Table 2: Distribution of Respondent by sex

Table 3: Distribution of Respondent by age

Table 4: Distribution of Respondent by years in service

Table 5: has the employees adequately motivating their workers (Bank staffs )

Table 6: can regular payment of staff salaries and arrears promptly contribute to
the increase in the efficient operations for the bank

Table7: has high rate of recruitment training and seminar for the staff yield a
relative increase in efficient operations for the banks

Table8: does the bank maintain the good banker customer relations with its

Table 9: Has various laws, policies and regulatory framework enacted by central
bank and the government on banking industry has any effect on bank efficiency
and performance

Table 10: Has good banker customers relations lead to an increase in efficient
operations of the bank

Table 11: Does the shareholder central banks and government has made the
attempts to ensure efficiency in banking operations.

This project based priority on the effect of efficient banking operation on bank
performance a case study of Access Bank Plc, Bodija Branch Ibadan. This project
contribute to the origin reforms in banking industry in Nigeria since the inception
of banking business in 1982 in Nigeria. The project course the teaching and
research effort of various researcher academics and the partitions in this sectors
of the economy. In chapter 1, which is the introduction to the topic we examine
the introductory to the topic study, statement of the problem, significance of the
study, objective of the study, research questions, scope of the study. Chapter 2,
literature review comes an explanation of banking business, various factors that
determine the efficiency in banking operations, major operations of banking
industry and the role play by banking industry in economics development of
Nigeria. Chapter 3 we look at the research methodology by using of its
introduction, population samples procedures, sources of data collections,
techniques of analysis, statistical tool used. Chapter 4 covers data presentation
and analysis introduction tables and its interpretation, statistical analysis. Chapter
five considered summary of findings, conclusion, recommendation and suggestion
for further studies

Appendix I: Letter of Introduction

Appendix II: Questionnaire

Background of the Study
It is clear and unequivocal that Nigerian banking industry undergone
several reforms since in caption of banking business in 1892 to date. This has
prompted banks and the Nigeria government to strive to have a sound and better
performance and viability in the sector by the enactment of various law and
regulation frame work of banking industry by the government and its appointed
financial agents and parietals.
However, one thing to be noted at this junction is a fact or variable that can
dictate this ultimate goal of banking business (performance)and as well as ensure
efficiency in various promulgated laws and regulatory frame work in banking
industry. it is therefore intellectual to note that the sound and betters bank
performance greatly depend on EFFICIENCY OF BANKING OPERATION.
By efficiency, according to this work of study. it means selection of an
option or system which eliminates resources wastage among various competing
BANK OPERATION option or methods that produce a desired effect or result bank
operation include major roles of financial intermediation acceptance of deposit
and opening of bank accounts, provision of efficiency system (money transfer and
clearing system)bailment services facilitation of government monetary policies,
maintenance of good banker customer relations among others.
In the same view BANK PERFORMANCE refers to the benefit earned by
bank arising from efficient execution of its operation .this performance is
synonymous to bank profitability arising from high turn over maintenance of good
banker customer relation increase in assets and equity accomplishment of stated
goods among others.
This work of study will give a better insight into extent efficient banking
operations greatly influence the bank performance with regards to access bank
plc as a case study efficiency in the commercial banks in Nigerian is relative to
their operating environment. There have been different continents such as Asia,
the European union and the united states (usman and fadipe,2014 and Berger
and humprey,1997),but there is dearth of literature on the comparative analysis
study inefficiency of banks in Nigerian in relation to technical efficiency and
allocative efficiency. Farrel(1957), opened that the efficiency of an organization
could be viewed from technical efficiency. Allocative efficiency deals with how a
from maximizes input at a given price while technical efficiency deals with the
optional output achieved by a form given a set of inputs av available at a given
In the past decades, various studies and analysis have been done on
productivity and efficiency in the banking industry. Most studies investigated the
technical cost and profit efficiency applying non-parametric methods such as the
data envelopment analysis (DEA)and parametric such as the stochastic frontier
approach (SFA)to evaluate the various efficiency methods. These studies have
been carried out in various countries in the world without been said about the
cross border and continental analysis .since most studies focus on the banking
industries relating to their specific countries and developed European markets
and emerging Asian regions, there is a limitation of comparative analysis in
Nigerian due to lack of data, political-economic crisis, uneven development of the
financial systems among various states on Nigeria.
Worimegbe etal.(2018)observed that there is a need to ascertain the most
efficient class of bank in Nigerian considering the level of restructuring and new
bank policy on recapitalization and performance in Nigerian. They also posit that
there is a need to establish other approaches such as the intermediation
approach in measuring bank efficiency deposit money banks in Nigerian. The
study therefore , employs transactional operational ,and profit approaches in
measuring bank efficiency. according to portela and take into account
thanassouhs (2005),these measures are suitable and take into account
transactional activities, and how they could be performed on alternative
channels, sales activities in bank branches, they reflect the intermediate approach
and they incorporate service quality dimensions which lead to profit generation in
relation to cost .in terms of measuring banks performance, most studies have
used financial metrics as the basic for investigated banks
performance(tanko,2008,olaoseibikan 2009 and obafemi,2012) with a dark of
literature on using leverage, liquidity and cash flow (Dupont analysis).worimegbe
(2019) is of the opinion that using the depent as a measure of performance will
help in revealing the value added by the form over time. Hence this study
addresses issues of the banking industry’s efficiency using the transaction,
operational, and profit approaches as measures of bank efficiency
Statement of the Problem
With regards to the work of study, problems refer, to as declarative and
tentative statement that states Cleary and precisely the desire understudied.
Below are the problems of the study.
Most banks do not have efficiency operations there is low rate of performance in
terms of profitability and returns for banks. Banks play an important role in an
economy of a nation. According to sergeant (2001), banks contribute to
investments, employment. They are the corner stone of an economy of a given
nation (omankhanlen, 2012). They serve as a transmission mechanism for
monetary policy(peek and rosengren,2010). the economies of all nations depends
on the efficient operation of a complex and delicately balicately balance system of
money and credit.
Maximizing profit is the ultimate objective of every business organization.
All the strategies and activities performed are to realize this remarkable objective.
Commercial banks also not exceptional they have social and economic goals.
Sahoo et al.(2007)studies the productivity performance trends in terms of
technical efficiency, cost efficiency and scale elasticity among Indian commercial
banks for the period 1997-98 to 2004-05. the study concludes that there is a
strong positive effect of the overall banking sector in the country as reflected by
an increasing average annual trend in technical efficiency for all groups of banks
(public private and foreign).
The effects of efficient banking operation on bank performance is a
topic ,the Ethiopian financial sector has not been studies to any great extent,
from the perspective of operating efficiency and performance. there re different
views and measures of performance Faus,(2009) argues that there are methods
of performance, and these are the accounting based ,market base and corporate
social performance based. omankhanlen,(2013) posit that there are eight
methods of performance measure which are accounting approach, market
based ,risk rating, interest spread and margins, monetary aggregate, minimum
reserve, performance per employees hours and frontier analysis. Rebert(2004)
established that there are accounting measures, economic value measure, market
based, efficiency measure, survival measure, operational measure, leverage,
liquidity and cash flow measure, growth measure and profitability measure. This
study would adopt leverage liquidity and cash flow measure.
As a result of inefficient operations, most Nigerian banks can not
accomplish their goals and objectives. Banks are in solvent and liquid and usually
declared bankrupt.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the impact that efficient banking
operations has made on the performance of the banks and to make to viable
Significance of the Study
This study is determined to educate and enlighten operations and stake
holders in banking sector to acknowledge the effect that efficient banking
operation have on bank performance and hence endeavour ands facilitate such
efficient operations.
it will go a long way in helping future researchers and students who have
interest in efficient banking operation on bank performance in further research
on this study.
This study also focuses on highlight, analysis some barriers that are
militating against efficient banking operations, which in turn poses and adverse
effect on bank performance and makes solution in form of recommendation that
will make access bank plc to be efficient in its operations and thereby has a better
Scope of the Study
The research work will focus on
a- identification and anticipation operation
b- attainments of bank objectives and goals
The scope of the study is limited to access bank plc bodija branch ibadan it
is optimistic that the finding of the study in the bank will be applicable to all other
banks and the customers of both the references bank and other banks in Nigeria.
Research Questions
1. Does efficient banking operation ensures bank performance
2. Is there a significant positive relationship between operations and bank
3. Does efficient banking operation bring about relative increment on banking
performance in banking sectors of the economy
4. Does various laws, polices and regulatory frame work enacted by central
bank and the government on banking industry has any effects on bank
efficiency and performance
Banking Business
According to Kunle Adewoyin in his bank titled banking operations and practice in
Nigeria volume 1 August 2001. Banking business is both trade and profession. In
Regina V industry disputes Tribunal (1954). It was conclude that banking is
ordinary speaking a trade because banker refers to those patronizing them “
customer” and not client as is usually employed by professional. But realizing that
a basic knowledge but realizing that a basic knowledge in banking is required that
is passing the prescribed examination and acquiring practically experienced
period of unethical proactive banking therefore can be termed to be a
However, section of bank and other financial institution Decreee (BOFID) 1991, of
receiving deposits on current account or other similar account paying or collecting
cheques drawn or paid in by customers, provision of finance or such other
business by order publish in the gazettes designated as banking business.
However with the adoption of universal banking in 1999 banking business in
Nigeria is now defined as “the business of receiving deposits on current account
saving or other accounting, provision of finance consultancy and advisory services
relating to cooperative and investment matters. Making or managing investment
on behalf of any person and the provision of insurance marketing services and
capital market business or such other services as the governor of central bank of
Nigeria, may by Gazettes designative as banking business.
D.P Writing, “Marketing” 1985 sited the case of united Dominions Trust Ltd V.
Kinkwood 1965 and in the judgment relating to this case, there were three
characteristics that were hold to be usually found in bankers business.
To accept from and to collect for customer and to place the changed to the
customers credit in a running account.
To keep cheques or orders drawn on the bankers by their customers when
presented for payment and to debit their customers in the running account
To keep customers running account in which credits and debits were entered.
Factors determining efficiency in Banking Operations
The possibility of attaining efficiency in banking operations is highly dictated by

Some factors serving as a determinant to both efficient banking operations and the
perpetual existence of bank these factors will be examined one after the other
Working capital: the working capital of a bank is arrived at by subtracting current
liabilities from current assets which is synonymous of cash flow in the bank must
be effective and be in good and healthy condition and status Ubuntu obtain
efficiency it’s operations also a satisfied statement of cash flow we attract the
investors subscribe to this share of the bank for subscription thereby providing
additional capital for a bank to be able to operate on a large scale.
Capital Base: Capital base which is synonymous to the bank authorize share
capital is also out of determinant Factor that detected the efficiency of banking
operations when a banker Capital based is sufficient the bank is saved from risk of
liquidity and insolvency, I customize confidence in Bank will be sustained and
hence a better performance. The reverse will be the case when the opposite old or
when the bank is operating with sufficient Capital base
Manpower: by manpower it means that the bank must stripe of results services of
skilled, trained and professional peers like managers, director,auditor etc. for
operation to be efficient.
Availability and application of information technology: information technology
(IT) which involves the application of computer system and other electronic media
to save retrieve create delete and to maintain information or it’s cavity on image
must be as rich of the bank and must be installed and applied by the bank to carry
out some of its operators the application of information technology include the use
of automated teller machine ATM for effective payment system computer-based
clearance system and cash transfer from one account to the other the use of
canceling machine to count money also the use of computer system to compute the
bank’s financial statements and books of accounts and computer based audit
system e-banking etc. information technology must be applied by the bank in its
operation to be able to operate on large scale network and in turn attain efficiency.
Renumeration: remuneration which include attractive salary motivation like
granting of areas alone and advances to any interested bank manager directors or
other official will serve as an incentive to the bank officer and it’s greatly
determining the performance of the officers and in turn determine the bank
Conference and seminar:through conference and seminars the bank officer is
giving a better chance to receive on the job training exercise also the officers will
be exposed to some new ideas and motivation in banking industry and the
application of such idea and carrying out their tasks this have a great impact on the
operation of the bank.

Good Banking-Customer Relation: bankers customer relation is also on the

determinant Factor that produce efficiency in banking operations when banking
strive to satisfy its customer at all costs and render, they needed services to the
customer with case,convenience, factor rate and in affordable or considerably low
most advantage the relationship between Bank and its customers will be ready and
will be efficient in its operation bank will experience inefficiency when the
opposite hold.
Special Supervision and Examination: the operations of the bank officer must be
supervised by either board of director on the management and especially
examination need to be carrying out by conducting an investigative on books of
accounts and a face of the bank whenever the occasion demands or when they
concerned body, they meet to do so in order to ensure transparency finish an
accountability and efficiency in Bank operation.
Major Operations of Banking Industry: Nigerian Bank renders numerous
services to its customer corporate body non-governmental institution [NGOS]
government institution agents and parastatal some of its function will be mentioned
among others:
Mobilization of Savings and Other Deposits: in its stripes to mobilize fund from
members of the public [It’s customer] depositors Bank open to two major types of
accounts namely current accounts and deposit accounts for its customer.
Current Account: it is referred to demand deposits where no formalities is
required before money can be withdrawn, we drove our affected with the use of
checks cash can deposited in this account current account customer have access to
all banking services.
Deposit Account: it can be in form of fixed deposit account and it is also known as
time deposit account and savings accounts online current account from this account
I usually subject to notice to the bank also bank has greater rights to use the money
deposited and fixed accounts then it is used in current account or saving account
but speed interest to customer operating saving accounts and time deposit
Granting of Credit Facility to Customer: the common credit facility available to
bank customer I mainly to finance particular project or meet their financial
Bailment:Bank are able to keep their customer value considering the level of trust
retained in the depositors’ bank owner a period of time couple would safety of
their strongroom examples of such valuable include jewelry life insurance policies
certificate of occupancy wheels and government share all stocks certificate
accountants of buildings is usually entered into between the bank and the bank and
the concerned customer.
Transfer Of Funds: Bank carry out this function through collection of checks
standing order mail transfer and open creditor cashing credit.
International Trade Service: Nigeria bank provide foreign exchange service and
thereby is the problem which results when travelers want to undertake transition in
foreign currency countries other international trade service provided by this
includes imports and exports documentation EG letters of credit bill collection and
negotiation open account etc.
Brokerage service: Depositorsbanks in Nigeria engage in buying and selling of
securities [stock and share] for their customers they cannot act as stockholder
however the instruction of their customer one past to the stock brokers and trust
company by bank for execution.
Technical Advisory Service: the bank renders business advice to assist small
private and business customers to develop their businesses in such a way that can
attract finance Bank also advices business forms industry and company on major
restructuring the organization and disposal of business.
Status Opinion of Inquires: it is to refer to the general opinion of the bank to the
third party so general opinion to the financial standing of its customer a customer
usually order is bank to give opinion on his financial status Bank which is
transacting or intend it’s engaged in business with the bank usually gives the
opinion the formal refer to considerable strength of the customer and is favorable
while the later indicates an element of doubt on the part of the customer thus,the
reply is unfavorable.
The Roles Played by Banking Industry in Economic Development of Nigeria
The roleplays by Bank in economic development of Nigeria I never be
understated overstated I’ve been realized that the meaningful economic
development can only take place in the country when there is a viable backing and
financial system.
The roles of banking industry in economic development of Nigeria are
summarized below.
Financial Intermediation
Provision of employment opportunity to the on unemployed labor force.
Granting credit facility to the people and enterprises on short medium and long-
term basis for investment purpose which in turn generates employment minimizing
or reduction of crime rates in the country.Promotion of rapid industrial and
commercial development increasing the living standard of the customer in case of
member cooperative Bank.
Research Design
This study is survey research.It was being designed to collect data from the
respondents regarding the effects of efficient banking operation on bank
performance.The research questionnaire is in two section, section A focused on
personal data and section B focused on the purpose of the study regarding the topic
of research work.
Area of The Study
According to osuala (1982), the number of approaches which research used
in carrying us research and indeed normally assist them in decision making.
The area of study is the effect of efficient banking operation on Bank
performance in Access Bank plc Bodija.

Population of the Study

In this research, the population study consisted of all the workforce of Access
Bank plc totaling fifty [50].

Sample and Sampling Technique.

Probabilistic all random sampling or random sampling was employed to
enable every unit of the population has the same chance of being selected.
Thus, we are sure that there is no bias in the selection of any units of the
population.Selecting covers all categories of workers in the organization [Access
bank plc Ibadan]. This includes member of the top management this includes
members of the top management, skill,unskilled and supervisor. The sample size of
the entire population will be 35.
Instruments used for data collection
This researchwork actually involves the use of survey, observation and
questionnaire techniques in collecting data for the work.The survey in this method,
selected respondents were question and interviewed in order to open accurate and
appropriate data.The survey techniquesare equally employed as to secure validand
reliable answers to questions and at the same time the use of personal interview
method to ensure that nothing is left out of the study.
The aim of this method was to elicit such short falls information resulting from
possible omission in the questionnaires;
Observation: This method includes field trip made by the researcher as to observe
what is happening in the environment under study.
Validity of the instruments
The validity of the instruments ensured through constructive criticism from
the project supervisor who has had an extensive experience and expertise in
Method of data collection
In this study two sources of data collection which are the primary and
secondary were considered.
Primary source: This is the original source, it is the oral interview made with
respondents, another example of primary sourcesis the use of questionnaire, oral
discussions, interviews etc.
Secondary source: These are data taken from published source.The secondary
source focuses on the use of relevant textbooks, journal, seminar papers, magazine
records etc. on banking law and practice.

Method of data analysis

The analysis will be in both narrative and statistical form.The reason for the use of
this method is because it gives clear analysis and presentations of response
obtained through.
This chapter presents the analysis of various data obtained and or collected through
questionnaire distributed statistical inferences will also made from the data shown
In this research work, the research employed the use of percentage for data
Out of questionnaire distributed to employees of Access bank plc Ibadan [Bodija
branch, only 35 were fully filled and returned. This shows a high percentage
Questionnaire Number of respondents Percentage [%]
Numbers filled 35 70
Numbers 10 20
Number not filled 5 10
Total 50 100
Analysis of Questionnaire
Sex distribution of respondents
Sex Number of respondents Percentage [%]
Male 15 42.86
Female 20 57.14
Total 35 100
Table 1
The above table shows that 20[57.14%] were female. This shows that there
were more than the females than the males in the bank.
Age distribution of the respondents

Age group Number of respondents Percentage[%]

18-25 7 20
26-35 20 57.14
36-50 5 14.29
50 and above 3 8.57
TOTAL 35 100
Tables 2
It can be observed from the above table that respondents within the age limit
of 18-25yrs are [20%], 20[57.14%] are in the ages of 26-35 years, 5[14.29%]
respondents are in the ages of 36-50yrs while 3[8.57%] respondents are in the ages
of 50 yrs. and above.
Marital status of respondents
Marital status Number of Respondents Percentage[%]
Single 12 34.39
Married 23 65.71
Total 35 100
Table 3
It can be observed from the above table that 12 of the respondents were
single[34.39%], while 23[65.71%] were married.
Educational qualification of respondents.
Table 4
Educational Attainment Number of Respondents Percentage [%]
WASCE/GCE 2 5.71
ND 10 28.57
HND/BA/BSC 15 42.86
MSC/MBA 5 14.29
OTHERS 3 8.57
Total 35 100
From the above table, it can be noted that from 35 respondents 2[5.71%] are
WASCE/GCE holders, 10 [28.57%] are OND holders, 15[42.86%] are
MSC/MBA while 3[8.35%] has professional qualification.
Question 1: Has the employees adequately motivate their workers [bank staffs]?
Table 5
Option Number of Respondents Percentage [%]
Yes 25 71.43
No 10 28.57
Total 35 100
From the above table, out of 35 respondents 25[71.43%], said Yes that the
employers adequately motivate their workers [bank staffs] while only 10[28.57%]
said No.
Question 2: Can a regular payment of salaries and arrears promptly contribute to
the increase in the efficient operations for the bank?
Option Number of Respondents Percentage [%]
Yes 30 85.71
No 5 14.29
Total 35 100
Table 6
The table above shows that 30[85.71%] said Yes to the question, while
5[14.29%] respondents said No.
Question 3: Has high rate of recruitment, training and seminar for the staff yield a
relative increase in efficient operations for the banks?
Option Number of Respondents Percentage [%]
Yes 28 80
No 7 20
Total 35 100
Table 7
The table above reveals that 28[80%] respondents agreed while 7[20%]
respondents disagreed.Therefore, high rate of recruitment, seminar and training of
staff has had a relative increase in efficient operation of the bank.

Question 4: Does the bankmaintain the good banker customer relation with its
Option Number of Respondents Percentage [%]
Yes 22 62.86
No 13 37.14
Total 35 100
Table 8
The table above shows that 22[62.86%] respondents said Yes to the question
while 13[37.14%] respondents said No.
Question 5: Has various laws, policies and regulatory frame works enacted by
central bank and the government on banking industry has any effects on bank
efficiency and performance?
Option Number of respondents Percentage [%]
Yes 19 54.29
No 16 45.71
Total 35 100
Table 9
From the above table, it shows that 19[54.29%] respondents out of 35
respondents agreed while only 16[45.71%] respondents disagreed with the
Question 6: has a good banker customer lead to an increase in efficient operations
of the bank?
Option Number of respondents Percentage [%]
Yes 21 60
No 14 40
Total 35 100
Table 10
The table above shows 21[60%] respondents said Yes, while 14[40%]
respondents disagreed to the question.

Question 7: Does the shareholders, central bank and government has made the
attempts to ensure efficiency in banking operation?
Option Number of respondents Percentage [%]
Yes 30 85.71
No 5 14.29
Total 35 100
Table 11
The table above reveals that 30[85.71%] respondents responded positively to
the question while the remaining 5[14.29%] respondents disagreed to the question

Discussion of findings
The discussion of findings is based on the effects on the efficient banking
operation of the bank in Access Bank Bodija branch.
From the findings it was discovered that high rate of recruitment, training
and seminar for the staff yield relative increase in efficient operations for the bank
and various laws, policies and regulatory framework enacted by Central Bank and
the government on banking industry as effect on Bank efficiency and performance.
It is also reviewed from this work of study that the efficient of banking
operation serves as one of the determinant stated goals and objectives.
Summary of findings
The object of this study is the effects of efficient banking operations on
Bank performance.The study has made us to understand that the bank needs to be
efficient in its operations in order to have a better performance.
Depositors bankers as it is revealed in this work or study play a vital role in
financing, nourishing and developing the Nigeria economy as a bank financial
It is also revealed from this work of study that the efficient of banking
operation serves as one of the determinant stated goals and objectives.
BOFID 1991 defined Bank as licensed and authorized to carry on a banking
in Nigeria by the section of the same statute (BOFID 1991).
The bank is operating under some laws, statutes and other regulatory
framework as opposed to the deregulated banking systems.

In concluding this topic however, it is believed that the effect of efficient
banking operations on Bank performance as served a very useful purposes as it has
greatly enhanced bank’s profitability.
Though one can rightly conclude that’s depositors bank as justified its
existence, availability growth and flourishness in Nigeria.There are still challenges
and a large room for improvement.
The case of the banking should be made with the problem made mentioned in
chapter 1.
1- Inefficient operations low rate of performance
2- Low rate of performance
3- None accomplishments of stated goods and objectives
4- In-solvency, illiquidity and bankruptcy.

Implications of findings
These are problems facing the bank and it is therefore imperative that staff
and measures should be taken by the government, operators and stakeholders in
banking sector to ensure an optimum balance between the regulations of bank their
stated business to trade upon [operations] supervision, control and more critically
the human resources in terms of trained manpower which can also effectively
manage and optimized the variable [efficiency] the bank in Nigeria will actually
fact remain in its decline strategies and the customers confidence in the bank will
be eroded.

During the course of this study, it is observed that the effect of efficient
banking operations will turn yield profit or return to the bank.
As regards more efficient operations of the banks, it is recommended that the
bank should be plough back into the business in order to generate an additional
return and profits.
The government Central Bank and other related bodies should effectively
perform its role of credit creations in order to save Bank from the risk of liquidity
and to ensure effective implementation of government monetary policies through
probability of money in circulation.
It is further recommended that the bank should maintain a good banker
customer relationship which is customer for its operation to be fair efficient and to
have a high profitability.
Bank should see to the promotion of economic development and growth the
bank should play a major role in sustaining the Nigeria economy.
It is anticipated that’s if all these mentioned recommendations are fully put
into practice in banking industrial efforts there will be an optimal efficiency and
effectiveness on Bank operations.

Limitation of the study

During the course of the study, the researcher was faced with time constraint
as there was insufficient time to carry out this research work.
Financial constraint is another limit a Time Factor to the completion of the
researcher that’s for the attempt should be made to boost the effort of the
prospective researcher that you like to carry out a similar research work in the
nearest future time.
Such inspective researchers to get information relating to management effort
of any establishment.

Suggestion for further studies

Finally further studies on this project topic and the effects of efficient
banking operation on Bank performance which is a case study of Access Bank plc
Ibadan Oyo state should be carried out with the intention to build upon this and not
to destroy the efforts of the pioneers.

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P.M.B 10426
Ibadan, Oyo State
30th of September, 2024
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