Modes of Transportation Motor Carriers

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ICT - technology required for information that facilitate social interaction, content

processing the use of electronics such as sharing, and networking.

computers 8. Video Conferencing Tools: Tools like
Information - the knowledge obtained in Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Skype
enable real-time communication and
reading, investigation, study or research.
collaboration over the internet,
Communication - act of transmitting supporting remote work and virtual
messages. It is a process whereby information meetings.
is exchanged between individuals 9. E-commerce Platforms: Websites and
Technology - the use of scientific knowledge, applications that facilitate online buying
experience and resources to create processes and selling of goods and services, such
and product that fulfill human needs. as Amazon, eBay, and Shopify.
1. Computers and Laptops: Personal 10. Data Storage Devices: Hard drives,
solid-state drives (SSDs), and USB flash
computers, laptops, and workstations
drives are examples of devices used for
are fundamental ICT devices used for
storing and retrieving digital data.
various tasks such as word processing, 11. Information Systems: Enterprise
data analysis, and programming. Resource Planning (ERP) systems,
2. Smartphones and Tablets: Mobile Customer Relationship Management
devices play a crucial role in ICT, (CRM) software, and other information
providing communication, internet systems streamline business processes
access, and a wide range of and data management.
applications for productivity, 12. Robotics and Automation: ICT plays a
entertainment, and more. role in controlling and managing robotic
systems for various applications, such
3. Internet: The internet is a key as manufacturing, healthcare, and
component of ICT, enabling global
communication, information sharing,
13. Geographic Information Systems
online collaboration, and access to
(GIS): GIS technology helps in
various services.
capturing, analyzing, and visualizing
4. Networking Equipment: Routers,
spatial data, supporting applications in
switches, and modems facilitate the
urban planning, environmental
creation of computer networks, allowing
monitoring, and more.
devices to communicate with each other
14. Educational Technologies: Learning
and access the internet.
Management Systems (LMS), e-learning
5. Software Applications: Various
platforms, and educational software
software applications contribute to ICT,
contribute to the integration of
including word processors,
technology in education.
spreadsheets, databases, graphics
15. Digital Cameras and Imaging
editors, and specialized industry-specific
Software: Devices for capturing and
processing digital images, used in
6. Cloud Computing: Cloud services photography, medical imaging, and
provide on-demand access to
various other fields.
computing resources, storage, and
applications over the internet, offering
scalability and flexibility for businesses - Education - teaching materials
and individuals. - Banking - control the entire banking
7. Social Media Platforms: Platforms like system
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and - Industrial - help workers operate
Instagram are examples of ICT tools machines.
- E-Commerce - buying and selling activities businesses to communicate and
faster transact internationally. E-commerce
What is the importance of ICT? platforms and online marketplaces
1. Enhanced Communication: ICT connect buyers and sellers across
borders, contributing to economic
facilitates instant and global
communication through email,
8. Social Connectivity: Social media
messaging apps, social media, and platforms and other online communities
video conferencing, breaking down allow people to connect, share
geographical barriers and fostering experiences, and build relationships
collaboration. regardless of physical distance. This
2. Access to Information: The internet, a has social, cultural, and personal
key component of ICT, provides access implications.
to vast amounts of information. This 9. Government Services: ICT is used in
public administration for delivering
enables individuals to stay informed,
government services, managing
researchers to conduct studies, and databases, and facilitating e-
students to access educational governance. This enhances
resources. transparency, reduces bureaucracy, and
3. Education and E-Learning: ICT has people engagement.
transformed education by providing e- 10. Research and Innovation: ICT
learning platforms, digital resources, supports scientific research and
and interactive learning tools. It enables innovation by providing tools for data
remote learning, making education analysis, simulations, and collaboration.
accessible to people around the world. High-performance computing, data
4. Business Efficiency: ICT tools and analytics, and modeling contribute to
systems enhance business operations, advancements in various fields.
streamline processes, and improve  Disaster Management: ICT plays a
overall efficiency. Enterprise Resource critical role in disaster preparedness,
Planning (ERP) systems, customer response, and recovery. Communication
relationship management (CRM), and
technologies enable
other business applications contribute to
effective management and decision- timely dissemination of information,
making. coordination of emergency services, and
5. Economic Growth: ICT contributes to aid distribution.
economic development by fostering 10. Environmental Monitoring: ICT is
innovation, improving productivity, and employed in environmental monitoring
creating new job opportunities. It through remote sensing, sensor
enables the growth of technology-driven networks, and data analytics. This helps
industries and entrepreneurship. in studying climate change, biodiversity,
6. Healthcare Advancements: ICT is
and natural resource management.
used in healthcare for electronic health
records (EHRs), telemedicine, remote 11. Crisis Response and Humanitarian
patient monitoring, and medical imaging. Aid: During crises such as natural
These technologies improve healthcare disasters or conflicts, ICT is crucial for
delivery, reduce costs, and enhance coordinating humanitarian aid efforts,
patient outcomes. managing logistics, and ensuring
7. Globalization and Trade: ICT has effective communication among relief
facilitated global trade by enabling organizations.
12. Financial Inclusion: ICT has expanded o Wilhelm Schickard’s Calculating
financial services to underserved Clock (1625 AD) - wheels to carry
populations through mobile banking, out addition and subtraction of
digital wallets, and online payment numbers up to 6 digits
systems, contributing to financial
o Blaise Pascal’s Arithmetic
13. Personal Productivity: ICT tools, Machine (1640 AD) - 8-digits
including productivity software and calculations, it was the first
mobile applications, enhance personal mechanical calculator.
and professional productivity by o Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz’s
providing tools for organization, time Stepped Reckoner (1671) - can
management, and task automation. perform all four basic arithmetic
Life Before Computers operations, it could multiply numbers
1. The Number System
up to 5 and 12 digits to give a 16-
o When there were no machines for
digit operand
computing yet, people use their ten o Joseph-Marie Jacquard’s Loom
(1804) - weaving device that could
o The DECIMAL SYSTEM is based
produce intricate designs. The
on this old practice automatic loom was controlled by
o The decimal system utilized ten punched cards, a technology for
digits: 0-9, base-10 storing data that was used in later
o Computers process numbers using computers.
the binary (base-2), the octal (base- o Charles Babbage’s Machines
8) (0-7), and the hexadecimal (base- (1822) - Father of Modern
16) (0-9,A-F)number systems Computers, DIFFERENCE ENGINE
2. Computation Tools (30000 BC – (1822) multiplication and division.
20000 BC) - small stones or pebbles, and ANALYTICAL ENGINE (1833)
bones with scratches to represent mill and a store which corresponded
numbers. to the current processor and
3. The First Place-Value Number System memory.
(1900 BC) - Babylonian’s o LADY AUGUSTA ADA LOVELACE
SEXAGESIMAL SYSTEM (base-60) Binary Arithmetic (1840) - only two
4. The Invention of the Abacus (1000 BC numbers, 0 and 1, for computation.
– 500 BC) - ABACUS is the first actual She was considered the first
calculating machine, invented by the programmer.
Babylonians between 1000 BC and 500 o Herman Hollerith’s Tabulating
BC, others say it was invented by the
Machine (1890) - used cards
Chinese around 1300 AD
wherein data was punched. Hollerith
5. More Major Developments
founded the Tabulating Machine
o Aristotle and the Tree of Porphyry
Company which later became IBM
(383 BC – 322 BC) - Tree of (International Business Machines
Porphyry – a classic device for Corporation)
illustrating a “scale of being” TRENDS
o John Napier’s Bones (1600 AD) -
- TOUCH SCREEN - display screen and an
used in the multiplication and input device
division of large numbers
- GESTURAL INTERFACES - allows a user The Internet works through a series of
to give commands to the computer without networks that connect devices around the
touching it world through telephone lines. Users are
- 3D (THREE-DIMENSIONAL) provided access to the Internet-by-Internet
TECHNOLOGY - showcases a real-life 3D service providers. The widespread use of
appearance. mobile broadband and Wi-Fi in the 21st
- MOTION CAPTURE IN FILMAKING - century has allowed this connection to be
process of recording movement and wireless.
translating that movement into a digital  Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a
model company that provides access to the
- MOBILE DEVICES - pocket-sized or internet for users via telephone lines or
handheld computers and the most popular wireless communications
of these are the smartphone and tablet.  Internet Address (IP Address) is a set
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine of four numbers between 0 to 255 that
Learning (ML) –transforming various are separated by periods i.e.
industries, from healthcare to finance, with (IP address of Google)
applications like predictive analytics,  Every computer that connects to the
natural language processing, and computer internet has an IP Address
vision.  Domain Name is the text version of the
- 5G Technology - enabling faster and more IP Address i.e.
reliable communication and paving the way (domain name of Google)
for innovations like the Internet of Things Top-level domains are the highest level of
(IoT), augmented reality (AR), and virtual domain names of the Internet.
reality (VR).  gov, edu, com, mil, org, net, and int
- Edge Computing - processing data closer Internet is theoretically decentralized and thus
to the source of generation rather than controlled by no single entity, many argue that
relying solely on centralized cloud servers tech companies such as Amazon, Facebook,
- Cybersecurity and Google represent a small concentration
- Wireless /Inductive Charging World Wide Web
- Bluetooth Auracast - vast array of documents that are connected
- Smart Rings - detailed workout recovery to each other by means of hypertext or
data, offer up accurate sleep insights, and hypermedia links
track your menstrual cycle - hyperlinks, electronic connections that link
- Neural Headphones - Naqi Neural related pieces of information in order to
Earbuds are designed “as a safe, non- allow a user easy access to them.
invasive alternative to brain implants” - Hypertext - allows the user to select a
What is the Internet? - vast network that word or phrase from text and thereby
connects computers all over the world. access other documents that contain
Who invented the Internet? additional information pertaining to that
- ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects word or phrase.
Agency Network) (an early prototype of the - Hypermedia - documents feature links to
Internet), and Vinton Cerf and Robert images, sounds, animations, and movies.
Kahn, who developed the Transmission - Web Page is an electronic document in the
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) web
- Web Site is a collection of related web Netiquette - internet guidelines that advise
pages and associated items stored on a people on how to communicate and treat
web server others when interacting online
- Home Page is the first page the users see
10 rules for practicing netiquette
when they enter the web site
- Web Server refers to the computers that 1. Practice using empathy. –
store the HyperText Mark-up Language 2. Use a friendly tone.
(HTML) files used on the internet 3. Use respectful language.
- Web Browser is a software allows users to 4. Send messages if appropriate.
view the retrieved documents in the web. 5. Check for grammar mistakes.
- Uniform Resource Locator (URL) refers 6. Respect other people's privacy.
to the global address of documents and
other resources on the WWW 7. Ensure messages are clear.
development of the World Wide Web was 8. Create posts that are appropriate.
begun in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee 9. Respond to emails on time.
- They created a protocol, HyperText 10. Read content thoroughly.
Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which Cybercrime/computer crime - computer as
standardized communication between an instrument to further illegal ends
servers and clients. 1. Identity theft and invasion of privacy
- Mosaic, a web browser, which was 2. Cyberbullying
developed in the United States by Marc 3. Cyber libel
Andreessen and others gained the World 4. Internet fraud
Wide Web rapid acceptance. 5. ATM fraud
- Netscape Navigator became the dominant 6. Wire fraud
Web browser soon after its release in 7. File sharing and Piracy
December 1994 8. Counterfeiting and forgery
9. Child pornography
- BookLink Technologies’ InternetWorks,
10. Hacking
the first browser with tabs, in which a user
11. Computer Viruses
could visit another Web site without
12. Denial of service attacks
opening an entirely new window, debuted
13. Spam, Steganography, and e-mail
that same year. hacking
- Internet Explorer (IE), web browser 14. Sabotage
developed by Microsoft in 1995 as an add- 15. Phishing
on to the Windows 95 operating system. WEB THREATS - Internet-based threats or
- Apple’s Safari was released in 2003 as the online threats, are a category of cybersecurity
default browser on Macintosh personal risks that may cause an undesirable event or
computers and later on iPhones (2007) and action via the internet.
iPads (2010).
- Safari 2.0 (2005) was the first browser with  WannaCry ransomware
a privacy mode, Private Browsing
- Mozilla’s Firefox, released in 2004, the first In May 2017, the WannaCry ransomware
serious challenger to IE’s dominance, was spread to many networks and locked down
designed to address issues with speed and countless Windows PCs. This threat was
security that had plagued IE. particularly dangerous because of its worm
- In 2008 Google launched Chrome, the first functionality, allowing it to spread completely
browser with isolated tabs, which meant autonomously.
that when one tab crashed, other tabs and
the whole browser would still function.  Celebrity iCloud phishing
A spear-phishing attack led to the breach of
numerous celebrity iCloud accounts. This
breach ultimately resulted in the unauthorized
leak of countless private photos from these

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