Islamic Studies-Suggestion For Annual Exam
Islamic Studies-Suggestion For Annual Exam
Islamic Studies-Suggestion For Annual Exam
You will answer five questions out of five. You will not have any option to choose. Each question carries 5 marks.
1. Why is it important to believe in Qiyamat? Describe the situation of Qiyamat. (Page:15 & 16)
2. What is Shirk? Write down the types of Shirk with short description. (Page:25 & 26)
3. Mention how would Sawm and Al-Quran advocate for us to Allah in the hereafter. (Page:38)
4. Mention the Sunnats briefly observed on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr. (Page:44 & 45)
5. Write down the Shane Nuzul of Surah Al-Kawsar. (Page:84)
6. What is the Shane Nuzul of Surah Quraysh? (Page: 89)
7. What is called Charity? What do you know about the charity of Abu Bakr (Ra.)? Explain. (Page:111 & 112)
8. How were the women treated in the pre-Islamic era? Explain how has Islam established the respect and dignity of
women. (Page:118 & 119)
9. What is lying under oath? Mention the rulings of Islam about it. (Page:129 & 130)
10. Write down the Wajibs of Hajj? (Page: 61)
Broad Questions (Answer any five)
You will answer five questions out of eight questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
1. Describe the evils of Shirk and its remedies. (Page: 26 & 27)
2. Today Bashir is going to the Mashid very early to perform Maghrib Salat. It is very glorious night. It comes once in a
year. So, he is very serious to have full rewards shower in this night. (Page: 39, 40 & 41)
a. What is Laylatul Qadr? 3
b. Explain the significance of Laylatul Qadr elaborately. 7
3. What is called Nisab? Discuss the consequences of not paying Zakat. (Page: 18 & 52)
4. Mention the translation of Surah Quraysh with its explanation. (Page: 90 & 91)
5. What do understand by respect and dignity to women? Explain how has Islam established the dignity and respect
of women. (Page: 118 & 119)
6. The sun will be very close; an unbearable condition will arise. Everyone will be engulfed in unlimited hardships and
distress in the field of Hashr. There will be no respite from the torment without recommendation. (P:17 & 18, 23, 24)
a. Write about the condition of believers in the field of Hasr? 3
b. Present an informative note on the different phases of Shafa'at. 7
7. What do you mean by oppression/zulum? "All forms of oppression are strictly forbidden in Islam." Explain it.
(Page: 125 & 126)
8. What is interest? Describe the commands of the Quran and Hadith about interest. (Page: 131 & 132)
9. Usually, people don't care about swearing by the name anything. Though one cannot swear in the name of anyone
other than Allah. (Page: 129 & 130)
a. What do you understand by lying under oath? 2
b. Describe the directions of Islam about taking oath. 8
10. What is frugality? " The believers are not wasteful in spending or they do not be stingy." Analyze the statement.
(Page: 112 & 113)