Drug Informatiolec Lec 3 (Word Form)
Drug Informatiolec Lec 3 (Word Form)
Drug Informatiolec Lec 3 (Word Form)
Lecture 3
Structure of Scientific
Prepared and presented by:
Dr. Amera Osama M. Ibrahim
Lecturer of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tanta University
Lecture Objectives
Identify the standard sections of a research article
Describe the content typically presented in each section.
–For instance, the format used for articles describing larger studies,
such as clinical trials, cohort studies, and case-control studies, will often
differ from the format used for smaller studies, such as case reports
and series, even within a single journal.
–However, the formats used for larger studies usually follow a generally
accepted structure, which will be discussed here.
standard sections of a
research article
• Title/ Authors
• Abstract
• Background
• Methods
• Results
• Discussion and Conclusion
• References.
IMRAD Format
–I= Introduction, what question (problem) was studied
–M= Methods, how was the problem studied
–R= Results, what are the findings
–A= and
–D= Discussion, what do these findings mean
–Abstracts are intended to give the reader a quick feel for the major
aspects of an article in order to facilitate a decision as to the reader’s
potential interest in its full contents.
–Sometimes called the introduction, the background section of an
article describes the study’s context.
–The purpose of the background section is to set the stage and present
the rationale for the study to the reader.
–The purpose of the methods section is to present a clear picture to the
reader of exactly what was planned to occur in the course of the
–Design of the study,