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Principal components of the telecommunication network and key networking


A simple network consists of two or more connected computers. The principal

components of telecommunications networks include server, router, switches, and

The networking infrastructure for a large company includes the traditional telephone
system, mobile cellular communication, wireless local area networks,
videoconferencing systems, a corporate Web site, intranets, extranets, and an array of
local and wide area networks, including the Internet.
Q. Define Communication & Telecommunication. [CMA S(am April-2019,
Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or
group to another.
Telecommunication is the transmission of information by various types of technologies
over wire, radio, optical, or other electromagnetic systems.
Q. Define various types of networks & key digital networking technologies?
[CMA S(am M ay-2023]
There are several different types of computer networks. Computer networks can be
characterized by their size as well as their purpose.
o Some of the different networks based on size are:
Personal area network, or PAN
Local area network, or LAN
Metropolitan area network, or MAN
Wide area network, or WAN o Some of the different
networks based on their main purpose are:
Sorage area network, or SAN
Elterprise private network, or
Virtual private network, or VPN

Key digital networking technologies: Contemporary digital networks and the Internet
are based on three key technologies: client/server computing, the use of packet
switching, and the development of widely used communications standards (the most
important of which is Transmission Control Protocol/lnternet Protocol, or TCP/IP) for
linking disparate networks and computers

Q. What is a computer network? What is the relationship between internet and

computer network? [CM A Sem January-2023]
A computer network is a system that connects two or more computing devices for
transmitting and sharing information. Computing devices include everything from a
mobile phone to a server. These devices are connected using physical wires such as
fiber optics, but they can also be wireless.
SNO Network Internet
1. Network is defined as the group of two or Whereas internet is the interrelationship
more computer systems. of a few networks.
2. The coverage of network is limited in While it covers large geographical area.
comparison of internet.
3. It provides the link between many computers While it provide connection among
and network-enabled devices. many networks.
4. The types of network are: LAN, Whereas the types of internet is world
MAN, WAN, CAN and HAN. wide web.
5. Through network, hundreds or a few While through internet, millions
thousands of computer system can of computer system can linked
linked simultaneously. simultaneously.
6. It requires less number of hardware devices. While it requires various hardware
Q. What are the main telecommunications transmission media?
The principal physical transmission media are twisted copper telephone wire, coaxial
copper cable, fibre-optic cable, and wireless transmission. Twisted wire enables
companies to use existing wiring for telephone systems for digital communication,
although it is relatively slow. Fibre-optic and coaxial cable are used for high-volume
transmission but are expensive to install. Microwave and communications satellites are
used for wireless communication over long distances.

• Internet Technology

Internet Technologies is a technical field that covers the necessary skills to develop
applications on the Internet or Internet based systems, harnessing e-commerce, cloud,
mobile, and Web based technologies.

Q. How do the Internet and Internet technology work, and how do they support
communication and e-business?

The Internet is a worldwide network of networks that uses the client/server model of
computing and the TCP/IP network reference model. â'ery computer on the Internet is
assigned a unique numeric IP address. The domain name system (DNS) converts IP
addresses to more user-friendly domain names. Worldwide Internet policies are
established by organizations and government bodies, such as the Internet Architecture
Board (IAB) and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Major Internet services
include e-mail, newsgroups, chatting, instant messaging, Telnet, file transfer protocol
(FTP), and the Web. Web pages are based on Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
and can display text, graphics, video, and audio. Web site directories, search engines,
and RSS (Really Smple S'ndication) technology help users locate the information they
need on the Web. RSS, blogs, social networking, and wikis are features of Web 2.0.
firms are also starting to realize economies by using Voice-over Internet Protocol
(VOIP) technology for voice transmission and by using virtual private networks (VPNs)
as low-cost alternatives to private WANs.
Q.Why are radio frequency identification (RAD) and wireless sensor networks
valuable for busi ness?
RFD systems provide a powerful technology for tracking the movement of goods by
using tiny tags with embedded data about an item and its location. RFD readers read the
radio signals transmitted by these tags and pass the data over a network to a computer
for processing. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are networks of interconnected
wireless sensing and transmitting devices that are embedded into the physical
environment to provide measurements of many points over large spaces.

Wireless network communication and Internet access

Q. What are the principal technologies and for wireless networking,

communication, and Internet access?

The principal technologies and standards for wireless networking, communications, and
Internet access are Snartphones, 3G, 4G networks, Bluetooth, PANS, Wi-Fl, Hotspots
and WiMax,. ach varies in capability and is suited for certain type of applications.
Smartphones Combine the functionality of a cellphone with that of a mobile laptop computer
with Wi-F capability

3G networks Transmission speeds ranging from 144Kbps for mobile users in , say, a car to
more than 2 Mbps for stationary users, offer fair transmission speeds for email,
browsing the web, and online shopping but are too slow for videos

4G networks Much higher speeds, more than enough capacity for watching high definition
video on your 100 megabits/second downloading and 50 megabits
upload speed

Bluetooth 802.15 wireless networking standard

Personal area links up to 8 devices within a 10 meter area using low power, radio based
Networks communication and can transmit up to 722 Kbps in the 2.4 GHz band
( PAN s)
Wi-Fi 802.11 set of standards for wireless LANs and wireless Internet access
Hotspots Locations with one or more access points providing wireless Internet
access and are often in public places
WiMax Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, the popular term for
Standard 802.16. wireless access range of up to 31 miles and transmission speed
of up to 75 Mbps

File organization concepts

Q. What are the problems of managing data resources in a traditional file

environment, and how are they solved by a database management [CMA Exam
Traditional file management techniques make it difficult for organizations to keep track
of all of the pieces of data they use in a systematic way and to organize these data so
that they can be easily accessed. Different functional areas and groups were allowed to
develop their own files independently. Over time, this traditional file management
environment creates such problems as data redundancy and inconsistency, program—
data dependence, inflexibility, poor security, and lack of data sharing and availability. A
database management system (DBMS) solves these problems with software that permits
centralization of data and data management so that businesses have a single, consistent
source for all their data needs. Using a DBMS minimizes redundant and inconsistent

Q. What is File Organization?

File Organization refers to the logical relationships among various records that
constitute the file, particularly with respect to the means of identification and
access to any specific record.

Q. S(plain Types of File Organizations?

Various methods have been introduced to Organize files. These particular

methods have advantages and disadvantages on the basis of access or selection.
Some types of File Organizations are:

Sequential File Organization

Heap File Organization
Hash File Organization
B+ Tree File Organization
Clustered File Organization
Q. A computer organizes data in a hierarchy that with bits and bytes and
process to fields records files and databases. E(plain in brief. [CMA S(am June,
Or, Q. Scplain File Organization Terms and Concepts?
A computer $em organizes data in a hierarchy that starts with bits and bytes and
progresses to fields, records, files, and databases (see below figure). A bit represents the
smallest unit of data a computer can handle. A group of bits, called a byte, represents a
single character, which can be a letter, a number, or another symbol. A grouping of
characters into a word, a group of words, or a complete number (such as a person's name
or age) is called a field. A group of related fields, such as the student's name, the course
taken, the date, and the grade, comprises a record; a group of records of the same type is
called a file.

Database & Database management (DBMS) [CMA Exam April-2019,

June2017, 2019, Dec-2018]
In computing, a database is an organized collection of data stored and accessed
The software which is used to manage databases is called Database Management
DBMS). For Sample, MySQL, Oracle, etc. are popular commercial DBMS used in
different applications. DBMS allows users the following tasks:

Data Definition: It helps in the creation, modification, and removal of definitions

that define the organization of data in the database.
Data Updating: It helps in the insertion, modification, and deletion of the actual
data. Data Retrieval: It helps in the retrieval of data from the database which can
be used by applications for various purposes.
User It helps in registering and monitoring users, enforcing data
security, monitoring performance, maintaining data integrity & dealing with
concurrency control.

Q. What are the major capabilities of database management (DBMS), and why is
a relational DBMS so powerful?
The principal capabilities of a DBMS include a data definition capability, a data
dictionary capability, and a data manipulation language. The data definition capability
specifies the structure and content of the database. The data dictionary is an automated
or manual file that stores information about the data in the database, including names,
definitions, formats, and descriptions of data elements. The data manipulation language,
such as Sructured Query Language (SQL), is a specialized language for accessing and
manipulating the data in the database. The relational database is the primary method for
organizing and maintaining data today in information systems because it is so flexible
and accessible. It organizes data in twodimensional tables called relations, with rows
and columns. Relational database tables can be combined easily to deliver data required
by users, provided that any two or more tables share a common data element.

Q. What are the principal tools and technologies for accessing information from
databases to improve business performance and deci§on making? [CMA Sam
Powerful tools are available to analyze and access the information in databases. A data
warehouse consolidates current and historical data from many different operational
systems in a central database designed for reporting and analysis. Data warehouses
support multidimensional data analysis, also known as online analytical procesng
(OLAP). OLAP represents relationships among data as a multidimensional
which can be visualized as cubes of data and cubes within cubes of data, enabling more
sophisticated data analysis. Data mining analyzes large pools of data, including the
contents of data warehouses, to find patterns and rules that can be used to predict future
behaviour and guide decision making. Text mining tools help businesses analyze large,
data sets consisting of text. Web mining tools focus on analysis of useful
patterns and information from the World Wide Web, examining the structures of Web
sites and activities of site users as well as the contents of Web pages. Conventional
databases can be linked via middleware to the Web or a Web interface to facilitate user
access to an organization's internal data.

Q. Define Data Warehouse and Data Mining? [CMA Sem June-2018, Jan-2022,
June2020,2021, January-2023]
Data Warehouse:
A data warehouse isa central repository of information that can be analyzed to make
more informed decisions. Data flows into a data warehouse from transactional systems,
relational databases, and other sources, typically on a regular cadence.



Data Mininq:
Data mining is the process of analyzing a large batch of information to discern trends
and patterns. Data mining can be used by corporations for everything from learning
about what customers are interested in or want to buy to fraud detection and spam

Data sets Pre—processing Classification Database Statistics Analytics
Relational Database Management ¥em (RDBM S) [CMA Exam January-2023]
A relational database management system is a program that allows you to
create, update, and administer a relational database. Most relational database
management systems use the SQL (Sructured Query Language) language to access the
database. Key to consider when a relational database:
Initial Setup
Data security
Data model
Data accuracy/ reliability
Benefits of relational databases:
M anageability: For starters, an RDB is easy to manipulate.

Flexibility: If you need to update your data, you only have to do it once —
no more having to change multiple files one at a time.

Avoid Erors: There's no room for mistakes in a relational database because

it's easy to check for mistakes against data in other parts of the records

Challenges of relational databases

Scalability: Relational databases are built on a single server. This means in

order to scale, you'll need to purchase more expensive hardware with more
power, storage, and memory.

Performance: Rapid growth in volume, velocity, variety, and complexity of

data creates even more complicated relationships.

Relationships Relational databases don't actually store relationships between

elements, which makes understanding connections between your data reliant
on other joins.

Non-relational databaæs
Non-relational databases (often called NoSQL databases) are different from traditional
relational databases in that they their data in a non-tabular form. Instead, non-relational
databases might be based on data structures like documents.

Q. Why should you use a NoSQL database?

The benefits of a non-relational database: There are several advantages to using non-
relational databases, including:

Flexibility: NoSQL databases generally provide flexible schemas that enable

faster and more iterative development.
Scalability: NoSQL databases are generally designed to scale out by using
distributed dusters of hardware instead of scaling up by adding expensive and
robust servers. High-performance: NoSQL database are optimized for specific
data models (such as document, key-value, and graph) and access patterns that
enable higher performance than trying to accomplish similar functionality with
relational databases.
Highly functional: NoSQL databases provide highly functional APIs and data
types that are purpose built for each of their respective data models.

Q. Scplain Differences between Relational and Non-Relational (Document)

Database M anagement ¥ems. [CM A Scam April-2020]
Relational Database Management Non-Relational Database Management
1 SQL Databases are what they're called. They are known as NoSQL Databases.
2 They first appeared in the 1970s. They first appeared in the 1960s.

Data is classified as either structured o

3 Tables are used to store data. unstrudured.

NoSQL Databases do not require the purchase o

It will almost certainly have a larger server
a larger server to manage data; instead, they can
to accommodate a large amount of data.
scale horizontally.

5 Data access is slower. Accessing data faster than a relational database.

Semples include MySQL, Oracle, MariaDB,

6 Semples include MongoDB, Ne04j, and Redis.
and SQLite.
Designing Database
To create a database, you must understand the relationships among the data, the type of
data that will be maintained in the database, how the data will be used, and how the
organization will need to change to manage data from a companywide perspective. The
database requires both a conceptual design and a physical design.

Q. Why Database Design is Important?

It helps produce database systems-
1. That meet the requirements of the users
2. Have high performance.

Database development life cycle:

• Information policy, data and data quality assurance

Q. Why are information policy, data and data quality assurance

essential for managing the firm's data resources?

Information policy is a guideline put in place by firm's management to guide in the

sharing, dissemination, acquisition, classification, and standardization of a firm's overall
information. Developing a database environment requires policies and procedures for
managing organizational data as well as a good data model and database technology.

A formal information policy governs the maintenance, distribution, and use of

information in the organization. Data is a company's set standards that
guide policies and procedures on how data is to be maintained to ensure it is

In large corporations, a formal data function is responsible for information

policy, as well as for data planning, data dictionary development, and monitoring data
usage in the firm.

Data quality assurance refers to the state of qualitative or quantitative pieces of

information to fit its intended uses in operations, decision making and planning.

Vulnerability (É3T) of information *ems

A vulnerability, in information technology (IT), is a flaw in code or design that creates
a potential point of security compromise for an endpoint or network. Vulnerabilities
create possible attack vectors, through which an intruder could run code or access a
target system's memory. Vulnerabilities are classified according to the asset class they
are related to:
susceptibility to humidity or dust
susceptibility to unprotected storage
age-based wear that causes failure
insufficient testing
insecure coding
lack of audit trail
design flaw
unprotected communication lines (e.g. lack of cryptography)
insecure network architedure
inadequate recruiting process
Personnel inadequate security awareness
insider threat
area subject to natural disasters (e.g. flood, earthquake)
Physical site
interruption of power source
lack of regular audits
Organizational lack of continuity plans
lack of security
Q. Why are information vulnerable to error, and abuse?
Digital data are vulnerable to destruction, misuse, error, fraud, and hardware or
software failures. The Internet is designed to be an open system and makes internal
corporate systems more vulnerable to actions from outsiders. Hackers can unleash
denial-of-service (DOS) attacks or penetrate corporate networks, causing serious system
disruptions. Wi-F networks can easily be penetrated by intruders using sniffer programs
to obtain an address to access the resources of the network. Computer viruses and
worms can disable systems and Web sites. The dispersed nature of cloud computing
makes it difficult to track unauthorized activity or to apply controls from afar. Sftware
presents problems because software bugs may be impossible to eliminate and because
software vulnerabilities can be exploited by hackers and malicious software. Eld users
often introduce errors.

Client Communications Corporate Corporate

(User) Lines Servers Systems


• Radiation Softwarefailure
al of

Business value of security and control

Inadequate security and control may create serious legal liability.
Businesses must protect not only their own information assets but also those of
customers, employees, and business partners.
v/ Failure to do so can lead to costly litigation for data exposure or theft.
A sound security and control framework that protects business information assets
can thus produce a high return on investment.
Q. What is the business value of security and control? S(plain how security and
control provide value for busnesses [CMA Exam June-2021, September-2022]
Security and control in an organization ensures the safety of valuable information
systems and data. Without security and control an organization may face data loss or
system failure resulting in a total loss of business functions i.e. trade secrets, strategies
Business depend on computer systems for the cores functions i.e. sales,
productivity, storing financial data and formulating strategies. Information assets
loose value when revealed to competitors or outsiders.

Organizational framework for security and control

Q. What are the components of an organizational framework for security and

General controls Govern the design, security, and use of computer programs and the security of
data files in general throughout the organization's information tech infrastructure
Application »ecific controls unique to each computerized application, such as payroll or order
controls processing.
App controls can 1. Input controls
be classified as 2. Processing controls
(3) 3. Output controls
Input controls Check data for accuracy and completeness when they enter the system.
processing Establish that data are complete and accurate during updating
output controls Ensure that the results of computer processing are accurate, complete, and
properly distributed.

Software controls Monitor the use of system software and prevent unauthorized access and use of
software programs, system software, and computer programs
Hardware Ensure that computer hardware is physically secure and check for equipment
controls malfunction
Data security E-lsure that valuable business data files maintained internally or by an external
controls hosting service are not subject to unauthorized access, change, or destruction
while they are in use or in storage

IS Control. Risk Assessment. Security Policy. DR Planning. and Business

Continuity Planning

Q.Describe different Types of Information ¥ems Control? [CMA Bern Jan-2022,

Protection of information resources requires a well-designed set of controls. Computer
systems are controlled by a combination of general controls and application controls.

CONTROLS: General controls include software controls, physical

hardware controls, computer operations controls, data security controls, controls over
the systems implementation process, and administrative controls.

APPLICATION CONTROLS: Application controls include both automated and

manual procedures that ensure that only authorized data are completely and
accurately processed by that application. Application controls can be classified as
(1 ) input controls, (2) processing controls, and (3) output controls.
Q. Define Risk Assessment, Security Policy, DR Planning, and Business
Continuity Planning.
Risk Assessnent: A risk assessment determines the level of risk to the firm if a specific
activity or process is not properly controlled.

Security After you've identified the main risks to your systems, your company will need
to develop a security policy for proteding the company's assets. A security policy
consists of statements ranking information risks, identifying acceptable security goals,
and identifying the mechanisms for achieving these goals.

Recovery (DR) Planning: A plan for accessing required technology

and infrastructure after a disaster.
Business continuity: Business continuity planning focuses on how the company can
restore business operations after a disaster strikes.
Auditing Information ¥ems [CMA Exam June-2021, Dec-2017, 2020]
Information *tems Audit is a managerial, technical and organisational process to ensure
proper utilization of Information Technology and systems to strategically align with the
overall mission and goal of organisation. Information *terns Audit should not be
viewed as controlling procedure, but as a means of leveraging maximum return on
investments from IT investment and better dissemination of Information resources to
the stakeholders.
Q. What are the objectives of an IT audit? [CMA S(am Dec-2017, 2020]
Auditors also ensure that engagement objectives are consistent with the organization's
objectives in regards to:

1) Achievement of operational goals and objectives

2) Reliability and integrity of information
3) Safeguarding of assets
4) Bfective and efficient use of resources
5) Compliance with significant policies, procedures, laws and regulations

Q. Write down some main types of IT audit. S(plain IT recovery audit.

[CMA Sem Dec-2017, 2019, 2020]
Types of IT audits: To dive deeper, the five types are:
¥ems and applications: Checking that the systems and applications are secure on
all levels of activity, as well as reliable, valid, and efficient.

Information procesing facilities: Verifying that all processes are working

correctly and if they're in normal or disruptive conditions.
¥emsdevelopment: Confirming that systems under development are being
created in compliance with the organization's standards.
M anagement of IT and Elterprise Semining whether IT
management is structured and processed efficiently.

Telecommunications: Investigates servers and network security to protect

against a breach.
IT recovery audit: The 'IT Business Continuity/Disaster Audit Program' helps auditors
assess an enterprise's disaster preparedness and ability to continue with critical priority
operations during a disruption and get back to business as usual afterward.
Q. What does IT crime means? Why is it difficult to determine the actual value
of IT crime?
[CMA S(am April, Dec-2019, 2020]
IT crime is a virtual threat with real consequences.
It is difficult to accurately estimate the actual amount of cybercrime in part because
many companies are hesitant to report it due to a fear of losing the trust of their
customers, and because even if crime is reported, it may be difficult to quantify the
actual dollar amount of the loss.

Q. the various types of IT fraud. [CMA Exam April-2019, June, Dec-2020]

Here are various types of fraud:

1) Mail Fraud
2) Debit and Cedit œrd Fraud
3) Account Takeover Fraud
4) Solen Tax Fraud
5) Voter Fraud
6) Fraud

Tools and technologies for sfeguarding information resources

Q. What are the important tools and technologies for safeguarding information

Authentication The ability to know that a person is who he or she claims to be. Stablished
through passwords

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