Proto Org Chem
Proto Org Chem
Proto Org Chem
The experimental procedure is carried out according to the script, except as noted as follows.
The precipitate of step-4 was, after washing with water, accidentally filled into the 250mL
flask used in step-6 without measuring the pH beforehand. The precipitate was then removed
and rinsed from the flask, and the filtration procedure was repeated until pH-7.0 was achieved
In step 6, the precipitate was accidentally filled into a ceramic porcelain dish which had not
been weighted. The precipitate was removed and filled into another porcelain dish .
Additional notes and detailed descriptions of processed mentioned in the script:
For cooling during steps 2-4, a water bath is used. The recrystallization apparatus of step-6
was completed by a heating apparatus.
Observations: 6-7 runs of washing were needed to reach pH-7.0 in step 5-. After three runs of
washing with ice-cold 2-propanol was done in step-6.
Reaction mechanism: –
1) Theoretical basics:- Aldol reaction involves Aldehyde ie. Benzaldehyde and ketone ie
acetone that has an α-hydrogen atom. Abstruction of an α-hydrogen base produces Carbanion
which attacks the carbonyl carbon of the molecule by base initiated Nucleophillic addition
reaction. An alcohol group is formed . After the alcohol dehydrates to form final the product.
General reaction:-
Step-1- Deprotonation:-
Acetone has α-hydrogen atom on both sides and this can be protonated to giverise a
Nucleophile (resonance stabilized) enolate anion. Enolate is a an electron rich and highly
reactive toward electrophile.
Benzaldehyde carbonyl carbon atom is more electrophilic than that of Acetone due to the
partial positive charge on the carbon atom.
Step-3 Protonation:-
Second deprotonation with Sodium hydroxide leads to the formation of resonance stabilized
Elimination of hydroxide ion to form then α-β-unsaturated ketone called Benzalacetone. The
entire sequential reaction is repeated to lead to condensation of Benzaldehyde gives the
second α-carbonyl carbon of acetone collectively form Dibenzalacetone.
Melting point of the yielded product:-
Error Discussion:-
The experiment yielded 75.2% of the theoretical amount of dibenzalacetone that could be
attained. Literature however states a much lower experimental yield of around 42.7% for
microscale and 68.3% for macroscale [4]. This could partly be because of the differences in
procedure – firstly, no excess of benzaldehyde is used. The reactor is not cooled and allowed
to cool for half an hour only. For washing, no ice-cold isopropanol is used, but ethanol.
Likewise for recrystallization, the substance of choice is ethanol according to source
[4].Nonetheless, the yield obtained in practical class could have been higher, due to the errors
made during the experiment and remaining uncertainties: As a random error:
The precipitate of step-4 was, after washing with water, accidentally filled into the 250mL
flask used in step 6 without measuring the pH beforehand. The precipitate was then removed
and rinsed from the flask, and the filtration was repeated until pH-7,0 was reached. In step-6,
the precipitate was accidentally filled into a ceramic crucible which had not been weighted.
The precipitate was removed and filled into another pan.
Systematic errors may have occurred in the weighting of the substances, due to the balance
used to determine the experimental yield having an accuracy of +/- 0.05g only.
The melting point of the yielded substance is 113.5 °C – 114.1 °C.Literature gives a value of
100.5-112 °C, while the script gives 111°C-113°C, suggesting significant impurity in the
yielded substance. However, both systematic errors (accuracy of the melting point analyzing
device +/- 0.05°C) and random errors may have occurred during the measurement of melting
point. Remaining amount of different substances in the apparatus and different geometric
isomers of dibenzalacetone also have to be taken into account.
Answer to Additional questions
a) What chemical structure is required for a compound to be coloured (to absorb in the visible
region of light)?
Alternatively, E can be calculated from the intensity of the light used in the spectrometer (I0
[W/m2]) and the light that has passed the specimen (I [W/m2]). [2]
E=lg(I0/I) =c x d x
Molecular orbital theory describes the traits of various compounds with overlapping atomic
orbitals, forming molecular orbitals. An example would be the orbital formed by a benzene
ring, in which p-orbitals of six carbon atoms combine to form a large orbital above and below
the plane oft he benzene ring and in which electrons can freely move (therefore called
delocalized -electrons). -electrons are easy to put into an excited state in terms of energy,
such as electromagnetic radiation, because the nuclei exert little influence on them. Since
visible light is electromagnetic radiation of relatively little energy (Wavelength of 380-780
nm), systems containing many delocalized -electrons can absorb visible light. When an
electron returns to its ground state however, energy is released in the form of electromagnetic
radiation. A compound reflects light of the color complementary to the color it absorbs. Since
Dibenzalacetone appears yellow, it absorbs light of wavelengths of about 400nm (blue-
violet). [1
1.C.E. Mortimer, U. Müller (2010): Chemie (10th edition), pp. 616-619; 61; 63-65
2.Alan Cooper : Biophysical Chemistry (2004) pp-24-28-40,
3.A. Teck, S. Grond et al. (2005) Chemie für Mediziner (6th edition) pp. 488, 489
4.K.Williamson Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments(4th Edition)pp-454-456.
5.Script for the practical Organic Chemistry. (SS2013) Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.