July 2024
July 2024
July 2024
Volume : 4 | Issue : 4 | July 2024 | Price : ~ 125 (Newspaper Only) | ~ 150 (With Online Discussion and Support)
A reader lives a
thousand lives
before he dies. The
man who never
reads lives only one.
- George R.R. Martin
e have many dreams as children but are
often afraid to pursue them when we grow
“C by Pixar. It tells the story of
Miguel, a young boy who loves
up. “Why Pursue a Dream?” is an music but whose family has banned it for
interesting book that encourages us to never give generations. On the Mexican holiday
up on our dreams. called the Day of the Dead, Miguel finds
The story is about a young girl with many himself magically transported to the
dreams. One day, her dreams leave her house and Land of the Dead. There, he meets
go to the top of a mountain. Even though she is colourful skeletons and his ancestors.
scared to climb the mountain on a stormy night, she Miguel is helped by a charming trickster
decides to chase after her dreams. Read the book named Héctor. Together, they search for
to discover the challenges she faces and why she his great-great-grandfather, a famous
refuses to give up. musician, to uncover his family’s history
This book is a fun read and explains why it is and end the ban on music.
important to follow our dreams. The simple yet The film is beautiful, with vibrant colours and animation. It is funny and
powerful story offers charming illustrations. It also unusual to see skeletons talking and acting like humans. The music is
uses easy-to-understand ideas to make us feel wonderful as well. It has the Oscar-winning song “Remember Me.” “Coco”
happy and brave. Even adults who are scared of is a heartfelt movie that teaches the importance of family, traditions and
pursuing their dreams will find it inspiring. The book remembering loved ones. It’s a fun and touching story and is a must-watch
also includes a special message for children from for both children and adults.
Nobel Prize winner Kailash Satyarthi.
Worksheet : BM162
Explain how the film depicts the Mexican tradition of Día de los
Worksheet : BM164 Muertos (The Day of the Dead). Are there any comparable
traditions in India?
What are your dreams in life?
.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................
.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................
Laapataa Ladies
Hindi I Age: 12+ Available on
Find and write the meanings of these words from the book:
• Ikat…………………………………………………………………………………………………..……........
• Handloom……………………………………………………………..………………………….………….…
• Patachitra……………………………………………………………..……………………….................
• Spindle…………………………………………………………....…..……………………….................
Science StudentEdge • JULY 2024 www.studentedge.in 03
Ships and satellites may soon It uses iodine atoms: This new clock uses iodine atoms
instead of caesium atoms like most atomic clocks. This
makes the clocks more accurate and cost-effective.
get better atomic clocks It is more compact: Atomic clocks are usually large but
this new clock is small enough to fit on a table.
It is more practical: Currently available atomic clocks are
more sensitive to environmental changes. This is why they
are used in a special lab. However, this new clock can handle
real-world conditions outside the lab. Researchers tested it
on a moving ship for three weeks and found that it did a great
job. That means it kept time well even with the ship moving
and shaking. That is a big deal because most atomic clocks
are too delicate to take on a trip.
It works in normal conditions: This clock works in normal
conditions. This is unlike some other atomic clocks that need
to be very cold environment or in a vacuum.
Scientists hope these clocks will soon be used on ships
Class III+ and satellites.
Clocks Power Words
cientists have developed a new type of clock that However, computer systems work so fast that we need
S keeps time more accurate than ever before. They
can even be used on ships. These are
even better clocks. This is why scientists built atomic
clocks. In these clocks, electrons move
Atom (n.)
Smallest building block of everything, made
of a centre called a nucleus with tiny
particles called electrons around it
called atomic clocks. These clocks are so between energy levels because they are hit
precise they lose only one second every six with special microwaves. Scientists can Gear (n.) A toothed wheel that transmits motion
million years and can keep time to the tiniest observe these movements to tell the time in An instrument showing time by the shadow
fractions of a second. the tiniest fractions of a second. Sundial (n.) of a pointer cast by the sun onto a plate
These clocks are being used in many places, marked with the hours of the day
What are atomic clocks? such as satellites, telecommunication
We can tell if it is morning, noon or evening equipment, computer data centres and
by observing the Sun. However, we can tell time more research. These clocks are bulky and need a peaceful Worksheet : SC091
precisely by observing shadows. This is how the earliest environment like a lab to work properly.
clocks called sundials were invented. Next came water Search five hidden words.
clocks and hourglasses, measuring time with flowing water or The new atomic clock M L P W Q V E E L M
sand. Mechanical clocks with gears and springs followed, Researchers from an engineering company called Vector
leading to more accurate pendulum clocks. Modern times Atomic built this clock in California, USA. This clock is N Z A L C G A B C E
brought us quartz clocks and digital clocks. special because: T V C T U H Q S I C
Atomic Clock
Class VI+
NASA Launches
The Poles
Satellites to
Study Earth’s
Class IX+
Space debris
12 nations, 40 plus organisations
he National Aeronautics and Space Administration
T (NASA) is the world’s leading space agency. Its
centres are located across the USA. Recently, it
unite for zero space debris has launched two climate satellites to study Earth’s poles.
This mission is part of the agency’s PREFIRE project. PREFIRE CubeSat
oday, we rely a lot on satellites for lead by launching the Zero Debris Charter.
T many purposes. However, just
like on Earth, we have left trash in
This plan aims to make the space debris-
free by 2030. Austria, Belgium, Cyprus,
What is the PREFIRE project?
PREFIRE stands for Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-InfraRed Experiment. This
space, and it’s time to clean it up. Hence, 12 Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, mission uses two small satellites. The satellites are called PREFIRE CubeSats. A CubeSat
European countries and more than 40 Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden and is a tiny satellite, like a small box, that can be a cube or cuboid in shape. The first CubeSat
organisations have signed the Zero Debris the United Kingdom have already signed was launched on May 25, 2024. The second one was launched on June 5. The mission will
Charter. This important agreement aims to the charter. last about 12 months. During this time, the CubeSats will measure how much heat goes
keep space clean and safe for future gen- Here are the main points of the plan: from Earth’s poles into space and send back data.
erations. 1. No more junk: People working in space
should try their best to avoid creating Why study Earth’s poles?
What is the Zero additional debris. If debris is generated, The North Pole (Arctic) and South
Debris Charter? it must be cleaned up. Pole (Antarctica) are the top and
Space debris refers to useless objects 2. Clean up the mess: By 2030, everyone bottom points of Earth, respectively.
that are in Earth’s orbit, e.g. broken satel- working in space missions should make They are very cold and covered with
lites, empty rocket tanks, pieces of metal, sure that 99% of the debris is removed ice and snow throughout the year.
and many more. These objects pose a after the missions. They help control Earth’s climate.
threat to active satellites and spacecraft. In 3. Safety first: The risk of injury from fall- When sunlight hits the Earth, it heats
2009, an inactive Russian satellite, Cosmos ing space debris should be reduced to the surface. This heat is then sent back into space as infrared radiation. Infrared radiation
2251, collided with an active US satellite, almost zero. is a type of light that we cannot see but can feel as heat.
4. Share information: Space agencies and However, ice and snow bounce back a lot of the Sun’s heat. This helps keep the Earth
companies should share data about cool. The poles are like Earth’s air conditioners, which let out lots of heat.
space debris and work together to pre- The poles affect global weather patterns and sea levels. If they let out heat faster or
vent collisions. slower than usual, it could change the weather and climate in other parts of the world.
5. Better data: Improved methods for Learning about the poles can help us understand global warming and climate change.
tracking space debris, including very Scientists will use the data from PREFIRE to improve climate models. Climate models
small pieces, should be developed so are like weather forecasts. They predict how the climate will change in the coming years
that safer decisions can be made. and decades. Better data means more accurate predictions. This can help us prepare for
As per ESA, there are currently more future climate changes.
than one million pieces of space debris
Iridium 33. This collision created thousands larger than one centimetre that are orbiting
of pieces, increasing the risk of further col- Earth. If quick action is not taken to clean
lisions and highlighting the dangers of up space debris, it could destroy satellites
space junk. and make Earth’s orbit unusable. Therefore,
Countries have been having talks to find it is crucial to address this issue now and
ways to reduce space debris. The European ensure the sustainability of space for
Space Agency (ESA) has now taken the human use.
Background Information
Global warming and Climate change:
Global warming means Earth’s temperature is getting hotter. This happens
because gases from cars and factories trap heat from the Sun. Climate change is
how this warming affects long term weather, like how it can cause more storms,
hotter days or changes in rain.
Power Words
Power Words
Polar (adj.) Related to Earth’s poles
Charter (n.) A document that explains the rules and goals of a group or project
Radiant (adj.) Sending out heat or light
Debris (n.) Broken pieces of something larger
Radiation (n.) The energy transmitted in the form of rays, waves or particles
Sustainability (n.) Ability to maintain or provide support to something for a long time
Infrared (n.) A type of light that we cannot see but feel as heat
Worksheet : GR091
Worksheet : GR090
Draft a brief charter promoting zero waste in the classroom.
Put the following words in the appropriate column:
Antarctica Arctic Ocean
Continent Polar Bear Emperor penguin
North Pole South Pole
Art and Culture StudentEdge • JULY 2024 www.studentedge.in 05
Ancient Lord Vishnu Sculpture
However, the local community wants the sculpture to
stay in Sindkhed Raja. They plan to build a temple for the
idol, making it a tourist attraction and a source of pride for
Found in Maharashtra
the town.
Background Information
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)
The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) looks after old
buildings, monuments and ancient sites in India. They
study, repair and protect these important historical places.
Lakhuji Jadhavrao Chhatri
Indian sculptures
Power Words
rchaeologists have made an exciting discovery in The sculpture also tells the famous story of
A Maharashtra: a beautiful sculpture of Lord Vishnu.
This sculpture is a great example of ancient Indian
Samudramanthana, where gods and demons churn the
ocean together.
A person who studies the past by
examining the remains of things such as
art and culture. The sculpture is made of a special rock called chlorite buildings and tools
schist. Similar sculptures have been found in the region, but A work of art that is a solid figure or
The Discovery they were made from a harder rock called basalt. Chlorite Sculpture (n.) object made by carving or shaping wood,
A team of experts from the Archaeological Survey of schist is commonly found in South Indian sculptures and its stone, clay, metal, etc
India was working at a monument called Lakhuji Jadhavrao’s use makes this a rare and valuable discovery for the region.
Chhatri in Sindkhed Raja, a town in Maharashtra’s Buldhana The ASI has proposed to move the idol to Nagpur.
district. They spotted some stones arranged in a specific Worksheet : AC091
order. This made them curious. They dug further and
discovered the base of an old temple and a statue of Goddess Do you agree with the ASI’s proposal to move the
Laxmi. After more digging, they discovered a huge sculpture sculpture, or do you wish for it to remain in Sindkhed Raja?
of Vishnu, which measures 1.70 metres long and 1 metre high.
The sculpture is around 800 years old and dates back to the
12th century.
In Hinduism, Lord Vishnu is a very important god and is
believed to be the protector of the world. He has many forms,
and this sculpture shows him as Sheshashayi Vishnu. The
word Sheshashayi comes from two Sanskrit words: “Shesha,”
which is the name of the divine serpent Shesha Naga, and
“Shayi,” meaning one who reclines or rests. Thus,
Sheshashayi means “one who reclines on Shesha,” describing
Lord Vishnu resting on the serpent Shesha Naga.
Class VI+
Bronze Age
Worksheet : HT090
If you could communicate with the sailors from the past, what
questions would you ask them about their journey and discoveries?
Life Skills StudentEdge • JULY 2024 www.studentedge.in 07
The power
of laughter:
How humour
helps us and others
nce upon a time, there was Mr. Grumpy Giraffe. Mr. Grumpy Giraffe felt truly happy for the first time in a and classmates. This can lighten the mood and create a
O He was always in a bad mood. All the other
animals in the forest used to ignore him for that.
long while. His eyes sparkled with joy, and he smiled more.
The forest was filled with the sound of laughter. From that day
positive atmosphere. Make sure to avoid jokes that might
hurt others.
“Why be with someone who is always sad?” asked Mr. on, the animals made sure to include Mr. Grumpy Giraffe in all
Tortoise. their fun and games. Watch or read comedic cartoons/movies
Rabbit nodded. “That’s true. But have you ever This short story helps us understand how laughter and Spend some time watching comedy shows, funny
wondered why he is sad?” humour can bring everyone together no matter our movies or reading comics. These can help you learn about
“Well, it’s because he has such a long neck. It takes him differences. different types of jokes and share them with your friends
a few minutes to hear anything we say. It takes time for our and family.
voices to reach his ears up”, explained Mr. Tortoise. How can laughter benefit us?
This made Rabbit wonder. He decided to find out the Laughing does more than just make us feel good. It also
real reason behind Mr. Grumpy Giraffe’s sadness. Rabbit helps to create a positive atmosphere around us.
hopped over to Mr. Giraffe’s home the next day. • You can feel more positive if you are humorous or like to
“Hello, Mr. Grumpy Giraffe!” Rabbit shouted. be in a fun mood.
It took Mr. Grumpy Giraffe five minutes to turn his head • Laughter also encourages creative thinking. A relaxed and
slowly and look down at Rabbit. “Hello, Rabbit”, he said happy person is more open to exploring new ideas and
in a low, sad voice. solving problems.
“Mr. Giraffe, why are you always so grumpy?” • Humour and jokes can be natural stress relievers. They can
help you relax and reduce stress in your life.
• Sharing funny stories with friends and classmates can also
help you make new friends. You will be more confident if
you love to share jokes with your friends.
• You can also use laughter as a weapon. Well, a verbal Don’t take yourself too seriously
weapon, not a real one. Laughter creates a positive Learn to laugh at yourself. It’s okay if you make a
environment. This is why you can use it to stop negativity mistake or something embarrassing happens. Learn to
or manage arguments. You can simply share a humorous handle it with grace and humour. This not only makes you
idea during a conversation to lighten the mood. more confident but also helps you build mental strength.
Your body releases endorphins when you laugh. These are
also known as the natural “feel-good” chemicals. They help Be friends with positive people
you feel more positive about life. Spend time with friends who have a good sense of
humour. Being around positive people can help you
Want to be more positive? develop a more positive attitude yourself.
“It’s not that I want to be grumpy. It’s just that no one Here’s how you can do it!
seems to understand me. I miss out on all the fun because Power Words
by the time I hear a joke, everyone else has already moved Find the funny in everyday situations
Encourage (v.) To give support or hope to someone
on. I feel left out.” Look for humour in everyday life. Even the simplest
Rabbit felt sad for Mr. Grumpy Giraffe. He thought mistakes can make you laugh if you learn to see the funny Humorous (adj.) Funny and entertaining
about how to help him. side of everything.
Lighten (v.) To make something less serious
Rabbit gathered all the animals in the forest that
evening. “Friends, we need to help Mr. Grumpy Giraffe. Share jokes and funny stories
From now on, let’s make sure that Mr. Giraffe can hear us Make it a habit to share jokes or funny stories with friends
share our jokes and stories too.” Worksheet : ME044
The animals agreed. They started thinking of creative Describe a recent event where you found humour
ideas. Squirrel suddenly had a brilliant one. “Why don’t we in an unexpected place.
climb up the trees and share the joke directly into Giraffe’s
“Not everyone can climb trees”, said Mr. Tortoise.
Everyone burst out laughing.
“Then we can gather around the short hill beside the
lake. What if Mr. Giraffe stands on the ground? We can
then all gather on top of the hill. This way, we will be face
to face with Giraffe”, explained Squirrel.
The animals loved the idea. They met Mr. Grumpy
Giraffe that evening on top of the hill. They started
sharing jokes and funny stories. Mr. Grumpy Giraffe’s
long neck was not an issue anymore as he could see
everyone before him.
Polity StudentEdge • JULY 2024 www.studentedge.in 08
Class VIII+
The Parliament Global Peace Index 2024 Reports the
Most Conflicts Since World War II
Worksheet : MT093
Winners: Robert Langer (MIT), Armand Out of astrophysics, nanoscience,
Paul Alivisatos (University of Chicago) and and neuroscience, which fascinates
Chad Mirkin (Northwestern University) you more and why?
ndian Army officer Major Radhika Sen has been If there is any disturbance or calamity in any country, the Power Words
I honoured with the prestigious United Nations
Military Gender Advocate of the Year Award. This
UN sends its peacekeeping forces to maintain peace. These
forces include the police, armed forces and other experts
Gender equality
The act of treating women and men
award is given to peacekeepers who show exceptional from member countries.
dedication to advancing gender equality in their Major Sen got this award for her peacekeeping work in Peacekeeping The activity of preventing war and
peacekeeping work. the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), a country in (n.) violence, especially using armed forces
Africa that has been struggling with conflicts and violence
What is peacekeeping? for many years.
After World War II, many countries agreed to establish an Major Sen’s team did many important things to help the Worksheet : MT094
organisation to prevent future wars and ensure world peace. local people in the country. Women and children often suffer Unscramble the words to find the magic words.
This organisation was named the United Nations (UN). the most during wars and violence, so Major Sen’s team is
Environment StudentEdge • JULY 2024 www.studentedge.in 10
Over half of the world’s
Mangroves collapsing will directly affect 2.1 million people
around the world who might face coastal flooding. Local
communities will also lose 17 million fishing days per year.
Background Information
International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
The International Union for Conservation of Nature
works to protect nature and wildlife. It checks how
plants and animals are doing, helps save endangered
Class VII+ species and makes plans to keep our planet healthy. It
Mangroves keeps the Red List of Threatened Species (or Red Data
Book) to monitor animal species and the Red List of
Ecosystems to track ecosystems.
recent study shows that over 50% across 44 countries. The mangrove
A of mangroves around the world are
in danger. This is because of a
ecosystems of South India, Sri Lanka, the
Maldives and North West Atlantic are in the Power Words
combination of harmful human activities and “red” zone or critically endangered. On the Collapse (v.) To fall or break down completely
climate change. Human activities that harm other hand, the mangroves in the Central
mangrove ecosystems include deforestation, Pacific, Australia, the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden All the plants, animals, land and water of
urban development, pollution, and dam construction. and the South China Sea are in the “orange” zone of Ecosystem (n.) a particular area and relationships among
Moreover, global warming is causing mangroves to face more danger. The study shows that 50% of the world’s mangroves them
storms and high sea levels. will collapse by 2050 if we do not take any action. Urban (adj.) Related to a city or town
How important are mangroves for us?
Mangroves are trees that grow in salty ocean water in Worksheet : EE091
warm places. They are special because they protect the shore
Fill in the blanks to reveal the Indian states that are
from big waves and storms. This saves 15.4 million people
home to these five Mangrove forests.
and $65 billion worth of homes each year. Mangroves also
give homes to fish and crabs and support 126 million fishing Mangrove Forests States
trips for food and jobs. Their roots hold the soil together. Vembanad Kol K_r_l_
They also clean the air by storing carbon three times more
Chorao Island G_a
efficiently than tropical forests.
Pichavaram Ta _ _ l N _ _ u
What did the study find? Bhitarkanika _ _ isha
The study was carried out by the International Union for Sundarbans We _ _ Ben_ _ _
Conservation of Nature. It studied 36 mangrove regions
Indian-Americans shine at
the 2024 Scripps National
Spelling Bee contest
n a remarkable display of talent
I and hard work, 12-year-old Indian-
American Bruhat Soma has won
the prestigious Scripps National Spelling
Bee contest. It was held in the United
States and is an important event where
students from all over the world come the sixth grade. Both of them had 90
together to showcase their spelling skills. seconds to spell as many words as they
Soma is in the seventh grade. His could from a given list. Soma’s speed and
journey to victory was not easy and accuracy in spelling 29 out of 30 words
involved intense preparation. He had to were unmatched.
study the spellings of thousands of words Soma’s final word was “abseil.” It
means to go down a mountain using a
rope. He spelt this word correctly and ndian writer Sanjana Thakur has
earned the title of champion. He not only
won a trophy but also received over
I made history by winning the
prestigious 2024 Commonwealth
$50,000 in prizes. This was his third time Short Story Prize. Her winning story
participating. In previous years, he didn’t “Aishwarya Rai” was chosen from the best
make it as far. Zaki secured 2nd place and stories submitted from 56 countries.
won $25,000. The third place was tied
between two Indian-American students: Who is Sanjana Thakur?
Shrey Parikh from California and Ananya Thakur is a 26-year-old talented writer,
Prassanna from North Carolina. born and brought up in Mumbai, India.
Winning the National Spelling Bee is a Currently, she is pursuing a Master of Fine
huge achievement. It demonstrates Arts course in Fiction at the University of
Soma’s dedication to learning and his love Texas at Austin, USA. Thakur loves to write
for words. His victory is celebrated by his stories inspired by her own life experiences
family, friends and the Indian-American and the world around her.
as well as their meanings and origins. community. They all see him as an Bouchard for Canada and Europe, Portia
Spelling Bee contests are known for their inspiration for other young students. Subran for the Caribbean and Pip Robertson
challenging words. Participants must be for the Pacific region. They will each receive
prepared for anything that comes their Indian-American dominance £2,500. These winners were chosen from a
way as they compete to spell English Since 1999, 29 Indian-American record 7,359 entrants.
words correctly. students have won the Scripps National
Soma won the contest by spelling 29 Spelling Bee championship. Last year, An inspiration
words correctly in a tiebreaker final round. Dev Shah, also an Indian-American, won Thakur is the third Indian to win this prize
He spelt words faster and more accurately the competition. In 2022, another Indian- after Kritika Pandey (2020) for “The Great
than 12-year-old Faizan Zaki from Texas, American, Harini Logan was the champion. Indian Tee and Snakes” and Parashar
who got 20 words right in the same round. This year too, out of eight finalists, six Kulkarni (2016) for “Cow and Company.”
Zaki is also an Indian-American, who is in were Indian-Americans. Their achievements make us proud and
inspire us to write and share our experiences
with the world.
Background Information
Short Story Prize
The Commonwealth Short Story Prize is
Sanjana’s winning story a contest for writers. This contest is
Thakur won the prize for her story open to writers from 56 countries that
“Aishwarya Rai.” The story takes its name are part of the Commonwealth. The
from the famous Bollywood actress Commonwealth is a group of countries,
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. It’s a beautiful most of which were once part of the
story of a young woman named Avni. She British Empire. They work together for a
visits a shelter home searching for the better future for their citizens.
Power Words perfect mother. Avni tries out different
mothers to see which one is the best fit for
A group of people living in the same place or having a her. The story is full of humour, irony and a
Community (n.) Worksheet : IN082
particular characteristic in common touch of Bollywood glamour.
Indian-American (n.) Citizens of the United States with backgrounds from India. Thakur’s story first won in the Asia Find five types of writing.
category before being selected as the
overall winner. She will receive a cash prize
Worksheet : IN081 of £5,000. The other regional winners were U R V C R A F F V W
Reena Usha Rungoo for Africa, Julie D G O T E S B V T N
Indian-Americans have won many times in recent years. What do you think
might be some reasons for their success in the Spelling Bee? L H E T K S G U I L
Power Words S O Y Z S E N L U W
A building serving as a P S J W I T L G H W
temporary residence for
home (n.) M E M O I R R R L A
homeless persons
A type of story that is U C S A U W N O O P
Short Story shorter than a book (novel) V J D E K C K P H Z
(n.) but still very interesting G L E V O N N X W S
and fun to read.
LIFESTYLE StudentEdge • JULY 2024 www.studentedge.in 12
So, what are the FSSAI rules?
• Allowed: Liquid nitrogen can only be used to keep food
cold during processing (freezing). For example, it can be
used in factories for freezing ice cream or any other dairy-
based products quickly.
• Not Allowed: Using liquid nitrogen directly in food or
drinks when serving customers in food businesses
(restaurants, bars or any other dining places) is against
the rules. If restaurants break them, they will face fines
and penalties.
It is important for us to
Nitrogen Usage in Food and Drinks safe. If you see a dish with
smoke coming out of it, ask
the waiter or waitress if it is
made with liquid nitrogen. And
remember, just because
something looks cool does not mean it is safe to eat.
Power Words
An official announcement that contains
here is a government agency that makes sure food ice. Moreover, consuming liquid nitrogen can cause a hole in Advisory (n.)
advice, information or a warning
in India is safe and healthy and meets quality your stomach. In fact, there have been cases where people Frostbite (n.) An injury caused by freezing of the skin
standards for consumers. It is called the Food got hurt after eating food with liquid nitrogen. A serious
Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). FSSAI has incident happened this year when a 12-year-old girl in
just issued a serious warning about the use of liquid nitrogen Bengaluru got very sick after eating a smoky paan having
Worksheet : LS093
in foods and drinks. liquid nitrogen at a wedding event. She ended up in hospital
because it caused a hole in her stomach. That is why FSSAI Your friend offers you a drink with liquid nitrogen.
So, what is the big deal? has stepped in to say “No more!” to this practice. How would you explain to them why it’s not safe
Liquid nitrogen is nitrogen gas in liquid state at to drink?
temperatures far below 0 degree Celsius (-196 degrees
Celsius). Liquid nitrogen creates a foggy or smoky effect. So,
some food businesses use it to make their food items look
more attractive. It is often used in restaurants, bars and other
places where food is served. You might have seen it being
used in ice creams, drinks, “smoky” sweet paans and bakery
items like biscuits and desserts. However, FSSAI says that
using liquid nitrogen this way is not safe and is not in line with
current food safety regulations.
Why is it not safe?
Liquid nitrogen is so cold that it can cause frostbite if it
touches your skin. If you eat or drink something with liquid
nitrogen, it can burn your tongue and throat badly, just like
Sleep WELL to
A cell is the smallest unit of
the body that can live on its
Cell (n.)
own. Our bodies are made
up of trillions of cells.
Worksheet : LS092
ometimes, before a big exam day, Neurons are nerve cells in your brain that
S we decide to not sleep and hope to
just easily write whatever we study
send messages all over your body. This
allows you to do everything from breathing
Find the six hidden words from the
puzzle below!
the next morning. This might sound like a to talking, eating, walking and thinking.
good plan, but as per researchers, a lack of
proper sleep can greatly reduce your memory E E T I K L F E
After studying what happens inside the When our brain is resting, the neurons E U P D A T E M
brain during sleep, scientists have found the present in the hippocampus send electrical
very important role of sleep when it comes to signals to the rest of the brain after every
remembering our memories. few seconds. The hippocampus is a S X G I V V B R
seahorse-shaped structure in our brain. It is
So what happens the part of our brain that is responsible for B I S H J Z P Y
when we sleep? forming and remembering memories. S N O R U E N Z
When we sleep, the neurons in our brain The electrical signals are continuous; they
work on spreading information from one part travel from one part of the brain to another to V M O W X P E F
of the brain to another. “update” information in our brain.
SPORTS StudentEdge • JULY 2024 www.studentedge.in 13
Puja Tomar becomes the first
Indian woman to win the
Ultimate Fighting Championship
International Master
and Grandmaster Worksheet : SP083
An international master in chess is
a high-level title awarded to strong Match the following fighting sports.
chess players. It is one step below
the grandmaster title and above
the FIDE master. An international
master has a chess rating of about
2,400 while a grandmaster has a Wrestling
rating of about 2,500. These titles
are granted for life by FIDE. to make her and her sister athletes. Sadly, he
died in an accident when she was only 7. She
Power Words liked martial arts so much that she decided to
make it her career. She started training and
Federation International des Echecs is the world chess became a five-time national wushu champion. Boxing
FIDE (n.) organisation that sets rules, organises championships and Wushu is a Chinese martial art that is like a mix
promotes chess globally. of gymnastics and kung fu. It focuses on quick
Prodigy (n.) A highly talented child or youth moves and agility. Tomar has also won mixed
martial arts fights at ONE Championship,
Matrix Fight Night and many other fights in MMA
Worksheet : SP084 different countries. Her hard work paid off when
she signed a contract with the Ultimate Fighting
What qualities does the game of chess teach us?
Championship last year. This made her the first
Indian woman to compete in the biggest mixed
martial arts platform.
Power Words
Related to a person’s first
appearance or performance in a
particular role
The ability to move quickly and
easily, often with precision and
States News StudentEdge • JULY 2024 www.studentedge.in 14
Jammu & Kashmir: J&K boosts Assam: State government
sheep farming partnership launches a new scheme to
with New Zealand promote girls’ education
Power Words
A protected forest area where nature and animals
National Park (n.)
are kept safe
Use of natural resources carefully to preserve the
Siddhesh Sakore, a young farmer from Maharashtra, Sustainable (adj.)
environment in the long term
won the “Land Hero” award from the United Nations. An international institution that lends money to The Defence Research and Development Organisation
He received this award in Bonn, Germany, for his World Bank (n.) (DRDO) recently tested a new missile called RudraM-
developing countries
sustainable farming methods. Siddhesh grew up in a II. They launched it from an Indian Air Force aircraft
farming family and saw many problems like drought (fighter jet) called the Su-30 MK-I. The test happened
and poor soil. After studying mechanical engineering, Worksheet : SN045 near the coast of Odisha. RudraM-II is an air-to-
he learnt new farming methods without using harmful surface missile. This means that it is launched from an
chemicals. He used compost to make the soil better Which news on this page did you find most interesting and why? aircraft and hits targets on the ground. This successful
and did organic farming. His farm started growing test showed the missile’s accuracy and its ability to be
more crops, even in dry seasons. Siddhesh taught launched from high-speed aircraft. The RudraM-II will
other farmers his methods through his group, AGRO help the Indian Air Force carry out precise attacks on
RANGERS, helping them grow more food and earn enemy targets. The test shows that India is improving
more money. The UN honoured him for his work to its defence technology. This achievement makes
make farming better and protect the land. India’s defence system stronger and more advanced.
Capital: Chief Minister: Capital: Chief Minister:
Mumbai Sh Eknath Sinde Bhubaneswar Sh Mohan Charan Majhi
World News StudentEdge • JULY 2024 www.studentedge.in 15
USA: Gopi Thotakura becomes China: Chang’e-6 spacecraft Russia: Oleg Kononenko
first Indian space tourist lands on the far side of the moon sets record with 1,000
Gopi Thotakura is an China’s Chang’e-6 days in space
Indian entrepreneur spacecraft landed on
and pilot who lives in the far side of the
the USA. He made Moon to collect soil
history as the first samples. This mission
Indian space tourist. follows China’s
He was part of a Chang’e-4 mission in
group of six people 2019. China is the only
who took a short trip country to land on this
to space for fun. Gopi flew with a spacecraft from Blue Origin, a side of the Moon twice. The Chang’e-6 spacecraft will spend 53
private American company that offers space rides. The whole trip, days on its mission. It will use a robot arm and drill to collect rocks
from take-off to landing, lasted only about ten minutes. During and soil from the Moon’s surface. These samples will be kept in a
this time, the spacecraft reached a height of about 105 km from special box and sent back to Earth. This mission will help scientists Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko, aged 59, has
Earth. The passengers got to feel weightlessness for a few learn more about the Moon’s history and compare its far side with become the first person to spend 1,000 days in
minutes and see Earth from high above. the side we see from Earth, which is already well-known. space. He achieved this record on 5 June, 2024,
Capital: Washington, D.C. Currency : U.S. dollar Capital: Renminbi (Yuan) Currency : Beijing after five missions to the International Space
Station (ISS) since 2008. Kononenko’s latest
journey to the ISS started on 15 September, 2023,
and will end in September 2024. He is currently on
the ISS with astronauts from NASA. By the end of
his mission, he will have spent a total of 1,110 days
in space. He feels proud of his achievement and is
happy to have reached this milestone. The ISS is a
big laboratory in space where astronauts from
different countries live and work together to do
scientific experiments and learn more about space.
Capital: Currency :
Moscow Ruble
South Korea:
President declares
a “demographic
national emergency”
Worksheet : WN046
Solve the crossword.
AI Ethics
Class IX+
Class VI+
valuable public company best at making them, and they make about
80% of the AI chips used in big data centres.
Because of this, their sales have increased
Class VI+
by 262% in just one year.
Financial Literacy
Companies like AMD and Intel also make
GPUs, but Nvidia is currently leading the
market. Nvidia’s success is a story of
innovation and hard work. They started by
making graphics cards for gamers and have
now become leaders in AI technology,
making a big impact on the world.
ast year, Apple made history by get a small piece of the pie, called a “share”. is divided into 24.6 billion shares, each Power Words
L becoming the first company to reach
a $3 trillion valuation. Now, the $3
So, when you buy a share of a company
like Nvidia, you become a part-
valued at $135.5. So, on June 18, the
company was worth $3.33 trillion Equip (v.)
To provide something needed
for a particular purpose
trillion club has grown to include Microsoft owner of Nvidia, just like you (25x135), more than Microsoft
Valuation The act of deciding how much
and Nvidia. In an exciting twist, on June 18, own a part of the pie. ($3.31 trillion) and Apple
(n.) money something is worth
Nvidia zoomed ahead to claim the title of the When the ($3.28 trillion).
most valuable company in the world. company does
well and makes a But how did Nvidia Worksheet : MM092
How is the value of a lot of money, its pie become so valuable?
company calculated? gets bigger. Your piece All computers and mobile A company has 500,000 shares.
Nvidia, Apple and Microsoft are all public also becomes more devices are equipped with a Each share is worth `662. What is the
companies. This means that they are owned valuable since you own a processor, called the Central valuation of the company?
by many people who have shares in the share of that pie. In other Processing Unit (CPU). Some
company. A share is like a certificate that words, a company’s share value computers used for playing games or
shows that you own a part of the company. increases if it performs well. editing videos have an additional processor
Imagine a company as a big pie. When The value of public companies is calculated called a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU).
someone buys a share of that company, they by adding the value of all their shares. Nvidia These GPUs are important for showing
pictures and videos quickly and clearly.
Nvidia is famous for making powerful GPUs.
With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI),
people are using GPUs to help computers
think and learn like humans. Nvidia makes
powerful GPUs that are very good at AI
tasks. Big companies like OpenAI, Microsoft,
Google and Amazon need these chips to
make their AI systems work. Nvidia is the
Class VIII+
Background Information
Food and Agriculture
Organisation (FAO)
The FAO is a specialised agency of the
United Nations. Its aim is to eradicate
J. Jashwiny Mahalakshmy
Shatakshi Pandey Nikhil Class:VIII, Nazareth Convent High school
Class: VIII, City Montessori School Cambridge Section, Class: VII, Rajni Devi Global Village School, and Junior College, Ooty, Tamil Nadu
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Kanpur (Dehat), Uttar Pradesh
Study with your buddy teacher,
They teach us with manners,
To be upcoming stunners.
They motivate us to be gainers,
They take us into the learning world
like divers.
They teach us to follow our
destinations like drivers,
They give us steps like dancers.
The good lessons you taught us will be
taught to others,
You teach us to support like barriers.
Teacher, the best creature.
Class:VII, Advaith International Academy,
Shrinkhla Mishra Rishika Kathuria Hosur, Tamil Nadu
Class: V, Chrysalis High Kadugodi, Class: VIII, Delhi Public School,
Bengaluru, Karnataka Vadodara, Gujarat
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Competitions and Scholarships StudentEdge • JULY 2024 www.studentedge.in 20
NASA’s Astrophoto Challenge Summer 2024
India’s got • Organised by: NASA for you at night and send it to you
Edge Stars
• Eligibility: Open to all by email the next day.
• Option A: You have to process • Video Tutorial:
images of supernova Cassiopeia https://youtu.be/hxioUmssb1o
A using NASA’s JS9-4L tool. ( • Step 6: Process it on
Winners of May 2024 Month https://tinyurl.com/2mdtkfv3 ) https://tinyurl.com/mwmz48ww
Or [Video Tutorial:
• Option B: Take the picture of https://tinyurl.com/ycksawy ]
First Prize supernova Cassiopeia A and • Recognition: Nicely processed
process(edit) it with JS9-4L tool images will be displayed on the
Vikhyati Bhaktha
Class: VIII (available online). Cassiopeia A MicroObservatory Challenge page
National Public School, • Step 3: Select Normal View, 60 and receive expert feedback from
Bengaluru, Karnataka How to do it? seconds and any filter NASA scientists!
• Step 1: Go to • Step 4: Enter your email and • Last Date: August 5, 2024
182 https://tinyurl.com/2p8vw7a6 other details and submit. • More Details and Registration:
Stars • Step 2: Click Observe button for • Step 5: NASA will take an image https://tinyurl.com/5han46v4
Second Prize
14th International Painting Competition for Children
• Organised By: The Golești Museum, address (street, city, no., country etc.) –
Rudransh Chirgainya Romania Artwork title with explanation text of the
Class: VI,
St. Paul’s School, Gwalior, • Theme: The traditional suit in my country subject depicted in the painting (at least two
Madhya Pradesh • Format: Drawing or Painting, Size not be phrases). – Mentor’s name
less than 30x42 cm How to participate:
181.5 • Eligibility: 4 groups • Send your painting by paid international post
Stars • until 7 years old to MUZEUL GOLESTI, STR, RADU GOLESCU
• 8 –11 years old NR. 34, ORAS STEFĂNESTI, GOLESTI, JUD.
• 12 -15 years old ARGES, COD: 117717, ROMÂNIA
Third Prize • Prizes : I, II, III (medals) one for each age FOR CHILDREN – GOLESTI
group and Honorable Mentions Please write on the envelope: NO
Anaya Raghav • Identification texts: Mention the following COMMERCIAL VALUE.
Class: VII details on the back of the painting : – First • For more details: https://tinyurl.com/27m2pz6s
KV Gole Market, name – Last name – Girl or boy (sex) – Date • Last Date: August 31, 2024
New Delhi
of birth – Full postal address and email (stamped in your country)
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Bommasandra Industrial Area, Bangalore -560099 published at HOUSE NO. 101, B-1-2 FF, ANSAL BUILDING COMMERCIAL COMPLEX, DR. MUKHERJEE NAGAR, DELHI-110009 Editor: Ashvani Kumar